Godishen Test Grupa 1

ГРУПА 1 ИМЕ И ПРЕЗИМЕ ______________________________________________________________ ГОДИШЕН ТЕСТ ПО АНГЛИСКИ ЈАЗИК ЗА IV ОДДЕЛЕНИЕ Заокружи го точниот одговор, секое точно одговорено прашање носи 1 бод 1. Кој исказ го користиме кога кажуваме дека е лето? a) It’s Spring b) It’s Summer c) It’s Autumn d)It’s Winter 2. Како ќе ја прашаш Јана каде оди? a) What time is it? b) Where do you live? c) Where are you going? d) How are you? 3. Кое превозно средство се користи за патување по воздух? a) bus b) airplane c) bicycle d) ship 4. Кој ги лекува болните? a) a doctor b) a postman c) a policeman d) a ballerina 5. Кој дел од мебелот го користиме за да напишеме домашна задача? a) bed b) desk c) fridge d) shelf 6. Дополни ја реченицата: Edward _________ football. a) does b) play c) go d) plays 7. Кој од следниве зборови НЕ e присвојна придавка? a) my b) he c) your d) his 8) Кој од следниве зборови означува глагол? a) sun b) we c) chair d) play 9. Доврши ја реченицата: I like to draw. My favourite subject is _____. a) Maths b) English c) Art d) Macedonian language 10. Како честитаме Велигден? a) Merry Christmas! b) Happy New Year! c) Happy Easter! d) Happy Valentine’s Day! 11. This is Claudia Gomez. She is from Spain, but lives in England. She is an actress. She is 24 years old and she lives in a small apartment with three roommates. She works for the Disney Channel television as an actress in shows for kids. She also studies to be a lawyer. Claudia cannot sing or dance but she can play the violin very well. She loves classical music and she listens to it every day from 5:30 to 8:30 every morning. After this she has fruit juice and cereals for breakfast and then she goes to school. Каде живее Клодија Гомез со своите цимерки? a) in Disneyland b) In England c) it doesn’t say d) In Spain 12. Sanja`s grandparents live in a small house. She likes their bedroom. There is a big bed, a red lamp by the bed, a small wardrobe and blue curtains on the window in the bedroom. Кој живее во мала куќа?


Godishen Test Grupa 1

Transcript of Godishen Test Grupa 1


ИМЕ И ПРЕЗИМЕ ______________________________________________________________


Заокружи го точниот одговор, секое точно одговорено прашање носи 1 бод

1. Кој исказ го користиме кога кажуваме дека е лето?

a) It’s Spring b) It’s Summer c) It’s Autumn d)It’s Winter

2. Како ќе ја прашаш Јана каде оди?

a) What time is it? b) Where do you live? c) Where are you going? d) How are you?

3. Кое превозно средство се користи за патување по воздух?

a) bus b) airplane c) bicycle d) ship

4. Кој ги лекува болните?

a) a doctor b) a postman c) a policeman d) a ballerina

5. Кој дел од мебелот го користиме за да напишеме домашна задача?

a) bed b) desk c) fridge d) shelf

6. Дополни ја реченицата: Edward _________ football.

a) does b) play c) go d) plays

7. Кој од следниве зборови НЕ e присвојна придавка?

a) my b) he c) your d) his

8) Кој од следниве зборови означува глагол?

a) sun b) we c) chair d) play

9. Доврши ја реченицата: I like to draw. My favourite subject is _____.

a) Maths b) English c) Art d) Macedonian language

10. Како честитаме Велигден?

a) Merry Christmas! b) Happy New Year! c) Happy Easter! d) Happy Valentine’s Day!

11. This is Claudia Gomez. She is from Spain, but lives in England. She is an actress. She is 24 years old and she lives in a small apartment with three roommates. She works for the Disney Channel television as an actress in shows for kids. She also studies to be a lawyer. Claudia cannot sing or dance but she can play the violin very well. She loves classical music and she listens to it every day from 5:30 to 8:30 every morning. After this she has fruit juice and cereals for breakfast and then she goes to school. Каде живее Клодија Гомез со своите цимерки?

a) in Disneyland b) In England c) it doesn’t say d) In Spain

12. Sanja`s grandparents live in a small house. She likes their bedroom. There is a big bed, a red lamp by the bed, a small wardrobe and blue curtains on the window in the bedroom. Кој живее во мала куќа?

a) Sanja b) Sanja`s grandparents d) Sanja`s parents d) it doesn’t say

13. Me and my little brother share the room. I have many books and notebooks because I go to school. He is little, and he has many toys. He is very fond of his toys. He loves anything that has wheels, cars, bikes, trains, motorbikes, and they are always in the middle of the room. My parents are always buying him toys, and I don’t have space for my books. It makes me very sad.

Со кого авторот ја дели собата?

а) со сестрата b) со играчките c) со родителите d) со братот

14. Доврши ја реченицата: I want to drink something. Is there any milk in the……?

a) fridge b) wardrobe c) table d) bathroom

15. Доврши ја реченицата: My mother is teaching. She is a……….

a) teacher b) dancer c) doctor d) nurse

16. Определи кој збор треба да стои на празното место во реченицата: Bill…………a book at the moment.

a) reads b) reading c) is reading d) is cooking

17. Која е кратката форма на исказот: He is walking?

a) He’s walking b) His walking c) He is walk d) He’s walks

18. Како би одговорил на следново прашање: Can she swim?

a) No, I can’t b) No c) No, she isn’t d) No, she can’t

19. Доврши ја реченицата: This is your toy box. The toy box is………

a) you b) mine c) yours d) his

20. Дополни ја реченицата: I have ___ bike.

a) an a) c) some d) any

21. Дополни ја реченицата: The shape of my head is a………

a) circle b) heart c) oval d) rectangle

22. Како би прашале: Смеам да го отворам прозорецот?

a) Open the window! b) Open the door! c) May I open the door? d) May I open the window?

23. Кога посакуваме некому пријатен одмор велиме:

a) Have a nice day! b) Have a nice holiday c) Good day! d) Good afternoon!

24. Како ќе го прашаш Тони како е?

a) Hey Tony! b) Good day! c) Tony, where are you? d) Tony, how are you?

25. Кој збор означува врнежливо време?

a) sunny b) rainy c) cloudy d) snowy

26. Како ќе кажеш дека носиш сандали во лето?

а) I am wearing my hat in summer

b) I am sandals my hat in summer

c) I am wearing my sandals in winter

d) ) I am wearing my boots in winter

27. Дополни ја реченицата: Hannah can’t read without her ________.

a) shoes b) bag c) pencil d) glasses

28. Дополни ја реченицата: There are five ________ on the desk.

a) book b) books c) bookes d) a books

29. Како би одговорил на прашањето: Do you like to dance?

a) Yes b) No c) Yes, I do d) Yes I don’t

30. Кога се извинуваш, што велиш?

a) I’m sorry! b) Thank you! c) Good bye! d) Hello!

ВКУПНО ОСВОЕНИ БОДОВИ _____/300-7 недоволен (1)8-12 доволен (2)13-18 добар (3)19-24 мн. Добар (4)25-30 одличен (5)