GasLog Q4 2012 results presentation

GASLOG LTD Fourth Quarter Earnings Presenta8on 2012 27 February 2013

Transcript of GasLog Q4 2012 results presentation

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GASLOG  LTD  Fourth  Quarter  Earnings  Presenta8on  2012  

27  February  2013  

Page 2: GasLog Q4 2012 results presentation

   Forward  Looking  Statements  


This  presenta6on  contains  “forward-­‐looking  statements”  as  defined  in  the  Private  Securi6es  Li6ga6on  Reform  Act  of  1995.    The  reader  is  cau6oned  not  to  rely  on  these  forward-­‐looking  statements.    These  statements  are  based  on  current  expecta6ons  of  future  events.    If  underlying  assump6ons  prove   inaccurate  or  unknown  risks  or  uncertain6es  materialize,  actual   results  could  vary  materially   from  our  expecta6ons  and  projec6ons.    Risks  and  uncertain6es  include,  but  are  not  limited  to,  general  LNG  and  LNG  shipping  market  condi6ons  and  trends,  including  charter  rates,  ship  values,  factors  affec6ng  supply  and  demand  and  opportuni6es  for  the  profitable  opera6ons  of  LNG   carriers;   our   con6nued   ability   to   enter   into  mul6-­‐year   6me   charters  with   our   customers;   our   contracted   charter   revenue;   our  customers’   performance   of   their   obliga6ons   under   our   6me   charters   and   other   contracts;   the   effect   of   the   worldwide   economic  slowdown;  future  opera6ng  or  financial  results  and  future  revenue  and  expenses;  our  future  financial  condi6on  and  liquidity;  our  ability  to   obtain   financing   to   fund   capital   expenditures,   acquisi6ons   and   other   corporate   ac6vi6es,   and   funding   by   banks   of   their   financial  commitments;   future,   pending   or   recent   acquisi6ons   of   ships   or   other   assets,   business   strategy,   areas   of   possible   expansion   and  expected   capital   spending   or   opera6ng   expenses;   our   ability   to   enter   into   shipbuilding   contracts   for   newbuilding   ships   and   our  expecta6ons  about  the  availability  of  exis6ng  LNG  carriers  to  purchase,  as  well  as  our  ability  to  consummate  any  such  acquisi6ons;  our  expecta6ons  about  the  6me  that  it  may  take  to  construct  and  deliver  newbuilding  ships  and  the  useful  lives  of  our  ships;  number  of  off-­‐hire  days,  drydocking  requirements  and  insurance  costs;  our  an6cipated  general  and  administra6ve  expenses;  fluctua6ons  in  currencies  and   interest   rates;   our   ability   to  maintain   long-­‐term   rela6onships  with  major   energy   companies;   expira6on  dates   and   extensions   of  charters;   our   ability   to  maximize   the   use   of   our   ships,   including   the   re-­‐employment   or   disposal   of   ships   no   longer   under  mul6-­‐year  charter   commitments;   environmental   and   regulatory   condi6ons,   including   changes   in   laws   and   regula6ons   or   ac6ons   taken   by  regulatory  authori6es;  risks  inherent  in  ship  opera6on,  including  the  discharge  of  pollutants;  availability  of  skilled  labor,  ship  crews  and  management;  poten6al  disrup6on  of  shipping  routes  due  to  accidents,  poli6cal  events,  piracy  or  acts  by  terrorists;  and  poten6al  liability  from  future  li6ga6on.  A  further  list  and  descrip6on  of  these  risks,  uncertain6es  and  other  factors  can  be  found  in  our  Prospectus  filed  April  2,  2012.    Copies  of  the  Prospectus,  as  well  as  subsequent  filings,  are  available  online  at  or  on  request  from  us.    We  do  not  undertake  to  update  any  forward-­‐looking  statements  as  a  result  of  new  informa6on  or  future  events  or  developments.    The  declara6on  and  payment  of  dividends  is  at  all  6mes  subject  to  the  discre6on  of  our  Board  of  Directors  and  will  depend  on,  among  other  things,  our  earnings,  financial  condi6on,  cash  requirements  and  availability,  restric6ons  in  our  credit  facili6es  and  the  provisions  of  Bermuda  law  and  such  other  factors  as  the  Board  of  Directors  may  deem  advisable.      

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•   Highlights  

•   Financial  Highlights  

•   Market  Update  

•   Business  Overview  

•   Summary  

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•  GasLog  is  paying  a  second  quarterly  dividend  of  $0.11  per  common  share  on  March  25,  2013.  

•  Delivery  of  GasLog  Shanghai  on  January  28,  2013  ahead  of  schedule.  

•  Contracted   2   LNG   newbuildings   at   Samsung   Heavy   Industries   for   delivery   in   2016.   Vessels  chartered  out  to  BG  Group  for  minimum  10  years.  

•  For   the   fourth   quarter,   GasLog   reports   Revenue   of   $18.3   million,   EBITDA*   of   $8.5   million,  Adjusted  EBITDA*  of  $7.6  million,  Profit  of  $2.7  million  and  Adjusted  Profit*  of  $1.8  million.  

•  For  full  year  2012,  GasLog  reports  Revenue  of  $68.5  million,  EBITDA*  of  $27.8  million,  Adjusted  EBITDA*  of  $34.0  million,  Profit  of  $4.2  million  and  Adjusted  Profit*  of  $10.5  million.  

*  See  Annex  1  for  reconcilia6on  of  EBITDA,  Adjusted  EBITDA,  and  Adjusted  Profit  

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(USD%'000) Q4%2012% Q4%2011 Q4%2012% Q4%2011

Revenues 68,542 66,471 18,298 17,796

EBITDA 27,781 36,140 8,543 5,564

Adjusted%EBITDA 34,017 38,738 7,619 7,956

Share%of%Profit%of%Associate 1,078 1,312 317 293

Net%Financials% (17,279) (12,315) (2,364) (5,176)

Net%Profit%/%(loss) 4,221 13,723 2,678 (334)

Adjusted%Net%Profit% 10,457 16,322 1,754 2,058

EPS,%diluted%($/share) 0.07 0.36 0.04 (0.01)

Adjusted%EPS,%diluted%($/share) 0.18 0.42 0.03 0.05

Average%Number%of%Vessels:Owned 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00Managed 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0


76,887 76,378 76,886 76,897

Utilisation 100% 100% 100% 100%

12 months 3 months

   Financial  Highlights  


1.  See  Annex  1  for  reconcilia6on  of  EBITDA,  Adjusted  EBITDA,  Adjusted  Net  Profit  and  Adjusted  EPS.        In  2012,  Adjusted  EBITDA,  Adjusted  Net  Profit  and  Adjusted  EPS,  exclude  the  non-­‐cash  loss/gain  caused  primarily  from  mark-­‐to-­‐market  valua6on  of  interest  rate  swaps  ($6.8  million  loss  for  the  year  and  $0.2  million  gain  for  the  3  months)  and  foreign  exchange  gains  ($0.5  million  for  the  year  and  $0.7  million  for  the  3  months).  

2.  Net  Financials  represents  financial  costs,  financial  income,  and  gain/loss  on  interest  rate  swaps,  net.  






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   Financial  Highlights  


(USD%'000) 31+Dec+12% 31+Dec+11%Assets

Non+current%assetsGoodwill 9,511 9,511Investment2in2associate 6,856 6,528Tangible2fixed2assets 426,880 438,902Deferred2financing2costs 24,279 14,289Other2nonEcurrent2assets 4,071 872Vessels2under2construction 217,322 109,070

Total%non+current%assets 688,918 579,172

Current%assetsTrade2and2other2receivables 2,432 2,683Dividends2receivable2and2due2from2related2parties 859 1,274Inventories 481 425Prepayments2and2other2current2assets 425 3,366Short2term2investments 104,674 0Cash2and2cash2equivalents 110,978 20,093

Total%current%assets 219,849 27,841

Total%assets 908,768 607,013

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   Financial  Highlights  


(USD%'000) 31+Dec+12% 31+Dec+11%Equity%&%Liabilities

EquityShare&capital 629 391Contributed&surplus 621,879 300,716Reserves (11,081) 1,744Accumulated&deficit (8,217) (12,437)Total%equity 603,210 290,414

Current%liabilitiesTrade&accounts&payable 1,794 1,705Ship&management&creditors 851 1,102Amounts&due&to&related&parties 122 114Derivative&financial&instruments 7,145 3,451Other&payables&and&accruals 15,094 18,541Loans&K&current&portion 25,753 24,277

Total%current%liabilities 50,759 49,190

Non+current%liabilitiesDerivative&financial&instruments 24,184 5,101Loans&K&nonKcurrent&portion 228,515 256,788Other&nonKcurrent&liabilities 2,100 5,520Total%non+current%liabilities 254,798 267,409

Total%equity%&%liabilities 908,768 607,013

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   Financial  Highlights  –  Debt  Facili6es  



1. Outstanding Balance as of December 31, 2012. 2. Lenders have a put option that gives them the right to request repayment of the facility in full on the fifth anniversary of the delivery of the first ship serving as collateral under the facility. 3. Represents the portion of the loan bearing interest at a floating rate that has been hedged to a fixed rate by way of an interest rate swap.

Ship Built Bank Loan (USD millions)

Expected Drawdown

Date Maturity GasLog Savannah 2010 DSF $146¹ N / A 2020

GasLog Singapore 2010 DnB, NBG, UBS $110¹ N / A 2014

GasLog Shanghai 2013 DnB, KEXIM $136 Q1 2013 20252

Hull 1947 2013 DnB, KEXIM $136 Q1 2013 20252

Hull 2016 2013 Nordea, ABN, Citi $139 Q2 2013 2019

Hull 2017 2013 Nordea, ABN, Citi $139 Q3 2013 2019

Hull 2041 2013 Credit Suisse $144 Q4 2013 2020

Hull 2042 2014 DnB, SEB, CBA, ING, DSF $143 Q1 2014 2021 / 2022

Hedged pct.


Hull 2043 2014 DnB, SEB, CBA, ING, DSF $146 Q4 2014 2021 / 2022

Hull 2044 2015 DnB, SEB, CBA, ING, DSF $146 Q1 2015 2021 / 2022




In total ~62% covered at 4.30% all-in fixed interest




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   Financial  Highlights  –  Looking  Forward  


The  following  table  summarizes  GasLog’s  contracted  full  year  revenues  for  the  next  10  years  and  vessel  u6liza6on,  within  the  Vessel  Ownership  segment.  These   include  the  recently  announced  2  newbuildings  and  charterparty  agreements,  signed  in  Q1-­‐2013.    

1   Revenue   calcula6ons   assume   365   revenue   days   per   annum,  with   30   off-­‐hire   days  when   the   ship   undergoes   scheduled   drydocking.   Two   of   our   ships   are  scheduled  to  be  drydocked  in  2015,  none  are  scheduled  to  be  drydocked  in  2016,  and  therealer  each  ship  is  expected  to  con6nue  their  5  year  drydocking  cycle.        


Full  year  G  &  A  for  2013  expected  to  be  in  line  with  2012.    Vessel  Opera6ng  &  Supervision  Costs  and  Net   Interest  cost  expected  to   increase   in  2013,   in-­‐line  with  5  deliveries  an6cipated  during  2013.  


2013  Cost  Es8mates  

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017)2022 Total

Contracted*time*charter*revenues (USD%mill.) ****************133* **********214* ********211* ***********234* **************802* ****1,594*Total*contracted*days (days) 1,742 2,831 2,768 2,988 9,853 20,182Total*available*days (days) 1,742 2,832 3,532 4,178 25,932 38,216Total*unfixed*days (days) B 1 764 1,190 16,079 18,034Percentage*of*total*contracted*days/total*available*days*for*the*twelve*ships

(pct.) 100% 100% 78% 72% 38% 53%

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   Market  Update  


 USA          China        Thailand  

LNG   shipping   con6nued   to   benefit   from   strong   industry   fundamentals.   Spot   rates   remained   at  historically  high  levels;  suppor6ng  op6mism  for  longer-­‐term  forward-­‐rates.  

We  expect  LNG  produc6on  to  increase.  Developments  in  Q4-­‐2012  include:    •  A   USA   Dept.   of   Energy   commissioned   study   concluded   LNG   exports   would   be   net  beneficial  for  the  US  economy.  

•  Total   announced   a   20   year   agreement   to   buy   2   million   tons   p.a.   from   Cheniere  Energy’s  Sabine  Pass  facility.    

 •  BG  announced  that  CNOOC  had  agreed  to  buy  interests  in  their  Cur6s  LNG  project  as  well  as  5  million  tons  p.a.  from  BG’s  global  porpolio.    

 •  GAIL  announced  a  20  year  agreement  to  buy  2.5  million  tons  p.a.  from  Gazprom.  

•  PTT  announced  a  20  year  deal  to  buy  2  million  tons  p.a.  from  Qatar.  


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   Business  Overview  -­‐  GasLog’s  recently  announced  orders  &  charters  


On  February  8th  2013,  GasLog  announced:  •  2  firm  orders  for  LNG  carriers  to  be  built  by  Samsung  Heavy  Industries,  South  Korea.  •  Each  ship  will  commence  10  year  6me  charters  to  BG  subsidiary  from  delivery  in  H1-­‐2016.  •  Combined  investment  of  $410-­‐420  million  (delivered  cost).  •  EBITDA  of  $47-­‐48  million  expected  in  the  first  twelve  months  of  opera6on.  •  We  now  hold  priced  op6ons  for  4  ships  at  Samsung.  

GasLog  also  agreed  to  modify  the  charter  currently  in  place  for  Hull  2017.  •  8   year   structure,   in  place  of   the   former  6   years.   Ini6al   3   years   as  before,  with   subsequent  5  

years  of  seasonal  charter  (each  year:  7  months  on  hire,  and  5  months  of  opportunity  for  GasLog  to  employ).  

•  EBITDA  of  approx.  $14-­‐16  million  expected  in  each  7  month  period.  

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   Business  Overview  


n  In addition, GasLog controls options for 4 additional LNG carrier newbuildings, with expiration July 2013.

Owned BuiltCapacity (mcbm) Propulsion Charterer

Methane Nile Eagle 25% 2007 145,000 Steam

GasLog Savannah 100% 2010 155,000 TFDE1

GasLog Singapore 100% 2010 155,000 TFDE

GasLog Shanghai 100% 2013 155,000 TFDE

Hull 1947 100% 2013 155,000 TFDE

Hull 2016 100% 2013 155,000 TFDE

Hull 20172 100% 2013 155,000 TFDE

Hull 2041 100% 2013 155,000 TFDE

Hull 2042 100% 2014 155,000 TFDE

Hull 2043 100% 2014 155,000 TFDE

Hull 2044 100% 2015 155,000 TFDE

Hull 2072 100% 2016 174,000 TFDE

Hull 2073 100% 2016 174,000 TFDE

Firm Charter Charterer Optional Period Under Discussions/Available

2018 2019 2020Ship 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

1.  Tri -fuel Diesel Electric. 2.  Hull 2017 has a seasonal charter for the last 5 years of its firm period (each

year: 7 months on hire, and 5 months opportunity for GasLog to employ)

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GasLog  is  paying  a  quarterly  dividend  of  $0.11  per  share  on  March  25,  2013.    Our   overall   performance   in   2012   provides   us  with   a   solid   plaporm   for   the   projected  growth  of  GasLog  in  2013  and  beyond.    2  newbuilds  at  Samsung  H.I.,  with  10  year  charters  to  BG  group,  announced  in  Q1-­‐2013.    GasLog  Shanghai  delivered  in  January  2013;  the  first  of  5  expected  deliveries  in  2013.      Con6nued  strong  fundamentals  for  the  LNG  industry.    

GasLog’s  strengths  come  from:  •  Significant  contracted  revenues  from  credit-­‐worthy  counterparts.  •  A  strong  financial  posi6on  and  track  record  in  securing  funding.  •  A  young,  pure-­‐play  LNG  shipping  fleet  with  fuel-­‐efficient  technology.    •  An  experienced  technical  plaporm  delivering  strong  opera6onal  performance.


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   Annex  1  –  reconcilia6on  /  non-­‐GAAP  measures  


Non-­‐GAAP  Financial  Measure    EBITDA  represents  earnings  before  interest  income  and  expense,  taxes,  deprecia6on  and  amor6za6on.  Adjusted  EBITDA  represents  EBITDA  before  gain/loss  on  interest  rate  swaps  and  net  foreign  exchange  gains/losses.  Adjusted  Profit/(loss)  and  Adjusted  EPS  represent  earnings  and  earnings  per  share,  respec6vely,  before  gain/loss  on  interest  rate  swaps  and  net   foreign   exchange   gains.   EBITDA,   Adjusted   EBITDA,   Adjusted   Profit/(loss)   and   Adjusted   EPS,   which   are   non-­‐GAAP   financial   measures,   are   used   as   supplemental   financial  measures  by  management  and  external  users  of  financial   statements,   such  as   investors,   to  assess  our  financial   and  opera6ng  performance.  We  believe   that   these  non-­‐GAAP  financial  measures  assist  our  management  and  investors  by  increasing  the  comparability  of  our  performance  from  period  to  period.  We  believe  that  including  EBITDA,  Adjusted  EBITDA,  Adjusted  Profit/(loss)  and  Adjusted  EPS  assists  our  management  and  investors  in  (i)  understanding  and  analyzing  the  results  of  our  opera6ng  and  business  performance,  (ii)  selec6ng  between  inves6ng  in  us  and  other  investment  alterna6ves  and  (iii)  monitoring  our  ongoing  financial  and  opera6onal  strength  in  assessing  whether  to  con6nue  to  hold  our   common   shares.   This   increased   comparability   is   achieved  by   excluding   the  poten6ally   disparate   effects   between  periods   of,   in   the   case   of   EBITDA   and  Adjusted   EBITDA,  interest,   taxes,   deprecia6on   and   amor6za6on   and,   and   in   the   case   of   Adjusted   EBITDA,   Adjusted   Profit/(loss)   and   Adjusted   EPS,   loss   on   interest   rate   swaps   and   net   foreign  exchange  gains/losses,  which  items  are  affected  by  various  and  possibly  changing  financing  methods,  capital  structure  and  historical  cost  basis  and  which  items  may  significantly  affect  results  of  opera6ons  between  periods.      EBITDA,  Adjusted  EBITDA,  Adjusted  Profit/(loss)  and  Adjusted  EPS  have  limita6ons  as  analy6cal  tools  and  should  not  be  considered  as  alterna6ves  to,  or  as  subs6tutes  for,  profit,  profit  from  opera6ons,  earnings  per  share  or  any  other  measure  of  financial  performance  presented  in  accordance  with  IFRS.  These  non-­‐GAAP  financial  measures  exclude  some,  but  not  all,  items  that  affect  profit,  and  these  measures  may  vary  among  companies.  In  evalua6ng  Adjusted  EBITDA,  Adjusted  Profit/(loss)  and  Adjusted  EPS,  you  should  be  aware  that  in  the  future  we  may  incur  expenses  that  are  the  same  as  or  similar  to  some  of  the  adjustments  in  this  presenta6on.  Our  presenta6on  of  Adjusted  EBITDA,  Adjusted  Profit/(loss)  and  Adjusted  EPS  should  not  be  construed  as  an  inference  that  our  future  results  will  be  unaffected  by  the  excluded  items.  Therefore,  the  non-­‐GAAP  financial  measures  as  presented  below  may  not  be  comparable  to  similarly  6tled  measures  of  other  companies  in  the  shipping  or  other  industries.    

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   Annex  1  -­‐  reconcilia6on  (cont.)  


Reconciliation of EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA to Profit/(loss) for the three and twelve month periods ended:

(All amounts expressed in U.S. Dollars)

December 31, 2011 December 31, 2012 December 31, 2011 December 31, 2012

Profit/(loss) for the period (333,980) 2,677,888 13,722,678 4,220,819

Depreciation of fixed assets 3,214,646 3,291,587 12,827,284 13,064,898

Financial costs 2,683,756 2,822,665 9,631,262 11,669,562

Financial income (509) (249,237) (41,679) (1,174,361)

EBITDA 5,563,913 8,542,903 36,139,545 27,780,918

Loss /(gain) on interest rate swaps, net 2,492,735 (209,832) 2,725,374 6,783,315

Foreign exchange gains, net (101,137) (713,734) (126,493) (546,791)

Adjusted EBITDA 7,955,511 7,619,337 38,738,426 34,017,442

For the three months ended For the year ended

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   Annex  1  -­‐  reconcilia6on  (cont.)  


Reconciliation of Adjusted Profit/(loss) to Profit/(loss) for the three and twelve month periods ended:

(All amounts expressed in U.S. Dollars)

December 31, 2011 December 31, 2012 December 31, 2011 December 31, 2012

Profit/(loss) for the period (333,980) 2,677,888 13,722,678 4,220,819

Loss on interest rate swaps, net 2,492,735 (209,832) 2,725,374 6,783,315

Foreign exchange gains, net (101,137) (713,734) (126,493) (546,791)

Adjusted Profit/(loss) 2,057,618 1,754,322 16,321,559 10,457,343

Non-controlling interest — — 316,973 —

Adjusted Profit/(loss) attributable to owners of the Group 2,057,618 1,754,322 16,638,532 10,457,343

For the three months ended For the year ended

Page 17: GasLog Q4 2012 results presentation

   Annex  1  -­‐  reconcilia6on  (cont.)  


Reconciliation of Adjusted Earnings Per Share to Earnings Per Share for the three months and the years ended December 31, 2011 and 2012:

(All amounts expressed in U.S. Dollars)

December 31, 2011 December 31, 2012

Profit for the period attributable to owners of the Group (333,980) 2,677,888Less: Earnings allocated to manager shares and subsidiary manager shares (25,709) —

Earnings attributable to the owners of common shares used in the calculation of basic EPS (308,271) 2,677,888

Weighted average number of shares outstanding 36,091,510 62,863,166

EPS (0.01) 0.04

Adjusted profit for the period attributable to owners of the Group 2,057,618 1,754,322Less: Adjusted earnings allocated to manager shares and subsidiary manager shares

158,393 —

Adjusted earnings attributable to the owners of common shares used in the calculation of basic EPS

1,899,225 1,754,322

Weighted average number of shares outstanding 36,091,510 62,863,166

Adjusted EPS 0.05 0.03

For the three months ended

December 31, 2011 December 31, 2012

14,039,651 4,220,819

1,201,919 44,798

12,837,732 4,176,021

35,837,297 56,093,775

0.36 0.07

16,638,532 10,457,343

1,418,874 110,990

15,219,658 10,346,353

35,837,297 56,093,775

0.42 0.18

For the year ended