GP:OAOCASTCRS , WOKEt'l - Marist College


Transcript of GP:OAOCASTCRS , WOKEt'l - Marist College

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ER Stateaent re wo•~n Broodcastecs

SCE1 LEWIS , Dorothy, 8-9-47


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••• -Gl8ft~o Oo 0 Ala. &9 0 .:LMfo

..... ft' •lrllJI )) ........ u • .,., Park, B. Yo

JleV Jb'l• .OOIIftltl

••&1111JIC JOU' , .. , ... , ... t .. fllf ·-· UA&e:r•t:!•l1111& 1 I .. 'aklaa ~ 11"•'7 If IBalll 1111 IUU:r1&1 0 u& hll.,... _., of worl& o•U UIU IIJ Bo B. ~11:118, I:l U..7 lain aei bel'liof_. •- to Jftlf auuu .. , I .. ill bOJII JOU will Wl10- tlllilf lfHiip,,

Olficla&iiaa 1JI !hi CllriiUaa 111UOI Xoaiior 1•• 8&7 ._.., ilaa\ ibei:r OIB••••• aerU ilal1acJai t.l ooa•Ue:rail••

You will aoie ihe vt1111 ooa•atu ... tuoiaiioa• froa F.».•·'• •P••«b•••

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Page 4: GP:OAOCASTCRS , WOKEt'l - Marist College


llunu1nity 'I'oTt'ard Unh•ersal Liberty

we, ·rue P£OPUJS of r •• • lfJ ,,.!ft,,.,. f•ltb '"' , _ ,;,,~Jy ,.J .,., b •f tb# • ., •I ,..,. .. .J w ........ to ,. U4tlt/J..Ji •I ,,. ;. '-1"

By R.. II. Ma.rtham •-' (lui, 111) ''"' 10ft16n su.: Wntn •J 1114: """'"" S<VtWt N~ ,.- rw•t•hn, IO ~~

1btw da)-. a.nd )ean arc m~-rkrcl by the marth toward persan:al f~ t~nd, human ~1/110,_.,. oJ tlH u~ rl.chta. Mt<n and womtn, m tlw ltn.IUla: of lht w1r, M .. e battled fOrward an ~ surc:h #H'OI'•-'· ••• Juu tn.l• d (l)f' Rlf•fft:Pfc:t. IOM"N. lkJ# .__,,

Some -"l~bons,. so~ f'\'mt&., appe-ar lO rtfutt lM p1n.. Tbtre ~ mr.ath c-eftiCirshlp.. _,_ • ,. rtptl'aiOA, vao~. and. '-"'t'ft tyranny. But 111:0~ of favorable and Wllavorablt dt· \~lopmt"nts a: Slgn&5cAntJy on the aadt of lrftdom. ~hubtom..w .... wiJ"pub

Thu don not mu.n t!wt ordiii.U}' rnM and v.>orMn on a11 the ront.tnenu at"tually tnJoy hc~LH ~"' .. ,...-. l)lttiiiQAnli mnre fr~om and ab-~ Ln Otctmbtr, Jt4&, thin an ~ber, J.93a,. or C'\'C'R 1n bJ • m11ht1 tnd U'lum.,Uol aU 1896. But tbtoy no..,· h.J\'t tht> btt1 chance an hbtory to b«ome frt'e. Obstadn we~ l..wlt 1.0 PI'OI'NI"' Ole Mvlllft o I -• f th h h h 'lttomtfl f'lo-ff')'Wht~, b ash.-u out o e way wn JUt tXCH~IVe vtcor t at the r011d ltMl! wu damaged., but Dunne tte 11n few 7,,"

protpeda of restor<~tton 1.nd • general advance arl' cocci. .. 11mrn h•u bftn clnn 1ppre t'illb11 II'IOH rl&'hl.t In 1 nvmbef- fl l~n41, Tor uample, lhtl' h•v 'o-QIIfd for l~ 1\rtl lime in• AI bini~. Uun.l"'l:· D\llllrll, Greect Yuaoel•vl8, ) ranc1, 1 ~\.r. '"' HVtUI ... lln.•Am~H ICan COUnlrle~

· ·r•-••dorn

for \\'orke r H

One or the favor-~ble fac&on I the llhnostl.lnlvtrul r toolfU· uon of ~~~ rl&ht oJ •11 men to be frtc". Th<~t u; t:v•· df'nl 1n lht' tu~;h conslder•t•on

"\118 II 0 I I) 1'11£$8 TH.Vru s to •• ulf·n·i· it-lut-1/MI 11JI 1t11M , , , IU

toJoutJ 6y 1Im, (rt~n' u:i11J U 'l'l ll itt liOUflt .... 61t H•Jbl! . , ""''"l'brlt u,,,,, ..

ltvf'n lo worluon 1n t1lm01t •ll T .. o ..... ,.,.. •I rountne-l. UldudmJ J•p•n. 1t=="'"'---=~'~""~"=-:;::~=·==l C:b.:-~.a, Kort:1, 1nd ot.bcor Ont:n• tel1~mb.

The •pokHmf'"n of mGISit ,... t10n1 •1ree us AJ'IllC lh.a.t WCN'k• f'U abDuJd f'R)OJ' ffftdom. Cap • UiJ.IUII '\'lots With Commlmum lo pi'O"Iof' \Ju,t e.Kb l:p.tfta lnt1U ..... n. brtln" lh.aa lbf' olhf'r. ,..., raponabk pol.1lK:tll or -C' l.ll &:f'IUP pubJ.dy .d"-oulel tl\1\ wotken tlbould bt: df'. pnwd Of d.i.puly. rob· tlftllll. b-l.nken. pro!~ td•· 10,.., <'hambfon of O!lmmr~ •U t•ll thm\Hh·u fri!Md1 of I•~!·- ... . •

.. J ... tlkb, l nd ,...,ftlt• Pwol• ftld.

Ttlq ·- "'' lfw, flilotlt 1ft '""'"· ~~:'.J~':\t~-~~'k~ ~ nt.l tan" Uwil -..nfiC

...... .. Uw ..... ~ ., .... IJ. ""' .• ,,,.... "'"" ~"" -­-Wnll Aft'CJWWIII el liM Ill l trletl ordtf. hi ..... , ......... , .... ,. tll­ff ..... Pl.t tor ~ .,. (" II Jlbelu. '"ftliP«\ tldbU-. u....-s- fr.lfll ~1 du1J, ,...orbn W•"'f • ,,,..._.,. ,.,., llwy .... tM •0411'1....-t pl.lo«< 1ft eocl"' tMy had f'\f'r tw~ from whlth 0\ri:J Will M\tl be perm.tft• <'llll• d!t ltwl....-! •""" fo¥1001 wl<o""'

p1ma nor fn Crt!~!l &tate farmJ t1ll«1 by coer«tt puwml.t. The koiMt.l or C'OIJe<ti\e f•nnt or Rut• 111 Ire <'41uainc mue.h diauUtfae· UIMI Th•7 11mit [rftdom, k uwlan PUIInll tmd to destn ~m tor priVI\11)' conlrolled ftelda, Th• eut•m Et.lropr_an ~nta 1bhor them,, H CIWC'VU, areu prhtllt' H· tll.foa tl.n hmU frftdom to._ A toeWlJ lfl wbidl 1 llill tlUI'- ~­tw"" lltldO.,."tn • .nd l.a.nd work· ... , 1.1 not <'0ft41Kiv~ to J, C4M'IIieq1Hfltb'. ta.nd dutribubol\ u a l ll.lll h ftll1 P-fO<of' to t. 1 tt~ --·nl tre.r ~·"- ... ,.,111· ... P en s.a o t P a rlff':IC

Tbt1 r«ently hiV41 ~ el«le. 10 p.trll•mtnl In~ J"r•nc•. 11.11.) nul.r•rl-". RGm•ni-1. ..lun1•r> MOtl or c.h-• ol.hlf Y.Utopun p.r bl.,.ff\1.1 1\IV. l'lld WDm«9 d~ u .. ror a nllll'lb« or )'t'ln.

Major rtolt in War Ttl.q 11.1\1 111•)1111 lflfi)Or 'lYe

1"1.16f'l• r1 ,..... .. .,. Spo• "· Bwlo n.t "-"•" ... ....... Tllt7 &OIOic p.r ........ .,, ... ' 1.. ll-'u-,..._ t(lloti#C ~"' llt..e.trU Yv,..UYla• AI ... ... , C'r«, Pn.w. .,.........-~ ........

In tnt-r•l tutell, w-. a.., - .... ·f'ft....._ .......... . ht t ,...,.."· .... lti~ ... ,.,, .. .,.....,.,..., .,.. ~ tft"lt pm.ff'• 01\1 .... - u.. •nd u•ICfli i i#OI\•1 ....,... .. -lt'fal(fl ..... kft belli ... IN: llotl'' , ..... /._,.. Ia I .,. ... ea Lindt lhen 1.1ri1111 •IV ,... doll: .... • .... _,-1Nrtld1M11

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' ,})1 U• •'teJ Nt~~iq,.,, Jtltf',,;,,J !HUI•m~tfl•l hu,,.~t r igbts, ,·,. 1b1 lnm••,. pn1o.,, ;., 1b1 right1 rolfWt• sor;41 progrtu 111M !t.tlff •r fruJom, lo pr111.:-tir• tolnJ#IU •tr 1'1J p t 1UI w/Jb OM •Mtb~r _, u ;,.,"""',;~-~ ,..,.;,.~,-,for- tbr ,;~ • ..J #UiJ ~'""''lfK"I of .Il rJ IO tomb;,., our rQ(Ifll 10 " ' "


Recognizes Advances Outweigh

\Vot·ld Basil~ Aim: Setbacks

UN I TB D NATIONS MfMBF.J~S "4dll'f.ini, tefi"t n.(uudf·tOVIffli•g ptopltl, Jbilll { 11) f1Ufl11 , , • lluir polltir.J, uo,.o1nh, torW, rJur•tioruJ """"'utmr~t. Jbtir j JtJI lrtiflmt•J 11ftd prlltUtjo~J •R•i,JJ .Jn11t1, (b) IIJiiJt tlltm i~ the ln:rl· pflmt•J o/ t br;,., f ru JH'· litiul ii!Jiitutio•l·"

-Uw~•l 1>' . ,.,.. , , .... t,.. a.l'r• XI

A PROPOSE.O lt~tmutiot~al B•ll of ll11'""1t Rights, ,,,. ('MH lly • Co•mitltt o/ tltt AMnlf•• L,..ur /llfJtitMit /0' rt~tuiJit.UIQII h1 lbt U•iUJ Nu•'o,., Commuuo• o• llum<~rt Rlthtt, ro,.t.J,. , J? •rthl1r, p'ot·i./lwt (on

tb# ptottrtio,. of Mu.-1'1 111Niu '"""• fr~ttlo• o/ ~04ltl'#lftt, htll't(, "litm•. uzht 10 Jor•, ru,_,•, '· bolJ op'"'"'""· ,,,_,,.,,. of u:ptmitH•, puut,uJ Gs••-"11, ftm• ., ol Gtot"i,Jlmr~.

more dltft.euiUe. llun n .oh·a lind. bc-cauu of IU ~ull~t Nt~ uaUoa amon.e the «1'1"' •~(ft. 1'1\&)' even accentwt.e anU~ s.tnllbm, but mott Jew, and maoy non..Jew• wll1 be p1eucd. whtn "'"' lo~t~·'erinc u.~tioa at la1t atqulra • homttand.

. ... l:'eedom

01 U e lll(lon

h'l thfl Vtt)' old 1ttuule far !!11 fretdom oC r~ll1loa, victorlu have ~n won.

On Sund17'1>f 11\1' turrenl wH-Ic or on the d11 or their obaervan~. most or tl'l~ people in tn011t Jandt ""'trt fr~ 1.0 attftld tile churcll.u ar t"eu· cholc•. Mott p~ or WOnh.ip •n R.w.•• h11ve btotn tilled, as II\ PfltC'lluiJy the wl'lot. ot £\.rope The tn'*luts or Atrlt• •nd A~111 hne b«n crowded

l)unn.c 1146, me nan. • nd even ""O!'Mn or the world hAv• dl• 1«ted thtit ""'" toward .;t!tM, atf't'plf't, dome~~, ar\(1 mlurtU m01e treel7 dvn111 malt ~·t <'*1\lutlts. They l'la"e kMit or atOOd or •una or ...,-orU.!ped a1lr.ntly with 1-s:t fu r lhan itt m11ny )'tllfl I)UL

Ot COUtM. frf'ec:ICI!m II) hOld kr"V• IC8 It only 11 tJnall part of free·• r.lom of tthljllfl. mua~ b•

~·~.:!'!';f./;:u'l''" 10 bta.r In mcu.t Nul-dorr'lol\llttd landJ,

church atltfidant• Wilt frt• 1'1 m•l\1'. but not aU dtnomln•UOfl&. Yrl "'•dWn ...,._. •.n lmPII<'IIbh •n,.my oC Chrbltanll.)'

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tello .... women,. •m .. hat l ll'itd tM t newb' ......

whol-. 1h ion to en th•

lore it1

led thet men ot huvW VIUclna, •.n tor lli1tloN nJI)' in· !lolhiltl Gf the fftl.ln.l) usd .... ~ tbe.h future betler

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• I

•rr IS YOUR: Mt..u , • ••• ~""" liMn' Jw ,_ . ., .... c--tz._ ;. --,.., .., ri ,.,... tW.. • , • Pt.sillftu ( H )

•ftc- '"""· kl n• ,.. U Ill• f(.U./1;..: sb.J.l • , • l~trlH.t 6• (HulrnJ ,. f6• IMw ttwn.,lo-.'*'

- .. u .. - U..M• ,-._II, 1141

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H,.n 10 )'ifl,.. IJO. They ec"jO)' ttwtr pt the: tNlU ot wh.1t m.e11 and w~n to~Wdt:r freedom.

f'ur«:d Labnr

CONCitE.S$ SHAlt MAKB ... t..~ ".Jftmi"'t th• m••· u,11,.,., •I ,,u1N,,. tH f"''hu,;,,,, 16, ,,, ,.Jt.,tiJ• ,.~,./. tw t~ltrWtl•t 1/u fruJ•• •I rf',tll tr •J 1111 ptm. M 1lu rit 6• •I tb• ,.,_,1. ~·u•6l11o ,.,.,..,,.

- T•• Allel .,,Wi;...., &..,.....,,_,,.. ~ ..

Gain• and Dd•r• Ot (OII:!'M. mue1\ • t t.hb new\ tt mtt"tl7 Oft pep.r, .rid .un l'tiOr. 01 It ...... , po.o bdt1l lndot"ltln•Uon. 'nl• l.llinil• In& ol tot"Ore ot mUU001 or chil­d~ b Mi.n.l n..,rollftld ~1 tilt• rfl\\ .ctuador~ nt.h• Ulu orptMII. 6klpM ha.,. •rt'¥- ..,,

"Tb ... .. ' , .. },, "";'rio ,._, ' ~~·-· --

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cur • .,,. I "''

.. 1¥1! •• • ARl! .. , -.di•1 411 tMt 1•rri~# I~ rd- '" 1b1 111M •I 'II!WIJ "'' lt.J. Wt Mt ~l61;.,1for I«Mrfl1 • • • ,... f'tU • , , ~MI , , , ,_ Jl .. ,., /H .u , _ .. ,;..,, .,.., ., h'"-t , • • ,..u ,,., ~~,... Jl .,.. .,, ,,., .. ,.., ,;, .. , •I c.l. o./1 ,.,J N,.,.., , ,.. rttl'ri tH ,.._~;.., •I ,.,,.,.~, -.1 ~c-1• ~ ,,,,._ -' fllilil.':

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/L.r ,f~~ . (' /.[(; ;_-a J J'

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M,.. f • .., M. B.ocl~e • 46 H11lt., Ploa N- H • .., 15, C... ... t~cut

.ful¥ 7. 194 7

1 - nH it 11 DO noftl. tb.inl tor JOU to recti•• boo.ka rro. autbora, aDd I ctu.eq •&QT ot tbeae utborl l»' you with requ.e~t.a. ..,. requeet 11 eeriOlil ud loAi-cOCJI,idlred.. It COOCft'DI an ub1tion or •1D• to write the at.otT ot fOUl" lite.

'!ho book I oa oODCiizl& w1U. W• latter 1e -r tits~ book, a biocni'IU' oc U.a ....._ propbo~. Joaeph faitb. lt 1a a cro:1Uc&l. , caref"Ul....7 d~ted atud7 of' a b1..rre &Del"Teraia.l r..U.cioua le&Oer. I wrote it witb I COCJIU.iD& l:nmaer to &It at tile C.ct.l. But al"''Y• 1D U.o • 1 p1"0111oocl IIYIOlC that .y nut book would concera lta.U wlth 1011eone tor who. I could. tMl di'YOUOII aDC1 &dlti~tiOD ~. ••U •• c-griodV aDd aatoahbe.eot. thn• 1a no one cow ea. I • eon to write abou.t t.bu 7ou. I ttou.1d. quite ., , , 'llC'7 apeod ,....., tMH, •• t did. on book, w od>i ... o a U.~..tll.l. &lid t1nol7 writuo ow17 of ,..... llCo. 3ot 1 ooocl tirn ot aJ..l. tor 1ou to tell •• tb&t. 7au. ha•• no obJeet1en W .Y try l.Di:o

iQr beat. l Jl\.I"'ductloa 1a t.bla book, trom whiCh you lbou.ld be able to discern ¥try lilY llll'i" aDd,l.OC-15.

W:rs . tlN.DOr Rooarre l.t. ti¥ce ?.crK, New tort

Sioc.relJ roura,


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