EMBA - 東海大學 · 2018. 1. 11. · certain in class, and she knows what she needs to improve...

校園活動 東海校友總會舉辦第八屆校友楷模頒獎典禮 東海大學校友總會於 107 1 6 日在福華飯店舉行「第十屆第二次年會暨會員代 表大會以及第八屆校友楷模頒獎典禮」,台中市都發局長王俊傑、東海大學校友總會 理事長黃成鋒、董事長曾紀鴻、校長王茂駿、歷屆理事長及第一屆校友李福登賢伉儷 等人皆出席與會,近 200 位全球校友齊聚交流,對母校濃烈情感表露無遺。 東海大學校友總會第 8 屆校友楷模得獎 名單包含:王國照、何茂成、吳任安、李 桂芬、李翠玲、林淑惠、曾憲榮、舒靜 嫻、劉景文及蔡宗易等校友。各位學長姐 在各領域發光發熱,對社會或母校都有卓 越的貢獻與回饋,也帶領東海人一起繼續 努力前進。 本次頒獎典禮前,校友總會特別邀請副校長王立志與教務長林良恭就校務概況與中 長程規畫進行報告與分享,讓校友們更清楚學校近況、當前競爭環境激烈下的東海招 生策略與未來朝向的教育目標。也有在大陸創業的校友分享對母校校園的規畫建議, 與願意提供企業資源邀請大家集思廣益,共襄盛舉來讓校園更美好。 校友總會理事長黃成鋒並在典禮中頒發感謝狀給近期總會舉辦重要活動的協力人 員,感謝「快閃聖誕東海影片」邱媛美(26 社會)執行製作、音樂系老師郭宗愷擔任音 樂總監;「東海人校慶嘉年華」何茂成校友將其著名的公益何爺爺跳跳屋大型充氣兒 童遊樂設施提供給活動使用、活動總召吳爾夫、楊恆輔總幹事的熱情號召,使活動圓 滿落幕。 校友總會導師助學金計畫,第一年也在校友們的支持下正式展開,本學期也補助 105 萬元以協助 21 位學弟妹就學。會後餐敘中校友們熱絡的交流,也期盼將東海人這 股正向力量凝聚,以大手攜小手,無論在經驗分享、產學或職涯指導,有更多校友投 入,嘉惠更多的學弟妹。 東海 Story 歡迎教職員生、校友,將您在東海的溫馨小故事,與我們分享,字數 800 字內(本室擇優刊登) 東海新鮮事 歡迎學生針對系所或社團投稿,字數不超過 150 地址: 40704 台中市西屯區臺灣大道四段 1727 Email [email protected] 徵文 你是東海人嗎? 你也愛東海嗎? 在東海有沒有令你難忘的青春歲月? 有沒有曾經在路思義教堂前擺出各種 POSE 拍照? 有沒有曾經在東海的某一角熬夜拼期末考? 有沒有曾經偷偷牽著誰的小手漫步在文理大道? 東海大學很想念你喔! 那你呢? 快點動手來幫東海大學按個讚吧! 也順便和聯絡老同學感情,看看東海最近的改變與發展。 東海大學官方粉絲團,需要您的「」助,快伸出食指按個讚!讓東海大學粉絲團成長茁壯! 東海粉絲團請點我,進去再按讚! 校園活動 International College IC Students Take Advantage of Valuable Internship Course This semester the International College has 23 students enrolled in an Internship Program course, taught by Assistant Professor in the International Business Admin- istration (IBA) program, Hao-Cheng Chen(陳浩政). Recently, two seniors and three juniors volunteered to share their experiences with interested sophomore stu- dents. Each presentation offered insightful information and genuine advice, followed by a time for question and answer. Katherine Hu(胡郡倫)interned with the marketing ex- ecutive for Fubon Insurance (富邦人壽)this summer. She learned valuable skills in effective communication and marketing, as well as learning what it is like to work in a professional work environment. Her advice is that when you are ready to intern, “you need to have a heart which is eager to learn, because unlike school, there is no professor forcing you to learn everything.” Through her internship, Katherine realized just how important it is to “combine theories in the classroom with practice,” thus, doing an internship is something she recommends to all. Sharon Chiou(邱琬軒), who interned with PI Bioelectronics(百醫醫材科技)in the post-sales service, advises those interested in pursuing an internship to “take ad- vantage of the transition time, ask questions, focus on developing your communica- tion skills, and be well-prepared.” After her experience, she feels more driven and certain in class, and she knows what she needs to improve on. While her job present- ing many challenges, it also taught her how to solve these challenges and be confi- dent. Not only did she learn more about the real working environment, but she had the unexpected opportunity to learn more about herself. In addition, she values the chance to expand her connections and develop her professional network, which is crucial to be competitive in today’s workforce. Michael Yang(楊凱皓), who interned at Yuanta Se- curities(元大證券)in Taipei, recommends students apply for internships in jobs that focus on their particular interests. For Michael, his internship helped him realize that working in finances was actually not what he want- ed to do; however, he would not have realized this had he not pursued the internship in the first place. Lastly, Michael advises students to “show up at least an hour early to get more information and to observe and absorb more around you. Have a good attitude, be active and self-motivated, ask for what we can do whenever we are free, and then people there will be more willing to teach us more.” Opal Lin(林家安), from Thailand, interned this summer with Johnson Health Tech (喬山健康科技)in Global Marketing. During her internship, Opal learned what she did not like. Specifically, this was her first time working in a Chinese-speaking work environment, which proved very challenging for her. Nevertheless, Opal gave some very helpful advice to her fellow peers: “apply to as many companies as you can, find companies with established internship programs, and try interning in several indus- tries because this is the best time to try them all out.” At the very least, she suggests you keep an open-mind about the experience. Yinno Yeh(葉穎諾)is currently in her sixth month in- terning as an editor and translator with Compass Mag- azine(康百視), and loves it. Although interning can be scary at first, she enjoys the challenge of stepping out of her comfort zone. She has learned that one must have an aggressive attitude and grab the opportunity, because, “no one has obligation to be by your side and help you. The more aggres- sive you are, the more opportunities on different tasks you’ll get, and that is when the boss will teach and guide you even when problems occur.” Yinno sums up the intern- ship opportunity well: “ready or not, you’ll learn things you didn’t expect. Just do it!” So, what are you waiting for? If you are interested in pursuing an internship, please contact Professor Hao-Cheng Chen for more information. 校園活動 「預見東海 預見大未來」 2018 東海 EMBA 校友會長交接暨啟程感恩典禮 東海大學 EMBA 校友會於 1 6 日在本校路思義教堂舉辦第十一屆理事長交接典 禮,第十一屆理事長鄭璧彬(大龍棧餐飲事業股份有限公司總經理)從第十屆陳建財理 事長(翔宇貿易有限公司董事長)接下印信及會旗,象徵 EMBA 校友會展開新一頁的歷 史。交接典禮由本校副校長詹家昌擔任監交人,現場除了本校 400 多位校友、師長參 與更有南京大學 EMBA 高球協會會長董曉軍先生帶領 25 EMBA 的夥伴們遠道而 來,為當日的活動更添光彩與意義。 首先第十屆陳建財理事長(101 級校友)指出,任內最重要的公益拼圖於去年也順利完 成,關心社會上的弱勢族群,與市府合作完成長照 2.0 及社區認養活動,真正發揮到社 會上每一個角落。 第十一屆鄭璧彬理事長(102 級校友)致詞 時表示,去年度「東海大學 EMBA 校友 會」與「東海大學」簽署了產學合作人才培 育聯盟的合作備忘錄。而 99 級蔡國洲董事 長校友慷慨解囊贊助的東海 EMBA 校友會 館,今年正式營運,地點位於東海路 24 號。另外第十屆陳建財理事長所發行永久會 員專屬的榮譽校友卡,今年也正式推動,許 多的專屬權益和好康優惠都是「一卡在手,東海悠遊」。 2018 年度由第十一屆的校友會幹部結合各屆校友資源、凝聚各方力量推出「預見東 海 預見大未來」的各項活動: 1、預見東海:東海大學 EMBA 校友會員大會 2、預見大騎績:由捷安特羅祥安前執行長專程帶大家認識捷安特,透過 CEO 的角度 來了解品牌經營,學習企業思維。 3、 預見大健康:勵馨基金會公益親子健走活動在東海校園舉辦。 4、預見大傳旗:全國 EMBA 馬拉松接力賽,今年由東海大學 EMBA 校友會主辦 5、預見大趨勢:金可大師講座暨論壇,透過講座來了解未來食衣住行及生活趨勢 當天 1 6 日為第一項活動「預見東海:東海大學 EMBA 校友會員大會」,東海大 EMBA 校友會官網將會公告各項活動的詳細資訊,讓所有校友能夠在「遇見大未 來」的活動裡相遇。 東海 EMBA 校友會最主要目的是延續終身學習的理念,透過平台共享,整合資源, 彼此交流成長與開闊寬廣視野、健立優質人脈、更期盼能促進各位校友們身心靈的健 康。而透過產學合作,培養優質人才,回饋母校,這股強大的凝聚力,讓許多校友落 實企業社會責任的精神,實踐取之於社會、用之於社會的理念,讓東海 EMBA 的口碑 持續的穩健走強。 本次交接典禮在歷史重要意義的路思義教堂內,輕鬆又不失莊敬下圓滿結束。希望 在東海大學 EMBA 校友會第十一屆幹部同心協力的努力下,在未來一年達成傳承使 命,預見東海,預見大未來。 校園活動 107 年境外生春節聯歡晚會 「民族。心。相逢」 本校國際處於 1 6 日在好運來洲際宴展中心舉辦「107 年境外生春節聯歡」晚會, 共有近 400 位境外生及師長參加,熱鬧非凡。 每年有數百位的境外同學選擇來到東海大學就讀,面對同學們的信賴,學校也熱情 擁抱來自世界各地的同學,用心款待這些飄洋過海到台灣讀書的同學。本次活動主題 為「民族。心。相逢」,因為東海大學,讓他們在異地相逢,象徵來自世界各地不同 民族的同學,在海外求學的路途中,擁有更多的好夥伴,用真心相互交流、相互陪 伴。 活動當天由本校國際長顏宏偉開場並祝 福所有與會師生新的一年能夠身體健康、 心想事成。蒞臨與會的政府部門長官包 含:僑務委員會主任秘書張良民及移民署 視察陳馥華等,也在百忙中特地抽空出 席,以表達對本校境外生們的關懷之意。 移民署陳視察馥華表示,能有機會在同 個宴會裡見到這麼多境外生聚在一起,欣 賞著來自不同民族的熱情表演,無一不讓 人感受到多元文化的展現。陳視察也提及 移民署於去年底搬至新的辦公大樓,希望 未來在辦理境外生相關證件時能提供更加 便利的服務,也期待未來與東海大學有更 多的交流。 僑委會張主秘也有感而發,多次受邀參 與東海大學的春節聯歡晚會,每次都見到 不同的驚喜,不管是在表演節目或是活動 設計上,也都能看到同學們的用心之處。 而僑委會一直以來致力於僑外生的栽培, 並且多方鼓勵僑外生畢業後,能繼續留台 精進學業或投入台灣的職場工作,同時也不斷調整現有制度,讓在台的同學們能安心 就學或就業。此外,張主秘一如往年般地豪爽,帶來許多加碼的禮品及禮金,讓晚會 掀起另一波的高潮! 本次晚會表演以音樂為基底,融入現代流行舞蹈、民俗傳統舞蹈等,伴隨觀眾們的 掌聲與歡呼,讓現場驚起一波又一波的高潮;到了最後一次的摸彩,顏宏偉國際長亦 率先拋磚引玉,帶頭加碼禮金,讓其他與會師長也慷慨解囊地提供加碼禮品,讓原本 以為沒有獲獎希望卻抽到加碼禮的同學喜出望外,帶著開心愉悅的心情踏上回家的旅 程。 晚會的最後,由顏宏偉國際長致詞,感謝各位嘉賓的蒞臨,以及辛苦的工作人員, 能夠有機會讓大家齊聚一堂共度愉快的夜晚,是東海大學為每個人牽起了緣分,也希 望大家能好好守護這段緣份,祝福在場的每個人平安喜樂! 本期電子報下載:東海大學第 1000200 期校園電子報 本刊發行日期: 2018 01 11 1000200

Transcript of EMBA - 東海大學 · 2018. 1. 11. · certain in class, and she knows what she needs to improve...

Page 1: EMBA - 東海大學 · 2018. 1. 11. · certain in class, and she knows what she needs to improve on. While her job present-ing many challenges, it also taught her how to solve these



東海大學校友總會於 107 年 1 月 6 日在福華飯店舉行「第十屆第二次年會暨會員代



等人皆出席與會,近 200 位全球校友齊聚交流,對母校濃烈情感表露無遺。

東海大學校友總會第 8 屆校友楷模得獎












員,感謝「快閃聖誕東海影片」邱媛美(26 社會)執行製作、音樂系老師郭宗愷擔任音





105 萬元以協助 21 位學弟妹就學。會後餐敘中校友們熱絡的交流,也期盼將東海人這



東海 Story 歡迎教職員生、校友,將您在東海的溫馨小故事,與我們分享,字數 800 字內(本室擇優刊登)

東海新鮮事 歡迎學生針對系所或社團投稿,字數不超過 150 字

地址: 40704 台中市西屯區臺灣大道四段 1727 號 Email : [email protected]


你是東海人嗎? 你也愛東海嗎? 在東海有沒有令你難忘的青春歲月?

有沒有曾經在路思義教堂前擺出各種 POSE 拍照?



東海大學很想念你喔! 那你呢?






International College

IC Students Take Advantage of Valuable Internship Course

This semester the International College has 23 students enrolled in an Internship

Program course, taught by Assistant Professor in the International Business Admin-

istration (IBA) program, Hao-Cheng Chen(陳浩政). Recently, two seniors and

three juniors volunteered to share their experiences with interested sophomore stu-

dents. Each presentation offered insightful information and genuine advice, followed

by a time for question and answer.

Katherine Hu(胡郡倫)interned with the marketing ex-

ecutive for Fubon Insurance (富邦人壽)this summer.

She learned valuable skills in effective communication

and marketing, as well as learning what it is like to work

in a professional work environment. Her advice is that

when you are ready to intern, “you need to have a heart

which is eager to learn, because unlike school, there is no professor forcing you to

learn everything.” Through her internship, Katherine realized just how important it is

to “combine theories in the classroom with practice,” thus, doing an internship is

something she recommends to all.

Sharon Chiou(邱琬軒), who interned with PI Bioelectronics(百醫醫材科技)in

the post-sales service, advises those interested in pursuing an internship to “take ad-

vantage of the transition time, ask questions, focus on developing your communica-

tion skills, and be well-prepared.” After her experience, she feels more driven and

certain in class, and she knows what she needs to improve on. While her job present-

ing many challenges, it also taught her how to solve these challenges and be confi-

dent. Not only did she learn more about the real working environment, but she had

the unexpected opportunity to learn more about herself. In addition, she values the

chance to expand her connections and develop her professional network, which is

crucial to be competitive in today’s workforce.

Michael Yang(楊凱皓), who interned at Yuanta Se-

curities(元大證券)in Taipei, recommends students

apply for internships in jobs that focus on their particular

interests. For Michael, his internship helped him realize

that working in finances was actually not what he want-

ed to do; however, he would not have realized this had

he not pursued the internship in the first place. Lastly, Michael advises students to

“show up at least an hour early to get more information and to observe and absorb

more around you. Have a good attitude, be active and self-motivated, ask for what

we can do whenever we are free, and then people there will be more willing to teach

us more.”

Opal Lin(林家安), from Thailand, interned this summer with Johnson Health Tech

(喬山健康科技)in Global Marketing. During her internship, Opal learned what she

did not like. Specifically, this was her first time working in a Chinese-speaking work

environment, which proved very challenging for her. Nevertheless, Opal gave some

very helpful advice to her fellow peers: “apply to as many companies as you can, find

companies with established internship programs, and try interning in several indus-

tries because this is the best time to try them all out.” At the very least, she suggests

you keep an open-mind about the experience.

Yinno Yeh(葉穎諾)is currently in her sixth month in-

terning as an editor and translator with Compass Mag-

azine(康百視), and loves it. Although interning can

be scary at first, she enjoys the challenge of stepping

out of her comfort zone. She has learned that one must

have an aggressive attitude and grab the opportunity,

because, “no one has obligation to be by your side and help you. The more aggres-

sive you are, the more opportunities on different tasks you’ll get, and that is when the

boss will teach and guide you even when problems occur.” Yinno sums up the intern-

ship opportunity well: “ready or not, you’ll learn things you didn’t expect. Just do it!”

So, what are you waiting for? If you are interested in pursuing an internship, please

contact Professor Hao-Cheng Chen for more information.


「預見東海 預見大未來」

2018東海 EMBA校友會長交接暨啟程感恩典禮

東海大學 EMBA 校友會於 1 月 6 日在本校路思義教堂舉辦第十一屆理事長交接典


事長(翔宇貿易有限公司董事長)接下印信及會旗,象徵 EMBA 校友會展開新一頁的歷

史。交接典禮由本校副校長詹家昌擔任監交人,現場除了本校 400 多位校友、師長參

與更有南京大學 EMBA 高球協會會長董曉軍先生帶領 25 位 EMBA 的夥伴們遠道而


首先第十屆陳建財理事長(101 級校友)指出,任內最重要的公益拼圖於去年也順利完

成,關心社會上的弱勢族群,與市府合作完成長照 2.0 及社區認養活動,真正發揮到社


第十一屆鄭璧彬理事長(102 級校友)致詞

時表示,去年度「東海大學 EMBA 校友


育聯盟的合作備忘錄。而 99 級蔡國洲董事

長校友慷慨解囊贊助的東海 EMBA 校友會

館,今年正式營運,地點位於東海路 24




2018 年度由第十一屆的校友會幹部結合各屆校友資源、凝聚各方力量推出「預見東

海 預見大未來」的各項活動:

1、預見東海:東海大學 EMBA 校友會員大會

2、預見大騎績:由捷安特羅祥安前執行長專程帶大家認識捷安特,透過 CEO 的角度


3、 預見大健康:勵馨基金會公益親子健走活動在東海校園舉辦。

4、預見大傳旗:全國 EMBA 馬拉松接力賽,今年由東海大學 EMBA 校友會主辦


當天 1 月 6 日為第一項活動「預見東海:東海大學 EMBA 校友會員大會」,東海大

學 EMBA 校友會官網將會公告各項活動的詳細資訊,讓所有校友能夠在「遇見大未


東海 EMBA 校友會最主要目的是延續終身學習的理念,透過平台共享,整合資源,



實企業社會責任的精神,實踐取之於社會、用之於社會的理念,讓東海 EMBA 的口碑



在東海大學 EMBA 校友會第十一屆幹部同心協力的努力下,在未來一年達成傳承使



107年境外生春節聯歡晚會 「民族。心。相逢」

本校國際處於 1 月 6 日在好運來洲際宴展中心舉辦「107 年境外生春節聯歡」晚會,

共有近 400 位境外生及師長參加,熱鬧非凡。





































本期電子報下載:東海大學第 1000200 期校園電子報

本刊發行日期: 2018年 01月 11日 第 1000200期