
350ML RM38.40 RM40.80 FB064 DXN | Fruzim 酵素是人类基本的重要所需。我们的体 内拥有多种酵素,各有着不同的功能以 让体内的系统能正常运作。在体内,酵 素扮演着催化剂的角色(一种可提高或 减低化学反应的化学物质),它对日常 生化功能非常重要如:消化功能、吸收 养分、传送养分、新陈代谢、排泄等。 酵素是一种由身体所产生的蛋白质。但是,随着年 龄的增长,酵素的生产份量也会随着减低。污染的 环境,不均衡的饮食习惯以及不健康的生活作息也 是造成酵素产量减低的元素。缺乏酵素将会导致消 化不良而使毒素堆积于体内。过量的毒素将影响我 们的日常生化功能继而造成肌肤暗淡无光。总和来 说,缺乏酵素将导致许多疾病随之而来。 德信水果酵素,一种由桃子和梅子在经过天然发酵 后,所获取的营养饮料。德信水果酵素不含任何添 加剂,化学药物以及防腐剂。 桃子和梅子含有对人体有益的维他命,矿物质以及 纤维。其营养是经过严格的发酵过程提炼而成。经 提炼后的细小营养分子结构,使人体容易吸收并充 分的使用。德信水果酵素拥有最佳的营养,可改善 消化系统以及帮助排泄系统。 带有清新香甜的桃子及梅子果味,德信水果酵素绝 对是您每日的健康饮料。欲达到更佳效果,请与德 信果醋一同服用。 缺乏酵素 德信水果酵素 Deficiency of Enzymes DXN Fruzim Enzymes are produced within the body, however, the amount of enzymes reduces as we grow older. In addition, polluted environments, imbalanced diet and unhealthy lifestyle are among the factors that cause the reduction of enzyme productivity in the body. Enzymes deficiency causes indigestion which resulted to accumulation of toxin in the body. The accumulated toxin can affect the daily biochemical unctions and make our skin looks dull. Various sorts of diseases will eventually follow due to the deficiency of enzymes. DXN Fruzim is a nutritious enzyme drink naturally fermented from peach and plum. It is free from additives, chemicals and preservatives. Peach and plum contain vitamins, minerals and dietary fibres that are good for human health. These nutrients are extracted during the fermentation process in a strictly controlled environment. The tiny molecular structure of nutrient is readily absorbed and utilized by the body. With the goodness of the extracted nutrient, DXN Fruzim improves digestion and smoothens bowel movement. Characterized by its refreshing fruity taste from peach and plum fruits, DXN Fruzim is your good choice as daily healthy drink. For better results, it is best served with DXN Fruit Vinegar. Enzymes are fundamental and essential to all life. There are several types of enzymes in our body performing specific roles to smoothen our body function. They act as catalyst (a chemical substance known to increase or decreaserate of chemical reaction) which is essential for the daily biochemical functions such as food digestion, nutrient absorption and transporting, metabolism, elimination of waste and others.


Margarita Fleitas DXN ID: 011331445 Tel.:(0045) 011-43828293 / 1558534415 E-mail: [email protected] / Web: http://maguiju.es.tl SKYPE: margarita.fleitas https://www.facebook.com/magui.fley

Transcript of Fe

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350ML RM38.40 RM40.80FB064

DXN |Fruzim




























Deficiency of Enzymes

DXN Fruzim

Enzymes are produced within the body, however, the amount of enzymes reduces as we grow older. In addition, polluted environments, imbalanced diet and unhealthy lifestyle are among the factors that cause the reduction of enzyme productivity in the body. Enzymes deficiency causes indigestion which resulted to accumulation of toxin in the body. The accumulated toxin can affect the daily biochemical unctions and make our skin looks dull. Various sorts of diseases will eventually follow due to the deficiency of enzymes.

DXN Fruzim is a nutritious enzyme drink naturally fermented from peach and plum. It is free from additives, chemicals and preservatives.

Peach and plum contain vitamins, minerals and dietary fibres that are good for human health. These nutrients are extracted during the fermentation process in a strictly controlled environment. The tiny molecular structure of nutrient is readily absorbed and utilized by the body. With the goodness of the extracted nutrient, DXN Fruzim improves digestion and smoothens bowel movement.

Characterized by its refreshing fruity taste from peach and plum fruits, DXN Fruzim is your good choice as daily healthy drink. For better results, it is best served with DXN Fruit Vinegar.

Enzymes are fundamental and essential to all life. There are several types of enzymes in our body performing specific roles to smoothen our body function. They act as catalyst (a chemical substance known to increase or decreaserate of chemical reaction) which is essential for the daily biochemical functions such as food digestion, nutrient absorption and transporting, metabolism, elimination of waste and others.

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Mixed Fruit Juice from fermented Peach & PlumJus Campuran Buah Pic & Plum yang difermentasi

Enzim merupakan asas dan penting untuk semua kehidupan. Terdapat beberapa jenis enzim yang memainkan peranan khusus untuk melicinkan fungsi badan kita. Enzim bertindak sebagai pemangkin (sejenis bahan kimia yang dapat meningkatkan atau mengurangkan kadar tindak balas kimia), ia penting untuk fungsi biokimia harian seperti pencernaan makanan, penyerapan dan pengangkutan zat, metabolisme, penyingkiran sisa dan sebagainya.

Enzim dihasilkan dalam badan kita, walau bagaimanapun, jumlah enzim yang dihasilkan akan berkurangan apabila usia kita meningkat. Tambahan pula, persekitaran yang tercemar, diet yang tidak seimbang dan cara hidup yang tidak sihat menjadi faktor-faktor yang mengakibatkan pengurangan produktiviti enzim dalam badan. Kekurangan enzim akan menyebabkan ketidakcernaan yang boleh mengakibatkan pengumpulan toksin dalam badan. Pengumpulan toksin tersebut akan menjejaskan fungsi biokimia dan menjadikan kulit kita tidak berseri. Lama-kelamaan, pelbagai jenis penyakit akan terjadi akibat kekurangan enzim.

Kekurangan EnzimDXN Fruzim merupakan sejenis minuman enzim berkhasiat yang ditapai daripada buah pic dan plum secara semulajadi. Ia tidak mengandungi sebarang bahan tambahan, bahan kimia dan pengawet.

Pic dan plum mengandungi vitamin, mineral dan serat makanan yang baik untuk kesihatan manusia. Nutrien-nutrien tersebut diekstrak semasa proses penapaian yang dilakukan dalam persekitaran terkawal. Struktur molekul nutrien yang kecil sedia diserap dan digunakan oleh badan. Dengan kebaikan nutrien yang telah diekstrak, DXN Fruzim mampu meningkatkan proses penghadaman dan melicinkan pergerakan usus.

Dengan rasa buah pic dan plum yang menyegarkan, DXN Fruzim merupakan pilihan minuman kesihatan harian anda yang baik. Untuk rasa yang lebih enak, ia sesuai dihidangkan bersama Cuka Buah-buahan DXN.

DXN Fruzim