eZ Publish nextgen

eZ Publish Nextgen Knock knock. Who’s there ? The Future ! samedi 15 octobre 11


Any piece of software can only be as good as its foundations. To rise as high as we need it to, we decided eZ Publish needed new ones. Today, we will tell you how these are architectured, and give you a glimpse of their possibilities.

Transcript of eZ Publish nextgen

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eZ Publish NextgenKnock knock. Who’s there ? The Future !

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Current  architectureWhat’s  wrong  with  it  ?  Why  ?

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Current  architecture

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• RDBMS  dependent,  and  strongly  bound  to  the  database  structure• PHP  4  ages  legacy  :

o Weak  OOP  concepts  (no  interfaces,  no  abstract,  no  excepGons,  no  magic,  no  dependency  injecGon,  everything  is  public)

o Global  variables  usage  (for  singletons  on  in-­‐memory  cache)o (And  also  some  dirty  workarounds)

• Low  level  APIo Hard  to  catcho SomeGmes  dangerous  to  manipulate  directly  (for  data  integrity)o No  real  API  doc,  hence  no  developer  doc

• Hardly  testable

Current  architecture

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• Evolu'ons  are  very  'me-­‐consuming• Maintaining  backward  compa'bility  is  very  complex• No  possible  support  for  NoSQL• Impossible  to  perform  RDBMS  specific  op'miza'ons  

(na've  func'ons  and  procedures,  like  in  Oracle,  or  even  latest  MySQL)

• Bad  API  usage  (and  "Black  Magic")


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New  architecture«This  is  a  revoluGon»  ©  S.J.

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• Kicked  off  with  Domain  Driven  Design  methodologies• Storage  system  agnos'c• Extensible• Secure• Easy  to  use• Modern  (PHP  5.3,  namespaces,  design  paUerns...)

New  architecture  overview

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The  refined  domain  defini'on  comes  up  with  new  terms:

Content  Object Content

Node Loca/on

Content  Object  A1ribute Field

Content  Class Content  Type

Content  Class  A1ribute Field  Defini/on

Datatype Field  Type

Easier  to  understand  for  newcomers  and  non-­‐technical  people  (Domain  design  approach)

Do  you  speak  eZ  Publish  ?

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• Public  API  is  the  ONLY  API  any  developer  should  use  directly

• Any  developer  =  eZ  Engineers  included  (kernel  modules)

• Should  be  sexy  and  very  easy  to  use

• High  level,  so  that  the  developer  doesn't  care  about  the  backend

• It  interacts  seamlessly  with  the  business  layer  in  the  backend

Public  API

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• This  is  the  layer  where  most  of  the  logic  is  implemented

• It  is  completely  storage  agnos/c,  as  it  uses  the  content  persistence  API.

• It  uses  the  Content  Repository  to  manipulate  the  CMS  data.

• It  doesn't  delegate  logic  to  the  content  persistence  API.

Business  layer

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• Starts  as  a  set  of  interfaces.

• These  interfaces  are  implemented  by  every  content  repositories  (aka  Storage  Engines).

• Ensures  full  abstrac/on  between  the  business  layer  and  the  storage  mechanisms.

• Contains  as  liUle  logic  as  possible.  It  cares  about  data,  only  data.  Logic  is  in  the  business  layer.

Persistence  layer

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• Storage  engines  implement  the  Content  Persistence  Interfaces

• Each  storage  engine  corresponds  to  a  type  of  data  storageo Classic  RDBMS  (MySQL,  PostgreSQL...)o Document  oriented  storage  (NoSQL)o ...

• Internals  are  completely  hidden,  and  can  use  anything:  ORM,  ezcDatabase,  REST,  SOAP...

Storage  engines

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New,  fancy  terms

• Repository:  Centralized,  virtual  storage  system.  Implemented  by  storage.  Also  used  for  binary  files.

• Domain  Object  (aka  DO):  High  level  PHP  object  exposed  in  public  API:  Content,  Loca'on,  Field,  etc.

• Service:  Interac'on  components  from  the  Business  Layer:  Content,  Loca'on,  etc.

Do  you  speak  eZ  Publish  ?

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• eZ  Publish  4  database  Persistence  Layer  implementa'on  

• Implemented  from  scratch.  Shiny  !

• Uses  the  Zeta  Components  (ezcDatabase  +  ezcQuery)

• Tested  to  be  two-­‐ways  compa/ble  with  eZ  Publish  4:➡ content  created  from  ezp4  is  available  in  the  API➡ content  created  from  the  API  is  available  in  ezp4

• No  migra/on  required  !

Legacy  Storage  Engine

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Code  !That’s  why  we’re  here,  right  ?

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<?phpuse ezp\Base\ServiceContainer,    ezp\Base\Configuration,    ezp\Content\FieldType\Url;

// Get the repository, and configure the user to use$sc = new ServiceContainer( Configuration::getInstance( 'service' )->getAll() );$repository = $sc->getRepository();$contentService = $repository->getContentService();$repository->setUser( $repository->getUserService()->load( 14 ) );

// Build a new folder// $folder will be a DO, ezp\Content$folder = $contentService->init( 'folder', 'eng-GB' );$folder->fields['name'] = 'News';$folder->fields['description'] = '<p>My <strong>ubber cool</strong> description !</p>';$folder->fields['link'] = new Url\Value( 'http://ez.no', 'eZ Systems' );$folder->addParent( $repository->getLocationService()->load( 2 ) );$folder = $contentService->create( $folder );$contentService->publish( $folder->versions[1] );

Create  content

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<?phpuse ezp\Base\ServiceContainer,    ezp\Base\Configuration;

$sc = new ServiceContainer( Configuration::getInstance( 'service' )->getAll() );$repository = $sc->getRepository();$contentService = $repository->getContentService();try{    $content = $contentService->load( 60 );}catch ( ezp\Base\Exception\NotFound $e ){    echo "Content could not be found in the repository !\n";    exit;}

// Loop against fields.// $identifier is the attribute identifier// $value is the corresponding value objectecho "Content '{$content}' has following fields:\n";foreach ( $content->fields as $identifier => $value ){    echo "Field '{$identifier}': {$value}\n"; // Using $value __toString()}

Load  content

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<?phpuse ezp\Base\ServiceContainer,    ezp\Base\Configuration,    ezp\Content,    ezp\Content\Query;

$sc = new ServiceContainer( Configuration::getInstance( 'service' )->getAll() );$qb = new ezp\Content\Query\Builder;$contentService = $sc->getRepository()->getContentService();

// a full criteria$qb->addCriteria(    $qb->fullText->like( 'eZ Publish' ),    $qb->urlAlias->like( '/cms/amazing/*' ),    $qb->contentType->eq( 'blog_post' ),    $qb->field->eq( 'author', '[email protected]' ))->addSortClause(    $qb->sort->field( 'blog_post', 'title', Query::SORT_ASC ),    $qb->sort->dateCreated( Query::SORT_DESC ))->setOffset( 0 )->setLimit( 10 );$contentList = $contentService->find( $qb->getQuery() );

Fetch  content

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Field  types

• Now  spliUed  in  (at  least)  2  objects:• Type• Value

• Dedicated  PHP  namespace

• Interfaces  to  determine  which  features  the  field  type  implement  (Searchable,  Collectable...)

• Converters  for  Legacy  storage  engine

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• Full  language/transla'on  support

• Finish  migra'ng  datatypes

• HTTP  layer  +  modules

• REST  API  implementa'on  based  on  the  new  API

• Op'mized  storage  engines


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•Get it : http://github.com/ezsystems/ezp-next

•Blame it : http://issues.ez.no/ezpublish (ezpnext component)

•Discuss it : http://share.ez.no/forums/new-php-api

•Own it : Make a GitHub pull request !

Soon to come: wiki based cookbook, blog posts.

Now  it’s  your  turn  !

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