Engleza Pentru Incepatori - Lectia 25-26

2. Pronumele personal la nominativ la acuzativ: 1. Simple Past Tense (timpul trecut simplu) descrie 0 actiune, petrecuta in trecut: 3. Folosirea pronumelui relativ "that" in propozitia subordonata atributiva restrictiva: - EI distrus ieri - Ei ne-au vizitat luna. trecuta. - Oamenii carora Ie place sa lucreze, sunt intotdeauna ocupati. He wrecked his car yesterday. They visited us last month. People that like to work are always busy. Nominativ: Acuzativ: I me you you he him she her it it we us you you they them RECAPITULARE
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Transcript of Engleza Pentru Incepatori - Lectia 25-26

  • 2. Pronumele personal la nominativ ~i la acuzativ:

    1. Simple Past Tense (timpul trecut simplu) descrie 0 actiune, petrecuta in trecut:

    3. Folosirea pronumelui relativ "that" in propozitia subordonata atributiva restrictiva:

    - EI ~i-a distrus ieri ma~ina.

    - Ei ne-au vizitat luna. trecuta.

    - Oamenii carora Ie place sa lucreze,sunt intotdeauna ocupati.

    He wrecked his car yesterday.

    They visited us last month.

    People that like to workare always busy.

    Nominativ: Acuzativ:

    I meyou youhe himshe herit itwe us

    you youthey them


  • 2La inceput yom invata substantive noi, legate de viata la tara:


    Repetati acelea~i cuvinte ~i in alta ordine ~i fiti atenti la traducerea lor inlimba romana:

    furrow > [farou] - brazda

    cow > [bu] - vaca

    seed > [si:d] - samanta ~gram > [grcin] - graunte, bob

    bam > [ba:Tn] - hambar, ~opron, ~ura

    barley > [ba:Tli] - orz

    com > [ko:Tn] - cereale, grane, gra~ porumb

    plough > [pIau] - plug

    farmhand > [fa:TmhEnd] - muncitor agricol

    agriculture > [Egrikalt~aT] - agricultura

    pasture > [pa:st~,i1 - pa~une

    tractor > [trEktilT] - tractor

    barley > [ba:Tli] - orz

    seed > [si :d] - samanta

    agriculture > [Egrika It~aT] - agricultura

    pasture > [pa:st~i\1 - pa~une

    farmhand > [fa:TmhEnd] - muncitor agricol

    plough > [pIau] - plug

    furrow > [farou] - brazda

    tractor > [trEkE1T] - tractor

    com > [ko:Tn] - cereale,grane,grau,porumb

    grain > [grein] - graunte, bob

    bam > [ba:Tn] - hambar, ~opron, ~ura

    cow > [kau] - vaca

  • Acum introduceti cuvintele corespunzatoare in urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:

    Ulmariti cum se folosesc cuvintele noi in propozitii. Cititi propozitiile cu voce tare ~i fiti atenti lapronuntie:

    Where will we buy seeds from? >r"clrlld "I. bal sl.dz from]

    - Acest plug va fi reparat.

    - Acest fermier cultiva orz.

    - Plugul face brazde in pamant.

    - De unde vom cumpara seminte?

    - Agricultura este importantain aceasta tara.

    - La ce se folosesc pa~unile?

    - Muncitorii agricoli ara.

    - Avem un hambar foarte mare.

    - Fermierii au platit impreunaacest tractor.

    - Multe graunte sunt mancatede pasari.

    - Ce fel de cereale cuno~ti?

    - Cite vaci are acest felmier?

    - In September our :::ham is full.

    - The >6ra111s are ground into flour.

    - This :::tractor is often out of order.

    - We want to by a modern :::plough.

    - The :::t:ows are in the pasture.

    - This :::t:orn is from that field.

    - Do people earn much in :::agriculture?

    - Is )barky expensive this year?

    - Has this )fannhand worked herefor a long time?

    - The :::sceds are thrown into the >furrows

    - The :::fuITOWS must be wide enough.


    >rD/is piau "il bi' ripea'dl

    >r a piau I1lclks farouzin D/a soill

    >1 fYI>, fa.'llla' grauz ba.'li]

    >r"[D'a fa:'mhEndz a:'plauin ie, ]

    >r"i: hE\ r Egi ika Itsa' iz lInpo :'tant111 D/is bntri]

    >rD/a t~l:'ma'z hE\' pCld fo.'D/is trEkta' tageD'a'l

    Acest tractor este adesea defect.

    Semintele se pun in brazde.

    Vacile sunt pe pa~une.

    In septembrie hambarul nostru este plin.

    Ca~tiga mult oamenii in agricultura?

    Brazdele trebuie sa fie suficient de largi.

    This farmer grows barley.

    Orzul este scump anul acesta?

    Acest muncitor agricol lucreaza de mult aici?

    Vrem sa cumparam un plug modern.

    Grauntele sunt macinate pentru faina.

    We have a very large bam.

    What are pastures used for?

    Acest porumb este de pe acel ogor.

    Many grains are eaten bythe birds.

    How many cows has thatfarmer got?

    Agriculture is importantin this country.

    The farmers have paid forthis tractor together.

    A plough makes furrowsin the soil.

    What kinds of comdo you know?

    The farmhands areploughing.

    This plough will be repaired.

  • Urmeaza un scurt exercitiu cu verbul to have to. Traduceti propozi!iile in limba engleza:

    lata acum un exercitiu de control. Traduceti urmatoarele cuvinte in limba engleza:

    - Trebuie sa lucrezi azi?

    - Nu va trebui sa merg acolomaine.

    - Ea trebuie sa bea mai putina cafea.

    > 1 had to repair the tap yesterday.

    > When wlll you have to fi11lsh work?

    > What Will I have to \\ lIte tomorrow'?

    > She has to take the cows to the pasture.

    > We don"t have to grind wheat today.


    > rdu Ill. hEv tu"a:'k tade/]

    > ral "aunt hEv tu gau D'ea ftamurou]

    > r ~l. hEz tu drll1(l'lk les kufl]

    Nu uitati verbul auxiliar must poate fi folosit doar la timpul prezent. Latimpul trecut ~i viitor in locul lui se folose~te constructia to have to.

    Ea trebuie sa duccl vacile pc camp.

    Ce va trebui sa scriu maine?

    Cand va trebui sa termini lucrul?

    Nu trebuie sa macinam grilu azi.

    Do you have to work today?

    leri a trebuit sa repar robinetul.

    Sa urmarim propozitiile:

    She has to drink less coffee.

    I won't have to go theretomorrow.

    In foeul verbuflli auxiliar must - trebuie, a fi obligat - care exprimii 0 obliga{ie, 0 neeesitate, Inanumite eazuri sefofose~te eonstrlletia to have to.

    plug > plough

    vaca > cow

    brazda > flllTOW

    orz > barley

    tractor > tractor

    muncitor agricol > flnnhand

    cereale > corn

    graunte, bob > gram

    pa~une > pasture

    samanta > seed

    hambar > barn

    agricultura > agncultun;

  • lata alte cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare ~i memora!i intelesul lor in limba romana:

    lar acum sa urmarim fiecare propozi!ie separat. Fi!i atenti la pronun!ie:

    Acum vom exersa cuvintele noi intr-un dialog. Cititi propozitiile cu atentie:

    - I!i place sa traie~ti intr-o regiuneagricola?

    - Da.

    - Dar nu este prea grea munca?

    - Da.

    - Dar este interesanta viala aici?


    - Sunt multe lucruri interesantede Iacut.

    - Avem de toate aici, cu excePliacinematografului.

    > [n [IIi: hEv C\TIT'inlel hia'iksept ~inall1az]

    > [hat iznt IYa lI a:'k tu: hn:'d]

    > [O/ca' a:' lneni intrnstll1(glT'in(g,z tu du:]

    > [ics It iz]

    > [ics ni du:]

    > rni T'il/g1k it iz helT'ia' tu liv - Cred ca este mai sanatos sa traie~tiin O/a kantri O/En in Ola siti] la tara decat la or~.

    > rdu iu: lnik livlI1(g) in nnEgrikalt~arnl ri:djan]

    We have everything hereexcept cinemas.

    No, it isn't.

    But isn't the work too hard?

    A: Do you like living in an agricultural region?B: Yes, I do. I think it is healthier to live in the country than in the city.A: But is the life here interesting?B: Yes, it is. There are many interesting things to do. We have everything here

    except cinemas.A: But isn't the work too hard?B: No, it isn't. I only have to fertilize the soil regularly because it is not fertile

    enough.A: Is it possible to grow all kinds of crops here?B: Certainly. I grow wheat, rye and barley.

    But is the life here interesting? > [bat iz Ola latfhia'intrastin(el]

    Yes, it is.

    There are many interestingthings to do.

    Yes. I do.

    Do you like living in anagricultural region?

    agricultural > rEt,'rikalt~nrn I] - agricolfertile > rfa:'tnil] - fertil, rodnic

    regularly > [n:giula'li] - (in mod) regulat/obi~nuit

    healthy > [helT'i] - sanatos

    except >riksept] - cu excep!ia, in afara de

    possible > rposibl] - posibil

    interesting > rintrastinlgl ] - interesant

    I think it is healthier to livein the country than in the city.

  • - Desigur.

    - Eu cultiv grau, secara ~i orz.

    - Trebuie doar sa fertilizez pamantulin mod regulat pentru ca nu estedestuI de fertil.

    - Este posibil sa cultivi aici toatefelurile de cereale?

    > regularly

    > except

    > healthy

    > agricultural

    > possIble

    > fClidc

    - I always read the >agncultural newsin the newspaper.

    - Is it > possible to sell these tickets?

    - We can all come, >exccptMark.

    - These cows are not >healthy.

    - Our village lies in a > terti Ie valley.

    - We >rcgularly go to a football match.


    > [sa:'tanlil

    > [ai aunh hEy tu ra.'tJla/zD/a soil rcgllda'Jj bikozIt IZ not rartaillllaf]

    > raJ grau "jot raJ End ba:rli]

    > [iz it poslbl tu grau 0.1kamuz

  • Propozi!ia para!i-azatii a fost "1 grow all kinds of corn."

    Ati observat deosebirile dintre timpurile verbelor folosite?

    in propozipa principalii, verhul se ajlii cel mai des la timpul trecut simplu (Simple Past).

    - a tine, a depozita

    - a semana, a insamanta

    - a recolta, a secera

    Past Continuous

    Simple Past

    - Ea a spus ca intarzie intotdeauna de la lucru.

    - He told me he >was tired.

    - Am auzit ca au venit.

    - EI mi-a spus ca el cultiva toate soiurilede grane.

    - Mother said she >had no money.

    - "Ea pregate~te cina" a spus Peter.

    - Who said they >didn' t Iike working?

    - Jane said she >was writing a letter.

    - Peter a spus ca ea pregate~te cina.

    - "Imi place cafeaua" a spus John.

    - John a spus ca ii place cafeaua.


    > [tusto:'l


    > [tu ha:"'istlto harvest

    to store

    rar acum sa invatam un grup de verbe noi:

    to sow

    Mama mi-a spus ca nu are bani.

    El mi-a spus ca este obosit.

    Cine a spus ca nu Ie place sa lucreze?

    She said she was always late for work.

    Jane a spus ea scrie 0 scrisoare.

    Urmariti cu atentie urmatoarele propozitii

    lata cateva exemple:

    Present Continuous

    He told me he grew all kinds of corn.

    In exercitiul urmator, introduceti forma corespunzatoare a verbului in propozitiile in limba engleza:

    John said he liked coffee.

    Simple Present

    ""1 like coffee" said John.

    Peter said she was cooking dinner.

    in cazul vorhirii indirecte, structura propozi!iei este urll1iitoarea: dacii verhulpropozi!iei principale(de exemplu John said, Peter said) este la timpul trecut (Simple Past, Past Continuous, Past Perfect),atunci timpul verbului din propozi!ia secundara. se schimhii conform regulii de concordanta atimpurilor, care este urmiitoarea:

    1heard they were coming.

    "She is cooking dinner" said Peter,

    In ambele cazuri avem de-a face cu vorbirea illdirecfii, care se folose.!}te de obicei atunci ciindparaji-aziim spusele cuiva.

  • Ca exercitiu, traduceti noile cuvinte in lirnba engleza:

    lata verbele noi in propozitii. Cititi eu voce tare ~i fHi atenti la pronuntie:

    - Nu ai muls inca vacile.

    forma a III-a

    - Vacile au pascut pe pa~unein fiecare vara.

    - Ai semanat deja graul?

    sown > [soun]

    - Recolta a Yost slaba anul acela.

    - Am recoltat tot graul nostru.

    - a nu reu~i (la, in), a cadea

    - Au depozitat graul inhambarele lor.

    - a pa~te, a duce la paseut

    - a mulge

    > to harvcst

    > to mtlk

    - The cows always >grazcdnear the river.

    - Have you >storcd it in a bam?

    - He has >failcd to return in time.

    - We >sowed the barley yesterday.

    > to gtazc

    - They >milkcd the cows very regularly.

    - Have you >harvcstcd much rye this year?


    sowed > [soud]

    > [!Ii: hEv ha.'vistid 0.1aua' ko.'n]

    > [D/a klUp fctld D7Et iia'l

    > [D'a kauz grclZd In D/apa:st~a'z evl'l sama']

    forma a II-a

    > [IU: hEvnt milkt DEakauz ICt]

    > [tu feil]

    > [D/cl sto:'d D/a krop inDLc? ba:'nz]

    > [tu grCIZ]

    > [tu mtlk]

    a rnulge

    a secera

    a pa~te

    El nu a reu~it sa se intoarca la tirnp.

    L-ai depozitat in harnbar?

    Noi am sernanat orzul ieri.

    Ai recoltat multa secara anul acesta?

    Vacile au pascut intotdeaunain apropierea riiului.

    Au muls vacile foarte regulat.

    to fail

    Have you sown the wheat yet? > [hEv Ill. saun D/a !li:t Ict]

    sow > [sou]

    The crop failed that year.

    Verbul to sow este neregulat. Retineti formele lui:

    We have harvested all

    Iar acum urmeaza un exercitiu cu verbele noi. Introduceti formele corespunzatoare ale verbelor inurmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:

    to milk

    You haven't milkedthe cows yet.

    to graze

    our com.

    The cows grazed in thepastures every summer.

    They stored the crop intheir barns.

    forma I

  • In incheiere sa ne reintoarcem la timpul Prezentul Continuu.

    Cu ajutoru! timpu!ui prezent continull se exprimii ~i atitudinea criticii (neriibdare, supiirare) fn!egiiturii Cll 0 activitate sau un eveniment. Comp!ementu! de timp utilizat fn acest caz este always Cllsensu! de (in)totdeauna, ve~nic,mereu:

    a nu reu~i

    a semana, a insamanta

    a tine, a depozita

    He is always forbidding me watching TV!

    She is always smoking cigarettes!

    Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:

    Ei rna refuza intotdeauna!

    EI cite~te mereu ziarele!

    Ei vorbesc mereu despre cai!

    Tatal meu bea intotdeauna doar cafea!


    > to fail

    >to sow

    > to store

    - EI imi interzice intotdeauna sa rna uitla televizor!

    - Ea fumeaza mereu!

    > They are always refusing me!

    > He is always reading newspapers!

    > They are always talking about horses!

    > :'vly father is always drinking only coffee!


    tn partea a doua sa ne mai imbogatim vocabularul legat de viata la tara,lata cuvintele noi:

    country lane > [kantri kin] - drum de tarahedge > [hcdj] - gard viucrow > [krau] - cioarascarecrow > [skea'krau] - sperietoare (de ciori)cattle > [kEtl] - vite, bovinecattle farming > [kEtl fa:'min(gJ] - crescatorie de vitearable farming > [Eri\bl fa:'min igl] - cultivarea plantelormixed farming > [mikst fa:'minigl] - cultivare mixta; ferma


    rat > [rEt] - ~obolanrodent > [raudcnt] - rozatoaredairy > [deari] - laptarie, fabrica de

    prelucrare a laptelui

    dairy produce > [deill'i prodiu:s] - produse lactate

    Exersati acelea~i cuvinte, dar in alta ordine ~i incercati sa va insu~itipronuntia ~i sensullor in limba romana:

    arable farming > [Erilhl fa:'min igl] - cultivarea plantelordairy > [de,lri] - Iaptarie, fabrica de

    prelucrare a laptelui

    crow > [krim] - cioaracountry lane > [kantri kin] - drum de tararodent > [raudcnt] - rozatoaredairy produce > [deilri prodiu:s] - produse lactaterat > [rEt] - ~obolanhedge > [hcdj] - gard viucattle > [kEtl] - vite, bovinemixed farming > [mikst fa:'min igJ] - cultivare mixta; ferma


    scarecrow > [skea'krilu] - sperietoare (de ciori)cattle farming > [kEtl fa:'min(CI] - crescatorie de vite


  • Introduceti cuvintele corespunzatoare in urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:

    - Un ~obolan este mai mare decatun ~oarece.

    - Rozatoarele mananca cereale?

    - Noi cultivam de toate.

    - Untul ~i branza suntproduse lactate.

    - Ducem laptele in modregulat la Hiptarie.

    - Sunt multe crescatorii de vitein Romania?

    - La ce serve~te 0 sperietoare?

    - Sunt multe ciori pe camp.

    - Cultivarea plantelor estemai importanta.

    - Vitele pasco

    - Drumul de ~ara treceprintre ogoare.

    - Acolo sunt garduri vii.

    - We were walking in a >collntry lane.

    - Do you like >dairy produce?

    - There is a lot of>mixcd fanningin this region.

    - There is a >dalry in our village.

    - What colour is a >crow?

    - He doesn't like >arahk farming.


    > [hatar End t~i:z a:' deariprodlll:S1

    > [a rEt iz biga' D"En a malls1

    > ["i: a:' III mikst fa:'mlll(gJ1

    > ["i: teik D'a milk tll D7adean rcgiularl i1

    > [Erabl fa:'min(g) iz mo: rimpu:'tant1

    > [lint iz a skea'krall f,):r1

    > Idu Hllldents It ko:'n J

    > [iz IYcarmaT~ kEtlfa:'min1t'1 in ru.mellli~ll

    > ID"ca r a: r meni krallz inDla fi'ldzl

    > [a kantn kin iz a raudT'ru: fi.ldz1

    Substantivul cattle este un substantiv colectiv, de aceea verbul aflatlanga el se afla intotdeauna la plural.

    Ne plimbam pe un drum de tara.

    Lui nu-i place sa cultive plante.

    Iti plac produsele lactate?

    In satul nostru se afla 0 lapUirie.

    Se afla multe ferme mixtein aceasta regiune.

    Ce culoare are cioara?

    We take the milk tothe dairy regularly.

    Butter and cheese are dairyproduce.

    What is a scarecrow for?

    Is there much cattle farmingin Romania?

    There are hedges there.

    There are many crows inthe fields.

    Arable farming is moreimportant.

    Acum exersa~i cuvintele noi in propozitii:

    A country lane is a roadthrough fields.

    Do rodents eat com?

    We are in mixed farming.

    A rat is bigger than a mouse.

    The cattle are grazing.

  • "It's no use having a scarecrow".

    > country Jane

    > c,lttlc farmlllg

    > arabic farming

    > hedge

    > scarecrow

    > daIry produce

    > cattle

    > rodent

    > rat

    > crow

    > dairy

    > mixed fannmg

    - >Cattlc fanning is not possible here.

    - It's no use having a >scarccrow.

    - We sold our >cattlc last year.

    - The >hcdgc~ are not very high.

    - I have caught a >rat

    - Do you know what >rodents are?



    produse lactate

    sperietoare (de ciori)gard viu

    cultivarea de plante

    crescatorie de vite


    drum de tara


    ferma mixta


    ~tii ce sunt rozatoarele?

    V-ali Insu~it deja eu siguranpi cuvintele noi. Pentru verificare, traduceti urmatoarele cuvinte Inlimba engleza:


    Este imposibil sa cre~tem vite aici.

    Gardurile vii nu sunt foarte Inalte.

    Nu are rost sa folosim 0 sperietoare (de ciori).

    Am prins un ~obolan.

    Ne-am vandut anul treeut vitele.

  • 13

    Acum vom inviita pronumele reflexiv. Formele sale sunt:

    - S-a ranit (ellnsu~i).

    - Prive~te-te!

    - S-au oferit (ei1n~i~i)pentru aceasta munca.

    - Nu rna pot vedea Inaceasta oglinda.

    Past Perfect

    Past Perfect

    >She ironed a blouse for herself.

    >T have bought a car for myself.

    >This will not hurt them. but yourself'

    >1 have hurt myself.

    - John said he had never seen a scarecrow.

    - Mary told me she had been there threeyears before.

    >[hi: ha:rt himselfl

    >[al ka:nt si: maiselfinD/is mirarl

    >rD/el ot~l'd D/emselvzfo: r D/is dJob1

    > [Iuk Et io:rseltl

    Retinep.: In vorbirea indirecta, tn locul adverbului ago se folose~teadverbul before!

    Mary told me "1 was there three years ago".

    John said "1 have never seen a scarecrow".

    De exemplu:

    Present Perfect

    Simple Past

    M-am ranit.

    Mi-am cumparat 0 ma~ina.

    Ea ~i-a calcat 0 bluza.

    Iatii-ne din nou la vorbirea indirectii ~i la concordanta timpurilor. Regulile de concordantii aletimpurilor in cazul trecutului simplu ~i al prezentului perfect sunt:

    Traduceti propozitiile In limba engleza:

    Aceasta nu-i va rani pe ei, ci pe tine Insuti!

    They offered themselves forthis job.

    Urmariti folosirea acestor forme In propozitii:

    He hurt himself.

    Look at yourself!

    1 myself > rmaiseltl

    you yourself > [io:rselfjhe himself > [himself]

    she herself > [ha: rseltl

    it itself > ritseltl

    we ourselves >[auarselvzl

    you yourselves >[ io:rselvzl

    they themselves > [D'emselvz]

    1can't see myself in thisIDlrror.

  • Introduceti cuvintele corespunzatoare in unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:

    Sa mai invatam cateva cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ie eu voce tare ~i fiti atenti la pronuntia lor:

    - Luna aeeasta a fost foarteuscata.

    - De-a lungul drumului suntgarduri vii.

    - Fumatul este daunator?

    - Nu depozita graul intr-un locumed!

    - Bineinteles ca este adevarat.

    - Agricultura este profitabila?

    - I heard yesterday they >hadn't rctumedyet.

    - Peter said he > hadn't watched that film.

    - > Of COUI se he can drive a car.

    - John said he > hadn't known that man.

    - Mary read that the management ofthis factory> hadn't fired the labourers.

    - The streets are not> dry yet.

    - What grows well >alongthe roads?

    - Which is more >profitablc, arablefanning or cattle fanning?

    - Rodents are very >h,mnfu I.

    - Which is the >wettest month of the year?


    > rdaunt stof ko fn 111 a "etplels]

    > [D'e~lf a: f hedjlz alon(")D/a raud]

    > rD'lsmanT'hEzbi:nveri drai]

    > [IZ Egrikalt~afprofitabll

    > [0\ ko:fsitiztrll.]

    > [IZ smaukin(g) ha f mfall

    Care este cea mai umeda luna a anului?

    Bineinteles ca el poate conduce 0 ma~ina.

    Strazile nu sunt inca uscate.

    Am auzit ieri ca ei nu s-au intors inca.

    Ce cre~te bine de-a lungul drumurilor?

    Ce este mai rentabil, cultivarea plantelor saucre~terea vitelor?

    Rozatoarele sunt foarte daunatoare.

    Peter a spus ca nu a vazut acel film.

    John a spus ca nu I-a cunoscut pe omul acela.

    Don't store com in a wetplace.

    This month has beenvery dry.

    Is agriculture profitable?

    Cu ajutorul celor invatate, folositi fonna corespunzatoare a verbelor in unnatoarele propozitii inlimba engleza:

    Mary a citlt ca administratia acestei fabricinu a concediat muncitorii.

    Is smoking hannful?

    Iar acum sa exersam cuvintele noi in propozitii. Incercati sa Ie traduceti:

    There are hedges alongthe road.

    Ofcourse it is true.

    of course > ray ko:fs] - bineinteles, desigur, fire~te

    along > [alon(gl] - de-a lungul, in lungul

    hannful > rha:fmfal] - daunator, rau

    wet > ["etl - ud, umed, ploios

    dry > [drail - uscat

    profitable > [protitabl] - profitabil, rentabil

  • Verificati-va cuno~tinte1e. Traduceti urmatoarele cuvinte in limba engleza:

    lata verbele noi in propozitii. Nu uitati nici de exersarea pronuntiei:

    Doua dintre verbe sunt neregulate. Invatati formele lor:

    > [sdj

    shom > [~o:'n]


    - a planta, a sarli

    - a tunde

    - a acoperi, a inveli

    - a speria, a ingrozi, a inspaimanta

    forma a III-a

    - a produce, a da, a rezulta, a ceda

    - Te-am speriat?

    - Noi am tuns oile in martie.

    - a pune, a a~eza, a situa

    - a usca

    - Ea a pus florile in apa.

    - Noi I-am rugat sa faca asta,dar el nu a cedat.

    - Acopera painea!

    - Graul s-a uscat timp de mai multesaptamani.

    - Cat a fost recolta de grau?

    > wct

    > of coursc

    > harmful

    > dry

    > profitable

    > along


    > [sct]

    > [kava' 1Ya brcll1

    sheared > [~ia'dl


    > [D/a T'an(b'~to:'m skca'd as I - Furtuna (cu trasnete) ne-a speriat.

    > [tu skca']

    > [~i: sct IYa tlaua'z in "u:ta']

    > [hE\' a; skca'd iu:l> lUi: ~ia'd IYa ~i:p

    in ma:'t~l

    > [Dla ko:'n dr'lld to:' meni"i:ksl

    > [tll ~la'l

    forma a II-a

    > lUi: askt bim tu du: it hathi: didnt Uont tu iI: Id]

    > [t\1 sct]

    > [tu drilll

    > [hau mat~ hEz D/a kropli.ldid]

    > [tu kava']

    > [tu li:ldl

    > [tu pla:nt]

    > [sct]

    How much has the cropyielded?

    We asked him to do it, buthe didn't want to yield.

    The thunderstorm scared us.

    Cover the breadl

    She set the flowers in water.

    The com dried for manyweeks.

    Have I scared you?

    We sheared the sheepin March.

    shear > [~i[l'l


    to cover

    bineinteles, desigur

    to set


    to scare

    to shear

    to plant

    to dry

    de-a lungul, in lungul



    umed, ploios

    lata acum verbe noi:

    to yield

    profitabil, avantajos

  • Verificati-va cuno~tintele. Traduceti unnatoarele verbe in limba engleza:

    lar acum introduceti fonna corespunzatoare a verbului in unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:

    > Petcr SaId he would bc thcre

    > :'v1othcr smd wc would plant tomatocsin that field.

    > Tomol1"ow wc wil] havc to sow wheat.

    > Hc said rodcnts had eatcn all thc rye.

    > She is always storing old nc\\spapers!

    > Havc you milked all the eows yct'?

    > father said hc was hcalthy.

    > Look at yourself'

    - She said she would not go there.

    - John said he would have dinner at seven.

    - They >shcarcd the sheep on a sunny day.

    - We >plantcd the potatoes yesterday.

    - The com >dricd well.

    - You must >sct it next to the window.

    - He forgot about >covcnng the food.

    - The scarecrow doesn't >scarc the birds.


    Maine va trebui sa semanam graul.

    Tata a spus ca este sanatos.

    Ai muls deja toate vacile?Ea pastreaza intotdeauna ziarele vechi!

    El a spus ca rozatoarele au mancat toatasecara.

    Prive~te-te!l Uita-te la tine!

    Peter a spus ca va fi acolo.

    Mama a spus ca vom sadi ro~iileIn pamantul acela.

    Ei au tuns oile Intr-o zi insorita.

    lata ultimu1 exercitiu al lectiei, in care vom recapitula intregul material. Traduceti urmatoarelepropozitii in limba engleza:

    El a uitat sa acopere mancarea.

    Noi am pus ieri cartofii.

    Cerealele s-au uscat bine.

    In vorbirea indirectii, verbul auxiliar will,folosit laformarea timpului viitor simplu (Simple Future)are forma de trecut - would:

    She said "1 will not go there".

    John said "1 will have dinner at seven".

    Sperietoarea nu sperie pasarile.

    asperia > to scarc ~a planta, a sadi > to plant

    a tunde > to shcar

    a usca > to drv

    a produce, a rezulta, a da > to yield

    a pune, a a~eza > to sct

    a acoperi, a inveli > to covcr

    Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:

    Trebuie sa pui asta langa fereastra.

  • 17

    In Incheiere urmeaza exercitiul de pronuntie. Literele aflate in aceea~i coloana ~i notate cu caractereaccentuate desemneaza un sunet identic. Cititi cu voce tare cuvintele ~i fiti atenti la pronuntie:

    r0:1 rEl raul raul raul

    shorn rat plough farmer rodent

    com cattle cow barley crow

    worn cash now bam sow

    forty fat brown car show

    caught flat mouth father blow

    > Rodents cat grains of corn.

    > I like walking along the country lanes.

    > The cattle graze in the pastures.

    > They arc always talking about their fast cars.

    > Is there a dairy in your village?

    > Only the feliile fields will yield !TIuch.

    > There are rats in our ham.

    > The com cannot be harvested yet.

    > Where will we store the barley?

    > Of eourse we have shorn the sheep already.

    > \Ve are haryesting tomOlTOw.

    > He said he had seen her two weeks before.

    Bineinteles ca am tuns deja oile.

    Unde vom depozita orzul?

    Ei vorbesc mereu despre ma~inile lor rapide.

    El a spus ea a vazut-o acum doua saptamani.

    Este Taptarie In satul vostru?

    Maine vom seeera.

    Rozatoarele mananca graunte de cereale.

    Graul nu poate fi arat Inca.

    Vitele pase pe pa~une.

    In hambarul nostru sunt ~obolani.

    Doar pamanturile fertile vor da 0 recolta mare.

    Imi place sa rna plimb de-a lunguldrumurilor de tara.

  • 25.2. Vorbirea indirecUi

    Forma verbului la timpul Past Perfect ramane neschimbata.

    - Mary mi-a spus ca a fost acolo in urmacu trei ani.

    - John a spus ca nu a vazut niciodatao sperietoare.

    - Ea trebuie sa bea mai putina cafea.

    - John a spus ca ii place cafeaua.

    - Imi interzice intotdeauna sa rna uitla televizor!

    - Peter a spus ca ea a gate~te cina.


    John said he liked coffee.

    Peter said she was cooking dinner.

    Mary told me she had been therethree years before.

    John said he had never seena scarecrow.

    Simple Present ~ Simple Past

    Present Continuous ~ Past Continuous

    Simple Past ~ Past Perfect

    Present Perfect ~ Past Perfect

    will ~ would

    He is always forbidding me watching TV!

    25.2.3. In vorbirea indirecta in locul adverbului ago se folose~te adverbul before.

    She has to drink less coffee.

    Cu ajutorul timpului Present Continuous putem exprima ~i atitudinea critica (nerabdare,nervozitate, suparare) in legatura eu 0 activitate sau un eveniment. Complementul de timp eelmai des utilizat in acest caz este always, care aici are semnificatia de intotdeauna, mereu.

    25.2.2. Daca verbul propozitiei principale este La timpul trecut (Simple Past, PastContinuous, Past Perfect) atunci verbul propozitiei secundare se schimba conformregulii de concordanta a timpurilor, care este urmatoarea:

    25.2.1. Vorbirea indirecta este folosita pentru a parafraza spusele cuiva.

    Verbul auxiliar must are doar forma de prezent. La timpurile trecut ~i viitor in locul lui sefolose~te verbul to have to.


    25.3. Timpul Prezent Continuu

    25.1. Verbul auxiliar modal must - care exprima necesitatea, obligatia - poate fi inlocuit cu verbulto have to. Verbul to have to nu este un verb auxiliar modal:

  • 25.4. Pronumele reflexiv

    Formele sale sunt:

    Pronumele personal Pronumele reflexiv

    ~ myself > [ma/self]

    you ~ yourself > [w:'seltl

    he ~ himself > [hnl1self]

    she ~ herself > [ha:'seltl

    it ~ itself > [itseltl

    we ~ ourselves > [a llarsel \'z]

    you ~ yourselves > I io:rsel\'z]

    they ~ themselves > rIYcmsel\'z]

    He hurt himself.

    They offered themselves for this job.


    - El s-a ranit.

    - Ei jn~i~i s-au oferit pentru aceasta munca.

  • 20

    5. I think it is possible to fertile this soil.

    Why are they always drive old cars?2.

    3. They have just bought a new house for themselfs.4. Next month I will must shear the sheep.

    I. John said he likes dairy produce.

    6. Tata mi-a spus ca vom planta tlori in gradina.

    5. Iti voi spune ceva despre mine insumi.

    2. 1 a spus ea nu i-a placut sa mearga pe jos pe aeest drum de tara.

    6. Mary said she had sown the seeds two hours before.

    3. Peter will have to milk all the cows in the pasture.

    I. She said they had harvested all the barley.

    2. Why are you always storing these useless things?

    3. Trebuie sa faeem 0 sperietoare de ciori.

    5. Who said my wife was ugly?

    4. John a spus ca cre~terea vitelor nu a fost rentabila in unna eu doi ani.

    4. Will you buy yourself a new car now?

    I. Ace~ti eopii groaznici ne sperie intotdeauna animalele!

    A Traduce~i unnatoarele propozitii in limba romana:

    c. Gasiti ~i eorectati gre~elile din propozitiile unnatoare:


    B. Traduee~i unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:

  • 21

    Acum repetati acelea~i cuvinte, dar in alta ordine:

    ineepem leetia ell un grup de substantive noi. Cititi-le eu voce tare ~iretineti intelesul lor in Iimba romana:


    frost > [frost]- ger, inghet

    rainbow > [reinbou]- cureubeu

    thunder > [T'andi{]- tunet

    heat-wave > [hi:t lIciv]- val de caldura

    hailstone > [heilstaun]- grindina

    distance > [distans]- distanta, departare

    shelter > r~eltijr]- adapost, refugiu

    ditch > rdit~]- ~ant, canal ..

    twilight > rtllailait]- amurg, crepuscul

    sunset > [sansct]- apus de soare

    dawn > [do:n]- zori

    lightning > [laitnin(!!)]- fulger

    hailstone > [heilstaun]- grindina

    distance > [disUms]- distanta, departare

    frost > [frost]- ger, inghet

    lightning > rlaitnin(~I]- fulger

    ditch > rdit~]- ~ant, canal

    shelter > [~eltar]- adapost, refugiu

    thunder > [T'anda1- tunet

    rainbow > [reinbou]- eureubeu

    heat-wave > [hi:t lIeiv]- val de caldura

    dawn >[do:n]- zori

    sunset > [sansct]- apus de soare

    twilight > [t'lail ait]- amurg, crepuscul

  • The hailstones were very big. > [DLa hedstaunz "a '\ en bIg] - Grindina a fost foarte mare.

    - ~anturile au inghetat.

    - Tunetul sperie multi oameni.

    - Noi am vazut satul in departare.

    - Nu au gasit adapost.

    - Ai vazut fulgerul?

    - Putem sa lucram dupa asfintit?

    - 1 a continuat sa are in amurg.

    - Valul de caldura a inceputin iunie.

    - Fermierii incep sa lucrezein zori.

    - Cite culori are un curcubeu?

    - Nu a fost inca inghet.

    - There is often a >rainbow after a shower.

    - What animals live in the >ditches?

    - I like the >dawn.

    - There was little> tj'ost that winter.

    - What is the >distancc betweenthe two villages?

    - We found a >shelter during the thunder-storm.

    - >Heat-wa\'cs don't often happen.

    - We met nobody in the >twtlight.

    - We didn't see the >lightning.

    - Some >sunscts are beautiful.

    - The >thunder scared the children.


    > [IYea' hEznt bm frost iet]

    > lUi: so: D'ii vilidJ inDLa distans]

    > [D/ei hlUnd nau ~elta'l

    > [hau meni kala'z hEza rClIlbou]

    > [T'anda' skca'z meni pi:pl]

    > [farma'z sta:'t "a"kIl1(~1Etdo:n]

    > [hi. kantinlU:d plauII1(g)III D/a t"arlalt]

    > [D/a hI. t "el\' sta:'tid111 dJu 'n]

    > [kEn "I' "a 'k a. fta' sanset]

    Noi nu am vazut fulgerul.

    Curcubeul apare adesea dupa ploile torentiale.

    Valurile de caldura nu sunt dese.

    Nu ne-am inHilnit cu nimeni in amurg.

    Ce distanta este intre cele doua sate?

    Noi am gasit un adapost pe timpul furtunii.

    Imi plac zorile.

    Ce animale traiesc in canale?

    Unele apusuri de soare sunt minunate.

    There hasn't been frost yet.

    We saw the village inthe distance.

    The ditches are frozen.

    lata cum se folosesc cuvintele noi in propozitii. Repetati propozitiile cu voce tare ~i fiti atenti lapronuntie:

    A fost putin inghet iama aceea.

    Did you see the lightning?

    Tunetul a speriat copiii.

    In continuare sa exersam cuvintele noi. Introduceti cuvintele corespunzatoare in urmatoarelepropozitii in limba engleza:

    How many colours hasa rainbow?

    They found no shelter.

    He continued ploughingin the twilight.

    The heat-wave startedin June.

    Farmers start workingat dawn.

    Can we work after sunset?

    Thunder scares many people.

  • Desigm ati retinut deja corespondentul romanesc al urmatoarelor cuvinte in limba engleza:

    Dupa cum ati putut ohserva, In aceste cazuri prol1l11nele poate sa stea la mJjlocul sau la sfar,~itulpropozi{iei, lara a-~'i pierde caractentl de Intarire:

    You have done it yomself.

    - Eu insumi ti I-am dat.

    - Tu insuti ai facut-o.

    - Noi in~ine ne vom ara pamantmile.

    - EI a auzit asta chiar de la doctor.



    "Have you done it yourself?"

    I myself have given it to you.

    You have done it yomself.

    We shall plough the fields ourselves.

    He has heard it from the doctor himself.

    Pronumele de tipul myself, themselves pierd caracterul reflexiv, dadi le folosim pentru accentuareaaltor suhstantive sau adverhe, devenind pronume de intarire. De exemplu:

    You yomself have done it.

    val de caldura > Ilcat-wave

    apus de soare, asfintit > sunset

    zon > dawn

    cmcubeu > r2inbow

    inghet > fi'ost

    tunet > thunder

    grindina > hailstone

    amurg > twilight

    fulger > lightning

    distanta > distance

    ~ant, canal > ditchadapost > shelter

  • Sometimes the rain is endless. > [samtallnz 0 /5 relll iz endlis] - Uneori ploua rara sIar~it.

    - Sufla un vant patrunzator~i este un frig aspru.

    - leri vantul a fost racoros,dar vremea a fost blanda.

    - bland, blajin, moderat

    - variabil, schimbator

    - nesIar~it, interminabil, lara SIar~it

    - Vremea este mereuschimbatoare in aceastaregiune ~i ploua des.

    - patrunzator, ascutit

    - intunecos, sumbru

    - crud, nefiert, aspru

    - racoros

    - Azi vremea este intunecata.

    - To some people a weekcan be >endlcss.

    - March was >mtlder than May.

    - We had to work in the >raw wind.

    - In this country the weatheris usually >unsettlcd.

    - I don't like this >picrcmg cold.

    - He is a >gloomy man.

    - We can work better when it is >cool.


    > [cndlis]

    > [O/a lIeo/ar iz o.lllei7ansetald in O/is ri:djanEnd it ufn relllz]

    > [Icstarc.lu O/a l1\11d 1107ku 1bat it 1107 matld]

    > [a plarsin,gl "lnd i7 blau\I1(gjEnd Olear 17 roo frost]

    > [matldl

    > [It 17 a glu.mi de! tadc!]

    > [glu:JnJ]

    > [ansctald]

    > [kull

    Lucram mai bine atunci cand este racoare.

    Este un om sumbru.

    Pentru unii oameni 0 saptamanapoate fi interminabila.

    Noi a trebuit sa lucram in vantul acela aspru.

    In luna martie vremea a fost mai blandadecat in luna maio

    In aceasta tara vremea estede obicei schimbatoare.

    Nu-mi place acest frig patrunzator.

    Yesterday the wind was coolbut it was mild.

    Pentru a exersa cuvintele noi, completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:

    It is a gloomy day today. A piercing wind is blowing and there is raw frost. ~Yesterday the wind was cool but it was mild. The weather is always unsettledin this region and it often rains. Sometimes the rain is endless.

    A piercing wind is blowingand there is raw frost.

    Sa urmarim fiecare propozitie separat. Fiti atenti la traducerea lor:

    lata un grup de cuvinte noi:

    The weather is alwaysunsettled in this regionand it often rains.


    lar acum cititi acest scurt text referitor la starea vremii:




    It is a gloomy day today.




  • 25

    - a~ dori ... , a~ vrea (sa fie ... )

    - ar fi mai bine daea...

    - este timpul

    - cat de bine ar fi, a~ dori mult(aceasta expresie de multe ori nuse traduce in limba romana)

    - a-~i imagina, a-~i Inchipui

    - a-~i imagina, a-~i inchipui

    - daca, presupunand ca...

    - sa presupunem

    - Este timpul sa pleei acasa.

    - A~ dori sa fiu bogat.

    -Ar fi mai bine daea nu am pleca devreme.

    - Cat de bine ar fi sa avem timp suficient!

    - Imagineaza-ti ea ai avca 0 multime dc bani.

    - Inchipuic~te-ti ca omul pc care l-ai vazut ar fitatal tau!

    - Sa presupunem ea ar vcni astazi.



    > [itl

    > [imEdjin]

    > [ifaunli]

    > rit "ud hi: beta' itl

    > rsapauz]

    > [fEnsi]

    In accste propozitii secundarc se folosc~te doar 0 singura forma a verbuluito be, forma de trceut were.


    it would be better if


    lata aceste expresii In propozitii:

    It would be better if we didn't leave early.

    If only there wcre cnough timc!

    Suppose he came today.

    Imaginc you had a lot of money.

    Fancy if the man you saw were yom father!


    Ati retinut deja cuvintele noi? Traduceti-le in limba engleza:


    if only

    it is time

    I wish

    lata un exemplu de folosire a timpului trecut simplu (Simple Past):

    It is time you went home.

    I wish I were rich.

    Forma de trenlt a verbului sefoloseite pentru a exprima ipotezele. dorill{ele, In propozi{iile secundarecerute de unniitoarele cuvinte ii expresii:

    crud, aspru > raw

    nesIar~it > endless

    schimbator > unsettled

    racoros > cool

    intunecat, sumbru > gloomy

    moderat >mild

    patrunzator, ascutit > piercing

  • Acum urmariti folosirea verbelor 111 propozitii. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare:

    - Grindina a distrus recolta.

    - Noi am tremurat de frig.

    - Cine a murit?

    - Tunetul a bubuitIn departare.

    - Vitele sufera de caldura.> [D/a kEti a:' safa'lI1(c)from hi:t]


    > rD/a T'anda' "0Z ramblill(glin D1a distans]

    > [hu: da/d]

    > r lYa hetlstoullZ hEydelmdjd IYa krop]

    Forma de gerunziu - gerund - a verbului to die este dying.

    Who died?

    The hailstones have damagedthe crop.

    We shivered with cold.

    The cattle are sufferingfrom heat.

    Imagineaza-ti ca John ar fi un bun conducator auto. - Imagine if John >were a good driver.

    Sa presupunem ca ne oprim aici. - Suppose we >stopped here.

    De-ar conduce mai repede! - If only he >drove faster!

    A~ vrea sa ~tiu ce sa fac. - I wish I >knew what to do.

    Acum sa exersam folosirea timpului trecut simplu. Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:

    The ploughing seemed endless. > [Ola plautnlg) si:md endlis] - Parea ca nu se mai terminaaratul.

    Speram ca ati reu~it sa rezolvati exercitiul anterior. Sa invatam cateva verbe noi:

    The thunder was rumblingin the distance.

    Ar fi mai bine daca ei nu ~i-aI' lua caine. - It would be better if they >didn't buy a dog.

    to shiver > [tu ~iva'] - a tremura, a diirdiii (de frig)

    to rumble >[turambl] - a bubui

    to seem >[tLlsi:ml - a parea, a da impresia

    to die > [tu d'll] - amuri

    to damage > [tLl dEmidJl - a dcteriora, a strica, a distruge

    to suffer > [tu ,.,afa'] - a suferi

    Este timpul sa-ti scrie 0 scrisoare. - It is time he :::wrote a letter to you.

    lnchipuie~te-ti ca aceasta casa ar fi a mea. - Fancy ifthis house :::were mine.

  • Iar acum ne yom ocupa din nou de pronumele re1ativ.

    Desigur dupa acest exercitiu ~titi deja pe de rost verbele noi. Traduceti cuvintele in limba engleza:

    This is the fastest plane (that) I have ever seen. - Acesta este cel mai rapid avion pe careI-am V3zut vreodata.


    - Este putin ceea ce pot face pentru tine.

    - Tot ceea ce am cumparat este in bucatarie.



    - Tot ceea ce vezi, este allui.

    - Acesta este ceva ce nu inteleg.

    - Este ceva ce am uitat?

    - Acestea sunt ce1e mai ridicate salariipe care Ie pIatesc.

    - Este eel mai bun film pe care I-am vazut.

    - El a cumparat cea mai ieftina bicicletape care i-au aratat-o.

    > to damage

    > to seem

    > to rumble

    > to die

    > to suffer

    > to shiver

    - We >shlvcrl"d in the piercing cold.

    - They have> suffered too long already.

    - She >dicdin an accident.

    - Who >damaged our car last night?

    - It has >seem~duseless so far.




    DlIpii all:

    Everything (that) you see is his.This is something (that) I don't understand.Is there anything (that) I have forgotten?There is little (that) I can do for you.All (that) we have bought is in the kitchen.



    It is the best film (that) I have ever seen.He bought the cheapest bicycle (that)they showed him.

    These are the highest wages (that)they pay.

    I. DlIpii superlativ:

    2. Dupii lIrmiitoarele cuvinte el1gleze,~ti:

    Cine ne-a stricat ma~ina noaptea trecuta?

    Pana acum parea a fi nefolositor.

    Iar acum e n'indul dumneavoastra. Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu formele corespunzatoareale verbelor:

    Noi am tremurat in frigul patrunzator.

    Ei au suferit prea multa vreme deja.Ea a murit intr-un accident.

    a tremura, a diirdiii

    a deteriora, a strica


    a bubui

    a parea, ada impresia

    a suferi

    $tim deja cii pronumele that poate introduce propozi!ia secundarii relativii restrictivii. In cazulpropozi!iilor secundare restrictive, In loclll pronumelui which sefolose~te In mod obligatoriu acestprolll/me. In mlilte cazuri Insii, pronllmele that poatefi omis, ca de exemplu In lIrmiitoarele cazllri:

  • Pentru a exersa cele Invatate anterior, tradueeti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:

    lata exercitiuI de pronuntie. Literele scrise accentuat aflate In aceea~i coloana, desemneaza un sunetidentic:

    > He \\ants to do it himself

    > I will do everythl1lg that IS necessary.

    > I want to sow barley.

    > The only thl1lg that was damagedwas my bicycle.

    > If only the weather welTn't so gloomy!

    > It IS tnne you wOlked a little harder.

    > ThiS was the longest heat-wave (that)we have e\'er had.

    > There was not much that we could sec111 the twilight.

    > It will be cool tonight.

    > Twish T dIdn't sh1\'er so'

    > I wIsh the weather were not unsettled.

    > They have nothing that IS worth the money.

    > Is there anything (that) I must know?> Have you any books (that) J can take'?

    > They ha\ e seen hailstones themselves!

    > This IS the widest nver (that) I have ever seen.

















    De n-ar fi vremea aHit de sumbra!


    Va fi racoare la noapte.

    Este timpul sa lucrezi mai din greu.

    Singurullueru (care a fost) deteriorata fost bieicleta mea.

    Ei in~i~i au vazut grindina!A fost eel mai lung val de ealdura pc careI-am avut vreodata.

    Ellnsu~i vrea sa 0 faca.

    Voi face tot ce este neeesar.

    Este ceva ce ar trebui sa ~tiu?

    Ai vreo carte pe care a~ putea sa 0 iau?

    Vreau sa seman orz.

    3. Dupa adjectivele any $i only:Is there any information (that) you can give me? - Este vreo informatie pe care mi-o poti da?This is the only news (that) I have heard. - Este singura ~tire pe care am auzit-o.

    A~ vrea sa nu tremur atat!

    A~ vrea ca vremea sa nu fie sehimbatoare.

    Nu a fost mult ce am putut vedea In amurg.

    In ultimul exercitiu de traducere allectiei ne yom referi la temele tratate anterior. Traduceti propozitiileIn limba engleza:

    Este raul eel mai lat pe care I-am vazut vreodata.

    Nu au nimic care ar merita acei bani.


    Exersa!i accentul ~i intonatia in urmatorul dialog. Cititi propozi!iile cu voce tare ~i fiti atenti lapronuntia cuvintelor ~i a silabelor scrise accentuat:

    In incheiere urmeaza un exercitiu de traducere in care am sintetizat cele invatate pana acum. Traducetipropozitiile in limba englcza:

    > What you say cannot be true.

    > I have seen it myself.

    > He is always talking about his fast car.

    > This is something that I have never seenbefore.

    > If only the weather changed!

    > He is driving me home tonight.

    > They offered themselves to harvest the rye.

    > Who reads books will \cam much.

    > Whcn do yOll want to shear the sheep')

    > They planted these potatoes themselves.

    > \"lYe are leaving for Madrid tomOITOw.


    Peter, did you listen to what Barbara and John have just said?Yes, I did. The weather is something to talk about every day and everywhere.When people meet, they like to talk about the weather.They are glad when they can sit in the sun for example.

    Sometimes the weather can give us beautiful things.A lightning can be very impressive, but it also scares some people.Is there anybody who doesn't enjoy looking at a rainbow? And what about a beautifulsunset?Even a thunderstorm or a shower can be beautiful.The best thing is to be satisfied with the weather, for there is nothing that we can changeabout it.

    Barbara, I just read in the newspaper that to people who live in the country and earn theirmoney in agriculture, the weather is much more important than to those who live in a townor city.That's right, favourable weather is necessary for a good crop.But sometimes it is too dry and at other times it is too wet.There has to be enough sun, too.Yes, but if it is too dry for too long, the crop will not grow fast enough.But we know that farmers are not easily satisfied.

    Ei s-au oferit (singuri) sa reeolteze secara.

    El ma duce acasa cu ma~ina diseara.

    Am vazut eu insumi asta.

    Cand vrci sa tunzi oile?

    De s-ar schimba vremea!

    Cine cite~te cfu1;i, va inva!a multo

    Aeesta este eeva ce nu am vazut niciodatapana acum.

    El vorbc~te mereu despre m~ina lui rapida.

    Ei in~i~i au plantat aee~ti eartofi.

    Maine pleeam la Madrid.

    Nu poate fi adevarat ee spui.






  • "This is something that I have never seen before."

    > This is something that doesn't seem tobe pOSSIble.

    > They \\ ent on harvestll1g in the twilight

    > We heard the thunder rumbhngin the distance.

    > This field has yielded nothlllg thatcan be sold.

    > Many old people died during the heat-wave.

    > Have the sheep been shorn yet?

    > TIm; IS the only eOIll that has been storedalready.

    > This IS the mildest weather that we havehad for a long tllne.

    > Rodents cat a lot of corn.

    > Arc eountly people the healthiest ones')

    > The most hannful animals that we knowarc rats.

    > is cattle farming still profitable?

    > The cattle arc suffcrIng from the raw cold.

    > This pasture is too wet.

    > ]s there anything that has been damaged ~by hailstones')

    > Why arc there hedges along the country lane?

    Au fost tunse deja oile?

    Acest camp nu a dat nimic ee poate fi vandut.

    Ei au continuat sa recolteze In amurg.

    Aeesta este eeva ee nu pare a fi posibil.

    Noi am auzit bubuitul tunetuluiIn departare.

    Multi oameni batdini au murit In timpulvalului de ealdura.

    De ee sunt garduri vii de-a lunguldrumurilor de tara?

    Vitele sufera de frigul aspru.

    Este eeva ee a fost deteriorat de grindma?


    Aceasta pa~une este prea umeda.

    Cre~terea vitelor este Inca rentabila?

    Animalele eele mai da~atoare pe careIe cunoa~tem sunt ~obolanii.

    Rozatoarele mananca multe eereale.

    Oamenii de la tara sunt eei mai sanato~i?

    Este cea mai bHinda vreme pe care noiam avut-o de mult timp.

    Este singurul grfm pe care I-au depozitatdeja.

  • Aceste propozitii secundare se refera intotdeauna la prezent sau viitor, de exemplu;

    In accstc propozitii secundare se folose~te doar forma de trecut were a verbului to be.




    - Este eel mai bun film pe care I-am vazut.

    - EI a cumparat cca mai ieftina-bicicl;tape care i-au aratat-o.

    - Estc vreo informatie pe caremi-o poti da?

    - presupunand

    - Eu insumi ti-am dat asta.

    - este timpul

    - Este timpul sa pleci acasa.

    - A~ vrea sa fiu bogat.

    - a$ dori ... , a~ vrea sa fie .- daca, presupunand ca .

    - exprima 0 dorinta puternica de exemplu:"de-ar fi ..." de multe ori nu se traduce inIimba romana.

    - a-~i imagina, a-~i inchipui

    - a-~i imagina, a-~i inchipui- ar fi mai bine daca





    fewDupa all.

    It is the best film (that) I have ever seen.He bought the cheapest bicycle (that)they showed him.

    3. Dupa adjectivele any ~i only:Is there any information (that)you can give me?

    2. Dupa urmatoarele cuvinte engleze~ti:

    I wish

    if only

    it would be better if





    it is timc

    You yourself have done it.

    You have done it yourself.

    In acest caz, pronumele sta la mijlocul sau la sIar~itul propozitiei, rara a-~i pierde caracterul deintarire.

    It is time you went home.

    r wish I were rich.

    r myself have given it to you.

    26.3. Pronumele relativ that se poate omite in unnatoarelc situatii;

    I. Dupa superlativ;

    26.1. Pronumele de tipul myself, themselves Ie putem folosi ~i pentru accentuarea altor substantive.In aceste cazuri Ie numim pronume de intarire ~i accentul cade pe prima silaba a cuvantului.

    26.2. Forma de trecut a verbului se folose~te pentru a exprima ipoteze, dorinte, in ace Ie propozitiisecundare cerute de urmatoarele cuvinte $i expresii;

  • A Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii In limba romana:

    C. Corectati gre~elile din urmatoarele propozitii:


    I wish I am younger.

    The thunder rumblled in the distance.

    We will see the sunset ourselfs.

    This gloomy weather is endles.

    Their flower is dieing.






    I. De-ar fi copiii mei mai de~tepti!

    2. Imagineaza-ti ca ai gasit un portmoneu cu bani.

    3. Crezi ca ellnsu~i a deteriorat acest lucru?4. Este tot ce pot face pentru tine.

    5. Este timpul sa pleci la lucru!

    6. Nu-mi place frigul patrunzator ~i vantul aspru.

    Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii In limba engleza:

    l. They built their house themselves.

    2. If only my daughter were more beautiful!

    3. It would be better if they didn't damage our fridge.

    4. I have never seen anything more exciting.

    5. They are the only people I like.

    6. Can you tell me why they are digging ditches?



  • Lista verbelor neregulate din lectiile 25 ~i 26

    forma a II-a forma a III-a









    set >


    sowed >


    forma I

    set >

    shear >

    sow >

  • VOCABULARUL LECTIILOR 25 SI 26, ,agricultural > rEgrikalt~aral] - agricol

    agriculture > rEgnkalt~ar] - agricultura

    along > [alon(l"l - de-a lungul, in lungul

    arable fanning > [Erabl fa,rmin(gl] - cultivarea plantelor

    barley > [ba:rlil - orz

    barn > [ba:rn] - hambar, ~ura, ~opron

    cattle > [kEtl] - vite, bovine

    cattle fanning > [kEtl fa:Imin(gl] - cre~terea vitelor

    cool > r ku:1] - racoros

    corn > rko:rnl - grane, cereale, grau, porumb

    country lane > rkantri kin] - drum de tara

    to cover > I tu kavaI] - a acoperi, a inveli

    cow > [kau] - vaca

    crow > [haul - cioara

    dairy > [Jeari] - Hiptarie, fabrica de prelucrarea laptelui

    dairy produce > [Jean prodlU:s] - produse lactate

    to damage > [tu dEmidl] - a deteriora, a strica, a distruge

    dawn > [Jo:n] - zori, aurora

    to die > [tu dal] - a muri, a deceda

    distance > [Jistans] - distanta, departare

    ditch > [dit:;;] - ~ant, canal

    dry > [drail - uscat

    to dry > [tu dral] - a usca

    endless > rendlis] - nesrar~it, interminabil

    except > [Iksept] - cu exceptia, in afara de

    tu fail > [tu tl:tll - a nu reu~i, a cadea

    to fancy > [tu tEnsl] - a-~i imagina, a-~i inchipui

    farmhand > [fa:rmhEnd] - muncitor agricol

    fertile > [fa:rtatl] - fertil, rodnic

    frost > [n'ostl - ger, inghet

    furrow > [faroul - brazda


  • gloomy > [glu:mi] - intunecos, sumbru

    grain > [grem] - graunte, bob

    to graze > [tu grciz] - a pa~te, a duce la pascut

    hailstone > [hl'ilstaun] - grindina

    harmful > [ha:'mfal] - daunator, rau

    to harvest > [tu ha:'vist] - a recolta, a strange, a secera

    to have > [tu hEy tu] - a trebui

    to healthy > [hl'IT'i] - sanatos

    heat-wave > [Ili:t Uciv] - val de caldura

    hedge > [hcdj] - gard viuherself > [ha:'selfj - ea insa~i, chiar eahimself > [himseltl - el insu~i, chiar el

    if only > [ifaunli] - cat de mult ... , de-ar ...

    to imagine > [tu imEdjin] - a-~i inchipui, a-~i imaginainteresting > [intrastin(g)] - interesant

    itself > [itselfj - el 'insu~iit is time > [it iz taim] - este timpul

    it would be better if > [it "ud bl: beta' if] - ar fi mai bine daca

    I wish > [ai "i~] - a~ dori, a~ vrea sa fie

    lightning > [laitnin(~I] - fulger

    mild > [maild] - bland, blajin, moderatto milk > [tu milk] - a mulge

    mixed fanning > [mikst fa:rmin(g)] - cultivare mixta

    myself > [maiselfj - insumi, insami, chiar euof course > [av ko:rs] - bineinteles, desigur, fire~te

    oneself > ["anse lfj - insu~i, insa~iourselves > [auarselvz] - in~ine

    pasture > [pa'st [tu pla:nt] - a planta, a sadi

    plough > [piau] - plug

    possible > [posibl] - posibil, cu putinta


  • profitable > [profitabl] - profitabil, rentabil

    rainbow > [rel11b(lul - curcubeu

    rat > [I Ell - ~obolan

    raw > [ro:l - crud, nefiert, neprelucrat, aspru

    regularly > [rcglUla'lll - in mod regulat/obi~nuit

    rodent > [rIludentl - rozator

    to rumble > [nu rambll - a bubui

    to scare > [tu skea'l - a speria

    scarecrow > [skea'kraul - sperietoare (de ciori)

    to seem > [tu sun1 - a parea, a da impresia

    seed > [si ,dl - samanta 4..,

    to set > [tu set] - a pune, a a~eza, a situa

    to shear > [tu sia'] - a tunde

    shelter > [~elta'l - adapost, refugiu

    to shiver > [tu siva'l - a tremura, a dardai (de frig)

    to sow > [tu soul - a semana, a insamanta

    to store > [tu sto :'1 - a tine/a depozita

    to suffer (from) > [tu safarl - a suferi de

    sunset > [sansetl - apus de soare, asfintit

    to suppose > [tu sa[Juuzl - a presupune, a-~i inchipui

    themselves > [D/emsel\'71 - in~i~i, insele, chiar ei/ele ~thunder > [randa'l - tunet

    twilight > [tUail alt1 - amurg, crepuscul

    tractor > [trEktarl - tractor

    unsettled > [ansetaldl - variabil, schimbator

    wet > ["etl - ud, umed, ploios, de ploaie

    to yield > [tu li,lll] - I. a produce, a da, a rezulta;2. a ceda

    yourself > rIO 'self] - tu insuti sau insati, dumneavoastrain~iva

    yourselves > [10 'schzl - voi, sau dumneavoastra in~iva


    RecapitulareLectia 25Lectia 25 - Partea intaiLectia 25 - Partea a douaRecapitularea lectiei 25Tema pentru acasa 25

    Lectia 26Lectia 26 - Partea intaiLectia 26 - Partea a douaRecapitularea lectiei 26Tema pentru acasa 25Lista verbelor neregulate din lectiile 25 si 26Vocabularul lectiilor 25 si 26