Fibro Ayurvedic Approach

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Transcript of Fibro Ayurvedic Approach

  • 8/4/2019 Fibro Ayurvedic Approach


    What is Fibromyalgia (CFS) ?Fibromyalgia is a recently recognized disorder that is regarded as a chronic conditionassociated with the experience of non-inflammatory pain and tenderness in muscles,ligaments, joints and fatigue. Fibromyalgia is a relatively common condition very

    similar to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) the only point of difference is presence ofmusculoskeletal pain in Fibromyalgia and that of fatigue in CFS. Low level ofSerotonin is considered to be most important biochemical criteria. The primarytreatment goals should include raise serotonin levels, improve sleep quality, andassure adequate magnesium levels.What are the symptoms ?

    Generalized aches or stiffness at many sites for more than threemonths.

    Generalized fatigue Chronic headache including migraines Sleep disorder, particularly timings of cycles Neuronal and psychological complaints Swelling Numbness/ tingling sensations Irritable bowel syndrome Chronic headaches and facial aching Hightened sensivity Depression irritable bladder Chest pain Irritable eyes Painful menstruation Sensation of swelling in limbs Feeling of developing pelvic inflammatory disease

    Causes include Chemical changes in the brain Sleep disturbances Injury Infection Abnormal responses Altered muscular metabolism


    The complications are primarily psychologicak and lead to signs of depression andrelated mental disorders.Diagnostic tools

    No diagnostic tool is specific to fibromyalgia and any diagnostic application will not

    necessarily lead to its diagnosis. Its diagnosis is primarily established by a carefulhistory concentrating upon the life style of the person and thereby assessing the

  • 8/4/2019 Fibro Ayurvedic Approach


    strain (mental & physical) one goes through in his routine.The main criteria remains to be chronicity in this case. Ayurvedic View -

    It can be described as 'Mansa Dhatugat and Mansavrut Vata'. Fibromyalgia may beperceived as a Vata imbalance. It is caused due to aggravation of vata leading toneurological signs and symptoms.. Accumulation of Ama (toxins) and shrotorodhaare also contributory factors.Ayurvedic Approach of Fibromyalgia and CFS Treatment -

    The treatment concentrates on vata shaman and purification of the body which issaid to become impure due to accumulation of Ama ( toxins ). Panchakarma Therapy This is the main physiotherepeautic process employed in this disorder.Diet and Nutrition -

    The best diet suited to patiets of fibromyalgia is -

    Vegetable juices and soups. Coconut water and Coconut milk. Juice of carrot, Cucumber, Beetroot. Cooked vegetables like squash, zucchini and pumpkin . Spices like cumin, coriander, ginger asafetida, garlic, fennel and

    turmeric. Green salad with a dressing of lemon juice and a little salt. Khichadi (recipe made by cooking rice and mung dal, 1:1 or 1:2


    The patient of Fibromyalgia and/or CFS should avoid the following Eating hot, spicy and fried foods, sweets, foods like brinjal,

    cabbage, Cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, okra and potatoes. Too much tea, coffee, alcohol, white sugar, yogurt, chocolate,

    cocoa. Sleeping during the day and staying up late at night Mental tensions like worry, anxiety, fear, stress and grief. Yoga and a proper daily routine are the primary requisites of the

    patients of this disorder so as to enable them to lead a healthyand a normal; life style.

    We offer some classical Indian supportive remedies for this disease which aresupposed to be taken strictly under medical supervision. KindlyAsk a Doctor

    Decoction of the roots of ten herbs'Dashamula quath'is useful
  • 8/4/2019 Fibro Ayurvedic Approach


    Daily use of the Ayurvedic compound 'Triphala choorna' is recommended to cleansethe colon.

    Half a teaspoon ofturmericpowder with warm water helps to reduce pain andinflammation in Fibromyalgia.

    Garlicis useful for detoxification and to enhance immune system function. Guggulis a very helpful herb for relief of pain. Licorice root supports the glandular system and acts in the body like cortisone. Use

    with caution.

    Ginger Tea. Ginger is a good alternative to aspirin to relieve minor aches and pains.