Effect of injection timing on the performance of a dual fuel engine

Eect of injection timing on the performance of a dual fuel engine G.H. Abd Alla * , H.A. Soliman, O.A. Badr, M.F. Abd Rabbo Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Zagazig University, 108 Shoubra Street, Cairo, Egypt Received 8 July 2000; accepted 6 December 2000 Abstract It is well known that the operation of dual fuel engines at lower loads suers from lower thermal e- ciency and higher unburned percentages of fuel. To improve this problem, tests have been conducted on a special single cylinder compression ignition research engine Ricardo E6) to investigate the eect of in- jection timing of pilot fuel on the performance of an indirect Diesel engine fueled with gaseous fuel. Diesel fuel was used as the pilot fuel, and methane or propane was used as the main fuel which is inducted in the intake manifold to be mixed with the intake air. Through the experimental investigations, it is shown that the low eciency and poor emissions at light loads can be improved signi®cantly by advancing the injection timing of the pilot fuel. Ó 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. Keywords: Dual fuel engine; Injection timing; Pilot fuel; Methane; Propane; Thermal eciency; Knocking torque; NO x emission; HC emission; CO emission 1. Introduction One of the main problems with dual fuel operation is that at light load, dual fuel engines usually exhibit a drop in eciency and power output with respect to diesel operation. The emissions of unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide under dual fuel operation were raised in com- parison to Diesel operation [1,2]. An intensi®er±injector system was developed for natural gas fueling of Diesel engines in which the direct injection of high pressure natural gas with pilot Diesel ignition is employed [3]. Using direct injection of the gaseous fuels in multi-cylinder installations permitted a reduction in the exhaust emissions by resorting at very light load to not running all the Energy Conversion and Management 43 2002) 269±277 www.elsevier.com/locate/enconman * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] G.H. Abd Alla). 0196-8904/02/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. PII:S0196-890400)00168-0

Transcript of Effect of injection timing on the performance of a dual fuel engine

Page 1: Effect of injection timing on the performance of a dual fuel engine

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Page 2: Effect of injection timing on the performance of a dual fuel engine

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Page 3: Effect of injection timing on the performance of a dual fuel engine

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Page 4: Effect of injection timing on the performance of a dual fuel engine

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Page 5: Effect of injection timing on the performance of a dual fuel engine

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Page 6: Effect of injection timing on the performance of a dual fuel engine

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Page 7: Effect of injection timing on the performance of a dual fuel engine

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Page 8: Effect of injection timing on the performance of a dual fuel engine

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Page 9: Effect of injection timing on the performance of a dual fuel engine

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