Evaluation 3

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  1. 1. Evaluation: Question 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
  2. 2. Which cinema would mostly likely distribute our production? Our thriller wouldnt particularly appeal to more of a mainstream audience in a multiplex cinema. Looking at their past history of thrillers shown it includes currently that of the Kingsman, The Gunman and Wild Card. These thrillers are very modern and action packed, attempting to be aimed at young adult audience, they contain possibly modern references and current SFX that creates a surreal and futuristic atmosphere. Our production of Eve Crawford would probably appeal to an independent cinema, such as Cinema City. The demographic of Cinema City prefer art-house films, that appeal to a niche audience. Also the thrillers shown are mainly repeats of older ones like Psycho, which is old and doesnt show many modernisms as it wasnt from the current century. Our thriller is 1950s based which may appeal to a niche audience as many would prefer to see newer more modern violent thrillers.
  3. 3. Which cinema would mostly likely distribute our production? Heres a list of some of the Thrillers each cinema has shown over the years. Low budget independent films which are gritty and filmed with a small cast are often shown at Cinema City. For example Warp Film's "This is England" (Shane Meadows) and "Somers Town" also directed by Shane Meadows was shown at Cinema City. Low budget films may not have the funding for a wide distribution at multiplex cinemas. Ours closely resembles these features of an independent film, for example due to the home and indoor location it suggests that our production was low cost especially for location.
  4. 4. How would digital technologies offer new distribution activities? Social media will publicise our production, such as Facebook, mainly through advertisement campaigns, and exclusive clips and trailers can be posted to YouTube. Due to us having a young cast, we have a young audience demographic. Social media is a big part of their everyday life meaning it is easier for them to spread the word. Our film can also be distributed on on-demand services, such as Netflix. This is suitable for our audience of young adults, as many use such sites to watch films.
  5. 5. Whichfilmdistributioncompanywouldbe mostlikelytodistributeyourfilm? IthinkUniversalwouldntbesuitabletodistributeourproduction, becausetheytendtodistributehighbudget,mainstreamfilmsthat mainlyappealtolarge;evenworldwideaudiences.Thetypicallookof ourthrilleristhatofaclassic,old-fashioned1950sBritishbasedfilm. ThiswouldappealtoaBritishaudience,sodistributorssuchasFilmFour wouldbeagoodcompanyduetothataspect.
  6. 6. Whichfilmdistributioncompanywouldbe mostlikelytodistributeyourfilm? IthinkUniversalwouldntbesuitabletodistributeourproduction, becausetheytendtodistributehighbudget,mainstreamfilmsthat mainlyappealtolarge;evenworldwideaudiences.Thetypicallookof ourthrilleristhatofaclassic,old-fashioned1950sBritishbasedfilm. ThiswouldappealtoaBritishaudience,sodistributorssuchasFilmFour wouldbeagoodcompanyduetothataspect.