コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲの 文学教材に見られる 文法 ... ·...

コミュニケーション英語 文学教材に見られる 文法事項と文体論的特徴 文学教材を指導できる高等学校英語 教師を育成するための一考察 西原 貴之(広島大学) [email protected] http://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/ntakayk/ http://takayukinishihara.cocolog-nifty.com/

Transcript of コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲの 文学教材に見られる 文法 ... ·...

Page 1: コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲの 文学教材に見られる 文法 ... · 2017-10-30 · Who art thou? (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”) (訳注あり)



教師を育成するための一考察―西原 貴之(広島大学)

[email protected]://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/ntakayk/


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“I have to go to Delhi,” I said.

She nodded. “I do not have to go anywhere.”

The guard blew his whistle for the train to leave. How I hated him for doing that! (Pro-Vision I, “Reading 1: The Night Train at Deoli”)

You shall hear of this! Your president shall hear of this! (My Way III, “Reading 2: Rules are Rules”)

People haven’t time to learn anything. (Element II, “Further Reading 2: The Little Prince and the Fox”)

Who art thou? (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”)(訳注あり)

And then I concentrated. I willed her alive. It was a dream, I suppose, or a daydream, but I made it happen. (Polestar III, “Further Reading: The Things They Carried”) (訳注あり)


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本発表のきっかけ これまで大学で英語文学作品を使った英語教育を行ってきたが、その中で








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英語文学教材をどう教えていいのか英語教師自体が分からないという問題(斎藤・室井・中村・海木, 2004)が依然として解消されていない








英語文学教材を使った多読活動が現在盛んであるのに対し、文学教材をじっくりと読むという実践は(少なくとも高等学校では)あまりなされていない(多読活動では細部などが取り上げられることはない(それらは読み飛ばされる))(c.f. Fukaya, 2015)


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文学作品を使った外国語教育研究に関する文献の国内外での出版(Burke, Fialho, & Zyngier (eds.), 2016; Delanoy, Eisenmann, & Matz (eds), 2015; Hall, 2015; Teranishi, Saito, Wales (eds.), 2015; 小迫・瀬田・福永・脇本(編), 2010; 高橋, 2015; 日本英文学会(関東支部)(編),2017; 吉村・安田他(編), 2013)



教育学的文体論の発展(Burke, Csbi, Week, & Zerkowitz (eds.), 2012; Saito, 2016; Watson & Zyngier, 2007)

文体論の入門書の出版(Gregoriou, 2009; Jeffries & McIntyre, 2010; Jeffries & McIntyre (eds.), 2011; Simpson, 2014; 豊田・堀・今林(編), 2017)

文学理論の入門書(Rapaport, 2011)

物語論の入門書(Abbot, 2008)


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文体論や物語論などを包括的に整理した文献が次々と出版(Burke (ed.), 2014; Sotirova (ed.), 2016; Stockwell & Whiteley (eds.), 2014; 菊池・上利(編), 2016)

認知言語学、認知科学、選択体系機能文法など最新の理論に基づいた文学言語研究が次々と出版(Brône & Vandaele (eds.), 2009; Dancygier &

Sweetser, 2014; Goatly, 2008; Harrison, Nuttall, Stockwell, & Yuan (eds.), 2014; Herman (ed.), 2003)

文体論における分析対象の拡大:風刺(Simpson, 2003)、SF作品とファンタジー(Mandala, 2010)、現代推理小説(Gregoriou, 2007)、創造性(Swann, Pope, & Carter (eds.), 2011)、など


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文学作品読解処理を認知科学に基づいて実証的に調査する文学の経験的研究(Groeben, 1980; Hanauer, 1998; Miall, 2006; Schmidt, 1982; van Peer, 1986; Zwaan, 1993)が1970年代に登場

現在では研究がさらに発展し、L1での文学作品読解様式が脳科学的に調査されている(Hsu, Jacobs, Altmann, & Conrad,2015; Jacobs, 2015, 2016; Nijhof & Willems, 2015; Phillips, 2015; Zeman, Milton, Smith, & Rylance, 2013)。特にA. M. Jacobsを中心とする研究グループは、文学読解時の前景化された情報(逸脱的表現や反復的表現などいわゆる文学的表現)と背景的情報(文学的表現を支える無標的表現)の処理を、脳レベル(脳の各部位の賦活)、情意・認知レベル(読解時に読者が感じる感情や心的表象)、行動レベル(眼球の動き、脈拍、発汗など)、の3レベルで調査しようとしている(Jacobs, 2015)。さらに、Jacobs (2016) は、これらのデータを、従来の文学の経験的研究がデータとして使用してきたverbal data(自由記述や発話思考法、討論時の発話データなど)と突き合わせて、文学読解を多角的に調査する必要性を指摘している。


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Jacobs (2015) のモデル


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進化心理学的研究:人間は環境に適応するために文学を手にしたとする仮説(Carroll, 2007; Dissanayake, 2007)や、適応の副産物として文学を手にしたとする仮説(Pinker, 2007)

マザリーズ研究:乳児に対する母親のマザリーズは、韻律や音声のパターンを作ったり、そのパターンから逸脱をするという、文学作品の言語表現と同じ構造を備えており、人は幼い頃からこのような表現に触れて育っている。マザリーズによって、拡散的な乳児の注意を言語に引きつけている(母語習得への利用)。また、マザリーズには情意的要素が豊富に含まれており、乳児の注意が言語に向けられることで、情意面の発達も促される(Miall & Dissanayake, 2003; Weir, 1962)

Literary Universal Project:文学という現象はすべての文化に存在している。異なる文化圏の文学作品に普遍的に見られる特性(絶対的普遍性と統計的普遍性)を明らかに、さらにそのような特性がある理由を人間の一般的認知能力に基づいて説明しようとしている(Hogan, 2003)。


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2人称小説(e.g., McInerney, 1984)

メタフィクション小説(e.g., Fowles ,1969)

プロットへの挑戦:Saporta(1962/1963)によるプログラム小説、Joyce (1987) による電子メディア・プログラム小説

ポストモダン絵本(Browne, 1998; Tan, 2001)

大胆なパロディー作品(Dahl, 1982; Zipes (ed.), 1993)

具象詩(e.g., Bowles & Russell (eds.), 1971; Foster (ed.), 1998; Riddell, 1972; Riddell (ed.), 1975)



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1.英語文学教材指導研究をめぐる近年の動向1. 上記(2)~(6)は、英語教員養成に有益な知見をもたらす

2. 一方で、現在の英語検定教科書に含まれている文学教材について調べ、その結果から教員養成を逆算的に考えていくことも可能

3. これまで、教科書に収録されてきた英語文学教材の移り変わりを分析する研究はいくつかなされてきた(近年はなされていないが)(e.g., 江利川, 1998; 岡本, 1992; 山内, 1993)

4. また、過去には、特定の時期の高等学校英語教科書に含まれる作家と作品を調べる試みもなされている(e.g., 高橋, 2015; 室井, 2006; 山田, 1977)

5. さらに、現行の学習指導要領における採択数上位教科書に含まれる作家や作品、発問などを調べる研究もなされている(高橋, 2016)

6. しかし、現行の学習指導要領準拠の英語教科書を広範にわたって調査した研究は私の知る限り、なされていないようである

7. また、検定教科書に収録された文学教材全体を見据えた上で、その言語的特徴を分析した調査は、私の知る限り、なされていない

8. 上記の6・7点目は、英語教員養成で取り扱うべき事柄を考える上で極めて有益な情報をもたらしてくれることが期待される(現行の教科書内の文学教材を指導できるように学生を導くには、どのような事柄を教員養成の中で指導しておく必要があるのか)

9. そこで、今回の調査を行うこととした(今回の対象は高等学校とする)


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1. 現行のコミュニケーション英語Ⅰ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ用の文部科学省検定教科書(それぞれ、平成24、25、26年度版)を全数調査

2. (i) 課として納められた文学教材及び (ii) 課の本文中にその一部として掲載された文学教材を抽出し、作家名と作品名を記録(Q1)

3. 抽出した文学教材に含まれる文法事項と文体論的事項を確認(Q2 & Q3)

4. 抽出した文学教材に付されている設問や言語活動を分析(Q4)



1. 詩

2. 映画や落語のスキット

3. 物語文(ただし、伝記や出来事の単純な報告は除外)


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3.0 教科書全体の一般的特徴

1. 今回の調査では、課に採用された文学作品は合計で117作品見られた

2. 全体が文学作品で構成されている課は105課であった

3. 教科書1冊あたり、全体が文学作品で構成されている課は0〰3課の範囲で見られた

4. コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ・Ⅱ・Ⅲのシリーズを通じて、全体が文学作品で構成される課を最も持っていたのは、 『Mainstream』(増進堂) で8課見られた。『Compass』(大修館書店)、『Crown』(三省堂)は、それぞれ7課見られた。次点として、『Big Dipper』(数研出版)、『Grove』(文英堂)、『Vivid』(第一学習社)があり、それぞれ6課見られた。

5. 一方で『Genius』(大修館書店)は全体が文学作品で構成される課がシリーズを通じて1課のみであり、極端に少ない。


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3.0 教科書全体の一般的特徴

1. コミュニケーション英語Ⅰでは、全体が文学作品で構成される課が合計で35課見られた。そのうち、正課は2つのみ(『Big Dipper』、『Element』)であった。

2. コミュニケーション英語Ⅱでは、全体が文学作品で構成される課が合計で40課見られた。そのうち、正課は5つのみであった(『Big Dipper』、『Compass』、『Discovery』(2課)、『Grove』)。

3. コミュニケーション英語Ⅲでは、全体が文学作品で構成される課が合計で30課見られた。そのうち、正課は8つであった(『Big Dipper』(2課)、『Compass』(2課)、『Grove』(2課)、『Landmark』、『Mainstream』)

4. 詩のみから構成される課は、コミュニケーション英語Ⅱ・Ⅲでそれぞれ1つずつ見られた。Ⅱでは『Comet』で、Ⅲでは『Big Dipper』で見られた。『Big Dipper』では正課となっている。

5. 部分的に詩を用いた課は、コミュニケーション英語Ⅰで1つ(『On Air』)、コミュニケーション英語Ⅱで2つ(『Provision』)見られた。


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3.0 教科書全体の一般的特徴

1. 日本の文学作品の英訳の採用は、コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ・Ⅱ・Ⅲでそれぞれ4課(「雨ニモマケズ」(宮沢賢治)、 『きまぐれロボット』(星新一) 、『つみきのいえ』(平田研也)、「みさこのひばくぴあの」(まつたにみよこ))、8課( 『きまぐれロボット』(星新一)(2) 、 「1000の風1000のチェロ」(いせひでこ) 、『時そば』(落語)、 『徒然草』(吉田兼好) 、 『西の魔女が死んだ』(梨木香歩) 、「初天神」(落語)、 「雪渡り」(宮沢賢治)、2課(「三時間目のまどか」(古橋秀之)、「廻り猫」(落語))、見られた。

2. 非英語圏の文学作品は、日本文学以外にトルコ文学(『ナスレッディン・ホジャ物語』)とフランス文学(Le Petit Prince、L‘homme Qui Plantait Des Arbres)から採用されていた。コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ・Ⅱ・Ⅲで、それぞれ2課(トルコ、フランス)、2課(トルコ、フランス)、1課(フランス)見られた。


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3.1 Q1:どの作家のどの作品が収録されているか

1. 最も多く採用されていた作家はO. Henryで、計4回で合計で3作品が採用されていた。それらは、 “A Retrieved Reformation”(Landmark II、Vivid II)、“Springtime á la Carte”(New One World I)、“After Twenty Years”(Power On II)であった。

2. その他、2作品以上採用されていた作家は、Roald Dahl(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory(Mainstream I、Vista II)、“The Umbrella Man”(Pro-Vision I))、Oscar Wilde(“The Selfish Giant”(Polestar I)、“The Happy Prince”(New Stream I))、宮沢賢治(「雪渡り」(Genius II)、「雨ニモマケズ」(Crown I))であった。

3. 最も多く採用されていた作品は、Paul Villiardによる“Information Please”(Prominence I、Compass II、Vivid III)、Kurt Vonnegutによる“Long Walk to Forever”(Prominence II、On Air II、World Trek III)、星新一による『きまぐれロボット』(Compass I、Big Dipper II、My Way II)であった。

4. 2回採用されていた作品は、Antoine de Saint-ExupéryによるLe Petit Prince(Vista I、Element II)、Roald DahlによるCharlie and the Chocolate Factory(Mainstream I、Vista II)、O. Henryによる“A Retrieved Reformation”(Landmark II、Vivid II)があった。

→高等学校英語教育で利用された文学作品を集計したこれまでの研究(江利川, 1998; 山内, 1993; 山田, 1997)同様に採択数が多かったのはO. Henryのみであった。これらの研究で多く用されていると報告されていた大半の作家は収録数を大幅に減らした(e.g., W. Somerset Maugham、Saki、Mark Twain)か、採用自体がされなくなっていた(Erskine Caldwell、Ernest Hemingway、James Kirkup、David H. Lawrence、William Saroyan、John Steinbeck)。 18

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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか(1) 自由話法・中間話法


Two days before the first term ended, I borrowed the 2009 yearbook from a teacher. I couldn’t talk with Madoka any longer, but I still wanted to know what she was like. She was not in the group photo, but I found her picture placed in the corner of the group photo. Why? The teacher said, “This student died during summer vacation in an accident at sea.” What? Have I seen a ghost through the window? No. She’s Madoka living in the first term in 2009, which means that she would leave this world in a month or so … (My Way III, “Reading 1: A Special Moment in the Third Period”)

Mitch thought about Pamela’s phone call. What kind of emergency could there be at 5:30 in the morning? Was there water everywhere? Was someone trying to break into her house? He hurried to Pamela’s house. (Discovery III, “Reading 1: Love at First Sight”)


She asked me was I going to Araby. (Unicorn III, “For Reading 3: Araby”)19

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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか

(2) 引用符のない直接話法

Now listen, mummy, I was telling her, you simply mustn’t take advantage of a tired old man in this way. It’s a rotten thing to do. My mother looked back at me. Then she said to the little man, “I don’t think it’s quite right that I should take an umbrella from you worth twenty pounds. I think I’d just better give you the taxi-fare and be done with it.” (Pro-Vision I, “Reading 2: The Umbrella Man”)

- And why can’t you? I asked. (Unicorn III, “For Reading 3: Araby”)

Now and then, she said, bad things start growing inside us. Sometimes you can cut them out and other times you can’t, and for Linda it was one of the times when you can’t.

I thought about it for several days. ‘All right,’ I finally said. ‘So will she get better now?’ (Polestar III, “Further Reading: The Things They Carried”)


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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか(3) 倒置や移動が生じている文


On the first planet lived a king who always gave orders. On the second planet lived a man who was very vain. On the third planet lived a man who drank to forget his drinking habit. On the fourth planet lived a businessman who counted planets to own them all. On the fifth planet lived a man who lit a lamp. … On the sixth planet lived a geographer who drew maps, but he never traveled. (Vista I, “Enjoy Reading!: The Little Prince”)

An aunt belonging to the children sat in the corner seat, and in the further corner seat on the opposite side sat a bachelor who was a stranger to their party, but the small girls and the small boy had taken over the compartment. (Crown III, “Story 3: The Storyteller”)

Right in front of Haw was Cheese Station N! (New One World III, “Supplementary Lesson 1: Who Moved My Cheese?”)

At the corner stood a drugstore, brightly lit. (Power On II, “Reading1: After Twenty Years”)


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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか(3) 倒置や移動が生じている文


Thinking back on the good old days, the Rabbit wept helplessly. When a tear fell to the ground, a strange thing happened. From where the tear had fallen, a flower grew. Stepping out of it was a beautiful fairy. (Discovery II, “Lesson 8: The Velveteen Rabbit”)


“One day, hard as it is to believe, each and every one of us is going to stop breathing, turn cold and die!”(Prominence III, “Option 2: Dead Poets Society”)


This he did happily. (Unicorn I, “For Reading 1: The Man Who Walked Between the Towers”)

“Can – can you come to the wedding, Newt?” she said.

“That I doubt,” he said. (On Air II, “Story 2: Long Walk to Forever”/World Trek III, “Reading 2: Long Walk to Forever”)


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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか(4) 方向性を表すupとdown

I went to Dehra again in the summer and when the train came into Deoli station, I looked up and down the platform, knowing I wouldn’t find her but hoping just the same.

Yesterday afternoon, my mother took me up to London to see the dentist. (Pro-Vision I, “Reading 2: The Umbrella Man”)

Of course, as soon as the car had disappeared down the road, the wife came out of the house, picked me up and carried me back inside, as I knew she would. (Crown III, “Story 2: The Silent Miaow”)

One afternoon Jimmy Valentine, with his suitcase in hand, climbed out of a cab in Elmore, a little town five miles off the railroad down in Arkansas. (Element II, “Pleasure Reading: A Retrieved Reformation”)

He looked up and down the street. (My Way I, “Reading: The Girl in the Bank”)


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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか(5) 助動詞shall

“Ah!” the fox said. “I shall weep.” (Element II, “Further Reading 2: The Little Prince and the Fox”)

“You shall hear of this! Your president shall hear of this! ...” (My Way III, “Reading 2: Rules are Rules?”)

(1) I will put that poor little boy on the top of the tree, and then I will knock down the wall, and my garden shall be the children’s playground for ever and ever.

(2) You let me play once in your garden, to-day you shall come with me to my garden, which is Paradise.

(Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”)




(Genius II, “Read On! 5: Snow Crossing”)


Page 25: コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲの 文学教材に見られる 文法 ... · 2017-10-30 · Who art thou? (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”) (訳注あり)

3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか(6) 固有名詞の様々な用法

The Rosens are a Jewish family who are very close to the Johansens. (Big Dipper II, “Reading: Annemarie’s Basket”)

It’s hard to believe that henry was a Ground when you think how different he was from his brothers. (Vivid II, “Further Reading 2: the Joker” /Big Dipper III, “Lesson 25: the Joker”)

So there was Ben, working and sweating in the hot sun, while Tom was relaxing in the shade, eating the apple and thinking up more plans for other unsuspecting boys. (Mainstream II, “Optional Reading 1: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”)→ →there isの後に固有名詞が来るケース

That night, Mark dreamed that Hitler was across the river, but this Hitlerwore jeans and his haircut was modern in spite of the mustache under his nose with sticky tape on it. (Landmark II, “Reading 1: What Happened to Mark?”)


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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか

(6) 固有名詞の様々な用法

When I give the Silent Miaow I open my mouth as if I were going to miaow. (Crown III, “Story 2: The Silent Miaow”)→一般名詞の固有名詞化

Gobler’s were famous for their cream puffs. (Pro-Vision III, “Reading: The Garden Party”)

She asked if I would take her to a little luncheon at Foyot’s. (Crown I, “Reading 2: The Luncheon”)

The two young men walked out of Helen’s and took their places in the back seat, putting their boots on the pedals. (Crown II, “Reading 1: Sun-Powered Car”)


Page 27: コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲの 文学教材に見られる 文法 ... · 2017-10-30 · Who art thou? (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”) (訳注あり)

3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか(7) 様々な構文


“I don’t know how my tablecloth made its way here,” she wonders. (Landmark III, “Reading: The Tablecloth”)

To enjoy the cherry blossoms we should not force our way through the crowds just to get to a good place under the trees. (Mainstream II, “Optional Lesson 3: Tsurezuregusa”)


Slowly, he turned away from the bar and edged back through the crowd to where his hat and coat were hanging. (Pro-vision I, “Reading 2: The Umbrella Man”)


At that moment a whistle whistled. (Genius II, “Read On! 5: Snow Crossing”)


“He did it himself?” (Crown II, “Reading 1: Sun-Powered Car”)


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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか(7) 様々な構文


“Are people being exterminated today?”

“Are they what?” (Landmark II, “Reading 1: What Happened to Mark?”)

“I’ve never forgotten it before,” he said.

“You’ve never forgotten what?” my mother asked sternly. (Pro-Vision I, “Reading 2: The Umbrella Man”)


Who could imagine that someone would voluntarily undertake such laborious work? (Compass III, “Unit 3 Lesson 5: The Man Who Planted Trees”)


It is a fearsome thing, this frosty-nosed stare of my mother’s. (Compass III, “Unit 3 Lesson 5: The Man Who Planted Trees”) (Pro-Vision I, “Reading 2: The Umbrella Man”)


When she came up to me, she said,“The way you played the cello, it sounded like a barking dog!” (Vivid II, “Reading: 1,000 Winds and 1,000 Cellos”)


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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか(8) 物語に特に関わる事項


Now he realized that the best change happens inside of you – like when you believe a change can lead to something better. (New One World III, “Supplementary Lesson 1: Who Moved My Cheese?”)

He was obviously grateful to us, and you could see he was pleased when Mr. Kaufmann promised to do what he could for him on his return to Amsterdam. (Perspective III, “Optional Lesson 2: Cellists”)

Life wasn’t so bad if you knew how to appreciate it. (Prominence III, “Option 3: A Summer’s Reading”)

In the silence, you could have heard a pin drop. (Big Dipper III, “Lesson 25: The Joker” / Vivid II, “Further Reading 2: The Joker”)


I am sitting in an overstuffed chair in the lobby of The Dominion Imperial International Hotel. … (Perspective II, “Reading 1: May I Have Your Autograph?”)


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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか

(8) 物語に特に関わる事項


It was twenty years ago and I was living in Paris. I was earning just enough money to live. She had read a book of mine and had written to me about it. (Crown I, “Reading 2: The Luncheon”)

They had grown up next door to each other, on the edge of a city, near fields and woods and orchards, within sight of a beautiful bell tower that belonged to a school for the blind. (On Air II, “Story 2: Long Walk to Forever”)

They had grown up next door to each other, on the fringe of a city, near fields and woods and orchards, within sight of a lovely bell tower that belonged to a school for the blind. (World Trek III, “Reading 2: Long Walk to Forever”)


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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか

(9) 動作に関わる表現

One afternoon Jimmy Valentine, with his suitcase in hand, climbed out of a cab in Elmore, a little town five miles off the railroad down in Arkansas.(Element II, “Pleasure Reading: A Retrieved Reformation”)

She rose to her feet and this action soothed his anger; (Perspective III, “Optional Lesson 2: Cellists”)

“Did you think I would throw myself into your arms?” she said. (Prominence II, “Option 1: Long Walk to Forever”)



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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか(10) 古風な表現


“Who hath dared to wound thee?”

“Who art thou?” (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”)




(Genius II, “Read On! 5: Snow Crossing”)


“Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,” Keating repeated. (Prominence III, “Option 2: Dead poets Society”)


People haven’t time to learn anything. (Element II, “Further reading 2: The Little Prince and the Fox”)


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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか(10) 古風な表現

that which

But in a story I can steal her soul. I can revive, at least briefly, that which is absolute and unchanging. (Polestar III, “Further Reading: The Things They Carried”)


(1) “You must tell him to be sure and come here to-morrow,” said the Giant.

(2) “Who hath dared to wound thee?” cried the Giant;

(3) “You let me play once in your garden, to-day you shall come with me to my garden, which is Paradise.”

(Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”)

Shiro, a bit taken aback, shielded Kanko behind him and stood his ground. The little fox, named Konzaburo, shaking his head twice and thrice, merrily said…. (Genius II, “Read On! 5: Snow Crossing”)

“Bonjour,” braved a few students. (Polestar II, “Further Reading: Dead poets Society”)


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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか(11) 会話表現

“Hello, George. Hello, Emily. – What’ll you have?” “Why, Emily Webb, - what you been crying about?” (Grove III, “For Reading: Our Town”)

“My! Ralph, how heavy it is. Feels like it’s full of gold bricks.” (Element II, “Pleasure Reading: A Retrieved Reformation”)

“Receptive to what?” (Perspective II, “Reading 1: May I Have Your Autograph?”)

“… So what does he do? Decides to waster his money on coffees in the main square.” (Perspective III, “Optional Reading 2: Cellists”)

“Newt,” she said, “this is absolutely crazy.”

“How so?” said Newt. (Prominence II, “Option 1: Long Walk to Forever”)

“You bet! I hope Jimmy has done all right. He was always kind of slow, though.” (Power On II, “Reading 1: After Twenty Years”)


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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか(12) 高等学校での扱いが難しい事項

He must shoot it as if it is the only arrow he has. (Mainstream II, “Optional Reading 3: Tsurezuregusa”)

I want to know different things than they learn there, if you know what I mean. (Prominence III, “Option 3: A Summer’s Reading”)

Go look at the roses again. (Element II, “Further Reading 2: The Little Prince and the Fox”)

Your buggy’s waiting for you, ain’t it? (Element II, “Pleasure Reading: A Retrieved Reformation”)

“Spanish. I ain’t so good at it, even if I’m Mexican.” (Polestar II, “Further Reading: Seventh Grade”)

And then I concentrated. I willed her alive. It was a dream, I suppose, or a daydream, but I made it happen. (Polestar III, “Further Reading: The Things They Carried”)→本動詞will


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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか(12) 高等学校での扱いが難しい事項

I gave him water two times already. (Vivid III, “Further Reading 2: Becky and the Wolf)

Can’t you do something, Ralph – try, won’t you? (Element II, “Pleasure Reading: A Retrieved Reformation”)

Wheat fields say nothing to me. Which is sad. (Element II, “Further Reading 2: The Little Prince and the Fox”)

Right away the kids laughed. No doubt he’d broken the pencil on purpose, but it wasn’t something you could prove, and so the teacher nodded and told him to hustle it up. Which was a mistake. (Polestar III, “Further reading: The Reading They Carried”)

These French white wines are wonderful. (Crown I, “Reading 2: The Luncheon”)


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3.2 Q2:どのような文法事項が含まれているのか(13) 高校生が文法問題でしか目にすることが少ない事項


Shiro and Kanko turned about in surprise to see Konzaburo before them. (Genius II, “Read On! 5: Snow Crossing”)

He lounged about town in his quiet way until he found out what he wanted to know. (Element II, “Pleasure Reading: A Retrieved Reformation”)

, though

He was always kind of slow, though. (Power On II, “Reading 1:After Twenty Years”)

He never confided it to her, though. (Discovery III, “Reading 1: Love at First Sight”)

Nobody knew whether they were really interested in the lesson, though. (My Way III, “Reading 1: A Special Moment in the Third Period”)


But I did find a few bits of New Magical Cheese. (New One World III, “Supplementary Lesson 1: Who Moved My Cheese?”)


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3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか(1) 反復


But my rose, all on her own, is more important than all of you together, since she’s the one I’ve watered. Since she’s the one I put under glass. Since she’s the one I sheltered behind a screen. Since she’s the one for whom I killed the caterpillars (except the two or three for butterflies). Since she’s the one I listened to when she complained, or when she boasted, or even sometimes when she said nothing at all. Since she’s myroses. (Element II, “Further Reading 2: The Little Prince and the Fox”)

1,000 Winds and 1,000 cellos (Vivid II, “Reading: 1,000 Winds and 1,000 cellos ”)→タイトルに反復が含まれている例

Once Upon a Home Upon a Home(Element I, “Further Reading 2: Once Upon a Home Upon a Home”)→タイトルに反復が含まれている例


(1) “On foot in front of the other.” said Newt, “through leaves, over bridges –”

(2) “On foot in front of the other – through leaves, over bridges –”

(On Air II, “Story 2:Long Walk to Forever”)



(All Aboard! I, “Reading 2: The Kite”)


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3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか

(2) コントラスト


But when I walked out of the restaurant I had the whole month before me and not a franc in my pocket. (Crown I, “Reading 2: The Luncheon”)

One day, someone asked her, “What’s the taste of salty coffee?” “It’s sweet,” she replied. (Grove II, “Lesson 9: Salty Coffee”)

One thousand sounds were made into one soul. (Vivid II, “Reading: 1,000 Winds and 1,000 Cellos”)



(Unicorn III, “For Reading 3: Araby”)


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3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか

(3) 象徴

Landmark III, “Reading: The Tablecloth”→壁に空いた穴を補うという行為のもつ象徴:壁の穴を埋めるために手に入れたテーブルクロスが、ある登場人物が生き別れになった妻と再開する手がかりとなった

Perspective III, “Optional Lesson 2: Cellists”→hotelとsquareにそれぞれ音楽家としての輝かしい未来と現在の冴えない生活という意味合いを象徴的に付与

Element I, “Further Reading 2: Once Upon a Home Upon a Home”→higher and higherのような標準的な反復表現がこの物語には多く含まれており、このような構造はこの作品のトピックを象徴している


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3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか(4) 細かい外見描写・動作描写

She had pale skin, shiny black hair, and dark, troubled eyes.(Pro-Vision I, “Reading 1: The Night Train at Deoli”)

He is small for his age, with curly brown hair and bright blue eyes. (Power On III, “Reading: Baseball and the Facts of Life”)

His uniform was rumpled. He needed a shave. (Prominence II, “Option 1: Long Walk to Forever”)

He was thin, sandy-haired and wore unfashionable spectacles – huge frames that made him look like a panda. (Perspective III, “Optional Lesson 2: Cellists”)

Her blue dress was new, and so were her fashionable shoes. Her hair has just been done. She looked more than ever like a pink and gold Renoir girl who expects everything from life. (Unicorn I, “For Reading 2: Homage for Isaac Bable”)

He looked at her with a queer, soft smile on his lips and in his keen eyes. (Element II, “Pleasure Reading: A Retrieved Reformation”)

He slapped his free hand with the yardstick and strode forcefully to the front of the room. “Nimble young minds!” Keating shouted, looking around at the class and gesturing with the yardstick. (Prominence III, “Option 2:Dead Poets Society”)→動作描写 41

Page 42: コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲの 文学教材に見られる 文法 ... · 2017-10-30 · Who art thou? (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”) (訳注あり)

3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか(5) 細かい情景描写

It was a large lovely garden, with soft green grass. Here and there over the grass stood beautiful flowers like stars, and there were twelve peach-trees that in the spring-time broke out into delicate blossoms of pink and pearl, and in the autumn bore rich fruit. The birds sat on the trees and sang so sweetly that the children used to stop their games in order to listen to them. (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”)

The sun burned a pure white, releasing the fragrance of lily everywhere, glittering the snow below.

As for the trees, they are dazzling, decked in a frost of what looks like granulated sugar. (Genius II, “Read On! 5: Snow Crossing”)

North Richmond Street, being blind, was a quiet street except at the hour when the Christian Brothers’ School set the boys free. An uninhabited house of two storeys stood at the blind end, detached from its neighbours in a square ground. The other houses of the street, conscious of decent lives within them, gazed at one another with brown imperturbable faces. (Unicorn III, “For Reading 3: Araby”)


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3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか(6) 2重の意味


Even if the soldiers return, roots are deep and seeds spread. (Compass II, “Supplementary Reading 1: A Child’s Garden: A Story of Hope”)


Real(「生きている」)、rabbit(「生きているウサギ」)(World Trek II, “Reading 1: The Velveteen Rabbit”/ Discovery II, “Lesson 8: The Velveteen Rabbit” )


AND DON’T FORGET THE TWO OUTSIDE THE GATE. (Mainstream III, “Specialized Reading 2”)→墓の外に落としたピーナッツと人のどちらも指すことができ、そのかけ違いが利用されている


“Moderately. I have a position in one of the city departments. Come on, Bob. We’ll go to a place I know and talk about old times.”

The two men started up the street, arm in arm. The man from the West began to brag about his career. The other, deep in his overcoat, listened with interest. (Power On II, “Reading 1: After Twenty Years”)


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3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか

(7) 視点

He set his suitcase on the table, and opened it out flat. From that time on, he seemed to be unconscious of the presence of anyone else. He laid out the strange, shining tools quickly and orderly, whistling softly to himself as he always did when at work.. (Element II, “Pleasure Reading: A Retrieved Reformation”)→その場に同席した他の登場人物の視点

The man in the doorway struck a match and lit his cigar. The light showed a pale, square-jawed face with keen eyes, and a little white scar near his right eyebrow. He had a large diamond tiepin. (Power On II, “Reading 1: After Twenty Years”)→警察官としてのBobの視点


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3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか(8) 比喩


The story poured out of Naima like water from a pitcher. (Grove II, “For Reading 1: Rickshaw Girl”)


Sarah’s fingers danced over the typewriter. (New One World I, “Reading: Springtime á la Carter”)

And when the children ran in that afternoon, they found the Giant lying dead under the tree, all covered with white blossoms. (Polestar I, “Further Reading 1: The Selfish Giant”)

(1) Great rosebushes of red bloomed on Victor’s cheeks. A river of nervous sweat ran down his palms.

(2) The rosebushes of shame on his face became banquets of love.

(Polestar II, “Further Reading 1: Seventh Grade”)45

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3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか(8) 比喩


Destiny had betrayed them both. (Compass II, “Lesson 5: Table for Two”)

The birds were flying about and twittering with delight, and the flowers were looking up through the green grass and laughing. (Polestar I, “Further Reading 1: The Selfish Giant”)


The shadows of the apple tree grew to the east. (On Air II, “Story 2: Long Walk to Forever” / Prominence II, “Option 1: Long Walk to Forever” / World Trek III, “Reading 2: Long Walk to Forever”)

Once again, the clinking melody of the two bangles filled the hut. (Grove II, “For Reading 1: Rickshaw Girl”)

I pushed the worn brass plate open and dropped my letter into the silent blackness of the slot.



Mainstream I, “Optional Reading 3: The Fall of Freddie the Leaf”


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3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか(9) 文章構成


Pro-Vision III, “Reading: The Garden Party”

My Way I, “Reading: The Girl in the Bank”


Compass III, “Unit 3 Lesson 5: The Man Who Planted Trees”


World Trek I, “Reading 2: The Borrowers”


Grove III, “For Reading: Our Town”


Landmark III, “Supplementary Lesson 1: Who Moved My Cheese”


Page 48: コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲの 文学教材に見られる 文法 ... · 2017-10-30 · Who art thou? (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”) (訳注あり)

3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか

(10) 言語の音的特徴の工夫


Crown II, “Reading 1: Sun-Powered Car”→sunとson


Mainstream I, “Optional Reading 3: The Fall of Freddie the Leaf”→タイトルに見られるf音の連続でもろさを象徴


He decided to dive deeper, down into the house below and then the house below that. (Element I, “Further Reading 2: Once Upon a Home Upon a Home”)

And dances with the daffodils (Big Dipper III, “Lesson 26: Poetry: The Power of Words”)

Willy Wonka (Vista II, “Enjoy Reading!: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”)


Big Dipper III, “Lesson 26: Poetry: The Power of Words”48

Page 49: コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲの 文学教材に見られる 文法 ... · 2017-10-30 · Who art thou? (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”) (訳注あり)

3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか(11) 表記上の工夫


Yer ma won’t know. (Pro-Vision III, “Reading: The Garden Party”)

You sent MY photo instead of yours? (My Way II, “Reading 2: A Letter to Italy”)


THEN… the doughnuts began to sell! Everybody wanted to buy doughnuts, dozens of doughnuts! (New One World II, “Reading 2: The Doughnuts”)

Can’t you do something, Ralph – try, won’t you? (Element II, “Pleasure Reading: A Retrieved Reformation”)


Vivid II, “Reading: 1,000 Winds and 1,000 Cellos”


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3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか

(12) 地の文に活力を与える工夫


He told them where we came from and where we were going. He also told them that we were French! Just imagine! We were among our enemies. (New Stream I, “Optional Reading 1: A Tale of Terror”)→フランスと敵対関係にある国で道に迷った登場人物たちが一軒家に泊めてもらうことになった場面


(1) In fact, his motorbike was from Britain. Vroom-Vroom!

(2) Misako also played it, but just with her index fingers. Ping. Ping. (Vivid I, “Reading : Misako’s A-bomb Piano”)


Page 51: コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲの 文学教材に見られる 文法 ... · 2017-10-30 · Who art thou? (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”) (訳注あり)

3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか(12) 地の文に活力を与える工夫


I am sitting in an overstuffed chair in the lobby of The Dominion Imperial International Hotel. No kidding, that’s really the name. (Perspective II, “Reading 1: May I Have Your Autograph?”)

Okay, that was all of seven years ago, but it was still a shock. (Perspective III, “Optional Lesson 2: Cellists”)

Suddenly, Colin sneezed. A perfectly ordinary sneeze. Atishoo. Then he took out a ridiculously large spotted-red handkerchief and blew his nose. Bbbrrrrrppp. (Big Dipper III, “Lesson 25: The Joker”)


THEN… the doughnuts began to sell! Everybody wanted to buy doughnuts, dozens of doughnuts! (New One World II, “Reading 2: The Doughnuts”)

They would stand, one arm around a beautiful woman, and scowl. They would sit at a pool, their rippled stomachs dark with shadow, and scowl. They would sit at dinner tables, cool drinks in their hands, and scowl. (Polestar II, “Further Reading: Seventh Grade”) 51

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3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか(13) その他


The way you played the cello, it sounded like a barking dog! (Vivid II, “Reading: 1,000 Winds and 1,000 Cellos”)→作品後半で犬が関わる

Landmark III, “Reading: The Tablecloth”→テーブルクロス「穴」を埋めるのに役立つ


After thinking about his time in the Maze, he wrote on the wall what he had learned. (Landmark III, “Supplementary Lesson 1: Who Moved My Cheese”)→what he had learnedについては本文中に明示的な記載がない


Now the towers are gone, but in memory, the towers are still there in the sky. (Unicorn I, “For Reading 1: The Man Who Walked Between the Towers”)→9.11アメリカ同時多発テロを想起させる


Page 53: コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲの 文学教材に見られる 文法 ... · 2017-10-30 · Who art thou? (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”) (訳注あり)

3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか(13) その他


I was sitting in an overstaffed chair in the lobby of The Dominion Imperial International Hotel. (Perspective II, “Reading 1: May I Have Your Autograph?”)


What did he see? (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”)


For me, though, it did matter. It still does. I should’ve stepped in; fourth grade is no excuse. (Polestar III, “Further Reading: The Things They Carried”)


One thousand cellos sang all at once: high, low, fast, slow, gentle, strong … (Vivid II, “Reading: 1,000 Winds and 1,000 Cellos”)

He also loved eating, drinking, laughing, talking, and a thousand other activities which don’t make money or improve the human condition. (Vivid II, “Further Reading 2: The Joker”) 53

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3.3 Q3:どのような文体論的特徴が含まれているのか(13) その他


Once Upon a Home Upon a Home (Element I, “Further Reading 2: Once Upon a Home Upon a Home”)→タイトル


Silence. Painful silence. (Vivid II, “Further Reading 2: The Joker”)→名詞句

Now if you’ll excuse me … (Genius II, “Read On! 5: Snow Crossing”)→主節の欠如


“Oh, Newt – you’re fooling me about being A.W.O.L,” she said.

Newt imitated a police siren softly. (On Air II, “Story 2: Long Walk to Forever” / World Trek III, “Reading 2: Long Walk to Forever”)


Page 55: コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲの 文学教材に見られる 文法 ... · 2017-10-30 · Who art thou? (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”) (訳注あり)

3.4 Q4:どのような設問や言語活動が付されているのか

(1) 全体的によく見られた設問・言語活動






Page 56: コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲの 文学教材に見られる 文法 ... · 2017-10-30 · Who art thou? (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”) (訳注あり)

3.4 Q4:どのような設問や言語活動が付されているのか









Page 57: コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲの 文学教材に見られる 文法 ... · 2017-10-30 · Who art thou? (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”) (訳注あり)

3.4 Q4:どのような設問や言語活動が付されているのか(3)その他確認された設問・言語活動(ただし、論説文などに比べると全体的な設問数・言語活動数は圧倒的に少ない点に注意)


















文章を味わうためのポイントを提示(余韻や興奮を感じ取るように指示) 57

Page 58: コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲの 文学教材に見られる 文法 ... · 2017-10-30 · Who art thou? (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”) (訳注あり)






Page 59: コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲの 文学教材に見られる 文法 ... · 2017-10-30 · Who art thou? (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”) (訳注あり)

7.本発表のまとめ:英語文学教材を指導するために英語教師に必要となる知識 文学教材にも様々な種類の設問や言語活動が付されており、中には極め





なお、文化知識や文学知識に関しては、教科書内の文学教材の指導というよりは(TMなどに関連情報が掲載されていることが多い)、むしろ投げ込み教材の選択や英語に関する課外活動などの企画などと大きく関わってくると考えられる。 59

Page 60: コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲの 文学教材に見られる 文法 ... · 2017-10-30 · Who art thou? (Polestar I, “Further Reading: The Selfish Giant”) (訳注あり)
