Fazendo mágica com ElasticSearch

PEDROFRANCESCHI @pedroh96 [email protected] github.com/pedrofranceschi Fazendo mágica com ElasticSearch


Quando uma aplicação começa a ficar grande e complexa, fazer buscas nos seus models torna-se uma tarefa complicada. Efetuar as buscas diretamente no banco de dados é um processo lento, ineficiente e que permite pouca ou nenhuma maleabilidade sobre a forma com que a busca é feita. Surge então o ElasticSearch, uma engine de busca utilizada por empresas como Github, Twitter e 4square para indexar e buscar literalmente milhões de documentos em tempo real. Nessa palestra, explicarei quando, como e porque utilizar o ElasticSearch para facilmente indexar e efetuar buscas complexas nos seus models.

Transcript of Fazendo mágica com ElasticSearch

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[email protected] github.com/pedrofranceschi

Fazendo mágica com ElasticSearch

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Full text search





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Você vai precisar buscar dados.

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Você vai precisar entender dados.

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(My)SQL não é a solução.

(… nem NoSQL)

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O que é o ElasticSearch?

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• “Open Source Distributed Real Time Search & Analytics”

• API RESTful para indexar/buscar JSONs (“NoSQL”)

• NÃO é um banco de dados

• Apache Lucene

• Just works (and scales)

• Full text search, aggregations, scripting, etc, etc, etc.

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MySQL ElasticSearch

Database Index

Table Type

Row Document

Column Field

Schema Mapping

Partition Shard


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Como usar o ElasticSearch?

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$ curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/1' -d '{! "user" : “pedroh96",! "post_date" : "2009-11-15T14:12:12",! "message" : "trying out Elasticsearch"!}'

Endpoint Index TypeDocument



{! "_index" : "twitter",! "_type" : "tweet",! "_id" : "1",! "_version" : 1,! "created" : true!}

PUT data

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$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/1'

Endpoint Index TypeDocument


{! "_id": "1",! "_index": "twitter",! "_source": {! "message": "trying out Elasticsearch",! "post_date": "2009-11-15T14:12:12",! "user": "pedroh96"! },! "_type": "tweet",! "_version": 1,! "found": true!}


GET data

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$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/_search'!-d ‘{ query: . . . }!!!!!!!!!!

Endpoint IndexGET data

Query de busca

Operador de busca

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class Tweet < ActiveRecord::Base!end

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require 'elasticsearch/model'!!class Tweet < ActiveRecord::Base! include Elasticsearch::Model! include Elasticsearch::Model::Callbacks!end!!

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Por que usar o ElasticSearch?

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Post.where(:all, :author => "pedroh96")


Post.search(query: { match: { author: "pedroh96" }})

Just Another Query Language?

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1) Full text search

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$ rails g scaffold Post title:string! source:string

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GET /posts/5



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Post.where(:all, :title => "Amazon to Buy Video Site Twitch for More Than $1B")

“Amazon to Buy Video Site Twitch for More Than $1B”



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Post.where(["title LIKE ?", "%Amazon%"])




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Post.where(["title LIKE ? AND source = ?", "%Amazon%", "online.wsj.com"])

“amazon source:online.wsj.com”



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“amazon source:online.wsj.com”


search = Post.search("amazon source:online.wsj.com")


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“amazon source:online.wsj.com”


search = Post.search( query:{ match: { _all: "amazon source:online.wsj.com", } })

Full-text search

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“amazon source:online.wsj.com”


search = Post.search( query:{ multi_match: { query: "amazon source:online.wsj.com", fields: ['title^10', 'source'] } })

Full-text search

Title boost

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“amazon source:online.wsj.com”


search = Post.search( query:{ multi_match: { query: "amazon source:online.wsj.com", fields: ['title^10', 'source'] } }, highlight: { fields: { title: {} } })

Title highlight

Full-text search

Title boost

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> search.results[0].highlight.title => ["Twitch officially acquired by <em>Amazon</em>"]

Title highlight

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2) Aggregations (faceting)

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Geo distance aggregation

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$ rails g scaffold Coordinate latitude:decimal longitude:decimal

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class Coordinate < ActiveRecord::Base!end

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class Coordinate < ActiveRecord::Base! def distance_to(coordinate)! # From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haversine_formula! rad_per_deg = Math::PI/180 # PI / 180! rkm = 6371 # Earth radius in kilometers! rm = rkm * 1000 # Radius in meters!! dlon_rad = (coordinate.longitude.to_f - self.longitude.to_f) * rad_per_deg # Delta, converted to rad! dlat_rad = (coordinate.latitude.to_f - self.latitude.to_f) * rad_per_deg!! lat1_rad = coordinate.latitude.to_f * rad_per_deg! lat2_rad = self.latitude.to_f * rad_per_deg! lon1_rad = coordinate.longitude.to_f * rad_per_deg! lon2_rad = self.longitude.to_f * rad_per_deg!! a = Math.sin(dlat_rad/2)**2 + Math.cos(lat1_rad) * Math.cos(lat2_rad) * Math.sin(dlon_rad/2)**2! c = 2 * Math::atan2(Math::sqrt(a), Math::sqrt(1-a))!! rm * c # Delta in meters! end!end

> c1 = Coordinate.new(:latitude => -23.5532636, :longitude => -46.6528908) > c2 = Coordinate.new(:latitude => -23.5538488, :longitude => -46.6530035) > c1.distance_to(c2) => 66.07749735875552

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ActiveRecordsorigin = Coordinate.new(:latitude => -23.5532636, :longitude => -46.6528908)

Coordinate.all.each do |coordinate|! distance = origin.distance_to(coordinate)!! buckets.each do |bucket|! if distance < bucket[:to] and distance > (bucket[:from] || 0)! bucket[:coordinates] << coordinate! end! end!end

buckets = [! {! :to => 100,! :coordinates => []! },! {! :from => 100,! :to => 300,! :coordinates => []! },! {! :from => 300,! :coordinates => []! }!]!


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query = {! aggregations: {! rings_around_rubyconf: {! geo_distance: {! field: "location",! origin: "-23.5532636, -46.6528908",! ranges: [! { to: 100 },! { from: 100, to: 300 },! { from: 300 }! ]! }! }! }!}

:-)search = Coordinate.search(query)

Nome da aggregation

Field com localização

Buckets para agregar

Coordenadas da origem

Tipo da aggregation

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(Extended) stats aggregation

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$ rails g scaffold Grade subject:string grade:decimal

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query = {! aggregations: {! grades_stats: {! extended_stats: {! field: "grade",! }! }! }!}!!search = Grade.search(query)

Nome da aggregation

Nome do field

Tipo da aggregation

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> search.response.aggregations.grades_stats!!=> #<Hashie::Mash avg=8.03 count=3 max=10.0 min=4.6 std_deviation=2.43 sum=24.1 sum_of_squares=211.41 variance=5.93>>

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(Extended) stats aggregation +


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query = {! aggregations: {! grades_stats: {! extended_stats: {! field: "grade",! }! }! }!}

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query = {! aggregations: {! grades_stats: {! extended_stats: {! field: "grade",! script: "_value < 7.0 ? _value * correction : _value",! params: {! correction: 1.2! }! }! }! }!}!!search = Grade.search(query)

Nome da aggregation

Nome do fieldJavaScript para

calcular novo grade

Tipo da aggregation

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> search.response.aggregations.grades_stats!!=> #<Hashie::Mash avg=8.34 count=3 max=10.0 min=5.52 std_deviation=2.00 sum=25.02 sum_of_squares=220.72 variance=4.01>>

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Term aggregation

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query = {! aggregations: {! subjects: {! terms: {! field: "subject"! }! }! }!}!!search = Grade.search(query)

Nome da aggregation

Nome do field

Tipo da aggregation

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> search.response.aggregations.subjects!!=> #<Hashie::Mash buckets=[!#<Hashie::Mash doc_count=2 key=“math">,!#<Hashie::Mash doc_count=1 key="grammar">, #<Hashie::Mash doc_count=1 key=“physics">!]>

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Combined aggregations (term + stats)

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query = {! aggregations: {! subjects: {! terms: {! field: "subject"! }! }! }!}!!search = Grade.search(query)

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query = {! aggregations: {! subjects: {! terms: {! field: "subject"! },! aggregations: {! grade_stats: {! stats: {! field: "grade"! }! }! }! }! }!}!!search = Grade.search(query)

Nome da parent aggregation

Field para parent aggregation

Field para child aggregation

Nome da child aggregation

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> search.response.aggregations.subjects!!#<Hashie::Mash buckets=[!#<Hashie::Mash doc_count=2 grade_stats=#<Hashie::Mash avg=9.0 count=2 max=10.0 min=8.0 sum=18.0> key="math">, #<Hashie::Mash doc_count=1 grade_stats=#<Hashie::Mash avg=4.6 count=1 max=4.6 min=4.6 sum=4.6> key="grammar">, #<Hashie::Mash doc_count=1 grade_stats=#<Hashie::Mash avg=9.5 count=1 max=9.5 min=9.5 sum=9.5> key=“physics">!]>

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Top Hits

More like this


Scripted metrics

Geo bounds

Stemmer (sinônimos)

IPv4 ranges

. . .

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3) Scoring

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$ rails g scaffold Post title:string! source:string likes:integer

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search = Post.search( query: { match: { _all: "amazon", } })

Full-text search

search.results.results[0]._score => 0.8174651

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search = Post.search( query: { custom_score: { query:{ match: { _all: "amazon", } }, script: "_score * doc['likes'].value" } })

Full-text search

Likes influenciam no score

search.results.results[0]._score => 31.8811388

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GET http://localhost:9200/post/_search?explain"_explanation": {! "description": "weight(tweet:honeymoon in 0)! [PerFieldSimilarity], result of:",! "value": 0.076713204,! "details": [! {! "description": "fieldWeight in 0, product of:",! "value": 0.076713204,! "details": [! {! "description": "tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:",! "value": 1,! "details": [! {! "description": "termFreq=1.0",! "value": 1! }! ]! },! {! "description": "idf(docFreq=1, maxDocs=1)",! "value": 0.30685282! },! {! "description": "fieldNorm(doc=0)",! "value": 0.25,! }! ]! }! ]!}

Score explicado

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4) Indexando responses

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$ rails g scaffold Post title:string! source:string likes:integer

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class PostsController < ApplicationController!! # ...!! def show! @post = Post.find(params[:id])!! render json: @post! end!! # ...!!end

SELECT * FROM Posts WHERE id = params[:id]

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class PostsController < ApplicationController!! # ...!! def show! @post = Post.search(query: { match: { id: params[:id] }})!! render json: @post! end!! # ...!!end

GET http://localhost:9200/posts/posts/params[:id]

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require 'elasticsearch/model'!!class Post < ActiveRecord::Base! include Elasticsearch::Model! include Elasticsearch::Model::Callbacks!! belongs_to :author!! def as_indexed_json(options={})! self.as_json(! include: { author: { only: [:name, :bio] },! })! end!end Inclui um parent no JSON indexado

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Expondo o ElasticSearch

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Infraestrutura do Pagar.me



Servidor da API (Node.js)


MySQL (transações e dados relacionais)

MySQL (transações e dados relacionais)

MongoDB (dados de clientes e não relacionais)

Ambiente de testes (sandbox dos clientes)

Ambiente de produção

Servidor da API (Node.js)

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Expondo o ElasticSearch

• Endpoint do ElasticSearch -> Endpoint acessado pelo cliente…

• … mas cuidado: dados precisam ser delimitados a conta do cliente (claro)

• Vantagem: acesso às mesmas features do ElasticSearch (aggregations, statistics, scores, etc)

• Segurança: desabilitar scripts do ElasticSearch

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GET /search

• Um único endpoint para todos os GETs

• Todos os dados indexados e prontos para serem usados (no joins)

• Queries complexas construídas no front-side (Angular.js)

• Desenvolvimento front-end não dependente do back-end

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1)Há uma ferramenta para cada tarefa.

2)Um martelo é sempre a ferramenta certa.

3)Toda ferramenta também é um martelo.

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[email protected] github.com/pedrofranceschi

Obrigado! :)

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[email protected] github.com/pedrofranceschi


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[email protected] github.com/pedrofranceschi

Fazendo mágica com ElasticSearch