Falles 2015




Transcript of Falles 2015

What are fallas?“Fallas” are a typical Valencian festivity.Valencian people celebrate “fallas” in March. In Valencia the first day of March “mascletaes” start.On 22nd of February we celebrate the “crida”. The “crida” is when the mayoress and the Valencia’s “fallera major” announce that we start “fallas”. Another important day is on 15th of March. This is the “plantà” Day, when the monuments are collocated in the street with the “falleros” help. The monument use to be very big, colourful and spectacular. The monument has got a lot of “ninots”, which are the main component of the “falla”.

The monuments have usually got a “ninot indultat”.The “ninot indultat” is the best ninot in the “falla” and they remove it from the “falla” for not being burnt.

Typical falla clothes

The “vestit faller” is very beautiful and can be very colourful, but it is very expensive.

“Falleros” are the people who celebrate “fallas” festivity.The typical “falleros” clothes are the “bluso” and the “mocaor” for “fallas” days, but the most typical “fallas” clothes is the “vestit faller”.



Del segle

Short sleeve

Half sleeve

HuertanaFew color

Manega llarga

For religion actions

And the most expensive is the espoli:




The special “fallas” thing are the monuments.Monuments are a big structure with a specific topic. These monuments have a lot of “ninots”, and these ninots have a lot of colour.

Fallas monuments

The “artista faller” is responsible of designing and building the “falla”. There are two types of “falla”, it depends on the size: the smallest is the “falla infantil”, and the biggest is the “falla gran”. Normally the “fallas” are very expensive.

The typical fallashairThere are two types of “fallera” hair.The first type is the “cosit”, that is an artificial.

With the real hair we make a ponytail and we hide put under the “cosit”.

“Falleros” timetable

The first day of the fallas is the Crida, is the 22nd of february. Before the week offallas, the falleros lunch and dinner in the casal on weekend.

TYPICAL DAY OF FALLAS:8:00 Despertà11:30 Pasacarrer14:00 The mascletà15:30 Lunch16:30 Pasacarrer22:00 Dinner23:30 Discomovil

7th of March Cabalgata14th of March Plantà of the falla.17th of March awards18th of March ofrena19th of March the cremà