MELLÉKNEVEK FOKOZÁSA A MELLÉKNEVEK FOKAI A mellékneveknek az angolban és a magyarban is hagyományosan három fokozata van: alapfok, középfok, felsőfok. magyarban angolban alapfok Nincs jele pl. nagy, gyönyörű Nincs jele pl. big, beautiful középfok Mindig a -BB a jele pl. nagyobb gyönyörűbb Kétféle módon hozhatjuk lére: a) toldalékos formával jele: -ER pl. bigger b) összetett formával jele: MORE + a melléknév alapalakja pl. more beautiful felsőfok Mindig a LEG …BB a jele pl. legnagyobb leggyönyörűbb Ezt is kétféle módon hozhatjuk lére: a) toldalékos formával jele: -EST pl. biggest b) összetett formával jele: MOST + a melléknév alapalakja pl. most beautiful Létezik még egy, a túlzófok: magyarban angolban Jele: LEGESLEG …BB pl. legeslegnagyobb legesleggyönyörűbb Jele: VERY + a melléknév felső foka pl. the very biggest the very most beautiful


Page 1: HA BE AKARSZ MUTATKOZNI - · PDF fileMELLÉKNEVEK FOKOZÁSA A MELLÉKNEVEK FOKAI A mellékneveknek az angolban és a magyarban is hagyományosan három fokozata van: alapfok, középfok,



A mellékneveknek az angolban és a magyarban is hagyományosan három fokozata van:

alapfok, középfok, felsőfok.

magyarban angolban

alapfok Nincs jele

pl. nagy, gyönyörű

Nincs jele

pl. big, beautiful


Mindig a -BB a jele

pl. nagyobb


Kétféle módon hozhatjuk lére:

a) toldalékos formával

jele: -ER

pl. bigger

b) összetett formával

jele: MORE + a melléknév alapalakja

pl. more beautiful


Mindig a LEG …BB a jele

pl. legnagyobb


Ezt is kétféle módon hozhatjuk lére:

a) toldalékos formával

jele: -EST

pl. biggest

b) összetett formával

jele: MOST + a melléknév alapalakja

pl. most beautiful

Létezik még egy, a túlzófok:

magyarban angolban


pl. legeslegnagyobb


Jele: VERY + a melléknév felső foka

pl. the very biggest

the very most beautiful

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A toldalékos forma használata (Középfok: -er Felsőfok: -est)

A) Ha a melléknév EGY SZÓTAGÚ (kiejtésben!)


nice nicer nicest short shorter shortest (szép) (szebb) (legszebb) (rövid) (rövidebb) (legrövidebb)

big bigger biggest (nagy) (nagyobb) (legnagyobb)

B) Ha a melléknév -Y, -OW, -LE, -ER vagy -SOME végződésű és két szótagú


happy happier happiest narrow narrower narrowest (boldog) (boldogabb) (legboldogabb) (keskeny) (keskenyebb) (legkeskenyebb)

simple simpler simplest clever cleverer cleverest (egyszerű) (egyszerűbb) (legegyszerűbb) (okos) (okosabb) (legokosabb)

handsome handsomer handsomest (jóképű) (jóképűbb) (legjóképűbb)

Helyesírási tudnivaló:

- 1 magánhangzó + 1 mássalhangzó (kivéve: w és y) betűre végződő melléknevek esetén a toldalék előtt a

mássalhangzó megkettőződik.

pl. big – bigger, biggest

- A szóvégi néma –e a toldalék előtt kiesik!

pl. nice – nicer, nicest

Helyesírási tudnivaló:

-y-ra végződő melléknevek esetén a toldalék előtt az ”–y” ”–i”-re változik!

pl. happy – happier, happiest

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polite /pə'laɪt/ politer politest (udvarias) (udvariasabb) (legudvariasabb)

Az összetett forma használata

(Középfok: more + alapalak Felsőfok: most + alapalak)

A) Ha a melléknév 3 VAGY TÖBB SZÓTAGÚ (kiejtésben!)


beautiful more beautiful most beautiful (gyönyörű) (gyönyörűbb) (leggyönyörűbb)



famous more famous most famous (híres) (híresebb) (leghíresebb)



annoyed more annoyed most annoyed (ideges) (idegesebb) (legidegesebb)

(az ”annoy” =’ idegesít, nyugtalanít’ igéből képzett melléknév)

confusing more confusing most confusing (zavarbaejtő) (zavarbaejtőbb) (legzavarbaejtőbb)

(a ”confuse” = ’összezavar, zavarba ejt’ igéből képzett melléknév)

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Vigyázat! A ”little” csak a megszámlálhatatlan főnevekkel jelenti azt, hogy „kevés”! A megszámlálható

főnevek előtt a „kevés” szót a ”few” jelöli az angolban, és az már nem rendhagyó fokozású!

hopeless more hopeless most hopeless (reménytelen) (reménytelenebb) (legreménytelenebb)

(a ”hope” = ’remény’ főnévből képzett melléknév)

short-sighted more short-sighted most short-sighted (rövidlátó) (rövidlátóbb) (legrövidlátóbb)

(két szó összetételéből keletkezett melléknév)

Rendhagyó fokozású melléknevek és határozatlan számnevek

much, many (sok) → more – most (több – legtöbb)

little (kevés) → less – least (kevesebb – legkevesebb)

bad (rossz) → worse – worst (rosszabb – legrosszabb)

good (jó)→ better – best (jobb – legjobb)

far (távolra, messze)→ further – furthest (tovább– legtovább)

(messzi, távoli)→ farther – farthest (messzebbi, távolabbi – legmesszebbi, legtávolabbi)


ALAPFOKÚ ÖSSZEHASONLÍTÁS: egy tulajdonság azonos mértékének kifejezése

(olyan …, mint)

AS + alapfokú melléknév + AS

pl. Mary is as tall as Joe. (Mary olyan magas, mint Joe.)

She is as clever as me. (Ugyanolyan okos, mint én.)

Tagadása (nem olyan / annyira …, mint) NOT AS + alapfokú melléknév + AS


Not so

Mj.: Ha az „as” után személyes névmás áll, a tárgyas alakját használjuk!

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Különleges szerkezetet használunk a „MINÉL …BB, ANNÁL …BB” kifejezésére.

Ilyenkor a magyar „minél” és az „annál” kifejezés megfelelője az angolban a ’THE’, melyet szintén a középfok követ,

majd a mondat többi része a már ismert szórendi szabályok szerint épül fel:

pl. Minél okosabb vagy, annál jobban tisztelnek az emberek.

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

The cleverer you are the more the people respect you.

Minél kevesebbet eszel annál csinosabbá válsz.

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

The less you eat the prettier you become.

THE + középfok + a mondat normális

szórendben + THE + középfok + a mondat normális


pl. Mary is not as tall as Peter./ Mary is not so tall as Peter.

(Mary nem olyan magas, mint Peter.)

She is not as clever as me. / She is not so clever as me. (Nem olyan okos, mint én.)

KÖZÉPFOKÚ ÖSSZEHASONLÍTÁS: egy tulajdonság nagyobb mértékének kifejezése

(…bb, mint vagy: …bb …nál)

Középfokú melléknév + THAN

pl. Mary is taller than Joe. (Mary magasabb, mint Joe.)

She is cleverer than me. (Okosabb nálam.)

● Ha az eltérés mértékét is meg akarjuk adni, azt a középfokú melléknév elé tesszük,

bármiféle elöljárószó nélkül

pl. Mary is a bit taller than Joe. (Mary egy kicsit magasabb, mint Joe.)

She is a lot cleverer than me. (Sokkal okosabb nálam.)

Pete is 5 kg’s heavier than me. (Pete 5 kg-mal nehezebb, mint én.)

Linda is 5 cm’s shorter than Lucy. (Linda 5 cm-rel alacsonyabb Lucy-nél.)

My father is five years older than my mother. (Apukám 5 évvel idősebb anyukámnál.)

Mj.: Ha a „than” után személyes névmás áll, a tárgyas alakját használjuk!

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FELSŐFOKÚ ÖSSZEHASONLÍTÁS: egy tulajdonság legnagyobb mértékének kifejezése

(a leg …bb)

THE + felsőfokú melléknév + of sy. (vkik közül)

+ somewhere (vhol)

pl. Mary is the tallest of us. (Barbara a legmagasabb közülünk.)

She is the cleverest in our school. (Ő legokosabb az iskolánkban.)



Kifejezhetjük azt is, hogy valamilyen tulajdonság KISEBB MÉRTÉKBEN van meg az egyik dologban (kevésbé

…, mint). Ehhez a következő formát kell alkalmaznunk:

LESS + alapfokú melléknév + THAN

pl. Mary is less clever than Joe. (Mary kevésbé okos, mint Joe.)

I am less enthusiastic than you. (Kevésbé vagyok lelkes, mint te.)

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1) Fill in the comparative forms of the adjectives in brackets

3) Transform the sentences using “not as … as”.

e.g. My car is faster than your car. (fast-slow)

a) My car isn't as slow as yours.

b) Your car isn’t as fast as mine..

1. I get up earlier than my father. (early-late)

a) My father.........................................................................

b) I .......................................................................................

2. Anthony writes better than Agatha. (good-bad)

a) Agatha ...................................................................................

b) Anthony ...............................................................................

3. My bag is heavier than your bag. (light-heavy)

a) My bag ..............................................................................

b) Your bag ...........................................................................

4. Liz has got more money than Robert. (little-much)

a) Liz .......................................................................................

b) Robert ..................................................................................

5. Vegatables are healthier than meat. (unhealthy-healthy)

a) Vegetables .........................................................................

b) Meat ..................................................................................

2) Make comparisons

e.g. : Jill is 1.67 cm tall. Martha is 1.70 cm tall.

Martha is taller than Jill.

Or Jill is shorter than Martha.

1. The dictionary is expensive. That book is cheap.

The dictionary ................................................... that book.

That book .................................................... dictionary.

2. George is 22 years old. Steve is 19 years old.

George ..............................................................Steve.

Steve ..............................................................George.

3. Mercedes is 2 million $. Cadillac is 4 million $.

Mercedes ........................................................Cadillac.

Cadillac .........................................................Mercedes.

4. Mount Agri is 6543 meters high. Mount Erciyes is 4567 meters high.

Mount Agri............................................ Mount Erciyes.

Mount Erciyes ............................................Mount Agri.

5. This watch costs $ 100. That watch costs $ 50.

This watch................................................... that watch.

6. Today the temperature is 12 degrees. Yesterday It was 10 degrees.

Today ...................................................yesterday. (Hot)

1. Carlos Slim is ........................... than Bill Gates. (rich)

2. A car is .................................. than a motorbike. (expensive)

3. A city is ......................................than a small town. (large)

4. A Cadillac is ......................... than a Mercedes. (comfortable)

5. The Alps are ........................................ than the Balkans. (high)

6. Maths is ........................................ than Chemistry. (difficult)

7. Ali is ......................................................... than Omer. (old)

8. The Volga is ................... than the Danube. (short)

9. August is .......................................... than September. (hot)

10. Brad Pitt is ....................than Keanu Reeves. (handsome)

11. Hungarian food is ....................than English food. (delicious)

12. My brother is ...................................than me. (hardworking)

13. My bag is ....................................... than my friend’s. (heavy)

14. This street is .................................. than the next one. (wide)

15. A horse is ........................................ than a person. (strong)

16. Her English is .............................than her husband’s. (good)

17. The weather today is ......... than the weather yesterday. (bad)

18. My motorbike goes ...........................................than yours. (fast)

19. I need a ..........................room than this. (big)

20. I work .................................than Paul. (hard)

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7. My car is old. Your car is new.

Your car……………………………………..mine.

My car ............................................................... yours.

3) Fill in the superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets.

Sarah is the


person in my family.


Istanbul is the

............................... city

in Turkey. (important)

January is the

................................ month

of the year. (cold)

China is the

............................ country

in the world. (crowded)

Winter is the

........................ season

of the year for me.


Mount Everest is the


mountain in the world.


Lions are the


animals. (dangerous)

Maths is our


lesson. (difficult)

4) Look at the sentences and give their comparative form in the second sentence and

their superlative in the third sentence.

1. Kerry is my good friend.

Sue is a ……… friend.

Jack is my ……… friend.

2. I am bad at remembering names.

Jason is ……… at remembering


Claire is the ……… at remembering


3. You are funny.

I am ………

Geoff is the ………

4. Erin is very nice.

Blake is ………

Cassy is the ………

5. Your dessert is sweet.

His dessert is ………

Their dessert is the ………

6. Your friend is beautiful.

Her friend is ………

Her friend is the ………

7. Today I am happy.

Yesterday I was ………

Last week I was the ………

8. This game is much fun.

That game is ………

These games are the ………

9. Karen has a few enemies.

Bob has ……… enemies.

Dave has the ……… enemies.

10. I am sad.

You are ………

He is the ………

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5) Make sentences “(not) as ....... as”, using the following statements

1. This watch is 1000 pounds. That watch is 1000 pounds


2. Henry is 1 meter 68 cm tall. John is 1 meter 68 cm tall.


3. Rita is very busy. Jason is very busy, too.


4. My apartment has two rooms. Ali’s apartment has three rooms.

........................................................................... (big)

5. My weight is 70 kilos. My friend is 70 kilos.

I ...........................................................................(heavy)

6. Mount Everest is 8.848 meters. Mount Erciyes is 4.548 meters.


7. John is 21 years old. Mary is 21 years old.


8. John is 21 years old. Maria is 26 years old.


6) Put the adjectives in brackets into comparative or superlative form. Fill in “than”,

“of”, “in” or “the” where necessary.

1. Today it is ..................................................yesterday. (cold)

2. Mrs Green is ................................. person I know. (beautiful)

3. I’m .......................................................................you. (old)

4. Travelling by train is .........................................travelling by bus. (expensive)

5. This is ........................................ song I’ve ever heard. (bad)

6. Vegetables are ............................................. for your health ........................... crisps. (good)

7. This is ..........................tree........................ the forest. (tall)

8. I have got ...................... money ............... my sister. (much)

7) Correct the mistakes.

1. Alaska is large than Texas.

2. Alaska is largest state in the United States.

3. This exercise is the easier than the last one.

4. Hamburger is more cheap than steak.

5. My apartment is smaller from yours.

6. Maths is difficulter than Geography.

7. This book is bader than that book.

8) Use the appropriate form of the adjectives given in brackets.

1. This boy is the ……… of them. (strong)

2. Mary is ……… than her sister. (beautiful)

3. That novel is ……… than the other one. (famous)

4. Now you look ……… (good)

5. The ……… he studies, the ……… he knows. (good – much)

6. This is the ………way of practicing. (good)

7. The ……… the clothes are, the ……… they are. (clean – nice)

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8. Paul is not so ……… as Peter. (clever)

9. Jill is a bit ……… than Kate. (tall)

10. I am the ……… of them. (lucky)

11. The ……… you drink, the ……… you are. (much – ugly)

12. Give me ……… water. It is too much! (little)

13. Your house is ……… than ours. (old)

14. The assistants here are ……… than there. (polite)

15. She is as ……… as her husband. (busy)

16. Barbara is ……… than Kate . (helpful)

17. The Beatles are ……… than Tom Jones. (famous)

18. Fred is ……… than Joe. (lucky)

19. Kate is not so ……… as Barbara. (slim)

20. Paul is a lot ……… than Kate. (heavy)

21. This box is a bit ……… than that one. (big)

22. I am the ……… of them. (clever)

23. Who are the ……… film stars in Hungary? (popular)

24. Boys are usually ……… than girls. (hungry)

25. Which is the ……… language in the world? (difficult)

26. Jill is 5 centimetres ……… than her sister. (tall)

27. Gwen is not as ……… as she looks. (happy)

28. This chair is ……… than that one.(comfortable)

29. Which is the ……… book here? (interesting)

30. Budapest is ……… than London. (interesting)

9) Complete the sentences so that they mean the same. Use one word only.

1. He prefers reading to watching television.

He likes reading ………………. than

watching television.

2. Steve is a better footballer than me.

I play football ………………. than Steve.

3. There is more rain in Dublin than in


Dublin is ………………. than Rome.

4. Canada is not as warm as Mexico.

Canada is ………………. than Mexico.

5. Joe is not as friendly as Martha.

Martha is ………………. than Joe.

10) Choose the appropriate answer.

1. It's better ____ I thought.




2. Brazil is _____ England.

biger than

bigger as

bigger than

3. She is _____ in the class

the best



4. I'm not as successful ___ she is.




5. It was ______ expensive restaurant I've

ever been to.


the more

the most

6. I'd like some ____ information.



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7. It's ____ art collection in Europe.



the finest

8. It was ____ than I was expecting.



9. This is the ______ kitchen I've ever




10. Which is ____ of the two?

more difficult

most difficult

11. The underground is ____ buses.

more expensive

the most expensive as

more expensive than

12. It was ____ test I have ever done.

the most hard

the hardest

13. There were ____ people at the game

than expected.



14. The _____ difficult thing was




11) Read the following sentences that describe two people, places or things. Retell each

sentence changing the adjective given to a comparative.

1. Carla is an intermediate diver. Gina is an advanced diver and has three medals from

diving competitions. (good)

2. Charlie was a great football player, and scored at least two goals every match.

Jamie was a good football player and scored a lot of goals, but not every match. (talented)

3. Robert really wants to go to university to study medicine to be a hospital doctor. Rosie

wants to travel round Europe and then see what happens. (ambitious)

4. It rained heavily today, but only for a few hours. The rain yesterday was so bad that it

caused floods. (bad)

5. Juan is always smiling and having fun. Bobbie often looks sad and lonely. (happy)

6. The lecture this week was fantastic - so full of information. Last week’s lecture was quite

dull. (interesting)

7. It’s so quiet living in the country. The city is a very noisy place to live. (noisy)

8. I couldn’t carry on up the mountain - it was too scary looking down. Jemma

carried on and felt absolutely fine. (brave)

12) Choose the appropriate answer.

1. My son can’t lift that box. It is ……… than he expected.

a) stronger

b) cheaper

c) weaker

d) heavier

2. A lion is the ……………… animal in the forest.

a) dangerous

b) most dangerous

c) more dangerous

d) dangerous

3. Milk is …………………………. drink.

a) better

b) gooder

c) the goodest

d) the best

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4. An elephant is ………………. than a cow.

a) bigger

b) the bigger

c) the big

d) more bigger

5. A turtle is ………………………. a rabbit.

a) the slowest

b) the fastest

c) slower than

d) faster than

6. The dolphin is one of ……………… animals.

a) the most intelligent

b) the most dangerous

c) the most expensive

d) the most crowded

7. Mississippi is ………………… river in the USA.

a) longer than

b) the longest

c) the shortest

d) shorter than

8. A computer is …………………… a laptop.

a) more cheap than

b) cheaper than

c) expensive

d) cheap

9. China is …………………… country in the world.

a) the most crowded

b) more crowded

c) crowded

d) crowder

10. A basketball player is …..………………….. a jockey.

a) the taller

b) the tallest

c) taller than

d) more taller

11. Is Tea ……………………………….. milk?

a) worse than

b) worst than

c) badder than

d) the worst

12. Egypt is ……………………………… Norway.

a) the hottest

b) hotter than

c) more hotter

d) the most hot

13. My grandmother is ……………. my mother.

a) more old than

b) old

c) older than

d) more older than

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14. Jupiter is …………… planet in the solar system.

a) the smallest

b) the smaller

c) the bigger

d) the biggest

15. Is Madonna ………… singer in the world?

a) the best

b) good

c) gooder

d) better

16. Maths is the …………………………. lesson for me.

a) more difficult

b) most difficult

c) difficult

d) difficultest

17. A plane is ……………………………….. a car.

a) the fastest

b) the most fast

c) faster than

d) more fast than

18. Betty is ………………………………… Jane.

a) fat than

b) more fat than

c) fatter than

d) more fatter than

19. Tom is ……………………………………. Arthur.

a) richer than

b) the richest

c) poorer as

d) the poorest

20. The South Pole is ……………………… place in the world.

a) the coldest

b) the colder

c) the most cold

d) the more cold

13) Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Dorina olyan erős, mint egy fiú.

2. Ez a kép szebb, mint a másik.

3. A farkas a leggonoszabb az állatok közül.

4. Adj egy érdekesebb könyvet!

5. A tanár okosabb a diákoknál.

6. Az egér kisebb a patkánynál.

7. Ez a lány olyan szép, mint egy álom.

8. Az asztal keményebb, mint a fotel.

9. Ő a legjobb barátom.

10. Steve gyengébb, mint én.

11. Ez a legkényelmesebb szoba a szállodában.

Page 14: HA BE AKARSZ MUTATKOZNI - · PDF fileMELLÉKNEVEK FOKOZÁSA A MELLÉKNEVEK FOKAI A mellékneveknek az angolban és a magyarban is hagyományosan három fokozata van: alapfok, középfok,

12. Nem vagyok olyan szerencsés, mint George Bush.

13. Kamilla haja hosszabb, mint a tied, de rövidebb, mint a lovam farka.

14. A sör finom, a bor finomabb, de az ásványvíz a legfinomabb.

15. Louise sokkal idősebb Ann-nél

16. Apukám 5 évvel idősebb, mint az anyukám.

17. Csipkerózsika egy kicsit szebb Hamupipőkénél.

18. Bill Gatesnek több pénze van, mint nekem.

19. Az orrod nagyobb, mint az enyém, de a füled kisebb.

20. Éhes vagyok, mint a farkas.

21. Erika kevesebbet alszik, mint én, de többet beszél.

22. Több lány van a teremben, mint fiú.

23. Minél többet eszel, annál kövérebb vagy.

24. Ki a leghíresebb színész Franciországban?

25. Melyik a legnehezebb nyelv a világon?

26. Mi a jobb: az olvasás vagy a TV-nézés?

27. Melyik a legszebb évszak?

28. Az orosz nehezebb, mint angol?

29. Shakespeare szonettjei ugyanolyan híresek, mint a drámái?

30. Ki a legnépszerűbb énekes Magyarországon?

Page 15: HA BE AKARSZ MUTATKOZNI - · PDF fileMELLÉKNEVEK FOKOZÁSA A MELLÉKNEVEK FOKAI A mellékneveknek az angolban és a magyarban is hagyományosan három fokozata van: alapfok, középfok,


1) 1. richer

2. more expensive

3. larger

4. more comfortable

5. higher

6. more difficult

7. older

8. shorter

9. hotter

10. handsomer

11. more delicious

12. more hardworking

13. heavier

14. wider

15. stronger

16. better

17. worse

18. faster

19. bigger

20. harder


1. The dictionary is more expensive than that book.

That book is cheaper than the dictionary.

2. George is older than.Steve.

Steve younger than George.

3. Mercedes is cheaper than Cadillac.

Cadillac is more expensive than Mercedes.

4. Mount Agri is higher than Mount Erciyes.

Mount Erciyes is lower than Mount Agri.

5. This watch is more expensive than that watch.

6. Today the temperature is hotter than yesterday.

7. Your car is older than mine.

My car is newer than yours.


1. youngest

2. most important

3. coldest

4. most crowded

5. worst

6. highest

7. most dangerous

8. most difficult


1. Sue is a better friend.

Jack is my best friend.

2. Jason is worse at remembering names.

Claire is the worst at remembering names.

3. I am funnier

Geoff is the funniest

4. Blake is nicer

Cassy is the nicest

5. His dessert is sweeter

Their dessert is the sweetest

6. Her friend is more beautiful

Her friend is the most beautiful

7. Yesterday I was happier

Last week I was the happiest

8. That game is more fun

These games are the most fun

9. Bob has fewer enemies.

Dave has the fewest enemies.

10. You are sadder

He is the saddest


1. This watch is as expensive as that watch.

2. Henry is as tall as John.

3. Rita is as busy as Jason.

4. My appartment is not as big as Ali’s.

5. I am as heavy as my friends.

6. Mount Erciyes is not as high as Mount Everest.

7. John is as old as Mary.

8. John is not as old as Maria.


1. colder than

2. the most beautiful

3. older than

4. more expensive than

5. the worst

6. better .. than

7. the tallest … in

8. more … than


1. Alaska is larger than Texas.

2. Alaska is the largest state in the United States.

3. This exercise is the easier than the last one.

4. Hamburger is cheaper than steak.

5. My apartment is smaller than yours.

6. Maths is more difficult than Geography.

7. This book is worse than that book.


1. strongest

2. more beautiful

3. more famous

4. better

5. better - more

6. best

7. cleaner - nicer

8. clever

9. taller

10. luckiest

11. more - uglier

12. less

13. older

14. politer

15. busy

16. more helpful

17. more famous

18. luckier

19. slim

20. heavier

21. bigger

22. cleverest

23. most popular

24. hungrier

25. most difficult

26. taller

27. happy

28. more comfortable

29. most interesting

30. more interesting

Page 16: HA BE AKARSZ MUTATKOZNI - · PDF fileMELLÉKNEVEK FOKOZÁSA A MELLÉKNEVEK FOKAI A mellékneveknek az angolban és a magyarban is hagyományosan három fokozata van: alapfok, középfok,


1. He likes reading more than watching television.

2. I play football worse than Steve.

3. Dublin is rainier than Rome.

4. Canada is colder than Mexico.

5. Martha is friendlier than Joe.

10) 1. than

2. bigger than

3. the best

4. as

5. the most

6. further

7. the finest

8. cheaper

9. dirtiest

10. more difficult

11. more expensive than

12. the hardest

13. more

14. most


1. Carla is an intermediate diver. Gina is a better diver than Carla.

2. Charlie was a more talented footballer than Jamie.

3. Robert is more ambitious than Rosie.

4. The rain was worse than today.

5. Juan is happier than Bobbie.

6. The lecture this week was more interesting than last week.

7. Living in the city is noisier than in the country.

8. Jemma was braver than me.


1. d

2. b

3. d

4. a

5. c

6. a

7. b

8. b

9. a

10. c

11. a

12. b

13. c

14. d

15. a

16. b

17. c

18. c

19. a

20. a


1. Dorina is as strong as a boy.

2. This picture is nicer than the other.

3. The wolf is the most evil of the animals.

4. Give me a more interesting book.

5. The teacher is cleverer than the students.

6. The mouse is smaller than a rat.

7. This girl is as beautiful as a dream.

8. The table is harder than the armchair.

9. He is my best friend.

10. Steve is weaker than me.

11. This is the most comfortable room in hotel.

12. I am not as lucky as George Bush.

13. Kamilla’s hair is longer than yours but shorter than the tail of my horse.

14. Beer is fine, wine is finer but mineral water is the finest.

15. Louise ia a lot older than Ann.

16. My father is five years older than my mother.

17. Sleeping Beauty is a bit more beautiful than Cinderella.

18. Bill Gatesn has more money than I have.

19. Your nose is bigger than mine but your ears are smaller.

20. I am as hungry as a wolf.

21. Erika sleeps less than I do but she speaks more.

22. There are more girls in the classroom than boys.

23. The more you eat the fatter you are.

24. Who is the most famous actor in France?

25. Which is the most difficult language in the world?

26. Which is better – reading or watching TV?

27. Which is the most beautiful season?

28. Is Russian more difficult than English?

29. Are Shakespeare’s sonnets as famous as his dramas?

30. Who is the most popular singer in Hungary?