Erdei-Horváth-Rékási - Test by Test 2008

GAZDASÁGI SZAKNYELVI VIZSGAFELKESZITO Szakszókincs és nyelvismereti gyakorló- és tesztkönyv ■*i w Közép- és Felsőfok Közös Európai Referenciakeret szerint B2, ill. Cl

Transcript of Erdei-Horváth-Rékási - Test by Test 2008

Page 1: Erdei-Horváth-Rékási - Test by Test 2008


Szakszókincs és nyelvismereti gyakorló- és tesztkönyv


w Közép- és Felsőfok • Közös Európai Referenciakeret szerint B2, ill. Cl

Page 2: Erdei-Horváth-Rékási - Test by Test 2008

Kedves Nyelvtudásvágyó Olvasó!

Amennyiben Ön szokványos gazdasági jellegű tesztkönyvet szeretne, kérem, gyorsan tegye is vissza a polcra e könyvet. A TEST BY TEST ugyanis nem az - sokkalta több annál.

A TEST BY TEST három az egyben: gyakoroltat, magyaráz, tanít, egyszóval rendkívül hatékonyan segíti a GAZDASÁGI/ÜZLETI SZAKNYELVET el­sajátítani vágyókat az eredményes nyelvtanulásban, a szaknyelvi vizsgára készülésben. •

A könyv szerzői (a Budapesti CORVINUS Egyetem közgazdasági szaknyelvi vizsgarendszerének gyakorló vízsgafejlesztői) minden egyes feladattípushoz részletesen kidolgozott, hasznos megoldási tanácsokat tartalmazó bevezető­gyakoroltató fejezetet készítettek, melyben ráadásul össze is gyűjtötték azokat a legfontosabb (szak)nyelvi elemeket, melyek ismerete már-már garantálja a sikeres nyelvvizsgát.

S végül bonuszként a TEST BY TEST egy angol-magyar, magyar-angol gaz­dasági szakszókincs-gyűjteménnyel is szolgál, így a gyakorlás közben nem kell többé szótárakban kutakodni, hiszen a könyv tálcán kínál mindent, ami a sikerhez kell. Már csak kézbe kell venni és haszonnal forgatni.

Mondanám, hogy párját ritkítja, a helyzet azonban az, hogy párja sincs...

Dr. Erdei József a Corvinus Szaknyelvi Vizsgaközpont vezetője



CORVINUS 9 789639"698437'

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f f r r


Test by Test Szakszókincs és nyelvismereti

gyakorló- és tesztkönyv gazdasági nyelvvizsgákhoz

közép- és felsőfokon (B2 és Cl)

AULA, 2008

Page 4: Erdei-Horváth-Rékási - Test by Test 2008



Anyanyelvi lektor:


DR. ERDEI JÓZSEF egyetemi docens






© Dr. Erdei József, Horváth Istvánné Dr., Rékási Ildikó, 2008

Gazdasági Szaknyelvi Vízsgafelkészítő Sorozat ISSN 1789-9370 ISBN 978-963-9698-43-7

A mű és annak minden része a szerzői jogok értelmében védett. Bármiféle, a szerzői jogvédelmi törvény szűk határain kívül eso felhasználás kizárólag a kiadó hozzájárulásával lehetséges, anélkül büntetendő. Ez vonat­kozik a kivonatok formájában történő hasznosításra is, különös tekintettel a sokszorosításokra, mikrofilmes rögzítésre, valamint az elektronikus rendszerekben történő tárolásra és feldolgozásra.

AULA Kiadó Kft. Budapesti CORVINUS Egyetem

Az AULA Kiadó az 1795-ben alapított Magyar Könyvkiadók és Könyvterjesztők Egyesületének a tagja.

Felelős kiadó: HORVÁTH BÉLA ügyvezető igazgató Műszaki vezető: Kis VIRÁG


Műszaki szerkesztő: STADLER ANDREA

Page 5: Erdei-Horváth-Rékási - Test by Test 2008

Thanks and acknowledgements

We wish to express our gratitude to Vörös Ferenc and Mervyn Brown for their invaluable comments and contribution.

Page 6: Erdei-Horváth-Rékási - Test by Test 2008


* * - - • > < > > > • > > • ■ ■ ■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Előszó Gyakorlati tanácsok, beveze tő gyakorlatok

I. Feleletválasztós kérdések - - - - - - - - . • • • • • • . • • . . ■ • ■ • ■ ■ ■ . . . . . ■

II. Hiányzó szó pótlása III. Szóképzés - mondatszintű kontextusban , IV. Lyukas szöveg ... V. Mondatátalakítás

Középfokú (B2) tesztek .. B2/1

. . . . . .

.5 ,6 .6 ,7

* - -

■ • • ■ • •

15 28 31 45

• ' - ■ • • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ •

B2/2 B2/3 B2/4 B2/5 B2/6 B2/7 B2/8

• . » ■ •

• • ■ ■ -

. . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

* . » i *

46 . . . . 49 . . . .52

• • * • < • * * • •

* <

» ■ * * • * ■ * * * . T t t t t t -1

• • • * * * a a * . * * a 4 * ft ft ■ t fr ft . 4 .

* * * . * * - « - . * ' * * . «

-■ . . . . . . • • • . . » » * « * ■ «J' «J

. . . . . .

■ ■

- - - .*/*/

. . . . , . . . , . . - • • • - • . < » - >


..64 67 70

77 78 81 84 87 90 93 94

B2/9 B2/10

Felsőfokú (Cl) tesztek Cl/l Cl/2 Cl/3 Cl/4 Cl/5

Megoldókulcsok B2/1 B2/2

95 B2/3 96 \\~>IA 97 LS£-I * • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . " ■ " /

B2/:> 98 B2/6

• • • • • * • ■ • • " • • " ■ . • • • • . . . . . . . ■ • • > . .99

B2/7 100 ljZ*f O . * J \j 1

írJ£*f y • ft**4-t-**t<-ti * > * * * - * * * * * * * * ■ * * * - < r • • * ■ «h ■ ■ . ■ » » ■ • ■ i . ■ ■ ■ . . ■ ■ ■ - ■ ■ ; » / • J I * I * * - - - * » * * * É » " • • * - • * -̂ • ■ ■ * • > » > • > • > * - * * a - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i , i a 4 * , B , B ■ ■ * . 1 \f £*

B2/10 ..103 Cl/l 104 Cl/2 105 Cl/3 106 v i n 1 u /

Cl/5 108 Szószedet (angol - magyar) 109 Szószedet (magyar - angol) 126


Page 7: Erdei-Horváth-Rékási - Test by Test 2008


Kedves Nyelvtudásvágyók, Leendő Nyelvvizsgázók! Örömmel üdvözöljük abból az alkalomból, hogy könyvünket kézbe vette. Reméljük, hogy belelapozva

alig tudja majd letenni, de ha végül mégis, akkor Ön is azt fogja érezni, hogy hasznos segítséget kapott köz­gazdasági szaknyelvi ismereteinek bővítéséhez, sikerült rut int szereznie szakszókincset és nyelvismeretet fejlesztő' feladatok megoldásában. Mivel a könyv szerzó'i gyakorló és gyakorlott vizsgaanyag-fejlesztői a Budapest i Corvinus Egyetem Közgazdasági Szaknyelvi Vizsgaközpontjának, biztosak lehetnek benne , hogy autent ikus szellemi forrásból táplálkozó feladatokat vesznek kézbe.

Könyvünk négy fő részből áll. Az első, megszokottnál terjedelmesebb rész több célt szolgál. Egyrészt hasznos gyakorlati tanácsokat igyekszünk adni az öt feladattípus sikeres megoldásához, másrészt számos bevezető feladattal/gyakorlattal szeretnénk olyan „elméleti"-gyakorlati tudás bir tokába juttatni Önöket, mellyel felvértezve bá t ran nekivághatnak a második résznek.

A második rész 10 középfokú (KER szerinti B2) és 5 fe lsőfokú (Cl ) feladatlapot/tesztet tar talmaz, melyek nemcsak szerkezetükben, de nehézségi szintjükben is pontosan megegyeznek azokkal a felada­tokkal, amelyek Önre várnak, ha a vizsgaközpontunkba jönnek nyelvvizsgázni.

A harmadik rész tartalmazza a megoldókulcsokat , amelyek segítségével ellenőrizheti válaszai helyes­ségét. Ha a teljesítménye tesztenként eléri a min imum 60%-ot (szinte a felét akár el is lehet r o n t a n i . . . ) , bát ran jelentkezhet vizsgára.

A negyedik részben talál egy a n g o l - m a g y a r , m a g y a r - a n g o l szószedetet , ami a könyvben előforduló legfontosabb szakszavak magyar jelentéseit tartalmazza. Ez egy olyan szószedet, amelynek az a célja, hogy gyakorlókönyvünket bárhol , akár vonaton vagy tópar ton ülve - vastag szótárak, internetkapcsolat híján - is teljes ér tékűen használhassa.

Javasoljuk, hogy a teszteket először mindig a szószedet segítsége nélkül próbálja megoldani a mellékelt m e g o l d ó l a p o k o n , s utána ellenőrizze magát a szótár használatával, hogy fény derüljön arra , mi is okozta az esetleges rossz választ. Néhány teszt és némi idő eltelte u tán célszerű újra nekivágni a korábban már megoldott teszteknek, remélhetőleg immár még nagyobb sikerrel.

„Jó szórakozást", e redményes és sikerélményt nyújtó gyakorlást kívánnak:


Budapest , 2008. március 7.


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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok


Ki ne ismerné a jó öreg feleletválasztós gyakorlatokat? Fények és csillogás nélkül bár, de éppen olyan, mint egy kvízműsor a tévéből. Ráadásul most, a gyakorlás alatt akár még telefonos segítséget is lehet kérni (no persze lehet a vizsgán is, de ott ezt célszerű erősen titkolni...). Alapvetően annyiban különbözünk még egy gazdasági jellegű kvíztől, hogy itt az egymás után következő lépések során - szerencsére - a kérdések nem lesznek egyre nehezebbek. Igaz, sajnos könnyebbek sem.

Feleletválasztós tesztjeinkben a megfelelő szakmai háttértudásra épülő gazdasági szakszókincs ismereté­re vonatkozó kérdéseken keresztül gyakoroltatjuk a legfontosabb kifejezéseket. Fontos a „háttértudás" meg­felelő hangsúlyozása, azaz se túl, se alul nem szabad értékelnünk. Túl semmiképpen, hiszen természetesen nem szükséges aranykoszorús közgazdásznak lennünk ahhoz, hogy esélyünk legyen, de azért alul sem, hi­szen tisztában kell lennünk olyan alapfogalmakkal, mint például hogy a vállalatok fúziója és a felvásárlása nem ugyanaz. És ha ezzel megvagyunk, nincs is más hátra, mint ezt a tudást aktivizálni angolul ...

A „kérdéseket", vagyis a rövid hiányos mondatokat mindig figyelmesen olvassuk el, hiszen innen lehet kikövetkeztetni, mit is keresünk voltaképpen. A négy megadott válasz mindig létező szó vagy kifejezés, de csak egy fog szervesen illeszkedni mondatunkhoz. Nem elhanyagolható például, hog)' egy kettő tagból álló szót egybe, vagy külön írunk, hiszen lehet így is, lehet úgy is. E szavak egyik esetben általában igei funkciót töltenek be (pl. take over = felvásárol), míg a másikban főnévként szoktak szerepelni (takeover -felvásár­lás), és csakis a megadott mondat tanulmányozása segíthet minket abban, hogy eldöntsük, melyiket is vá­lasszuk.

Lesznek persze itt is bosszantóan követhetetlen megoldások, amikre a magyarázat ugyanakkor roppant egyszerű: „csak"-, így mondja az angol és kész. Például az életen át tartó foglalkoztatás és tanulás látszatra ugyanazzal a jelzővel van ellátva, mégis „lifetime employment" az egyik, és „lifelong learning" a másik.

További adrenalinszint növekedést eredményezhet annak felismerése, hogy néhány esetben a szókap­csolatok két tagjának felcserélése is lehetséges, de üröm az örömben, hogy egészen mást fognak jelenteni. Ilyenek pl. a share market/ market share (részvény piac I piaci rész), a take over I overtake (felvásárol I meg­előz), vagy a TV commercial / commercial TV (TV reklám I kereskedelmi TV), De ne szidjuk az angolt és le­gyünk igazságosak, nekünk sem mindegy a magyarban, hogy amin keresztül a világot nézzük, az szemüveg, vagy esetleg üvegszem...

Aztán ott vannak azok a szavak, melyekről száz százalékot meghaladó biztonsággal véljük tudni, hogy je­lentésük oly nyilvánvaló, de végül ismét jön a keserű csalódás: ez is egy kivétel, ami persze erősíti a szabályt (és az egyre morcosabb hangulatunkat). Például a jó munkáért járó magyar prémium még csak távolról sem rokona az angol premium-mk (=felár, biztosítási díj, jelzőként csúcsminőségű), vagy a boltokban minket vásárlásra csábító akció semmilyen kapcsolatot nem ápol az angol action-ne\, helyette inkább a számunkra sután hangzó special offer tábla díszíti a brit kirakatokat.

Ezek persze mind egyedi és kivételes esetek, többnyire azonban biztosan nem fog különösebb nehézsé­get jelenteni a megfelelő válasz kijelölése. Ha esetleg mégis, most még meg lehet kérdezni a közönségünket, vagy még inkább megnézni a megoldókulcsot és a szószedetet.


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Az előző, feleletválasztós feladathoz képest a jó hír az, hogy itt végre nem akar senki összezavarni min­ket különböző', többé-kevésbé helyesnek látszó megoldásokkal. A rossz hír pedig ugyanaz: nem kapunk se­gítséget, sehol nincs elrejtve a jó megoldás, amit csupán be kellene karikáznunk. Vagyis úgy tűnik, magunk­ra lettünk hagyva, nekünk kell kitalálni azt, amit eddig legalább kiválaszthattunk... Azért nem ilyen rémes a helyzet, a megoldáshoz elég némi gyakorlás és a gazdasági életben legfontosabb kifejezések megtanulása.

A hiányzó szó pótlására épülő feladatokban elvileg bármilyen szófajú szó hiányozhat, ami a mondat ér­telméből következik. Azonban ahhoz, hogy eredményesen boldogulhassunk ezzel a feladattal is, elengedhe­tetlenül szükséges, hogy tisztában legyünk a gazdasági szaknyelvben használt leggyakoribb és legfontosabb (távolról sem az összes!), kötelező elöljárószóval/vonzattal bíró szóval (pl. at a high price, buy out sg, focus on sg)> állandó szókapcsolattal (go bankrupt, meet the deadline stb.), illetve, hogy tudjuk, mely szavak/kife­jezések állnak mindig a „do" melyek pedig a „make" igével (pl. do business, make profit).

Helyzetünket nagymértékben megkönnyíthetjük, ha a felkészülés során minden ilyen jellegű kifejezést egy konkrét példán tanulunk meg, vagyis „look forward to meeting you" / demand for oil I set up a company stb., így szükség esetén készen „előhívható" a megfelelő szerkezet.


/ am in ... of production at the firm, and it's a really great responsibility.

Ha fejünkben korábban már rögzítettük a „be in charge ofsg" (felelős v.miért) szerkezetet, azonnal beug­rik, hogy a termelés felelőse után érdeklődik a mondat.

If you offer your products ... competitive prices, we will order from you regularly.

A helves megoldáshoz tudni kell, milyen elöljáróval jár az ár szó. Csakúgy, mint az előző esetben, ha már megjegyeztük azt, hogy valamit „at a low price", vagy „at a high price"'veszünk, akkor már csak egy gondunk marad: túl hamar fogunk végezni a teszttel és más elfoglaltságot kell keresnünk ...

Az alábbiakban igyekszünk Önöknek megtanítani a fentiekben vázolt állandósult szerkezetekhez tartozó kifejezésekből a leggyakoribbakat, leghasznosabbakat.


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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok

Néhány gyakran előforduló szerkezet

1. Állandó vonzattal rendelkező szavak

Vonzatos igék (Megjegyzés: Itt most nem választjuk külön azokat az igéket, amelyeknél a vonzat csak az alapigét árnyalja, kiegészítő jelentést adva neki, például stand: áll, stand up: feláll illetve az olyan igéket - phrasal verb -, ahol az ige és az eló'ljárószó együtt egy teljesen új jelentésű szót ad.)

account for sg agree on sg agree with sy agree to sg amount to sg apply for be out of sg break into (a market) bring together call on carry out come across come up with sg

(e.g. a proposal, an idea) compensate for comply with (a regulation consist of sg convince of sg cope with sg cut back on depend on dispose of sg draw up focus on sg get rid of sy, sg give away give up go through hold on hold on to (shares) impose (tax) on insure against sg interfere with sg lay off look forward to sg lose out to make out (e.g. a bill) make up for object to sg

számot ad vmiről, indokol vmit, elszámol vmivel megegyezik vmiben egyetért vkivel hozzájárul vmihez, engedélyez kitesz vmilyen összeget, vmilyen összegre „rúg" jelentkezik (pl állásra) kifogyott vmbó'l elfogyott vmije betör (piacra) összehoz megszólít, felkeres végrehajt találkozik (véletlenül), ráakad előáll vmivel (pl javaslattal ötlettel)

kompenzál betart (szabályt) áll vmiből meggyőz vmiről megbirkózik vmivel csökkent

megszabadul vmitó'I, rendelkezik vmivel megfogalmaz összpontosít vmire megszabadul vkitől vmitől elajándékoz abbahagy, leszokik átnéz, végigcsinál keresztülmegy vár, tartja a vonalat tart (részvényeket) ráerőltet, kiró (adót) biztosít vmi ellen akadályoz, gátol vmit elbocsát vár vmit alulmarad (versenytárssal szemben) kiállít, kitölt (pl számlát) pótol tiltakozik vmi ellen


Page 11: Erdei-Horváth-Rékási - Test by Test 2008

phase in (a product) phase out (a product) pick up point out point to push out of put forward put off put through (to an extension regard as sg run outof sg specialize in sg speed up stand for sg subscribe to (a newspaper) suffer from sg take on (workers) tie up (e.g. capital) use up (e.g. reserves, capital) weigh up withdraw sg from somewhere

bevezet (egy terméket) kivon a forgalomból (egy terméket) fellendül, erőre kap rámutat rámutat kiszorít, kilök vhonnan előterjeszt elhalaszt, elriaszt kapcsol (telefon melléket) tekint vminek, vmilyennek kifogy, elfogy vmije szakosodik vmire felgyorsul, felgyorsít jelent vmit előfizet, megrendel (újságot) szenved vmiben felvesz, alkalmaz (munkaerőt) leköt (pl. tőkét) kimerít, felhasznál (pl tartalékokat, tokét) felmér visszavon, kivesz vmit vhonnan

Vonzatos főnevek a wide range of goods/products comment on sg demand for sg increase in fall in drop in reduction in sg rise in sg solution tosg

termékek széles választéka megjegyzés vmivel kapcsolatban kereslet, igény vmi iránt vminek a növekedése vminek a csökkenése vminek a csökkenése vminek a csökkenése, csökkentése vminek a növekedése vminek a megoldása

Vonzatos melléknevek /un/awareofsg capable of sg cautious about sg due to sg famous for sg hesitant about doing sg involved in sg loyal to owing tosg popular with/among

certain people responsible for sg rich in sg superior to sg

(nem) tud vmit képes vmire óvatos vmivel kapcsolatban vminek tulajdonítható, köszönhető híres vmiről habozik vmit megtenni érintve van, részt vesz vmiben hűséges, lojális vmihez, vkihez vminek köszönhetően, vmi miatt népszerű bizonyos emberek körében

felelős vmi ért gazdag vmiben jobb, különb vminél


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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok


1. I don't have time now, but I will go ... your report tomorrow. 2. I would like to compensate you ... the time we wasted on this business. 3. Have you weighed ... the consequences? 4. Making ... invoices all day is unbearable. 5. The aim of our party was to bring ... our subcontractors. 6. I don't think she is capable ... working in a team. 7. We are regarded ... one of the most reliable suppliers. 8. The main focus of my presentation is ... mergers and acquisitions. 9. I can't cope ... this big pressure our boss has been putting on me recently. 10. Let's see how he reacts when he is put... pressure. 11. The question is where to dispose ... the hazardous waste. 12. Do you think he is persistent enough to carry ... the project? 13. How many employees are involved ... the restructuring? 14. Our project is being jeopardised because we are running ... money. 15. Hold on a moment please. I'll put you ... to Mr Busy. 16. Sorry, Ms Toomuch is . . . of office today, you can meet her tomorrow. 17. Saudi Arabia is rich .,. oil. 18. The factory gave ... its outdated tools to the workers. 19. The outdated leather company suffers... insolvency. 20. The European textile companies lost... to the Chinese competition.


1. through 2. for 3. up 4. out 5. together 6. of 7. as 8. on 9. with 10. under 11. of 12. out 13. in 14. out of 15. through 16. out 17. in 18. away 19. from 20. out


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2. Gyakori szókapcsolatok

Igés szerkezetek adopt the single currency/the euro be committed to sg be in the black be in the red come to an agreement delegate work give priority to go bankrupt/bust have no intention of doing sg join/enter the EU/eurozone make a decision make an agreement make ends meet make redundant make a profit on sg meet the deadline meet the demand meet the expectations meet the needs meet the objectives meet the requirements miss the deadline put pressure on sy set (a price/a base rate) set objectives/goals set rules set up a company take into account take into consideration take place

bevezeti a közös valutát/az eurót el van kötelezve vmi iránt nyereséges veszteséges megegyezésre jut kiosztja a munkát előnyben részesít csődbe megy, tönkremegy nincs szándékában megtenni vmit csatlakozik az EU-hoz, Hl az euróövezethez döntést hoz megegyezésre jut kijön a pénzéből fizetéséből elbocsát hasznot húz vmiből betartja a határidőt keresletet kielégít megfelel a várakozásoknak szükségleteket kielégít eléri a céljait megfelel az előírásoknak nem készül el határidőre, lekési a határidőt nyomást gyakorol vkire megállapít (árat, alapkamatot) célokat kitűzni szabályokat határoz meg céget alapít figyelembe vesz figyelembe vesz történik, lezajlik

Főneves szerkezetek at a good price at a loss at a price (of 5m Fts) at our expense at the end ofsg in accordance with sg in advance in bulk in charge ofsg

in compliance with sg in contact with sy, sg in debt in the end in time on a day-to-day basis on the spot on time out of stock

jó áron veszteségesen vmilyen áron (5 millió forintos áron) a mi költségünkön vmineka végén összhangban vmivel előre nagy tételben felelős vmiért, meg van hízva vminek a vezetésével összhangban vmivel, vminek megfelelően kapcsolatban vkivel, vmivel eladósodott


végül, a végén időben, idejében (vmivel az időpont előtt) naponta azon nyomban ! a helyszínen időben (pontosan akkor) kifogyott, nincs raktáron


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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok — — — — - — — - ^ — — — - — — ^ ^ ^ — — ^ —


1. Sweden hasn't... the euro yet. 2. In five years I'd like to ... up my own company and become successful. 3. The good news is that we are in the ... - in other words we are making a profit. 4. Sorry, the new model is out of...., but we have already ordered it. 5. I'm afraid all our customers have to pay ... advance. 6. Who is in ... of the customer care at your company? 7. What are the advantages of the ... currency, the euro? 8. The countries which want to join the eurozone will have to ... several requirements. 9. They were so naive that they expected us to sign the contract... the spot. 10. ... the end we managed to agree. 11. I'm afraid you will have to use the stairs again, the lift is still out of,.. . 12. You won't get another contract if you ... the deadline again. 13. It's not Mr Important who ... the rules here. 14. Everybody felt exhausted ... the end of the meeting. 15. We bought this laptop ... a price of 1,000 euros. 16. Our employees are afraid of being made . . . . It's very difficult to find another job. 17. The goal has been ...; now let's talk about how to reach it. 18. You should ... work to colleagues, otherwise you'll soon become overworked. 19. The sector is struggling, so we have to get... of some workers. 20. The meeting took ina very nice restaurant.


I. adopted / introduced 2. set 3. black 4. stock 5. in 6. charge 7. single 8. meet 9. on 10. In II. order 12. miss 13. sets 14. at /by 15. at 16. redundant 17. set 18. delegate 19. rid 20. place

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■ "Make", vagy "do" ?

a job

an exercise

an experiment

away with


damage, harm

a complaint

a profit

a bid

a business trip

a choice

a decision

a deal

a forecast

a mistake

a phone call






some work

sy a favour


an appointment

a loss

a request

an apology

an application

an effort

an attempt

an enquiry

an excuse

an offer

sg for a living

the accounts

well, better


your best

your duty

a cheque out

an improvement


certain, sure





success ofsg


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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok

Vegyes gyakorlatok

1. Could you please briefly . - • up the guidelines for us? 2. The product didn't prove to be popular, so the company decided to phase it... . 3. Unfortunately our new boss never approves ... any of my ideas. 4. What does "VAT" stand ...? Isn't it "Value Added Tax"? 5. The boss doesn't wish to make any ... on your strange behaviour. 6. Although our corner shop is tiny, you'll find quite a wide ... of products there. 7. We have been trying to find the ... to this problem for three months now. 8. We tried to break ... the Asian market, but without any success. 9. ... to the austerity measures, investors decided to be cautious. 10. I have no ... of selling my blue-chip shares. 11. The tough deadline is putting great... on our team. 12. It's very difficult to ... my objectives in these circumstances. 13. According to recent data, Slovenia ... the eurozone too early. 14. We should give priority to small and .. .-sized companies. 15. Please do not... another mistake, or you may lose your job. 16. The country ended up in debt crisis, it can't repay its... to international banks. 17. The new company is running at a loss, it may soon ... bust. 18. Sorry, the Magic Test Book is out... stock now, but next week it will be available. 19. All the member countries are supposed to act in ... with the common rules. 20. We managed to sell our company at a really good . . . . 21. If you suffer any loss, we will ... you for that. 22. Our policy is to ... priority to multiply disadvantaged people. They need help urgently. 23. Our company is suffering ... cashflow problems. 24. I've just read on the Internet that Siemens is going to ... off 4,000 employees. 25. How do you think we can make ... for these losses? 26. Our priority has always been to meet the ... of our customers. 27. It took the managers several hours to find a compromise and finally ... on the cafeteria system. 28. The losses caused by the strike amount... several million forints. 29. The seriously negative effect of the campaign ... a lot of harm to our reputation. 30. I hope the demand ... our product will rise this year.


I. draw 2. out 3. of 4. for 5. comments 6. range 7. solution 8. into 9. Owing, Due 10. intention II. pressure 12. meet, reach 13. joined 14. medium 15. make 16. loans 17. go 18. of 19. accor­dance/compliance 20. price 21. compensate 22. give 23. from 24. lay 25. up 26. demands, needs, requirments 27. agree 28. to 29. did 30. for


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A mondatszintű „szövegkörnyezetben" történő' szóképzés rendkívül hasznos gyakorló- és kiváló ered­ményességgel mérő tesztfeladat. Könyvünkben gyakorlás/fejlesztés jelleggel elsősorban olvasóink szak­nyelvi szókincsét kívánjuk bővíteni, hiszen a feladat az, hogy az előre megadott szóval azonos szótövű, de a mondatba tartalmilag illeszkedően más szófajú szót képezzünk - sőt, esetenként ráadásul még helyezzük a megfelelő formába is (többes számú főnév, ige L/3, személy, vagy harmadik alakja stb.).

A feladat sikeres megoldásához nem csupán a szavak/szócsaládok több-kevesebb mértékű ismerete szükséges, hanem némi általános nyelvismereti jártasság is, mely lehetővé teszi, hogy teljes bizonyosság­gal eldöntsük, milyen szó/szófaj hiányzik az adott mondatból. Természetesen nem kell és nem is lehet min­den szót ismerni a gazdasági szaknyelvből sem, de kellő gyakorlással olyan nagy gyakorlatot lehet szerezni az ilyen típusú feladatok megoldása terén, hogy némi nyelvi kreativitás /„megérzés" segítségével a szó sok­szor „jön magától" is.

Mindazonáltal be kell látnunk, hogy sajnálatos módon nincsen olyan általános szabály, melyet alkal­mazva egyértelműen kimondhatnánk, hogy „így-és-így" képezünk igéből főnevet, vagy melléknevet, hogy a fosztóképzó'k hihetetlenül színes palettáját már ne is említsük.

A kedélyek további borzolásához íme három ige, melyek látszólag semmi gondot nem okozhatnak, hiszen mind hét betűsek, mindössze az első kettő betűjükben különböznek egymástól, az utolsó öt betű pedig rendre megegyezik: REQUIRE (kér, elvár), ACQUIRE (szerez, felvásárol), ENQUIRE (érdeklődik, kérdez). Mi sem lehet hát egyszerűbb, mint belőlük főnevet képezni, hiszen elég, ha egyet ismerünk közü­lük, a többi pedig már nyilvánvaló. Vagy tán mégsem? Lássuk hát: a require-ból az eléggé közismert requirement (= elvárás) könnyedén megalkotható, így minek is húzzuk az időt, ide nekünk az acquire-t! Logikusnak tűnő módon, ha előbb require + ment volt a siker titka, akkor most mi más, mint acquire + ... mentesítem is azonban a kedves Olvasónkat a további gyötrődéstől, a „kézenfekvő" megoldás: acqui+sition, vagyis acquisition...(= felvásárlás). Nos, ezek után mi legyen a harmadik, vagyis az enquire igénkkel, vajon melyik végződést adjuk neki? Mivel fo a pártatlanság, így egy újabb, harmadik ver­ziót kedvel, vagyis a kurta enquiry lesz a főnevünk (pl. balance enquiry = egyenleg lekérdezés). - Mielőtt azonban a teljes kilátástalanság és önsajnálat túlzóan mély bugyraiba süllyednénk, gondoljunk más nyelve­ket tanuló sorstársainkra, akiknek hasonlóan gyötrelmes küzdelmek mellett ráadásul még a főnevek nemei, illetve különféle, az angolnál sokkal bonyolultabb ragozási gondok is keserítik életüket. Nekünk legalább ezekből nem jutott...

Tanácsok, javaslatok a sikeres szóképzéshez:

a) Mielőtt nekikezd a feladat megoldásának, FIGYELMESEN olvassa el a mondatot az elejétől a végéig. Meg kell ÉRTENI, mit is jelent ahhoz, hogy sikeresek legyünk.

b) Elsőként állapítsa meg, MILYEN SZÓFAJI) szó hiányzik: pl. ige, főnév, melléknév stb. c) Utána alaposan győződjön meg róla, kell-e még mást is tennünk a képzett szóval, vagyis EGYES,

VAGY TÖBBES SZÁMÚ lesz a főnevünk, igénk milyen alakot kíván a mondatban (pl. L/3. SZEMÉLY, vagy 3. ALAK).

d) Nem minden alkalommal szükséges bár, de nem elhanyagolható azt sem eldönteni, hogy a hiányzó szó állító vagy tagadó értelmű kell-e legyen.

e) Ha mindezzel megvagyunk, már csak képezni kell és leírni a hiányzó szót...


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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok


/. The applicant is too ... for this important position. (EXPERIENCE)


a) A jelentés megértése: A jelölt túlzottan .. .„valamilyen"... erre a fontos állásra. b) A hiányzó szó tehát melléknév lesz a zárójelben megadott főnévből („experience" = tapaszatalat):

experienced (tapasztalt). c) Melléknév esetében nem kell vizsgálnunk különféle alakjait, mert nincsenek (ez is valami...). d) A mondat már nyelvhelyességileg megfelelne, de tartalmilag nem, hiszen egy fontos állásba kerülés­

hez nem az a baj, ha az ember túl tapasztalt, hanem az,, ha az ellenkezője, vagyis túl tapasztalatlan. Fosztóképző kell hát: inexperienced.

e) A megoldás tehát: inexperienced (tapasztalatlan).

2. The dollar has significantly ... against the euro since the end of October. (WEAK)


a) A jelentés megértése: A dollár jelentősen . ..„csinált v.mif... az euróval szemben október vége óta. b) A hiányzó szó tehát ige lesz a zárójelben megadott melléknévből („weak" = gyenge): weaken

(gyengül, gyengít), feltevésünket megerősíti, hogy ige nem szerepel a hiányos mondatban, márpedig angol mondat ige nélkül nem létezik.

c) Igék esetében sosem lehet eléggé gyanakvóan viselkedni: meg kell még vizsgálni a nyelvtani szerke­zetet is, elég-e a szótári alak, netán I.SZ./3. személy, -ing-es, esetleg „harmadik alak" kell? Esetükben az alany után látunk egy egyéb funkció nélkül álldogáló „has" segédigét, ami nagyon gyanús Present Perfect szempontból, s gyanúnkat immár a végletekig fokozza az időhatározói tagmondat előtt álló „since", ami szinte mindig a fent említett igeidővel jár együtt. Igeidőnk tehát Present Perfect, amihez köztudomásúan mindenképpen kell egy ige harmadik alakban: weaken -* weakened (szerencsére még csak nem is rendhagyó, ahogy a képzett igék általában).

d) Fosztóképző ezúttal nem keseríti életünket. e) A megoldás tehát: weakened (gyengült).

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Néhány gyakran előforduló szóképzési lehetőség (A felsorolás nem teljes, a szótőben lehetséges változás.

1. Főnevek képzése

Elvont fonev leggyakoribb képzése igebol

Elvont fonev egyéb kepzoi igebol

-al ^^m

refuse withdraw

arrive renew

refusal withdrawal arrival renewal

-(r)y rival bribe deliver

rivalry bribery delivery

-sion conclude confuse decide admit permit

conclusion confusion decision admission permission

manage improve achieve develop announce

- >


- 3 -

- >

- *

management improvement achievement development announcement

connect predict contribute reduce protect

- »

- >

- >


- >

connection prediction contribution reduction protection

accept assist perform exist

-ance, -ence - >


- i*


acceptance assistance performance existence

-0 forecast work end



- >

forecast work end


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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok

Elvont főnév leggyakoribb képzése melléknévből

aware cheap rich

awareness cheapness richness

patient different negligent

mobile royal major

mobility royalty majority

transparent secretive fluent

true strong grow

truth strength growth

free bore

Elvont fonev képzése egyéb főnévből, melléknévből, igéből

short store broker

-age shortage storage brokerage

Főnév [cselekvés végrehajtója] képzése igéből

-er ■ employ interview train advise

employer interviewer trainer adviser ,

employ interview train franchise

- >

- »


patience difference negligence

transparency secrecy fluency

freedom boredom

-$hip m i friendship hardship membership

employee interviewee trainee franchisee


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-or visitor competitor inspector

apply assist consult


- *

applicant assistant consultant

-ent -ist/-yst

correspond president correspondent

analyse type

analyst typist


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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok

2. Melléknevek képzése

. Melléknév képzése főnévből


finance economy

vocational financial economical

week quarter cost

weekly quarterly costly

help doubt

helpful doubtful

-ic strategy economy

strategic economic

Melléknév képzése igéből


-ible corrupt neglect

corruptible negligible

problem system democracy

parliament inflation prime

luxury ambition

bull bear






problematic systematic democratic

parliamentary inflationary primary

luxurious ambitious

bullish bearish

manage understand afford


- *

- >

manageable understandable affordable

attract compete destroy

- >


- >

attractive competitive destructive (!)


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Melléknévi igenév jelzői funkcióban, igéből

recycle worsen rise

recycling worsening rising

-ed recycle expect employ

- >

- »

- >

recycled (un)expected (un)employed

Negatív jelentésű melléknév képzése fosztokepzővel

fair employed necessary

unfair unemployed unnecessary

satisfied honest

dissatisfied dishonest disloyal

visible correct direct

in-invisible incorrect indirect

ím- (ha a m.név p-betűvel kezdődik) possible impossible polite impolite

il- (ha a m.név 1-betűvel kezdődik) legal illegal legitimate illegitimate

Ír- (ha a m.név r-betűvel kezdődik) regular responsible - *

irregular irresponsible

hope help

-less hopeless helpless


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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok

3. Igék képzése

. Ige képzése melleknevbol/fonevbol

large danger

just simple

1 rational real author general

different valid motive

■ enlarge endanger

justify simplify

-ise rationalise

~* realise authorise

-* generalise

-ate -» differentiate

validate motivate

wide strength

half proof

increase decrease rise drop boost

-en widen strengthen

halve prove

increase decrease rise drop boost

4. Határozószavak képzése

■ Határozószó képzése melléknévből

sharp dramatic significant

- *

- * ■

- >

sharply dramatically significantly

fast fast


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5. Jelentésmódosítással bíró előképzők

anti - vmi ellen counter - vmi ellen de - -talanít, -telenít mis - helytelen, félre-multi - sok out- túltesz valamin over - túl(zó) pre - előre re - újra sémi - részben, félig sub - al(á) trans - át/túli under - alul, nem kellően

- >

- »

- *

- >

- >

- *

- »

- >

- >

- >

- »

- >

- >

anti-globalisation counter-argument devalue misunderstand multinational outbid overcrowded pre-printed reorganise semi-skilled subcontactor transcontinental underpaid


Képezzen elvont főneveket az alábbi szavakból!

I. flexible 3. recommend 5. devalue 7. available 9. real II. retire 13. dismiss 15. approve 17. royal 19. confident

2. promote 4. predict 6. popular 8. motivate 10. employ 12. judge 14. compensate 16. punish 18. account 20. contribute

Képezzen (cselekvést végrehajtó) főnevet az alábbi szavakból!

I. apply 3. immigrate 5. survive 7. economy 9. compete

2. employ 4. work 6. bid 8. supply 10. lead

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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok

Képezzen az alábbi szavakból melléknevet, majd határozószavakat!

2. success 4. law 6. difference 8. suit 10. power

1. 3. 5. 7. 9.

invent tradition provoke month profit

Alkosson fosztóképzŐvel negatív jelentésű melléknevet az alábbi szavakból!

2. patience 4. fortune 6. care 8. expect 10. employ 12. satisfy 14. avoid 16. relevance 18. suit 20. accept

1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. 13. 15. 17. 19.

accurate capable certain logical desirable foreseen formal loyal sufficient mature

Képezzen igéket az alábbi szavakból!

1. 3. 5. 7. 9.

power courage loose fall standard

2. strong 4. able 6. just 8. memory 10. broad

Töltse ki az alábbi táblázatot, ha nincs valamelyik alak, húzza ki!






Elvont főnév analysis




Foglalkozás Melléknév (+)



Melléknév (-) —


uneconomical uncompetitive unproductive —


disorganised unexpected unadvisable



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Elvont főnevek:

1. 3. 5. 7.

flexibility recommendation devaluation availability

9. reality 11. retirement 13. dismissal 15. approval 17. royalty 19. confidence

2. promotion 4. prediction 6. popularity 8. motivation 10. employment 12. judgement 14. compensation 16. punishment 18. accountancy 20. contribution

Cselekvés végrehajtót jelölő főnevek:

1. applicant 3. immigrant 5. survivor 7. economist 9. competitor

/ 2. employer 4. worker 6. bidder 8. supplier 10. leader

Melléknevek és határozó szavak;

1. 3. 5. 7. 9.

inventive (-ly) traditional (-ly) provocative (-ly) monthly profitable (profitably)

2. successful (-ly) 4. lawful (-ly) 6. different (-ly) 8. suitable (suitably) 10. powerful (-ly)

Fosztóképzővel alkotott negatív jelentésű melléknevek:

1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11, 13. 15. 17. 19.

inaccurate incapable uncertain illogical undesirable unforeseen informal disloyal insufficient immature

2. impatient 4. unfortunate 6. careless 8. unexpected 10. unemployed 12. dissatisfied / unsatisfied 14. unavoidable 16. irrelevant 18. unsuitable 20. unacceptable


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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok


1. empower 3. encourage / discourage 5. loosen 7. fall 9. standardise

2. strengthen 4. enable 6. justify 8. memorise 10. broaden

Kitöltött táblázat:

Ige Elvont főnév Foglalkozás Melléknév (+) Melléknév (-) Határozószó analyse supervise economise compete produce

analysis supervision economics competition production

apply application


organise expect


organisation expectation

advise advice

analyst supervisor economist competitor producer applicant employer/ employee organiser —


analytical supervisory economic/-al competitive productive applicable


organised expected advisable

-analytically —

uneconomical (un)economically uncompetitive unproductive —


disorganised unexpected unadvisable

(un)competitively (un)productively —

unexpectedly —

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Vegyes feladatok

1. The ... of the environment is one of the most important issues today. 2. The economic ... of the county was the slowest in the region. 3. The meeting was cancelled because of the late ... of the plane. 4. If you buy goods worth over € 200, we offer free ... of them. 5. Most people buy this product because of its..., not the quality. 6. My boss doesn't see any ... between the two offers. 7. The low ... of the Hungarian workforce is well known in the region. 8. This year the economy grew by only 4%, but last year the ... was 7%. 9. Our biggest... has started a new advertising campaign. 10. Unfortunately only two ... sent their CV for this job offer. 11. These old machines are not at all . . . . They use far too much energy. 12. Our meetings will be held ...; that is, we will meet every fourth week. 13. This problem is of only ... importance compared with the other issues. 14. Pm afraid this car is not... for me at such a high price. 15. The firm tried to stay ... but finally it had to close down. 16. More than 500 workers became ... when the factory was shut down. 17. It is ... to copy a document like this: you could lose your job because of it. 18. When the EU was ... in 2004, Hungary became one of the new members. 19. After the privatisation of the plant the whole structure of it was — 20. Every year more than 25% ofour employees leave the firm because they

feel they are . . . .




1. protection 2. development 3. arrival 4. delivery 5. cheapness 6. difference 7. mobility 8. growth 9. competitor 10. applicants

11. economical 12. monthly 13. secondary 14. affordable 15. competitive 16. unemployed 17. illegal 18. enlarged 19. rationalised 20. underpaid


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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok


A „lyukas szöveg" nevezetű feladat meglehetősen könnyedén vehető akadálynak tűnik a tesztben, hiszen semmi mást nem kell csinálnunk, mint egy rövidke szövegbe egyszerűen beilleszteni a megfelelő helyre a megfelelő szót. Ráadásul ezeket egyrészt tálcán kínálja a szöveg feletti „menü", másrészt már „készen", a megfelelő alakban szerepelnek, így nem kell törni a fejünket a különböző szófajok képzésén/ragozásán. (Minő kellemes megkönnyebbülés az előző, szóképzési feladat után...) No, azért csak ne bízzuk el magun­kat, a szerzők igyekezete szerint itt is szükség lesz lexikai/nyelvi ismereteinkre.

Meg kell majd például állapítani, hogy a hiányzó részek ellenére milyen a mondatok közötti tartalmi össze­függés, hiszen az sok-sok hasznos információ forrása lehet. Ha azt olvassuk például, hogy „...a súlyos gaz­dasági válság sok vállalat ... okozta...", és a menüben látjuk az „alapítását" és a „csődjét" szót is, akkor bár nyelvhelyességi szempontból mindkettő megfelelne, tartalmi okokból mégis csak az egyik fog illeni a képbe.

Ugyanígy érdemes figyelni a megadott szavak szófajára, illetve képzett alakjára, hiszen a hiányos monda­tok szerkezetének vizsgálata során gyakran egyértelműen kiderül, hogy milyen jellegű szót keresünk: igét „inges", vagy harmadik alakban, tárgyat, esetleg alanyt, ami főnévre utal. De vigyázat, nem mind „alany" ami fénylik... Különös óvatosságot igényelnek egyes kétarcú nyelvi szerkezetek, melyek lehetnek akár Present Perfect, akár szenvedő szerkezet kezdemények. Például a „The budget deficit has been ..." esetében a szöveg többi részéből kell felismernünk, hogy folyamatos Present Perfect (The budget deficit has been growing far 2 years.) vagy szenvedő szerkezet (The budget deficit has been reduced significantly by the government) az ellenfelünk, és akkor már csak egy megfelelő végződésű igét kell keresnünk - no persze, ha nincs szerencsénk, lesz belőle több is a kínálatban.

További bosszantó csapda lehetőségét rejtik azok a „pozícióhalmozó" szavak, melyek bármilyen külső árulkodó jel nélkül is lehetnek a szövegtől függően akár igei, akár főnévi funkcióban. Ilyenek többek között a work, gain, boom, vagy akár az ártalmatlannak látszó increase. Résen kell hát lennünk és kellő lelemé­nyességet mutatnunk, ha velük találkozunk. Mindez különösen igaz akkor, ha szavaink további fondorlatos elterelő hadműveleteket is bevetnek ellenünk: pédául a „gains" éppúgy lehet a gain ige egyes szám harmadik személyű alakja, mint a gain főnév többes száma. (Az pedig már csak a hab a tortán, hogy a feljebb említett „boom" főnév esetenként akár még jelzői funkciót is betölthet... hurrá!)

így felvértezve magunkat lássunk hát egy „lyukas szöveg" feladatot:



Remember Japan's golf. ..mania...? In the ... 1 ... years greens and clubhouses overflowed with businessmen entertaining clients. Companies piled up mountains of... 2 ... to build new courses at home and to buy old ones abroad. The mania is over now. The average price of golf-course mem­bership has . . . 3 . . . . Golf-course operators are going ... 4 . . . . Foreign companies are ... 5 ... some of them. Buying appeals because those in handy locations are still... 6 ... businesses. The first step in ... 7 ... round a golf course is to get rid of its debt. But... 8 ... debt, even through bankruptcy courts, is tricky. That is because operators built courses not just with bank ... 9 . . . . They also collected so-called „... 10 ..." from thousands of future members who were willing to contribute to the costs this way.


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1. Első lépésként tehát figyelmesen tanulmányozzuk át a szöveg feletti menüben/ablakokban megadott szavakat. Alaposan nézzük meg, hogy melyik szó vajon milyen szófaj lehet, illetve milyen alakban szere­pel, ez nemsokára jól fog jönni. Ha nem tudjuk valamelyik szó jelentését, nem kell kétségbe esni, elkép­zelhető, hogy a szöveg alapján kitaláljuk, vagy a képzett formája segít a beillesztésben, de még kizárásos alapon is dönthetünk (és ne feledkezzünk el a vakszerencséről sem...).

2. Másodikként ugyanilyen figyelmesen olvassuk el a szöveget, de még ne akarjunk szavakat beilleszteni, akkor sem, ha már ötletünk is akad, hogy melyik, hova illik. Kapnunk kell egy összképet a szövegről, arról, hogy miről szól, kik/mik szerepelnek benne, mi az egymáshoz való viszonyuk stb. Ez esetben sem létfontosságú minden szót megértenünk, az összkép a lényeg.

3. Harmadik lépésben arra törekszünk, hogy a mondatokat megértve, esetleg magunkban lefordítva pon­tosan megállapítsuk az egyes mondatok által megkívánt szófajt: ige, főnév, melléknév, határozószó? És ha ige, milyen alakot keressünk: jelen, múlt, „inges", I./3. személy? Amennyiben főnév akad a horogra, akkor az egyes-többes szám felismerése segíthet a kör szűkítésében, de ne feledkezzünk meg arról, hogy az „inges" igék alanyként betölthetnek főnévi szerepet is a mondatban, pl. „Smoking is unhealthy". Ennyi rémség után, ha szerencsénkre egy melléknevet diagnosztizálunk, akkor egy gyors, rögtönzött pezsgős vacsorával ünnepelhetünk, hiszen ez esetben nem kell hasonlókkal bajlódni, az angol ilyen szempontból ideális, itt mindenki „happy", tekintet nélkül nemre/számra. Ugyanez áll a határozószóra is, de azért mindig ne bontsunk újabb pezsgőt...

4. Ne feledjük, hogy nem feltétlenül kötelező a mondatok sorrendjében beírnunk a szavakat, ha valami nem adja magát elsőre, menjünk tovább, az ihlet megjöhet visszamenőleg is.

Tehát akkor nézzük magát a feladatot:

1. Az első mondatban: „In the ...1... years..." - tehát valamilyen években a golfpályák és klubházak tele voltak klienseiket szórakoztató üzletemberekkel. Szükségünk van hát egy jelzőre, amely lehet melléknév vagy főnév (az angolban). Melyek illenek ide? Nézzük végig a lehetőségeket! DEBT YEARS (adósság évei)? - nem túl logikus és értelme is kevés. PROMISING YEARS (ígéretes évek)? Esetleg BOOM YEARS (a fellendülés évei)? - Egyik sem hangzik rosszul, de a „boom"'egy fokkal jobban illik a szövegbe. Mivel a többi szó egyáltalán nem illik ide, kössünk ki a BOOM-nál, ígéretes vésztartalékként pedig jegyezzük megaPROMISING-ot.

2. És itt az első jó hír (ha ez jó egyáltalán): már csak kilenc szó maradt. Jöhet a második mondat: A cégek felhalmoztak egy csomó ... valamit..., hogy új golfpályákat építsenek otthon, és régieket vásároljanak külföldön. Vajon mit halmoztak fel? A nyerő szó nyilvánvalóan főnév lesz. Mivel a „boom" már elkelt (és különben sem lenne sok értelme itt), akkor marad a DEBT/DEPOSITS/LOANS, azaz adósság/betétek/köU csönök. Logikusan az hangzik, hogy valamilyen projekt megvalósítása során adósságot, vagy kölcsönöket halmozunk fel. Jelen esetben az sem segít, ha az egyes/többes számot hívjuk segítségül a kérdés tisztá­zásához, mert itt mindkettő lehet. Talán egy orrhosszal győz a „DEBT". Próbáljuk meg és ismét tegyük el tartalékba a második helyezettünket (LOANS), később egyértelművé kell válnia, melyik a befutó.

3. Újabb jó hír: nyolc szavunk maradt. A következő hiányos mondat előtt megbújik egy kurta mondat, melyet akár át is ugorhatnánk, de soha ne tegyük, értékes információt nyerhetünk: Mára már a mániá­nak vége. A golfpályatagság átlagos díja valamit csinált. így a mánia után vélhetőleg zuhanni kezdett. Aki ismeri a megfelelő igét, az már előre örülhet, de aki nem, az se essen depresszióba. Hétpróbás igeidős feladatmegoldók egyből tudják: has + ,*... = a magyarok rémálma, vagyis a Present Perfect. És sasszem­mel azt is kiszúrjuk, hogy a mondatnak nincs állítmánya, vagyis igéje, tehát ide egy ige harmadik alak­ja kell! Ráadásul ritka szerencsénk is van, mert csak egy ilyen szó szerepel: PLUMMETED. Aki „csak" a


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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok

nyelvtant tudja, az is eltalálja. Persze legtöbbször nem lesz ekkora szerencsénk. Abban az esetben segít a mondat és a szó jelentése.

1. Immár csak hét gonosz kis szó van előttünk. Mondatunk szerint: A golfpálya-működtetők mennek vala­hova. De vajon hova? Van olyan, hogy GO PROMISING/TURNING/ACQUIRING/BANKRUPT/CLEAR-1NG/DEPOSITS/LOANS? Melyiknek van itt értelme? Kész őrület. Mielőtt egyéb helyekre is elküldenénk szegény golfpálya-üzemeltetőket, higgadjunk le. Kell itt lenni valaminek. Hát persze, hogy a „BANK­RUPT" a jó! Ez már a fülünkben is cseng. Az eladósodott cégek tönkremennek. Ezt kipipálhatjuk.

5. Hat szónak kell helyet találni, ha ezen is túljutunk, az már a fele ... kitartás! Mit is olvasunk? A külföldi cégek valamit csinálnak velük (a golfpályákkal). De mit? (Mellékneves, vagy szenvedő szerkezet nem lehet, mert itt nem lenne értelme.) Ismét egy kis igeidő ismeret: „are" után -ing-es alak szokott jönni. Eddig jó. Rossz hír viszont, hogy négy lehetőséggel találjuk szemben magunkat: PROMISING/TURNING/ ACQUIRING/CLEARING. ígérnek? Forgatják? Felvásárolják? Tisztítják? Nem kell okleveles közgazdász­nak lenni, hogy kitaláljuk: felvásárolják, tehát az ACQUIRING lesz a szavunk. Gyorsan írjuk be, mielőtt meggondoljuk magunkat!

6. Szinte hihetetlen, de túl vagyunk a felén. A következő mondat trükkös: A megvásárlás vonzó, hiszen a jó helyen lévők (a pályák) még mindig valamilyen üzletet jelentenek, vagy csinálnak valamit az üzlettel. Az „are still..." szerkezet lehet ismét folyamatos jelen idő része, vagy egy sima jelzős szerkezet egyik fele. Ujabb rossz hír: mindkét esetben lehetséges az -ing-es alak, tehát ez nem segít eldönteni a kérdést. No lássuk: PROMISING/TURNING/CLEARING? Igeként mind sántít egy kicsit a mondatban, még a PRO­MISING a legjobb. Nézzük őket jelzőként: a legígéretesebbnek minden szempontból ismét a PROMISING hangzik:... még mindig ígéretes üzletet jelentenek. Megvan! Ujabb pipa.

7. Négy szó maradt - szűkül a kör. A mondat szerint: Az első lépés valamiben I hogy valamit csináljunk a golfpályával az, hogy megszabaduljunk az adósságtól Ha elég figyelmesek vagyunk, azonnal észre­vesszük azt a kurta szócskát, az „in"-t. Prepozíció, ami után tíz esetből kilencben valamilyen főnév áll. Most azonban meglévő szavainkkal se füle, se farka ennek a verziónak. Valami másnak kell itt lennie. De mi lehet az? (Miért is nem a magyar egy világnyelv, akkor nem mi szenvednénk itt...) De várjunk csak! Volt régen valami olyan, hogy„/'/w interested in playing the guitarJ'Megvan! Prepozíció után, ha nem főnév áll, akkor gerund, azaz -ing-es alak. Tehát vagy a TURNING, vagy a CLEARING. „Clearing round1'? Mi ér­telme? Tehát: lehorgonyzunk a „turning"-nél. Turning round - megfordít, (gazdaságilag) sikeressé tesz.

8. Már csak három szónak kell helyet találni. Nézzük a mondatot: „Azonban valami az adóssággal, még csődbíróság segítségével is, bonyolult feladat." A mondatszerkezetből egyértelmű, hogy az alanyt ke­ressük. Az alany lehet főnév, melléknév, vagy gerund (-ing-es) alakot öltő ige. Mivel ott a „debt", amel­lyel „tenni kell" valamit, jó eséllyel feltételezzük, hogy gerund lesz a megoldás, tehát beírjuk a CLEAR-ING-et (felszámolás), különös tekintettel arra, hogy a LOAN és a DEPOSIT jelentését tekintve amúgy sem passzol a DEBT elé.

9. A két maradék szóval már simán megbirkózunk. „Ez azért van, mert a működtetők nem csak bank vala­miből építették a pályákat." Két főnevünk maradt: LOANS/DEPOSITS, vagyis BANKKÖLCSÖNÖK és BETÉTEK. A bankbetét ugyan jó dolog, de az éppen hogy a bankban van és nem építkezésbe fektetve. Marad tehát egyetlen választásunk: LOANS.

10. Ha eddig jól dolgoztunk, akkor becsukott szemmel is beírhatjuk az utolsó szót. „Ők (a működtetők) úgy­nevezett előleget gyűjtöttek több ezer leendő tagtól..." Működik! Meg is vagyunk.

íme tehát a megoldás: 1. boom 2. debt 3. plummeted 4. bankrupt 5. acquiring 6. promising 7. turning 8. clearing 9. loans 10. deposits


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A tesztek ötödik feladatainak az a célja, hogy a nyelvtanuló (vizsgázó) képes legyen egy-egy gondo­lat/mondat tartalmát nyelvileg többféleképpen kifejezni. Vagyis, hogy tudjuk mondani ugyanazt másképp. íme egy, a mindennapi életünkből ellesett példa:

Nyelvvizsgázni a legjobb dolog a világon.

Nincs jobb ... dolog a világon a nyelvvizsgázásnál vagy

A legjobban ... nyelvvizsgázni szeretek a világon.

Lám, kedvenc időtöltésünket mindjárt három különböző nyelvi megformálással is ki tudtuk fejezni. Nem kell mást tennünk majd angolul sem.

A mondatok egyik részében a feladat az, hogy egy-egy gondolatot képesek legyünk különböző nyelvi szerkezetekkel kifejezni úgy, hogy mondandónk érdemben ne változzon (árnyalatnyit számos esetben azért bizonyára fog).

A mondatok másik részében pedig az a feladat, hogy egy lexikai egységet (szó, szókapcsolat, kifejezés) egy másik lexikai egységgel helyettesítsünk, vagy az egyik mondatban egyetlen lexikai egységgel kifejezett gondolatot a másikban akár egy egész mondattá bővítsünk.

Mire szolgálnak ezek a feladatok? Egyrészt, amikor a nyelvet tanuló sorstársaink gyakorlásra használják ezeket a feladatokat, észrevétlenül bővítik kifejezőképességüket, leszoknak arról, hogy csak rövid tőmonda­tokban fejezzék ki gondolataikat, vagy csak korlátozott körű nyelvi eszközöket használjanak, egyszóval fej­lesztik nyelvi kreativitásukat. Mindez a nyelvtanulásban igen fontos, az életben igen hasznos, a nyelvvizsga során pedig igen alkalmas arra, hog)' megfelelően ellenőrizzük a jelölt nyelvi ismereteit, nyelvi kreativitását. A nyitott végű mondat műfajából adódóan természetesen előfordulhat olyan eset is, hogy nem csak egy, de kettő, netán több helyes megoldás is létezik, sőt az is, hogy ezeket nem mindig adjuk meg a megoldókulcs­ban. Természetesen a vizsgák során a dolgozatokat értékelő kollégáink igyekeznek felvenni a versenyt vizs­gázóink ifjúi kreativitásával, így tehát megpróbálunk elfogadni minden lehetséges megoldást - sőt, ha eset­leg vesztésre állunk, még anyanyelvi lektorokat is bevonunk döntőbíróként. Értelemszerűen azonban a kreativitásnak is határt kell szabnunk, hiába jó tehát egy mondat nyelvhelyességi szempontból, ha más értel­met nyer az átalakítás során. Előbbi példánknál maradva nem lenne elfogadható az alábbi két átalakítás:

Nyelvvizsgázni a legjobb dolog a világon.

* Nincs jobb ... nyelvvizsga a világon. vagy

* A legjobban ... nyelvvizsgázni szeret a világ.

S most lássuk a leggyakrabban használt átalakításos modelleket! Természetesen ez a sor majdnem végte­lennek tekinthető, de az alábbi minták és a hozzájuk kapcsolódó apró feladatok mindenképpen hozzásegít­hetnek minket ahhoz, hogy egy olyan készségre, nyelvi látásmódra tegyünk szert, mellyel képesek leszünk a könyv második részében található teszteket (jelentős) segítség nélkül megoldani, illetve később - kedvenc időtöltésünknek hódolva - nyelvvizsgázni, méghozzá sikerrel.


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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok

A legtöbb esetben egy gondolat kifejezésére számos eszköz áll rendelkezésünkre. Például azt az egyszerű mondatot, hogy Mit akarsz most csinálni? kifejezhetjük:

What do you want to do now? ugyanezt lexikai cserével:

What do you intend to do now? vagy nyelvi szerkezet cseréjével:

What are you going to do now?

Azt, hogy egy konkrét feladatban éppen melyik típusú transzformációt várja el a tó'lünk a teszt, azt a második, megkezdett mondat sugallja. A fenti példa estében például:

Alakítsa át az alábbi mondatot úgy, hogy alapjelentése ne (vagy alig) változzon:

- What do you want to do now?

- What do you ... intend to do now?

- What do you want to do now?

- What are you ... going to do now?

Néhány gyakran előforduló transzformációs lehetőség

1. Lexikai csere

| csak egy lexikai egység változik, de a mondat szerkezete nem

Példák: The subcontractor didn't meet the deadline. The subcontractor failed to meet the deadline.

| megváltozik az egész mondat felépítése egy másik lexikai egység használata miatt

Példák: / might possibly go abroad. I was thinking of going abroad.

I spent three days reading this study. It took me three days to read this study.

| gyakori az ige + határozószó szerkezet -* melléknév + főnév szerkezettel való cseréje, illetve a so + melléknév szerkezet -* such (a) + melléknév és főnév szerkezetté alakítása

Példák: Lately your work has definitely improved. There has been a definite improvement in your work lately.


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The offer was so expensive that I couldn't accept it It was such an expensive offer that I couldn't accept it.

lexikai csere a gondolat ellentétes megközelítése miatt

Példák: He is sure to be here on time, (pozitív megközelítés) He wont he late, (negatív megközelítés)


1. What is the meaning of this expression? What does...

2. What is your opinion of this situation? What do you ...

3. I work hard, so I spend a lot of time in my office. i work hard and this means ...

4. This matter is none of your business. This matter does not...

5. He says he didn't steal my car. He denies...

6. She managed to launch a new advertising campaign. She succeeded ...

7. I haven't been here before. This is . . .

8. He wasn't experienced enough to get the job. He was too ...

9. I expected the meeting to last longer. The meeting didn't last...

10. Our company is unable to risk waiting. Our company can't afford . . . .

11. We should try to reduce spending. We should try to cut...

12. I don't know how to solve this problem. I can't think of any ...

13. It was such a tiring day that wc cancelled the evening program. The day was ...

14. The exhibition wasn't as interesting as we had hoped. We had hoped ...

15. The problem was too difficult for him to solve. It was such ...

16. The bank lent him the money to buy a new house. He...

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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok

17. I have no intention of working for this firm permanently. I don't...

18. It is a one-hour flight from Brussels to London. It takes...

19. Crops in low-lying areas have suffered serious damage as a result of flooding. Flooding ...

20. There is nothing to gain by opening a new shop in this street. It isn't worth ...

21. There were 300 redundancies in that firm this summer. 300 workers ...

22. They asked questions of many different kinds. They asked a wide ...

23. They next explained their plans for the years to come. They went...

24. To the best of my knowledge, Mr Smith is an expert. As far...

25. This invoice should have been settled two weeks ago. Settlement of this invoice is now two weeks ...

26. They think he is guilty of bribery. He is accused ...

27. The Swedes are very proud of their high standard of living. The Swedes take ...

28. It's not easy to put up with the new circumstances. The new circumstances ...

29. Not only companies but consumers will benefit from the introduction of the single currency. Both ...

30. Pollution should be reduced to a much lower level. A much lower level...


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

... this expression mean?

... think of this situation?

... spending a lot of time in my office.

...concern you.

... stealing my car.

... in launching a new advertising campaign.

... the first time I have been here.

... inexperienced to get the job.

... as long as I expected.

... to wait.

... down on spending.

... solution to this problem.

... so tiring that we cancelled the evening program

... the exhibition would be more interesting.


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15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

.. a difficult problem that he couldn't solve it.

.. borrowed the money from the bank to buy a new house.

.. intend to work for this firm permanently.

.. one hour (an hour) to fly from Brussels to London

.. has caused serious damage to crops in low-lying areas.

.. opening a new shop in this street.

.. in that firm were made redundant this summer.

.. range of questions.

.. on to explain their plans for the years to come.

.. as I know, Mr Smith is an expert.

.. overdue.

.. of bribery.

.. pride in their high standard of living.

.. are difficult to put up with.

.. companies and consumers will benefit from the introduction of the single currency.

.. of pollution should be achieved/reached.


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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok

2. A grammatikai szerkezet cseréje

| cselekvő szerkezet -* szenvedő szerkezet, vagy fordítva (Jó tanács: az igeidő nem változik, a segédigék sem, de ügyeljünk az egyeztetésre!)

Példák: They set up the company in 2000. The company was set up in 2000.

The customer should receive the delivery by Friday. The delivery should be received by Friday.

I grammatikai csere a gondolat ellentétes/különböző megközelítése miatt

Példák: / haven't been in Paris for five years, (negatív megközelítés) lú five years since I was in Paris, (pozitív megközelítés)

I started working here five years ago. I have been working here for five years.

| összehasonlítások eltérő szerkezetekkel

Példák: This firm is more successful than that one. That firm isn't as/so successful as this one.

I haven't heard a worse solution than yours. Yours is the worst solution I have ever heard.

I egyenes beszéd -» függő beszéd és fordítva

Példák: „May I use your phone?" he asked me. He asked if he might use my phone.

He wanted to know how much my new car cost. „How much did your new car cost?" he asked me.


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1. I can speak English, so they employed me. If...

2. „I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you/' said Mary. Mary apologised ...

3. They installed the first fax machines in 1990. The first fax machines ...

4. They have enlarged the office since my last visit-The office...

5. Brown is the least popular colour for cars in Britain. Brown is the most.,..

6. Our product is the cheapest on the market. No other...

7. They have decided to raise all salaries by 5 %. It...

8. You have to fill in an application form. An application form ...

9. Hungary joined the EU in 2004. Hungary has ...

10. I haven't cancelled an appointment for two years. The last time...

11. You started working here last August, didn't you? YouVe.. .

12. „Have you prepared the report?" the boss asked him. His boss asked him ...

13. I have never worked for commission before. This is . . .

14. I haven't seen a weaker application than this. This is. . .

15. Commercial banks do not pay high interest on small savings accounts. The interest...

16. The introduction of new rules and regulations will solve these problems. These problems...

17. We have to take care of our environment. Our environment...

18. She wondered if she should place an order for 200 or 250 units. „I'm not sure ...

19. The last time I met her was when I left university. I ...

20. My work won't be finished by the end of the month. I won't...


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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok



4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

I hadn't been able to speak English, they wouldn't have employed me. for hurting me. were installed in 1990. has been enlarged since my last visit. unpopular colour for cars in Britain. product on the market is as cheap as ours / is cheaper than ours. has been decided to raise all salaries by 5 %. has to be filled in. been a member of the EU since 2004. I cancelled an appointment was two years ago. been working here since last August, haven't you? if/ whether he had prepared the report. the first time I have worked for commission. the weakest application 1 have ever seen. paid on small savings accounts by commercial banks is not high. will be solved by the introduction of new rules and regulations. has to be taken care of. whether to place an order for 200 or 250 units', she said. haven't met her since I left university. finish / have finished / my work by the end of the month.

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3. Egyszerű mondat cseréje összetett mondatra (szókapcsolat kibontása mellékmondattá), vagy fordítva

| időkifejezések -> időhatározói mellékmondat (Jó tanács: időhatározói kötőszó -pl, when, as soon as, until - után will sohasem állhat!)

I okhatározói, célhatározói, feltételes szerkezet -> okhatározói, célhatározói, feltételes mellékmondat

Példa: Let's leave at the end of the meeting. As soon as I When the meeting ends /finishes I has finished, let's leave.

[ valakiről, valamiről hisznek, gondolnak, mondanak valamit

Példák: They say I believe I think I consider I suppose I assume he is a spy. I he was a spy. He is said I believed I thought I considered I supposed I assumed to be a spy. I to have been a spy.


1. There will be someone to meet you on arrival. There will be someone to meet you when ...

2. It appears that she's been promoted. She...

3. Owing to the high oil price we have to increase our prices. The price of oil is . . .

4. If you compare the US with Japan, the cost of living in the US is lower. In comparison ...

5. The reason she didn't get the job was her inexperience. If she ...

6. Despite having to pay high taxes, he didn't complain. Although ...

7. We offer a competitive salary. The salary ...

8. They think he committed forgery. He is . . .

9. Most people say that the pollution of this river has been caused by an Austrian company. An Austrian company ...

10. It turned out that the recruit was a skilled IT specialist. The recruit...

11. They say that the CEO was involved in corruption. The CEO is ...

12. We have to cut costs, otherwise / or else / we won't be competitive. In order...

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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok

13. Selective garbage collection makes waste materials easier to recycle. If we collect...

14. The government is believed to have prepared a plan. We believe ...

15. People didn't think it was a good idea. It...

16. I didn't receive the results of my test for a month. It was ...

17. Without you I would have given up years ago. Ifit...

18. Working too hard can damage your health.. If...

19. I won't stay in this job, not even for double the salary. Even if...

20. Let's go for coffee at the end of the lecture. As soon as ...


1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

.. you arrive.

.. appears to have been promoted.

.. so high that we have to increase our prices.

.. with that in Japan, the cost of living in the US is lower / . . . with the cost of living in Japan, that in the US is lower. .. had been experienced / hadn't been inexperienced / she would have got the job. ,. he had to pay high taxes, he didn't complain. ,. (that) we offer is competitive. ,. thought to have committed forgery. .. is said to have caused the pollution of this river / been responsible for the pollution of this river / is

said to have polluted this river. .. turned out to be a skilled IT specialist. .. said to have been involved in corruption. .. to be competitive we have to cut costs. .. garbage selectively, it makes it easier to recycle waste materials. .. that the government has prepared a plan. .. was not thought to be a good idea. .. a month before I received the results of my test. .. hadn't been for you, I would have given up years ago. .. you work too hard, it can damage your health / your health can be damaged. .. they offer me double the salary, I won't stay in this job. .. the lecture ends / finishes / has finished /, let's go for coffee.


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4. Különböző nyelvi funkciók, közléstartalmak változatos kifejezése

■ Sajnálkozás Példák: / regret not buying shares. It's a pity I didn't buy shares. I wish I had bought shares. It was a mistakey that I didn't not buy shares.

Lehetőség, valószínűség Példák: If $ possible that he will buy a new house. He may buy a new house.


Ifs possible that he has bought a new house. He may have bought a new house.

Szükségszerűség, vagy annak tagadása

Példák: It wasn't necessary to come so early. You needn't have come so early.

You should sell your shares. It's time you sold your shares.

H Kötelezettség Példák: It's very important for you to learn these rules. You must learn these rules.

You will have to spend a lot of money if you join our enterprise. You will be required I obliged to spend a lot of money if you join our enterprise.

Kívánság Példák: It would be nice to be rich. I wish I were rich.


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Gyakorlati tanácsok, bevezető gyakorlatok

| Nehézség kifejezése Példák: It is difficult for me to solve this problem. This problem is difficult for me to solve. I am finding it difficult to solve this problem. I am having difficulty (in) solving this problem.

■ Tanácsadás Javaslat Példák: / advise you not to invest in this business. If I were you, I wouldn't invest in this business. You'd better not invest in this business. I'd rather you didn't invest in this business. I'd prefer you not to invest in this business. I think you shouldn't invest in this business.


1. „I wouldn't sign the contract if I were you, Tom," said Peter. Peter advised ...

2. It's possible that a lot of employees will be laid off in a week. A lot of employees ...

3. I should have apologised to her sooner. I regret...

4. She advised David to take part in a retraining course. „David, you ...

5. Please pay me in cash. I'd rather...

6. It wouldn't be advisable for you to go to work tomorrow. You had...

7. It wasn't necessary for you to take so much trouble. You ...

8. I'd rather you didn't sign this contract. I'd prefer...

9. I wish I had been given more chances in life. It's a pity ...

10. If only your colleagues could be here. It's...

11. Do you ever wish you had gone to university? Do you ever regret..,

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12. I'd rather they hadn't invited me. I wish I . . .

13. Unfortunately I've got to work late tonight. I wish ...

14. He'd prefer me not to say anything about the missing money. He'd ...

15. I think you should go to Paris for a week. I suggest...

16. I think it's wrong for you to work so hard. You ...

17. It's possible that the decision will be announced next week. The decision ...

18. It makes no difference if we call the meeting off. We...

19. It was not necessary for you to pay the whole amount at once. You...

20. It was not very nice of you not to invite me to your party. You...


1. ... Tom not to sign the contract. 2. ... may be laid off in a week. 3. ... not apologising to her sooner. 4. ... ought to / should / take part in a retraining course," she said. 5. ... you paid me in cash. 6. ... better not go to work tomorrow. 7. ... needn't have taken so much trouble. 8. ... you not to sign this contract. 9. ... I wasn't given more chances in life. 10. ... a pity your colleagues can't be here. 11. ... not going to university? 12. ... hadn't been invited. 13. ... I didn't have to work late tonight. 14. ... rather I didn't say anything about the missing money. 15. ... you go/going to Paris for a week. 16. ... shouldn't work so hard. 17. ... may be announced next week. 18. ... may / might as well call the meeting off. 19. ... needn't have paid the whole amount at once. 20. ... might have invited me to your party.

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Középfokú [B2] tesztek

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Középfokú [B2] tesztek

Please give all your answers on the enclosed ANSWER SHEET!

I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

e.g. I prepared really well for the ... interview at IBM. A) work B)job C) position D) post

1. Most large corporations are public limited or... companies A) joint-share B) joint-stock C) shareholder D) share market

2. My grandfather has ... this small shop for 55 years. A) established B) owed C) worked D) run

3. Most employees expect to move up the corporate ... of their organisation. A) rank B) ladder C) steps D) system

4. After the ... the new management decided to cut the workforce by 10%. A) fusing B) union C) merger D) combination

5. Managers must learn how to ... responsibility to their subordinates. A) pass off B) delegate C) give away D) cope with

6. Only a young, highly motivated candidate with an MBA can ... this position. A) make B) set C) fill D) do

7. Hungary became a full member of the EU in the second round of its ... . A) development B) enlargement C) growth D) extension

8. Cars in cities ... hundreds of tons of harmful gases every year. A) issue B) pollute C) emit D) puff

9. How much does your bank ... for opening a bank account? A) pay B) deposit C) rate D) charge

10. We are having problems filling this position because of the ... of skilled workers. A) shortage B) vacancy C) surplus D) application

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

e.g. Finally we decided not to bring... up ... the issue at the meeting.

1. There are not many state-... companies left. Most of them have already been privatised. 2. The stock market is performing badly and shares are plummeting; it's called a ... market. 3. The Central Bank cut the ... rate yesterday, so commercial banks should decrease their interest rates. 4. The ageing problem will probably force governments to raise the ... age in many countries.

Now it's 65 in Britain. 5. TV coverage of the launch led ... a significant increase in the customer response rate. 6. John has applied ... the job and sent his CV to the HR department. 7. Personal income ... has to be paid by all employees. 8. The high energy prices will affect... our company seriously. 9. Our small firm was taken ... by a French giant company two years ago. 10. There is no point... setting unrealistic objectives.


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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

All the... managers ... of the firm agreed that the campaign should go on.

Our firm has significantly ... its market position in Asia. All the stock exchange ... expected a rise in the price. Unfortunately the value of the country's currency ... last year. ... often organise demonstrations against deforestation. So far the department has made no ... to my idea. Only five applicants were ... and invited to an interview. 1 cannot sign this document without my boss's.... ... development is a key issue for the coming generations. The ... of the shareholders opposed the idea. The company is planning ... of its software business.



IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.



When the . ..Chancellor... - the British Finance Minister - was an undergraduate in the late 1960s, only one in seven of his contemporaries went to university. Now three times as many do, and the result has been a ... 1 ... squeeze. The global... 2 ... for higher education has never been greater, and British universities suffer a financial crisis. By 2005 teaching an undergraduate earned a uni­versity £ 6,000 a year in student fees and government... 3 . . . . In 2006 English universities were allowed to ... 4 ... their own fees. The welcome result was a 30% rise in the ... 5 ... they receive for teaching. Students can borrow the fees from the government, as well as a sum towards ... 6 ... expenses. The poorest get grants to ... 7 ... their fees. Now student debt is to be privatised so that the government can spend on education today what would otherwise have had to wait until bor­rowers ... 8 ... their loans. The treasury could have more to spend on schools if they ... 9 ... a realistic interest rate on university loans. Now the low rate allows better-off students to borrow money and to park it in a high-interest ... 10 ... account and comfortably repay the loan after graduation.


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Középfokú [B2] tesztek

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

e.g. It's ages since we last had an order from CWP. We ... haven't had any orders from CWPfor ages.

1. Experience is essential for this job. You ...

2. We might enlarge the present site. We are ...

3. I'm afraid we have to reject your complaint. I'm afraid we can't ...

4. Total expenditure rose sharply between 2000 and 2007. Between 2000 and 2007 there ...

5. It would be better if we started working right now. We had ...

6. It wasn't difficult for me to get a work permit. I had...

7. No other product on the market is as cheap as ours. Our product...

8. They installed a new computer, so things got better. If they ...

9. Oil companies don't intend to double their production within a year. Oil companies have ...

10. We didn't sleep for many nights thinking about the right solution. We spent...


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Please give all your answers on the enclosed ANSWER SHEET

I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

e.g. I prepared really well for the ... interview at IBM. A) work B) job C) position D) post

1. Multinational companies often engage in mergers in order to ... . A) exceed B) enlarge C) extend D) expand

2. To cut costs we must consider which fields of activity to ... to smaller companies. A) diversify B) outsource C) offshore D) delegate

3. Our firm took out a ... last year to protect our new invention. A) brand B) trademark C) franchise D) patent

4. Some managers prefer to use their... to control the firm's operation directly. A) authority B) strength C) willingness D) potential

5. Unfortunately too many problems turned up, which meant we could not... the deadline. A) meet B) take C) set D) hold

6. As a result of the reforms ... domestic product has increased by 10% this year. A) guaranteed B) gross C) gained D) general

7. The ... currency of the EU has not yet been introduced in all the member states. A) unified B) joined C) single D) general

8. If we don't slow down global ,„,a huge climate change can be expected. A) heating B) warming C) UV radiation D) ozone

9. As we could not finance our new flat we decided to apply for a ... at the local bank A) discount B) mortgage C) debt D) assistance

10. The company's legal department ensures that all our products are protected by ... . A) legislation B) copyright C) branding D) warranty

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

e.g. Finally we decided not to bring ...up... the issue at the meeting.

1. Last month the dollar slipped back ... the euro. 2. You should sell your... while the market is bullish. BUX prices might go down soon. 3. 1 strongly agree that it is very important to feel secure ... your job. 4. Our company is planning to introduce ... working hours, which would give our employees more free­

dom to organise their private life, e.g. they could start work later. 5. You are entitled to get a tax ... if you have overpaid. 6. Although a part of our shipment was damaged, we don't have to worry because the ... company will

pay. 7. The problem is that a great number of people don't pay social security . . . . 8. When the manufacturing plant... down, its workers faced a difficult situation. 9. Our leaders think there is no need ... spending so much on advertising. 10. Please send an e-mail telling Mr. Jones that the meeting has been put... to a later date.


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Középfokú [B2] tesztek

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

e.g. All the ... managers... of the firm agreed that the campaign should go on.

EU ... has not only advantages but disadvantages as well. In order to keep our position we are planning to .,. the product range. Mr. K. Spains became chairman of the ... board last year. It was ... of you to give this job to an inexperienced trainee engineer. Owing to the recession the company was threatened with . . . . We are one of the biggest and cheapest mobile service ... in the world.

7. I have never... for a job abroad. 8. Companies often protect the environment by using ... packaging material. 9. Our main ... decided to take over our company. 10. The quick success of the Chinese MHO-CHING fast food chain was really ..

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.



As far as the . ..economy... goes, 2007 will probably go down in history as one for Hungary to for­get. The Hungarian people knew that the government was going to introduce ... 1 ... measures aimed at cutting the budget deficit. However, the negative effects on inflation and economic ... 2 ... have turned out to be larger than expected. The problems have all stemmed from attempts to ... 3 ... down the budget deficit. The government had already in 2006 initiated energy price increases and tax ... 4 ... to cut the deficit. Attempts to ... 5 ... health care, education, and pub­lic administration continued. ... 6 ... for visiting doctors and hospitals were also introduced. In order to ... B ... revenues, the government announced plans to eliminate the black economy. According to the Prime Minister the.. . 8 ... of the belt-tightening package were successful in terms of the budget. From the original 6.8 per cent the government has lowered its deficit... 9 ... to 6.2 per cent. But the deficit reduction has had some costs: third quarter GDP growth remained under one per cent due to a two per cent drop in household ... 10 . . . .


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V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

e.g. It's ages since we last had an order from CWP. We... haven't had any orders from CWP for ages,

1. The cost of oil rose sharply. There was ...

2. It wouldn't be advisable for you to accept this offer. You'd ...

3. A significant reduction in the unemployment rate is needed before we can join the euro-zone. If we ...

4. They will probably accept the conditions of the contract. It is not likely ...

5. It was not very clever of you to invest in such a risky business. You ...

6. A country will not get any subsidies ifit doesn't comply with the EU regulations. A country won't get any subsidies unless . . . .

7. Peter found it difficult to accept the loss of his money. It . . .

8. It wasn't necessary for you to finish my work. You needn't...

9. I think you shouldn't make a final decision before thinking it over again. I'd like you ...

10. We will only meet the deadline if we employ 10 new workers. We won't meet the deadline ...

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Középfokú [B2] tesztek 1*

Please give all your answers on the enclosed ANSWER SHEET!

I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

e.g. I prepared really well for the... interview at IBM. A) work B) job C) position D) post

1. Car producers in that part of the world do not have much choice over which local... to use. A) providers B) suppliers C) subordinates D) deliveries

2. Nowadays companies do not provide their workers with ... employment. A) durable B) lifespan C) long-time D) lifetime

3. As a result of bad management the company was soon ... failure. A) looking at B) facing C) meeting D) standing

4. We should not tell them how much loss we ... last year. A) did B) made C) met D) put

5. A company should trust its workers to be honest about... their time. A) making B) running C) taking D) managing

6. The finance minister managed to reduce the budget... from 6 to 2 %. A) shortage B) lack C) deficit D) vacancy

7. During the accession ... both the EU and the candidate countries protected their own interests. A) negotiations B) discussion C) arguments D) meeting

8. ... energy resources may replace fossil fuel resources in the near future. A) Neutral B) Natural C) Sustainable D) Renewable

9. ... first have to carefully evaluate the risk involved in founding a business. A) Enterprises B) Entrepreneurs C) Employers D) Employees

10. Our... of €500,000 for the project was much higher than our rival's €430,000. A) demand B) bid C) quota D) subsidy

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

e.g. Finally we decided not to bring ...up... the issue at the meeting.

1. The belt-... measures have hit small companies severely. 2. If a company needs to raise money, it may ... shares. 3. Some companies lost heavily from cuts ... consumer spending. 4. A ... limited company carries on business to make a profit for its owners, the shareholders. 5. The company gives its employees ... benefits, such as mobile phones and lunch vouchers. 6. Our latest investment accounts ... 50 % of the losses in the first half of the year. 7. The project needs to be completed by the 5th of March. Make sure you meet the ... . 8. Cards are not accepted here and fin short of cash. Where can 1 find a cash ... near here? 9. 1 definitely have to withdraw some money ... my bank account. 10. Be careful with your money. Shares are long-... investments.

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III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given,

e.g. All the... managers... of the firm agreed that the campaign should go on.

1. The management discussed the firm's ... reforms. 2. The consumer... index remained at a record low level. 3. The country's economy has been ... by the oil crisis. 4. After the ... of 20% of the workers the firm became profitable. 5. ... buy the right of using the logo and image of established brands. 6. After the financial collapse of the country thousands of... wanted to

withdraw their money from the banks. 7. After the downsizing hundreds of workers became 8. If two firms want to start a new business together they can set up a ... . 9. To buy that dress Sam had to make a cash ... of €500 from an ATM. 10. We are trying to ... the risk of losing our market share.




IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.











Some rich people with a sense of social responsibility have made major efforts to move millions of people out of.. .poverty... and hunger. A century ago, Rockefeller decided to put his vast fortune to public use, offering to ... 1 ... a federal institution to fight disease, poverty, and ignorance. Hotheads attacked him,... 2 ... that he was just trying to buy a good name. So in 1913, Rockefeller set up the Rockefeller Foundation with two initial gifts ... 3 ... S100 million. No institution did more in the 20th century to further the cause of international ... 4 . . . . It helped to ... 5 ... the economic development of the Southern region of the US. Now Bill and Melinda Gates, backed by more than $30 billion of their own ... 6 ..., can do the same. Like the Rockefeller Foundation, the Gates Foundation looks to technology for the breakthroughs that can ... 7 ... poverty on a global basis. Its original focus has been on health technologies, but now the foundation is ... 8 ... to agri­culture and some other important areas. The two foundations have announced that they will form an alliance to ... 9 ... to a „Green Revolution" in Africa. They expect a dramatic increase in the productivity of small farms, and also a significant... 10 ... of poverty and hunger.

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Középfokú [B2] tesztek

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

e.g. It's ages since we last had an order from CWP. We ... haven't had any orders from CWP for ages.

1. There is no point in trying to call him now, it is too late. It's no use ...

2. There has been a gradual rise in unemployment. Unemployment...

3. The shopkeeper didn't offer the applicant the job although he was highly qualified. In spite ...

4. It was very difficult to work with our new boss. Our...

5. There were 500 redundancies in that firm last year. 500 workers ...

6. I'm sure you didn't enjoy that party very much. You...

7. Young professionals fill this restaurant during lunchtime, This restaurant...

8. The management can't tolerate such a high level of absenteeism any longer. Such a high ...

9. Last year we made a lot of investments, which led to better sales figures. The better sales figures resulted ...

10. I would have been so happy to get that job at the Japanese firm. I wish ...

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ÍR? /A

Please give all your answers on the enclosed ANSWER SHEET!

I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

e.g. I prepared really well for the ... interview at IBM. A) work B) job C) position D) post

1. ... learning is a key strategy if you want to remain competitive in the labour market. A) Non-stop B) Endless C) Lifetime D) Lifelong

2. Because of stiff competition lots of firms had to ... their prices to attract more customers. A) lower B) eliminate C) cheapen D) descend

3. Being ... I am able to manage my time in a flexible way and no one tells me what to do. A) own-organised B) self-employed C) self-made D) self-controlled

4. I have to write the appraisal for the five employees who ... me. A) report for B) report to C) responsible to D) responsible for

5. In order to reduce the deficit the finance manager decided to ... a tight limit on spending. A) take B) make C) set D) do

6. The company managed to improve profitability in its retail.... A) subsidiaries B) outlets C) franchises D) points of sale

7. We can guarantee free ... of the product within a week of receiving your order. A) transfer B) sending C) delivery D) cargo

8. The great disadvantage of... energy is the unsolved problem of energy conservation. A) sun B) solar C) ray D) radiation

9. You can ... cash from our bank's ATM-s all over the country. A) transfer B) charge C) collect D) withdraw

10. According to the court decision the firm has to pay us €2m in . . . . A) damages B) damage C) charge D) charges

11. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

e.g. Finally we decided not to bring ...up... the issue at the meeting.

1. Our new board-game is very popular... young fathers. 2. The delay of the flight is due .., bad weather conditions. 3. The term "SWOT" stands for strengths, weaknesses,..., and threats. 4. The Human ... department is responsible for recruitment of new workers. 5. Goal-... plays an important role in organising your work. 6. One of the problems with the Hungarian stock market is that there are not many ...-chip companies

listed on it. 7. I'm sure we will both benefit... this merger. 8. I think we should put... taking a decision till the next meeting. 9. You can get a discount of up ... 25% if you buy the product during the exhibition. 10. Every EU candidate country has to comply ... the existing regulations.


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Középfokú [B2] tesztek

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

e.g. All the ... managers... of the firm agreed that the campaign should go on.

1. Our product is cheap and ... for everyone. 2. TTG, the German electricity giant, was planning to ... our company. 3. Without my ... no one is allowed to see this report. 4. Environmentalists often organise fund-... campaigns to support an issue. 5. Multinational companies are ... by the government to invest in the country. 6. The potential ... of this trendy product are teenage girls. 7. Foreign shareholders are in a... as they have only 10% of all shares. 8. If you go on working so ... you may soon lose your job. 9. We charge 10% of the price for ... of the product. 10. The net... of the company have reached a ten-year record.



IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.







Advertisers spend a fortune to capture the ... buyer.. .'s attention at any price. It may have been Lord Levelhulmc, the British soap pioneer, or Frank Woolworth, America's first discount-... 1 . . . , or John Wanamaker, the father of the department store; all are said to have com­plained that they knew half of their advertising ... 2 ... was wasted, but didn't know which half. As advertising starts to climb out of its recent... 3 ..., the answer to their problem is easier to find as the real effects of advertising become more measurable. The advertising industry is ... 4 ... through one of the most disorienting periods in its history. This is due to a combination of long-term changes such as the ... 5 ... diversity of media and the arrival of the new technologies. Ad spending grew rapidly in the late 1990s, but in 2000 - just as the technology ... 6 ... was about to burst - it soared by more than 8% in America. The following year it . . . 7 ... by 8%. It was forecast that worldwide ... 8 ... on major media in 2004 will increase by 4.7%. Historically, when there is a(n) ... 9 ... in advertising spending, it tends to rise faster than the wider economy. So, provided economic growth can be.. . 10 ..., ad spending will continue to pick up.


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V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it

e.g. It's ages since we last had an order from CWP. We ... haven't had any orders from CWP for ages.

1. I would like to borrow your car. I wish you ...

2. We made 25% profit on our investment in that region. Our...

3. The CEO has sent a special report to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has ...

4. The offer was so attractive that we couldn't refuse. The offer was too ...

5. Everybody was surprised to see the president at the Ambassador's party. Nobody ...

6. The police have been investigating the corruption case for two years. It's two years...

1, They found it difficult to enter foreign markets. They had ...

8- This is the best offer I've ever had. I've ...

9. Unfortunately 1 don't have $10 m, otherwise I could invest in the telecommunications industry. If...

10. Do you think a rise in interest rates will affect consumer spending? Do you think a rise in interest rates will have ...

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Középfokú [B2] tesztek .

Please give all your answers on the enclosed ANSWER SHEET!

I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

e.g. I prepared really well for the ... interview at IBM. A) work B) job C) position D) post

1. After a two-year-long research process, we decided to ... into the Asian market. A) join B) break C) enter D) go

2. Ten years after its foundation the firm finally went.... A) bankruptcy B) bankrupt C) failure D) failed

3. Lots of strategic ... have been formed recently in the telecom business. A) activities B) co-operatives C) partnerships D) ventures

4. Sorry, sir, we sell only wholesale; if you need two items, you should look for a(n) ... . A) retailer B) discount C) subcontractor D) entrepreneur

5. By using less gas and electricity we could really reduce our... costs. A) overhead B) overhaul C) hangover D) overhand

6. The country ... behind its neighbours in the development of information technology. A) lags B) lies C) looks D) follows

7. We had to re-think the whole project owing to the negative results of the environmental ... study. A) impact B) efficiency C) polluting D) protective

8. The government is trying to attract foreign ... by offering low taxation in the first 5 years. A) investigators B) investors C) interests D) investigations

9. Detailed ... of the accounts has revealed a number of suspicious transactions at the firm. A) figures B) data C) analysis D) facts

10. As a result of the economic slowdown we had to carry out significant... at the factory. A) redundancy B) vacancy C) elimination D) downsizing

11. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

e.g. Finally we decided not to bring ...up... the issue at the meeting.

1. Some countries pay such high unemployment... that jobless people feel no pressure to find work. 2. Please hold the line. V11 put you ... to the HR manager. 3. In many countries it is normal for home purchases to be funded by a ... loan. But people have to make

sure they will be able to pay the monthly instalments to the lender. 4. The decrease in demand forced us to sell our product... a loss. 5. Countries where taxes are especially low are called tax ... . 6. Although Montenegro is not even an EU member, the euro is legal ... there. 7. Some economists criticise the fiscal ... of the government. 8. In order to save costs, many companies... their manufacturing to countries offering cheap labour. 9. I'm afraid the recession will have a negative effect on our... of living. 10. Taxes imposed ... goods and services here are the highest in the Union.


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o n

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

e.g. All the ... managers... of the firm agreed that the campaign should go on.

1. In spite of its high price,... of organic food is on the increase. 2. Because of the railway strike the last meeting was . . . . 3. Owing to the go-slow by dockers, the last... of cotton was delayed. 4. Experts and analysts take a ... view of business conditions. 5. If our green-house gas ... exceed our quota, we will have to pay a fine. 6. Protecting ... property is one of the main points of our strategy. 7. Foreign ... in the region amounts to HUF 25 billion. 8. Luckily the mistake in VAT payment was discovered by one of our ... . 9. Turkish ... to the EU is being delayed by political issues. 10. The new law may be ... even for small businesses.



IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.



Russia is planning to loosen ...restrictions... on foreign participation in commercial aircraft proj­ects. One of the aims is to ... 1 ... much-needed investment. They would also like to ... 2 . . . the country's aerospace industry. Foreign companies would be allowed to ... 3 ... stakes of up to 49 per cent. At present the stake of foreign companies cannot... 4 ... 25 per cent, which gives them little control over strategic decisions. Inviting in foreign companies as minority ... 5 ... is part of a general trend across different sectors of the Russian economy. Last year, Moscow increased its . . . 6 .. .of Gazprom to 51 per cent before lifting barriers for foreign companies. Mr Fedorov, the head of United Aircraft (UAC), said UAC would ... 7 ... to launch an initial public offering in two years. The Russian government recently ... 8 ... special permission for Alenia Aeronautica to buy a blocking stake of 25 per cent plus one ... 9 ... in the Sukhoi-led venture. Boeing of the US has also formed a ... 10 ... venture with Russia's titanium producer, to process some parts in Russia.


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Középfokú [B2] tesztek

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

e.g. It's ages since we last had an order from CWP. We ... haven't had any orders from CWP for ages.

1. Our reputation has been damaged as a result of the scandal. The scandal caused ...

2. I suggest that you should sell your shares before you lose a lot of money. If I

3. The auditors inspect the accounts once a year. The accounts...

4. She's been working as a supervisor since 2000. She started ...

5. Eventually he succeeded in making them support his idea. Eventually he managed ...

6. 'Would you like to meet our Finance Director?1 asked the secretary. The secretary asked ...

7. You should speak to her as soon as possible. You'd ...

8. I haven't seen worse service than this. This is . . .

9. 'No, I can't accept any further delays,' said Mr Jones. Mr Jones ...

10. I regret not going to university when 1 was younger. I wish ...


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Please give all your answers on (he enclosed ANSWER SHEET!

I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

e.g. I prepared really well for the ... interview at IBM. A) work B) job C) position D) post

1. They are planning to ... the factory to a place with better infrastructure. A) set up B) relocate C) restructure D) outplace

2. The management wants to avoid any kind of...; they won't sell more than 49% of the shares. A) overtake B) takeover C) take over D) buy out

3. I'm afraid we cannot afford to buy new equipment as we are still in the . . . . A) black B) red C) bear D) bull

4. Software companies arc trying more and more seriously to protect their... property. A) theoretical B) copyright C) intellectual D) trademark

5. The ... has to provide a monthly report on the level of sales. A) franchised B) franchiser C) franchisee D) franchisor

6. Environmentally ... customers mostly buy products made from recyclable materials. A) committed B) green C) responsive I)) monitoring

7. The current... of the dollar to the euro is really good for our export. A)rate ofchange B)exchange C) change D)exchange rate

8. We try to offer our potential customers a really wide product . . . . A) choice B) selection C) range D) scale

9. We will need an additional ... from the bank to finance our latest purchases. A) debt B) loan C) deposit D) payment

10. This year's balance ... shows that the firm is on the road to recovery. A) book B) form C) account D) sheet

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

e.g. Finally we decided not to bring ...up... the issue at the meeting.

1. Austria will soon face the problem of a shortage ... different professions. 2. The gap is widening ... rich and poor countries. 3. Despite greater equality between the sexes> women's salaries still lag ... what men earn. 4. 1 wouldn't... investing money in that loss-making company. 5. The model takes advantage ... long-time contacts in franchise areas. 6. Unfortunately my application was ... down by the manager. 7. 11 is weakness in decision-making made him unable to ... with the job. 8. Reducing inequalities in education is more important... narrowing the income gap. 9. We should now capitalise ... the rise in share prices. 10. In recent years the number of e-advertising messages has ... to record levels.


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Középfokú [B2] tesztek

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

e.g. All the ... managers... of the firm agreed that the campaign should go on.

1. The economic situation has significantly ... recently. 2. All the ... workers have to attend a training course first. 3. Agriculture is heavily ... by the EU central budget. 4. The HR department should shortlist only the most... applicants. 5. After the ... of the tax cuts the spokesman left the room. 6. Our firm is facing ... from its shareholders to its expansion plan. 7. At the meeting both ... of our company agreed to the financial plan. 8. The ... of the world economy would have a positive impact on us. 9. The head of department regularly ... the performance of the employees. 10. Job ... has always been relatively low in Hungary.



IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.



Prime Minister.. .orders... probe into security of food supply. The Prime Minister has ... 1 ... a wide-ranging investigation into the security of Britain's food supply. It seems that the era of low ... 2 ... is coming to an end. The Prime Minister (PM) has asked the Cabinet Office's strategy unit to look into the future of food ... 3 ... in a world of changing weather patterns and a shifting world population. The food supply is one of the first... 4 ... the PM has asked the strategy unit to look at. It will deliver the ... 5 ... of the study in March. Changing weather patterns attributed to global warming have in recent months seen severe droughts seriously... 6 ... the bread basket in America. This could have a dramatic ... 7 ... on crop yields. The study will point out the consequent options for Britain's growing ... 8 . . . . The unit will focus on key diet and economic ... 9 ... before asking industry and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to respond before the end of the year. Food industry insiders say that the PM deserves praise for starting a ... 10 ... on food security now.

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V- Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

e.g. It's ages since we last had an order from CWP. We ... haven't had any orders from CWP for ages.

1. What we did in the end was that we sold our oil shares. Our oil shares ...

2. Not enough people realise that we provide a wide range of services. Not enough people are ...

3. To get this job you are required to speak good English. You won't...

4. Some say Russia's economic problems are causing the financial problems in the region. Russia's economic problems are said ...

5. My salary is one third of yours. You earn ...

6. Employees may use this canteen any time during working hours. Employees are ...

7. "I'm just calling to ask about the second quarter shipment. Has it arrived yet?" asked Ann. Ann called to ask ...

8. It was production difficulties that caused the delay. The delay was due ...

9. I suggest that you should sell your shares, IfT...

10. "We will raise our employees' salaries by 10 %>" said Mr. Strongarm. Mr. Strongarm promised ...

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Középfokú [B2] tesztek

Please give all your answers on the enclosed ANSWER SHEET!

I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

e.g. I prepared really well for the ... interview at IBM. A) work B) job C) position D) post

1. Whenever a new banknote is issued some people try to pay with ... money. A) counterfeit B) invalid C) forgery D) infringed

2. Parallel with the spread of the Internet.,. is becoming a popular form of employment. A) homework B) housework C) homeworking D) commuting

3. Are you ... with the Japanese corporate culture? A) well-known B) familiar C) informed D) introduced

4. Blue- ... jobs usually pay less than jobs in offices. A) color B) colour C) collar D) chip

5. We will have to do some ... this week if we want to finish the project by the deadline. A) overwork B) flexitime C) core time D) overtime

6. ... waste is collected separately in some countries. A) Home B) Household C) Housework D) Housing

7. The Japanese Nippon Bank has opened a new ... in our town A) outlet B) service C) branch I)) subsidiary

8. The company usually ... all my costs while I am abroad on a business trip. A) covers B) accounts for C) amounts to D) subsidises

9. Companies wishing to ... the project should follow the standard procedures. A) apply B) bid C) supply for D) tender for

10. The biggest... we are facing in the near future is from the cheap competition. A) strength B) weakness C) opportunity D) threat

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

e.g. Finally we decided not to bring ...up... the issue at the meeting.

1. If a company needs to raise money, it may ... shares. 2. Tax .,. causes great losses to governments. 3. How will the increase ... interest rates affect your sales? 4. We had to call... the meeting because the export manager missed his plane. 5. Dramatic changes are ... place in company structure. 6. The costs of health care impose an enormous ... on the economy. 7. Hungary entered ... the EU in 2004. 8. One way to ... operating costs is outsourcing. 9. They ... a new product in May but I'm not sure the market was ready for it. 10. It is not easy to ... a decision on downsizing.


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III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

e.g. All the ... managers... of the firm agreed that the campaign should go on.

1. Mr. Bribe should have offered his... immediately after the scandal. 2. We could not accept the ... of the subcontractor. 3. Unfortunately the national currency underwent... three times last year. 4. Our... to leave was made under pressure from the management. 5. John is only a ... engineer, he is not responsible for production. 6. After the ... of the new model of the product we became profitable. 7. Luckily the rate of... has been slowly falling in the past six months. 8. Tom was accused of... and forced to resign. 9. Foreign ... of land is strictly limited by the regulations of the country. 10. This chemical company is the main ... of the air in the region.

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.



Throughout its history Japan has oscillated between openness to foreign ideas and extreme ...iso­lationism.. . . This ambivalence is still reflected in the country's attitude to ... 1 . . . . Despite the worldwide presence of companies such as Toyota, Honda, Canon and Sony, Japan's ... 2 .... into the world economy is surprisingly weak. Japan has the lowest levels of import penetration, inward foreign direct ... 3 ... and foreign workers in the OECD. Foreign affiliates' share of turnover in ... 4 ... and services is the lowest in the OECD. Nor has Japan participated in the global wave of cross-border ... 5 ... and acquisitions. In 2004 the sale of companies in the EU to foreign firms ... 6 ... for 47% of global sales by value. Why is Japan such an outlier? Partly it can be put down to the post-war rules ... 7 ... inward flows of goods and investment. Regulations to ... 8 ... grow­ing domestic industries after the second world war hindered economic integration. For their part, many Japanese firms have been too preoccupied in the past fifteen years to ... 9 ... abroad, says the head of a consultancy office. Now that the domestic market has matured and the population has started to ..., Japanese firms must look abroad for growth opportunities.




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Középfokú [B2] tesztek

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

e.g. It's ages since we last had an order from CWP. We ... haven't had any orders from CWP for ages.

1. Some European and US politicians have blamed job losses on rising competition from China. According to ...

2. It might be worthwhile to seriously look into the problem. It is worth ...

3. Our product is the most popular on the market. No other ...

4. Some countries will soon face the problem of a shortage of drinking water. Some countries will soon be ...

5. There is a definite improvement in your work. Lately your work ...

6. It is time for the ministry to make changes in the agricultural sector. It's time the ministry ...

7. Public employees demand that the government keep its promises. Public employees want the ...

8. Scientists expect global warming to continue in our century. Global warming is ...

9. I have to co-ordinate the work of five project managers. My job involves ...

10. Creating a positive working environment isn't less important than getting the work done. Creating a positive working environment is ...


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Please give all your answers on the enclosed ANSWER SHEET!

I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

e.g. I prepared really well for the ... interview at IBM. A) work B) job C) position D) post

1. The ... is paid as a percentage of the annual turnover of the franchised outlet. A) dividend B) commission C) premium D) royalty

2. Money ... seems to be easy in some countries of the world. A) laundering B) whitening C) cleansing D) cleaning

3. Last year lots of problems... owing to poor stock management. A) rose B) raised C) arose D) have risen

4. With the letter of application please ... your CV and a copy of your certificates. A) enclose B) engage C) entitle D) enter

5. In the last few years the ... power of employees has significantly decreased in the country. A) buying B) shopping C) purchasing D) paying

6. Nowadays more and more green energy is generated by wind . . . . A) farms B) locations C) centres D) ranches

7. As my salary is rather low and I have to rent a flat, I am continuously in ... . A) debit B) loan C) debt D) credit

8. Never forget to print your name below your signature on your . . . . A) autobiography B) appliance C) cheque D) covering letter

9. ... between two firms are quite similar to marriages - they are not always happy and successful. A) Mergers B) Takeovers C) Acquisitions D) Buyouts

10. All of our administrative follow-up work is done in the ... office in London. A) main B) head C) front D) base

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

e.g. Finally we decided not to bring ...up... the issue at the meeting.

1. During a recession, the demand ... goods and services declines. 2. The tax people pay on their wages and salaries is called ... tax. 3. A central bank should be fully independent... the government. 4. Shareholders expect maximum ... on their investments. 5. The bank pays you an 8% ... rate on your deposit account. 6. ... friendly products do not pollute nature as much as others do. 7. Managers have to check regularly whether objectives and targets are ... . 8. The Public ... department is responsible for forming the image of the company. 9. As Lucy pointed ... in her presentation, competition is rising and prices are falling. 10. A good manager ... work to his employees, instead of trying to do everything himself.


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Középfokú [B2] tesztek

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

e.g. All the ... managers... of the firm agreed that the campaign should go on. (MANAGE)

1. My boss ... all my ideas since I passed my MBA exams. 2. The ... company paid € 1,000 compensation for the fire-damaged merchandise. 3. Office workers are afraid of... as a result of the merger. 4. The belt-... measures of the government are aimed at saving the country. 5. During the recession unfortunately our company soon became . . . . 6. The ... of the new machinery is far too expensive for us. 7. In spite of all the pessimistic ... we avoided bankruptcy. 8. The general strike since last Monday ... to push up inflation in the country. 9. The firm's ... was not as good as expected. 10. Please make a ... if you are dissatisfied with the quality of our product.


IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.











Two high street credit providers are reducing the ...interest-free... period available to cardholders who pay their balance each month. Millions of Natwest and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) customers are set for a New Year shock when they open their credit card ... 1 ... in January. Many will find that they now have days - as opposed to weeks - to pay off their Christmas ... 2 ... if they want to avoid interest payments and charges. From January 1, the banking group is slashing the interest-free period ... 3 ... to many customers. Controversially, these changes will... 4 ... only those who pay off their credit card bill in full each month. RBS has written to all cardholders informing them that the ... 5 ... and conditions are changing, but the details of the changes are buried in the small print. The changes will make an ... 6 ... on all RBS and Natwest cardholders who clear their credit card balance in full each month. RBS refuses to say what... 7 ... of its cardholders clear their bills in full each month. ... 8 ... sug­gest that more than half of all credit card customers never pay interest. Currently, all RBS cardhold­ers have about 25 days from the date a card statement is issued before payment is ... 9 . . . . But from the New Year some customers could find that they have just 15 days to ... 10 ... their bill before interest charges are added.


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V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

e.g. It's ages since we last had an order from CWP. We... haverit had any orders from CWP for ages.

1. It is said that the company is making huge losses. The company ...

2. You have to finish your report by Friday. Friday is . . .

3. US salaries are too high, so companies outsource different kinds of work to developing countries. If...

4. Can't the copier be repaired before the end of the week? I s . . .

5. It's a pity I saw that confidential letter. 1 wish ...

6. Many people think that money is the best motivation. Money is ...

7. The record levels of deforestation in the Brazilian rainforest have been caused by a rise in exports of beef. The record levels of deforestation in the Brazilian rainforest have occurred ...

8. They might have notified him before the invoice arrived. H e . . .

9. „You should take some time off work", he suggested to me. He advised ...

10. It is certain that you will have problems when you start a new business. You are bound ...


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Középfokú [B2] tesztek

■B2/9. I Please give ail your answers on the enclosed ANSWER SHEET!

I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

e.g. I prepared really well for the ... interview at IBM. A) work B) job C) position D) post

1. How many candidates have been ... for the post of area sales manager? A) appointed B) hired C) shortlisted D) employed

2. By introducing new special features we hope to strengthen the brand ... of our customers. A) popularity B) image C) name D) loyalty

3. Governments... tax on personal incomes in order to collect funds for the budget. A) impose B) ask for C) postpone D) throw out

4. In this sector of the industry people mostly work in ..., so production remains continuous. A) shifts B) time slots C) periods D) part-time

5. After I had been fired I lived on unemployment... for nearly a year. A) instalment B) allowance C) benefit D) transfer

6. John did not join the ... union although most of our workers are members of it. A) worker B) employers' C) trade D) employment

7. CFC gases make the ozone ... thinner and thinner. A) protection B) pollution C) hole D) layer

8. I've decided to open a bank ... here, because you offer the best conditions. A) bill B) account C) savings D) deposit

9. We are concentrating on ... stocks, which perform better than the market average. A) high-flier B) blue-chip C) premium I)) royalty

10. European farmers receive EU ... for certain agricultural production. A) subsidies B) quotas C) tariffs D) discounts

11. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

e.g. Finally we decided not to bring ...up... the issue at the meeting.

1. Nowadays it's more profitable for companies to ... many activities to developing countries, where the labour force is cheaper.

2. Can I help you with that problem? I think I can sort it... in no time. 3. Competition in trading has become much tougher since China joined ... the WTO. 4. Don't forget to ... your CV to your letter of application! 5. The deadline ... registration is 12th July. 6. Small and medium-... enterprises cannot compete with multinationals. 7. It's John's responsibility. He alone is to ... for this unbearable situation. (S. China is being accused ... undermining Western attempts to reduce corruption. 9. This law will have a positive effect on young mothers taking maternity . . . . 10. The country is urged by the EU to guarantee human ... and freedom of expression.


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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

All the ... managers... of the firm agreed that the campaign should go on.

Our .. .gave us excellent advice on the marketing strategy. I bought this second hand car at a really ... price. There is cut-throat... between the two soft drink firms. The ... outlook of the country is quite promising in the coming years. He claimed compensation for unfair . . . . After overcoming many ... obstacles they managed to meet the deadlie. After years of stagnation their share price started to rise ... quicky. Loans from the bank have ... our firm to widen its product range. I have an ... for today to see the manager. It is our ... to be the number one distributor of health products.



IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.



The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) is a .. .partnership... that works with African governments, donors, NGOs, the private sector and African farmers. The aim of AGRA is to ... 1 ... the productivity and income resource of poor farmers in Africa. Founded and initially ... 2 ... by The Rockefeller Foundation and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, AGRA supports work aimed at improving the entire value chain. AGRA is headquar­tered in Nairobi, Kenya and outposts some ... 3 ... to its office in Accra, Ghana. AGRA now seeks a dynamic, committed and experienced individual who will be responsible for supporting the work of the Chairman of the AGRA ... 4 . . . . This ... 5 ... will be based in Geneva. Under the direct ... 6 ... of the Chairman, the successful candidate will ... 7 ... advice to the AGRA Chairman based on AGRA policy and strategic vision. The candidate must have good diplomatic ... 8 ... to work effectively at high levels. ... 9 ... women professionals are specially encouraged to apply. ... 10 ... your CV containing e-mail address, telephone contact, and experience.


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Középfokú [B2] tesztek

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

e.g. It's ages since we last had an order from CWP. We ... haven't had any orders from CWP for ages.

1. They said we had not met the deadline. They accused ...

2. I have never been to a training course on marketing before. This is ...

3. The Hungarian and Slovakian taxation systems are not the same. The Hungarian taxation system is ...

4. He wasn't experienced enough to launch a new campaign. He was too ...

5. I wish I had studied more languages. I regret...

6. I don't think I would like to meet your boss right now. I'd rather...

7. They'll hold the meeting on Monday morning. The meeting is ...

8. I would prefer you not to interrupt me all the time. I'd...

9. We offer a competitive salary. The salary...

10. Both Mr Jones and his deputy disagree with the Board's decision. Neither...


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■B2/10 . Please give all your answers on the enclosed ANSWER SHEET!

I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

e.g. I prepared really well for the ... interview at IBM. A) work B) job C) position D) post

1. A franchisee pays an advertising ... to help to cover the company's marketing costs. A) commission B) fee C) benefit D) allowance

2. Software ... causes huge losses for the manufacturing company. A) bribery B) piracy C) forgery D) embezzlement

3. As a part of our campaign we will hand out free ... with information and a photo of the product. A) direct mail B) leaflets C) mailshots D) displays

4. These items are on ... now, some of them you can buy at half price. A) action B) promotion C) special offer D) bargain

5. The ... added tax (VAT) has recently been reduced to 20% in the country. A) volume B) value C) valid D) venture

6. The seller has to compensate the buyer for any ... occurring during delivery. A) fault B) dispatch C) carriage D) damage

7. We accept complaints only if you present your.... A) bill B) recipe C) receipt D) invoice

8. ... of greenhouse gases should be decreased by 10% in the next five years. A) Output B) Emission C) Launch D) Disposal

9. The bank will pay you 5.5% ... on your savings account. A) deposit B) exchange C) interest D) debit

10. We need only ... workers for this job. A) half-skilled B) semi-skilled C) non-skilled D) partly-skilled

11. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

e.g. Finally we decided not to bring ...up... the issue at the meeting.

1. Japanese carmakers increased their market... to 25% in the US last year. 2. John has been ... charge of quality control since last April. 3. The CEO called a ... conference in order to explain the merger to journalists. 4. Our return ... investment increased sharply last year. 5. Selling products to the public on the internet is commonly known as ... . 6. Two hundred skilled workers were ... redundant in the past 3 years. 7. Customers who always buy the same brand of goods are showing brand . . . . 8. As far as I know there is no cheap solution ... this problem. 9. These machines are not economical to operate ... the long run. 10. We are facing ... cut-throat competition from the Asian region.

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Középfokú [B2] tesztek

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

e.g. All the . ..managers... of the firm agreed that the campaign should go on.

1. Globalisation seems to be ...; we have to get used to it. 2. Outsourcing production to subcontractors gives a company more . . . . 3. There has been a slight increase in ... costs. 4. Large companies are not really used to ... from their shareholders. 5. Environmentalists oppose development which ... the health of local people. 6. The ... developed countries are failing to reduce pollution levels. 7. The CEO spent huge sums on ... that turned out to be unprofitable. 8. The chosen solution proved to be ... for both parties. 9. Fast-growing firms are often ... by a strong corporate culture. 10. One way to increase workers'... is to improve working conditions.

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.






British citizens fail to reclaim costs, reports the Financial Times. Experts say that millions of Britons could be paying more than they need to through errors and failing to claim tax ... 1 . . . . In total this ... 2 ... but reclaimable tax could amount to more than GBP 1 bn a year. One of the rea­sons is that citizens make mistakes on tax returns, and do not claim the tax rebate they are ... 3 ... to. The National ... 4 ... Office also recently reported that taxpayers may have been paying GBP 340m a year too much through the Pay As You Earn system. The ... 5 ... tax processing errors left more than half a million taxpayers GBP 157m out of pocket during 2006-7. HM Revenue and Customs says it doesn't have exact ... 6 ... quantifying overall overpayment. It says it is making ongoing improvements to ensure the right ... 7 ... of tax is taken in the first place. According to experts the biggest area of needless ... 8 ... is through tax being withheld at source on bank and building society interest. Bank and building societies ... 9 ... tax at 20 per cent from your interest before they pay it to you. If you are a ... 10 ... rate taxpayer, this is your entire liability, while high­er rate taxpayers owe a further 20 per cent.

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V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

e.g. It's ages since we last had an order from CWP. We ... haven't had any orders from CWP for ages.

1. They are offering an attractive price reduction. An attractive price reduction ..,

2. There is no precedent for such action. Such action ...

3. Why didn't she agree to meet you before the interview? Why did she ...

4. They have cancelled the 14.02 flight to London. The 14.02 flight to London ...

5. Although Kate was dissatisfied with the offer she accepted it. Despite...

6. Not only companies but consumers will benefit from the single currency as well. Both ...

7. „I've decided to start the campaign two months earlier/' said the manager. The manager announced his ...

8. They didn't reduce their prices, so they didn't survive the competition. If...

9. This car is too expensive for me to buy. I can't...

10. Jim has been promoted to the post of Sales Manager. They...


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Felsőfokú [Cl] tesztek


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Felsőfokú [Cl] tesztek

Please give all your answers on the enclosed ANSWER SHEET!

L Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

e.g. I prepared really well for the ... interview at IBM. A) work B) job C) position D) post

1. The company is claiming damages for partial... of contract. A) suspension B) withdrawal C) break D) breach

2. According to the ... analysis we could make a handsome profit on this investment. A) appreciation B) assessment C) cost-benefit D) profit & loss

3. The ... costs of a new company are well beyond your financial possibilities. A) start-up B) upstart C) installation D) transaction

4. Owing to the low stock ... we need relatively big storage capacity. A) management B) provision C) turnover D) figures

5. The firm's main financial strategic aim is to improve its ... . A) red tape B) bottom line C) liabilities D) additions

6. ... of computer software copyright should be heavily penalised by the authorities. A) Counterfeit B) Blind copy C) Infringement D) Plagiarism

7. Money laundering is easy in countries without bank . . . . A) confidence B) confidentiality C) secret D) secrecy

8. Social... is becoming a more and more important part of a company's life. A) responsibility B) awareness C) citizenship D) loyalty

9. Before you set up a new business, first you must... the necessary capital. A) raise B) increase C) transfer D) issue

10. Performance ... helps the management to reward the staff properly. A) appraisal B) control C) setting D) planning

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

e.g. Finally we decided not to bring ...up... the issue at the meeting.

1. I won't be able to reach my goal, because 1 have run up ... some technical problems. 2. Low morale in the company can be put... to the latest dismissals. 3. The experts are convinced that the austerity package will enable the economy to pick . . . . 4. The ... public offering (IPO) price of the shares has doubled within a year. 5. If turnover is as low as last year, we'll probably ... under. 6. He attributes his business success... the support he got from his professor. 7. Our new colleague is absolutely cut... for the position of HR manager. 8. We are lagging ... our main competitors in the field of consumer loyalty. 9. After the change of regime Hungary introduced a two-... banking system. 10. The group of factors centred ... satisfaction are called motivators.


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III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

e.g. All the... managers... of the firm agreed that the campaign should go on.

1. The political... frightened away foreign investors. 2. All of the ... in the course were invited to the reception. 3. Much more ... should be given to environmental issues . 4. Agriculture is the biggest... of EU subsidies. 5. All government spending should be done in a fully ,.. way. 6. The ... of customer data is jealously guarded by banks. 7. Software ... is widespread in Eastern Europe. 8. The government is under pressure to ... monetary policy further. 9. The workers made redundant through downsizing were helped by the

company's ... service. 10. Owing to loose state control, tax ... by companies is on the increase.




IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only. There are two extra words.













The departure of two of America's most senior. ..bankers... in a week is a good sign. ... 1 ... is a step towards clarity, and there are more coveted resources in today's stormy banking industry. Both departures were accompanied by revelations of steep losses from American subprime ... 2 . . . . One worrying lesson for bankers and regulators to bear in mind is post-... 3 ... Japan. Ten years ago its leading bankers refused to recognise and shed bad ... 4 ..., in effect keeping „zom­bie" loans on their books. That is one reason why the country's economy ... 5 ... for so long. So what is to be done? The main task is to restore honesty, clarity and ... 6 ... as quickly as possible. But if banks do not come clean, ... 7 ... should push them. Auditors will ... 8 ... pressure when the banks produce year-end reports. Coming clean will be difficult, because for the time being the disclosures have ... 9 ... more questions than answers. Unfortunately, it is comforting to believe that everything will work out all right in the end, especially if the Federal ... 10 ... keeps cutting rates at every whiff of trouble.


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Felsőfokú [Cl] tesztek

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

e.g. It's ages since we last had an order from CWP. We ... haven't had any orders from CWP for ages.

1. Eventually he managed to make her answer the questions. He finally succeeded ...

2. I have no intention of applying for this job. I do ...

3. It is very exciting news that they might choose our team to represent Hungary. It's very exciting news that our team ...

4. Expenditure on primary education fell from 22% to 21.5% from 2000 to 2007. Between 2000 and 2007 there ...

5. It is believed that more than 50 000 people took part in the anti-globalisation march. More than 50 000 people ...

6. They next explained their plans for the years to come. They went...

7. Excessive consumption can have a bad effect on the economy. The economy can be ...

8. Every employee must be here for core time. Every employee is . . .

9. Steady economic growth can be sustained in the region. Steady economic growth is . . .

10. A strong currency is known to be better for importers than for exporters. It is common ...


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Please give all your answers on the enclosed ANSWER SHEET!

I. Choose the best word to fdl each gap in the sentences below.

e.g. I prepared really well for the ... interview at IBM. A) work B) job C) position D) post

1. The old management... to all changes in the corporate structure. A) objects B) opposes C) blocks D) hinders

2. Someone should urgently be appointed to ... the new IT project. A) overlook B) oversee C) foresee D) foretell

3. The cost-cutting programme includes a ... and early retirements as well. A) hiring-freeze B) job hunting C) vacancy D) downsize

4. In the advertisement the new shampoo is ... by a world famous film star. A) promoted B) endorsed C) campaigned D) supported

5. This island is a fairly popular tax ... for companies offering legitimate benefits for them. A) haven B) heaven C) paradise D) resort

6. Most manufacturers in labour... industries have moved their operations to China. A) demanding B) requiring C) expensive D) intensive

7. The delay of my plane was caused by ... action by airport workers at Heathrow. A) overwork B) overtime C) go-slow D) lock-out

8. Hungary would like to be a net... of the EU budget, rather than a net contributor to it. A) receiver B) receptor C) benefit D) beneficiary

9. I'm afraid it is impossible to introduce a new model now; the market is totally . . . . A) penetrated B) saturated C) mature D) captive

10. Some companies offer their laid-off employees generous... services like free retraining. A) outsourcing B) downsizing C) outplacement D) replacement

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

e.g. Finally we decided not to bring ...up... the issue at the meeting.

1. Please attach your ... vitae to your letter of application. 2. Which candidates do you think we should put on the short... for a second interview? 3. The most gifted young managers who aim to become successful top managers are called high-... . 4. Does this shipment take ... much space? 5. The Just In ... system, invented by the Japanese, eliminates storage costs. 6. Because of decreasing revenues the company had to cut... on its cafeteria programme. 1, When two firms want to cooperate closely on a project, they often set up a joint.... 8. We are focusing on FMCG products, that is, fast moving ... goods. 9. Traditionally, the over-the-... market has served small and young companies. 10. If you wish, I am ready to pay ... advance, right now, 30 days before delivery.


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Felsőfokú [Cl] tesztek

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

e.g. All the ... managers... of the firm agreed that the campaign should go on.

1. In accordance with the bank ... law no figures were released. 2. The country's economy is highly ... on foreign oil. 3. Our share prices fell by 10% when the leading rating agencies... the firm. 4. During the period of the summer holidays our offices are usually . . . . 5. We cannot start working before the contract is . . . by the chairperson. 6. We often buy goods in ... in order to cut costs. 7. I cannot afford to buy such a ... car, I'm afraid. 8. The government should much more strictly ... tax avoidance. 9. Do you really think anybody would buy these old,... computers? 10. Owing to cultural differences this product is not... in that country.



IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only. There are two extra words.










BHP Billion .. .focuses... on the commodity market. BHP Billion, the world's biggest mining group, yesterday ... 1 ... an extended commodities bull run on the back of supply shortages and strong growth in demand. The Chief Executive said he expected to see further increases in demand from China, as well as a ... 2 ... in Europe and Japan, offsetting any slowdown in the US. Metal prices would also be supported by supply ... 3 ... and disruption. „A supply side that struggles to cope with demand will be ... 4 ... of our industry in the short and medium term," he added. The CEO said the disruption from the 16-day strike at Escondida was ... 5 . . . . He added that it was important for the group to stick to a wage ... 6 ... suitable for the economic cycle. Workers at the mine rejected the company's latest... 7 ... offer this week. BHP said annual net profits rose 63% in second-half... 8 . . . . The CEO said there had been some moderation in costs in the second half because about 60 per cent of the cost increases in the past financial year were ... % ... in the first half. The share buy-back will focus on BHP's London-listed ... 10 ..., which has been trading at a discount of about 5 per cent.


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V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

e.g. It's ages since we last had an order from CWP. We... haven't had any orders from CWP for ages.

1. Recognition can motivate better than financial targets. Recognition is a more ...

2. According to the advertising department they didn't mislead the public about the product. The advertising department...

3. Someone has to measure the performance of the staff. The performance of the staff...

4. The company consists of five main departments. The company is . . .

5. Good working conditions are just as important as an adequate wage. Good working conditions aren't...

6. The marketing department is responsible for the sales force. The marketing department is in ...

7. Our company is planning to examine whether it's possible to buy out CBC Our company is planning to examine the ...

8. My colleague's constant criticism of me really gets on my nerves. I wish ...

9. Money can't solve all problems. Money can't be ...

10. Applications in which we are unable to read the writing will be automatically rejected. Unless...

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Felsőfokú [Cl] tesztek

Please give all your answers on the enclosed ANSWER SHEET!

I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

e.g. I prepared really well for the ... interview at IBM. A) work B) job C) position D) post

1. The company concentrates on high-value market.. . . A) gaps B) diversification C) inventories D) niches

2. Prices fell following estimates of a substantial... of wheat. A) surplus B) scarcity C) outflow D) shortage

3. ... development preserves natural values for present and future generations. A) Maintainable B) Sustainable C) Biodiversity D) Precautionary

4. The Hungarian currency has been ... to the euro for some years. A) fixed B) trimmed C) pegged D) converted

5. Being a start-up entrepreneur I had to buy that expensive equipment on hire . . . . A) purchase B) delivery C) rental D) contract

6. There is a fixed monthly fee when you ... your bank account. A) withdraw B) overdraw C) overcharge D) overdraft

7. The revenue from the initial... offering (IPO) will be used to reduce our firm's debts. A) proceeds B) public C) portfolio D) primary

8. The rate of... is on the rise owing to lack of motivation and the poor quality of working life. A) misconduct B) absenteeism C) mismanagement D) days-off

9. The Saab is a(n) ... image car, not affordable for everyone. A) upbeat B) upscale C) bullish D) upstart

10. Within revenue from alcoholic drinks>... duty from spirits is gradually declining. A) excise B) direct C) surcharge D) VAT

11. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

e.g. Finally we decided not to bring... up... the issue at the meeting.

1. The exchange rate of the Hungarian currency is 240 forints ... the euro. 2. The disaster scenario of Asians dumping the dollar turned ... to be a phantom threat. 3. Because of their low pay the workers finally came out. . . strike. 4. The government intends to cut.. . on spending on social services. 5. Russia has potential ... a consumption boom that should last for years. 6. Personal income ... capita here is about 25 per cent of that in developed economics. 7. Many economists argue that China is emerging ... a prime market mover. 8. In our bank we pride ourselves ... our careful selection process, choosing world-class investment

specialists. 9. I'm going to put. . . my proposal at the next meeting. 10. We are running ... of money, I'm afraid. Actually we're nearly bankrupt.


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III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

e.g. All the ... managers... of the firm agreed that the campaign should go on.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. -7 / .

8. 9.

According to optimists the benefits of EU membership ... the disadvantages. Investors avoid this region as the economic climate is so ... . Modern ... products represent a huge source of pollution. We have no ... of expanding in the south of the country. Volvo has always been an ... image car in the European market. Experience and retail market... is essential in this job. I needed to take out more money than I had in my bank account so I asked for an ... . I think we should urgently ... ourselves with this type of computer. We won't sell any of these products unless we ... the price substantially.

10. We have to respond quickly and ... to emerging opportunities.




IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only. There are two extra words.












Iranians last week celebrated the start of their new year, 1386, which might bring a . ..rise... in their petrol bills. After two years of dithering, the government is at last ready to introduce ... 1 .. .of petrol. They are also planning a price ... 2 ... to reduce a subsidy that costs the country billions of dollars a year. These measures in a country with the second largest... 3 ... of crude oil might sound slightly strange. But Iran's big problem is a ... 4 ... of refineries. It can only satisfy 60% of its ... 5 ... demand with locally produced petrol. It imports the rest at . . . 6 ... prices of about 45 cents a litre - five times what motorists pay at the pumps. Several contracts have recently been signed as a part of a $15 billion ... 7 ... of refining capacity. In the meantime the petrol problem represents a ... 8 ... at an unfortunate moment: Western countries are looking for ways to ... 9 ... Iran over its nuclear programme. There has also been some talk of a future ... 10 ... on imported petrol.

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Felsőfokú [Cl] tesztek

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

e.g. It's ages since we last had an order from CWP. We... haven't had any orders from CWP for ages.

1. The speed at which the Chinese economy is growing is incredible. It's ...

2. The budget deficit, Mr. Jones promised, will next year fall below 3 % of GDP. Mr. Jones promised a fall...

3. The government has announced that corporate taxes are to be halved. The government plans to reduce ...

4. Egyptian officials are under pressure to privatize the state-dominated banks. Egyptian officials are being urged to speed up ...

5. Every EU member must comply with the common regulations. Every EU member must act in ...

6. In the minds of many Americans, globalisation is to blame for the weak labour market. Many Americans consider that the weak labour market is ...

7. Our company is in trouble now, because the management have performed extremelypoorly. Owing to ...

8. We'll make a decision but first we've got to think the matter over. Not until...

9. I'm sure Mr Jones wasn't in his office in the morning. 1 phoned several times and there was no reply. Mr Jones...

10. The director didn't like the idea that his employees were arriving late. The director objected ...

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Cl/4. Please give all your answers on the enclosed ANSWER SHEET!

I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

e.g. I prepared really well for the ... interview at IBM. A) work B) job C) position D) post

1. The ... of the ozone layer is seriously jeopardizing our future. A) utilisation B) deterioration C) depletion D) contamination

2. The bank's massive losses led to an expensive ... by the government. A) buyout B) bailout C) buy out D) bail out

3. The loss of revenue from imports was to be ... by an increase in various taxes. A) offset B) set off C) levied D) imposed

4. This segment of the market is really risky, but also very ... if your business succeeds. A) pricey B) costly C) lucrative D) niche

5. The price of... oil has increased again owing to the crisis in that region. A) raw B) natural C) crude D) barrel

6. The UK is not likely to join the ... Monetary Union (EMU) in the near future. A) Eurozone B) European C) Economic and D) Euroland

7. It will take our business at least a year to reach ... point. A) break-through B) break-even C) zero level D) profitability

8. The reputation of our financial system is mainly based on bank . . . . A) secrets B) secrecy C) confidence D) confidentiality

9. If the court decides in their favour, our firm will have to pay hefty ... to the plaintiffs. A) allocations B) damages C) fees D) awards

10. The investment bank is asking for a 7% ... for organising the IPO. A) equity B) brokerage C) sharing D) commission

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

e.g. Finally we decided not to bring ...up... the issue at the meeting,

1. I think you should consult... your finance advisor before you sign the contract. 2. I'm convinced we shouldn't give up. We must go ... with our advertising campaign. 3. The economic upturn will help exports to ... pace with imports. 4. Buying goods in ... is cheaper than buying them in small quantities. 5. I'm fed up with bureaucracy. It took me a week to get the licence because of the red ... . 6. My broker advised me to hold ... to my shares for another six months. 7. I hope that the euro-dollar... rate will remain at its current level. 8. Highfly Airlines and BuzzAir have announced a strategic ... with serious implications for rivals. 9. We have made a really healthy return ... our investment in China. 10. Net personal income ... capita is very low in this country.

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Felsőfokú [Cl] tesztek

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

e.g. All the ... managers... of the firm agreed that the campaign should go on.

1. Mr. New! became a member of the .. .board last year. 2. Such ... and protectionist measures are totally unacceptable for to us. 3. All the .. .of the recent study supported the CEO's theory. 4. Most probably the CFO's... will be his deputy, Mr. Cash. 5. We are planning to ... the contract for another six-month period. 6. The main ... of the project are the medium-sized enterprises. 7. Mr Smith is easily . . . . Just offer him a few hundred pounds. 8. All our ... expenses were paid by the company. 9. This report is strictly . . . . Make sure no one else sees it. 10. I expressed my serious ... to selling the African plant.



IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only. There are two extra words.













More companies are offering ...flexible... working and are running courses to make it easier for women to return after career breaks. The investment bank UBS does look after its... 1 ... employ­ees. It likes to think that it leads the way in the recruitment and ... 2 ... of women by offering flex­ible working. It also offers mentoring programmes, day-care ... 3 ... and generous maternity pay. Next month UBS is launching its latest... 4 ..., the Career Comeback programme with the aim of helping women who have difficulty getting back to work. According to the ... 5 ... Opportunities Commission, 30,000 women a year lose their jobs after becoming pregnant or going on maternity leave. Some companies actually push them out, and Career Comeback is a ... 6 ... effort in busi­ness. The course is aimed in large part at former financial high-flyers who are keen, after a career break, to . . . 7 ... again. UBS has already ... 8 ... its scheme in America, Hong Kong and Sydney. The next course offers women a chance to ... 9 ... up on finance, marketing, and technology. UBS has employed some of the women who attended previous courses, because they think being able to ... 10 ... some good women is a bonus.


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V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it

e.g. It's ages since we last had an order from CWP. We... haven't had any orders from CWP for ages.

1. Everyone was exhausted apart from my boss. With the ...

2. How likely is she to get the job? What are ...

3. Whether we go ahead with the plan or not depends on his confirmation. Whether we go ahead with the plan or not is. . .

4. It appears that the director deliberately gave the investigators incorrect information. The director appears...

5. The government was said to be the cause of the large budget deficit. They blamed ...

6. The director was annoyed that I had taken time off to get a haircut. The director objected .,.

7. To my knowledge this has never happened before. As ....

8. In the name of my company, I would like to thank you for your generous offer. On...

9. 'You should take some time off work/ she suggested. She advised ...

10. Both Mr Jones and his deputy disagree with the Board's decision. Neither...

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Felsőfokú [Cl] tesztek

Please give all your answers on the enclosed ANSWER SHEET!

I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

e.g. I prepared really well for the ... interview at IBM. A) work B) job C) position D) post

1. The ... package seems to be unavoidable owing to the disappointing GDP figures. A) correction B) auditing C) ^distributive D) austerity

2. Governments often promise ... from taxes to lure foreign investment. A) allowance B) depreciation C) exemption D) reduction

3. Mankind has no other choice but to ... environmental pollution. A) deter from B) enforce C) combat D) restore

4. Assets and ... are the main parts of a balance sheet. A) outgoings B) liabilities C) expenditure D) commitments

5. ... accounting can be done by hiding the debts of a company. A) lucrative B) double C) creative D) transparent

6. Companies that sell worldwide have benefited from economies . . . . A) of scale B) on scale C) on sale D) of sale

7. The former finance manager is now ... by his deputy, Mr K.Spains. A) preceded B) succeeded C) resigned D) appointed

8. The agricultural sector is heavily ... on exports. A) depending B) dependent C) dependant D) depended

9. The latest model of mobile phone was launched by an unknown ... firm. A) start-off B) kick-off C) start-up D) take-off

10. The idea of expansion has always been ... by the management, they never opposed it. A) outlined B) dismissed C) backed D) forwarded

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

e.g. Finally we decided not to bring ...up... the issue at the meeting.

1. Now you can save ... to 500 dollars if you buy our product during the fair. 2. The company could not afford to raise salaries in ... with inflation. 3. This German manufacturer has always been famed ... the highest quality. 4. In the near future the firm could decide to go ... and obtain a stock quotation. 5. You should always carry ... thorough research before you put a product on the market. 6. Since 1 got my degree, my boss immediately opposes... all my suggestions. 7. 1 got the job with a ... period of six months, at the end of which the contract can be terminated by either

side. 8. When we finish the project Til ask for a day ... to arrange some private business. 9. The abbreviation IBM stands ... „International Business Machines". 10. I'm sorry we cannot take ... new workers as there has been a hiring freeze for a year.


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III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

e.g. All the... managers... of the firm agreed that the campaign should go on.

1. The parties have ... the negotiations to include other issues as well. 2. After the ... of the old finance manager our sales figures slowly increased. 3. Such a shameful case is . . . in the 50-year history of our firm. 4. Foreign investors were ... by the hostile steps of the new government. 5. The MP's arguments against the 20% tariff on bananas were very . . . . 6. Tax ... is considered a serious crime in most countries. 7. Achieving ... with EU standards is very important for us. 8. All customers are sent reminders about... payments. 9. ... by celebrities is a widespread way of advertising. 10. They had to cancel the meeting owing to ... circumstances.



IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only. There are two extra words.

aAVINua 1












British children miss out on £7.5 million in .. .savings... . It's been two years since the government launched the child ... 1 ... fund to help parents save for their children's future. But children are still losing out on savings ... 2 ... a potential £7.5 million, because parents often fail to invest the vouch­ers straight away. Since 2005, only 1.6 ... 3 ... of 2.2 million vouchers were invested by the parents within one year of being issued. Any child born after 1 September 2002 is entitled to a ... 4 ... £250 government voucher. If the £250 vouchers are not invested, 12 months later the government puts them into a share-based fund ... 5 ... of the child. Parents, other relatives and friends can ... 6 ... this up to a maximum of £1,200 a year. When it comes to investing their child's £250 voucher, most parents... 7 ... for cash accounts. But says investing in an equity-based scheme could generate bigger... 8 ... in the long term. Ms. Joan Wilson, the head of savings at Moneyfacts, says it's worth considering all the possible ... 9 ... before taking the plunge. She added: if parents had invested their child's voucher in a cash account, it would have grown 10 per cent on average over the past two years,... 10 ... average interest of £26.32.


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Felsőfokú [Cl] tesztek

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

e.g. It's ages since we last had an order from CWP. We ... haven't had any orders from CWP for ages.

1. People become angry when they receive ads on their mobile phones. Receiving...

2. Mr. Jones has spent more time at meetings than on any other business activity. Meetings ...

3. Adopting EU bookkeeping regulations has made our figures more transparent. Our figures...

4. The Wine Festival will make buyers more aware of Hungarian quality wine. The Wine Festival will create greater...

5. There is still every chance that the firm will be called back to the negotiating table. The firm still has every chance ...

6. We prefer running out of certain goods to having too many in inventory. We would rather...

7. The reason I wasn't hired was that I did not speak German fluently. 1 could ...

8. The management warned us against missing the tight deadline. We...

9. „For those with major blue-chip stocks, I recommend they should hold on to them for the time being", the broker said. The broker advised ,..

10. People who work for us have to do a lot of overtime. Working for us means ...


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I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

l.B 2.D 3. B 4.C 5. B 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.1) 10. A

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

1. owned 2. bear 3. base 4. retirement 5. to

6. for 7. tax 8 . - 9. over 10. in

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

1. strengthened 2. analysts 3. halved 4. Environmentalists 5. response

6. shortlisted 7. approval 8. Sustainable 9. majority 10. expandvflvv.

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.

1. funding 2. demand 3. contributions 4. set 5. amount

6. living 7. cover 8. repaid 9. charged 10. savings

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

1. 2.








.. must have / have to have / need experience / have to be experienced / for this job.

.. considering / thinking of enlarging / hoping to enlarge the present site.

.. accept your complaint.

.. was a sharp rise in expenditure of $2,5 billion.

.. better start working right now.

.. no difficulty (in) getting a work permit.

.. is the cheapest on the market.

.. hadn't installed a new computer, things wouldn't have got better.

.. no intention of doubling / no plan to double their production within a year.

.. a lot of / many (sleepless) nights thinking about the right solution.

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I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

l.D 2.B 3.D 4. A 5. A 6.B 7.C 8. B 9.B 10. B

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

1. against

6. insurance

2. shares/stocks 3. in 4. flexible

7. contributions 8. closed 9. for

5. refund/rebate

10. off

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

1. membership 2. widen 3. supervisory 4. irresponsible _ _ ■ — " ■ — 1 — " " "

6. providers 7. applied 8. recyclable/recycled 9. competitor 10. unexpected

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.

1. austerity 2. growth 3. bring 4. rises 5. reform

6. Fees 7. raise 8. measures 9. target 10. consumption

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

.. a sharp rise in the cost of oil.

.. better refuse / not accept this offer.

3. ... want to join the euro-zone, we have to reduce the unemployment rate significantly.

.. that they will refuse / reject the conditions of the contract.

.. were stupid to invest / shouldn't have invested in such a risky business.

.. it complies with the EU regulations.

.. was difficult for Peter to accept the loss of his money.

.. have finished my work.

.. not to make a final decision before thinking it over / until you've thought it over again / to think it over again before making / you make / a final decision.

10. ... unless we employ 10 new workers.


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I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

LB 2. D 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.C 7. A 8.D 9.B 10. B

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

1. tightening 2. issue 3. in 4. public

6. for 7. deadline 8. dispenser/machine 9. from

5. fringe

10. term

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

1. structural 2. confidence 3. weakened 4. dismissal

6. depositors 7. unemployed 8. partnership 9. withdrawal

5. Franchisees

10. minimise

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.

1. finance 2. claiming 3. totalling 4. development 5. boost

6. funds 7. end 8. expanding 9. contribute 10. reduction

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.











.. no use trying to call him now, it's too late.

.. has been rising gradually / has gradually risen.

.. of the applicant's high qualifications, the shopkeeper didn't offer him the job.

.. new boss was very difficult to work with.

.. were made redundant last year.

.. can't have enjoyed that party very much.

.. filled with young professionals during lunchtime.

.. level of absenteeism cannot be tolerated any longer / can no longer be tolerated (by the management)

.. from the investments we made last year.

had got that job at the Japanese firm.


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I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

l.D 2. A 3.B 4. B 5. C 6. B ._ - . _ _ L_ _ _

7.C 8. B 9.D 10. A

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed,

1. with/among

6. blue

2. to

7. from

3. opportunities

8. off

4. Resources

9. to

5. setting

10. with

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

1. affordable 2. acquire 3. approval 4. raising 5. encouraged

6. buyers 7. minority L inefficiently 9. delivery 10. earnings

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.

1. retailer 2. budget 3. slump 4. passing 5. growing

6. bubble 7. plunged 8. expenditure

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

1. 2.


... would lend me your car.

... profit on our investment in that region was 25% / investment in that region made a profit of 25%.

... been sent a special report from/by the CEO. 4. ... attractive (for us) to refuse/attractive to be refused.



... (had) expected the president to come to the Ambassador's party, /expected to see the president..

... since the police started investigating the corruption case.

... difficulty (in) entering foreign markets.

8. ... never had a better offer (than this).

9. ... (only) I had $10m, I could invest in the telecommunications industry.

10. ... an(y) effect on consumer spending?


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I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

l.B 2.B 3.C 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. A 8.B 9.C 10. D

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

1. benefit 2. through 3. mortgage 4. at

6. tender 7. policy 8. outsource/relocate/ move/transfer

9. standard

5. havens

10. on

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

1. consumption 2. cancelled 3. shipment 4. bullish p i

5. emissions

6. intellectual 7. investment 8. accountants 9. accession 10. advantageous

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.

1. attract 2. revive 3. own 4. exceed 5. participants

I 6. ownership 7. aim 8. issued 9. share 10.joint

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.


2. 3.





... damage to our reputation.

... were you I would / should sell my shares before I lose a lot of money.

... are inspected by the auditors once a year.

... work(ing) as a supervisor in 2000.

... to make them/persuade them to / support his idea.

... if/whether I / he / she / we / they / would like to meet their Finance Director.

... better speak to her as soon as possible.

8. ... the worst service I've ever seen.

9. ... refused to / said he could not / accept further delays.

10. ... I had gone to university when I was younger.


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I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

LB 2. B 3.B 4.C 5.C 6. A 7.D 8.C 9.B 10. D

I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed,

1. in, of 2. between 3. behind 4. advise, suggest, recommend, risk, consider, etc.

6. turned 7. cope 8. than

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

1. worsened

6. opposition

2. inexperienced 3. subsidised

7. representatives 8. recovery

4. suitable 5. announcement

9. evaluates 10. mobility

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.

1. launched

6. affect

2. prices

7. effect

3. production 4. projects 5. findings

8. population 9. trends 10. debate

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.











.. were finally sold.

.. aware of our wide range of services / the wide range of services we provide / that we provide a wide range of services. .. get / be given / this job unless you speak good English / speak English well.

.. to be causing the financial problems in the region.

.. three times as much as I do.

.. allowed / entitled / to use this canteen any time during working hours.

.. whether / if the second quarter shipment had arrived (yet).

.. to production difficulties.

.. were you, I would sell my shares.

.. that they would raise their employees' salaries by 10 %.


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I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

LA 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.1) 6.B 7.C 8. A 9. D 10. D

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

1. issue 2. avoidance, evasion 3. in 4. off

6. burden 7. - 8. reduce, cut 9. launched, introduced

5. taking

10. make, take

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

1. resignation 2. argument(s) 3. devaluation 4. decision

6. introduction 7. unemployment 8. bribery 9. ownership

5. trainee

10. polluter

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.

1. globalisation 2. integration 3. investment 4. manufacturing 5. mergers

6. accounted 7. restricting 8. protect 9. expand 10. shrink

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.





5. .. has definitely improved.

.. some European and US politicians, rising competition from China is to blame for job losses / job losses are due to rising competition from China. .. looking seriously into the problem.

— — - ■ —

.. other product on the market is as popular as ours,

.. faced with the problem of a shortage of drinking water.





.. made changes in the agricultural sector.

.. government to keep its promises.

.. expected to continue in our century.

.. co-ordinating the work of five project managers.

10. .. (just) as important as getting the work done.


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I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

l . D 2. A 3.C 4. A 5.C 6. A 7.C 8.D 9. A 10. B

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

l.for 2, income 3. of, from 4. return, profit, gain, yield

6. Environment 7. achieved, reached, met !. Relations 9. out

5. interest

10. delegates

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

1. opposes, has opposed 2. insurance 3. redundancy 4. tightening 5. insolvent

6. maintenance 7. predictions 8. threatens, is threatening 9. performance 10. complaint

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.

I. bills 2. debts 3. available 4. affect 5. terms

6. impact 1. proportion 8. Figures 9. due 10. settle

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

1. 2.




.. US salaries were lower / weren't so high, companies wouldn't outsource different kinds of work to developing countries. .. it not possible for the copier to be repaired before the end of the week?






.. is said to be making losses.

.. the deadline for finishing your report.

.. I hadn't seen that confidential letter.

.. (commonly) thought / believed to be the best motivation.

.. owing to / as a result of a rise in exports of beef.

.. might / ought to have been notified before the invoice arrived.

. . . .. me to take / that I take / that 1 should take some time off work.

.. to have problems when you start a new business.


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L Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

l.C 2.D 3. A r 4. A 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.B 10. A

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

1. outsource 2. out 3. - 4. attach 5. for

6. sized 7. blame 8. of 9. leave 10. rights

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

1. consultant 2. reasonable 3. rivalry 4. economic 5. dismissal

6. unexpected 7. surprisingly 8. enabled 9. appointment 10. intention

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.

1. improve 2. funded 3. staff 4. Board

6. supervision 7. provide 8. skills 9. Qualified

5. position

10. Enclose

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.









9. 10.

... us of not meeting the deadline.

... the first time I have been to a training course on marketing.

... different from the Slovakian one / taxation system / from that in Slovakia.

... inexperienced to launch a new campaign.

... not having studied more languages.

... not meet your boss right now.

... to be held on Monday morning.

... rather you didn't interrupt me all the time.

... we offer is competitive.

... Mr Jones nor his deputy agrees with the Board's decision.


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I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

l.B 2. B 3.B 4.C 5. B 6. D 7.C 8. B 9.C 10. B

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

1. share 5. e-business, e-commerce, e-trading

6. made 7. loyalty 8. to 9. in 10.-

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

2. flexibility 1. unavoidable 3. production 4. disapproval 5. endangers

6. economically 7. acquisitions 8. beneficial 9. characterised 10. efficiency

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.

1. refunds 2. overpaid 3. entitled 4. Audit 5. income

6. figures 7. amount 8. overpayment 9. deduct 10. basic

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

I. 2.



6. 7.



. is on offer / being offered.

, is unprecedented.

, refuse to meet you before the interview?

. has been cancelled.

. her dissatisfaction / being dissatisfied with the offer, Kate accepted it.

. companies and consumers will benefit from the single currency.

. decision to start the campaign two months earlier.

. they had reduced their prices, they could / would / might have survived the competition.

. afford to buy this car.

. have promoted Jim to the post of Sales Manager.


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I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

l.D 2.C 3. A 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.D 8. A 9. A 10. A

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

1. against 2. down

6. to 7. out

_ 1 3. up 4. initial 8. behind 9. tier

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

1. uncertainty 2. participants

6. confidentiality 7. piracy

3. publicity 4. recipient

8. ease 9. outplacement

5. go !

10. on

5. transparent

10. evasion

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.

1. accountability 2. mortgages 3. bubble

6. credibility 7. regulators 8. apply

4. debts

9. provided

5. stagnated

10. Reserve

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

1. 2.







... in making her answer the questions.

... not intend / plan / want to apply for this job.

... might be chosen to represent Hungary.

. was a fall / decrease in expenditure / spending from 22% to 21.5% /of 0.5%.

. are believed to have taken part in the anti-globalisation march.

. on to explain their plans for the years to come.

. adversely / badly affected by / as a result of excessive consumption.

. required / supposed / expected to be here for core time.

9. sustainable in the region.

10. knowledge that a strong currency is better for importers than exporters.


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I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

l.A 2.B 3. A 4.B 5. A 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.B 10. C

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

1. curriculum 2. list 3. flyers/fliers 4. up

6. back/down 7. venture 8. consumer 9. counter

5. Time

10. in

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

1.secrecy 2.dependent 3. downgraded 4. understaffed 5. validated

6. bulk 7. pricey/pricy 8. penalise 9. outdated 10. marketable

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.

1. forecast

6. structure

2. pick-up 3. constraints 4. characteristic 5. manageable

7. pay 8. earnings 9. incurred 10. equity

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.


1. 2.








.. effective motivators than financial targets.

.. denied misleading the public.

.. has to / must be measured.

.. made up of/ divided into five departments.

.. (any) less important than an adequate wage.

.. charge of the marketing department.

.. possibility of buying out CBC.

.. my colleague wouldn't constantly criticise / Would stop criticising me.

.. the solution to every problem / all problems.

.. we are able to read your application, it will automatically be rejected / the writing is legible, applications will automatically be rejected.


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I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

l.D 2. A 3.B 4.C 5. A 6.B 7.B 8.B 9. B 10. A

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

6. per

2. out 3. on

7. as 8. on

4. back/down 5. for

9. forward 10. short/out '

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

1. outweigh 2. unpredictable 3. disposable

6. expertise 7. overdraft

4. intention

8. familiarise 9. lower

5. upscale

10. flexibly

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.

1. rationing 2, hike 3.reserves 4. shortage 5. soaring

6. market 7. upgrade 8. vulnerability 9. press 10. embargo

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

I. ... incredible how fast the Chinese economy is growing.

2. ... in the budget deficit to below 3% of GDP.

3. ... corporate taxes by 50 % / by half.

4. ... privatization of the state-dominated banks.

5. ... accordance / line with the common regulations.

6. ... is attributable to / is the result of/ is caused by globalisation.

7. ... poor management performance our company is in trouble now.

8. ... we've thought the matter over will we make a decision.



9. ... can't have been in his office in the morning. ... to (the idea of) his employees arriving late / to the idea that his employees arrived / were arriving late / to the late arrival of his employees.

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I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

l.C 2.B 3. A 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.B l. B 9. B 10. D

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

1.- 2. ahead, on, through 3. keep 4. hulk

6. on L alliance 9. on

5. tape

10. per

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

1. advisory 2. restrictive 3. findings 4. successor 5. renew

6. beneficiaries 7. corruptible, corrupted 8. additional 9. confidential 10. objection(s

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.

1. female 2. retention 3. provision 4. initiative 5. Equal

6. rare 7. soar 8. run 9. catch 10. hire

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.











.. exception of my boss everyone was exhausted.

.. her chances of getting / the chances of her getting / the job?

.. dependent on his confirmation.

.. to have misinformed the investigators / given the investigators false information.

.. the large budget deficit on the government / the government for the large budget deficit.

.. to my taking / having taken / time off to get a haircut.

.. far as I know this has never happened before.

.. behalf of my company I would like to thank you for your generous offer.

.. me/him/her/us/them to take / (my/his/her/our/their) taking / some time off work.

.. Mr Jones nor his deputy agrees with the Board's decision.


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I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.

l.D 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C 6. A 7.B 8. B 9.C 10. C

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

1. up 2. line 3. for 4. public

6 . - 7. probationary 8. off 9. for

5. out

10. on

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

1. broadened 2. departure 3. unprecedented 4. discouraged 5. persuasive

6. avoidance 7. compliance 8.overdue 9. endorsement 10. unforeseen/ unforeseeable

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.

1. trust 2. worth 3. out 4. one-off 5. on behalf

6. top 7. opt 8. returns 9. schemes 10.earning

V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

1. ... ads on their mobile phones makes people angry / angers people.

2. . have occupied / taken up / more of Mr. Jones's time than any other business activity.

3. .. are / have become / more transparent since we adopted / as a result of our adoption of/ have

been made more transparent by our adoption of/ EU bookkeeping regulations. .. awareness of Hungarian quality wine among buyers.

5. .. of being called back to the negotiating table.





.. run out of certain goods than have too many in inventory.

.. have been hired if I had spoken German fluently.

.. were warned by the management not to miss / against missing / the tight deadline.

.. people / those / with major blue-chip stocks to hold on to them / people to hold on to their major blue-chip stocks / for the time being.

10. ... having to do a lot of overtime. / doing a lot of overtime.


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Szószedet angol - magyar

absenteeism accession account account for sg account for sg accountability accountant accuse sy of sg acquire acquisition additional adjustment admission adopt the single currency/the euro advertisement advertising agency advisable affect sg affiliate affordable agree on sg agree to sg agree with sy aim amount to sg announce applicant apply for appoint appointment appraisal approve of sg argument assessment at a good price at a price (of 5m Fts) at our expense at the end of sg attempt attribute sg to sg auditor austerity austerity measure austerity package authorities authority avoidance aware of se

hiányzás (rendszeres) csatlakozás számla (bank) kitesz valamennyit számot ad vmiró'l, indokol vmit, elszámol vmivel felelősségre vonhatóság könyvelő vádol vkit vmivel megszerez, el-, kisajátít megszerzés, megvásárlás, felvásárlás többlet kiigazítás, korrekció felvétel bevezeti a közös valutát/az eurót reklám reklámügynökség tanácsos hatással van, hat vmire leányvállalat megengedhető (ár) megegyezik vmiben hozzájárul vmihez, engedélyez egyetért vkivel cél kitesz vm'úyen összeget, vmilyen összegre „rúg" bejelent jelölt, pályázó jelentkezik (pl állásra) kinevez megbeszélt időpont, találkozó értékelés helyesel, jóváhagy vmit vita, érv értékelés, felmérés jó áron vmilyen áron (5 millió forintos áron) a mi költségünkön vminek a végén kísérlet tulajdonít vmit vminek könyvvizsgáló megszorító takarékossági intézkedés megszorító program hatóságf ok) tekintély elkerülés, meg nem fizetés (adó) tud, tudatában van vminek

B back bailout

támogat kisegítés, pénzügyi rendezés


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balance balance sheet ban bankruptcy bargain barrier base rate be bound to do sg be committed to sg be cut out fői­be faced with sg be in the black be in the red be out of sg be promoted to sg bear market belt-tightening measures beneficial benefit benefit from sg bid bill billion (bn) blame sg on sy blame sy for sg blind copy blue collar work blue-chip (share) board bookkeeper borrow bottom line brand brand loyalty-breach of sg break even break into (a market) break-even point bribe bribery bring together brokerage budget deficit bull market bullish burst bust buy out buy sg on hire purchase buyout

egyenleg mérleg tilt, tiltás csőd alku, jó vétel korlátozás alapkamat biztos hogy megtesz vmit el van kötelezve vmi iránt vmire születik, vmire teremtődik vmi vár valakire van pénze a bankszámláján, (cég) nyereséges mínuszban van, pl. bankszámlán, (cég) veszteséges kifog)'ott vmből, elfogyott vmije előléptet vmivé bessz (tőzsdén), gyengülő részvénypiac megszorító intézkedések hasznos segély, juttatás hasznát látja vminek árajánlat számla (pl étteremben) milliárd vmit vkire hárít okol vkit vmiért zugpéldány fizikai munka elsőosztályú (részvény) testület, tanács könyvelő kölcsön vesz/kér nettó eredmény márka márkahűség megszegés (szerződésé, titoké) nullszaldót ér el betör (piacra) fedezeti pont, nullszaldó csúszópénz, megveszteget megvesztegetés, korrupció összehoz brókeri jutalék költségvetési hiány hossz (tőzsdén), emelkedő árfolyamok derűlátó kitör, szétrobban csőd felvásárol részletre vásárol vmit kivásárlás, felvásárlás

c call on call sg off

megszólít, felkeres lemond vmit


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Szószedet angol - magyar

cancellation capable of sg capital flight capitalise on sg cardholder carry out cash dispenser cash machine cautious about sg Chancellor (of the Exchequer) charge for sg chief executive officer - CEO claim claim compensation for sg close down combat sg come across come to an agreement come up with sg (e.g. a proposal, an idea) comment on sg commission commission committed commodity market common currency commute compensate for compete competitive competitive salary complain about sg comply with (a regulation) comply with sg confidence confidential confidentiality conjure up consist of sg constraint consultancy firm consumer consumption contamination contribute to sg convince of sg cope with sg, sy core time corporate ladder cost-benefit analysis costly counterfeit money cover covering letter covet sg

lemondás, törlés képes vmire tőkekiáramlás kihasznál, hasznosít vmit kártyatulajdonos végrehajt pénzkiadó automata pénzkiadó automata óvatos vmivel kapcsolatban brit pénzügyminiszter felszámít vmit, pénzt kér vmiért vezérigazgató állít, mond kárpótlási igényt jelent be vmire bezár küzd vmi ellen találkozik (véletlenül), ráakad megegyezésre jut előáll vmivel (pl, javaslattal, ötlettel) megjegyzés vmivel kapcsolatban jutalék bizottság elkötelezett árutőzsde egységes valuta ingázik kompenzál, kárpótol versenyez versenyképes versenyképes fizetés panaszkodik, reklamál betart (szabályt) eleget tesz vminek(pl. előírásoknak) bizalom bizalmas, titkos titkosság felidéz áll v miből megszorítás, kikötés, kényszer tanácsadó vállalat fogyasztó fogyasztás szennyezés, szennyeződés hozzájárul vmihez (munkával, pénzzel) meggyőz vmiről megbirkózik vmivel, vkivel törzsidő (rugalmas munkaidő esetén) vállalati ranglétra költség-haszon elemzés költséges hamispénz fedez (kíg-et) kísérőlevél, motivációs levél megkíván vmit, vágyik vmire


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crawling peg crude oil customer cut back on cutback cut-throat CV (curriculum vitae)

csúszó árfolyamrögzítés kőolaj vásárló csökkent csökkenés kíméletlen önéletrajz

damage damages deadline debt deduct definitely deforestation delay delegate work/responsibility delist deliver demand demand forsg demerger depart departure depend on depletion deposit deputy descend digit dip disadvantage disagree disappear disapprove disclose disclosure disconnect discontinue discourage dishonest dislike disloyal dismiss dismissal disorganised disposable product dispose ofsg disproportionate disrespectful dissatisfaction dissatisfied dissimilar

kár kártérítés határidő adósság levon határozottan, feltétlenül erdőírtás késlekedés kioszt, továbbad munkát/felelősséget tőzsdéről kivezet házhoz szállít, kézbesít kérés, követelés kereslet, igény vmi iránt szétválás (fúzióból) távozik távozás függ vmitől kimerítés, felélés előleg, letét, betét helyettes lefelé megy szám (jegy) csökken, leesik hátrány nem ért egyet, ellenkezik eltűnik kifogásol, nem helyesel közzétesz közzététel, közlés, tájékoztatás szétkapcsol, elválaszt leállít elbátortalanít tisztességtelen nem kedvel nem hűséges elbocsát elbocsátás szervezetlen eldobható tennék megszabadul vmitó'l, rendelkezik vmivel aránytalan tiszteletlen, udvariatlan elégedetlenség elégedetlen eltérő

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Szószedet angol - magyar w

distance working distributor dive diversification diversify dividend do a job do an experiment do away with do business do damage, harm do good do one's duty (pi. I do my duty) do repairs do research do sg for a living do some work do sy a favour do well / better do wrong do your best domestic downmarket (goods) downsizing draw up drop in due due to sg durable

távmunka árut terjesztő, elosztó kereskedő süllyed változatossá tétel, váltás választékot bővít, több irányba fejlődik osztalék munkát ellát kísérletet végez eltöröl, megszabadul vmitől üzletet köt kárt okoz jót tesz kötelességét ellátja javítást végez kutatást végez megélhetést biztosít vmi által vmilyen munkát végez szívességet tesz vkinek jól/jobban teljesít rosszat tesz minden tők telhetőt megtesz hazai alacsony presztízsű, gyenge minőségű (áru) karcsúsítás, leépítés megfogalmaz vminek a csökkenése esedékes vminek köszönhető, betudható tartós

E earnings ease economic economical economies of scale effect eliminate embezzlement emerging emission emit employ employee enable sg, enable sy to do SJ enclose encourage endanger endorse enlargement enterprise entitled to sg entrepreneur environmentally) friendly

bevétel enyhít, könnyít gazdasági gazdaságos méretgazdaságosság hatás eltávolít, kiküszöböl, eltöröl sikkasztás fejlődő, feltörekvő kibocsátás, kiáramlás kibocsát (szennyezőanyagot) alkalmaz alkalmazott lehetővé tesz vmit, képessé tesz vkit vmire csatol, mellékel bátorít veszélyeztet, károsít támogat, jóváhagy bővítés vállalkozás, vállalat jogosult vmire vállalkozó környezetbarát


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environmentalist equality equity establish evaluate evasion eventually exceed excessive exchange rate excise duty


exemption from taxes expand expansion expect expenditure extend extension extraction

környezetvédő (személy) egyenlőség törzsrészvény, saját tőke alapít értékel meg nemfizetés, csalás (adó) végül meghalad (mennyiségileg) túlzott valuta árfolyam jövedéki adó adómentesség kiterjed, kiterjeszt terjeszkedés vár, elvár kiadás, ráfordítás, költség kiterjeszt meghosszabbítás kitermelés, kiaknázás

F face sg fail todosg failure fall in famous for sg fees figure findings firm fiscal fixed-time deposit flexitime fliers/flyers flourish focus on sg foresee foretell forgery fortune franchise fringe benefits funding fund-raising campaign further delay


szembenéz vmivel, elfogad vmit elmulaszt vmit megtenni csőd vminek a csökkenése híres vmiről tandíj, tiszteletdíj (ált. tsz.) szám, adat megállapítások, következtetések vállalat pénzügyi, adópolitikai lekötött betét rugalmas munkaidő szórólap virágzik összpontosít vmire előrelát előre megmond hamisítás, hamisítvány vagyon franchise (felhasználási engedély) munkabéren felüli juttatások finanszírozás pénzgyűjtő kampány további késés, csúszás időben

get rid of sy, sg give away give priority to give up global warming go bankrupt/bust go through

megszabadul vkitől, vmitől elajándékoz előnyben részesít abbahagy, leszokik globális felmelegedés csődbe megy, tönkremegy átnéz, végigcsinál, keresztülmegy

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Szószedet angol - magyar

goal-setting go-slow gradual greenhouse gases gross


célok kitűzése munkalassttó sztrájk fokozatos üvegházhatást kiváltó gázok bruttó

halve have no intention of doing sg headquarters hesitant about doing sg high-flyer hinder hire hiring-freeze hold on hold on to (shares) homeworking household housework human resources

megfelez nincs szándékában megtenni vmit központ habozik vmit megtenni sikeres, nagy karriert elérő személy gátol, hátráltat, akadályoz alkalmaz (munkára) létszámstop vár, tartja a telefonvonalat tart (részvényeket) távmunka háztartás házimunka emberi erőforrás

i illegal illegible illogical immature immoral impact impolite impose (tax) on impossible imprecise improbable improvement in accordance with sg in advance in bulk in charge of sg in compliance with sg in contact with sy> sg in debt in the end in time inaccurate incapable of sg / of doing sg incoherence incomplete inconvenient increase in incurred (costs) indecisive independent inefficient

törvénytelen olvashatatlan logikátlan éretlen, korai, nem esedékes erkölcstelen hatás udvariatlan, goromba ráerőltet, kiró (adót) lehetetlen pontatlan valószínűden javulás összhangban vmivel előre nagy tételben felelős vmiért, meg van bízva vminek a vezetésével összhangban vmivel, vminek megfelelően kapcsolatban vkivel, vmivel eladósodott végül (t végén időben, idejében (vmvel az időpont előtt) nem pontos/szabatos képtelen (vmire) összeffüggéstelenség hiányos, befejezetlen nem megfelelő, alkalmatlan vminek a növekedése felmerüli (költségek) határozatlan független hatástalan, eredménytelen


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inequalities inexpensive inexperienced inflexible informal infringe infringement (e.g.of copyright) initial public offering (IPO) initiate insecurity insignificant insolvency insolvent inspect insufficient insurance insure against sg intangible assets intellectual property intend to do sg /doing sg intention interest rate interfere with sg introduce invalid invaluable investigation investment invoice involve sg involved in sg irrational irregular irrelevant irresponsible issue item

egyenlőtlenségek olcsó, nem ktg-es tapasztalatlan, gyanútlan rugalmatlan, nem előírásos/hivatalos hamisít (szellemi tulajdont) megszegés, megsértés (pl. szerzői jogé) nyilvános ajánlattétel (tőzsdén) kezdeményez bizonytalanság jelentéktelen fizetésképtelenség fizetésképtelen vizsgál elégtelen, nem elégséges biztosítás biztosít vmi ellen eszmei vagyonrészek szellemi tulajdon szándékában áll vmit megtenni szándék kamatláb akadályoz, gátol vmit, megzavar bevezet hatálytalan, semmis, érvénytelen felbecsülhetetlen értékű vizsgálat beruházás részletezett számla magában foglal vmit, együtt jár vmivel érintve van, részt vesz vmiben okszerűtlen, alaptalan, ésszerűtlen szabálytalan, rendellenes lényegtelen, nem tartozik a tárgyhoz felelőtlen kiad, kibocsát árucikk, tétel

J job hunting jobless join sg join /enter the EU/ eurozone joint-stock company


álláskeresés munkanélküli csatlakozik vmihez csatlakozik az EU-hoz/az euróövezethez részvénytársaság

keep pace with sg lépést tart vmivel

L labour market lag behind lately

munkaerőpiac lemaradásban van az utóbbi időben


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Szószedet angol - magyar

launch a campaign lay off leaflet leave legislation lend letter of application levy (tax on sg) liabilities liability lifelong learning lifespan lifetime employment lift lift listed firm living standard loan lock-out long-term look forward to sg loose loosen lose out to loss low point lower loyal to lucrative lump sum lunch vouchers

kampányt indít elbocsát szórólap távollét törvényhozás, törvénycsomag kölcsönad kísérőlevél motivációs levél behajt, kivet (adót vmire) források, passzívák kötelezettség életen át tartó tanulás élethossz, élettartam életen át tartó foglalkoztatás megszüntet, eltöröl megemel(kedik) tőzsdén jegyzett vállalat életszínvonal kölcsön munkáskizárás hosszú távú vár vmit laza lazít alul marad (versenytárssal szemben) veszteség mélypont csökkent hűséges, lojális vmihez, vkihez jövedelmező egyösszegű fizetés (pl. végkielégítésnél) étkezési utalvány

M mailshot maintain majority make a bid make a business trip make a cheque out make a choice make a complaint make a deal make a decision make a forecast make a loss make a mistake make a profit make a profit on sg make a request make an agreement make an apology make an application make an appointment make an attempt

postai reklám karbantart többség árajánlatot tesz üzleti utat tesz csekket kiállít választ panaszt tesz egyezséget köt döntést hoz előre jelez veszteséget termel hibát vét nyereséges hasznot húz vmiből, haszonra tesz szert kéréssel fordul (vkihez) megegyezésre jut elnézést kér jelentkezik időpontot egyeztet kísérletet tesz


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make an effort make an enquiry make an excuse make an improvement make an offer make arrangements make certain / sure make changes make ends meet make money make out (e.g. a bill) make plans make progress make success of sg make sy redundant make up for manage markel niche marketable maternity leave mature measure meet the deadline meet the demand meet the expectations meet the needs meet the objectives meet the requirements membership merger minority miscalculate misinform misinterpret mislead miss the deadline misunderstand money laundering morale mortgage move

erőfeszítést tesz érdeklődik mentegetőzik fejlődik ajánlatot tesz előkészületeket tesz, intézkedik megbizonyosodik változást eszközöl kijön a pénzéből, fizetéséből pénzt keres, pénzhez jut kiállít, kitölt (pl. számlát) tervez előrehalad sikerre visz elbocsát pótol gazdálkodik, irányít, vezet piaci rés piacképes szülési szabadság megérik, érett, esedékessé válik, lejár intézkedés határidőt betart keresletet kielégít megfelel a várakozásoknak szükségleteket kielégít eléri a céljait megfelel az előírásoknak tagság egyesülés, fúzió kisebbség rosszul számol félreinformál félreértelmez félrevezet, megtéveszt nem készül el határidőre, lekési a határidőt félreért pénzmosás hangulat, légkör ingatlanvásárlásra felvett hitel, jelzálog lépés, intézkedés

N negotiations net net contributor non profit-making non-payment non-renewable non-stop nosedive notify sy of sg

tárgyalások nettó nettó befizető nem anyagi célokat szolgáló fizetés elmulasztása nem megújuló megszakítás nélküli zuhan értesít vkit vmiről

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Szószedet angol - magyar

o object to sg objective occur offset oil refinery on a day-to-day basis on the spot on time one-off oppose organic food oscillate out of stock outdated outlet outplacement outsource outsourcing. overcome overdraw overhead costs overlook a mistake overpaid oversee over-the-counter market overtime owe sy sg owing to sg ozone layer

tiltakozik vmi ellen, ellenez vmit cél előfordul ellentételez olajfinomító naponta azon nyomban!a helyszínen időben (pontosan akkor) egyszeri ellenez bioélelmiszer ingadozik kifogyott, nincs raktáron elavult bolt (hálózathoz tartozó) gondoskodó elbocsátás kihelyez, kiszervez tevékenység kiszervezése legyőz hiteltúllépést követ el rezsi, működési költségek hibát nem vesz észre túlfizetett felügyel tőzsdén kívüli piac túlóra tartozik valakinek vmivel vmi miatt, következtében ózonréteg

partnership part-time job patent peak Peg penalise penetrate pension per capita performance appraisal personal income tax personnel phase in (a product) phase out (a product) pick up piracy plummet plunge point out polluter popular with/among certain people

társas vállalkozás részidős állás szabadalom csúcspont árfolyamot rögzít büntet keresztül-, behatol nyugdíj

'a " ore eso teljesítmény értékelése

személyi jövedelemadó emberi erőforrás, dolgozók bevezet (egy terméket) kivon a forgalomból (egy terméket) fellendül, erőre kap kalózkodás, hamisítás zuhan zuhan rámutat szennyező népszerű bizonyos emberek körében


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postpone potential potential client poverty praise precautionary (e.g.measure) predecessor predict premium premium product pricey private limited company process product range professional promote promotion promotion proportion protection prove provider public limited company purchase purchasing power push out of put forward put off put pressure on sy put sgdown tosg pul through (to an extension) quota

elhalaszt képesség, potenciál lehetséges ügyfél szegénység dicsér(et) biztonsági (pl intézkedés) előd jósol, előre jelez biztosítási díj csúcsminőségű termék drága korlátolt felelősségű társaság feldolgoz áruskála értelmiségi, szakember előléptet előléptetés reklám, promóció arány védelem bizonyít ellátó, szolgáltató nyilvánosan működő társaság vesz, beszerez vásárlóerő kiszorít, kilök vhonnan előterjeszt elhalaszt, elriaszt nyomást gyakorol vkire vmit vminek tulajdonít kapcsol (telefon melléket) megszabott mennyiség

radiation raise raise money/capital range rank reasonable (price) receipt recession recipient reclaim recovery recyclable material recycle red tape reduction in sg redundancy refund regard as sg regulations reject

sugárzás emel, megemel előteremt pénzt/tőkét választék rang, pozició méltányos, elfogadható (ár) nyugta, átvételi elismervény gazdasági visszaesés kedvezményezett visszaigényel fellendülés újrahasznosítható anyag újrahasznosít bürokrácia, aktatologatás vminek a csökkenése, csökkentése munkahelyi leépítés visszatérítés tekint vminek, vmilyennek szabályok vissza-, elutasít


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Szószedet angol - magyar

relocate renew renewable report to sy representative reputation require resign resignation respond response responsible for sg restructure retail retail banking retain retention retirement age return reveal revenue revive rich in sg rise in sg risk rivalry royalty runout of sg

s saturate saturated market scarcity secrecy sell sg at a loss self-employed person semi-skilled worker service provider set (a price/a base rate) set objectives/goals set rules set up a company settle severely. share shareholder shed shift work shipment shopkeeper shortage shortlist short-term significant

áthelyez, áttelepít megújít megújuló vezetése alá tartozik vkinek képviselő hírnév igényel lemond, visszavonul lemondás válaszol, reagál válasz, reakció

felelős vmiért átszervez kiskereskedés lakossági bankszolgálta tás megtart megtartás nyugdíjkor haszon felfed bevétel felélénkít gazdag vmiben vminek a növekedése kockázat versengés, vetélkedés (szerzői) jogdíj, jutalék kifogy, elfogy vmije

telít telített piac hiány titkosság, titoktartás veszteséggel ad el vmit önálló alkalmazásban álló személy betanított munkás szolgáltató megállapít (árat, alapkamatot) célokat kitűzni szabályokat határoz meg céget alapít kieg)fenlít súlyosan, keményen részvény rézvényes hullat, elvet műszakos munka szállítás, szállítmány üzlettulajdonos, boltos hiány (nem ktg.vetésil) kiválaszt (állásinterjúra) rövid távú jelentős, lényeges


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single currency sink skilled worker skyrocket slash slide slight slowdown slump small and medium-sized enterprises soar social responsibility social security social security contribution solar energy solution to sg solvent sort out special offer specialize in sg speed up squeeze staff stake stand for sg standard of living start-up costs start-up firm state-owned companies stem from sg stock stock managemet stock turnover strength strengthen subcontractor subordinate subscribe to (a newspaper) subsidiary subsidy successor suffer from sg suitable superior tosg supervisory board supplier supply surcharge surge surplus surprisingly suspension sustainable sustained

egységes valuta süllyed szakmunkás égbeszökik csökkent, megnyirbál lefelé csúszik enyhe, csekély lassulás, visszaesés visszaesés kis- és középvállalkozások felszökik, szárnyal társadalmi felelősségvállalás társadalombiztosítás társadalombiztosítási járulék napenergia vminek a megoldása fizetőképes megold, rendez, elintéz akció, árengedmény szakosodik vmire felgyorsul, felg)>orsít korlátozás, megszorítás dolgozók részesedés

jelent vmit, vminek a rövidítése, képvisel vmit életszínvonal induló költségek feltörekvő vállalat állami tulajdonú vállalatok ered, származik vmibol részvény készletgazdálkodás készletforgás erő, erősség erősít alvállalkozó beosztott előfizet, megrendel (újságot) leányvállalat anyagi támogatás, szubvenció utód szenved vmiben, vmitó'l megfelelő jobb, különb vminél felügyelőbizottság (be)szállító kínálat pótadó, pótdíj szárnyal többlet meglepően felfüggesztés fenntartható fenntartott


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Szószedet angol - magyar

threat tie up (e.g. capital) tough tough competition trade mark trade union trainee transparency trim turn down turnover two-tier

j T take into account take into consideration take on (workers) take over take place takeover talks target tariff tax haven tax rebate taxation system taxpayer telecommunications industry teleworking term

figyelembe vesz figyelembe vesz felvesz, alkalmaz (munkaerőt) felvásárol előfordul, megtörténik lezajlik

felvásárlás, átvétel tárgyalások cél vám adóparadicsom adókedvezmény, adóvisszatérítés adórendszer adófizető távközlési ipar távmunka feltétel, kondíció fenyegetés leköt (pl. tőkét) kemény erős verseny védjegy szakszervezet gyakornok átláthatóság levág, lenyes elutasít forgalom kétszintű

u unacceptable unaffordable unavoidable unaware (of sg) unbearable uncertain uncertainty uncompetitive undecided undependable undergo (e.g. an unpleasant experience) undergraduate undermine underpaid understaffed undesirable uneconomical unemployed unfair unfamiliar unforeseeable unforeseen

elfogadhatatlan nem megengedhető (anyagilag) elkerülhetetlen nincs tudatában elviselhetetlen bizonytalan bizonytalanság versenyképtelen nem (el)döntött (kérdés, személy) megbízhatatlan keresztülmegy (pl. kellemetlen élményen) egyetemista aláás alulfizetett munkaerőhiánnyal küzd nem kívánatos gazdaságtalan munkanélküli nem tisztességes ismeretlen, idegen előre nem látható előre nem látott/látható


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unfortunately un frequent unhelpful unknown unlawful unlikely unprecedented unsatisfied unskilled worker upbeat upmarket goods upscale upturn urge use up (e.g. reserves, capital)

szerencsétlenül, sajnos ritka haszontalan, ügyefogyott ismeretlen törvénytelen hihetetlen, valószínűtlen példátlan elégedetlen (mennyiséggel), kielégítetlen segédmunkás optimista felsőkategóriás, luxus termékek felsőkategóriás, luxus fellendülés sürget kimerít, felhasznál (pl. tartalékokat, tőkét)

v vacancy value added tax (VAT) venture venture capital vulnerability

üresedés ÁFA vállalkozás kockázati tőke sérülékenység

w warranty weaken weakness weigh up white collar work wholesale wide range of goods/products widen wind farm withdraw (money) withdraw sg from somewhere work permit working conditions worsen

jótállás gyengül, gyengít gyengeség felmér szellemi munka nagykereskedés termékek széles választéka szélesít, (ki)szélesedik szélerőműtelep kivesz (pénzt) visszavon vmit vhonnan munka vállalási engedély munkakörülmények romlik

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Szószedet magyar - angol

a mi költségünkön abbahagy, leszokik adófizető adókedvezmény, adóvisszatérítés adómentesség adóparadicsom adórendszer adósság ÁFA ajánlatot tesz akadályoz, gátol vmit, megzavar akció, árengedmény aláás alacsony presztízsű, gyenge minőségű (áru] alapít alapkamat alkalmaz alkalmaz (munkára) alkalmazott alku, jó vétel áll vmiből állami tulajdonú vállalatok álláskeresés állít, mond alul marad (versenytárssal szemben) alulfizetett alvállalkozó anyagi támogatás, szubvenció árajánlat árajánlatot tesz arány aránytalan árfolyamot rögzít árucikk, tétel áruskála árut terjesztő, elosztó kereskedő árutőzsde áthelyez, áttelepít átláthatóság átnéz, végigcsinál, keresztülmegy átszervez az utóbbi időben azon nyomban / a helyszínen

at our expense give up taxpayer tax rebate exemption from taxes tax haven taxation system debt value added tax (VA T) make an offer interfere with sg special offer undermine downmarket (goods) establish base rate employ hire employee bargain consist ofsg state-owned companies job hunting claim lose out to underpaid subcontractor subsidy bid make a bid proportion disproportionate peg item product range distributor commodity market relocate transparency go through restructure lately on the spot



bátorít behajt, kivet (adót vmire) bejelent beosztott beruházás (be)szállító bessz (tőzsdén), gyengülő részvénypiac betanított munkás

encourage levy (tax on sg) announce subordinate investment supplier bear market semi-skilled worker

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betart (szabályt) betör (piacra) bevétel bevezet bevezet (egy terméket) bevezeti a közös valutát/az eurót bezár bioéielmiszer bizalmas, titkos bizalom bizonyít bizonytalan bizonytalanság, biztonságérzet hiánya bizonytalanság, kétség bizottság biztonsági (pl. intézkedés) biztos hogy megtesz vmit biztosít vmi ellen biztosítás biztosítási díj bolt (hálózathoz tartozó) bővítés brit pénzügyminiszter brókeri jutalék bruttó büntet bürokrácia, aktatologatás

comply with (a regulation) break into (a market) earnings, revenue introduce phase in (a product) adopt the single currency/the euro close down organic food confidential confidence prove uncertain insecurity uncertainty commission precautionary (e.g.measure) be bound to do sg insure against sg insurance premium outlet enlargement Chancellor (of the Exchequer) brokerage gross penalise red tape

céget alapít cél célok kitűzése célokat kitűzni

set up a company aim, objective, target goal-setting set objectives/goals

Cs csatlakozás csatlakozik csatlakozik az EU-hoz/az eurőövezethez csatol, mellékel csekket kiállít csőd csődbe megy, tönkremegy csökken, leesik csökkenés csökkent, visszafog csökkent csökkent, megnyirbál csúcsminőségű termék csúcspont csúszó árfolyamrögzítés csúszópénz

accession joinsg join/enter the EU/eurozone enclose make a cheque out bankruptcy, bust, failure go bankrupt/bust dip cutback cut back on lower slash premium product peak crawling peg bribe

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Szószedet magyar - angol

n derűlátó (tőzsdén) dicséret dolgozók döntést hoz drága

E,É égbeszökik egy főre eső egyenleg egyenlőség egyenlőtlenségek egyesülés, fúzió egyetemista egyetért vkivel egyezséget köt egyösszegű fizetés (pl.végkielégítésnél) egységes valuta egyszeri el van kötelezve vmi iránt eladósodott elajándékoz elavult elbátortalanít elbocsát elbocsátás eldobható termék elégedetlen elégedetlen (mennyiséggel), kielégítetlen elégedetlenség eleget tesz vminek (pl. előírásoknak) elégtelen, nem elégséges eléri a célokat életen át tartó foglalkoztatás életen át tartó tanulás élethossz, élettartam életszínvonal elfogadhatatlan elhalaszt elkerülés, meg nem fizetés (adó) elkerülhetetlen elkötelezett ellátó ellenez ellentételez elmulaszt vmit megtenni elnézést kér előáll vmivel (pl. javaslattal, ötlettel) előd előfizet, megrendel (újságot) előfordul, bekövetkezik előfordul, megtörténik, lezajlik előleg, letét, betét

bullish praise staff make a decision pricey

skyrocket per capita balance equality inequalities merger undergraduate agree with sy make a deal lump sum common currency, single currency one-off be committed to sg in debt give away outdated discourage lay off make sy redundant, dismiss dismissal disposable product dissatisfied unsatisfied dissatisfaction comply with sg insufficient meet the objectives lifetime employment lifelong learning lifespan living standard, standard of living unacceptable postpone, put off avoidance unavoidable committed provider oppose offset fail to do sg make an apology come up with sg (e.g. a proposal, an idea) predecessor subscribe to (a newspaper) occur take place deposit


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előléptet előléptet vmivé előléptetés előnyben részesít előre előre jelez előre megmond előre nem látható előre nem látott/látható előrehalad előrelát előteremt pénzt/tőkét előterjeszt elsőosztályú (részvény) eltávolít, kiküszöböl, eltöröl eltérő eltöröl, megszabadul vmitői eltűnik elutasít elviselhetetlen előkészületeket tesz, intézkedik emberi erőforrás emberi erőforrás, dolgozók emel, megemel enyhe, csekély enyhít, könnyít érdeklődik erdőírtás ered, származik vmiből éretlen, korai, nem esedékes érintve van, részt vesz vmiben erkölcstelen ero, erősség erőfeszítést tesz erős verseny erősít értékel értékelés értékelés, felmérés értelmiségi, szakember értesít vkit vmiről érvénytelen esedékes esedékessé válik, lejár eszmei vagyonrészek étkezési utalvány

promote be promoted to sg promotion give priority to in advance make a forecast foretell unforeseeable unforeseen make progress foresee raise money/capital putforward blue-chip (share) eliminate dissimilar do away with disappear turn down unbearable make arrangements human resources personnel raise slight ease make an enquiry deforestation stem from sg immature involved in sg immoral strength make an effort tough competition strengthen evaluate appraisal assessment professional notify sy ofsg invalid due mature intangible assets lunch voucher

F fedez (ktg-et) fedezeti pont, nullszaldó fejlődik fejlődő, feltörekvő felbecsülhetetlen értékű feldolgoz

cover break-even point make an improvement emerging invaluable process


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Szószedet magyar - angol

felélénkít felelős vmiért felelős vmiért, meg van bízva vminek a vezetésével felelősségre vonhatóság felelőtlen felfed felfüggesztés felgyorsul, felgyorsít felidéz fellendül, erőre kap fellendülés fellendülés felmér felmerült (költségek) félreért félreértelmez félreinformál félrevezet, megtéveszt felsőkategóriás, luxus felsőkategóriás, luxus termékek felszámít vmit, pénzt kér vmiért felszökik, szárnyal feltétel, kondíció feltörekvő vállalat felügyel felügyelőbizottság felvásárlás, átvétel felvásárol felvesz, alkalmaz (munkaerőt) felvétel fenntartható fenntartott fenyegetés figyelembe vesz finanszírozás fizetés elmulasztása fizetésképtelen fizetésképtelenség fizetőképes fizikai munka fogyasztás fogyasztó fokozatos forgalom források, passzívák franchise (felhasználási engedély) függ vmitó'I független

fi gátol, hátráltat, akadályoz gazdag vmiben gazdálkodik gazdasági visszaesés

revive responsible for sg in charge of sg accountability irresponsible reveal suspension speed up conjure up pick up recovery upturn weigh up incurred (costs) misunderstand misinterpret misinform mislead upscale upmarket goods charge for sg soar term start-up firm oversee supervisory board takeover, buyout, acquisition buy out, take over, acquire take on (workers) admission sustainable sustained threat take into account, take into consideration funding non-payment insolvent insolvency solvent blue collar work consumption consumer gradual turnover liabilities franchise depend on independent

hinder rich in sg manage recession


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gazdasági gazdaságos gazdaságtalan globális felmelegedés gondoskodó elbocsátás

economic economical uneconomical global warming outplacement

Gy gyakornok gyengeség gyengül, gyengít

trainee weakness weaken

H habozik vmit megtenni hamis pénz hamisít (szellemi tulajdont) hamisítás, hamisítvány hangulat, légkör hasznát látja vminek hasznos hasznot húz vmibó'l, haszonra tesz szert haszon haszontalan, ügyefogyott hatálytalan, semmis határidő határidőt betart határozatlan határozottan, feltétlenül hatás hatással van, hat vmire hatástalan, eredménytelen hatóság(ok) hátrány hazai házhoz szállít, kézbesít házimunka háztartás helyesel, jóváhagy vmit helyettes hiány (nem ktg.vetési!) hiány (ktg.vetési) hiányos, befejezetlen hiányzás (rendszeres) hibát nem vesz észre hibát vét hihetetlen, valószínűtlen híres vmiről hírnév hiteltúllépést követ el hossz (tőzsdén), emelkedő árfolyamok hosszú távú hozzájárul vmihez (munkával, pénzzel) hozzájárul vmihez, engedélyez hűséges, lojális vmihez, vkihez

hesitant about doing sg counterfeit money infringe forgery morale benefit from sg beneficial make a profit on sg return unhelpful invalid deadline meet the deadline indecisive definitely effect, impact affect sg inefficient authorities disadvantage domestic deliver housework household approve ofsg deputy shortage, scarcity deficit incomplete absenteeism overlook a mistake make a mistake unlikely famous for sg reputation overdraw bull market long-term contribute to sg agree to sg loyal to

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Szószedet magyar - angol

i időben (pontosan akkor) időben, idejében (vmivei az i időpontot egyeztet igényel induló költségek ingatlanvásárlásra felvett hitel ingázik intézkedés ismeretlen, nem ismert ismeretlen, idegen, szokatlan

t előtt) on time ín time make an appointment require start-up costs mortgage commute measure unknown unfamiliar

. ' . ; - i . . '

javítást vegez javulás jelent vmit jelentéktelen jelentkezik jelentkezik (pl. állásra) jelentős, lényeges jelölt, pályázó jelzálog jó áron jobb, különb vminél jogosult vmire jól/jobban teljesít jósol, előre jelez jót tesz jótállás jövedéki adó jövedelmező jutalék

do repairs improvement stand for sg insignificant make an application apply for (a job) significant applicant mortgage at a good price superior to sg entitled to sg do well I better predict do good warrants' excise duty lucrative commission

K kalózkodás, hamisítás kamatláb kampányt indít kapcsol (telefon melléket) kapcsolatban vkivel, vmivei kár karbantart karcsúsítás, leépítés kárpótlási igényt jelent be vmire kárt okoz kárterítés kártyatulajdonos kedvezményezett kemény képes vmire képesség, potenciál képtelen (vmire) képviselő kérés, követelés

ptracy interest rate launch a campaign put through (to an extension) in contact with sy, sg damage maintain downsizing claim compensation for sg do damage, harm damages cardholder recipient tough capable ofsg potential incapable ofsg I of doing sg representative demand


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kereslet, igény vmi iránt keresletei kielégít kéréssel fordul (vkihez) keresztül-, behatol keresztülmegy (pl. kellemetlen élményen) késlekedés készletforgás készletgazdálkodás kétszintű kezdeményez kiad, kibocsát kiadás, ráfordítás, költség kiállít, kitölt (pl. számlát) kibocsát (szennyezőanyagot) kibocsátás, kiáramlás kiegyenlít kifogásol, nem helyesel kifog)', elfogy vmije kifogyott vmből, elfogyott vmije kifogyott, nincs raktáron kihasznál, hasznosít vmit kihelyez, kiszervez kiigazítás, korrekció kijön a pénzéből, fizetéséből kíméletlen kimerít, felhasznál (pl. tartalékokat, tőkét) kimerítés, felélés kínálat kinevez kioszt, továbbad munkát/felelősséget kis- és középvállalkozások kisebbség kisegítés, pénzügyi rendezés kísérlet kísérletet tesz kísérletet végez kísérő levél, motivációs levél kiskereskedés kiszorít, kilök vhonnan kiterjed, kiterjeszt kiterjeszt kitermelés, kiaknázás kitesz valamennvit kitesz vmilyen összeget, vmilyen összegre „rúg* kitör, szétrobban kiválaszt (állásinterjúia) kivásárlás, felvásárlás kivesz (pénzt) kivon a forgalomból (egy terméket) kockázat kockázati tőke kölcsön kölcsönad kölcsön vesz/kér költséges

demand for sg meet the demand make a request penetrate undergo (e.g. an unpleasant experience) delay stock turnover stock managemet two-tier initiate issue expenditure make out (e.g. a bill) emit emission settle disapprove run out ofsg be out ofsg out of stock capitalise on sg outsource adjustment make ends meet cut-throat use up (e.g. reserves, capital) depletion supply appoint delegate work/responsibility small and medium-sized enterprises minority bailout attempt make an attempt do an experiment covering letter, letter of application retail push out of expand extend extraction account for sg amount to sg burst shortlist buyout withdraw (money) phase out (a product) risk venture capital loan lend borrow costly


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Szószedet magyar - angol

költség-haszon elemzés költségvetési hiány kompenzál, kárpótol könyvelő könyvvizsgáló kőolaj korlátolt felelősségű társaság korlátozás korlátozás, megszorítás környezetbarát környezetvédő (személy) kötelességét ellátja kötelezettség központ közzétesz közzététel, közlés, tájékoztatás kutatást végez küzd vmi ellen

cost-benefit analysis budget deficit compensate for accountant, bookkeeper auditor crude oil private limited company barrier squeeze environment ally) friendly environmentalist do one's duty (pi I do my duty) liability headquarters disclose disclosure do research combat

L lakossági bankszolgáltatás lassulás, visszaesés laza lazít leállít leányvállalat lefelé csúszik lefelé megy legyőz lehetetlen lehetővé tesz vmit, képessé tesz vkit vmire lehetséges ügyfél leköt (pl. tőkét) lekötött betét lemaradásban van lemond vmit lemond, visszavonul lemondás lemondás, törlés lényegtelen, nem tartozik a tárgyhoz lépés, intézkedés lépést tart vmivel létszámstop levág, lenyes levon logikátlan

retail banking slowdown loose loosen discontinue affiliate, subsidiary slide descend overcome impossible enable sgt enable sy to do sg potential client tie up (e.g. capital) fixed-time deposit lag behind call sg off resign resignation cancellation irrelevant move keep pace with sg hiring-freeze trim deduct illogical

M magában foglal vmit, együtt jár vmivel márka márkahűség meg nem fizetés, csalás (adó) megállapít (árat, alapkamatot) megállapítások, következtetések

involve sg brand brand loyalty evasion set (a price/a base rate) findings


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megbeszélt időpont, találkozó megbirkózik vmivel,vkivel megbízhatatlan megbizonyosodik megegyezésre jut megegyezik vmiben megélhetést biztosít vmi által megemel(kedik) megengedhető (ár) megérik, érett megfelel a várakozásoknak megfelel az előírásoknak megfelelő megfelez megfogalmaz meggyőz vmiről meghalad (mennyiségileg) meghosszabbítás megjegyzés vmivel kapcsolatban meglepően megold, rendez, elintéz megszabadul vkitől, vmitő! megszabadul vmitől, rendelkezik vmivel megszabott mennyiség megszakítás nélküli megszegés (szerződésé, titoké) megszegés, megsértés (pl. szerzői jogé) megszerez, el-, kisajátít megszerzés, megvásárlás, felvásárlás megszólít, felkeres megszorítás, kikötés, kényszer megszorítás megszorító intézkedések megszorító program megszüntet, eltöröl megtart megtartás megújít megújuló megveszteget megvesztegetés, korrupció méltányos, elfogadható (ár) mélypont mentegetőzik méretgazdaságosság mérleg milliárd minden tőle telhetőt megtesz mínuszban van, pl. bankszámlán, (cég) vesztesé] munkabéren felüli juttatások munkaerőpiac munkaerőhiánnyal küzd munkahelyi leépítés munkakörülmények munkalassító sztrájk

appointment cope with sg, sy undependable make certain, make sure come to an agreemenU make an agreement agree on sg do sgfor a living aft affordable mature meet the expectations meet the requirements suitable halve draw up convince ofsg exceed extension comment on sg surprisingly sort out get rid ofsy, sg dispose ofsg quota non-stop breach ofsg infringement (e.g. of copyright) acquire acquisition call on constraint austerity belt-tightening measures austerity package uft retain retention renew renewable bribe bribery reasonable (price) low point make an excuse economies of scale balance sheet billion (bn) do your best

[es be in the red fringe benefits labour market understaffed redundancy working conditions go-slow


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Szószedet magyar - angol

munkanélküli munkát ellát munkavállalási engedély műszakos munka

N nagy tételben nagykereskedés napenergia naponta nem (el)döntött (kérdés, személy) nem anyagi célokat szolgáló nem előírásos/hivatalos n p m i>rt fcnifit p\\f>nki*éf\\/

jobless, unemployed do a job work permit shift work

in bulk wholesale solar energy on a day-to-day basis undecided non profit-making informal

nem hűséges nem kedvel nem készül el határidőre, lekési a határidőt nem kívánatos nem megengedhető (anyagilag) nem megfelelő, alkalmatlan nem megújuló nem pontos/szabatos nem tisztességes népszerű bizonyos emberek körében nettó nettó befizető nettó eredmény nincs szándékában megtenni vmit nincs tudatában nullszaldót ér el

disloyal dislike miss the deadline undesirable unaffordable inconvenient non-renewable inaccurate unfair popular with/among certain people net net contributor bottom line have no intention of doing sg unaware (ofsg) break even

Ny nyereséges nyilvános ajánlattétel (tőzsdén* nyilvánosan működő társaság nyomást gyakorol vkire nyugdíj nyugdíjkor nyugta, átvételi elismervény

make a profit initial public offering (IPO) public limited company put pressure on sy pension retirement receipt

0,0 okol vkit vmiért okszerűtlen, alaptalan, ésszerűtlen olajfinomító olcsó, nem ktg-es olvashatatlan optimista osztalék óvatos vmivcl kapcsolatban ózonréteg

blame sy for sg irrational oil refinery inexpensive illegible upbeat dividend cautious about sg ozone layer


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önálló alkalmazásban álló személy önéletrajz összeffüggéstelenség összehoz összhangban vmivel összhangban vmivel, vminek megfelelően Összpontosít vmire

p panaszkodik, reklamál panaszt tesz példátlan pénzgyűjtő kampány pénzkiadó automata pénzmosás pénzt keres pénzügyi, adópolitikai piaci rés piacképes pontatlan postai reklám pótadó, pótdíj pótol

R ráerőltet, kiró (adót) rámutat rang, pozíció reklám reklámügynökség reklám, promóció részesedés részidős állás részletezett számla részletre vásárol vmit részvény részvénytársaság rezsi, működési költségek rézvényes ritka romlik rosszat tesz rosszul számol rövid távú rugalmas munkaidő rugalmatlan

s saját tőke segédmunkás segély, juttatás

self-employed person CV (curriculum vitae) incoherence bring together in accordance with sg in compliance with sg focus on sg

complain about sg make a complaint unprecedented fund-raising campaign cash dispenser, cash machine money laundering make money fiscal market niche marketable imprecise mailshot surcharge make up for

impose (tax) on point out rank advertisement advertising agency promotion stake part-titnejob invoice buy sg on hire purchase share, stock joint-stock company overhead costs shareholder unfrequent worsen do wrong miscalculate short-term flexitime inflexible

equity unskilled worker benefit


Page 140: Erdei-Horváth-Rékási - Test by Test 2008

Szószedet magyar - angol

sérülékenység sikeres, nagy karriert elérő személy sikerre visz sikkasztás sugárzás süllyed súlyosan, keményen sürget

Sz szabadalom szabályok szabályokai határoz meg szabálytalan, rendellenes szakmunkás szakosodik vrnire szakszervezet szállítás, szállítmány szám(jegy) szám, adat számla (bank) számla (pl. étteremben) számot ad vmiről, indokol vmit, elszámol vmivel szándék szándékában áll vmit megtenni szárnyal szegénység szélerőműtelep szélesít, (ki)szélesedik szellemi munka szellemi tulajdon szembenéz vmivel, elfogad vmit személyi jövedelemadó szennyezés, szennyeződés szennyező szenved vmiben, vmitől szerencsétlenül, sajnos szervezetlen (szerzői) jogdíj, jutalék szétkapcsol, elválaszt szétválás (fúzióból) szívességet tesz vkinck szolgáltató szórólap szórólap szükségleteket kielégít szülési szabadság

T tagság takarékossági intézkedés találkozik (véletlenül), ráakad támogat támogat, jóváhagy

vulnerability high-flyer make success ofsg embezzlement radiation dive, sink severely urge

patent regulations set rules irregular skilled worker specialize in sg trade union shipment digit figure account bill account for sg intention intend to do sg/doing sg surge poverty wind farm widen white collar work intellectual property face sg personal income tax contamination polluter suffer from sg unfortunately disorganised royalty disconnect demerger do sy a favour service provider fliers/flyers leaflet meet the needs maternity leave

membership austerity measure come across back endorse


Page 141: Erdei-Horváth-Rékási - Test by Test 2008

tanácsadó vállalat tanácsos tandíj, tiszteletdíj (ált. tapasztalatlan, gyanútlan tárgyalások társadalmi felelősségvállalás társadalombiztosítás társadalombiztosítási járulék társas vállalkozás tart (részvényeket) tartós tartozik valakinek vmivel távközlési ipar távmunka távollét távozás távozik tekint vminek, vm ilyennek tekintély telít telített piac teljesítmény értékelése terjeszkedés termékek széles választéka tervez testület, tanács tevékenység kiszervezése tilt, tiltás tiltakozik vmi ellen, ellenez vmit tiszteletlen, udvariatlan tisztességtelen titkosság titkosság, titoktartás többlet (m.név) többlet (főnév) többség tőkekiáramlás törvényhozás, törvénycsomag törvénytelen törzsidő (rugalmas munkaidő esetén) törzsrészvény, saját tőke további késés, csúszás időben tőzsdén jegyzett vállalat tőzsdén kívüli piac tőzsdéről kivezet tud, tudatában van vminek tulajdonít vmit vminek túlfizetett túlóra túlzott

M udvariatlan, goromba újrahasznosít

consultancy firm advisable fees inexperienced negotiations, talks social responsibility social security social security contribution partnership hold on to (shares) durable owe sy sg telecommunications industry distance working, homeworking, teleworking leave departure depart regard as sg authority saturate saturated market performance appraisal expansion wide range of goods/products make plans board outsourcing ban object to sg disrespectful dishonest confidentiality secrecy additional surplus majority caphalflight legislation illegal, unlawful core time equity further delay listed firm over-the-counter market delist aware of sg attribute sg to sg overpaid overtime excessive

impolite recycle


Page 142: Erdei-Horváth-Rékási - Test by Test 2008

Szószedet magyar - angol

újrahasznosítható anyaj utód

recyclable material successor

u üresedés üvegházhatást kiváltó gázok üzletel köt üzleti utat tesz üzlettulajdonos, boltos

V vádol vkit vmivel vagyon válasz, reakció válaszol, reagál választ választék választékot bővít, több irányba fejlődik vállalat vállalati ranglétra vállalkozás vállalkozás, vállalat vállalkozó valószínűtlen változást eszközöl változatossá tétel, váltás valuta árfolyam vám van pénze a bankszámláján, (cég) nyereséges vár vmit vár, elvár vár, tartja a telefonvonalat vásárló vásárlóerő védelem védjegy végrehajt végül végül, a végén versengés, vetélkedés versenyez versenyképes versenyképes fizetés versenyképtelen vesz, beszerez veszélyeztet, károsít veszteség veszteséget termel veszteséggel ad el vmit vezérigazgató vezetése alá tartozik vkinek virágzik vissza-, elutasít visszaesés

vacancy greenhouse gases do business make a business trip shopkeeper

accuse sy ofsg fortune response respond make a choice range diversify firm corporate ladder venture enterprise entrepreneur improbable make changes diversification exchange rate tariff, duty be in the black look forward to sg expect hold on customer purchasing power protection trade mark carry out eventually in the end rivalry compete competitive competitive salary uncompeiitive purchase endanger loss make a loss sell sg at a loss chief executive officer (CEO) report to sy flourish reject slump


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visszaigényel visszatérítés visszavon vmit vhonnan vita, érv vizsgál vizsgálat vmi miatt, következtében vmi vár valakire vmilyen áron (5 millió forintos áron^ vmilyen munkát végez vminek a csökkenése vminek a csökkenése, csökkentése vminek a megoldása vminek a növekedése vminek a végén vminek köszönhető, betudható vmire születik, vmire teremtődik vmit vkire hárít vmit vminek tulajdonít

reclaim refund withdraw sg from somewhere argument inspect investigation owing to sg be faced with sg,face sg at a price (of 5m Fts) do some work drop in, fall in reduction in sg solution to sg increase in, rise in sg at the end ofsg due to sg be cut out for blame sg on sy put sg down tosg

i zugpéldány zuhan

blind copy nosedive, plummet, plunge


Page 144: Erdei-Horváth-Rékási - Test by Test 2008


I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below and write in letter A / B / C or D.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

(10x1 p) 10p/ p

9. 10.

II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.

(10x1 p) 10p/ p

1. 3

6. 7. 8.


9. 10.

III. Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the word given.

(10x1p) 10p/ p





3. 4. 5.

8. 9. 10.

IV. Complete these sentences with the following words. Use each word once only.

1. 2. 3. 4.

6. 7. 8. 9.

(10x1 p) 10p/ p


V. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it.

(10x1 p) 10p/ p











Total: / 50 p. (30p. = 60%)

Page 145: Erdei-Horváth-Rékási - Test by Test 2008


I. Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below and write in letter A / B / C or D.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

(10x1 p) 10p/ p


II. Fill in the missing word. Write only one word in each space or put in a dash (-) if no word is needed.



2. 3.

7. 8.




(10x1 p) 10p/ p


III. Complete the sentences using given.



















Complete tht once only. Tl

;se sentences with I lere are two extrai



Finish each sentence in such a as the sentence before it.

an appropriate form of the word



the following word: words.



way that it means <



s. Use each word



ixactly the same

(10x1 p) 10p/ p





(10x1 p) 10p/ p

(10x1 p) 10p/ p

Total: / 50 p. (30p. = 60%)

Page 146: Erdei-Horváth-Rékási - Test by Test 2008

Nyomdai munkálatok: BOCZ KFT., Pécs Felelős vezető: BOCZ EMIL ügyvezető

Page 147: Erdei-Horváth-Rékási - Test by Test 2008

A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Corvinus Szaknyelvi Vizsgaközpontjának

közép- és felsőfokú közgazdasági szaknyelvi

vizsgafelkészítő tananyagai


Erdei-Horváth-Rékási: TEST BY TEST

Szakszókincs és nyelvismereti gyakorló- és tesztkönyv

gazdasági szaknyelvi vizsgára (közép- és felsőfok)

Scmidt-Soós-Fenyvesi-Polcz-Varga: TEXT BY TEXT

Olvasottszöveg-értés gyakorló- és tesztkönyv

gazdasági szaknyelvi vizsgára (közép- és felsőfok)

Homolya-Thiessen: TOPIC BY TOPIC

Szóbeli vizsgafelkészítő gyakorlókönyv

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Hartai Gabriella: BE A GOOD LISTENER Hallás utáni szövegértés gyakorló- és tesztkönyv

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Torkos Róbert: BIZTERMS

Test and Improve Your Business Vocabulary

Hasonló vizsgafelkészítő kiadványok készülnek

német francia

olasz spanyol nyelvből