都市社會學書單(full edition)

1 都市社會學書單 壹、 都市社會學理論 專書 奧羅姆、Anthony M. Orum2005,《城市的世界:對地點的比較分析和歷史分 析》(曾茂娟、任遠、陳向明譯)。上海:上海人民出版社。 Corey, Steven H. and Lisa Krissoff Boehm,eds., 2010, The American Urban Reader: History and Theory. New York: Routledge. Feagin, Joe R., 1998, The New Urban Paradigm: Critical Perspectives on the City. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Saunders, Peter R., 2007, Social Theory and the Urban Question. New York: Routledge. Savage, Michael, Alan Warde and Kevin Ward, 2003, Urban Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (有中譯) Smith, Michael P., 1979, The City and Social Theory. New York: St. Martin's Press. Soja, Edward W., 2000, Postmetropolis: Critical Studies of Cities and Regions. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers. Weber, Max, 1966, The City: Free Press. 期刊 Amin, Ash, 2007, Rethinking the urban social.City, 11(1): 100-114. Brenner, Neil, 2009, What is critical urban theory?City 13(2): 198-207. Gieryn, Thomas F., 2000, “A Space for Place in Sociology.” Annual Review of Sociology, 26(1): 463-496. Goonewardena, Kanishka, 2009, Urban studies, critical theory, radical politics: Eight theses for Peter Marcuse.City 13(2): 208-218. Gottdiener, M. and Joe R. Feagin, 1988, “The Paradigm Shift in Urban Sociology.” Urban Affairs Review, 24(2): 163-187. Low, S. M., 1996, “The anthropology of cities: Imagining and theorizing the city.” Annual Review of Anthropology, 25: 383-409. Smith, David A., 1995, “The New Urban Sociology Meets the Old.” Urban Affairs Review, 30(3): 432-457. Ullman, Edward, 1941, “A Theory of Location for Cities.” American Journal of Sociology, 46(6): 853-864. 貳、 都市政治經濟 專書 哈維,2008,《新帝國主義》。臺北市:群學。
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壹、 都市社會學理論


奧羅姆、Anthony M. Orum,2005,《城市的世界:對地點的比較分析和歷史分


Corey, Steven H. and Lisa Krissoff Boehm,eds., 2010, The American Urban Reader:

History and Theory. New York: Routledge.

Feagin, Joe R., 1998, The New Urban Paradigm: Critical Perspectives on the City.

Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Saunders, Peter R., 2007, Social Theory and the Urban Question. New York:


Savage, Michael, Alan Warde and Kevin Ward, 2003, Urban Sociology, Capitalism

and Modernity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (有中譯)

Smith, Michael P., 1979, The City and Social Theory. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Soja, Edward W., 2000, Postmetropolis: Critical Studies of Cities and Regions.

Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.

*Weber, Max, 1966, The City: Free Press.


Amin, Ash, 2007, “Re‐thinking the urban social.”City, 11(1): 100-114.

*Brenner, Neil, 2009, “What is critical urban theory?” City 13(2): 198-207.

Gieryn, Thomas F., 2000, “A Space for Place in Sociology.” Annual Review of

Sociology, 26(1): 463-496.

*Goonewardena, Kanishka, 2009, “Urban studies, critical theory, radical politics:

Eight theses for Peter Marcuse.”City 13(2): 208-218.

Gottdiener, M. and Joe R. Feagin, 1988, “The Paradigm Shift in Urban Sociology.”

Urban Affairs Review, 24(2): 163-187.

Low, S. M., 1996, “The anthropology of cities: Imagining and theorizing the city.”

Annual Review of Anthropology, 25: 383-409.

Smith, David A., 1995, “The New Urban Sociology Meets the Old.” Urban Affairs

Review, 30(3): 432-457.

Ullman, Edward, 1941, “A Theory of Location for Cities.” American Journal of

Sociology, 46(6): 853-864.

貳、 都市政治經濟



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肆、 都市文化、現代性與性別


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