Filmografía Errol Flynn

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Transcript of Filmografía Errol Flynn

  • 8/10/2019 Filmografa Errol Flynn


    Filmografa Errol Flynn (fuente: wikipedia)

    1959 Cuban Rebel Girls Barry Mahon

    1958 Las races delcielo (The Roots of Heaven) John Houston

    1958 Too Much, Too Soon Art Napoleon

    1957 Fiesta (The Sun Also Rises) Henry in! 1957 stanbul Jose"h #evney

    1957 The !i" !oodle Richar$ %ilson

    1955 Rapsodia real (#in"$s Rhapsod%) Her&ert %ilco'

    1955 The &ar' Aen"er Henry evin

    195 spadas cru*adas (Crossed S+ords) Milton ri*s

    195 La reconciliacin (Lilacs in the Sprin") Her&ert %ilco'

    195+ l se-or de !allantr% (The Master o. !allantrae) %illia* ei!hley

    195, La isla de los corsarios (A"ainst All Fla"s) -eor!e .her*an

    195, Mara Maru -or$on /ou!las

    1951 /ello, God %illia* Marshall 1951 La taberna de Nuea 0rleans (The Adentures o. Captain Fabian) %illia*


    1950 Cerco de .ue"o (Roc'% Mountain) %illia* ei!hley

    1950 #i1 de la ndia (#i1) ictor .aville

    1950 Montana Ray 2nri!ht

    199 t$s a Great Feelin" /avi$ Butler

    199 La dinasta de los Fors%the (That Fors%the 2o1an) 3o*"ton Bennett

    198 l burlador de Castilla(The Adentures o. &on 3uan) incent .her*an

    198 Ro de plata (Siler Rier) Raoul %alsh

    197 Al+a%s To"ether 4re$eric $e 3or$ova 197 Cr% 2ol. #eter -o$frey

    197 scape Me Neer #eter -o$frey y eRoy #rin6

    19 Nunca te ale4es de 1 (Neer Sa% Goodb%e) Ja*es ern

    195 0b4etio !ir1ania (0b4ectie, !ur1a5) Raoul %alsh

    195 San Antonio /avi$ Butler

    19 Gloria incierta (6ncertain Glor%) Raoul %alsh

    19 /oll%+ood Canteen /el*er /aves

    19+ d"e o. &ar'ness eis Milestone

    19+ 7ersecucin en el Norte (Northern 7ursuit) Raoul %alsh

    19+ Sho+ !usiness at 2ar ouis /e Roche*ont 19+ Than' 8our Luc'% Stars /avi$ Butler

    19, Fu"itios del in.ierno (&esperate 3ourne%) Raoul %alsh

    19, Gentle1an 3i1 Raoul %alsh

    191 !o1barderos en picado (&ie !o1ber) Michael 3urti6

    191 Murieron con las botas puestas(The% &ied +ith Their !oots on) Raoul %alsh

    191 Footsteps in the &ar' loy$ Bacon

    190 l halcn del 1ar (The Sea /a+') Michael 3urti6

    190 Ca1ino de Santa Fe(Santa Fe trail) Michael 3urti6

    190 0ro, a1or % san"re (9ir"inia Cit%) Michael 3urti6

    19+9 &od"e, ciudad sin le%(&od"e Cit%) Michael 3urti6 19+9 La ida priada de li*abeth % sse:(The 7riate Lies o. li*abeth and sse:)

    Michael 3urti6
  • 8/10/2019 Filmografa Errol Flynn


    19+8 Four$s a Cro+d Michael 3urti6

    19+8 Las her1anas (The Sisters) :natole itva

    19+8 La escuadrilla del a1anecer (The &a+n 7atrol) 2$*un$ -oul$in!

    19+8 Robin de los bos;ues(The Adentures o. Robin /ood) Michael 3urti6

    19+7 Lu* de esperan*a (The Green Li"ht) 4ran Bor6a!e

    19+7 l prncipe % el 1endi"o (The 7rince and the 7auper) %illia* ei!hley

    19+7 Another &a+n %illia* /ieterle

    19+7 The 7er.ect Speci1en Michael 3urti6

    19+ La car"a de la bri"ada li"era (The Char"e o. the Li"ht !ri"ade) Michael 3urti6

    19+5 l Capit