海洋安全保障情報「2018/09/24  · 1 海洋安全保障情報「2018年6月~8月」...

1 海洋安全保障情報「2018 6 月~8 月」 このコーナーは海洋安全保障情報のポータルサイトであり、掲載する情報は、2018 6 月~8 月の間に、中国を含むアジア諸国、及び米欧のインターネット英文サイトから収集し た情報の内、主として東アジアの海洋安全保障情報、及び当該期間におけるトピック情報に 関するものである。(なお、英文タイトルから内容が類推される記事については、コメント を付していない) 笹川平和財団海洋政策研究所の海洋情報、Form Oceans も併せて参照されたし。 https://www.spf.org/oceans/ なお、当該情報の URL は当該期間内にアクセス可能であったもの。 (作成:上席研究員上野英詞) -目次- 1 米国関連 2 中国関連 -1「中国軍事力 2018」関連 3 インド太平洋関連 4 その他 1 米国関連 1. Time to Launch a Combined Maritime Task Force for the Pacific https://warontherocks.com/2018/06/time-to-launch-a-combined-maritime-task-force-for-the-pacific/ War on the Rocks.com, June 1, 2018 Eric Sayers is an Adjunct Fellow for Asian Security at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). コメント:統合太平洋海上任務部隊創設の提案 2. Remarks by Secretary Mattis at Plenary Session of the 2018 Shangri-La Dialogue https://www.defense.gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript-View/Article/1538599/remarks-by-secretary- mattis-at-plenary-session-of-the-2018-shangri-la-dialogue/ US Department of Defense, June 2, 2018 コメント:シャングリラ・ダイアローグにおけるマチス米国防長官の演説と質疑応答。 3. America Should Loan South Korea and Japan Nuclear Weapons

Transcript of 海洋安全保障情報「2018/09/24  · 1 海洋安全保障情報「2018年6月~8月」...

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海洋安全保障情報「2018 年 6 月~8 月」

このコーナーは海洋安全保障情報のポータルサイトであり、掲載する情報は、2018 年 6

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笹川平和財団海洋政策研究所の海洋情報、Form Oceans も併せて参照されたし。


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1 米国関連

2 中国関連

2-1「中国軍事力 2018」関連

3 インド太平洋関連

4 その他

1 米国関連

1. Time to Launch a Combined Maritime Task Force for the Pacific


War on the Rocks.com, June 1, 2018

Eric Sayers is an Adjunct Fellow for Asian Security at the Center for Strategic and International

Studies (CSIS).


2. Remarks by Secretary Mattis at Plenary Session of the 2018 Shangri-La Dialogue



US Department of Defense, June 2, 2018


3. America Should Loan South Korea and Japan Nuclear Weapons

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The National Interest, Blog, June 9, 2018

Ira Straus is an independent foreign affairs analyst.

コメント:The only way to get the result America wants in negotiations with North Korea is to get

a nuclear force in place in South Korea and trade it away in exchange for the North's nuclear arsenal.

The United States made a terrible mistake to pull its nuclear weapons out of South Korea in 1991, but

today it has a chance to rectify that error. The U.S. should loan a nuclear force to South Korea and

Japan, with America retaining final ownership. Then North Korea will finally have reason to negotiate

away its nuclear forces. The loan could be structured as follows: 以下、核兵器の貸与条件として

5 点を挙げている。一読に値する興味深い論評

5. It is America’s Move in its Competition with China


War on The Rocks.com, June 18, 2018

Aaron L. Friedberg is professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University

コメント:In Washington and the capitals of many other advanced industrial democracies, there

appears to be a growing consensus that prevailing policies towards China have failed and that some

kind of alternative approach to dealing with that country is now urgently required. After years of

“hopeful thinking” about China’s future, the United States finds itself confronting “its most dynamic

and formidable competitor in modern history.” では、どうするか。その答えは、如何なる意味で



6. The next ‘cold’ war: America may be missing the boat in the Arctic



Washington Examiner.com, June 19, 2018


7. RIMPAC 2018: an exercise in maritime manoeuvring and messaging


Military Balance Blog, IISS, June 26, 2018

Nick Childs, Senior Fellow for Naval Forces and Maritime Security, IISS

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8. “Americanism, not globalism”: President Trump and the American mission



Lowy Institute, July 3, 2018

James Curran, Nonresident Fellow at Lowy Institute and Professor of History at the University of


コメント:President Trump may be unwittingly preparing the United States for the end of American

global hegemony.

Key Findings

・President Trump invokes neither the language nor history of the Pax Americana.

・His America First approach is only hardening, meaning allies will need to think about American

power differently.

・The United States will not become a ‘normal nation’, but the distance between its sense of

providential destiny and limited capacity to effect transformational change abroad will only grow.

9. Inside America’s Aging Nuclear Missile Submarines



Breaking Defense.com, July 16, 2018

コメント:老朽化しつつある米 SSBN 戦力の実情

10. Full Report: An American Strategy for Southeast Asia



American Enterprise Institute (AEI), August 1, 2918

11. Final Report on Organizational and Management Structure for the National Security Space

Components of the Department of Defense



US Department of Defense, August 9, 2018

12.“Getting Serious about Strategy in the South China Sea”: What Analysis Is Required to Compel

a New U.S. Strategy in the South China Sea?


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US Naval War College Review, Autumn 2018, Vol., 71, No. 4

Steven Stashwick is a lieutenant commander in the Navy Reserve.

2 中国関連

1. China Flight Tests New Multi-Warhead ICBM


The Washington Free beacon.com, June 5, 2018

Bill Gertz, senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon

2. China’s carrier-aviation developments: making a difference



Military Balance, Blog, June 3, 2018

Nick Childs, Senior Fellow for Naval Forces and Maritime Security, IISS

コメント:At the current rate of Chinese naval construction, China is on course to possessing the

greatest carrier power-projection capability, other than the US, by the 2030s.

3. China eyes its next prize – the Mekong


Interpreter, June 5, 2018

Elliot Brennan is an independent researcher

コメント:Control of both the South China Sea and Mekong River will strategically sandwich

mainland Southeast Asia. Indeed, Beijing’s control of Southeast Asian rivers looks set to be the other

half of its “salami slicing” strategy in the region.

4. Taiwan's Future Depends on the Japan-America Security Alliance



The National Interest, June 7, 2018

Professor Kerry K. Gershaneck is a scholar at the Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies, National

Chengchi University, ROC.

5. China puts missiles back on contested South China Sea island as United States pushes allies for

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bigger military presence in waters



South China Morning Post.com, June 11, 2018

コメント:中国、Woody Island(永興島)にミサイル再配備(衛星画像)

6. Chinese money for Northern Sea Route


The Barents Observer.com, June 12, 2918

By Atle Staalesen, journalist and Director of the Independent Barents Observer.

コメント:Building of Russian Arctic infrastructure is part of a $9.5 billion credit agreement signed

with the China Development Bank.

7. China Adds Advanced Missiles to South China Sea Islands


The Washington Free Beacon.com, June 13, 2018

Bill Gertz is senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

コメント:YJ-12B anti-ship cruise missile の南シナ海人工島からの覆域図あり

8. China’s Engagement in the Pacific Islands: Implications for the United States


U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, June 14, 2018

Ethan Meick, Policy Analyst, Security and Foreign Affairs

Michelle Ker, Policy Analyst, Economics and Trade

Han May Chan, former Research Fellow, Economics and Trade

コメント:Staff Research Report

9. The Coming Crisis in the Taiwan Strait


The American Interest.com, June 28, 2018

Michael Mazza is research fellow, foreign & defense policy, at the American Enterprise Institute.

コメント:A crisis in the Taiwan Strait—postwar Asia’s original hotspot—could be closer than many

realize. 台湾問題の専門家による長文の論説

10. Will China Have 7 Aircraft Carriers by 2025?

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The Diplomat.com, June 30, 2017

Abraham Ait is a military analyst and the founder of Military Watch Magazine.

コメント:中国、2025 年までに航空機搭載艦 7 隻(4 隻の空母と 3 隻の大型両用強襲艦)を


11. China is working on a new fighter jet for aircraft carriers to replace its J-15s



South China Morning Post.com, July 4, 2018

コメント:China is developing a new fighter jet for aircraft carriers to replace its J-15s after a series

of mechanical failures and crashes, as it tries to build up a blue-water navy that can operate globally,

military experts and sources said. “In order to improve the combat effectiveness of the Chinese aircraft

carrier strike groups, it is necessary to develop a new carrier-based fighter,” Beijing-based naval expert

Li Jie said, adding that the FC-31 stealth fighter could be used as a model to replace the J-15. China’s

FC-31 is a newer generation stealth fighter that made its first flight in 2012, and is smaller and lighter

than the J-15.

12. China launches next-generation destroyers expected to be armed with electromagnetic railgun


Global Times, July 3, 2018

コメント:排水量 1 万トン級の 新鋭の中国国産誘導ミサイル駆逐艦 Type 055、2 隻が大連

の造船所で進水、既に他に 2 隻が上海の造船所で 2017 年 6 月と 2018 年 4 月に進水済み。

終的には 10 隻以上就役か

13. China's Game Plan to Ease Out US- Succeeding?


South Asia Analysis Group, July 9, 2018

By Dr Subhash Kapila, South Asia Analysis Group

コメント:China for decades has employed various geopolitical and military stratagems to prompt

the exit of the United States from the Western Pacific. In 2018, China seems to be succeeding in this


14. Pentagon in Show of Force With Taiwan Strait Warship Passage


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The Washington Free Beacon.com, July 10, 2018

Bill Gertz is senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

コメント:米海軍誘導ミサイル駆逐艦、USS Mustin、USS Benfold、7 月 7 日台湾海峡通峡

15. Strait talk: are China and Taiwan on the brink of conflict?



South China Morning Post.com, July 21, 2018

Rana Mitter, Director of the University China Centre at the University of Oxford

16. Taiwan Is Not a Bargaining Chip


The Diplomat.com, July 26, 2018

Dr. Patrick M. Cronin and Kristine Lee are Senior Director and Research Associate, respectively, at

the Asia-Pacific Security Program at the Center for a New American Security.

コメント:As Washington dials up pressure on Beijing, it should not view Taiwan simply as a lever

in its diplomatic toolkit.

17. What Do China’s Military Hawks Think of Trump?


The Diplomat.com, July 26, 2018

Xiaofeng Wang is a China-based journalist.

18. Why China Discounts the Indo-Pacific Quad


PacNet, Pacific Forum, CSIS, August 7, 2018

Joel Wuthnow is a research fellow in the Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs at the

National Defense University.

コメント:Rather than raising alarm bells as they did over the original Quad a decade ago, Chinese

officials and analysts have generally brushed it aside. The key reason is the assumption that economic

reliance of Quad members on China will limit the grouping’s future development.

19. How Taiwan Competes With China in the Pacific


The Diplomat.com, August 9, 2018

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Jonathan Pryke is the Director of the Pacific Islands Program at the Lowy Institute. Alexandre Dayant

is a Research Fellow in the Pacific Islands Program at the Lowy Institute.



20. Taiwan is Key to U.S. Power in Pacific


Hudson Institute, August 14, 2018

Seth Cropsey, Director, Center for American Seapower, Hudson Institute

21. What China’s Newly Inducted S-400 Means for the Balance of Power in the Taiwan Strait



The Diplomat.com, August 14, 2018

Abraham Ait is a military analyst and the founder of Military Watch Magazine.

コメント:Taiwan’s fighter jets will stand little chance of evading attacks by the new missile system.

22. How China’s New Aircraft Carriers Will Shape Regional Order


The Diplomat.com, August 15, 2018

Richard Salmons is an adjunct professor at Temple University Japan Campus in Tokyo.

コメント:Rather than confronting other major navies, these big new ships will go to work boosting

China’s prestige.

23. The South China Sea: Freedom of Overflight or ‘Unlawful Activities’?


The Diplomat.com, August 16, 2018

Dr. Yinan BAO specializes in diplomatic law and the law of the sea. He is currently working as a

research associate in the School of International Law, East China University of Political Science and

Law, based in Shanghai, China.

コメント: A critique of recent U.S. military reconnaissance activities in South China Sea from the

Chinese perspective. 国連海洋法条約を巡る米中の解釈の相違

24. China’s ‘Private Army’ prowls the ‘New Silk Road’


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Asia Times.com, August 20, 2018

Gordon Watt, Journalist

コメント:Security demands for multi-billion-dollar Belt and Road projects have led to the creation

of independent paramilitary forces. It has been described as China’s ‘Private Army.’ Fueled by growing

demand from domestic companies involved in the multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative,

independent security groups are expanding in the country.

25. Chinese military set for capability boost with delivery of Russian Su-35 fighter jets



South China Morning Post.com, August 21, 2018

コメント:China became the first foreign country to purchase the Su-35 – an upgrade to the Su-27 –

when it agreed in November 2015 to pay US$2.5 billion for 24 planes. The first four were delivered

in 2016 and another 10 last year. The Russian government confirmed on August 20 that the last 10

Sukhoi Su-35 multirole fighters would be delivered on schedule. They are China’s first fighter jets

powered by thrust-vectoring engines for super-manoeuvrability.

26. Beijing Keeps Busy in East China Sea Oil and Gas Fields


Asia Maritime Transparency, CSIS, August 23, 2018


27. The drones that have become part of China’s military strategy



South China Morning Post.com, August 26, 2018


28. China’s Liaoning aircraft carrier gets brand new command centre



South China morning Post.com, August 28, 2018


29. With Ships and Missiles, China Is Ready to Challenge U.S. Navy in Pacific

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The New York Times.com, August 29, 2018

Steven Lee Myers is a veteran diplomatic and national security correspondent, now based in the

Beijing bureau.

2-1 「中国軍事力 2018」関連

1. Full Report: 2018 China Military Power Report



US DOD, August 16, 2018

2. FACT SHEET: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2018


US DOD, August 16, 2018

3. Pentagon: China Boosts Nuclear Readiness


The Washington Free Beacin.com, August 17, 2018

Bill Gertz is senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

4. Chinese military steps up strike strength against US targets and Taiwan, says Pentagon



South China Morning Post.com, August 17, 2018

5. Taiwan losing military edge: US report


Taipei Times.com, August 18, 2018

6. The Pentagon’s Annual Report on Chinese Military


The Federation of American Scientists (FAS), August 18, 2018

Hans M. Kristensen is the director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American

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Scientists where he provides the public with analysis and background information about the status of

nuclear forces and the role of nuclear weapons.

7. China refutes Pentagon report judging military strength


Xinhua, August 19, 2018

8. Exposed: Pentagon Report Spotlights China’s Maritime Militia



The National Interest, August 20, 2018

Andrew Erickson, a professor of strategy in the U.S. Naval War College (NWC)’s China Maritime

Studies Institute (CMSI) and an Associate in Research at Harvard University’s John King Fairbank

Center for Chinese Studies.

コメント:米海軍大学教授で、中国の「海上民兵」に詳しい、Andrew Erickson は、米国防省

が 2017 年版(56 頁、15 行)に続いて、「中国軍事力 2018」(72 頁)ではより多くの行数(25

行)を費やして「海上民兵」(People’s Armed Forces Maritime Militia: PAFMM)に言及してい

ることについて、米政府が公式の報告書で、余り知られていない中国の第 3 の海洋戦力であ

る、「海上民兵」に光を当てたことを高く評価し、「中国軍事力 2018」の関連記述を引用し


9. How Real Is the Chinese Threat to the United States?


The Diplomat.com, August 24, 2018

Charles V. Peña is a senior fellow with Defense Priorities and the former director of defense-policy

studies at the Cato Institute

3 インド太平洋関連

1. Myanmar risks falling into a China debt trap


Asia Times.com, June 5, 2018

Bertil Lintner, a Swedish journalist, author and strategic consultant who has been writing about Asia

for nearly four decades

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コメント:Beijing's plan to build a US$7.5 billion deep-sea port at Kyaukpyu is raising concerns

about the project's pricing, terms and strategic motivation.

2. A Chinese colony takes shape in Cambodia


Asia Times.com, June 5, 2018

Andrew Nachemson, Cambodia-based freelancer formerly with the Phnom Penh Post.

コメント:China-backed US$3.8 billion project at Koh Kong is emerging as a closed economy

exclusively for Chinese workers, capitalists and visitors.

3. Indo-Pacific versus Asia–Pacific as Makinder faces Mahan


The Strategist, June 5, 2018

Graeme Dobell, Journalist Fellow at Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI).

コメント:Compare Indo-Pacific with Asia–Pacific to see different hierarchies as well as geographies.

China likes Asia–Pacific because it references the land mass that China thinks it naturally dominates,

plus the ocean that stretches to the US. Asia–Pacific translation: Asia = China while Pacific = US. The

Indo-Pacific is a maritime concept while the Asia–Pacific tries to link the maritime with the continental.

Indo-Pacific skips by the Asian land mass (China) and replaces it with two oceans. The translation

into nations can read Indo = India while Pacific = US. Such a reading spurs Chinese paranoia about

being contained and constrained between two oceans, facing the US on one side and India on the other.

And when it comes to modern confrontations with India, China’s experience is on land, not sea. Give

this a theoretical tinge with two old, opposing views of geography and strategy: John Mackinder versus

Alfred Mahan. The land element of the Asia–Pacific and a Chinese reading of it leans towards

Mackinder’s 1904 theory about the Eurasian landmass that dominates the world. The two-ocean

expression of the Indo-Pacific would enthrall the US naval officer Alfred Mahan, whose 1890 book

on sea power shaping history still inspires the salts. Mackinder would understand the import and

ambition of China’s Belt and Road Initiative for the Eurasian heartland. Mahan would salute the

symbolism and intent of the announcement from Pearl Harbor that the US Pacific Command is

renamed the Indo-Pacific Command.

4. A better way to repel China in the South China Sea


Asia Times.com, June 8, 2018

Robert E. McCoy is a retired U.S. Air Force Korean linguist and analyst/reporter who was stationed

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in Asia for more than fourteen years.

コメント:The time has come for the US and its allies to abandon ineffective freedom of navigation

operations for much firmer measures.

5. Making a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” Appealing to Southeast Asia


Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, CSIS, June 8, 2018

Lucio Blanco Pitlo III is a Research Fellow at the Asia-Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation,

Lecturer at the School of Social Sciences at Ateneo de Manila University and Contributing Editor

(Reviews) for the Asian Politics & Policy Journal.


において二律背反的性格を持っており、この概念が上手くいくためには少なくとも 7 つか


6. India’s Strategy of Connectivity and Autonomy


RSIS Commentaries, June 11, 2018

By P S Suryanarayana is a Visiting Senior Fellow with the South Asia Programme, S. Rajaratnam

School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.



7. How Beijing, Delhi and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor could reshape global foreign policy

in Asia



South China Morning Post.com, June 11, 2018

Raffaello Pantucci is director of international security studies at the Royal United Services Institute

(RUSI) in London.

コメント:Raffaello Pantucci writes that a China-India symbiosis stemming from the infrastructure

projects being built in Pakistan will force the West to rethink its South Asia strategy.

8. India Gains Access to Sabang -A Road Map for Economic and Sustainable Development



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The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF), June 13, 2018

Dr Vijay Sakhuja, former Director National Maritime Foundation, New Delhi

コメント:Opinion pieces, columns and news reports in India are rife with the belief that the Sabang

Port in East Sumatra, Indonesia, will be developed by India for strategic purposes. Many scholars and

analysts in India have vehemently argued that Sabang would serve as a counter to Hambantota, a deep

sea port built by China in Sri Lanka, and this would help India challenge China’s aggressive march

into the Indian Ocean.

9. Vietnam Expands Another Outpost


Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, CSIS, June 13, 2018

コメント:南シナ海のベトナム占拠海洋自然地形 Ladd Reef(日積礁)の埋め立て衛星画像

10. India’s Indo-Pacific Embrace


RSIS Commentaries, June 21, 2018

Rajeev Ranjan Chaturvedy is a Visiting Fellow in the Office of Executive Deputy Chairman at the S.

Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


11. The ‘Free and Open’ Indo-Pacific: A Call for European Partnership



The Asia Dialogue.com, June 22, 2018

Matthew Lillehaugen is a Junior Fellow with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, serving

the Tata Chair for Strategic Affairs and the South Asia Program.

コメント:The U.S. strategy in the Indo-Pacific is still evolving. By engaging now, European

countries would have the opportunity to shape it.

12. Glug, glug, glug: India’s interest in unsinkable aircraft carriers



The Interpreter, June 23, 2018

Dr David Brewster is with the National Security College at the Australian National University, where

he specialises in South Asian and Indian Ocean strategic affairs.

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12-1. The “unsinkable” island is no substitute


The Interpreter, June 28, 2018

Abhijit Singh is Senior Fellow and Head of Maritime Policy Initiative at the Observer Research

Foundation (ORF) in New Delhi.


13. How the Scarborough Shoal came back to haunt China-Philippines relations



South China Morning Post.com, June 23, 2018

Richard Heydarian, an Assistant Professor in international affairs and political science at De La Salle

University, and previously served as a policy advisor at the Philippine House of Representatives.


14. How China Got Sri Lanka to Cough Up a Port


The New York Times.com, June 25, 2018


15. Sri Lanka to move naval unit to China-run Hambantota port



Live Mint.com, June 30, 2018

コメント:Sri Lanka will move its southern naval headquarters to the Hambantota port which is now

leased to China.

15-1. Hambantota: “the Chinese port”


The Interpreter, July 4, 2017

Aarti Betigeri is a multi-platform journalist and former foreign correspondent based in Canberra.

15-2. China’s strategic ambitions seen in the Hambantota port in Sri Lanka

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Hindustan Times.com, July 26, 2018

16. Implementing the Indo-Pacific strategy


AEI Blog, June 25, 2018

Zack Cooper is a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where he studies US defense

strategy in Asia, US alliances and partnerships in Asia, US-China strategic competition, and Chinese

economic statecraft and coercion.


17. China’s Rise and Indian Ocean Ambitions


Center for International Maritime Security, June 26, 2018

Aswani Dravid is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Policy and Administration in

University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.

18. Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy Meets the US Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy



The Diplomat.com, June 28, 2018

Chen-Sheng Hong, a Research Scholar in the Southeast Asia program at the Stimson Center, a think

tank in Washington D.C.

Logan Pauley, a Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellow with the East Asia Program at the Stimson Center.


19. How Diego Garcia Can Play a Pivotal Role in America's Relationship with India



The National Interest, July 1, 2018

Mark E. Rosen, SVP and General Counsel, CNA Corp.


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20. India’s Major Foreign Policy Concerns And Indo-US Strategic Partnership – Analysis



Eurasia Review.com, July 5, 2018

Dr. Manoj Kumar Mishra is currently working as a Lecturer in Political Science, S.V.M. Autonomous

College, Odisha, India.

コメント:India’s foreign policy concerns in forging close strategic ties with the US can be grouped

under three related themes such as India’s sovereignty concerns, its desire for strategic autonomy and

its policy of multi-alignment. Although these themes are interrelated as one cannot be attained without

the other, they can be separated for analytical purposes.

21. New Zealand warns of security risk from China's influence in Pacific



Reuters.com, July 6, 2018

コメント:ニュージーランド、7 月 6 日に国防報告公表。南太平洋地域における中国の影響

力拡大が地域の安定を脅かす可能性があると警告。全文は以下の URL

Strategic Defence Policy Statement 2018


21-1. New Zealand to buy Boeing P-8 patrol planes to boost South Pacific surveillance



Reuters.com, July 5, 2018

コメント:4 機の Boeing P-8A Poseidon 海上哨戒機購入。米豪と連携して、太平洋で軍事力


22. フランスがアジア太平洋で活動強化のワケ フリゲート艦「ヴァンデミエール」の役割




23. Judgment Day: The South China Sea Tribunal Issues Its Ruling


Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, CSIS, July 11, 2018

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コメント:仲裁裁定から 2 年、米シンクタンク CSIS 専門家による現状分析

24. A concise dictionary of the FOIP language—1st edition


The Strategist, July 12, 2018

Huong Le Thu speaks five languages, has published in four of them and has attempted to learn three

others. She is currently studying the FOIP language.

コメント:The free and open Indo-Pacific (FOIP)、共通用語は中国、しかし関係各国にとって


25. The Indo-Pacific: A Realist Indian Perspective



DPG Policy Paper, Delhi Policy Group, July 12, 2018

Ambassador Hemant Krishan Singh, Director General, DPG

Brig. Arun Sahgal (Retd.), PhD., Senior Fellow, DPG

コメント:In the midst of ongoing debates regarding the Indo-Pacific among strategic communities

stretching from the United States (US) to Asia, it is important to examine the conceptual and

geographic underpinnings of the “Indo-Pacific” and identify where India’s interests lie and what

policies serve these best. 長文の論考

26. Relevance of Aircraft Carriers for India: An Assessment


National Maritime Foundation, India, July 12, 2018

Captain (Dr) Gurpreet S Khurana, Indian Navy, is the Executive Director of NMF. The views

expressed are his own and do not reflect the official policy or position of the NMF, the Indian Navy,

or the Government of India.


27. China’s Actions in South and East China Seas: Implications for U.S. Interests—Background and

Issues for Congress


Congressional Research Service, July 17, 2018

Ronald O'Rourke, Specialist in Naval Affairs

コメント:Chinese control of the SCS—and, more generally, Chinese domination of China’s near-

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seas region, meaning the SCS, the East China Sea (ECS), and the Yellow Sea—could substantially

affect U.S. strategic, political, and economic interests in the Indo-Pacific region and elsewhere. 議


28. Indo-Pacific: are the British coming back?


The Interpreter, July 18, 2018

Geoffrey Till, Emeritus Professor of Maritime Studies at King’s College London and Chairman of the

Corbett Centre for Maritime Policy Studies.


29. Sri Lanka’s Strategy for Regional Security


The Diplomat.com, July 19, 2018

Barana Waidyatilake is a Research Fellow at the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute of International

Relations and Strategic Studies (LKI), the think tank of Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

コメント:As geopolitical competition, especially between China and India, intensifies in the Indian

Ocean region, Sri Lanka’s best strategy to ensure its own security is to make a clear stand for rules-

based order.

30. Time to prepare for a Transformed PLA Navy


South Asia Defense & Strategic Review.com, July-August, 2018

Dr Vijay Sakhuja, the Director, National Maritime Foundation, New Delhi.

コメント:The Indian Navy needs a new strategy which is both transformative and tailored to respond

to newer war fighting tools unleashed by fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). At least three new

capabilities of the PLA Navy are discussed below and merit the attention of the Indian naval planners.

First, the Electromagnetic Railgun, second is laser weapons, and third, China is a leader of the

commercial drone industry and also has some advantages in other unmanned systems.

31. Exclusive: Myanmar scales back Chinese-backed port project due to debt fears – official



Reuters.com, August 2, 2018

コメント:The Kyauk Pyu port is a key part of Beijing’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, aimed

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at expanding trade links across the world, but many in Myanmar are also wary of becoming too

dependent on China. Myanmar has scaled back plans for a Chinese-backed port on its western coast,

sharply reducing the cost of the project after concerns it could leave the Southeast Asian nation heavily

indebted, a top government official and an advisor told Reuters.

32. Vietnam’s response to China’s militarised fishing fleet


East Asia Forum, August 4, 2018

Nguyen Khac Giang is Senior Researcher, Political Analysis, at the Vietnam Institute for Economic

and Policy Research (VEPR).

コメント:Recent years have witnessed an increasing number of clashes between Chinese fishermen

and the coast guards of other countries in the region. Vietnam’s act of balancing between reinforcing

their own fishing fleet and adapting to international law might be the optimal choice for Southeast

Asian claimant states to cope with China’s new tactics.

33. Indo-Pacific's Centrality in US National Strategy and Indian Position


South Asia Analysis Group, August 8, 2018

By Dr Subhash Kapila, South Asia Analysis Group



34. How the French military’s ‘political messengers’ are countering Beijing in the South China Sea



South China Morning Post.com, August 5, 2018

Dr Mathieu Duchâtel is senior policy fellow and deputy director of the Asia and China programme at

the European Council of Foreign Relations

コメント:France’s air and sea presence in the region asserts its support for a maritime security order

based on shared rules and norms, writes Mathieu Duchâtel.

35. China isn’t our target, says French Pacific naval commander


Asia Times.com, August 25, 2018

Emanuele Scimia is a journalist and foreign policy analyst.

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コメント:France has forces based at New Caledonia and French Polynesia, but maintains it will stay

right out of regional territorial disputes

36. Can the US Compete With China in Southeast Asia?


The Diplomat.com, August 7, 2018

Dingding Chen is a contributor to The Diplomat‘s Flashpoints channel and the founder of the Intellisia

Institute. You Wang is an assistant research fellow at the Intellisia Institute.

コメント:Both countries have advantages in Southeast Asia, and the competition will be a long game.

37. US looks to loosen China’s grip on SE Asia


Asia Times.com, August 10, 2018

Richard Heydarian, Professor at De La Salle University

コメント:Intensifying Sino-American rivalry is sending both glad tidings and worrying ripples

through Southeast Asia, a strategically crucial region at risk of becoming a proxy theater in any armed

conflict or all-out trade war between the two superpowers.

38. South China Sea's Annexation By China and Japan's Strategic & Economic Security


South Asia Analysis Group, August 10, 2018

By Dr Subhash Kapila, South Asia Analysis Group

コメント:China’s forcible annexation of virtually the entire maritime expanse and consequent

militarisation of the South China Sea in the last decade has generated grave regional and global

complications. Japan as an Asian power contender with China and the nation whose strategic and

economic survival is critically dependent on the sea-lanes that traverse the South China Sea gets

logically drawn into South China Sea conflictual dynamics.

39. Submarines in the South China Sea Conflict


The Diplomat.com, August 10, 2018

Tyler Headley is a research assistant at New York University.


40. India’s Answer to the Belt and Road: A Road Map for South Asia

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Carnegie India, August 21, 2018

Darshana M. Baruah is a associate director with Carnegie India. Her primary research focuses on

maritime security in Asia with a focus on the Indian Navy and its role in a new security architecture.

コメント:Research report

41. The Need for Open Sea Lines of Communication in the South China Sea


PacNet, Pacific Forum, CSIS, August 21, 2018

Linda M. B. Paul is a Pacific Forum senior associate and the director of its Ocean Law and Policy



42. Competition and Neutrality of Southeast Asian States in Indo-Pacific Strategy


Center for International Maritime Security (CIMSEC), August 22, 2018

Shang-su Wu is a research fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS),

Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

コメント:Due to their central location between the Indian and Pacific Oceans, maritime Southeast

Asian countries have increasingly important roles in the Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) Initiative.

Based on their non-alliance tradition and economic interests with China, Southeast Asian countries

would not join FOIP, but engagement between them would be crucial for the strategy connecting the

two oceans.

43. Does China really dominate Southeast Asia?


Asia Time.com, August 23, 2018

David Hutt is a journalist based in Southeast Asia

コメント:Is China truly establishing dominance over neighboring Southeast Asia, or is it a prevailing

perception among academics and journalists who have uncritically adopted a pervasive pro-China

narrative built on Beijing’s rising investment and influence in the region? 長文の論考

44. Re-shaping India-US Defense Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific


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Delhi Policy Group, DPG Policy Brief, August 23, 2018

Mr. Richard M. Rossow is senior adviser and Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies at the

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington D.C.

Ambassador Hemant Krishan Singh is director general of Delhi Policy Group, New Delhi.

コメント:It is time for the United States to recognize that the Indian Ocean is the next front line of

world geopolitics and the emerging arena for a new “great game.” China’s aggressive inroads into the

Indian Ocean through military bases, port leasing, and predatory economics present an imminent

strategic challenge, as these advances will result in an Indo-Pacific that is less free, less open, less

secure, and less prosperous for the United States and India.

45. Japan moves in to thwart China’s ambitions in the Indian Ocean


NewsIn.Asia, August 25, 2018

46. US and Japan eye eastern Sri Lankan port of Trincomalee


NewsIn.Asia, August 25, 2018



47. Japan-India Special Strategic Partnership Needs Added Special Robustness


South Asia Analysis Group, August 26, 2018

By Dr Subhash Kapila, South Asia Analysis Group



4 その他

1. Military capability and international status


Military Balance Blog, IISS, July 3, 2018

Bastian Giegerich, Director of Defence and Military Analysis, IISS

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Nick Childs, Senior Fellow for Naval Forces and Maritime Security, IISS

James Hackett, Editor, The Military Balance, Senior Fellow for Defence and Military Analysis, IISS

コメント:各国の軍事力評価について 11 の評価基準―世界規模の軍事力(global military

powers)、遠征能力(expeditionary powers)、地域的軍事力(regional military powers)―に基


2. Taking Stock of a Shifting World Order


The RAND Corporation, Blog, August 31, 2018

Ali Wyne is a policy analyst at the nonprofit, nonpartisan RAND Corporation.