GATEWAY 2020 2021 進学ガイドブック

GATEWAY 20202021 進学ガイドブック

Transcript of GATEWAY 2020 2021 進学ガイドブック

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GATEWAY 2020–2021進学ガイドブック

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Hawai‘i Tokai International College - HTIC

Why HTIC ?

少人数クラスの徹底、1クラス最大学生数は18名Small class sizes allow students to receive personalized attention. The maximum number of students per class is 18.students


4学期制により1学期15単位、年間60単位取得可能(他のセメスター制大学では約34単位)Students can take 10 -15 credits per term, or 40 - 60 credits per year. Most U.S. colleges run on a semester system and students can take up to 34 credits a year. HTIC operates on a quarter system (1 term=10 weeks).


通常の2年制短大は卒業までに24カ月(2年)必要ですが、HTIC本科では4学期制により15カ月で卒業可能HTIC students regularly graduate in 15 months instead of 24 months, as required by most U.S. junior colleges. months


8割の卒業生が4年制大学へ編入(米国の平均は約4割)80% of the graduates successfully transferred to 4-year colleges/universities in the U.S. and Japan (the national average is approximately 40%). percent


Hawai‘i Tokai International College - HTIC

Gateway to Your Future

HTIC’s Vision Statement (目標)To educate students to become enlightened global citizens who contribute to world peace.


HTIC’s Mission Statement (使命)Hawai‘i Tokai International College (HTIC) is an international gateway for students interested in education bridging diverse international perspectives, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. HTIC graduates earn Associate of Arts degree and emerge as lifelong learners who contribute positively to the world.


HTICは東海大学の海外教育機関として1992年に設立され、米国西地区・大学協会の基準認定(アクレディテーション)を受けています。本学を修了することにより、米国短期大学士(教養)(Associate of Arts Degree)が授与され、日米の4年制大学に編入することが可能となります。さまざまな国の学生が在籍し、 隣のハワイ大学との交流も含め、国際色豊かな環境の中で授業が行われています。

Established in 1992, HTIC is a liberal arts junior college, accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western

Association of Schools and Colleges. HTIC strives to be an international campus where students from the U.S., Asia, and the Pacific study and learn together in small, interactive classrooms taught by highly qualified faculty.

Cultivate your thoughts in your early days

Nurture your body in your early days

Develop your intellect in your early days

Aim your hopes towards the stars in your early days

Tokai University Educational System Creed

アクレディテーション(基準認定) AccreditationSchools in the United States are periodically evaluated by regional accrediting commissions to ensure that academic standards are being met. Institutions that are evaluated and deemed to achieve certain standards receive accreditation. In the state of Hawai‘i, there are many institutions that call themselves “colleges and universities,” but there are only 15 schools, including HTIC, that are accredited. Credits and degrees received at HTIC will be accepted at any other college or university in the United States.


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4学期制の利点 The Advantages of a 4-Term SystemHTIC students can earn more credits in one year than students at a college or university operating on a semester system. As a result, HTIC students typically graduate in less than two years.



SEP9 月

AUG8 月

JUL7 月

JUN6 月

MAY5 月

APR4 月


JAN1 月

FEB2 月

MAR3 月


SUMMER term 夏学期

Summer term in the LA Program is divided into two 5-week sessions. Students can choose to take courses during either or both sessions. Taking advantage of an empty term, it is also possible to take classes from other schools. For the CP Program, the summer term is the same length as other terms (approximately 10 weeks).


Quarter System (4 terms per year) クオーター制(1年間4学期)

SPRING10 weeks

春学期10 週間

SUMMER10 weeks

夏学期10 週間

FALL10 weeks

秋学期10 週間

WINTER10 weeks

冬学期10 週間





Admissions to Graduation

Guaranteed Placement


Placement Test

College Preparatory

Liberal Arts


Guaranteed Placement※入学時にTOEFL®(PBT, iBT)、英検、TOEIC®、IELTS、GTECの試験の一定のスコアがある場合は以下の表に対応するレベルからスタートできます。

Placement Test※入学後のクラス分けテストにより、スタートレベルを決定します。



進 級


米国短期大学士(教養)AA (Associate of Arts)

米国、日本等の4年制大学4-Year College, University





iBT 英検 TOEIC® IELTSGTEC forStudents



CP2 430 39 N/A 430 N/A 900

CP3 440 42 2 470 N/A 930

CP4 450 45 N/A 510 5 960

CP5 460 48 2A 550 5.5 1030


Guaranteed Placement in HTIC

定められた科目を履修することで、Peace Studies, Discover East Asia: Language and Cultural Immersion, Hospitality and Tourism Studies の修了証を卒業証書と合わせて取得できる特別プログラムがあります。HTIC offers Peace Studies, Discover East Asia: Language and Cultural Immersion, and Hospitality and Tourism certificate programs. In addition to the A.A. degree, participants are issued a Certificate of Completion upon graduation.

Peace Studies, Discover East Asia, Hospitality and Tourism












Lower Intermediate




Upper Intermediate






学期制School Term and Year

There are two programs of study offered at HTIC: the Liberal Arts (LA) Program and the College Preparatory (CP) Program. A variety of courses are offered in each program, and classes are kept small, making it possible to give individualized attention to all students.

本学には、本科(Liberal Arts〈LA〉Program)と 予科(College Preparatory〈CP〉Program)の2つの教育プログラムがあります。本科は教養学科単科の短期大学。予科は今後アメリカの大学で勉強したい学生のために、必要な英語力とスタディスキルを養成するプログラムです。どちらも少人数のクラスで十分な個人指導を受けることができます。

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米国短期大学士(教養)(Associate of Arts Degree)を取得本科には下記のようなさまざまな科目が開講されており、学生各自の希望に応じて選択することができます。修了者は米国短期大学士(教養)(Associate of Arts Degree)を取得できます。

Social SciencesThe American ExperienceDiversity in American LifeContemporary American Issues: Domestic IssuesContemporary American Issues: Global IssuesCultural AnthropologyJapanese CultureIntroduction to Intercultural CommunicationIntroduction to CommunicationIntroduction to EconomicsWorld Regional GeographyGeography and Contemporary SocietyAmerican Government and PoliticsInternational RelationsIssues in International RelationsNonviolent Political SolutionsSurvey of PsychologyPsychology of AdjustmentIntroduction to SociologyRace and Ethnic Relations in Hawai‘iPrinciples of MicroeconomicsPrinciples of Macroeconomics

Mathematics and ScienceThe Natural EnvironmentSurvey of MathematicsIntroduction to StatisticsBiology and SocietyIntroduction to Science: PhysicalIntroduction to Science: Hawaiian EnvironmentEnvironmental IssuesBasic AlgebraPrecalculus

Language Arts and LiteratureExpository WritingResearch WritingCreative WritingBusiness WritingAmerican LiteratureBritish LiteratureWorld LiteratureScience Fiction ClassicsLiterature of PeaceThe Press and SocietyNewswritingPersonal and Public Speech

Performance of LiteratureElementary MandarinElementary KoreanElementary JapaneseIntermediate Japanese

Arts and HumanitiesIntroduction to the Visual ArtsIntroduction to Digital PhotographyIntroduction to DrawingIntroduction to PaintingIntroduction to Western ArtIntroduction to Eastern ArtHawaiian QuiltingWorld CivilizationsEast Asian CivilizationsIntroduction to American HistoryHistory of the Hawaiian IslandsThemes in HumanitiesIntroduction to Music LiteratureMusic in World CulturesChorusIntroduction to PhilosophyIntroduction to the World's Major ReligionsHistory of JapanAsian TraditionsCritical Thinking

Interdisciplinary and Other StudiesIntroduction to FitnessPilatesCustomer Service and CareerIntroduction to Travel and TourismIntroduction to Japanese: Business and HospitalityDigital Tools for the Information AgeBusiness InternshipIntroduction to DanceJudoBeginning YogaIntroduction to ComputersVideo Editing/Making FilmsWebpage Design: Desktop PublishingFreshman Seminar: An Introduction to Higher EducationCareer/Life Exploration and PlanningService LearningSeminar on Peace StudiesSophomore Seminar: The Capstone Course

リーディング、ライティング、リスニング、スピーキングを重視し、本科での学習能力を養成予科の授業はすべてアメリカ流の指導法を採用し、英語で行われます。予科は、本科の授業に必要な英語力の向上と学習スキルの修得を目的としたもので、英語力に応じてプレースメントテストにより、基礎(CP1) から上級(CP5) まで5段階に分けられています。各段階で授業を履修することにより、本科で必要な英語力を身につけます。LA 進学にはCP5修了とTOEFL® スコア450(PBT)または45 (iBT) 以上が必要です。

The following courses are offered in order to allow students to select courses based on their needs. Students who meet degree completion requirements are awarded an American Associate of Arts degree.

HTIC is an American college and all classes are taught in English. The CP Program provides students with the opportunity to develop their English language abilities and the study skills necessary to successfully enter and complete the LA program. The CP Program consists of five English competency levels and students are placed in the appropriate level based on the results of a placement test. As students complete each level of study, they gain the skills necessary to succeed in the LA Program. A TOEFL® score of over 450 points (PBT) or over 45 points (iBT) is required to advance to the LA Program.

Raising learning proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

College Preparatory Program Courses

Introductory Listening & Speaking Introductory Writing Situational English and Study Skills Introductory Reading Skills & Discussion Introductory Grammar

CP Level 1

Elementary Listening & Speaking Elementary Writing The Foundations of World History Elementary Reading Skills & Discussion Elementary Grammar

CP Level 2

Advanced Listening & Speaking Advanced Writing The Foundations of American Studies Advanced Reading Skills & Discussion Advanced Grammar

CP Level 5

Lower Intermediate Listening & Speaking Lower Intermediate Writing The Foundations of Earth Science Lower Intermediate Reading Skills & Discussion Lower Intermediate Grammar

CP Level 3

Higher Intermediate Listening & Speaking Higher Intermediate Writing The Foundations of Sociology Higher Intermediate Reading Skills & Discussion Higher Intermediate Grammar

CP Level 4

Classroom Without Walls 50 Classroom Without Walls 90

Classroom Without Walls 60

Classroom Without Walls 70

Classroom Without Walls 80

教育プログラムAcademic Programs

Liberal Arts Program

College Preparatory Program



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Student Services — We are here to assist you.

David Aller Student Support Officer

HTICでは、学生が参加できる様々な課外活動を提供しています。学業に加え、課外活動に参加することによってやりがいと重要性を感じることができるでしょう。HTIC 内でクラブ活動、行事、学生会に積極的に参加するよう学生課(OSS)で勧めています。学校のお休みの期間にできる隣島またはアメリカ本土でのホームステイも、学生課でサポートしています。美しい環境でアロハスピリットを感じながら大学で勉強することが可能な場所がハワイです。学生の教育面、生活面での重要なサポートをするのが学生課の仕事です。皆さんがHTICオハナ(ファミリー)の一員となる日を楽しみにしています。


HTIC’s contractual agreements with the schools allow students to transfer to these schools given that they meet the individualized application requirements for each institution. According to these agreements, credits earned at HTIC can be transferred smoothly, with some schools even offering scholarships. Transferring is not limited to the institutions listed; students can attend any college or university as long as it accepts academic transfers.

HTIC graduates earn Associate of Arts degree and 80% of them successfully transfer to 4-year colleges / universities in the U.S., Japan and other countries.Some of the graduates were accepted by the universities which were ranked in the world’s top 50 universities of “the US News Best Global Universities Ranking 2020.”


本学を修了すると米国短期大学士(教養)(Associates of Arts Degree)が授与され、毎年、卒業生の8割が米国や日本等の4年制大学に編入学しています。

米国の4年制大学では、US Newsが発表した世界大学ランキングの上位50大学を含む難関校にも合格しています。




Transfer Information

Advising (Every term)

80% of the graduates transferred to 4-year universities8割の卒業生が4年制大学へ編入! (The national average is approximately 40%. 米国の平均は約4割)

US 4-year universities ranked in top 50 of the US News Best Global Universities Rankings 2020

2020年 US News 世界大学ランキング上位50位以内 米国4年制大学への合格実績

#4 University of California, Berkeley #34 University of Texas, Austin #47 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities #50 University of Colorado, Boulder

カリフォルニア大学バークレー校 ■1テキサス大学オースチン校 ■2ミネソタ大学ツインシティ校 ■3コロラド大学ボールダー校 ■4

Other 4-year universities which HTIC graduates have transferred: その他米国4年制大学への編入実績

4-year international universities which HTIC graduates have transferred: 日本・オーストラリア等の4年制大学への編入実績

HAWAI‘I★Chaminade University of Honolulu❶★Hawai‘i Pacific University❷★University of Hawai‘i at Manoa❸★University of Hawai‘i at Hilo❹★University of Hawai‘i – West O’ahu❺

OTHER U.S.American University❻★Angelo State University❼Arizona State University❽Arkansas State University❾★Berkeley College (New York)❿California State University (Chico, East Bay, Fresno, Fullerton, Long Beach, Northridge, San Diego, San Jose, Sonoma)⓫★California State University, Monterey Bay⓬Florida International University⓭George Washington University⓮Gonzaga University⓯Metropolitan State University of Denver⓰★Minnesota State University, Mankato⓱Minnesota State University, Moorhead⓲★Northern Arizona University⓳Pacific University⓴Portland State University㉑Rutgers University㉒Salem State University㉓★San Francisco State University㉔State University of New York (Buffalo, Delhi, New Paltz, Stony Brook)㉕★St. Cloud State University (Minnesota)㉖St. John’s University㉗Suffolk University㉘

Syracuse University㉙Tulane University㉚★University at Albany, State University of New York㉛University of Massachusetts Amherst㉜University of Nevada, Las Vegas㉝University of North Dakota㉞University of Puget Sound㉟University of Oklahoma㊱★University of Oregon㊲University of Southern Mississippi㊳University of Wisconsin㊴West Virginia University㊵Western Oregon University㊶Willamette University㊷ , etc.

Aoyama Gakuin University★ International Budo UniversityCivil Aviation CollegeGakushuin University★Kansai Gaidai UniversityKochi UniversityKomazawa UniversityKumamoto UniversityMeiji Gakuin UniversityNihon UniversityRitsumeikan Asia Pacific UniversityRyukoku University★Temple University, Japan Campus★Tokai UniversityTokyo Woman’s Christian UniversityWaseda University


Macquarie UniversityMonash UniversitySouthern Cross University


Vancouver Island University


Kent University★Richmond, the American International University in London









































Welcome To HTIC! Your admission to this institution is not the end of your journey, rather it is the beginning. The road ahead may be long, hard, and challenging, but ultimately it will be very rewarding. I am here to help you on your journey here as well as set you up for the chapters to follow. Moving to America is not just an educational and language

challenge, but it is also a cultural challenge. My job here is to help you adapt and be successful. Feel free to come to me if you have any questions!

Mika Sasamoto International Student Officer

ようこそHTICへ! HTIC(アメリカ)で学ぶことは、ゴールではなく新しいスタートです。アメリカで学生生活を送ることは、言語だけではなく文化的な違いからもチャレンジすることがたくさんあります。目の前にある道は困難かもしれません。でも私たち(OSS)は皆さんがHTICで頑張ってもらうためにサポートします。

We are so excited to share with you a new world of opportunity that is here at HTIC. As you engage with faculty, staff, and other students, we encourage you to ask yourself, ‘What does it mean to be a global citizen?’ Here in the Office of Student Services, we are dedicated to supporting you

throughout your educational journey in answering this question. Through clubs, service learning, Student Government, and activities throughout campus, we look forward to watching you develop into an active member of a global community.

Nathan Pierce Director of Student Services


At HTIC, there are many opportunities for students to get involved. In addition to your academic life, participation in extracurricular activities can prove to be just as rewarding and important. We will encourage you to join clubs, activities, and student representative positions within the HTIC community. Students will also be encouraged to do homestays

during their time at HTIC, both on neighbor islands and the mainland. Hawai‘i is an amazing place to choose to further your education, as you will be able to experience the Aloha spirit and beautiful scenery that can only be found in the islands. The Office of Student Services staff are here to support you in this important phase of your education and life. We hope you decide to become a member of our 'ohana!

HTIC offers a variety of Liberal Arts courses to broaden and deepen your education while helping you prepare for transfer to a four-year university. Courses are designed to improve your academic skills, with special emphasis on reading, writing, oral communication, and critical thinking.

Earning an Associate in Arts degree from HTIC will lay the foundation for academic and career success. We hope you will consider making HTIC the place where you take your first step toward future success.

Nina Stewart Liberal Arts Academic Officer

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AA Bラーニングセンター/ 図書館学 生 寮( 4 人 部 屋 )

Classroom教 室

18席標準/スライド式白板/ディスプレイCapacity:18/ Multi-Surface Sliding Whiteboards/ Built-in Display

Tatsuro Matsumae Auditorium松 前 達 郎 講 堂

250名稼働式座席/ウェイトトレーニングルーム/配膳室/シャワー・ロッカールーム250 Retractable Seating / Mini Weight Training Gym/Food Prep Room/Showers and Lockers

ITサポート/プリンター・コピー機/チューターサービスIT Desktop Support/ Smart Copy Machine, Printers/ Tutoring Service

北ウィング:4人部屋38室、引率者用4室南ウィング:2人部屋38室、ゲストルーム10室North Wing: 38 Quads, 4 Singles for Escort South Wing: 38 Doubles, 10 Singles for Visiting Scholars


Learning Center / LibraryStudent Housing (Quad)

UHWO キャンパスビレッジ

Daniel K. Inouye International Airportダニエル・K・イノウエ国際空港

+HTICHawai‘i Tokai International College

UHWOUniversity of Hawai‘i - West O‘ahu



The HTIC-UHWO Partnership

⃝ HTIC and UHWO engage in shared educational activities

⃝�HTIC students have access to UHWO’s library, cafeteria, etc.

⃝�HTIC and UHWO have concluded an articulation (2+2) agreement

which allows HTIC students to transition smoothly into UHWO’s

four-year programs.

About the UHWO CampusUHWO is part of the University of Hawai‘i system and offers degrees in the liberal arts and professional studies.Planned Enrollment: 3,000Programs of Study: Bachelor of Arts - Humanities (English, Hawaiian-Pacific Studies, History, Philosophy), Professional Studies (Accounting, Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Management, Finance, General Business Administration, General Public Administration, Health Care Administration, Justice Administration, Management, Marketing, Risk Management and Insurance), Social Sciences (Anthropology, Early Childhood Education, Economics & Finance, Political Science, Psychology, Social Sciences-Applied Track, Sociology). Bachelor of Education. Bachelor of Applied Science – Computing, Electronics and Networking Technology, Culinary Management, Information Technology, Respiratory Care.




About KapoleiKapolei - O‘ahu’s “second city” after the capital, Honolulu - lies to the west of Daniel K. Inouye International Airport and Pearl Harbor. The City and County of Honolulu is promoting the development of the Kapolei area so that the growing population in West O‘ahu will have greater options other than commuting to Honolulu. Kapolei is home to the Ko Olina Beach Resort with world class accommodations, restaurants, and a golf course. The area shows great promise and employment opportunities with ongoing developments in tourism and leisure.


ダニエル・K・イノウエ国際空港から西行きで車で約20分。H-1 Exit 3(Kapolei/Ewa, UH West O‘ahu)下車すぐのUHWOキャンパスビレッジ内HTIC is located in the UHWO Campus Village approximately 20 minutes west of the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport. Take H-1 Freeway to Exit 3 (Kapolei/Ewa, UH West O‘ahu).


施設 ・ 設備




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In addition to the programs mentioned above, HTIC’s International Programs Department customizes English programs for primary to post-secondary school groups based on their educational goals and needs.


■マリンスポーツプログラム Marine Sports Program■川口市立高等学校英語研修プログラム   Kawaguchi High School Program■東海大学看護学科プログラム Tokai Nursing English Program■宮古島英語研修プログラム Miyakojima English Program■東海大学付属相模高等学校中等部プログラム  Sagami Junior High School Program■東海大学国際学科プログラム Tokai International Studies Program

(対象:全東海大学付属高校3年生 / Open to : Seniors at Tokai University high schools)進路が確定した付属高校3年生用のプログラムです。1月から2月までの2カ月間約50日、HTICに留学します。

SHIP is a 2 - month program for Tokai University high school seniors who are already accepted to Tokai University or HTIC. From January to February, students will not only study English but also improve their skills and techniques in research, presentation, and discussion, which will be the keys to their success in college.




Senior High School Intercultural Program

Medical English Workshop

Tokai JukuJapanese Summer Camp

(対象:初級レベルの日本語を学びたいハワイ州高校生/Open to: Hawai‘i students who are interested in learning beginning-level Japanese)

Tokai Juku is a 1-week intensive beginning level Japanese language program for high school students. Through this program, students are able to improve their communication skills by focusing on listening, speaking, reading and writing. They will also be participating in field trips with high school students from Japan to foster their intercultural understanding.

The Medical English Workshop is a 1-week program for 5th year students from medical schools in Japan. In addition to improving their case presentation skills in Medical English classes, students have the opportunity to practice new skills in clinical practice sessions alongside current University of Hawai‘i students. Through lectures by doctors and residents working in Hawai‘i, students are able to learn about residency programs in the U.S. Visits to medical schools and hospitals enable students to compare and contrast medicine and medical education in Japan and the U.S. By attending The Medical English Workshop, students have a unique opportunity to further their medical education.

(対象:医学部5年次/Open to : 5th year medical school students)日本にある複数の大学から医学部生が参加する1週間の集中医学英語研修です。ケースプレゼンテーションに関する医学英語のレッスンに加え、ハワイ大学医学部生を患者役にした問診練習で英語力に磨きをかけます。ハワイの現役医師による講義やハワイで臨床実習をしている日本人実習生(resident)の体験談を聞くことにより、将来アメリカで臨床実習を行うための情報収集ができます。さらに、現地での医学部、病院訪問を通して日本とアメリカの医学や医学教育の違いも学びます。医学教育の一端を担うユニークなプログラムです。

International Programs at HTIC offers customized intensive English language programs that include classes on reading, writing, conversation, public speaking, presentation skills, and more. These programs, specially tailored to meet the specific needs and English level of each individual group, also include classes on American and Hawaiian culture. These programs allow students to experience the excitement and quality of learning at HTIC. (Inquiry: [email protected])

HTICでは、中学校、高校、大学、その他の教育機関向けにカスタマイズした短期プログラムを提供しています。各学校、団体の要望に合わせて、リーディング、ライティング、会話、パブリックスピーキング、プレゼンテーションスキル、アメリカ文化、ハワイ文化などの授業を行います。ぜひプログラムを通してHTICの素晴らしさを体験してください。(お問い合わせ先:[email protected]

短期プログラムInternational Programs


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A1. HTICについて

About HTIC

HTICはどんな学校ですか?Q1HTIC は 米 国 西 地 区 学 校・ 大 学 協 会(WASC-



HTIC is a two-year liberal arts junior college accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC-ACCJC). There are two programs of study at HTIC – the Liberal Arts (LA) Program, in which students can earn an Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree, and the College Preparatory (CP) Program, which prepares students with the English language and academic skills necessary to succeed in the LA program and beyond. About 80 percent of our graduates transfer to four-year institutions in the U.S., Japan, and other countries. All classes are conducted in English, and classes are limited to 18 students in order to foster comfortable communication between students and teachers. By studying together in Hawai‘i, a place where East meets West, students from the U.S. and other countries can broaden their worldview while developing their academic skills. For students who wish to become global citizens and promote intercultural understanding, HTIC is an ideal learning environment.


問わず学校が所在する州が属する地域の基準認定協会が定期的に大学の審査を行うことで統一された教育レベルを保っています。なお、地域の基準認定協会は、米国政府連邦教育省の基準認定を受けています。HTICは、ハワイ州にある他の大学・短期大学と同様に米国西地区大学・学校基準認定協会(WASC/ACCJC)の基準認定を受けています。ハワイ州にはおよそ160の「大学」( “College” か “University” )と名前の付く教育機関がありますが、そのなかでこの基準認定を受けている大学はHTICを含めて15校です。基準認定の審査では、高等教育としての学生・教授陣・設備・授業などの質が厳しくチェックされます。なお、この基準認定を受けていない教育機関は、俗に



Q2 大学の基準認定とは何ですか?認定を受けていない大学もあるのですか?

What is the Accrediting Commission and why is it important? Are there non-accredited colleges ?

While the Ministry of Education serves as the accrediting agency regulating junior colleges and universities in Japan, private and public universities in the U.S. are monitored by the accrediting commission responsible for their geographic region. These regional accrediting commissions are in turn recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Accreditation is important because it not only ensures the academic quality and the administrative and fiscal stability of an institution, it also assists in the ease with which credits earned at one institution are successfully transferred to another. HTIC is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges/Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (WASC/ACCJC). Although there are around 160 “colleges and universities” in Hawai‘i, only 15, including HTIC, are accredited. Non-accredited institutions called “diploma mills,” which issue degrees after a substandard or no education in exchange for a fee, are a continuing social problem.

What kind of college is HTIC?

HTIC’s tuition and fees for either the LA or CP Program is $4,250 per term. The total yearly cost for students attending all four terms is $17,000. The dormitory fees are outlined in the chart above. Tuition payment is due on or before the first day of instruction.

HTIC offers a limited number of “Global Citizen Scholarships” for students in the LA program. The maximum scholarship award is 50% of the term’s tuition. Students who maintain a GPA (grade point average) of 3.5 or higher and demonstrate a commitment to community service both inside and outside of HTIC are qualified to apply. In addition, CP students who achieve a TOEFL® score of 500 or higher can receive a $500 “TOEFL 500 Club Scholarship” from HTIC.


本学では、独自の奨学金を設けております。“Global Citizen Scholarships” は本科の学生が受けることができます。GPAが3.5以上で、サービスラーニングを行っていると、学費50%免除の奨学金に応募することが



●入学時少なくとも1学期分の授業料を納入すること。 (単位:US$)


授業料 1学期 4,250活動・施設設備費 1学期 220

インターネット接続料 1学期 45

寮 費(2人/4人部屋仕様)


1学期分寮費 2,200/1,900


入寮申込金 20入・退寮費 100リネン一式 75

●その他の主な必要経費 (単位:US$)

① 教科書等の経費 1学期あたり約400② 医療保険料(なるべく日本で加入してくること) 1カ月あたり約100③ 食費(ミールプラン) *HTIC/ハワイ大学カフェテリアを利用 *入寮生はプランを必ず購入のこと

1学期 約800

※ 変更の可能性あり

●Payment for one term is necessary at time of admission(US $)

LA/CP Programs

Tuition Per Term 4,250

Student Fees Per Term 220

Internet Fee Per Term 45

Dormitory FeesPer Student


Per Term 2,200/1,900

One-Time Fees

Dormitory Application Fee


Move in & out fee 100

Linen Fee 75

●Standard student expenses per term (US $)

①Textbooks, etc. approximately 400 / term

② Health insurance (Recommended to purchase in your country)

approximately 100 / month

③Meals (Meal plan)*HTIC/UHWO cafeteria* Meal plans are mandatory for all dormitory residents

approximately 800 / term

*Subject to Change





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3. HTIC 卒業後の進路After Graduation from HTIC

2. ハワイでの生活についてLife in Hawai‘i

Should I bring a laptop computer?

Having access to a computer is very important to your studies. HTIC has computers available for students to use in the computer laboratories and the library; however, having your own laptop computer may be convenient when writing papers or preparing for presentations. In addition, the campus has a wireless LAN system, so students with laptop computers have 24-hour access to the Internet from student residences, classrooms, and hallways.





At HTIC, we have an elected student government and student clubs. The members of the student government support their fellow students and work to improve student life at HTIC. Students interested in club activities may join gaming, hiking, music, career design, basketball, craft, international, hula, and English clubs. Students must maintain certain academic standards in order to participate in club activities. Volunteering and service learning are also important aspects of education at HTIC and great opportunities to interact with the local community.



ADoes HTIC have any extracurricular activities?

How are classes at HTIC conducted?

Classes at HTIC are small, with an average class size of about 10 students and a maximum class size of around 18 students. Small classes allow teachers to give more attention to each student. HTIC’s classes require active student participation, so if you have any questions, please do not be afraid to ask your teachers during class. All classes are conducted in English.




Is O‘ahu Island a safe place?

The island of O‘ahu is Hawai‘i’s major tourist destination with over 4,000 visitors a day. Although O‘ahu is relatively safe, you should always take precautions to be safe. Crimes, especially those targeting tourists, are not uncommon. During your time in Hawai‘i, it is important to remember that you are here as a student, not as a tourist on vacation, and behave accordingly.




Can I work part-time while studying at HTIC?

Under the U.S. Immigration Laws, international students are not allowed to work off-campus.



Because of Hawai‘i’s multicultural community, medical personnel fluent in many languages are available to students. HTIC has an off-campus school doctor who can provide medical treatment in both Japanese and English. Students who have medical conditions or health concerns should ask their primary doctor for a copy of their medical records and bring them to Hawai‘i in order to receive necessary treatment from the school doctor while studying at HTIC. Please remember that health insurance is mandatory for all international students. Although it is possible to obtain insurance once you arrive in the U.S., we recommend that you sign up with a carrier before your departure as the insurance coverage may be more comprehensive (medical, accident, liability, etc.) in your home country.

アメリカの4年制大学に編入できますか?Can I transfer to a four-year university/college in the U.S.?

HTIC is accredited by WASC/ACCJC (see Q2) ; therefore, you may transfer to a U.S. four-year institution after receiving your A.A. degree from HTIC. HTIC has articulation agreements with many schools in the U.S., Japan, and elsewhere in order to ease the transfer process (see Transfer page for the complete list of schools).





Can I transfer to a four-year university/college in Japan?

In principle, you will be able to transfer to any university/college in Japan; however, you must clear the university/college’s transfer requirements. The number of HTIC credits that you will be able to transfer depends on each university/ college and each department/school’s standards. In general, the transfer of credits to an institution with which HTIC has an academic agreement will be smoother, but the amount of transferable credits may differ depending on your choice of department/school. Because HTIC is part of the Tokai University Educational System, students may transfer to most Tokai University departments/schools, with the exception of the School of Medicine and the Department of Aviation. (Please contact HTIC for details.)





What should I do if I have a medical condition or if I become sick or injured while studying in Hawai‘i?

既往症がある場合や病気 ・ 怪我をした時はどうすればよいですか?Q8




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Messages from Graduates and Students 卒業生・在学生からのメッセージ

Melanie SweeneyGraduated: Winter 2014 Temple University Japan Campus Major: Japanese Currently working for UIT Inc.

When I was in high school, I found out about Temple University Japan Campus and it was my dream to go to school there so that I could jumpstart my dream of living in Japan. Since my mother wasn't keen on it and insisted that I go to a school in Hawai‘i so she could "visit me," I stumbled across HTIC and decided to start my college life there. Studying at HTIC helped me make lifelong friends not only at their Hawai‘i campus, but also at their Shonan campus through the Discover East Asia program. Currently, I work for UIT (United International Technologists) Inc. as not just a translator/interpreter, but also as a leader of the design team and member of the innovation team. My time at HTIC helped me increase not just my Japanese abilities, but also my critical thinking abilities and ability to communicate with non-native English speakers. To students who are looking to transfer to HTIC : make the jump and join the school. Your world will open up in an instant. Use this chance to see the world while you're young.

As a homeschool student from kindergarten to high school, I found the small learning community at HTIC to be the perfect place for me to transition into the American school system. HTIC allowed me to hone my Japanese conversation skills, as most of my friends spoke to me in Japanese. Because I was not sure of what type of degree I wanted, the 15 short months spent at HTIC gave me a little more time decide on a major and a university. Now a student at Tokai University, I find that many of the liberal arts courses I took at HTIC provided me a strong foundation for my future, especially in the fields of international economics and politics. HTIC is a suitable stepping stone for non-native English speakers who wish to transfer to an American university, as well as for native English speakers who wish to transfer to a Japanese university. In addition, HTIC is a smart investment for those just graduating from high school who are not yet fully certain of their desired major. Studying at HTIC can open up many doors of opportunity for those who wish to become a global citizen.

Rena AsanoGraduated: Fall 2017Tokai UniversityMajor: International Studies





It wasn’t easy to discover University of Massachusetts Amherst amongst all universities in America, but I was able to make the decision to go to this university with the help of the advisors at HTIC. There have been many days where I cannot believe I am where I am, but I learned to be confident and meet all kinds of people through it all. There were times when I envied my friends’ who stayed to study in Japan; however, you should take advantage of your youth and experience all that the world has to offer. Studying abroad may seem intimidating. As I struggle with anxiety, my confidence in my abilities to study abroad faltered. HTIC helped me overcome these issues by teaching me the basics of English and life in America. Also, it’s Hawai‘i! There are so many fun things to do if you open your mind. HTIC is a small school, but everyone becomes a big family so you are never alone. The days you will spend at HTIC will be unforgettable, so please take it a small step full of courage – a new world is waiting for you.

Taiga ShimadaGraduated: Fall 2018University of Massachusetts Major: Political ScienceCurrently studying at University of Massachusetts Amherst


My wish when finding a college was to find a way to be able to expand my Japanese language skills, make friends from outside of the United States, and be able to discover a career that I want to be committed to. I saw Hawai‘i Tokai International College as a college that would be able to fulfill those wishes. The school provides the combination of knowledge of both Japanese culture and language. The professors here are able to provide

me with full assistance when I needed because classroom size is relatively small which increases one-on-one conversation. HTIC is also well known for active involvement in volunteer services. One of the types of volunteer services I participated in was to help a bimonthly watch over the turtles at Lanikai Beach and provide information to both tourists primarily and locals. The best part of doing the service was being able to meet new people and understanding how to become a better communicator. Life at Hawai‘i Tokai is unforgettable and irreplaceable.

Kaito Nishiji – LA Student(米国・ハワイ)

I came to HTIC to follow my dream of working abroad in the future. The instructors at HTIC are kind and polite when teaching English. At the start of my journey in Hawai‘i, I couldn't understand English at all, but now I am able to enjoy and understand English through classes, assignments and presentations. This college has many local students, so you have the opportunity to improve

your English. On weekends, in Hawai‘i, we can go to beautiful places like the ocean and mountains. I will continue to study hard and absorb all the valuable experiences that can only be gained in Hawai‘i.


Shuto Sakai – CP Student(日本)


When I was a high school student, I wanted to improve my English, but never thought of studying in a difficult environment since I was so used to living in a Japanese environment. HTIC has changed me a lot. HTIC has an environment where English must always be used, so we always communicate in English. Occasionally I struggle to convey my thoughts, but living in Hawai‘i has

definitely helped me grow. In the LA program, we can study a variety of subjects such as math, history, psychology, etc. Classes are fun and make me want to learn more. Those classes are also challenging with a lot of assignments, quizzes and exams. Although there are times when classes are difficult, the results of studying in a different language can greatly improve your confidence. I want to continue tackling challenges head-on for the rest of my time at HTIC.

Miku Kanayama – LA Student(日本)

I came to HTIC in order to improve my English ski l ls because I bel ieve English is important to determine future employment and expand my horizons. Before coming to HTIC, my English skills were poor and was definitely one of my weakest subjects at school. I was attracted to HTIC because I wanted to make up for the skills I was lacking. In one of the CP classes, the Classroom

Without Walls (CWW) course, we do research by going out into the community on field trips. During CWW classes, I had a great time interviewing the local community and UH West O‘ahu. I learned to listen to many different opinions and ideas about social and environmental issues. It made me realize that I am gaining a positive out-of-class experience through CWW. If you still don't know what you want to do in the future, HTIC is a perfect place for students to broaden their mind.

Utano Ozawa – CP Student(日本) 将来の就職先を決める、視野を広げるためにも英語は大事になると思い、英語をしっかり勉強するためにHTICに入学しました。高校生の頃、英語の点数は悪く、とても得意な教科とはいえませんでした。そのため、自分に足りないスキルを補おうと い う 気 持 ち も あ り、HTIC に 強 く 惹 か れ ま し た。CP のClassroom Without Walls という課外授業では、リサーチトピックスに対し、町の人や、ハワイ大学の学生さんたちにインタビューをします。この課外授業を通して、日本とは全く違う社会や環境への意見や考えを聞くことができ、教室の外での有益な経験を得ることができました。もし、まだ将来の自分像がはっきりわからない、将来何がしたいかわからないという生徒さんには、将来の視野を広げるためにも、HTICはとてもいい場所だと思います。

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Students may apply for admission to any of HTIC’s four terms. For application materials and additional details, please visit our website ( or contact our Admissions Office.

In addition to the requirements listed above, a personal interview may be requested to determine acceptance to HTIC. Please take note of the application deadlines as they differ based upon your status as a student: U.S. citizens who do not require a visa, international students transferring from another American college who already have student visas, and those who must apply for a visa (see table above).

Admissions Procedures

Application forms and additional information are available at:

General Admissions Requirements:1) Completed “Application for Admission” form and application fee

2) Official Transcripts / Certificate of High School Graduation (or equivalent)

3) Admissions Essay (instructions provided in the application materials)

4) Student Health Clearance Form

5) Financial Support Statement (international students only)

6) TOEFL®, IELTS or STEP EIKEN results (international students only) – TOEFL® PBT 500 or iBT 61 is required for Liberal Arts Program (LA)

7) A letter of recommendation (optional)

8) Completed HTIC Residence Hall Application form and application fee (only those applying for on-campus housing)

Note: Application fees are nonrefundable.

Please send application forms to: Office of Admissions, Hawai‘i Tokai International College 91-971 Farrington Highway, Kapolei, HI 96707 USAPhone: +1-808-983-4202Fax: +1-808-983-4107Email: [email protected]

Application Deadline Dates

Term Students Visa needed Others First day of orientation

Fall 2020 June 1, 2020 (Mon.) Aug. 3, 2020 (Mon.) Sept. 21, 2020 (Mon.)

Winter 2021 Sept. 1, 2020 (Tue.) Nov. 2, 2020 (Mon.) Jan. 4, 2021 (Mon.)

Spring 2021 Dec. 1, 2020 (Tue.) Feb. 1, 2021 (Mon.) Mar. 29, 2021 (Mon.)

Summer 2021 Mar. 1, 2021 (Mon.) May 3, 2021 (Mon.) June 21, 2021 (Mon.)

Fall Term 2020September 21-23 Mon-Wed Orientation Activities 新入生オリエンテーションSeptember 24 Thursday First Day of Classes 始業日September 28 Monday Fall Convocation 始業式December 4 Friday Last Day of Fall Term 終業日December 5 Saturday Commencement Ceremony 卒業式Winter Term 2021January 4-6 Mon-Wed Orientation Activities 新入生オリエンテーションJanuary 7 Thursday First Day of Classes 始業日January 11 Monday Winter Convocation 始業式March 19 Friday Last Day of Winter Term 終業日Spring Term 2021March 29 - April 2 Mon-Fri Orientation Activities 新入生オリエンテーションApril 5 Monday First Day of Classes 始業日April 6 Tuesday Spring Convocation 始業式June 10 Thursday Last Day of Spring Term 終業日June 12 Saturday Commencement Ceremony 卒業式Summer Term 2021June 21-23 Mon-Wed Orientation Activities 新入生オリエンテーションJune 24 Thursday First Day of Classes 始業日July 6 Tuesday Summer Convocation 始業式September 3 Friday Last Day of Summer Term 終業日


2020-2021 Schedule

Schedule Admissions Information年間スケジュール

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出  願


留学ビザ申請が必要な方 その他 オリエンテーション開始日(予科)

秋学期2020年 2020年 6月1日(月) 2020年 8月3日(月) 2020年9月21日(月)

冬学期2021年 2020年 9月1日(火) 2020年11月2日(月) 2021年1月 4日(月)

春学期2021年 2020年12月1日(火) 2021年 2月1日(月) 2021年3月29日(月)

夏学期2021年 2021年 3月1日(月) 2021年 5月3日(月) 2021年6月21日(月)


① Application for Admission(願書)② Supplemental Application(経費支弁証明)③ Admissions Essay(小論文)④ Student Health Clearance Form(健康調査書)⑤ HTIC Housing Application(入寮申請書)⑥ 銀行の英文預金残高証明書($24,345以上もしくは同等の日本円残高 ※米ドル換算表記必須)⑦ 高等学校の成績書(英語)、卒業(見込)証明書(英語)、調査書(日本語)、または高等学校卒業程度

認定試験の英文合格成績証明書⑧ 志願票(下記HTIC日本語版ウェブサイトよりダウンロードし、提出) (⑨パスポートのコピー(顔写真が載っているページ)⑩TOEFL®、英検等のスコアのコピー(保有者のみ)⑪ 受験料 10,000円(支払方法は、HTIC入試事務局へお問い合わせください)

(注):1. 提出された書類および受験料は返却いたしません。2. 合格した場合、ビザ申請用として銀行の英文預金残高証明書がもう1通必要です。

出 願 先

Office of Admissions, Hawaiʻi Tokai International College91-971 Farrington Highway, Kapolei, HI 96707 USAもしくは、〒259-1292 神奈川県平塚市北金目4-1-1 東海大学 グローバル推進本部 内ハワイ東海インターナショナルカレッジ入試事務局

試 験 日 出願書類を受領次第、随時書類審査を実施します。

選抜方法 書類審査

合格発表 書類審査終了後、合否を通知します(出願書類受領から概ね1カ月以内に結果を通知します)。

入学の準備 パスポート取得、米国留学ビザ取得、その他(詳細は合格通知時に送付)

オリエンテーション他 入学する学期の始業日の数日前より開始(詳細は合格通知時に送付)。



Admissions Information for Applicants in Japan2020―21年度入試情報

2020年9月27日(日) (予定)● 開催時間および詳細は下記へお問い合わせください(2020年8月以降)。


ハワイ東海インターナショナルカレッジ入試事務局(東海大学グローバル推進本部内)Phone : 0463-50-2471E-mail : [email protected]

●場所/ 東海大学高輪キャンパス 〈アクセス〉

•東京メトロ南北線・都営地下鉄三田線「白金高輪駅」下車、出口1から左に進み、徒歩約8分 •都営地下鉄浅草線「泉岳寺駅」下車、A2出口より徒歩約10分 •JR山手線・京浜東北線「高輪ゲートウェイ駅」下車、徒歩12分 • JR・京浜急行「品川駅」下車、高輪口より徒歩約18分(改札より右方向(田町方面)に進み、

「高輪2丁目」交差点を左折) • JR・京浜急行「品川駅」下車、高輪口より都バス「目黒駅行」に乗り「高輪警察署前」下車、徒歩約3分

●対象/ 2020 -21年各学期の入試を希望する高校卒業生、高校生(2021年3月卒業予定者)、その他



※ 本学についてお問い合わせをいただいたり、本学から資料等をお送りする際にご提供いただいた皆様の個人情報は、ご本人様の承諾なしに第三者に提供することはいたしません。また、本ガイドブックの内容は予告なく変更することがあります。

 米国大学への留学を考えている皆さんは日本と違う教育システムや、生活スタイルについて少なからず不安や疑問をもたれていることと思います。HTICではそんな皆さんのために、日本で説明会を行い、本学の教育システムや卒業後の進路、生活環境などについて、皆さんの質問にお答えしています。また入学後は、在学生の保護者面談を行い、ハワイでの修学、生活状況、進路相談などについて、HTICの教職員が直接対応いたします。 このように日本の学生、保護者の皆さんと常に緊密に対応させていただくことは、一般米国大学にはないHTICで修学する大きなメリットの一つです。

※ 2020年の保護者面談の日程につきましては、HTIC入試事務局(東海大学グローバル推進本部内 0463-50-2471)までお問い合わせください。



各種英語検定のスコアや資格をお持ちの方は、証明できる書類を出願時に提出してください。入学時にはプレースメントテストを行いますが、各種検定スコアを持っている場合はプレースメントテストまたは検定スコアのどちらか良い方を採用してクラス分けを行います。実際のプレースメントは入学時に行いますので、入学時までにスコアや資格が取得できた場合は必ず証明する書類を持参してください。スコア、資格の取得日は入学時からさかのぼって2年以内のものを有効とします。GTEC for Students (Advanced)についてはSpeakingを除きます。IELTSについてはAcademic Moduleの成績のみ有効とします。各種英語検定スコアについてご不明な点はお問い合わせください。


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Think Ahead, Act for Humanity

ハワイ東海インターナショナルカレッジHawai‘i Tokai International College

91-971 Farrington Highway, Kapolei, Hawai‘i 96707, U.S.A.Phone: +1-808-983-4122 Fax: +1-808-983-4173

Email: [email protected]:


〒259-1292 神奈川県平塚市北金目4-1-1Phone: 0463-50-2471 Fax: 0463-50-2470

Email: [email protected]: