Folklore cultural calendar


Transcript of Folklore cultural calendar

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JANUARY • Date: January 1st Festivity: Child Parade Location: all of the state Merida Description: Family

celebration around the image of the Child Jesus. Meals and special drinks. Carols and bonuses brighten the mood.

• Date: January 14 Festivity: Fiestas of the Divine Shepherdess Location: Lara State Description: On January 14, the Divina Pastora to Barquisimeto is transported in a large and fervent procession from her church in Santa Rosa.

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FEBRUARY• Date: February 20

Festivity: Federation DayPlace: Pueblo Nuevo, Paraguaná and Coro (Falcón)

• Date: During the celebration of CarnivalFestivity: El CalipsoLocation: El Callao (Bolívar)Description: During the celebration of the carnival, a series of colorful parades are organized, which, with the accompaniment of cylindrical drums, perform and dance this particular musical genre, known by the name of Calipso, which presents a notable Antillean influence.

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MARCH• Date: March - April

Festivity: The Nazarene of St. PaulLocation: CaracasDescription: Religious festival in honor of the image of the Nazarene that is venerated in the Basilica of St. Teresa. This tradition dates from the time of the Colony and is celebrated on Holy Wednesday. Promise payers wear purple, similar to the Nazarene

• Date: March 4 to 14Festivity: Fair of Calabozo.Place: Calabozo (Guárico)Description: Agroindustrial exhibition. Bullfights. Various shows.

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APRIL• Date: April 19

Festivity: Declaration of the Independence ActLocation: VenezuelaDescription: The revolution of April 19, 1810 was the first step towards independence, and marked the beginning of one of the most important stages in the history of Venezuela.

• Date: April MayFestivity: EasterLocation: VenezuelaDescription: Holy Week has two essential parts: the end of Lent (Palm Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Holy Wednesday) and the Easter Triduum (Thursday, Friday and Saturday). For the Catholic Church is the most important time of the year. No specific date, changes according to year

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MAY• Date: All of May

Festivity: Velorio de la Cruz de MayoLocation: In the whole countryDescription: Feast corresponding to the summer solstice which is especially carried out in the east, center and west of the country. It consists in the veneration of the Holy Cross; For this they decorate it with flowers and garlands, they recite and sing songs. This manifestation undergoes variations as far as the music and other elements, according to the region.

• Date: the whole month of MayFestivity: Dancing devilsLocation: San Francisco de Yare (Miranda), Patanemo (Carabobo), Chuao (Aragua), Naiguatá (Vargas).Description: Folkloric festival held on Thursdays in Corpus Christi. It consists of the payment of promises by the faithful to the body of Jesus Christ, performing a procession and dance around the town square, in front of the church, dressed in devils.

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JUNE• Date: June 24

Festivity: Battle of CaraboboLocation: VenezuelaDescription: The Battle of Carabobo is one of the most important events in Venezuelan history since, thanks to it, began the Republican road of the country that would be defined in 1823 with the Battle Naval de Lago

• Date: June 24thFestivity: Drums of San JuanLocation: Curiepe (Miranda)Description: The mine, the curbeta, the round drum and the ass epuy resound. The town, confused with the visitors, crowds in the streets to dance rhythmically to the sound of the fulia sung by the villager barloventeño.

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JULY• Date: July 5

Festivity: Independence DayLocation: In the whole countryDescription: It commemorates the Congress of July 5, 1811, celebrated in the Chapel of Santa Rosa de Lima, where the Independence of Venezuela was declared. Civic events throughout the country

• Date: July 24Festivity: Natalicio del Libertador Simón Bolívar and Day of the Naval Battle of the LakeLocation: across the countryDescription: Civic and military acts. The main events take place in Caracas, Maracaibo, Puerto Cabello and Central Coast.

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AUGUST• Date: 08 to 18 August

Festivity: International Craftsmen's FairLocation: Tintorero (Lara)Description: International parties performed by Tintorero people and craftsmen, in Lara state, as a staging of the pieces they make, and which are sold at excellent prices to tourists who have visited since many years ago, these fairs

• Date: 15th to 21st of AugustFestivity: Consolation FairLocation: Táriba (Táchira)Book Condition: New. Retretas. Novilladas. Agricultural exhibition. Creole ball tournaments. Around the church and the Plaza Bolívar awnings are raised where the inhabitants of the nearby villages expose their products to sell them. Typical food and drinks. Handicrafts.

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SEPTEMBER• Date: September 5 to 11

Festivity: Feasts in honor of Our Lady of CoromotoLocation: NaiguatáBook Condition: New. Popular celebrations. Cockfights. Sports competitions.

• Date: September 23 and 24Festivity: Dance of the TurasLocation: Maparari (Falcón)Description: Celebration of indigenous descent where man gives worship to nature, giving thanks for the fruits received and asking for good crops for the coming year.

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OCTOBER• Date: October 12

Festivity: Feast for the Day of the SpiritsLocation: Montaña de Sorte (Yaracuy) Mountain of Maria Lionza.Description: Dances, rituals santeros and spiritualists in honor to all the entities of the cult. Dance on fire, drum beat, dances, songs. etc.

• Date: October 12Festivity: Day of the RaceLocation: All VenezuelaDescription: Fiesta in commemoration to the Discovery of America.

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NOVEMBER• Date: 7th and 8th of November

Festivity: King's National Fishing ClassicPlace: Peninsula of Paraguaná (Falcón)Description: There are numerous national and foreign nautical equipment, between Punta Caimán and Punta Macoya. Water skiing, underwater fishing and sailing regattas.

• Date: 15 to 22 NovemberFestivity: Chinita FairLocation: Maracaibo (Zulia)Description: It has its origin in the Patron Saint of the Chiquinquirá. Religious activities. Processions, songs of bagpipes in honor of "La Chinita", as the Zulian people call the virgin of Chiquinquirá. Agricultural exhibitions. Artistic and sports shows. Bullfights.

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DECEMBER• Date: December 4

Festivity: Celebration of the Day of Santa BarbaraLocation: All the CountryDescription: A day in which the faithful of the cult of Santa Barbara, pay tribute to their image, delivering offerings ranging from simple rituals to great parties accompanied by music, dancing, songs and much food. The offerings to her are: Wine, fruits (apples), grains, lots of light (candles), flowers.

• Date: December 17Festivity: Simon Bolivar deathLocation: VenezuelaDescription: Civic and military acts throughout Venezuela.

• Date: December 28Festivity: Day of the Holy InnocentsLocation: VenezuelaDescription: It is a tradition during the Day of the Innocents to make jokes of all kinds, but the name is due to the massacre of the innocents mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew.