Europe Highlight Tours

團號 團號 團號 團號 CODE 連機票 連機票 連機票 連機票 LAND + AIR 旺季附加費 旺季附加費 旺季附加費 旺季附加費 HIGH SEASON SUPP. () +燃油費 燃油費 燃油費 燃油費+稅金 稅金 稅金 稅金=總額 總額 總額 總額 +FUEL +TAX=TOTAL 雙人 雙人 雙人 雙人 TWIN 小童 小童 小童 小童 CHILD 單人 單人 單人 單人附加費 附加費 附加費 附加費 SGL SUPP. EHT9 2499 2129 599 250 +680 Approx. = 3179 EHT11 2799 2379 699 +670 Approx. = 3469 EHT13 3199 2719 899 +770 Approx. = 3969 出發地 出發地 出發地 出發地 : : : : 洛杉磯 洛杉磯 洛杉磯 洛杉磯、舊金山 舊金山 舊金山 舊金山、西雅圖 西雅圖 西雅圖 西雅圖、波特蘭 波特蘭 波特蘭 波特蘭、休斯頓 休斯頓 休斯頓 休斯頓、達拉斯 達拉斯 達拉斯 達拉斯 (LAX / SFO / SEA / PDX / HOU / DFW Departure) 其他出發城市 其他出發城市 其他出發城市 其他出發城市 歡迎 歡迎 歡迎 歡迎聯絡 聯絡 聯絡 聯絡查詢 查詢 查詢 查詢 Other departure cities please contact us for more information 上列費用均以美元每位計算,「稅金及燃油附加費」,正確數目須於出票日方能作準。 The above tour fares are based on US Dollar; “Tax and Fuel Surcharge” is only an estimate and will confirm upon ticket issuance. 小童費用適用於 2 11 歲小孩不佔床。Child fare applies to children from 2 to 11 years old, no extra bed. 1 1 1 原居地 原居地 原居地 原居地 羅馬 羅馬 羅馬 羅馬 Home City Rome 是日乘豪華客機飛往意大利首都羅馬。 Depart from home city to Rome, the capital of Italy, today. 2 2 2 羅馬 羅馬 羅馬 羅馬(市內觀光 市內觀光 市內觀光 市內觀光) 梵帝崗 梵帝崗 梵帝崗 梵帝崗 Rome (City Tour) Vatican City 是日抵達羅馬。下午開始遊覽歐洲現存獨立小國之 一梵崗,亦是全球天主教的中心點。廣場內之聖 彼得大教堂除了外觀宏偉壯觀外,內部飾均是當 代著名藝術家心血結晶,二十多種不同顏色的雲石 大柱、雕塑及地面,大型的馬塞克鑲嵌畫,一代大 師米高安哲奴的名作「聖母抱子像」及青銅做成的 主祭壇等,堪稱得上是鬼斧神工。繼而途經古羅馬 廢墟,賽馬車場及統一紀念碑,前往著名的古羅馬 鬥獸場(外觀),精緻的君士坦丁凱旋門及著名之許願 泉。晚餐於中國餐館。 (晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Holiday Inn 或同級 Rome is a city with unique blend of history, architecture and world famous monuments. Our flight arrive this magnificent city in the afternoon and a brief city tour will be arranged. Tourist spots include the Roma Forum, St Peter’s Basilica, the Colosseum (outside), the Trevi Fountain, etc. (D) 3 3 3 羅馬 羅馬 羅馬 羅馬 佛羅倫斯 佛羅倫斯 佛羅倫斯 佛羅倫斯(市內觀光 市內觀光 市內觀光 市內觀光) 比薩 比薩 比薩 比薩 柏都 柏都 柏都 柏都 Rome - Florence (City Tour) - Pisa - Prato 美式或自助式早餐後,驅車前往「文藝復興」的發 源地佛羅倫斯。抵達後送往米高安哲奴廣場,觀賞 著名之大像,更可俯覽市區景色。及後參觀聖母 之花大教堂的外貌,其橘瓦圓頂是佛羅倫斯最著名 的標誌,洗禮堂東邊之青銅門更是米高安哲奴將 之命名為「天堂之門」。而有露天雕塑博物館之稱 的聖日內亞廣場,更能顯現這藝術之都的景色。下 午啟程前往著名物理學家伽俚略之出生地比薩。抵 達後欣賞此座建於十二世紀,譽為世界奇觀之一 的「比薩斜塔」。白色雲石建造的比薩大教堂及洗 禮堂亦為遊客必到之處。晚餐於酒店餐廳品嚐肉醬 意粉、主菜及甜品。 (/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Wall Art Hotel 或同級 Visit Florence after breakfast. Florence contains an exceptional artistic patrimony, glorious testimony to its secular civilization, and we should enjoy the artistic atmosphere by walking throughout the city. The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore (entrance is optional) and Signoria Squares are two of the major spots you must visit. If time allows we should take a panoramic view from Michelangelo Square. Afterward we shall proceed to Pisa, the birth place of the famous physicist and philosopher Galileo Galilei. Visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa upon arrival (entrance is optional), and then proceed to Prato for overnight. Enjoy the traditional spaghetti for dinner at hotel tonight. (B/D) 4 4 4 柏都 柏都 柏都 柏都 威尼斯 威尼斯 威尼斯 威尼斯 (市內觀光 市內觀光 市內觀光 市內觀光) 維羅納 維羅納 維羅納 維羅納 Prato Venice (City Tour) Verona 美式或自助式早餐後,驅車前往意大利享有「水 鄉」美譽之威尼斯。抵達後乘汽船前往聖馬可大教 堂,曾是威尼斯共和國首長們宮邸的道奇皇宮,犯 人們受刑前向世界訣別必經的嘆息橋,精緻古雅的 鐘樓等。此外,前往聞名全世界的意大利玻璃工 廠,參觀其作過程,了解獨有的造玻璃工藝。 領隊可代安排自費乘坐威尼斯 獨有的平底船。再驅車前往莎 士比亞名著維羅納小鎮,參觀 茱麗葉之露台。晚餐於當地餐 廳。 (/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Holiday Inn 或同級 Venice is one of the most important tourist destinations in the world, due to the city being one of the world's greatest and most beautiful cities of art. We are going to visit her after breakfast. Upon arrival we shall proceed to St. Mark's Square by Water Taxi. Bridge of Signs (Ponte dei Sospiri), Doge’s Palace (Palazzo Ducale) and the Church of St. Mark are some places you should not miss. Also visit the Basilica and witness a demonstration in a glass blowing factory. You may also ride on the famous Gondola on your own cost to cruise around the waterways if the weather situation permits! In the afternoon, continue our journey to Verona – the home of Shakespeare's “star-cross’d lovers”. We shall visit the Roman Arena and the Juliet's Balcony before enjoying dinner at a Chinese restaurant. (B/D) 獨家安排 獨家安排 獨家安排 獨家安排 ★增遊盧森堡、阿姆斯特丹、科隆、 布魯塞爾等名城 360 度旋轉吊車登上瑞士萬呎 高峰鐵力士雪山 登上法國巴黎瑪特山崗,末成名 畫家的天堂 前往德國萊茵河欣賞怡人景色 乘歐洲之星特快火車橫渡英法海底 隧道前往英國首都倫敦 Exclusive Features Visit Luxembourg, Koln, Amsterdam & Brussels Ride in the revolving Rotair, delivers 360-degree panoramic views of Mt. Titlis Enjoy a completely French atmosphere at Montmartre Hill Picturesque scenery of the Rhine River, Germany Take Euro Star train from Brussels to London Stay in Paris and London - TWO NIGHTS EACH! - 住宿倫敦及巴黎各兩個晚上,成本最高 成本最高 成本最高 成本最高 暢遊 暢遊 暢遊 暢遊: 9 個國家 個國家 個國家 個國家 意、梵、瑞、法、盧、德、荷、比、英 18 個名城 個名城 個名城 個名城 羅馬、梵帝崗、佛羅倫斯、比薩、柏 都、威尼斯、米蘭、維羅納、琉森、波 本、巴黎、英格堡、盧森堡、科隆、阿 姆斯特丹、布魯塞爾、倫敦 美食精選 美食精選 美食精選 美食精選 ★ 柏都—特備意大利肉醬意粉、主菜及甜品 ★ 巴黎—享用法國大餐:法國蝸牛、法式主 菜、水果批及紅酒 ★ 波本—品嚐芥辣汁豬扒餐 ★ 萊茵河—品嚐傳統德國烤豬手 ★ 倫敦—晚膳特別安排港式燒鴨全隻 ★ 倫敦—唐人街享用港式點心午膳 Delicious Cuisines Traditional Italian Spaghetti, main course and desert at Prato Enjoy the famous “pork tenderloin over mustard sauce” at Beaune Paris – Enjoy traditional French Escargot, steak or fresh fish, fruit pies and red wine Germany – Enjoy German Knuckle at a riverside restaurant at Rhine Valley England – Roast Duck dinner and Dimsum lunch 出發日期 出發日期 出發日期 出發日期 Departure Dates 2014 4 (Apr) 8, 12, 15, 22, 29 5 (May) 6, 13, 20, 276 (Jun) 3, 10, 17, 247 (Jul) 1,8,15,22,298 (Aug) 5, 12, 19, 269 (Sep) 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 10 (Oct) 7, 14, 21, 28


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Transcript of Europe Highlight Tours

Page 1: Europe Highlight Tours



連機票連機票連機票連機票 LAND + AIR 旺季附加費旺季附加費旺季附加費旺季附加費 HIGH SEASON

SUPP. (����)

+燃油費燃油費燃油費燃油費+稅金稅金稅金稅金=總額總額總額總額 +FUEL +TAX=TOTAL







EHT9 2499 2129 599


約約約約 +680 Approx. = 3179

EHT11 2799 2379 699 約約約約 +670 Approx. = 3469

EHT13 3199 2719 899 約約約約 +770 Approx.

= 3969

出發地出發地出發地出發地 : : : : 洛杉磯洛杉磯洛杉磯洛杉磯、、、、舊金山舊金山舊金山舊金山、、、、西雅圖西雅圖西雅圖西雅圖、、、、波特蘭波特蘭波特蘭波特蘭、、、、休斯頓休斯頓休斯頓休斯頓、、、、達拉斯達拉斯達拉斯達拉斯

(LAX / SFO / SEA / PDX / HOU / DFW Departure) 其他出發城市其他出發城市其他出發城市其他出發城市 歡迎歡迎歡迎歡迎聯絡聯絡聯絡聯絡查詢查詢查詢查詢 Other departure cities please contact us for more information

上列費用均以美元每位計算,「稅金及燃油附加費」,正確數目須於出票日方能作準。 The above tour fares are based on US Dollar; “Tax and Fuel Surcharge” is only an estimate and will confirm upon ticket issuance. 小童費用適用於 2至 11歲小孩不佔床。Child fare applies to children from 2 to 11 years old, no extra bed.

111 原居地原居地原居地原居地 ���� 羅馬羅馬羅馬羅馬 Home City ���� Rome

是日乘豪華客機飛往意大利首都∼羅馬。 Depart from home city to Rome, the capital of Italy, today.

222 羅馬羅馬羅馬羅馬(市內觀光市內觀光市內觀光市內觀光) ---- 梵帝崗梵帝崗梵帝崗梵帝崗 Rome (City Tour) ---- Vatican City

是日抵達羅馬。下午開始遊覽歐洲現存獨立小國之一梵蒂崗,亦是全球天主教的中心點。廣場內之聖彼得大教堂除了外觀宏偉壯觀外,內部裝飾均是當代著名藝術家心血結晶,二十多種不同顏色的雲石大柱、雕塑及地面,大型的馬塞克鑲嵌畫,一代大師米高安哲奴的名作「聖母抱子像」及青銅做成的主祭壇等,堪稱得上是鬼斧神工。繼而途經古羅馬廢墟,賽馬車場及統一紀念碑,前往著名的古羅馬鬥獸場(外觀),精緻的君士坦丁凱旋門及著名之許願泉。晚餐於中國餐館。 (晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Holiday Inn 或同級 Rome is a city with unique blend of history, architecture and world famous monuments. Our flight arrive this magnificent city in the afternoon and a brief city tour will be arranged. Tourist spots include the Roma Forum, St Peter’s Basilica, the Colosseum (outside), the Trevi Fountain, etc. (D)

333 羅馬羅馬羅馬羅馬 ---- 佛羅倫斯佛羅倫斯佛羅倫斯佛羅倫斯(市內觀光市內觀光市內觀光市內觀光) ---- 比薩比薩比薩比薩 ---- 柏都柏都柏都柏都 Rome - Florence (City Tour) - Pisa - Prato

美式或自助式早餐後,驅車前往「文藝復興」的發源地∼佛羅倫斯。抵達後送往米高安哲奴廣場,觀賞著名之大衛像,更可俯覽市區景色。及後參觀聖母之花大教堂的外貌,其橘瓦圓頂是佛羅倫斯最著名的標誌,洗禮堂東邊之青銅門更是被米高安哲奴將之命名為「天堂之門」。而有露天雕塑博物館之稱的聖日內亞廣場,更能顯現這藝術之都的景色。下午啟程前往著名物理學家伽俚略之出生地—比薩。抵達後欣賞此座建於十二世紀,被譽為世界奇觀之一的「比薩斜塔」。白色雲石建造的比薩大教堂及洗禮堂亦為遊客必到之處。晚餐於酒店餐廳品嚐肉醬意粉、主菜及甜品。 (早/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Wall Art Hotel 或同級 Visit Florence after breakfast. Florence contains an exceptional artistic patrimony, glorious testimony to its secular civilization, and we should enjoy the artistic atmosphere by walking throughout the city. The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore (entrance is optional) and Signoria Squares are two of the major spots you must visit. If time allows we should take a panoramic view from Michelangelo Square. Afterward we shall proceed to Pisa, the birth place of the famous physicist and philosopher Galileo Galilei. Visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa upon arrival (entrance is optional), and then proceed to Prato for overnight. Enjoy the traditional spaghetti for dinner at hotel tonight. (B/D)

444 柏都柏都柏都柏都 ---- 威尼斯威尼斯威尼斯威尼斯 (市內觀光市內觀光市內觀光市內觀光) ---- 維羅納維羅納維羅納維羅納 Prato ---- Venice (City Tour) ----Verona


廠,參觀其製作過程,了解獨有的製造玻璃工藝。領隊可代安排自費乘坐威尼斯獨有的平底船。再驅車前往莎士比亞名著“維羅納”小鎮,參觀茱麗葉之露台。晚餐於當地餐廳。 (早/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Holiday Inn 或同級 Venice is one of the most important tourist destinations in the world, due to the city being one of the world's greatest and most beautiful cities of art. We are going to visit her after breakfast. Upon arrival we shall proceed to St. Mark's Square by Water Taxi. Bridge of Signs (Ponte dei Sospiri), Doge’s Palace (Palazzo Ducale) and the Church of St. Mark are some places you should not miss. Also visit the Basilica and witness a demonstration in a glass blowing factory. You may also ride on the famous Gondola on your own cost to cruise around the waterways if the weather situation permits! In the afternoon, continue our journey to Verona – the home of Shakespeare's “star-cross’d lovers”. We shall visit the Roman Arena and the Juliet's Balcony before enjoying dinner at a Chinese restaurant. (B/D)

獨家安排獨家安排獨家安排獨家安排 ★增遊盧森堡、阿姆斯特丹、科隆、


★ 乘 360 度旋轉吊車登上瑞士萬呎高峰∼鐵力士雪山

★ 登上法國巴黎蒙瑪特山崗,末成名畫家的天堂

★ 前往德國萊茵河欣賞怡人景色

★ 乘歐洲之星特快火車橫渡英法海底隧道前往英國首都倫敦

Exclusive Features ★ Visit Luxembourg, Koln, Amsterdam & Brussels

★ Ride in the revolving Rotair, delivers 360-degree

panoramic views of Mt. Titlis

★ Enjoy a completely French atmosphere at

Montmartre Hill

★ Picturesque scenery of the Rhine River, Germany

★ Take Euro Star train from Brussels to London

★ Stay in Paris and London - TWO NIGHTS EACH! -

★ 住宿倫敦及巴黎各兩個晚上,成本最高成本最高成本最高成本最高

暢遊暢遊暢遊暢遊:::: 9999 個國家個國家個國家個國家 意、梵、瑞、法、盧、德、荷、比、英

11118888 個名城個名城個名城個名城 羅馬、梵帝崗、佛羅倫斯、比薩、柏





★ 柏都—特備意大利肉醬意粉、主菜及甜品 ★ 巴黎—享用法國大餐:法國蝸牛、法式主菜、水果批及紅酒

★ 波本—品嚐芥辣汁豬扒餐 ★ 萊茵河—品嚐傳統德國烤豬手 ★ 倫敦—晚膳特別安排港式燒鴨全隻 ★ 倫敦—唐人街享用港式點心午膳

Delicious Cuisines ★ Traditional Italian Spaghetti, main course and desert at Prato ★ Enjoy the famous “pork tenderloin over mustard sauce” at Beaune ★ Paris – Enjoy traditional French Escargot, steak or fresh fish, fruit pies and red wine ★ Germany – Enjoy German Knuckle at a riverside restaurant at Rhine Valley ★ England – Roast Duck dinner and

Dimsum lunch









Departure Dates

2014 年年年年 4月 (Apr) 8, 12, 15, 22, 29日

5月 (May) 6, 13, 20����, 27����日

6月 (Jun) 3����, 10����, 17����, 24����日

7月 (Jul) 1����,8����,15����,22����,29����日

8月 (Aug) 5����, 12����, 19����, 26����日

9月 (Sep) 2, 9, 16, 23, 30日

10月 (Oct) 7, 14, 21, 28日

Page 2: Europe Highlight Tours

555 維羅納維羅納維羅納維羅納 ---- 米蘭米蘭米蘭米蘭 (市內觀光市內觀光市內觀光市內觀光) ---- 琉森琉森琉森琉森 Verona ---- Milan (City Tour) ---- Lucerne

美式或自助式早餐後,驅車前往意大利時裝中心米蘭。雖在第二次大戰期間受到損毀,但仍保存很多古蹟,如米蘭大教堂、著名之歌劇院、及艾曼奴拱廊等。遊畢,團友可自由購物。米蘭時裝及各式時尚物品,均受旅客歡迎。稍後於指定時間集合,驅車經過歐洲著名的聖哥達隧道直達有「世界花園」之稱的瑞士,前往湖畔名城琉森。晚餐於當地餐廳。 (早/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Astoria Hotel或同級 After breakfast we begin our journey by heading to one of the world’s most famous shopping city – Milan! Visit Via Monte Napoleone, also the Milan Cathedral and Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. Shopping is the highlight in this afternoon; you may free to browse the city at your own leisure. Afterwards we shall continue our journey to Lucerne, Switzerland, via the St. Gottard Tunnel. Enjoy dinner at local restaurant upon arrival. (B/D)

666 琉森琉森琉森琉森 ---- 鐵力士大雪山鐵力士大雪山鐵力士大雪山鐵力士大雪山 ---- 波本波本波本波本 Lucerne ---- Mt. Titlis ----Beaune

美式或自助式早餐後,首先到達琉森市的標誌「垂死的獅子」石雕,這個為紀念英勇的瑞士軍人而刻的石雕,栩栩如生。繼而前往遊覽十四世紀建造之卡貝爾橋。而橋的四周盡是售賣地道紀念品的商店,團友可自由選購著名之瑞士名錶、巧克力及糖果等。稍後抵達渡假勝地英格堡古高地,轉乘新型 360 度旋轉吊車登上海拔一萬呎高的鐵力士大雪山。從碧綠的地面到白雪皚皚終年積雪的山峰,為當地最著名之滑雪勝地。踏上山頂平台舉目四盼,阿爾卑斯山脈群山環列,氣勢萬千。稍後於指定時間集合,驅車前往法國寧靜小鎮—波本。晚餐安排享用芥辣汁豬排。 (早/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Mercure Hotel 或同級 After breakfast we begin our tour at the landmark of Lucerne – the Lion Monument (Löwendenkmal) – the monument commemorates the Swiss Guards who were massacred in 1792 during the French Revolution, when revolutionaries stormed the Tuileries Palace in Paris. Also visit the Chapel Bridge (Kapellbrucke), which was built in 1333 to help defend the city. There are so many souvenir stores around the bridge that you should not miss. Afterward we should go to Engelberg and board the newly constructed revolving “Rotair”, an aerial cable car that delivers awesome 360-degree panoramic views of the snow-covered valleys, glaciers, lakes, forests, and mountains! When you reach the peak you must enjoy the stunning view of the Urner Alps from the viewing patio. In the later time we back on the road again and cross the France border to Beaune, which we shall enjoy a “pork tenderloin over mustard sauce” for tonight’s dinner. (B/D)

777 波本波本波本波本 ---- 巴黎巴黎巴黎巴黎 ---- 羅浮皇宮博物館羅浮皇宮博物館羅浮皇宮博物館羅浮皇宮博物館 ---- 蒙蒙蒙蒙瑪特山崗瑪特山崗瑪特山崗瑪特山崗 Beaune ---- Paris ---- Lourve Museum ---- Montmartre

美式或自助式早餐後,驅車前往法國最著名羅浮皇宮博物館,特別安排入場參觀,館內珍藏無數,如達文西的「蒙羅麗莎的微笑」、希臘出土的勝利女神和維納斯女神像、古埃及的獅身人像等,必定能令你增廣見聞。繼後前往卡通藝術家天堂蒙瑪特山崗,許多未成名畫家集於此地替遊客寫生,而聖心教堂又名白教堂聳立於山崗上好像照耀整個花都巴黎的浪漫。晚餐於地道餐廳品嚐法國蝸牛、法式主菜、水果批及法國紅酒。 (早/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Novotel La Defence Hotel 或同級 After breakfast proceed to the famous Lourve Museum to witness some the world’s most valuable arts, including “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo Da Vinci; the "Sarcophagus of the Spouses" which was crafted in 520 B.C.; and 35,000 pieces of other exhibitions from all around the world. Afterwards, continue our tour to Montmartre Hill, primarily known for the white-domed "Vincent Van Gogh". You may go on an optional River Seine cruise to discover the marvelous scenic view of Paris. We shall enjoy an authentic French Dinner this evening. (B/D)

888 巴黎巴黎巴黎巴黎 ((((市內觀光市內觀光市內觀光市內觀光 )))) ---- 自由活動自由活動自由活動自由活動 Pairs (City Tour) ---- At Leisure

美式或自助式早餐後,前往巴黎市內參觀,先往協和廣場,此乃昔日法國大革命,無數皇室及貴族斷頭之地。現今廣場上的大噴泉及三千多年歷史的埃及方尖碑。繼往為 1839 年世界博覽會而建的「艾菲爾鐵塔」拍照留念。遊畢,途經「拿破崙墓碑」直往壯觀浩瀚之凱旋門及充滿現代氣色之香樹麗舍大道。在春天百貨公司作短暫購物,亦同時觀賞店內極具藝術價值的彩色花窗。午餐於中國餐館。自由活動或自費參觀凡爾塞宮及其御花園。晚上可自費參觀極視聽之娛的夜總會節目。晚餐自備。(早/午餐) 酒店/Hotel : Novotel La Defence Hotel 或同級 After breakfast we shall head to the Place de la Concorde. Decorated with statues and fountains, the square showcased an equestrian statue of the king. Afterward we proceed to Champs Elysses and the Arc de Triomphe, two landmarks you cannot miss

in Paris! We also stop by at the Printemps Department Store before enjoying lunch at a Chinese restaurant. The rest of the day is free at leisure for further sightseeing or shopping in the stores areas and designer boutiques. You may also join an optional tour to Louis XIV’s Palace of Versailles, one of the world’s grandest, with its spectacular ornamental gardens. In the evening, you may also participate an optional event to enjoy a colorful Parisian Cabaret Shows. (B/L)

9 天歐洲精華遊天歐洲精華遊天歐洲精華遊天歐洲精華遊 (EHT9) 參加 9 天精華遊之團友,於第 9天享用美式或自助式早餐後,於指定時間,專車送往機場,乘航機飛返原居地。 (早餐) For 9-day tour members, we will arrange departure transfer to airport on Day 9 for you at designated time and wish you a pleasant home ward flight. (B)

999 巴黎巴黎巴黎巴黎 ---- 盧森堡盧森堡盧森堡盧森堡 ----萊茵河區萊茵河區萊茵河區萊茵河區 Paris ---- Luxembourg ---- Rhine Region

美式或自助式早餐後。驅車前往歐洲小國盧森堡,抵達後前往憲法廣場欣賞兩岸景色及亞道爾夫大橋,及後往市中心行人專用區自由午膳及購物。遊罷驅車前往德國境內的萊茵河谷,兩岸遍植葡萄,配以城堡美景,此乃下游風景精華所在。晚餐於河畔地道餐廳,品嚐傳统德國烤豬手。 (早/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Holiday Inn或同級 The world’s only Grand Duchy, Luxembourg is a constitutional monarchy neighboring Belgium, France, and Germany. Covering less than 1,000 square miles, Luxembourg is home to nearly 450,000 residents, with about a fifth of these individuals residing in or near Luxembourg City. After breakfast we shall visit this small country – stop by the Constitution Square and Adolphe Bridge for some beautiful scenic views, also shopping and enjoy lunch at the city center. Afterward we drive to the Rhine Region, Germany, enjoy the stunning views of the castles and grape farms. A traditional German Knuckle dinner at a riverside restaurant will be served tonight. (B/D)

111000 萊茵河區萊茵河區萊茵河區萊茵河區 ---- 科隆科隆科隆科隆 ---- 阿姆斯特丹阿姆斯特丹阿姆斯特丹阿姆斯特丹(市內市內市內市內

觀光觀光觀光觀光) ---- 玻璃船河玻璃船河玻璃船河玻璃船河 Rhine Region ---- Koln ---- Amsterdam (City Tour) ---- Canal Cruise

美式或自助式早餐後,驅車前往參觀建於 13 世紀之科 隆 大 教 堂 , 教 堂 塔 高157 公尺佩以哥德式建築,內部高大古柱、彩色玻璃窗、精緻的雕像與繪畫,真令人由然生敬。遊畢驅車前往荷蘭首都--阿姆斯特丹。首先參觀荷蘭傳統手工藝的木屐廠示範其製作過程,再拍攝荷蘭的標誌風車,然後安排乘玻璃頂船暢遊大小運河,欣賞這個有「北方威尼斯」之稱的城市。荷蘭鑽石切割打磨技術舉世聞名。特別安排團友參觀阿姆斯特丹的鑽石切割工場,團友藉此鑑賞鑽石。晚餐於中國餐館。 (早/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Courtyard Hotel 或同級 After breakfast we leave the beautiful Rhine Valley and proceed to Cologne (Köln), visit the world famous Cologne Cathedral. Construction of Cologne Cathedral began in 1248 and took, with interruptions, until 1880 to complete. The cathedral is one of the world's largest churches and the largest Gothic church in Northern Europe. The cathedral is a World Heritage Site, one of the best-known architectural monuments in Germany, and Cologne's most famous landmark, described by UNESCO as an "exceptional work of human creative genius". Later we should enter Amsterdam – the

capital of the Netherlands. First we shall experience the making of the traditional Dutch wooden shoes, also witness the world’s famous windmills, and follow by a boat ride throughout the waterways. Dutch’s diamond cutting technique is one of the best in the world; we exclusively arranged a tour of one of these diamond factories. (B/D)

11 天歐洲精華遊天歐洲精華遊天歐洲精華遊天歐洲精華遊 (EHT11) 參加 11 天精華遊之團友,於第 11 天享用美式或自助式早餐後,於指定時間,專車送往機場,乘航機飛返原居地。 (早餐) For 11-day tour members, we will arrange departure transfer to airport on Day 11 for you at designated time and wish you a pleasant home ward flight. (B)

111111 阿姆斯特丹阿姆斯特丹阿姆斯特丹阿姆斯特丹 ---- 布魯塞爾布魯塞爾布魯塞爾布魯塞爾 (市內觀光市內觀光市內觀光市內觀光) ���� 乘歐洲之星乘歐洲之星乘歐洲之星乘歐洲之星 ���� 倫敦倫敦倫敦倫敦 Amsterdam ----Brussels (City Tour) ����Euro Star Train ���� London

美式或自助式早餐後,驅車前往素有「小巴黎」之稱的布魯塞爾,前往拍攝當年萬國博覽會之象徵原子模型塔,再往市中心參觀哥德式的大廣場,廣場內雄偉的市政廳、國王之家及中世紀的商業行會,連法國大文豪雨果也稱讚為世界上最美麗的廣場。再往被稱作「最古老的市民」的「撒尿小孩」銅像。下午稍後驅車前往火車站轉乘歐洲之星列車前往英國首都∼倫敦。晚餐於中國餐館特別安排港式燒鴨全隻。 (早/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Thistle Hotel或同級 We are going to head South to Brussels, Belgium, after breakfast. Situated between France and the Netherlands, Belgium encompasses all the best that Europe has to offer. Admire the stunning architecture dotting the quaint cobblestone squares. A brief city tour includes the Grand Place and the famous Manneken Pis statute is included. In the afternoon we shall take the Euro Star train towards London. Dinner at a Chinese restaurant with a specially arranged Roast Duck will be served upon arrival. (B/D)

111222 倫敦倫敦倫敦倫敦 (市內觀光市內觀光市內觀光市內觀光) ---- 御林軍換兵儀式御林軍換兵儀式御林軍換兵儀式御林軍換兵儀式----自由自由自由自由活動活動活動活動 London (City Tour) ---- Changing of Guards ---- At Leisure

美式或自助式早餐後,驅車遊覽市中心,途經查法加廣埸,納爾遜將軍鋼像屹立於其中,繼往莊嚴宏偉的國會大廈及舉世知名的大笨鐘,途經遊人如鯽的碧加德里廣埸,歷代英皇加冕所在地西敏寺,唐寧街十號首相官邸,報館林立的艦隊街等,再往泰晤士河畔的倫敦城堡及觀賞歷史悠久的塔橋,而聖保羅大教堂更為 1981 年查理斯王子舉行大婚的地方。往著名的白金漢宮觀看傳统御林軍換兵儀式。(註:如當天沒有換兵儀式,行程將會取消,本公司不作任可補償)午餐於中國餐館享用港式點心美食,下午可自費參觀大英博物館及倫敦塔或於著名的麗晶/牛津街或武士橋區盡情購物。 (早、午餐) 酒店/Hotel : Thistle Hotel 或同級 After breakfast we start our London sightseeing tour, include the famous Trafalgar Square, the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, the Tower Bridge, and Downing Street. My may also witness the world’s famous “Changing of Guards” ceremony in front of the Buckingham Palace if the ceremony is available. Enjoy a Hong Kong style Dimsum lunch afterward, the rest of the afternoon is free for your own leisure. You may join an optional tour to the British Museum and London Tower, or stay shopping at the famous Oxford Street and Regent Street. (B/L)

111333 倫敦倫敦倫敦倫敦 ���� 原居地原居地原居地原居地 London ���� Home City

美式或自助式早餐後,於指定時間集合後乘車往機場飛返原居地。13 天精彩行程至此完滿結束。團友可選擇自費停留在倫敦或繼續其他行程,本公司更可代為安排各地不同等級之酒店或機票,請於出發前與本公司聯絡。 (早餐) Enjoy a delicious breakfast in the hotel, and then we shall proceed to the airport for the homeward flight. Wish you a pleasant trip. If you wish to stay behind at London or continuing your journey at other cities, we are able to make the arrangements for you, please let your service agent know when making reservation. (B)

特特特特 約約約約 旅旅旅旅 行行行行 社社社社

For general information, terms & conditions & liabilities, please refer to Charming Europe colorful brochure. We reserve the right to change itinerary and prices without prior notice. 有關報名詳情及旅遊細則,請參閱「翠明假期」歐洲旅行團章程。 D.O.I.: May 3, 2014