Etymology of Pleiades, கிருத்திகை kiruttigai,கார்த்திகை...

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Transcript of Etymology of Pleiades, கிருத்திகை kiruttigai,கார்த்திகை...

  • 7/31/2019 Etymology of Pleiades, kiruttigai, krttigai, kttik, krtika


    Etymology ofEtymology ofEtymology ofEtymology of PleiadesPleiadesPleiadesPleiades,,,, kiruttigaikiruttigaikiruttigaikiruttigai,,,, kkkkrttigairttigairttigairttigai,,,, kkkkttikttikttikttik,,,, kkkkrtikrtikrtikrtikaaaa

    The Pleiades are also known as the "Seven Sisters," even though most people see only six stars.

    In Greek mythology, the stars of Pleiades represented the Seven Sisters.

    A Nez Perce myth about this constellation mirrors the ancient Greek myths about the Lost Pleiades. In

    the Nez Perce version the Pleiades is also a group of sisters, however the story itself is somewhat

    different. One sister falls in love with a man and, following his death, is so absorbed by her own grief that

    she tells her sisters about him. They mock her tell her how silly it is of her to feel sad for the human after

    his death, and she in return keeps her growing sadness to herself, eventually becoming so ashamed and

    miserable about her own feelings that she pulls the sky over her face like a veil, blocking herself from

    view. This myth explains why there are only six of the seven stars visible to the naked eye.

    A Cherokee myth (similar to that of the Onondaga people) indicates that six boys who would not do their

    ceremonial chores and wanted only to play, ran around and around the ceremonial ball court in a circle,

    and were turned by the spirits turned into pigs, who rose up into the sky

    The Monache people tell of six wives who loved onions more than their husbands and now live happily in

    "sky country"

    In Greek mythology, the Pleiades were seven sisters: Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Asterope,

    Celaeno and Merope. Their parents were Atlas, a Titan who held up the sky, and the oceanid Pleione, the

    protectress of sailing.

    After a chance meeting with the hunter Orion, the Pleiades and their mother became the object of his

    pursuit. Enamoured with the young women he pursued them over the face of the Earth. In pity for their

    plight, Zeus changed them into a flock of doves, which he set in the heavens. Thus the olympian added

    the penalty of the absence of his wife and family to the Titan's original punishment of eternally supporting

    the heavens from the Earth.

    Only six stars are distinctly visible to the naked eye. The ancient Greeks explained the sudden

    disappearance of the seventh star in various narratives. According to one, all the Pleiades were consorts

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    to gods, with the exception of Merope. She deserted her sisters in shame, having taken a mortal

    husband, Sisyphus, the King of Corinth. Another explanation for the 'lost' star related to the myth of the

    Electra, an ancestress of the royal house of Troy. After the destruction of Troy, the grief stricken Electra

    abandoned her sisters and was transformed into a comet everafter to be a sign of impending doom.

    The Greek legends of the disappearing star are echoed in Jewish and Mongolian folklore: their basis in

    an actual event seems to be corroborated by astronomical evidence that a clearly visible star in thecluster became extinct towards the end of the second millennium BC.

    Later few stars are identified and included in the star cluster namely Pleiades. The nine brightest stars of

    the Pleiades are named for the Seven Sisters of Greek mythology: Sterope, Merope, Electra, Maia,

    Taygeta, Celaeno, and Alcyone, along with their parents Atlas and Pleione. As daughters of Atlas, the

    Hyades were sisters of the Pleiades.

    Arundhati Nakatra (though not a part of the 27 day pointing fixed stars) is near the Krttigai/ kttik.

    (karthigai) in Tamil refers to 6 wives of 6 Rishis the seventh being Arunthadhi the wife of

    Vasistha the seventh Sage(Rishi) relate to star Alcyone.

    arundadi n. 1. Name of the wife of Vasiha, considered a paragon of chastity;

    . (. 442.) 2. The scarcely visible star Alcor of the great Bear, supposed to be Arundhati

    transformed; . (.)

    In mythology Arundhat is represented as the wife of the sage Vasiha, one of the 7 sages. She was one

    of the 9 daughters of Kardama Prajpati by Devahti. She is regarded as the highest pattern of conjugal

    excellence and wifely devotion and is so invoked by the bridegroom at nuptial ceremonies.

    kulam n. The Star Arundhat. . (. 73, 1).

    It is also called as North Star.

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    uttara-m n. The star Arundhati Mizar, the central star in the tail; .

    ( . . 6).

    vaa-m n. 1. The star Arundhati 2. Arundhat.

    ) .122).

    It is also called as red and small star.

    sem-m n. 1. The star Arundhati. .

    ) .31, 28). 2. Mars; . ). 60, 2).

    siu-m n. 1. The star Arundhati; .

    (. 303). 2. Loach. , 1. (.)

    arundadi-> arundhat [Sanskrit] 1. N. of the wife of Vasiha; -2 The morning star

    personified as the wife of Vasiha; one of the Pleiades.

    The Pleiades as a constellation and location.The Pleiades as a constellation and location.The Pleiades as a constellation and location.The Pleiades as a constellation and location.

    Today the Pleiades are officially considered part of the constellation of Taurus the bull. Most people view

    the Pleiades as located on the shoulder of the bull, some on the neck, and others on the back. Hyginus

    placed them on the hindquarter while Pliny, Columella, Vitruvius, and Nicander placed them on the tail of

    the bull.

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    However in Sanskrit, Pleiades is also called as k containing 7 stars, after inclusion of

    arundadi- arundhat scarcely visible star Alcor of the great Bear.

    ka [Sanskrit] 1 A bear; -2 A species of ape; -3 A kind of deer; -4 N. of a mountain. -5 N. of a plant

    ka & kama [Sanskrit] 1 A star, constellation, lunar mansion; -2 A sign of the

    zodiac. -3 A star under which a man happens to be born.

    k [Sanskrit] (m. pl.) The seven stars called Pleiades; afterwards the seven iis;

    k [Sanskrit] The north.

    k [Sanskrit] A female bear.

    Since there are many stars in the star cluster of Pleiades, it is also named accordingly in Tamil, Sanskrit

    and Greek. Abundant crops and green pastures were attributed to these "Rainy Stars". They were alsoconnected with traditions of the Flood found among widely separated nations. Their name bears an

    etymological relationship to the Greek words: plein, meaning "plenty" from pleos, 'full or many'. This

    plein is derived from the Tamil word pal or pala, meaning many.

    One can become many because of its division, distribution, separation or cut off.

    pal(to separate, distributed, cut)-> pal , pron. Many, several, diverse; .


    pala, [Kannada. hala, Malayalam. pala. Telugu. Palu] Many, several, diverse;

    . ). .220).

    pal-> - pagu- 6 v. intr. 1. [T. pagulu.] To be split, divided; .

    (. 841). 2. [M. pakuka.] To be at variance, disunited; to separate; .

    (, 187).--tr. To divide; .

    (. 30, 30).

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    - paku- 11 v. tr. Caus. of -. cf. bhaj. [M. pakukka.] 1. To distribute, apportion, allot;

    . (, 322). 2. To classify; . (W.)

    3. To explain analytically; . (W.) 4. To give; . (.) 5. [T.

    pagulutcu.] To divide, cut into pieces; . (.) 6. To root out, tear off; .

    (. . 55). 7. To remove impurities; .

    (. 2724).

    pagu adj. Many, much; . ). 2801).

    pagu -> bahu [Sanskrit] a. 1 Much, plentiful, abundant, great; -2 Many, numerous; -4 Large, great.

    -5 Abounding or rich in

    bahu ind. 1 Much, abundantly, very much, exceedingly, greatly, in a high degree. -2

    Somewhat, nearly, almost;

    pagu-> ( pagulam) -> paguam n. Abundance, plentifulness; . Colloq.

    ( pagulam) -> pgulam n. The month of Krttigai = November-December;

    . (W.)

    paguam-> bahula [Sanskrit] a. 1 Thick, dense, compact; -2 (a) Broad, wide, capacious; (b)

    ample, large. -3 Abundant, copious, plentiful, much, numerous; -4 Numerous, manifold, many; -5 Full of,

    rich or abounding in; -6 Accompanied or attended by. -7 Born under the Pleiades; P.IV.3.33. -8 Dark,

    black. -9 Comprehensive, variously applicable.

    bahula [Sanskrit] 1 The dark half of a month. -2 An epithet of f ire.

    bahul [Sanskrit] 1 A cow; -2 Cardamoms. -3 The indigo plant. -4 The Pleiades (pl.)

    bahulam [Sanskrit] 1 The sky. -2 White-pepper.

    bahulik [Sanskrit] (pl.) The Pleiades.

    pagu -> -

    vegu- . tr. & intr..

    To be excessive, abundant;.

    (. .)

    vegu adj. 1. Many; . 2. Much; . (. 20).

    vegusy adv. 1. Almost, for the most part; most probably; .

    . 2. See , 1.

    vegusu n.. Plenty; . (. .)

    pgulam-> vgulai n. The six presiding female deities of the Pleiades;

    . (. .)

    pgulam-> bhula [Sanskrit] a. Manifold.

    bhula [Sanskrit] 1.Fire; -2 The month Krtika.

    bhulam [Sanskrit] Manifoldness.

    bhul [Sanskrit] The day of full moon in the month of Krt ika.

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    Pleiades as Rain Star:Pleiades as Rain Star:Pleiades as Rain Star:Pleiades as Rain Star:

    Pleiades is a group of stars that have become known by many civilizations throughout history. Many

    references to this group of stars involved agriculture or rain. Ancient civilizations began to notice that the

    Pleiades signaled the beginning of the rain season and the brightness of the stars actually indicated how

    much rain they should expect. Surprisingly, the inferences made by farmer's years ago are actually

    maintained today by scientists. The brightness of the stars actually ties in to atmospheric conditions

    related to El Nino.

    In South Africa, they are called as Khuseti: the stars of rain, or rain bearers. (Khoikhoi tribe). In the

    Swahili language of East Africa they are called "kilimia" which means "digging stars" as their visibility was

    taken as a sign to prepare digging as the onset of the rain was near. Sun's transit of the Pleiades

    produces rains.

    Aymara- and Quechua-speaking farmers watch the skies for a week before the Catholic festival

    celebrating San Juan (Saint John), June 24. At midnight of the feast day, villagers climb the mountains,

    arriving at the peaks a few hours before dawn to drink and sing. Looking toward the northeast, where the

    Pleiades, a cluster of stars in the constellation Taurus, shine not far above the horizon, the farmers gauge

    the stars' brightness, note the stars' apparent sizes and the positions of the brightest stars. The dimmer

    the Pleiades, as determined by their apparent size and brilliance, the less rain the area will get six months

    later, said Benjamin Orlove, an anthropology professor from the University of California at Davis. If the

    stars are dim, sky-watchers anticipate dry weather and delay planting to reduce crop damage.

    In Ukrainian traditional folklore the Pleiades are known as (Stozhary),

    (Volosozhary), or - (Baby-Zvizdy).

    'Stozhary' can be etymologically traced to "" (stozharnya) meaning a 'granary', 'storehouse for

    hay and crops', or can also be reduced to the root "-", (sto-zhar) meaning 'hundredfold glowing'.[7]

    'Volosozhary' (the ones whose hair is glowing), or 'Baby-Zvizdy' (female-stars) refer to the female tribal

    deities. Accordingly to the legend, seven maids lived long ago. They used to dance the traditional round

    dances and sing the glorious songs to honor the gods. After their death the gods turned them into water

    nymphs, and, having taken them to the Heavens, settled them upon the seven stars, where they dance

    their round dances (symbolic for moving the time) to this day.

    As per Greek Mythology, the Pleiades were seven mountain nymph daughters of the Titan Atlas. Their

    leader was Maia, the mother of Hermes by Zeus. Five of the others were also loved by gods, becoming

    ancestresses of various royal families including those of Troy and Sparta. When they were pursued by

    the lustful giant Orion, Zeus set them amongst the stars as the seven-starred constellation Pleiades. Their

    name was derived from the Greek word plein, meaning "plenty."

    Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica 2. 356 ff :

    "By heaven's law Jove [Zeus] had drawn the Pleiades stormy constellation down from the

    firmament as he rolled the earth upon its everlasting course, and straightway rain stream

    everywhere." [N.B. The setting of the Pleiades in November marked the beginning of the stormy


    Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica 5. 304 ff :

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    "As when Jupiter [Zeus] darts the lightning from his high citadel, ay, when he stirs the Pleiades

    and mingled rain and thunder or freezing snow, when the whole plain is hidden by the white


    The Tuareg Berbers living in the desert of North Africa call the Pleiades Cat ihe (pronounced: shat

    ihedd), or Cat ah (pronounced: shat ahadd). The name means in Berber: "daughters of the night".

    Other Berbers call this star cluster: Amanar (meaning: "the guide") or Tagemmunt (meaning: "the group").

    A Tuareg Berber proverb says:

    Cat ah as unt, ttukaye ttegmye, anwar da ttsasse. As d-gmaent, ttukaye ttegmye

    tabruq ttelse.

    Translation: When the Pleiades fall, I wake up looking for my goatskin bag to drink. When (the

    Pleiades) rise, I wake up looking for a cloth to wear.

    Meaning: When the Pleiades "fall" with the sun on the west, it means the hot season is coming,

    which implies the heat and the thirst of the summer. When the Pleiades rise from the east with

    the sun, it means the cold and rainy season is coming, and thus one does well to prepare for the


    l (water)-> l n. The third nakatra. . ( .


    l-> ( r)-> ral n. 1. Fire; . (.) 2. The third nakatra 3. Rhynchobdella

    aculeata; . (. 18).

    The Pleiades or or are identified with as both are named for their


    ( r)-> ral -> ( r) -> rl n. 1. Brownish or greenish sand-eel, Rhynchobdella

    aculeata; . (.) 2. Rich brown thorny-backed eel, Mastacembalus armatus; .

    kr n. [T. kru, K. M. Tu. kr.] 1. Blackness; .2. That which is black; . ), 103). 3. Cloud; . ) . . .

    86). 4. Rain; . ). 38). 5. Water; ) . (.6. See

    . ) . .6). 7. Paddy harvested in the rainy season; .

    ) .799). 8. Black monkey; ) . .( 9. Goat; ) . (.10.

    Men's hair; ) . (.11. Rat's hair; ) . (.12. Black leprosy; .

    ) .65). 13. Darkness, gloom of night; . ) .12, 85). 14.

    Ignorance, illusion; . ), 287). 15. Rancour,

    deepseated and implacable hatred; ) . (.16. Freshness, greenness; .

    ) .112). 17. Beauty; ) . (.18. Ripeness, maturity, flowering period, as of

    a plant; . ) . .12, .11).

    - kr- 11 v. intr. 1. To darken, grow black; . ) .

    .122). 2. To bud; . ) . . .


    kr-> ( krtti) -> krttigam n. Eighth lunar month; .

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    ( krtti) -> krte. [Telugu] n. The particular constellation out of the 27, in which the Sun

    happens to be. .

    The word krtti denoting the third nakatra, is now obsolete in Tamil. However, it is retained in

    Telugu as krte.

    krttigam-> krttigya n. Skanda, as nursed by the six presiding deities of theconstellation Pleiades; ) .(.

    krttiham -> krttigai n. 1. The constellation Pleiades, part of ma-rsi and iapa-

    rsi; ) . (.2. The eighth month of the Indian calendar; .3. Krttikai flower

    4. The full-moon day in the month of Krttikai krttikya- Durg; .

    krttiham -> krtikamu. [Telugu] n. The eighth Hindu lunar month. October-November.

    krttigai -> krtika[Sanskrit] 1 N. of the month in which the full moon is near the

    or Pleiades (corresponding to October- November). -2 An epithet of Skanda.

    krtika [Sanskrit] a. Belonging to the month of Krtika;

    krtik [Sanskrit] f The full moon day in the month of Krtika

    The Pleiades seem to be among the first stars mentioned in astronomical literature, appearing in Chinese

    annals of 2357 B.C., Alcyone, the lucida, then being near the vernal equinox, although now 24 north of

    the celestial equator; and in the Hindu lunar zodiac as the 3rd nakatra, KarttikaKarttikaKarttikaKarttika.

    Abundant crops and green pastures were attributed to these "Rainy Stars".

    - kiar- 4 v. intr. [M. kiara.] 1. To rise, ascend, emerge, swell upwards; .

    ) . .67). 2. To spring up, grow higher and higher, shoot up;

    . ) . .4, 9, 4). 3. To be intense, abundant, to surpass,

    increase; . ) . .4). 4. To shine, to be

    conspicuous, resplendent; . ) .8, 18). 5. To

    be exalted, elevated, great, dignified; ) .W.) 6. To become spirited, enthusiastic, zealous;

    . ) . .2, 9, 11). 7. To be roused,

    infuriated; ) . .2, 2). 8. To become vain, conceited;

    ) .W.)

    kiar n. 1. Light, lustre, brightness; ) . (.2. Farina, pollen; ) .(.

    kiarcci n. 1. Rising, ascent; .2. Enthusiasm, zeal; .

    .3. Growth, increase, pros- perity; . . 4. Fertility, luxuriance; .

    ) . .12). 5. Anger; .

    .6. Agitation; .

    . Mod. 7. Conceit, vanity; ) .W.)

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    The astrological influences of the PleiadesThe astrological influences of the PleiadesThe astrological influences of the PleiadesThe astrological influences of the Pleiades

    Pleiades Rising: Blindness, ophthalmia injuries to the eyes and face, disgrace, wounds, stabs

    (operations nowadays), exile, imprisonment, sickness, violent fevers, quarrels, violent lust, militarypreferment. If at the same time the Sun is in opposition either to the Ascendant or to Mars, violent death.

    The rising Pleiades are indicative of those who are homosexual, like to be flattered, and (with a poorly

    positioned Mercury) impudent in speech. When setting this group of star can have just the opposite

    nature. If aspected by benefice (when setting) the indications are of a pleasant death and if aspected by

    both malefice and benefice the native is said to be fond of arts and perhaps even become a painter who

    will acquire great honors in his lifetime. As an example of the fortunate nature of the Pleiades, Josephus,

    the great Jewish historian (37-100 A.D.), wrote that during the investment of Jerusalem by Antiochus

    Epiphanes in 170 B.C. the besieged suffered from a severe lack of water but the city was finally relieved"by a large shower of rain which fell at the setting of the Pleiades". [Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology,

    George Noonan, 1990, p.28.]

    "The Pleiades, s"The Pleiades, s"The Pleiades, s"The Pleiades, sisters who vie with each other's radiance.isters who vie with each other's radiance.isters who vie with each other's radiance.isters who vie with each other's radiance.

    Beneath their influence devotees of Bacchus (god of wine and ecstasy) and Venus (goddess of love) are

    born into the kindly light, and people whose insouciance runs free at feasts and banquets and who strive

    to provoke sweet mirth with biting wit. They will always take pains over personal adornment and an

    elegant appearance they will set their locks in waves of curls or confine their tresses with bands, buildingthem into a thick topknot, and they will transform the appearance of the head by adding hair to it; they will

    smooth their hairy limbs with the porous pumice, loathing their manhood and craving for sleekness of

    arm. They adopt feminine dress, footwear donned not for wear but for show, and an affected effeminate

    gait. They are ashamed of their sex; in their hearts dwells a senseless passion for display, and they boast

    of their malady, which they call a virtue. To give their love is never enough, they will also want their love

    to be seen". [Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, book 5, p.310-313].

    - kiar (radiance/anger)-> ( kiartti)-> kirutti n. The third lunar asterism or

    nakatra as . Wils. p. 243.

    kirutti -> kiruttigai The third of the twenty seven lunar asterisms or nakatra--as

    . Wils. p. 243.

    kirutti > ktti [Sanskrit] f. One of the lunar mansions, Pleiades.

    kiruttigai -> kttik [Sanskrit] (pl.) 1 The third of the 27 lunar mansions or asterisms,

    (consisting of 6 stars) the Pleiades; Bhg.6.14.3. -2 The six stars represented as nymphs acting as

    nurses to Krtikeya, the god of war.

    Sanskrit Scholars are trying to give the following wrong citation for the etymology ofkttik. This isnot correct.

    kt [Sanskrit] To cut, cut off, divide, tear asunder, cut in pieces, destroy;

    There is no meaning of many for the citation of kt for the word kttik. It merely denotes to cut

    off. There is no relationship between kt and kttik. Sanskrit scholars wrongly applied the

    meaning of - pagu- (To divide, cut into pieces; . ) instead of pagu (adj. Many,

    much) while trying to show the etymology for kttik.

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    - pagu- 11 v. tr. Caus. of -. [M. pakukka.] 1. To distribute, apportion, allot;

    . (, 322). 2. To classify; . (W.)

    3. To explain analytically; . (W.) 4. To give; . (.) 5. [T.

    pagulutcu.] To divide, cut into pieces; . (.) 6. To root out, tear off; .

    (. . 55). 7. To remove impurities; .

    (. 2724).

    pagu adj. Many, much; . (. 2801)

    The star cluster Pleiades / is named so because it contains many stars i.e. six (visible)/seven(one not visible).

    au-m n. Pleiades, as containing six stars; . (.)

    au-vy n. The third nakatra, as consisting of six stars; .

    (. 90, 9).

    -m n. Pleiades, as containing six stars; .

    Reasons forReasons forReasons forReasons for Agni NakAgni NakAgni NakAgni Nakatra:atra:atra:atra:

    Agni Nakatra is the period when the Sun or Surya passes through the star kiruttigai/

    krttigai/ kttik also known as Agni Nakatra. The period is considered to be the peak

    summer season. In 2011, Agni Nakashatram in Tamil Calendar is from May 4 to May 28. As it is the peak

    summer season the period is considered inauspicious and therefore some people refer the period as Agni

    Nakshathra dosha. The passing of sun through 3rd and 4th quarter of Bharani Nakatra and the four

    quarters of kiruttigai/ krttigai/ kttik and the first quarter of Rohini Star is

    the period of Agni Nakatra.

    The doa or inauspicious period is for 21 days. The popular belief is that journey made during this period

    will be unsuccessful, money given will not be returned, diseases will not be cured easily etc. Some people

    are of the belief that auspicious events were avoided in ancient times during this time due to the intense

    heat wave taking place during the period.

    Therefore the words denoting fire, sun have also denoted the Pleiades ( kiruttigai/

    krttigai/ kttik).

    agi n. 1. Fire; . (.) 2. Agni; . (. . 53.) 3. Digestive

    faculty, gastric fire; . (. . 1). 4. The third

    nakatra. . (. 11, 7.) 5. Sun; .

    (. . 30, 14).

    agi-n n. 1. The third nakatra. . (.)

    aal n.[Malayalam. aal.] 1. Fire; . (. . 90.) 2. Flame; .

    (. 5, 3). 3. Heat; .

    (. 124). 4. Pungency; . (. . 54). 5. Burning sensation as of

    a wound, of medicine in the system; . (. . 123). 6. Poison; .

    (. 23, 69). 7. Ceylon lead- wort. . (.) 8. Spurge. . (.

    ..) 9. Madar. . (. .) 10. Hell; . (. 1225, 4). 11.

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    kattiricu [Tel.] v. a. To cut or crop with scissors; . kattirillu. v. i. To split,

    to be split .

    kattari n. 1. Scissors, shears; . 2. Rat trap; . 3. A species of

    snake; .

    kattarigai n. 1. Scissors, shears; .

    (. . 14, 7). 2. (Nya.) Gesture with one hand in which the forefinger and the middle

    finger are held together and pointed upward, while the thumb and the ring finger remain bent, the

    little finger being kept stretched; . (. 3, 18, .)

    ( kattu) -> katti n. [Telugu. Kannada. Malayalam. Tulu. Urdu. katti.] 1. Knife, cutting instrument,

    lancet, razor; . . (.) 2. Sword,

    scimitar, sickle; .

    - kattari -> karta [Sanskrit] 1 A hole, cavity; -2 Rending, tearing;

    karta [Sanskrit] a. Cutting.

    kartaka [Sanskrit] a. (A pearl) having scratches. Kau. A. 2.11.

    kartana [Sanskrit] 1 Cutting, lopping off; -2 Spinning cotton or thread

    kartana [Sanskrit] a. Cutting.

    kartan [Sanskrit] Scissors.

    kartarik & kartar [Sanskrit] 1 Scissors. -2 A knife. -3 Cut- lass, small sword. -4

    () A kind of dance.

    kartavya [Sanskrit] a. What ought to be cut or lopped, fit to be destroyed or put down;

    kartk [Sanskrit] A small sword, a knife.

    kartarik & kartar -> kartrik & kartr [Sanskrit] 1 Knife. -2 Scissors.

    kart is not the root for karta denoting Rending, tearing as it means

    kart [Sanskrit] 1 To slacken, unloose. -2 To remove.

    From the root kart, there is no word like kartika to denote the the star Pleiades (kiruttigai/ krttigai/ kttik) in Sanskrit.

    The Pleiades or or are identified with as both are named for their


    ( r)-> ral -> ( r) -> rl n. 1. Brownish or greenish sand-eel, Rhynchobdella

    aculeata; . (.) 2. Rich brown thorny-backed eel, Mastacembalus armatus; .

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    - miu- v. intr. [Kannada. micu.] 1. To emit lightning; . (.) 2. To shine,

    glitter; . (. . 2, 3).

    mi n. [Telugu. minuku, Kannada. minu, Malayalam. min.] 1. Flash, glitter; . (.)

    (. . 84). 2. Lightning; .

    (. 29, 238).

    miu-> m n. [K. mn.] 1. Star; . (, 1116). 2. The

    14th nakatra. . (.) 3. The 13th nakatra. &sup8;. (. 108.). 4. Fish; . (.)

    5. Pisces of the zodiac; . (.) 6. Shark; . (W.) 7. Drum of the maritime tract;

    . (. .)

    m -> m. This symbol means month in Tamil language.Because of shining, the word m denotes both fish and (Pleiades) star.

    il n. 1. Shrimp, prawn, macroura; . (.) 2. Bluish seer-fish, Cybium commersonii;

    . 3. The third nakatra. . (.) 4. Bull; . (.) 5. Honeycomb; .

    (. . 14).

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    Since the Pleiades star cluster is containing six stars, the numeral count 6 (six) is also derived.

    au-m n. Pleiades, as containing six stars; . (.)

    au-m-kdala n. Skanda, being one brought up by the goddesses of

    Pleiades; . (.)

    ( r)= Six .

    The word rdenoting Six is now obsolete in Tamil. However its is retained in the word.

    r-padam n. Small beetle which is six-footed; . (.)

    au-kl-> ragara A bee, which is six-footed. Rv.1.16.1.

    r-> rghA kind of yellow bee, which is six-footed.

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    ( r) -> ( ru)-> u n. [Telugu. Kannada. Malayalam. u, Tulu. ji.] The numeral 6;


    u-kai n. 1. Breed of neat cattle that have not more than six teeth;

    . Loc. 2. Pendant of six rurka

    u-npu n. Muhammadan fast following peru-n, and continuing for six days;


    u-mai-p-p n. Evening primrose, Oenothera tetraptera, for it blossoms at about 6

    p.m.; . Loc.

    u-msa-k-kaa-kra n. Tallyman, pedlar, esp. among Muhammadans,

    who travels about from village to village selling household articles for credit, and appearing again

    for payment after six months;


    u-msa- mai-k-kra, n. Tallyman, pedlar, esp. among

    Muhammadans, who travels about from village to village selling household articles for credit, and

    appearing again for payment after six months; .

    u-mda-k-ki n. Rice-water, i.e., water in which cooked rice has remained for a

    time, sometimes mixed with various ingredients, and kept for six months, used medicinally;

    . (W.)

    umuka n. Skanda, having six faces; ) .(.

    euttu n. Sacred formula addressed to Skanda, and consisting of six syllables

    ( r)-> ( aru) n. Six;

    The word aru denoting Six is now obsolete in Tamil. However in the following format, it is retained.

    ( aru) + padam-> ar-padam n. Beetle, which is six-footed; . (. .


    ( aru)-> au ( aumai) n. Six; . (. 11, 18).

    au-poudu n. Six divisions of the day, viz., mlai, ymam, vaikaai, viiyal, napakal,

    epu, q.v.;

    ) .R.)

    au-vakai-y-uyir n. (Buddh.) The six kinds of living beings, viz., makka, tvar,

    piramar, narakar, vilaku, py, q.v.;

    ) .. 30, 5658.)

    au-kua n. The Deity, as having six attributes. ) .W.)

    au-kam n. Hexagon; ) . . .2, 67.)

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    au-samayam n. The six religious systems which are considered to be Vdic, viz.,

    , , , , , .

    au-saram n. Lute, as a six-stringed instrument; ) .(.

    au-suvai n. The six flavours, viz., , , , , ,

    ; ) .1).

    au-pagai n. The six enemies of man, i.e., the six emotions which disturb his mind and

    corrupt his soul, viz., , , , , , ;

    . (. . 6.)

    au-padam n. 1. Beetle, as six-footed; . (. 568, 5). 2.

    Species of Eclipta. .

    aupadu n. Sixty. + .

    au-muga n. Skanda, as having six faces; . (.)

    au-kl n. Beetle which is six-footed; . (. 126).

    ( aru)-> ari [Sanskrit] 1 N. of the number six -2 N. of a condition in astronomy.

    au-> (au)-> (sau)-> sau n. Six; . (. . 30.)

    u-> u-> ( Su)->sru / r [Kolami] Six

    sau-> a ( a) [Sanskrit] num. a. Six;

    aka [Sanskrit] a. 1 Sixfold. -2 Bought for six &c.; P.V.1.22.

    aka [Sanskrit] Six.

    akam [Sanskrit] 1 An aggregate of six; -2 The six passions collectively.

    h [Sanskrit] ind. In six ways.

    dat [Sanskrit] m. A young ox with six teeth.

    a [Sanskrit] -> ah [Sanskrit] 1 The sixth day of a lunar fortnight. -2 The sixth or genitive case

    (in gram.) -3 An epithet of Durg in the form of Ktyyan, one of the 16 divine mothers. -4 A goddess

    worshipped on the sixth day of child-birth

    aha [Sanskrit] a. ( ah f.) Sixth, the sixth;

    ha [Sanskrit] ( h f.) Sixth.

    a [Sanskrit] + daan [Sanskrit] -> aa [Sanskrit] a. ( a f.) Sixteenth;

    aadh [Sanskrit] ind. In sixteen ways.

    a [Sanskrit] + ( atam. A hundred ->) ati [Sanskrit] -> ai [Sanskrit] f. Sixty (a

    number within hundred series);

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    daan [Sanskrit] is already used to denote sixteen. Therefore ati is used to denote sixty. There

    is no such a word daati to denote sixty with the combination of a.

    aika [Sanskrit] a. Bought with sixty.

    aika & aik [Sanskrit] A kind of rice of quick growth unlike other kinds of rice

    taking more than 60 days to grow;

    aikyam [Sanskrit] A field sown with the above kind of rice.

    chhai, chhe, chhah [Hindi] (a) six; (nm) the number six;

    chhai -> cha [Hindi] an allomorph of used as the first member in a number of Hindi compound


    chhakk (nm) [Hindi] a set of six; sixer (in cricket); the sixth in a pack of cards; the six (at dice, etc.);

    chhag [Hindi] (a) having six fingers (in one or each of the palms or toes).

    Number symbol denoting (6) in Devanagari is the corrupt or short form of cha of Hindi or

    Prakrit language.

    Brahui shash

    Kurukh soyye:

    Malto so:ye

    Parji (Duruwa) se:je:n

    Gadaba ru-gur

    Telugu aaru

    Gondi sru:ng

    Koya ru

    Konda ru


    Pengo co

    Kui sajgi

    Kuvi so:

    Tulu ji

    Koraga aji

    Kannada aaru

    Badaga ru

    Kodagu r


    Toda o:r

    Kota re

    Malayalam ru

    Irula aru

    Nahali chh

    Old English+ sex

    Middle English+ six

    English six

    Scots sax

    Old Frisian+ sex

    W.Frisian seis

    Frisian(Saterland) sks

    Dutch zes

  • 7/31/2019 Etymology of Pleiades, kiruttigai, krttigai, kttik, krtika


    W/S Flemish zsse

    Brabants zes

    Low Saxon s

    Emsland zes


    Plautdietsch sassAfrikaans ses

    German sechs

    CentralBavarian sechse

    Swabian sechs

    Alsatian sex

    Cimbrian sks

    Rimella zhakshe

    Rheinfrnkisch sechs

    Pennsylvania sex

    Luxembourgeois sechs

    Swiss German schs

    Yiddish zeks

    Middle HighGerman+ shs

    Old HighGerman+ sehs

    Runic+ sx

    Old Norse+ sex

    Norwegian seks

    Danish seks

    Swedish sex

    Dalecarlian sjks

    Faroese seks

    Old Icelandic+ sex

    Icelandic sexGothic+ sahs

    Crimean+ seis

    Oscan+ *sehs

    Umbrian+ sehs-

    Faliscan+ zex

    Latin+ sex

    Mozarabic+ xaix

    Portuguese seis

    Galician seisSpanish seis

    Ladino sex

    Asturian seis

    Aragonese seis

    Catalan sis

    Valencian sis

    Old French+ sis

    French six

    Walloon shijh

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    Jrriais six

    Poitevin sis

    Old Picard+ sies

    Picard sis

    Occitan(Provenal) siis

    Lengadocian siisGascon shis

    Auvergnat siei

    Limosin siei

    Franco-Provenal(Vaudois) s

    RumantschGrischun sis

    Sursilvan sis

    Vallader sesFriulian ss

    Ladin ses

    Dalmatian+ si

    Italian sei

    Piedmontese ss

    Milanese ss

    Genovese(Ligurian) sei

    Venetian si

    Parmesan se:s

    Corsican sei

    Umbrian si

    Neapolitan si

    Sicilian sie

    Romanian s,ase

    Arumanian s,ase

    Meglenite s,asiIstriot s,se

    Sardinian ses

    Gaulish+ suex

    Welsh chwech

    Cardiganshire sich

    Breton c'hwec'h

    Vannetais huh

    UnifiedCornish+ whegh

    Common hweghModern whee

    Devonian+ hueh

    Old Irish+ se

    Irish s

    Scots Gaelic sia

    Manx shey




    Greek+ hx

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    Greek ksi

    Cypriot ksi

    Tsakonian kse

    Tocharian A+ sk

    Tocharian B+ skas

    Albanian gjasht

    Gheg (Qosaj) gh'asht

    Tosk(Mandritsa) g'sht

    Lithuanian shesh

    Latvian seshi

    Latgalian seshi

    Russian shest'

    Belarussian shesc'

    Ukrainian shist'Polish szes'c'

    Kashubian shesc

    Polabian+ sist

    Czech shest

    Slovak shest'

    West shest

    East shesc

    Upper Sorbian shsc'

    Lower Sorbian ssc'

    Old ChurchSlavonic+ shesti

    Bulgarian shest

    Macedonian shest

    Serbo-Croat shst

    Slovene shest

    Ossetian Iron xszDigor xsz

    Avestan+ xshuuash

    Khwarezmian+ 'x

    Sogdian+ wghwshw

    Yaghnobi uxsh

    Saka+ ksta'

    Pashto shpag

    Wakhi shd

    Munji xshe

    Yidgha uxsho

    Ishkashmi xu,l


    Shughn xo:gh

    Rushani xu:,w

    Yazgulami xu

    Sarikoli(Tashkorghani) xel

    Parachi xi

    Ormuri sh.ah

    Parthian+ shwh

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    Yazdi shash


    Natanzi shsh

    Khunsari shsh

    Gazi shsh

    Sivandi shush

    Vafsi shish

    Semnani shash

    Sangisari shash

    Gilaki shish

    Mazanderani shesh

    Talysh shash

    Harzani shosh

    Zaza (Dimli) shesh

    Gorani shIsh

    Baluchi shesh

    Turkmenistan shash

    E Hill shash

    Rakhshani(Western) sh


    Kermanji (S)Kurdish shash

    Zaza (N)Kurdish shash

    Bajalani shish

    Kermanshahi shsh

    Old Persian+

    Pahlavi+ shash

    Farsi shesh

    Isfahani shish

    Tajik shash

    Tati shsh

    Chali shesh

    Fars shisht

    Lari shish

    Luri shish

    Kumzari shish

    Ashkun sh:

    Wasi-weri(Prasuni) wu:sh

    Kati shu

    Kamviri S'u

    Kalasha-ala(Waigali) shu:


    Prakrit+ ch`a

    Ardhamagadhi+ cha

    Pali+ chaSpanish jol

    Welsh shov

    Kalderash shov

    Syrian shs

    Armenian shesh

    Iranian shov

    Sinhalese haya

    Veddapahamaytava ekamay

    Maldivian haie

    Kashmiri shahShina sha

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    Brokskat sa

    Phalura shoh

    Bashkarik sho:

    Tirahi xo

    Torwali sho:

    Wotapuri sho:


    (Kohistani) sho:hKalasha sho

    Khowar chhoy

    Dameli sho

    Gawar-bati shuo:

    Pashai chha

    Shumashti shoo

    Nangalami so:

    Dumaki sha

    Marathi sehaKonkani s

    Sindhi cha

    Khatri cho

    Lahnda ch`e:

    Hindi/ Urdu chai

    Parya chhe

    Punjabi che

    Siraiki chi

    Gujarati che

    Rajasthani(Marwari) ch`aw

    Banjari (Lamani) cho

    Malvi ch`e:

    Bhili so:

    Dogri ch`e:

    Kumauni ch`ai

    Garhwali ch`ai:

    W Pahari tsho:

    Khandeshi ch`a

    Nepali cha

    Maithili ch`

    Magahi chau

    Bhojpuri ch

    Awadhi (Kosali) ch

    Chattisgarhi ch`e:

    Oriya cha'a

    Bengali choy

    Assamese sei

    Mayang soy