GRE Essnetials A

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Transcript of GRE Essnetials A

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    1. Abandon relinquish, renounce, dispense with

    Opp: keep, retain, continue

    2. Abate ebb, weaken, recede

    Opp: intensify, increase

    3. Abbreviate prcis, synopsize, abridge

    Opp: long

    4. Abdicate repudiate, cede, disown

    5. Aberration- freak, rarity, oddity

    6. Abet- encourage, collaborate, endorse, sanction

    Opp: hinder

    7. Abeyance- remission, unresolved deferred, suspension

    8. Abhor- loathe, execrate, recoil, shudder at

    Opp: love, admire

    9. Abide- uphold, comply with, conform to

    Opp: flout, disobey

    10. Abject- Pitiable, piteous, lamentable, appalling, atrocious

    11. Abjure- eschew, refrain, disavow, forego, refrain

    12. Ablution- Douche, lavage, lavation

    13. Abnegation- countenance, abstinence, austerity

    Opp: Acceptance, self-indulgence

    14. Abolish- extirpate, expunge, invalidate, rescind

    Opp: retain, create

    15. Abominate- hate, despise, loathe

    Opp: like, love

    16. Aboriginal- indigenous, autochthonic, primordial

    17. Abound- proliferate, be abundant, plentiful

    18. Abrade erode, gnaw away at, corrode, scrape away

    19. Abrogate repeal, rescind, countermand, retract

    Opp: institute, introduce

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    20. Abscess- sore, pustule, carbuncle, ulceration

    21. Abscond- vanish, decamp, scarper, vamoose

    22. Abstemious- puritanical, spartan, sober, temperate

    Opp: self-indulgent

    23. Abstruse- esoteric, recondite, Delphi, recherch

    24. Abysmal- awful, lamentable, crummy

    25. Accede- comply with, concur with, acquiesce in

    26. Accentuate- underline, underscore, stress, emphasize

    27. Acclamation- plaudit, commendation, homage, compliment

    Opp: criticism

    28. Accompaniment- support, appendage

    29. Accost- shout to, hail, confront, detain, stop

    30. Accrue- arise, follow, ensue

    31. Ace- whiz, maven, crackerjack, maestro, virtuoso

    Opp: amateur

    32. Acerbic- cutting, scathing, abrasive

    33. Acme- pinnacle, summit, zenith, apogee

    Opp: nadir

    34. Acquiesce- allow, concede, yield to

    35. Acrid- pungent, acetous, stinging, bitter

    36. Acumen- sagacity, discernment, perspicacity, insight

    37. Adrift- unmoored, detached, rootless, unknotted

    38. Adroit- skillful, dexterous, nimble, nifty

    Opp: inept, clumsy

    39. Aegis- charge, care, guidance

    40. Affable- amenable, clubbable, pleasant, congenial

    Opp: unfriendly

    41. Affliction-malady, indisposition scourge, plague

    42. Agglomeration-collection, mass, cluster, miscellany

    43. Agile-nimble, acrobatic, lithe

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    Opp: clumsy, stiff

    44. Agitate- fluster, ruffle, whisk, beat

    45. Alcove- recess, niche, nook, bay

    46. Alibi- defence, justification, reason

    47. Alleviate- deaden, reduce, assuage, damp, soothe

    Opp- aggravate

    48. Allude- suggest, refer, hint, imply

    49. Aloft-high, upwards, skywards

    Opp: down

    50. Altercation-squabble, fight, melee, broil, miff

    51. Altruism- benevolence, philanthropy, bounteousness

    Opp: selfishness

    52. Ameliorate- improve, enhance, boost

    Opp: worsen

    53. Amiss- wrong, awry, faulty, defective, improper

    Opp: right, in order

    54. Amnesty- pardoning, reprieve, release

    55. Amok- go berserk, riot, rampage

    56. Animosity- antipathy, hatred, malice, enmity

    Opp: goodwill, friendship

    57. Annihilate- kill, slaughter, exterminate, snuff out

    Opp: create

    58. Anodyne- analgesic, narcotic, bland, offensive

    59. Antecedent- ancestor, progenitor, predecessor

    Opp: descendant

    60. Antediluvian- old-fashioned, antiquated, outmoded

    61. Anticipation- expectation, forecast, prediction

    62. Apocryphal- fictitious, fabricated, spurious

    Opp: authentic

    63. Apoplectic- furious, incensed, incandescent, raging, seething, livid

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    64. Appeasement- placation, pacification, propitiation

    Opp: provocation

    65. Appellation- sobriquet, nickname, cognomen

    66. Arbor bower, recess, alcove, pergola, gazebo

    67. Arduous- onerous, formidable, exhausting, grueling

    Opp: easy

    68. Arraign- indict, remonstrate with, berate, admonish, lambaste

    Opp: acquit, praise

    69. Ascribe- attribute, impute, associate with

    70. Ashen- pale, ghostly, waxen, deaden

    71. Atrocious despicable, contemptible, barbaric, odious, egregious, dire

    Opp: admirable, superb

    72. Atrophy- degenerated, wither, deteriorate, emaciated

    Opp: strengthen, flourish

    73. Au courante- in touch, familiar, at home, well informed, enlightened

    74. Audacious- cheeky, plucky, intrepid, brazen

    Opp: timid, polite

    75. Aura- feeling, ambience, emanation, tenor

    76. Austere- severe, stern, aloof, stiff

    Opp: genial, immoderate, ornate

    77. Avalanche- landslip, landslide, icefall

    78. Avant-garde- original, innovatory, trailblazing, revolutionary

    79. Avarice- greed, rapacity, mercenariness

    Opp: generosity

    80. Avid- passionate, zealous, earnest

    Opp: apathetic

    81. Awash- flooded, submerged

    82. Awning- canopy, sun-blind, shutter

    83. Azure- bright blue, cerulean, cyanic

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