FAISALABAD BOARD-2012notesenglish.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/BISE-faisala...،کا نرط خ...

Page 1 of 9 FAISALABAD BOARD-2012 Roll No. ___________________ Time: 30 Minutes Signature of the Candidate: Marks: 20 ___________________________ English (Objective Part) Group-1 Note: Four answers are given against each question in columns A, B, C, D. select right answer and on the separate answer sheet, fill A,B,C or D with pen or marker in front of that question number. S# Questions A B C D 1 I asked him if he ----- with me. Agreed Agrees Will agree Agree 2 She dragged the boy inside. Drew Pulled Watched دBeat ا رن 3 And a time to pluck up that which is planted. ا ن Harvest ا ن Grow ا ن اGlow Break ا ن ر 4 The young man was in a precarious state. اک، رن ط خAmazing ان Dangerous اک رن ط خLabourious Comforting دہ ن 5 Ranks broken, hearts perplexed prayers cold. ن Puzzled Bewildered ن Mystified Confused 6 Is he an imposter ? ار ن Writer Athlete Artist Impersona- tor 7 Where was the key to the bell-unit dome? In the pocket In the drawer In the box In the sealed envelope 8 Where did the spaceship land? In the fields On the roof of a building In the Rose Garden On the hill 9 How much amount was recovered from the young man’s pocket? Rupees 200 Six annas and a few pies Nothing was found in his pocket Only rupees 43 10 These animals are of prodigious size. ا ڑ ب Small Medium Enormous Ordinary

Transcript of FAISALABAD BOARD-2012notesenglish.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/BISE-faisala...،کا نرط خ...

Page 1: FAISALABAD BOARD-2012notesenglish.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/BISE-faisala...،کا نرط خ Amazing کنن احیر Dangerous کا نرط خ Labourious طلب مشقت Comforting

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Roll No. ___________________ Time: 30 Minutes

Signature of the Candidate: Marks: 20


English (Objective Part) Group-1

Note: Four answers are given against each question in columns A, B, C, D. select right answer and on the separate answer

sheet, fill A,B,C or D with pen or marker in front of that question number.

S# Questions A B C D

1 I asked him if he ----- with me. Agreed Agrees Will agree Agree

2 She dragged the boy inside. انٹیسھگDrew





د اھکی



امر ن

3 And a time to pluck up that which is

planted. ا

اٹکیئ رکن


ا اٹکیئ




ا اگن







4 The young man was in a precarious state.

ا ک،

ر نط




ریحا ن


ا ک

ر نط



تقشم بلط


د ہ


5 Ranks broken, hearts perplexed prayers



Puzzled Bewildered


Mystified Confused

6 Is he an imposter?

اہبےن ن ا رWriter Athlete Artist Impersona-


7 Where was the key to the bell-unit dome? In the


In the drawer In the box In the sealed


8 Where did the spaceship land? In the fields On the roof

of a building

In the Rose


On the hill

9 How much amount was recovered from the

young man’s pocket?

Rupees 200 Six annas

and a few


Nothing was

found in his


Only rupees


10 These animals are of prodigious size. ا

ڑب تہب

Small Medium Enormous Ordinary

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Page 2 of 9


ا د ر ایمہن وھچن

ڑب ومعمیل تہب

11 On hearing the words of the boy, the king

could not control his:

Tears Army Rule People

12 The mother admonished her severely. ربخد ا ر




ا ربخد ا ر



ایپر ایک


تحیصن یک


زسا د انی

13 Miss America, I presume. ایخل Think




ن ا د رکن



ہ اگلن

ا دنا ر



ن ا د رکن

14 The bus was late due to: Storm Accident Change in



15 Norma made a contemptuous noise. ا زیگن



ا دنا ر



وخر ت




ا زیگن رفنت

16 Let us close the door before the train ------. Start Started Will start Starts

17 The man peers out the glass. اھجانکن Breaks








ا اھٹن



18 The maid servant ---- the floor ten minutes ago. Has washed Washed Had washed Was washing

19 All is well that ----- well. Ended Ends End Will end

20 Ali ---- his lesson when I saw him. Have learnt Will be




Will learn

English Subjective Part (Group-1)


(a)Questions from Book-1

(1) What did Harry want to grow on the Mars? ا اچاتہ اھت؟

ریہی رمخی ایک ا اگن

Answer: He wanted to grow peach trees, onions and other vegetables on the Mars but these things grew in

odd manner. و ےک : ا ت

ںیم ا ںیگ۔و ہ رمخی ا ر

ا اچاتہ اھت نکیل ہی زیچںی تہب بیجع ا دنا ر

ا و ر د و رسی زبسن ا ن ا اگن

، ایپر


د ر خ

(2) What was the nature of Luella Bates Washington Jones’ job? س و ا نٹگنش:وسا ل

ی ٹب

ےک اکم یک ایک ونتیع یھت؟ زسم ولن ال



Answer: The woman worked in a hotel beauty shop that stayed open late. Here, the woman of all kinds

came. She did the work of doing up their hair.

ر مسق یک وعر ںیت ا یت ںیھت ۔ و ہ ا ےکن ن ا ل ونسا ر ےن اک اکم: ا ت ہک یلھک ر یتہ یھت۔ اہین

ا ت ںیم اکم رکیت یھت د ری ن

ل ویبیٹ ش

ن ا ن ک وہ

رکیت یھت۔ وعر ت

(3) Why did the people make fun of his innocence? ا ےت ےھت؟

ولگ ا یکس وصعمتیم اک ذما ق ویکن ا ر

Answer: The people made fun of his innocence because he pleaded for his innocence again and again. They

thought that his guilt had made him ill.

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ا ر اہ۔ و ہ ایخل رکےت ےھت ہک ا ےکس اتھچپو ے ےن ا : ا ت

ا یہ یک ا اجتلء رکن

ا ن ا ویکہکن و ہ ن ا ر ن ا ر ا ینپ ےب گی

ےس امیبر رک د ن ا اھت۔ ولوگن ےن ا یکس وصعمتیم اک ذما ق ا ر

(4) Why did the doctor call the girl by her first name? ا م ےس ویکن اکپر ا ؟

ا رٹک ےن ڑلیک وک یقیقح ن


Answer: The doctor called her by her first name because he wanted to win her sympathy. It was the best

professional manner and psychological trick by the doctor.

: ا ت

ا رٹک یک رطف ےس رتہبنی ہشیپ و ا ر ا ہن ا دنا ر

ا اچاتہ اھت۔ ہی ا ن ک د


ٹ ٹ ا ت ےس اکپر ا ویکہکن و ہ ا یکس دمہر د ی ج

ا رٹک ےن ا س وک ا ےکس یقیقح ن

ا و ر ایسفنیت اچل یھت۔ د

(5) Why did the king weep? ا ہ ویکن ر و ن ا اھت؟

ن ا د ش

Answer: On hearing the words spoken by the boy, the king began to weep because he had realized his

selfishness. He also released the boy. ا ہ ر و د ن ا ویکہکن ا س ےن ا ینپ د رغیض وک وسحمس رک ایل اھت۔ا س ےن ڑلےک وک یھب: ا ت

نس رک ن ا د ش

ا د رک د ن ا ۔ ڑلےک ےک ا افلظ

ا ر

(6) What was the result of the cure? اک ہجیتن ایک اھت؟


Answer: The result of the cure was the death of the woman because the treatment which the quack applied was

suitable for animals not for men. : ا ت

یھت ویکہکن و ہ رطہقی عالج

یک ومت

اک ہجیتن وعر ت

سا ونن ےک مین میکحعالج

نےئل۔ ےن ا انپن ا و ہ اجونر و ن ےک ےئل انمست اھت ہن ہک ا

(7) Why did the farmers throw wet leaves on fire? اسکونن ےن ا گ ےلیگ ےتپ ویکن ےکنیھپ؟

Answer: The farmers threw wet leaves on the fire to make the smoke acrid and black. It was the only way to keep

the locusts away. ر ہعی اھت۔: ا ت

س وک د و ر ر ےنھک ےک ےئل ہی و ا دح ر


اسکونن ےن ا گ وک خلت رکےن ا و ر ایسہ رکےن ےک ےئل ا س ےلیگ ےتپ ےکنیھپ۔ ول

(8)From which part of the country the Negroes gathered there? یشبح کلم ےک سک ہصح ےس و اہن عمج وہےئ ںیہ؟

Answer: The Negroes gathered there from Alabama, South Carolina, and Georgia and from all the parts of

the country. یشبح ا ابلام، ونجیب ریکو انیل ا و ر ر ایج ا و ر کلم ےک امتم د و رسے وصحن ےس و اہن عمج وہے ےھت۔: ا ت

(b) Questions from Book-3 (Plays)

(1) What were the circumstances that forced her to leave her car? ےن وبجمر ایک؟

ےھت وہنجن ےن ا ےس ا یکس اکر وھچر

و ہ وکےسن احالت

Answer: These reasons are following. First, her car ran short of gas. Secondly, she was being chased by the killer.

ل ا اکس اھچیپ رک ر اہ اھت۔ : ا ت

ن لی ںیہ۔ ا ن ک وت ہی ہک ا س یک اکر ںیم سیگ یک یمک وہ یئگ یھت۔ د و رسا ا ن ک اق


د ر ج

ہی و اہت

(2) Why could not she describe the killer? ہن رک یکس؟

ل وک ایبن

ن و ہ ویکن اق

Answer: The girl could not describe the killer because the girl was very upset to see a dead body. Secondly, the darkness

and heavy rain did not let her see the killer clearly.

یھت۔ د و رس: ا ت

ہن رک یکس ویکہکن و ہ ا ن ک رمد ہ مسج وک د ھکی رک تہب رپن

ل وک ایبن

نل وک کیھٹ رطج ےس ہن د ےنھکی د ن ا ۔ و ہ اق

ن ےن ا ےس اق

و ر د ا ر ن ا ر س

ا ر یکی ا و ر ر

ا ہی ہک ن

(3) How does Kreton impress General Powers? ا ےہ؟

وک اتمرث رکن

ر ج رنجل ن ا و ر رسطک


Answer: Kreton impresses General Powers with his extra ordinary powers. When General and his secretary attack him, he

stops them at a distance.

: ا ت

بو ا ن ک افےلص رک


نا ےہ۔ خ ت رنجل ا و ر ا اکس رکیسرٹی ا س ہلمح رکےت ںیہ وت و ہ ا

ےس اتمرث رکن

ق وک ا ینپ ریغ ومعمیل طا

رنجل ن ا و ر ر

ر و ک د اتی ےہ۔ ن

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(4) Can the people of the earth compete with the people of Kreton? ے ںیہ؟

شکت ںیم ےک ولگ رکنٹ یک وقم ےس اقمہلب رک

ایک ر

Answer: No, the people of earth cannot compete with the people of Kreton. Kreton claims that civilization on the earth is

just beginning while the civilization of Kreton is much advanced.

نیم ذہتبی ا یھب رصف ا دتبا ء ںیم ےہ ہکبج رکی: ا ت

ا ےہ ہک ر

د وعٰی رکن


ن ٹ

ے۔ رک

شکت ےک ولوگن ےس اقمہلب ںیہن رک


ن ٹ

نیم ےک ولگ رک

نٹ یک ذہتبی تہب رتیق ن ا ہتف ےہ۔ ںیہن، ر

(5) What is the role of General Powers in the play? اک ایک رکد ا ر ےہ؟

ر ا ےم ںیم رنجل ن ا و ر ر


Answer: General Powers was a patriot. He was the leader of the team of soldiers who tried to catch Kreton. He thought

that Kreton was an enemy. He ordered to arrest Kreton but could not succeed.

وک ڑکپےن یک وک: ا ت


ن ٹ

ڑ ا ہ اھت سج ےن رکب ا یو ہ اپسویہن یک ا س میٹ اک رس

وک ڑکپےن اک مکح د ن ا نکیل اکایمت ہن وہ اکس۔ رنجل ن ا و ر ر


ن ٹ

ا ن ک د نمش اھت۔ ا س ےن رک


ن ٹ

حت و نط اھت۔ شش یک۔ و ہ وساتچ اھت ہک رکپ


(6) What is Applegarth complaint about the sea? ےہ؟

ب ا لپی اگر ھت وک دنمسر ےس ایک اکش

Answer: Applegarth complains that the quality of the sea stuff is not good. He is right because the sea is polluted due to

negligence of the people towards water pollution.

ا : ا ت


ب ےہ ہک دنمسر ی ا ایشء ا ینت یب ںیہن ر ںیتھک۔ و ہ ن ا لکل کیھٹ ےہ ویکہکن ا یب ا ولد یگ یک رطف ولوگن یک تلفغ یک و ہج ےس دنمسر ا ولد ہ ںیہ۔ ا لپی اگر ھت اکش

(7) What kind of gadget does the writer describe? ا ےہ؟ فنصم سک مسق یک نیشم ےک ن ا ر ے ںیم



Answer: The writer describes a gadget that is like a safety razor with which anybody can give anybody a haircut.

However, it may affect someone’s hair cutting business.

ر ےعی وکیئ یھب: ا ت

ر یک رطج ےہ ےکسج ر

ڑب ا ےہ ہک ا ن ک یٹفیس ر


ے ےک ن ا ر ے ںیم ن ا ت

ر گنٹک ےک اکر و ن ا ر وک اتمرث رک اتکس فنصم ا ن ک ری

ی ہ

ا مہ ہی یسک ےک

انب اتکس ےہ۔ ن

ےہ۔ یسک ےک ن ا ولن یک اجحمت

(8) Who buys the oyster? How much does he pay? ا ےہ؟ : وسا ل

ا ےہ؟ و ہ ا ےکس ےئل ینتک ا د ا یگیئ رکن

رخن د ن

شٹ ت وک وکن

Answer: The writer wants to help the poor family. He buys the oyster from Clay. He pays 300 dollars for the oyster. He

does not try to open it to see if there is a pearl in it because he knows that there is no pearl in it.

ا ےہ۔ و ہ ا ےکس ہی د ےنھکی : ا ت

ا د ا رکن

ا رلر

ا اچاتہ ےہ۔ و ہ ےلک ےس شٹ ت رخن د اتیل ےہ۔ و ہ شٹ ت ےک ےئل نیت وس د

یک دمد رکن

ا ںیمس ومیت ےہ ںیہن وھکاتل ویکہکن و ہ اجاتن ےہ ہک ا ںیمس وکیئ ےک ےئل ہکفنصم رغبی اخدنا ن

یھب ومیت ںیہن ےہ۔

(c) Questions from Book-3 (Poems)

(1)What kind of feelings does the rain create? سط: وسا لک

دیپا رکیت ےہ؟ن ا ر س

ر ج ےک ا اسحشا ت

Answer: The rain fosters great feelings of relief and satisfaction regardless of all the different classes in the society. The

poor as well as the rich enjoy it.

ےک ا اسحس دیپا رکیت ےہ۔ ا ریم: ا ت

ا و ر ا انیمطن

ےک عطق رظن وکسن

اعمرشے ںیم ن ا یئ اجےن و ا ےل امتم اقبطت

ا و ر رغبی د و ونن ا س ےس فطل ا اھٹےت ںیہ۔ ن ا ر س

(2) Why has the poet used “Cannon balls” to describe the fruit? رکےن ےک ےئل

ا رع ےن ولھپن وک ایبن

اک ا امعتسل ویکن ایک ےہ؟ " وتت ےک وگولن"ش

Answer: The background of the poem is war and its horrible results. When the poet looks at the fruit piled up in conical

form, they look to the poet as cannon balls.

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ا رع لھپ وک رخمو یط لکش ںیم د اتھکی ےہ وت و : ا ت

گ ا و ر ا ےکس انفک اتنجئ ںیہ۔ خ ت ش

یخہ ا ےس وتت ےک وگولن یک رطج رظن ا ےت ںیہ۔ مظن اک سپ رظنم

(3) What did the traveler see in the desert? ر ےن رحصا ںیم ایک د اھکی؟: وسا لف اسم

Answer: The traveller told the poet that he saw a statue in the statue. The statue was broken. It was lying half

buried in the sand. The passions of vanity, conceit and pride could easily be read from its structure.

ا رع وک اتبن ا ہک ا س ےن ا ن ک : ا ت

ر ےن شفا وہا ہمسجم ہمسجم د اھکی۔رحصا ںیم ا ن ک اسم

وک ا شا ین ےس ڑپاھ اج اتکس اھت۔ ہید اھکی۔ وٹن

ن ا ت

ےس رغو ر ، د دنسپی ا و ر رخف ےک ج د


ںیم د اسنھ وہا اھت۔ ا یکس شا خ

با د اھ ر

(4) What do hollow men mean? وھکےلھک ا د ویمن ےس ایک رما د ےہ؟: وسا ل

Answer: The poet calls modern men the hollow men because they are apathetic. They do have shapes but inside there is

nothing. They are stuffed men.

ن وت ںیہ رگم ا ےکن ا دنر ھچک ںیہن۔ و ہ سھب رھبے : ا ت کلٹ


ا ےہ ویکہکن و ہ ےب سح ںیہ۔ ا یکن

ا رع ج د ن د د و ر ےک ا د ویمن وک وھکےلھک ا د یم اکپر ن

ا د یم ںیہ۔ ش

(5) How much terrible were the explosions that took place in the two cities of Japan?

ےک د و رہشو ن ںیم وہےئ ےھت و ہ ےنتک انفک ےھت؟ و ہ د :وسا ل

ما ےک اجن ا نھ

Answer: In these explosions, the victims had lost everything they had. They were killed ruthlessly. Those who survived

died later on. Their houses had become rubble.

ا ن و ہ یھب رم ےئگ۔ ا ےکن : ا ت

دنہ ےچب دعب ا ر

ی ےب ر یمح ےس امر د ن ا ایگ اھت۔ و ہ ر

ڑب ر زیچ ونگا د ی ا ےکن ن ا س یھت۔ ا ںیہن

ہ ر نب ےکچ ےھت۔اتمرثنی ےن


رھگ ےبلم اک د

(6) What becomes vinegar through love? ا ےہ؟

ر ےعی رسہک ایک وہ اجن

تبحم ےک ر

Answer: The poet tells us that love has a great magical effect on all the objects of nature. It can change

vinegar into sweet wine. ےک امتم انعرص اجد و یئ ا رث ر یتھک ےہ۔ ہی رسےک وک یھٹیم رشا ت انب یتکس ےہ۔ : ا ت

ا ےہ ہک تبحم رطفت

ا رع اتبن



Q.No.3: Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you some books.

OR Write an application to the Principal of your college for full fee concession.


The Principal,

Government College,

(City) A.B.C.

Subject: Request for Fee Concession


Most respectfully, I beg leave to state that I submitted forms for admission in first year two

days ago. I have been asked to pay my admission fee. Sir, I cannot pay my fee because I belong to

a poor family. My father earns his living on daily wages. He has also advised me to discontinue

my studies and join him in his work or learn some skill to earn my living. Sir, I am fond of getting

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education. I got first position in matriculation at Tehsil level. I want to become a doctor in future.

I request you to give me full fee concession so that I may be able to continue my studies.

I shall be greatly thankful to you for this favour.

Yours obediently,


Q.No.4: Write a story on the moral lesson: “All that glitters is not gold.” OR “Union is strength.”


Story telling is as old as man. It has been one of the greatest sources of preaching moral values

because every story is written with some moral purpose. All the prophets, the saints, religious scholars and

teachers have been adopting it as a source of preaching any kind of morality. If one follows the lesson

preached in the story, one can avoid many perils and problems. The story “A Foolish Stag” also gives us a

sublime moral lesson.

Once, a stag felt thirsty. He went to a nearby stream. When he began to drink water, he saw his

reflection in the clear running water. He was delighted to see the beauty of his horns. But when he saw

his legs, he became displeased. He began to curse his legs. When he was lost in his thoughts, he saw

some hounds coming towards him. He was terrified. He began to run to save his life. His legs were of

great help to him and he reached a jungle. But in the jungle, his horns were caught in the thick bushes.

He tried to free himself but all in vain. In the meantime, the hounds reached there. At this moment, he

thought that he was in the wrong. They caught the stag and tore him into pieces. His horns of which he

was so proud became the cause of his death. We learn from the story, “Pride hath a fall.”


ا انسن

ر اہکین یسک االخیق ن ا ایبن رکن ان۔ ہی االخیق ادقار یک غیلبت رکےن واےل میظع زراعئ ںیم ےس ای زرہعی ےہ ویکہکن ہ

ا ےہ انتج ہک ان

دصقم ےک تحت یھکل اجیت ےہ۔ امت م ربمغیپ، اوایلء، اانت یہ رپان

ذہ یسک یھب مسق یک االخایقت یک غیلبت ےئلیک اےس ای زرہعی ےک وط

ر رپ اامعتسل رکےت رےہ ںیہ۔ ارگ وکیئ صخش اہکین ںیم ایبن ےئک ےئگ قبس یک ریپوی رک اتیل ےہ وت وہ تہب ےس اسملئ اور ذمیبہ رامنہ، اور ااست

ای ںیمہ یھب" ویبوقف ن ارہ اھگنسای " اہکین رطخات ےس چب اتکس ےہ۔


ے وک ایپس یگل۔ و االخیق قبس دیتی ےہ۔ اٰلعھگ


رک ےہ ہک ا ن ک ن ا ر ہ

ر یبی دنی ایگ۔ خ ت ا س ےن ن ا ین ا ن ک د ہعف اک رقہ ا ن ک

ے وہےئ ن ا ین ںیم ا انپ سکع د اھکی۔ و ہ ا ےنپ

پ ہت

وہا ۔ ا س ےن وگنیسن یک وخر یت انیپ رشو ع ایک وت ا س ےن اصف

ا س

ا ںیگن د ںیھکی وت و ہ تہب ن

وہا ۔ نکیل خ ت ا س ےن ا ینپ ن

د ھکی رک تہب س

ا رشو ع رک د ن ا ۔ خ ت و ہ ا

ا وگنن وک نعل نعط رکن

ا ا ینپ ن


اچبےن ےک ےئل ا س ےن د و ر

ینپ وسوچن ںیم مگ اھت وت ا س ےن ھچک اکشر ی وتکن وک ا ینپ رطف ا ےت وہےئ د اھکی۔ و ہ زفد ہ وہ ایگ۔ ا ینپ اجن

ی اھج


ےن ںیم ا ےکس ےئل تہب دمد اگر وہںیئ ا و ر و ہ ا ن ک لگنج چنہپ ایگ۔نکیل لگنج ںیم ا ےکس گنیس

ا ںیگن ا س ےک د و ر

وین ںیمرشو ع رک د ن ا ۔ ا یکس ن

ا د ر

سنھپ ےئگ۔ ا س ےن ا ےنپ ا ت وک ا ر

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و ن ےن ن ا ر ہ گنسہ

پ اکشر ی ےتک و اہن چنہپ ےئگ۔ ا س ےحمل ا س ےن وساچ ہک و ہ یطلغ اھت۔ ا

ےھ وک ڑکپا ا و ر ا ےکس ڑکٹے رک د ےئ۔ ا س ےک گنیس رکا ےن یک وکشش یک نکیل ن ا لکل ےباکر ۔ ا یس د و ر ا ن

نب ےئگ۔

اک ن ا عت

" رغو ر اک رس اچین۔"ےس مہ ےتھکیس ںیہ ہک اہکین نج ا ےس تہب رخف اھت ا یکس ومت

MORAL: 1. All that glitters is not gold. ا ںیہن وہیت

ر یتکمچ زیچ وسن۔ ہ .1

2. Appearances are often deceptive. ا ےہ

ر بی وہنفر

کی ر ا ہا

۔ ط .2

3. Pride hath a fall. ا ےہ۔

3. رغو ر اک رس اچین وہن

4. Do not find fault with the ways of nature. . اکنول

ےک اکومن ںیم صقن مت

ر ت




Story telling is as old as man. It has been one of the greatest sources of preaching moral values

because every story is written with some moral purpose. All the prophets, the saints, religious scholars

and teachers have been adopting it as a source of preaching any kind of morality. If one follows the

lesson preached in the story, one can avoid many perils and problems. The story “A Farmer and His sons”

also gives us a sublime moral lesson.

Once there was an old farmer. He had three sons. They always quarreled among themselves. The farmer

was much worried. He wanted to see unity among his sons before his death. One day, he sent for his sons.

He gave them a bundle of sticks. He asked them to break it. His sons tried their best to break the sticks but

failed. The farmer laughed at their efforts. Then, he untied the bundle of sticks and asked his sons to break

the sticks. This time, they broke the sticks easily. It was a great time for the farmer to advise his sons. He

said to his sons that the sticks were strong when they were tied together but they were breakable when they

were separated. His advice had a great effect on his sons. After this, they never quarreled. The farmer also

recovered his health. We learn from the story, “Union is strength.”

ا اہک

ا ین انسن

ر اہکین یسک االخیقن ا ایبن رکن ان۔ ہی االخیق ادقار یک غیلبت رکےن واےل میظع زراعئ ںیم ےس ای زرہعی ےہ ویکہکن ہ

ا ےہ انتج ہک ان

دصقم ےک تحت یھکل اجیت ےہ۔ امت م ربمغیپ، اوایلء، اانت یہ رپان

ذہ یسک یھب مسق یک االخایقت یک غیلبت ےئلیک اےس ای زرہعی ےک وط

ر رپ اامعتسل رکےت رےہ ںیہ۔ ارگ وکیئ صخش اہکین ںیم ایبن ےئک ےئگ قبس یک ریپوی رک اتیل ےہ وت وہ تہب ےس اسملئ اور ذمیبہ رامنہ، اور ااست

ای ںیمہ یھب" ای اسکن اور اےکس نیت ےٹیب " اہکین ےہ۔رطخات ےس چب اتکس


اھت۔ ا س االخیق قبس دیتی ےہ۔ اٰلع

اھ اسکن

رک ےہ ہک ا ن ک وبر

ےک نیت ےٹیب ےھت۔ و ہ ا سپ ںیم ڑلےت ا ن ک د ہعف اک ر

اھت۔ و ہ ا ےنپ وٹیب

تہب رپن

ےن ےک ن ںیم ا افتق د انھکی اچاتہ اھتڑگھجےت ر ےتہ ےھت۔ اسکن

ا س ےن ا ےنپ وٹیبن وک ن ال اجیھب۔ ا س ےن ا ںیہن ڑکلوین اک ا ن ک اھٹگ د ن ا ۔ ا س ےن ا ںیہن ا ےس وتر

ا ن ک د ن

ےن یک ا

ےن ےک ےئلےئل اہک۔ ا ےکس وٹیبن ےن ا ےس وتر

ےس ا ےس وتر

ا یکن وکوششن اسنہ۔ رھپ ا س ےن ڑکلوین اک اھٹگ وھکال ا و ر ا ےنپ وٹیبن

ا اکم وہ ےئگ۔ اسکن

اہک۔ ا س ن ا ر ینپ وپر ی وکشش یک نکیل ن

ےس اہک

ےک ن ا س ہی ا ن ک ا اھچ ومعق اھت۔ ا س ےن ا ن

د ن ا ۔ ا ےنپ وٹیبن وک تحیصن رکےن ےک ےئل اسکن

و ن ےن ڑکلوین وک ا شا ین ےس وترہ

پ ہک ڑکلن ا ن تہب وبضمظ ںیھت خ ت و ہ ا یھٹک دنبیھ وہںیئ ا

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ل ںیھت۔ ا یکس تحیصن ےن ا ےکس وٹیبن تہب ا رث ایک۔ ا ےک دعب و ہ یھبک یھب ا سپ ںیم ہن ڑلن ےن ےک اق

یک یھب تحص احبل وہ یئگ۔ںیھت رگم خ ت و ہ دحیلعٰہ ںیھت وت وتر

مہ اہکین ےس ےتھکیس ے۔ اسکن

ڑ تک ےہ" ںیہ ہک ب " ۔ ا افتق ںیم

MORAL: 1. Union is strength. ڑ تک ب 1. ےہ۔ا افتق ںیم

2. United you stand, divided you fall. ک مہ دحتم ںیہ مہ ڑھکے

اجںیئ ےگ (وہزمکو ر ) ںیہ ا رگ مہ دحتم ںیہن وت مہ رگ(وبضمظ) خ ت ن

Q.No.5: (a) Explain the following lines with reference to the context. (Poems)

Fissuring the atom You have learnt to weep and wail in a loud tone

Splitting the grain You have learnt to set life on foot

Could you split the grain? One grain to be fed to the ten young ones.

Answer: Answer: REFERENCE: These lines have been taken from “The Feed” written by Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi.

CONTEXT: In this poem, the poet depicts the love of a mother for her young children. The mother sparrow

brings only a grain of millet in her beak but she is confused to think that it is not enough for her ten children.

ا ےہ۔ ڑچن ا امن ا ینپ وچچن ںیم ن ا رجے اک ا ن ک د ا ہن ےل رک ا یت ےہ نکیل و :رتہمج

ا رع ا ن ک امن یک ا ےنپ وچبن ےک ےئل تبحم وک شیپ رکن

ےہ ہک ہی ا ا س مظن ںیم ش

رک رپن

ے ےکس د س وچبہ ہی وسجکےئل اکیف ںیہن ےہ ن

EXPLANATION: In these lines, the poet says that the mother sparrow addresses her children. She says that

they have learnt how to weep and cry. They have learnt to set life on foot. She has only one grain of food in

her beak to feed her ten young ones. But her dilemma is how to feed them with this grain of millet.

و ن: رتہمجہ

پا ھکیس ایل ےہ۔ ا

ا ا و ر ج الن

و ن ےن ر و نہ

پطا ت رکیت ےہ۔ و ہ یتہک ےہ ہک ا

ا رع اتہک ےہ ہک ڑچن ا امن ا ےنپ وچبن ےس خ

الونئن ںیم ش

دنیگ ںیم انلچ ھکیس ایل ےہ۔ ا یکس وچچن ںیم ا ےنہ ا ن

ےن ر



ست وک ےسیک

ھالےن ےک ےئل رصف ا ن ک یہ د ا ہن ےہ۔ نکیل ا یکس رپین ہی ےہ ہک ا ےکس شا ھت ا ن


د س وچبن وک

(b) Punctuate the following extract.

no said the boy pay for the salt said the king lest it should become a custom and the village be ruined

Answer: “No”, said the boy. “Pay for the salt”, said the king. “Lest it should become a custom and the village be ruined.”

(c) Use any five of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own. (5)

1 Pore مسج ںیم تہب ےس اسمم وہےت ںیہ۔ امہر ے .Our body has many pores اسمم

Pour ا انل

.He poured water in the glass د ا ال۔

ا س ےن گالس ںیم ن ا ین د

2 Sow ا

.As you sow, so shall you reap وبن ۔ وبو ےگ و یہ اکوٹ ےگ

Sew ںیم ےئن ڑپکے اتیس وہن۔ .I sew new clothes انیس

3 Tale ا س ےن ےھجم ا ن ک اہکین انسیئ۔ .He told me a tale اہکین

Tail ےہ۔اگےئ یک د م وہیت .A cow has a tail د م

4 Vale و ا د ی د یھکی۔ .I saw beautiful vale و ا د ی

ںیم ےن ا ن ک وخر ت

Veil .I wear veil ت ںیم ت یتنہپ وہن۔

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5 Dual ر ا ہ ل مس .I have a dual sim mobile د و


ومن ا لئ ےہ۔ ریمے ن ا س د

Duel .They fought a duel yesterday ڑلا یئ ڑگھجا و ن ےن ا ن ک ڑلا یئ ڑلی۔


پ لک ا

6 Edible لن.This salad is edible اھکےن ےک اق ل ےہ۔

ن ہی شالد اھکےن وک اق

Audible .His voice is audible انس اج ےکس ینس اج یتکس ےہ۔

ا یکس ا و ا ر

7 Canvas .I like canvas cloth رھکد ر ا ڑپکا ا وہن۔

ںیم رھکد ر ے ڑپکے دنسپ رکن

Canvass امانگن

اماتگن وہن۔ .I canvass vote for you و و ت

ںیم اہمتر ے ےئل و و ت

Q.No.6: Translate the following passage into Urdu. (15)

A king fell seriously ill and all hopes of his recovery vanished. The more the disease was cured, the more it became

painful. At last, the physician agreed that this disease could not be cured except by means of bile of a person endued with

certain qualities. Orders were issued to search for an individual of this kind. A son of a farmer was discovered to possess

the qualities mentioned by the doctors. The king summoned the father and mother of the boy whose consent he got by

giving them a huge amount of wealth. The Qazi issued a decree to shed the blood of a person for the health of the king.

The boy was brought to the altar and the executioner was ordered to slaughter the boy. When all was ready, the boy

looked toward the sky and smiled.

ا ہ تخس امیبر ڑپ ایگ ا و ر ا یکس تحص ن ا یب :رتہمج

ا ن ک ن ا د ش

ن ا د ہ ہی فیلکت د ہ وہیت یئگ۔ ا رخ اکر ا ابطء ا س ن ا ت

ایک ایگ ا انت یہ ر

ن ا د ہ عالج

ںیئگ۔ امیبر ی اک انتج ر

ےک یک امتم ا دیمںی د م وتر

سا ن

نقفتم وہےئ ہک اخص ویبن ےک احلم ا

ےک ےئل مکح اجر ی ایک


یک ن

سا ن

ن ںیہن وہ اتکس۔ ا س مسق ےک ا

و تہب یس رفصا ء ےک ریغب ا س امیبر ی اک عالجک

نا ہ ےن ڑلےک ےک ن ا ت ا و ر امن وک بلط ایک ا

ا اھت۔ ن ا د ش


رکد ہ ایبن ر

اک اٹیب مال ا ابطء یک ایبن

ایگ۔ ا ن ک اسکن

ر ن ا نق اہبےن اک ٰی اجر ی رک د ن ا ۔ ڑلےک وک

ےک ن

سا ن

نا ہ یک تحص یک اخرط ا ن ک ا

د ے رک ا یکن ر ی احاح رک یل۔ اقیض ےن ن ا د ش

حب رک د ے۔ خ ت ست اگہ ںیم ال د و

ال وک مکح د ن ا ایگ ہک ڑلےک وک دن ا ایگ ا و ر ج

یک رطف د اھکی ا و ر رکسما ےن اگل۔

ایتر ن ا ن لمکم وہ ںیئگ وت ڑلےک ےن ا امسن