Galatians 6,6-10 MYAN

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Transcript of Galatians 6,6-10 MYAN

  • 8/7/2019 Galatians 6,6-10 MYAN


    Share Good, Do Good

    Galatians 6:6-10

    March 13, 2011Myanmar Christian Fellowship

    Pastor Richard Concklin

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    Just getting out of bed requires some effort.

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    Doing good is always worth the effort eca se it does

    ourthings in the li e ofthe elie er.



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    I. Do ng good brings us gether. V . 6

    6 Anyone who receives instruction in the word must

    share all good things with his instructor.

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    It is ri g in our o e, in our creator, in our sa ior, in

    at e t in is im ortant, at e t in is ort oureffort.

    It is instruction i e W r of God.

    6 Any ne who receivesins ruc ion in the word must

    share all good things with hisinstructor.

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    II. i honor God. s. 7

    7 t e eceive : ca t e cke . A a

    reaps what he s ws.

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    II. i honor God. s. 7

    7 t e eceive : ca t e cke . A a

    reaps what he s ws.

    Ill s: White BBs.

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    II. Do ng good honors od. V .

    Do no b d d od nno b o d. n

    o .

    Illu .You cannot do good o lvation.

    You can do good thathono od and leaseshim.

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    III. i keeps s kin f d. Vs 8-9

    W t v r l t ill et m e f it t rv st.

    Vs. 8

    8 The one who sows to please his sinful nature, fromthat nature will reap destruction; the one who sows

    to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal


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    2. Harvests t c me ver i ht. s.9

    9 Let us not become eary in doing good, for at the

    proper time e ill reap a harvest if e do not give


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    2. Harvests do not come overnight. Vs.9

    9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the

    proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give


    Both and bad and the good take time to ripen and

    bear fruit . Plant either andyou WILL wait. You caneagerly anticipate what is coming. Or you can dread

    what is coming and try to ignore the future.

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    IV. i kee s us outwardly focused. Vs.

    10 T f , s v t ity, l t s

    g t ll l , s ci lly t t s b l g t

    t f ily f b li v s.

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    IV. i kee s us outwardly focused. Vs.

    10 T f , s v t ity, l t s

    g t ll l , s ci lly t t s b l g t

    t f ily f b li v s.

    Do good. Keep your eyes open.

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    I . i keep outwardl ocused. s. 10

    10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do

    good to all people, especially to those who belong to

    the family of believers.

    Do good. Keep your eyes open.

    Ask how they are doing and then really listen to

    what they say.

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    I . oing good keepsusoutwardl ocused. s.

    hen ou are focused on others, still othersnotice andbegin to loo out for ou.

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    I . oing good keepsusoutwardl ocused. s.

    hen ou are focused on others, still othersnotice andbegin to loo out for ou.

    nd, hat is more, odnotices.

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    I . oing good keepsusoutwardl ocused. s.

    hen ou are focused on others, still othersnotice andbegin to loo out for ou.

    nd, hat is more, odnotices.


    If ou are determined to do good, itwill take some e ort.

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    I . D i keeps so twardl oc sed. s. 10

    he y are f c se thers, still others notice ae i t l k t f r y .

    , what is m re, od notices.

    C cl si :

    If y are etermi e t , it will take some e ort.

    t the rewar s will e wonder l!

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    May our Lord Jesus Christ richly bless

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