Gambaran Klinis KRISIS TIROID

Gambaran klinis  Riwayat penyakit dahulu pasien mencakup tirotoksikosis atau gejala-gejala seperti :iritabilitas, agitasi, labilitas emosi, nafsu makan kurang dengan b erat badan sangat turun, keringat b erlebih dan intoleransi suhu, serta prestasi sekolah yang menurunakibat penurunan rentang perhatian. Riwayat penyakit sekarang yang umum dikeluhkan oleh pasien adalah demam, berkeringat  banyak, penurunan nafsu makandan kehilangan berat badan . Keluhan saluran cerna yang sering diutarakan oleh pasienadalah mual, muntah, diare, nyeri perut, dan jaundice. Sedangkan keluhan neurologik mencakup gejala-gejala ansietas paling banyak pada remaja tua!,  perubahan perilaku,kejang dan koma. " #ada pemeriksaan fisik, ditemukan demam dengan temperatur konsisten melebihi$%,&o'. #asien bahkan dapat mengalami hiperpireksia hingga melebihi ()o' dankeringat berlebih. *anda-tanda kardio+askular yang ditemukan antara lain hipertensidengan tekanan nadi yang melebar atau hipotensi pada fase berikutnya dan disertaisyok. *akikardi terjadi tidak bersesuaian dengan demam. *anda-tanda gagal jantungantara lain aritmia paling banyak supra+entrikular, seperti fibrilasi atrium, tetapitakikardi +entrikular juga dapat terjadi!. Sedangkan tanda-tanda neurologik mencakupagitasi dan kebingungan, hiperrefleksia dan tanda piramidal transien, tremor, kejang,dan koma. *anda-tanda tirotoksikosis mencakup tanda orbital dan goiter.  Selain kasus tipikal seperti digambarkan di atas, ada satu laporan kasus seorang pasiendengan gambaran klinis yang atipik normotermi dan normotensif! yang disertai olehsindroma disfungsi organ yang multipel, seperti asidosis laktat dan disfungsi hati, dimana keduanya merupakan komplikasi yang sangat jarang terjadi. Kasus inimenunjukkan b ahwa kedua sistem organ ini terlibat dalam krisis tiroid dan pentinguntuk mengenali gambaran atipik ini pada kasus-kasus krisis tiroid yang dihadapi. Symptoms could include:

Transcript of Gambaran Klinis KRISIS TIROID

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Gambaran klinis

 Riwayat penyakit dahulu pasien mencakup tirotoksikosis atau gejala-gejala seperti :iritabilitas,

agitasi, labilitas emosi, nafsu makan kurang dengan berat badan sangat turun, keringat berlebihdan intoleransi suhu, serta prestasi sekolah yang menurunakibat penurunan rentang perhatian.

Riwayat penyakit sekarang yang umum dikeluhkan oleh pasien adalah demam, berkeringat

 banyak, penurunan nafsu makandan kehilangan berat badan. Keluhan saluran cerna yang seringdiutarakan oleh pasienadalah mual, muntah, diare, nyeri perut, dan jaundice.

Sedangkan keluhan neurologik mencakup gejala-gejala ansietas paling banyak pada remaja tua!,

 perubahan perilaku,kejang dan koma." #ada pemeriksaan fisik, ditemukan demam dengan temperatur konsisten melebihi$%,&o'.

#asien bahkan dapat mengalami hiperpireksia hingga melebihi ()o' dankeringat berlebih.

*anda-tanda kardio+askular yang ditemukan antara lain hipertensidengan tekanan nadi yang

melebar atau hipotensi pada fase berikutnya dan disertaisyok. *akikardi terjadi tidak bersesuaiandengan demam. *anda-tanda gagal jantungantara lain aritmia paling banyak supra+entrikular,

seperti fibrilasi atrium, tetapitakikardi +entrikular juga dapat terjadi!. Sedangkan tanda-tanda

neurologik mencakupagitasi dan kebingungan, hiperrefleksia dan tanda piramidal transien,

tremor, kejang,dan koma. *anda-tanda tirotoksikosis mencakup tanda orbital dan goiter.

 Selain kasus tipikal seperti digambarkan di atas, ada satu laporan kasus seorang pasiendengangambaran klinis yang atipik normotermi dan normotensif! yang disertai olehsindroma disfungsi

organ yang multipel, seperti asidosis laktat dan disfungsi hati, dimana keduanya merupakan

komplikasi yang sangat jarang terjadi. Kasus inimenunjukkan bahwa kedua sistem organ initerlibat dalam krisis tiroid dan pentinguntuk mengenali gambaran atipik ini pada kasus-kasus

krisis tiroid yang dihadapi.

Symptoms could include:

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• e+er  


e+er is the temporary increase in the  bodys temperature, in response to some disease or illness.

child has a fe+er when their temperature is at or abo+e one of these le+els:

• )//.( 0 $% 0'! measured in the bottom rectally!

• 11.& 0$2.& 0'! measured in their mouth orally!

• 11 0 $2." 0'! measured under their arm a3illary!

n adult probably has a fe+er when their temperature is abo+e 11 - 11.& 0 $2." - $2.& 0'!,

depending on what time of the day it is.

Read more: http:44www.healthline.com4adamcontent4fe+er5i366)78$ho9 ; - 'onnect to <etter ;ealth

• Shock  


Shock is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body is not getting enough blood flow.

*his can damage multiple organs. Shock re=uires immediate medical treatment and can getworse +ery rapidly.


>ajor classes of shock include:

• 'ardiogenic shock  associated with heart problems!

• ;ypo+olemic shock  caused by inade=uate blood +olume!

• naphylactic shock  caused by allergic reaction!

• Septic shock  associated with infections!

•  ?eurogenic shock caused by damage to the ner+ous system!

Read more: http:44www.healthline.com4adamcontent4shock5i366)78$=%$>w 

; - 'onnect to <etter ;ealth

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• #alpitations 


#alpitations are heartbeat sensations that feel like your heart is pounding or racing. @ou may

simply ha+e an unpleasant awareness of your own heartbeat, or may feel skipped or stopped

 beats. *he hearts rhythm may be normal or abnormal. #alpitations can be felt in your chest,throat, or neck.

• 'onfusion 


'onfusion is the inability to think with your usual speed or clarity, including feeling disoriented

and ha+ing difficulty paying attention, remembering, and making decisions.

Read more: http:44www.healthline.com4adamcontent4confusion5i366)78(ABd 

; - 'onnect to <etter ;ealth

• Restlessness 


gitation is an unpleasant state of e3treme arousal, increased tension, and irritability.

Alternative Names



C3treme agitation can lead to:

• 'onfusion

• ;ostility

• ;yperacti+ity

gitation can come on suddenly or o+er time. 7t can last for just a few minutes, or for weeks and

e+en months. #ain, stress, and fe+er  can all increase agitation.

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gitation by itself may not be a sign of a health problem. ;owe+er, if other symptoms occur, it

can be a sign of disease.

8hen agitation lasts for hours and there is changed awareness altered consciousness!, doctorsoften call this Ddelirium.D Esually this has a medical cause such as alcohol withdrawal or an

infection in elderly adults!. Blder adults often ha+e delirium while hospitali6ed.

• Fiaphoresis

• *rembling

• >oist Skin 


>oist skin is skin that feels slightly wet or damp to the touch..

Alternative Names

8et skin, skin wetness, dampskin.


>oist skin is an indication that the body is sweating perspiring!. #erspiration is the release of

li=uid from the sweat glands of the body, a normal body function to help the body stay cool. 8e

are born with two to four million sweat glands and we sweat more in hot en+ironments, when wee3ercise or when we are ner+ous, embarrassed or frightened. 7f, howe+er, the skin is generallymoist from sweat in absence of these conditions, and accompanied by weight loss, fe+er,

shortness of breath, chest palpitations, chest pain or other symptoms, it may be an indication of

an underlying medical condition.

Associated Diagnoses

• ;yperthyroidism

• >enopause

• rthritis

• lcohol intake

• 'affeine consumption

• ;eart disease

• n3iety

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• 7nfection

• ow blood sugar 

• 8ithdrawal from narcotics

• 7FS

• Gra+es disease

• Spinal cord injury

• #anic attack 

• #ain

• 'ancer 

• #ulmonary embolism

• ;igh blood pressure

Read more: http:44www.healthline.com4hlc4moist-skin5i366)78&SwHm8 

; - 'onnect to <etter ;ealth

• ast ;eart Rate 

Definition• *he heart rate is the number of beats rhythmic contractions! per minute of the heart the

muscular organ in the center of the chest that maintains circulation of the blood! and is ameasure of cardiac acti+ity. fast heart rate is greater than )// beats per minute for an

adult or child at rest, greater than )"/ beats per minute for an infant age one month to

one year!, and greater than )/ beats per minute for a newborn under one month old.

•   Alternative Names• ;eart rate increased, heartbeats increased, high heart rate, increased heart rate, pulse fast,

 pulse rate increased, rapid heart rate, rapid heartbeat, rapid pulse, tachycardia.

Read more: http:44www.healthline.com4hlc4fast-heart-rate5i366)78&;E29K  

; - 'onnect to <etter ;ealth

• bnormal ;eart Rhythms 


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>oist skin is skin that feels slightly wet or damp to the touch..

Alternative Names

8et skin, skin wetness, dampskin.


>oist skin is an indication that the body is sweating perspiring!. #erspiration is the release ofli=uid from the sweat glands of the body, a normal body function to help the body stay cool. 8e

are born with two to four million sweat glands and we sweat more in hot en+ironments, when we

e3ercise or when we are ner+ous, embarrassed or frightened. 7f, howe+er, the skin is generallymoist from sweat in absence of these conditions, and accompanied by weight loss, fe+er,

shortness of breath, chest palpitations, chest pain or other symptoms, it may be an indication of

an underlying medical condition.

Associated Diagnoses

• ;yperthyroidism

• >enopause

• rthritis

• lcohol intake

• 'affeine consumption

• ;eart disease

• n3iety

• 7nfection

• ow blood sugar 

• 8ithdrawal from narcotics

• 7FS

• Gra+es disease

• Spinal cord injury

• #anic attack 

• #ain

• 'ancer 

• #ulmonary embolism

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• ;igh blood pressure

Read more: http:44www.healthline.com4hlc4moist-skin5i366)78&SwHm8 ; - 'onnect to <etter ;ealth

• lteration 7n 'onsciousness 


Fecreased consciousness is reduced alertness or awareness.

Alternative Names

StuporousI >ental status - decreasedI oss of alertnessI Fecreased consciousnessI lertness -decreasedI 'hanges in consciousnessI BbtundationI 'omaI Enresponsi+eness


persistent coma is called +egetati+e state.

Common Causes

>any conditions can cause decreased consciousness, including:

• lcohol into3ication• Frug into3ication particularly opiates, narcotics, sedati+es, and anti-an3iety or sei6ure


• rrhythmia

• <rain disorders

• 'entral ner+ous system diseases

• ack of o3ygen hypo3ia!

• bnormal blood sugars diabetic coma!

• Clectrolyte or mineral imbalance

• C3posure to hea+y metals or hydrocarbons

• C3treme fatigue or sleep depri+ation

• Ketoacidosis

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*he body is hotter than normal body temperature when touched.

Alternative Names:

e+erish, feel hot, feeling hot, feels hot and fe+erish, hot to touch


Sometimes a person feels hot to touch due to illness or en+ironmental situation that causesele+ated core temperature. compounding factor can be dehydration lack of fluids. 7n any case,

it is important to determine if the person has ele+ated body temperature caused by a fe+er use a

thermometer to determine the personJs temperature!. 7f a fe+er often caused by an infection likea +irus! is present, it may be treated with fluids and o+er-the-counter anti-inflammatory

medications like acetominophen or ibuprofen. spirin should not be used to treat fe+er in anyone

under age )2 years or younger. ?one of these drugs should be used to treat en+ironmental heat

illness. *he +ery young, +ery old and obese people are especially +ulnerable to dehydration so it

is important to make sure they are taking in enough fluids during the day, and protected frome3tremely hot en+ironmental temperatures.

• ;eart Rate ltered 


*he heart rate is the number of beats rhythmic contractions! per minute of the heart the

muscular organ in the center of the chest that maintains circulation of the blood! and is a measure

of cardiac acti+ity.

Alternative Names

;eart rate changed, changes in heart rate, pulse rate changed

Read more: http:44www.healthline.com4channel4thyroid-crisissymptoms5i366)78"SHcLk  

; - 'onnect to <etter ;ealth

Krisis tiroid

 Tyroid storm

-meninkatnya metabolism

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-Meningkatnya produksi panas


-meningkatnya kontraktilitas miokard yg terjadi sebagai respon akibat stimulasi

kardio oleh tiroid

-perubahan status mental (bingung, psikosis, agitasi, koma