Fluent French 2004-3 Mai-juin

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Transcript of Fluent French 2004-3 Mai-juin

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    Thank you for listening to Fluent French Audio!

    In Transcript B, we have included a word-for-

    word translation of your CD or cassette. This will helpyou spend more time listening and less time thumbing

    through your French dictionary.

    Our translation is unique: rather than telling you

    what an English speaker would have said, we aim

    for a semi-literal translation that makes the Frenchspeakers word choice and sentence structure clear.

    We underline individual words that cannot betranslated literally and groups of words that need to be

    understood as a whole. However, we do not underline

    common expressions that intermediate learners will

    recognize, such as tout le monde and aprs-midi.

    We hope you enjoy listening to these recordings as

    much as we enjoy bringing them to you!


    Galle Domon, Editor David Tolman, Publisher

    Toll free 1-888-259-9601

    [email protected]

    mai juin 2004


    Article 1: La Bise

    Martin Venzal speaks with Agns, Audrey,

    Stphanie and Vincent about that famous French

    custom, the kiss on the cheek to say hello.

    section/track # 1 - 13 page 1 - 31

    Article 2: LAstrologue

    Irne Andrieu is a well-known astrologer. She spokewith Pierre-Guillaume Calvet about her work.

    section/track # 14 23 pages 33 - 50

    Article 3: Les formules de vacances

    Sandra Artor speaks with Vronique Lopez about

    the different types of lodgings available to tourists in


    section/track # 24 - 31 pages 51 - 65

    Article 4: Souvenirs de guerre

    Clmence Saint-Georges interviews her father, Jean-

    Nol Mathieu. He was 10 when the Second World

    War started and has vivid memories of the period.

    section/track # 32 - 41 pages 67 - 89

    Article 5: Rgisseur de cinma

    Philippe Rebbot is a film production manager. Hespoke with Nathalie Faucher about his experiences in

    the French film industry.

    section/track # 42 - 50 pages 91 - 113

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    Mai Juin 2004 La bise 1 SECTION 1

    Bonjour ! La rdaction vous souhaite uneHello ! The editorial staff wishes you a

    bonne rception de votre exemplaire de Fluent French Audiogood reception of your copy of Fluent French Audio

    des mois de mai et juin 2004.for the months of May and June, 2004.

    Le crmonial des salutations lors de rencontres10The ritual of greetings upon meeting people

    se pratique de manires diverses et varies, et parfois

    is practiced in ways that are diverse and varied and, sometimes,

    trs surprenantes, dans le monde.very surprising in the world.

    Cest le cas en France ; Martin Venzal, journaliste,That is the case in France; Martin Venzal, a journalist,20

    va nous clairer sur les pratiques en usage dans l'Hexagone.1will enlighten us on the practices in use in the Hexagon.


    La France, pays du toucher, du tactile et du bisou.2France, country of touch, of tactile experiences and of the kiss.

    La bise, ce fameux crmonial qui peut prendre parfoisThe kiss, this famous ritual that can take sometimes30

    plusieurs minutes et qui ponctue la journe quand vousseveral minutes and which punctuates the day when you

    rencontrez une personne que vous connaissez.meet a person whom you know.

    1lHexagone : France. This is a reference to Frances 6-sided shape.2le bisou : also called la bise, which is colloquial for le baiser (the

    kiss.) La bise et le bisou always refer to a kiss on the cheek. La

    bise is the standard word, and le bisou is more often used withchildren. (Father to child as he drops the child off at school: Tu mefais un bisou? = You give me a kiss?).

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    30 Fluent French Audioimportant retenir,1 cest que, finalement,

    important thing to remember, it is that, in the end,

    cest un geste important pour lequel il convient de2 resterit is an important gesture for which we must remain

    naturel, et cest bien l3 lessentiel.natural, and that is whats most important.


    SECTION 13

    Salut, Stph, bonsoir.Hi, Stephanie, good evening

    Bonjour. Quest-ce que t[u]as fait ce week-end ?Hello. What did you do this weekend ?

    Bon, alors ? Ben... du bricolage, du bricolage.Okay, well? Well odd jobs around the house.

    Cest super !1020Great!

    Bon, et toi ?

    Okay, how about you?

    Ben, bof, lecture, tl, ben, voil.Why, well..., reading, TV, well, thats it.

    Un petit week-end ppre,4 quoi.A nice, cozy little weekend, in short.1030

    1retenir = to retain; to remember; to keep in mind.2il convient de... = 1) it is proper, right, fitting; 2) it is a good idea,

    it is desirable. Il convient de fermer la porte cl. = It is a goodidea to lock the door. Compare to convenir = to suit; to besuitable for. If two people are trying to set a date for a meeting, onemight say, Le 20 fvrier 14 heures, a vous convient? =February 20th at 2 PM, does that work for you? See page 63 foranother example ofconvenir.

    3cest bien l = it is really there; that is really it. l = there. See asimilar example on page 96.

    4ppre = easy, simple, quiet, uneventful. From un ppre = agranddad, a grandpa.

    Mai Juin 2004 La bise 31 Bon, ben, nickel1 !Okay, well, cool!

    1nickel = nickel. In French, it is usually used to mean perfectlyclean; spotless. This usage (cool; great) is a little less common.

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    32 Fluent French Audio Mai Juin 2004 Lastrologue 33 SECTION 14

    L'art divinatoire, cherchant dterminer l'influenceThe art of divination, seeking to determine the influence

    des astres sur le cours des vnements terrestres etof the stars on the course of earthly events and1040

    en1 tirer des prdictions d'avenir. Voil commentto draw from it predictions of the future. This is how

    le Petit Larousse dfinit2 le mot Astrologie .the Petit Larousse defines the word astrology.

    Pierre-Guillaume Calvet interviewe pour notre plaisir

    Pierre Guillaume Calvet interviews for our pleasure1050

    l'astrologue Irne Andrieu.the astrologer Irne Andrieu.

    Irne Andrieu.

    SECTION 15

    Irne Andrieu, vous tes astrologue. Alors, euh,Irene Andrieu, you are an astrologer. Well, er,

    comment ltes-vous devenue ?3how did you become an astrologer?


    1tirer une prdiction de quelque chose = to draw a predictionfrom something.

    2le Petit Larousse = name of the monolingual French dictionary,similar to the Websters Dictionary in the U.S.

    3devenir = to become. tre devenu = to have become.

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    50 Fluent French Audio Mai Juin 2004 Les formules de vacances 51

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    50 Fluent French AudioCest trs beau. Cest trs beau.1660This is very beautiful. This is very beautiful.

    Merci, Irne Andrieu.Thank you, Irene Andrieu.

    Mai Juin 2004 Les formules de vacances 51 SECTION 24

    La prparation de nos vacances mrite uneThe preparation of our vacation deserves a

    trs grande attention ! ! ! Vronique Lopezvery close attention !!! Vronique Lopez

    s'est informe pour nous auprs de Sandra Artor,inquired for us from Sandra Artor,

    attache de presse du Comit dpartemental du tourisme10press attach for the Departmental Committee for Tourism

    des Bouches-du-Rhne, sur les diffrentes

    in the Bouches-du-Rhne, about the different

    formules de vacances proposes dans ce dpartement.vacation options offered in this dpartement.

    Sandra Artor.

    SECTION 25

    Sandra Artor, bonjour.Sandra Artor, hello.



    Vous tes attache de presseYou are the public relations director

    du Comit dpartemental du tourismefor the Departmental Commission on Tourism

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    64 Fluent French Audio Mai Juin 2004 Les formules de vacances 65

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    la plupart des dpartements. Pour ce qui concernemost of the departments. With respect to

    notre dpartement des Bouches-du-Rhne, il y aour department of Bouches-du-Rhne, there are

    tous ces guides disponibles dans510all those guides available in

    les offices du tourisme, mais aussi sur un siteInternet.the tourism offices, but also on an Internet site.

    Tout fait. Alors, il y a le site visiteprovence.com,Absolutely. Well, there is the site visiteprovence.com,

    qui, lui, va vous offrir la fois une liste dtaillewhich is going to offer at the same time a detailed list520

    de tous les types dhbergement, donc lintgralit deof all the types of lodgings, so then, the whole of

    loffre1 des hbergements des Bouches-du-Rhne, et surof the lodging offerings in the Bouches-du-Rhne and on

    le site, avec toutes les coordonnes compltes.

    the site, with all the contact information.530

    Vous avez galement une rubrique rservations ,You also have a reservations section,

    qui vous permet de rserver certains hbergements, htelswhich enables you to reserve some lodgings, hotels

    ou gtes de France en direct,2 en ligne, et vous pouvez aussi,or Homes of France in real time, on line, and you are also able,

    pour les adeptes du papier, tlcharger tous nos guides,540for fans of paper, to download all our guides,

    guides htels et guides dhbergement, ainsi quehotel guides and lodgings guides, as well as

    1loffre= the supply, the whole of what is on the market. loffre et

    la demande = supply and demand.2en direct = live; in real time.

    des guides plus gnriques tourisme , directementmore generic tourism guides, directly

    partir du site visiteprovence.com.from the visiteprovence.com site. 550

    66 Fluent French Audio Mai Juin 2004 Souvenirs de guerre 67

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    SECTION 32

    Clmence Saint-Georges recueille auprs de sonClmence Saint-Georges gathers from her

    pre, Jean-Nol Mathieu, ses souvenirs de la priode defather, Jean-Nol Mathieu, his memories of the period of

    la Deuxime Guerre mondiale et nous les fait partager.the Second World War and shares them with us.

    Jean-Nol Mathieu.

    SECTION 33

    Bon, dabord, je te dirais que, comme je suis nOkay, first I will tell you that, as I was born10

    en 1928, javais bon, disons, dix ans au moment dein 1928, I was, okay, lets say 10 years old at the time of

    la dclaration de guerre en septembre 1939. Javaisthe declaration of war in September, 1939. I had

    ce moment-l trois surs, trois petites surs, et avec mes

    at that time three sisters, three little sisters, and with my20

    parents, nous habitions Reims, en Champagne.parents, we lived in Reims, in the Champagne region.

    Il faut dire aussi que mes grands-parents paternelsIt should be noted also that my paternal grandparents

    habitaient aussi Reims et que mon grand-pre maternel,lived also in Reims and that my maternal grandfather,

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    90 Fluent French Audio Mai Juin 2004 Rgisseur de cinma 91 SECTION 42

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    Monsieur Philippe Rebbot nous parle avec passion deMister Philippe Rebbot speaks to us with passion about

    son mtier de rgisseur surhis work as a production manager on

    les plateaux de tournage de films.movie sets.

    Ses propos ont t recueillis par Nathalie Faucher.10His remarks were collected by Nathalie Faucher.

    Philippe Rebbot.

    SECTION 43

    Philippe, bonjour.Philippe, hello.



    Alors, vous avez quarante ans. Vous tesWell, you are 40 years old. You are

    rgisseur sur les tournages1 de films franais.a production manager in the filming of French motion pictures.

    Est-ce que vous aviez une famille qui allait au cinma,Did you have a family that went to the movies,

    1le tournage = the filming.

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