Fabric Python Lib

Fabric al PyCon 5 di Firenze Taa taa chi trova fabric non lo lascia più…

Transcript of Fabric Python Lib

Page 1: Fabric Python Lib

Fabric al PyCon 5 di FirenzeTaa taa chi trova fabric non lo lascia più…

Page 2: Fabric Python Lib

$ fab taskA taskB

from fabric.api import run, env

env.hosts = ['host1', ‘host2']

def taskA(): run(‘ls')

def taskB(): run('whoami')

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$ fab mytask:roles=role1

from fabric.api import env

env.roledefs = { 'web': ['www1', 'www2', 'www3'], 'dns': ['ns1', ‘ns2']


def mytask(): run('ls /var/www')

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$ fab mytask:roles=role1,exclude_hosts="a;c"

from fabric.api import env, hosts, roles, run

env.roledefs = {'role1': ['b', ‘c']}

@hosts('a', ‘b') @roles(‘role1') def mytask():

run('ls /var/www')

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$ fab migrate update

from fabric.api import run, roles

env.roledefs = { 'db': ['db1', 'db2'], 'web': ['web1', 'web2', ‘web3'],


@roles(‘db') def migrate():

# Database stuff here. pass

@roles(‘web') def update():

# Code updates here. pass

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fab deploy

from fabric.api import run, roles, execute

def deploy(): execute(migrate) execute(update)

migrate on db1 migrate on db2 update on web1 update on web2 update on web3

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$ fab deploy:app or $ fab deploy:db

from fabric.api import run, execute, task

from mylib import external_datastore

def do_work(): run("something interesting on a host”)

@task def deploy(lookup_param):

host_list = external_datastore.query(lookup_param) execute(do_work, hosts=host_list)

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$ fab set_hosts:app do_work

from fabric.api import run, task from mylib import external_datastore

@task def do_work():

run("something interesting on a host")

@task def set_hosts(lookup_param):

env.hosts = external_datastore.query(lookup_param)

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Combining stdout and stderr

run("cmd", pty=False, combine_stderr=True):

run("cmd", pty=False, combine_stderr=False):

run("cmd", pty=True, combine_stderr=False):

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$ fab -H host1,host2,host3 runs_in_parallel runs_seriallyfrom fabric.api import *

@parallel def runs_in_parallel():


def runs_serially(): pass

runs_in_parallel on host1, host2, and host3 runs_serially on host1 runs_serially on host2 runs_serially on host3

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$ fab -P -z 5 heavy_task

from fabric.api import *

@parallel(pool_size=5) def heavy_task(): # lots of heavy local lifting or lots of IO here

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from fabric.api import task, run

@task def mytask():

run("a command")

@task(alias=‘dwm’) def deploy_with_migrations():


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Submodule deploy.py

@task(default=True) def full_deploy():


$ fab --list Available commands:

deploy deploy.full_deploy deploy.migrate

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Class Task

class MyTask(Task): name = "deploy" def run(self, environment, domain="whatever.com"): run("git clone foo") sudo("service apache2 restart")

instance = MyTask()


@task def deploy(environment, domain="whatever.com"):

run("git clone foo") sudo("service apache2 restart")

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from fabric.colors import green print(green("This text is green!"))

fabric.colors.blue(text, bold=False) fabric.colors.cyan(text, bold=False) fabric.colors.green(text, bold=False) fabric.colors.magenta(text, bold=False) fabric.colors.red(text, bold=False) fabric.colors.white(text, bold=False) fabric.colors.yellow(text, bold=False)

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Context managersdef mytask():

with cd('/path/to/app'), prefix('workon myvenv'): run('./manage.py syncdb') run('./manage.py loaddata myfixture') with cd('/var/www'): run('ls') # cd /var/www && ls with cd('website1'): run('ls') # cd /var/www/website1 && ls with hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr'): run('ls /var/www') # Map localhost:6379 on the server to localhost:6379 on the client, # so that the remote 'redis-cli' program ends up speaking to the local # redis-server. with remote_tunnel(6379): run("redis-cli -i")

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Django Integration Rsync Project Upload Project Console Confirm y/n Files and Directory

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So… what is Fabric?

● Deploy ● Manage multiple server ● Clustering ● Multiplatform ● Parallel ● Testing ● SSH Authentication

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SSH + Bash Power + Python = Rocks**3 = Fabric

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fab release:master

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django integration

from fabric.contrib import django


from django.conf import settings

def dump_production_database(): run(pg_dump -U %s -w %s > /bck/prod-db.sql' % ( settings.DATABASE_USER, settings.DATABASE_NAME ))

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fab deploy

@hosts('[email protected]')def deploy():

with cd("/opt/myproject"): run("git pull") run("django-admin.py collectstatic --noinput") run("django-admin.py migrate --noinput") run("/etc/init.d/uwsgi stop || echo 'done'") run("/etc/init.d/uwsgi start")

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fab backup_and_publish

@task@hosts('[email protected]')def backup_and_publish(): run('''tar cjvf /var/wwwbackups/www.%s.tar.bz2

--exclude=/var/www/download —exclude=/var/www/backup* /var/www''' % today().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) run('rsync -avz --checksum --ignore-times

/var/wwwstage/ /var/www') #--delete

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fab static_generation

@taskdef static_generation():

execute(remote_generation) local("wget --user=admin --password=rootme --recursive --page-requisites --html-extension --convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows --domains example.com --no-parent http://wwwstage.example.com/ -o dump.log || echo 'Looking for 404 on wwwstage.example.com'") local("cat dump.log | grep -B 2 '404 Not Found' | grep 'http://wwwstage.example.com/' || echo 'OK no 404 found...'")

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fab upload_release_note:2.10.0

@task@hosts('[email protected]')def upload_release_note(version):

release_note_file_name = "RELEASE_NOTE_%s.TXT" % version with open(release_note_file_name,"w") as out_file: notes = jira.Query().render(version=version) out_file.write(notes.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) out_file.close() put(release_note_file_name, "/cygdrive/d/%s/" % version)

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fab cleanup_nexus:10.0.2-RC2

@taskdef cleanup_nexus(version):

for module in [ "core-api", "core-client-rest", "core-manual", "core-web"]:

local("curl -X DELETE -u user:rootme http://nexus.example.com:8180/nexus/service/local/repositories/releases/content/example/%s/%s/" % (module, version))

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LOCK_FILE = “~/.lockfile.release.core.lock"

class Lock(): def __enter__(self): if os.access(os.path.expanduser(LOCK_FILE), os.F_OK): pidfile = open(os.path.expanduser(LOCK_FILE), "r") pidfile.seek(0) old_pid = pidfile.readline() print "There is an already a process running with pid: %s," % old_pid sys.exit(1) pidfile = open(os.path.expanduser(LOCK_FILE), "w") pidfile.write("%s" % os.getpid()) pidfile.close def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): os.remove(os.path.expanduser(LOCK_FILE))


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fab send_email_candidate:2.12,me@...

@taskdef send_mail_candidate(version, *receivers):

sender = '[email protected]' body = """From: Core Team <[email protected]>To: Development <[email protected]>Subject: New Release CANDIDATE %(version)s\nNew Release CANDIDATE %(version)savailable on: * smb://example.com/myproject/%(version)s """ % dict(version=version) try: message = smtplib.SMTP('example.com') message.sendmail(sender, receivers, body) print "Successfully sent email" except smtplib.SMTPException: print "Error: unable to send email"

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XML parser@taskdef get_pom_version():

src=os.path.dirname(__file__) pom_file=os.path.abspath(os.path.join(src, 'pom.xml')) from xml.dom.minidom import parse pom = parse(pom_file) version = pom.getElementsByTagName("version")[1].firstChild.nodeValue find = re.compile(r'^\d+.\d+.\d+-([a-zA-Z-]+)\d*-SNAPSHOT$').findall(version) if not find: abort(version + " is not a valid development version") versions = re.compile(r'\d+').findall(version) if len(versions) is 3: versions.append(1) if len(versions) is not 4: abort(version + " is not a valid development version") versions.extend(find) return versions

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fab sed_poms_version:2.13

@taskdef sed_poms_version(new_version):

major, minor, patch, rev, rc = get_pom_version()

version = "%s.%s.%s-%s%s-SNAPSHOT" % (major, minor, patch, rc, rev)

local("sed -i '' 's@%s@%s@g' pom.xml */pom.xml" % (version, new_version))

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fab create_manuals:2.10

ACTIVATE="source /home/installer/.sphinx_env/bin/activate"@hosts('[email protected]')def create_manuals(version): with cd(DEPLOY_DIR + "/myproject"): name = "manual-%s-doc" % version run("wget http://nexus.example.com:8180/nexus/service/local/repo_groups/public/content/com/myproject/manual/%s/%s.zip" % (version, name)) with cd(name): run(ACTIVATE + "&& make docs") run("mv target/en/latex/MyProject*.pdf docs/" % version) run("tar cjvf docs/MyCDDS-en-%s.tar.bz2 target/docs/" % version) run("scp -r docs [email protected]:/cygdrive/d/%s/docs" % version)

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fab create_installer:2.10 (innosetup)

@hosts('[email protected]')def create_installer(version): name = "installer-%s-app" % version run("wget http://nexus.geniusbytes.com:8180/nexus/service/local/repo_groups/public/content/myproject/installer/%s/%s.zip" % (version, name)) with cd(name): run("tar xjvf /cygdrive/d/%(version)s/MyCDDS-en-%(version)s.tar.bz2" % dict(version=version)) run(ANT) run("mkdir -p /cygdrive/d/%s" % version) run("cp build/*.exe /cygdrive/d/%s/" % version) run("cp build-update/*.exe /cygdrive/d/%s/" % version) run("rm -rf %s" % name)

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fab release_core:master,2.10,2.11

@hosts('[email protected]')def release_core(branch, version, next_version):

with cd(CORE_DEPLOY_DIR): run('git clone ssh://[email protected]/srv/git/myproject.git') with cd(CORE_DEPLOY_DIR + "/myproject"): run("git checkout %s" % branch) run("mvn clean install") run("mvn --batch-mode release:clean release:prepare

-DreleaseVersion=%s -DdevelopmentVersion=%s" % (version, next_version))

run("mvn release:perform")

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fab release:master

def release(branch): with Lock(): major, minor, patch, rev, rc = check_current_version(branch) if 'RC' != rc: abort("RC not found, not possible release a final version") version = "%s.%s.%s" % (major, minor, patch) next_version = "%s.%s.%s-RC%s-SNAPSHOT" % (major, minor, int(patch)+1, 1) puts("preparing to release %s (next will be %s)" % (version, next_version)) execute(release_core, branch, version, next_version) execute(create_manuals, version) execute(create_installer, version) execute(upload_release_note, version) execute(send_mail_final_release, version, '[email protected]', '[email protected]') local("git pull") execute(labels.missing_translations, '[email protected]')

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fab cluod_remote_control


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EC2 Testing with 200 micro server

EC2 + Fabric + Funkload

● EC2 use all ubuntu standard AMI ● Fabric as remote control, move files, aggregate. ● Funkload in order to stress an internet application. (not on


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Performance Testing Architecture


Cloud CTRL




Fabric (nmon+pefmon)

Fabric + EC2

Fabric + EC2

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Testing phases

I. Prepare Monitoring II.Prepare Cloud

1. Start Monitoring 2. Start Parallel Testing 3. Collecting Test Results 4. Collecting Perf Results 5. Reporting


Cloud CTRL




Fabric (nmon+pefmon)

Fabric + EC2

Fabric + EC2

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Testing Console

fab prepare_monitoring fab prepare_cloud

fab start_monitoring fab start_testing:ciccio,100,5000 fab collecting_test_results:ciccio fab collecting_perf_results:ciccio fab reporting:ciccio