Grandi's Atelier Pantomime Collection




Transcript of Grandi's Atelier Pantomime Collection

Page 1: Grandi's Atelier Pantomime Collection

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Page 2: Grandi's Atelier Pantomime Collection
Page 3: Grandi's Atelier Pantomime Collection

IN THE THEATRE OF LIFE, what you wear is not simplya costume; it becomes what you


Welcome to my atelier, a dressmaker’s boutique

and doorway to the exclusive world of custom

clothing for women.

Celebrating timeless elegance, the bespoke

tradition, and uncompromising quality in

craftsmanship, here, we honour the time-tested

hallmarks of style.

Every piece is meticulously hand-crafted

and made-to-measure , here in our Vancouver

workshop. Indulge in exceptional fit; let it

enhance your sophisticated style.

Venture ahead, in this season’s lookbook, and

discover the possibilities for you.



Page 4: Grandi's Atelier Pantomime Collection

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PANTOMIMEAdmist the bustling Athenian acropolis of two

and a half millenia ago, among the men who

created the foundation of the world we know,

was born an art form that is to transform the

way we see the world - the theatre.

While Socrates spent his days debating the

politically-inclined of Ancient Athens, another

group of men - the writers - designed equally

provokative plays, that asked deep-rooted

questions about the world, about humanity.

Then, with equal fervor as the political arena,

these questions hit Athenians, in grand

amphitheatres, through silent actors, guided

by a single narrator.

The hallmark of ancient silent theatre is that

they presented the audience with a moral

dilemma, without a necessarily right or wrong

answer; grey-area debates ensueds, further

fueling their thriving democracy.

Fast forward in history, “pantomime” came to

symbolize Baroque harlequins, and to the 20th

century, where the form of theatre without

words is known for a Frenchman dressed in

black and white - a mime. Much removed from

the serious streak of ancient theatre, these

subsequent art forms treaded carefully around

controvery, and heeded comic relief.

What about our senses of morality, and spirit of

debate - have we stopped asking the grey-area


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