Effect of divalent cations on antiparallel G-quartet structure of d(G4T4G4)


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Page 1: Effect of divalent cations on antiparallel G-quartet structure of d(G4T4G4)

E¡ect of divalent cations on antiparallel G-quartet structure ofd(G4T4G4)

Daisuke Miyoshia, Akihiro Nakaoa, Takeshi Todaa, Naoki Sugimotoa;b;*aDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Konan University, 8-9-1 Okamoto, Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-8501, Japan

bHigh Technology Research Center, Konan University, 8-9-1 Okamoto, Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-8501, Japan

Received 3 April 2001; accepted 9 April 2001

First published online 24 April 2001

Edited by Thomas L. James

Abstract The thermodynamic parameters of an antiparallel G-quartet formation of d(G4T4G4) with 1 mM divalent cation(Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+, Co2+, and Zn2+) were obtained. Thethermodynamic parameters showed that the divalent cationdestabilizes the antiparallel G-quartet of d(G4T4G4) in thefollowing order: Zn2+ ssCo2+ ssMn2+ ssMg2+ ssCa2+. In addi-tion, a higher concentration of a divalent cation induced atransition from an antiparallel to a parallel G-quartet structure.These results indicate that these divalent cations are a good toolfor regulating the G-quartet structures. ß 2001 Published byElsevier Science B.V. on behalf of the Federation of EuropeanBiochemical Societies.

Key words: G-quartet ; Divalent cation; Structural transition;Nucleic acid; Telomere

1. Introduction

The guanine quartet (G-quartet) structure is a tertiarystructure of nucleic acid formed by a cyclic Hoogsteen basepairing of four guanines in a coplanar arrangement [1].Although direct evidence of G-quartet formation in vivo isstill lacking, there are interesting G-quartet structures asstructural motifs potentially adopted in many biological roles[2^5]. Because of their importance, G-quartets were investi-gated using X-ray [6], NMR [7], gel electrophoresis [8], andspectroscopic analyses [9] in the presence of monovalent cat-ions such as Na� and K�. Kallenbach and coworkers esti-mated the thermodynamic parameters of G-quartet formationof d(G4T4G4) [10,11] ; however, these experiments were exam-ined only in the presence of monovalent cations, and little wasknown about the divalent cation e¡ect on the G-quartet for-mation. On the other hand, some nucleic acids discovered asfunctional molecules such as aptamers [12,13] and deoxyribo-zymes [14,15] form G-quartet structures, and their activitieswere shown to be strongly dependent on a coexistent divalentcation. Therefore, the divalent cation should play critical rolesin regulating G-quartet structures and then the functions ofthe functional nucleic acids. The quantitative e¡ect of thedivalent cation on G-quartet structure, however, is not yetclear.

Analyses of G-quartet structures of d(G4T4G4), which areformed by Oxytricha telomere DNA, have been well investi-

gated [6,16]. These results showed that self-complementaryd(G4T4G4) forms an antiparallel G-quartet with the tyminesin a loop. Therefore, quantitative analysis of the G-quartetstructure of d(G4T4G4) is presumably able to lead to theassumption of a two-state transition model that is very usefulin calculating thermodynamic parameters [11]. Here, we inves-tigated quantitatively the divalent cation e¡ect on the struc-tures and stabilities of the d(G4T4G4) G-quartet in the pres-ence of 100 mM and 7 mM Na�. This is the ¢rst quantitativereport to elucidate the divalent cation e¡ect on a G-quartetstructure. The thermodynamic and conformational analyses ofd(G4T4G4) with the divalent cations (Mg2�, Ca2�, Mn2�,Co2�, or Zn2�) revealed two major points. First, the antipar-allel G-quartet of d(G4T4G4) was destabilized with 1 mMdivalent cation. Second, a continuous structural transition ofd(G4T4G4) from an antiparallel to a parallel G-quartet wasalso observed with Ca2� titration in the presence of 100 mMNa�. The structural transition was completed by adding 20mM Ca2�. These results suggest that the divalent cations areable to regulate the stability and further the structure of theG-quartet. Sen and Gilbert proposed that the intracellularbalance of cations might control the switching between theantiparallel and parallel G-quartets [17]. In this study, thestructural switching between antiparallel and parallel G-quar-tets was regulated by divalent cations. These results indicatethat the divalent cations used in this study are a good tool forregulating the G-quartet structures.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Sample preparationDNA oligonucleotide d(G4T4G4) was synthesized chemically on a

solid support using the phosphoramidite method on an Applied Bio-systems model 391 DNA synthesizer. The synthesized oligonucleotidewas puri¢ed with reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatog-raphy (HPLC) after the deblocking operations. The oligonucleotidewas desalted with a C-18 Sep-Pak cartridge column. The ¢nal purityof the oligonucleotide was con¢rmed to be greater than 98% byHPLC. Single-strand concentration of the oligonucleotide was deter-mined from the absorbance at 260 nm with single-strand extinctioncoe¤cients calculated from mononucleotide and dinucleotide datausing a nearest-neighbor approximation [18].

2.2. Conformational analysisRecent conformational analyses of G-quartet structures revealed

that the CD spectra of an antiparallel G-quartet structure had positiveand negative peaks near 295 and 265 nm, respectively [19], while aparallel G-quartet structure had positive and negative peaks near 260and 240 nm, respectively [20]. With this information, a structural typeof G-quartet can be determined by CD measurement. CD spectrawere obtained on a JASCO J-820 spectropolarimeter equipped witha JASCO PTC-348 temperature controller and interfaced to a Dell

0014-5793 / 01 / $20.00 ß 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.PII: S 0 0 1 4 - 5 7 9 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 2 4 1 6 - 4

*Corresponding author. Fax: (81)-78-435 2539.E-mail: [email protected]

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OptiPlex GXi computer. The cuvette-holding chamber was £ushedwith a constant stream of dry N2 gas to avoid water condensationon the cuvette exterior. All the CD spectra were measured for a 50WM total strand concentration of d(G4T4G4) in a 0.1 cm path lengthcuvette with a bu¡er containing 50 mM MES (pH 6.1) and 1 mMMCl2 (M = Mg, Ca, Mn, Co, or Zn) in the presence of 100 or 7 mMNaCl at 5³C. The CD spectrum was the average of at least three scansmade at 0.1 nm intervals from 200 to 350 nm. Before the CD mea-surement, the DNA sample was heated to 90³C, gently cooled at arate of 3³C min31, and incubated at 5³C for several hours. We con-¢rmed that the CD spectra were independent of long time incubation(for 3 days), repetition of the heating and cooling procedure (¢vetimes), and cooling rate (from 3³C min31 to 0.5³C min31).

2.3. Thermodynamic analysisAll CD melting curves of d(G4T4G4) were recorded at 295.6 nm in

the bu¡er containing 50 mM MES (pH 6.1) and 1 mM MCl2(M = Mg, Ca, Mn, Co, or Zn) in the presence of 100 or 7 mMNaCl. Samples were heated from 0³C to 90³C at a rate of 0.5³Cmin31. Before the CD measurement, all the samples were thermallytreated as described above, and we con¢rmed that the melting behav-ior was not dependent on the treatments. Because the antiparallel G-quartet structure of d(G4T4G4) is formed with two single strands[6,7,11,16], the helix^coil transition of d(G4T4G4) is represented bythe following equation: 2S = Q, where S and Q are single-strand DNAand antiparallel G-quartet, respectively. Therefore, the CD meltingcurves of d(G4T4G4) can ¢t the self-complementary two-state approx-imation of a helix^coil transition to obtain the thermodynamic pa-rameters (vH³, vS³, and vG�25) as described elsewhere [21] with non-linear least-squares ¢tting.

2.4. Titration experimentThe relationship between divalent cation concentration and the

structure of d(G4T4G4) was investigated with a CaCl2 titration experi-ment. The structure of d(G4T4G4) at each titration point was mea-sured using CD after the thermal treatment as described above. 50WM d(G4T4G4) in a bu¡er containing 100 mM NaCl, 100 mM CaCl2and 50 mM MES (pH 6.1) was added to 50 WM d(G4T4G4) in 100mM NaCl and 50 mM MES (pH 6.1). Therefore, all CD spectra weremeasured for 50 WM of total strand concentration of d(G4T4G4) in a0.1 cm path length cuvette in a bu¡er containing 50 mM MES (pH6.1), 100 mM NaCl and appropriate CaCl2 concentration (from 0 to100 mM) at 5³C. The transition from an antiparallel to a parallel G-quartet structure of d(G4T4G4) by adding only a solution including anappropriate concentration of CaCl2, 100 mM NaCl, and 50 mM MESwas also observed (data not shown). However, the concentration ofd(G4T4G4) was changed by adding the solution. Because antiparalleland parallel G-quartets are formed by two and four strands, respec-tively, there is a possibility that the e¡ect of the concentration ofd(G4T4G4) on antiparallel and parallel G-quartets is di¡erent. There-fore, in this study, a solution including 50 WM d(G4T4G4) in 100 mMNaCl, 100 mM CaCl2 and 50 mM MES (pH 6.1) was added to 50 WMd(G4T4G4) in 100 mM NaCl and 50 mM MES (pH 6.1).

2.5. Gel electrophoresisDNA solutions were prepared in a bu¡er containing 50 mM NaCl

and 50 mM MES (pH 6.1) with or without 50 mM CaCl2. DNAsamples with a total strand concentration of 100 WM were heated to90³C, gently cooled at a rate of 3³C min31, incubated at 5³C forseveral hours, and run on 20% non-denaturing polyacrylamide gelsin 1UTBE bu¡er at 5³C for 24 h at 75 V (ca. 5 V cm31). The elec-trophoresis plates were cooled in a refrigerator. The gel was stained ina 0.01% Stain-All formamide solution (9:11 formamide:H2O ratio)[11].

3. Results

3.1. E¡ect of divalent cation on the structure and stabilityof d(G4T4G4)

Fig. 1A shows the CD spectra of d(G4T4G4) in 100 mMNaCl and 50 mM MES (pH 6.1) at various temperatures.These spectra showed that d(G4T4G4) formed a typical anti-parallel G-quartet structure under this condition [19]. Becausethese CD spectra of d(G4T4G4) had an isodichroic point near250 nm, it was concluded that the d(G4T4G4) structure underthis condition underwent a two-state transition between a sin-gle-strand and an antiparallel G-quartet. The CD spectra ofd(G4T4G4) in the bu¡er containing 50 mM MES (pH 6.1) and1 mM MCl2 (M = Mg, Ca, Mn, Co, or Zn) in the presence of100 mM NaCl also had positive and negative peaks near 295and 265 nm, respectively, and an isodichroic point (data notshown). Therefore, the two-state model also can be applied tothe antiparallel G-quartet structures with 1 mM divalent cat-ions. Fig. 1B shows the melting behavior of d(G4T4G4) at295.6 nm versus temperature with the divalent cations in thepresence of 100 mM Na�. Based on this melting behavior, thethermodynamic parameters and melting temperature were cal-culated. Table 1 shows the thermodynamic parameters of theG-quartet in the absence (only 100 mM Na� present) andpresence of 1 mM divalent cations. In the absence of divalentcations, the vG�25 value of the antiparallel G-quartet forma-tion of d(G4T4G4) with 100 mM Na� was 324.3 kcal mol31.The values in the presence of 1 mM divalent cations werefrom 319.5 kcal mol31 to 316.4 kcal mol31. Free energychanges, vvG�25 (vG�25(with a divalent cation)3vG�25(with-out a divalent cation)), show that all divalent cations de-stabilized the antiparallel G-quartet structure in the presenceof 100 mM Na� in the following order: Zn2�sCo2�sMn2�sMg2�sCa2�. These results indicate that transition

Table 1Thermodynamic parameters of the antiparallel G-quartet structure of d(G4T4G4) in the presence of divalent cation at 25³Ca

In the presence of 100 mM NaCl

vH³ (kcal mol31) 3TvS³ (kcal mol31) vG�25 (kcal mol31) Tbm (³C) vvG�25

c (kcal mol31)

Na� 3201 þ 12 176 þ 10 324.3 þ 1.3 59.6 ^Ca2� 3144 þ 12 125 þ 11 319.5 þ 0.9 56.8 4.8Mg2� 3136 þ 4 118 þ 4 318.9 þ 0.5 55.6 5.4Mn2� 3163 þ 17 145 þ 16 318.1 þ 1.5 51.1 6.2Co2� 3154 þ 8 137 þ 7 317.1 þ 1.0 49.0 7.2Zn2� 3100 þ 9 83 þ 7.4 316.4 þ 1.3 53.2 7.9

In the presence of 7 mM NaCl

Na� 3189 þ 5 169 þ 7 319.4 þ 0.7 54.1 ^Ca2� 3142 þ 6 126 þ 6 315.9 þ 0.6 49.0 3.5Mg2� 3152 þ 6 137 þ 6 315.1 þ 0.6 48.3 4.3Mn2� 3141 þ 11 129 þ 10 312.5 þ 1.0 40.5 6.9aAll experiments were conducted in a bu¡er containing 100 or 7 mM NaCl, 50 mM MES (pH 6.1), and 1 mM divalent cation chloride.bTm was calculated for 100 WM total strand concentration.cRelative free energy: vvG�25 =vG�25(with a divalent cation)3vG�25(without a divalent cation).

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metal ions destabilize the antiparallel G-quartet more stronglythan alkaline earth ions in the presence of 100 mM Na�.

The structures and stabilities of d(G4T4G4) with the diva-lent cations in the presence of a low concentration of Na�

(7 mM) were also investigated. Although d(G4T4G4) forms anantiparallel G-quartet with all divalent cations in the presenceof 100 mM Na�, the structures with the divalent cations in thepresence of 7 mM Na� depend on the coexistent divalentcations. Fig. 2A shows that d(G4T4G4) forms an antiparallelG-quartet with 1 mM Ca2�, Mg2�, or Mn2�, and without thedivalent cation in the presence of 7 mM Na�. On the otherhand, the CD spectra of d(G4T4G4) with 1 mM Co2� or Zn2�

had two positive peaks near 290 and 260 nm, and two neg-ative peaks near 270 and 240 nm, respectively, as shown inFig. 2B. These CD spectra suggest that d(G4T4G4) formsantiparallel and partly parallel G-quartet structures with1 mM Co2� or Zn2� in the presence of 7 mM Na�. Theseresults suggest that the coexistent divalent cation can regulatethe G-quartet structures of d(G4T4G4), and that 1 mM of atransition metal ion may induce the parallel G-quartet struc-ture.

Fig. 2C shows the CD melting curves of d(G4T4G4) with1 mM Mg2�, Ca2�, or Mn2� in the presence of 7 mM Na�.

The thermodynamic parameters of d(G4T4G4) with 1 mMMg2�, Ca2�, or Mn2� in the presence of 7 mM Na� werecalculated and are shown in Table 1. The thermodynamicparameters with Co2�, or Zn2� in the presence of 7 mMNa� could not be calculated because the two-state assumptionwas not applied to these transitions. These thermodynamicparameters show that the destabilizing order of d(G4T4G4)

Fig. 1. A: CD spectra of 50 WM d(G4T4G4) in the bu¡er containing50 mM MES (pH 6.1) and 100 mM NaCl at various temperaturesfrom 0³C to 90³C (from the lower to the upper spectrum at 295.6nm). B: Normalized CD melting curves of 50 WM d(G4T4G4) in thebu¡er containing 50 mM MES (pH 6.1), 100 mM NaCl and 1 mMMCl2 (M = Mg, Ca, Mn, Zn, or Co).

Fig. 2. CD spectra of 50 WM d(G4T4G4) in the bu¡er containing 50mM MES (pH 6.1), 7 mM NaCl, and A: 1 mM MgCl2, CaCl2, orMnCl2, B: 1 mM ZnCl2 or CoCl2. C: Normalized CD meltingcurves of 50 WM d(G4T4G4) in the bu¡er containing 50 mM MES(pH 6.1), 7 mM NaCl, and 1 mM divalent cation (MgCl2, CaCl2,or MnCl2).

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by divalent cations (Mn2�sMg2�sCa2�) in the absence ofNa� has the same propensity in the presence of 100 mM Na�.The transition metal ions, which strongly destabilize the anti-parallel G-quartet in the presence of 100 mM Na�, induce theparallel G-quartet in the presence of 7 mM Na�.

3.2. Ca2+ titration of d(G4T4G4)Fig. 3A shows CD spectra in the bu¡er containing 100 mM

NaCl, 50 mM MES (pH 6.1) and 0^100 mM CaCl2 (from thelower to the upper spectrum at 260 nm). These CD spectrashow that d(G4T4G4) formed an antiparallel G-quartet in 100mM Na�, while d(G4T4G4) formed a parallel G-quartet in100 mM Ca2� and 100 mM Na�. A typical CD spectrum ofan antiparallel G-quartet has a large positive peak near 295nm, and this is useful for detecting an antiparallel G-quartetformation. On the other hand, the CD intensity at 260 nm isuseful in detecting the structural transition between an anti-parallel and a parallel G-quartet because the typical CD spec-tra of the parallel and antiparallel G-quartets show large pos-itive and negative peaks near 260 nm, respectively. Fig. 3B

shows the CD intensities of d(G4T4G4) at 295.6 and 260 nmduring the Ca2� titration. These results suggest that the struc-tural transition from the antiparallel to the parallel G-quartetof d(G4T4G4) occurred continuously and cooperatively withthe Ca2� titration. This is the ¢rst report stating that thestructural transition between antiparallel and parallel G-quar-tets was induced by a divalent cation. The CD intensitychanges at 260 and 295.6 nm were saturated at 20 mMCa2� concentration. To con¢rm that d(G4T4G4) forms theparallel G-quartet structure in the presence of Ca2�, the mo-bility of d(G4T4G4) was examined on a non-denaturing gel.Fig. 4 shows the electrophoretic mobilities of d(G4T4G4) in 50mM NaCl (lane 3), and 50 mM NaCl and 50 mM CaCl2 (lane4) on 20% non-denaturing gel containing 50 mM NaCl. Themigration of d(G4T4G4) in the absence of Ca2� was fasterthan that of single- and double-stranded 12-mer oligonucleo-tides indicating that d(G4T4G4) forms a compact structure,the antiparallel G-quartet structure [11]. On the other hand,smearing of the d(G4T4G4) banding pattern occurred in 50mM NaCl and 50 mM CaCl2. The smearing band suggeststhat the parallel G-quartet structure of d(G4T4G4) in the pres-ence of 50 mM CaCl2 is not a homogeneous four-strandedparallel G-quartet but includes some highly ordered structuressuch as a G-wire [22]. The highly ordered structures can beformed only under conditions in which all strands are orientedin a parallel direction. These results of the gel electrophoresisof d(G4T4G4) under di¡erent salt conditions are compatiblewith the results of CD measurements.

4. Discussion

4.1. Divalent cation e¡ect on the antiparallel G-quartetstructure

Although there are many ongoing studies on the divalentcation e¡ect on G-quartet structures using Tm and the CDintensity change, our understanding of these features is qual-itative but not quantitative. For example, Lee, Hardin et al.,and Blume et al. showed that some divalent cations have ane¡ect on poly[d(GGA)] [23], d(CGCG3GCG) [24] and

Fig. 3. A: CD spectra of 50 WM d(G4T4G4) in the bu¡er containing50 mM MES (pH 6.1), 100 mM Na� and 0^100 mM CaCl2 (fromthe upper to the lower spectrum at 295.6 nm) at 5³C. B: CD inten-sities of 50 WM d(G4T4G4) in the bu¡er containing 50 mM MES(pH 6.1), 100 mM NaCl, and various CaCl2 concentrations at 5³C.The square and circle indicate CD intensities at 295.6 and 260 nm,respectively.

Fig. 4. Gel electrophoresis of oligonucleotides in 20% non-denatur-ing gel containing 50 mM NaCl. Lane 1, d(TTTCCCTTTCTT);lane 2, d(TTTCCCTTTCTT)/d(AAGAAAGGGAAA); lane 3,d(G4T4G4) in 50 mM NaCl; lane 4, d(G4T4G4) in 50 mM NaCland 50 mM CaCl2.

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d(CG4CG6AGC) [25], respectively. These DNAs form parallelG-quartet structures because their loop regions are too shortto cross over the G-tetrad. The thermodynamic parametersobtained in this study (Table 1) are part of the ongoing resultsthat show systematically and quantitatively the divalent catione¡ect on the antiparallel G-quartet structure. The parametersshow clearly that the divalent cations destabilized the anti-parallel G-quartet structure in the following order: Zn2�sCo2�sMn2�sMg2�sCa2� (sNa�).

Previously, it was shown by ab initio calculation that thestabilization of divalent cations for a Watson^Crick base pairthrough coordination to the N7 of guanine was in the follow-ing order: Li�6Na�6Ca2�6Mg2�6Zn2� [26]. This pro-pensity scale is almost opposite to that for the antiparallel G-quartet obtained in this study (Table 1). It was also reportedthat a divalent cation coordinates to the N7 of purines in aPyPuPu DNA triple helix and stabilizes it due to a Hoogsteenhydrogen bond enhancement [27]. In the triple and doublehelices of the previous studies, the guanine N7 is not involvedin a hydrogen bond, although this is used for the cyclicHoogsteen hydrogen bonds in the antiparallel G-quartet [1].Therefore, the divalent cation coordination to the guanine N7in the antiparallel G-quartet has to break the Hoogsteen hy-drogen bonds and destabilize the antiparallel G-quartet struc-ture. On the basis of these considerations, a novel mechanismfor the antiparallel G-quartet destabilization by the divalentcations is now proposed: The divalent cation coordinates tothe guanine N7 and decreases the Hoogsteen hydrogen bond;as a result, the divalent cation destabilizes the d(G4T4G4) G-quartet, although the mono- and divalent cation e¡ects on theG-quartet were noted to involve enhancement of the G-quar-tet structures with their cation coordination with guanine O6.Moreover, on the basis of the enthalpy change (vH³) andentropy change (TvS³) of the antiparallel G-quartet forma-tion of d(G4T4G4) in the presence of each of the divalentcations, all of the vvH³ (vH³(with a divalent cation)3vH³-(without a divalent cation)) and 3TvvS³(3TvS³(with a diva-lent cation)33TvS³(without a divalent cation)) indicatedpositive and negative values, respectively (Table 1). The rela-tionship among the free energy, enthalpy, and entropychanges for the G-quartet formation at 25³C is described bythe following equation: vG�25 =vH³3298.15vS³. Thus, thedestabilization of the divalent cations for the antiparallel G-quartet structure formation is predominantly induced by theenthalpy increment. The enthalpy change generally occurswith hydrogen bonding and stacking interaction changes.Therefore, these thermodynamic parameters also support thepresented mechanism that the divalent cations decrease thehydrogen bond with coordination to the guanine N7.

4.2. Structural transition induced by divalent cationsMiura et al. showed a phase diagram of the structural tran-

sition between antiparallel and parallel G-quartet of d(T4G4)4

depending on monovalent cation (Na� and K�) concentra-tions and their ratio [28]. In their study, 225 mM Na� or 65mM K� was required for the transition from an antiparallelto a parallel G-quartet structure. However, in this study, only1 mM transition metal cations may induce the parallel G-quartet structure in the presence of 7 mM Na�. These resultsindicate that not only ionic strength but also the speci¢c di-valent cation^G-quartet interaction is essential for the struc-tural transition and that the speci¢c divalent cation^G-quartet

interaction may be stronger than the Na� coordination to theguanine O6. Generally, a transition metal ion is prone tocoordinate to a purine O6 more strongly than an alkalineearth ion [29]. Therefore, the structural transition inducedby only 1 mM transition metal ion may be tentatively ex-plained by the greater ability for coordination to the guanineO6 than the alkaline earth ions (Ca2� or Mg2�) have. Previ-ously, Chen showed that 2 mM Sr2� facilitates the parallel G-quartet formation of d(G4T4G4T4G4T4G4) [30]. In this study,although 1 mM Ca2� has little e¡ect on the structural tran-sition in the presence of Na�, over 20 mM Ca2� completes thetransition. The results of gel electrophoresis show that thestrand orientation of the d(G4T4G4) G-quartet in the presenceof 50 mM Ca2� is in a parallel direction. From these results, acoexistent divalent cation generally can regulate the structuraltransition between an antiparallel and a parallel G-quartet.We revealed here several monovalent and divalent cation re-lationships that can possibly regulate the structural transitionof the d(G4T4G4) G-quartet.

5. Conclusions

The divalent cations used in this study have the ability notonly to decrease the antiparallel G-quartet stability ofd(G4T4G4) but also to induce its structural transition to theparallel structure. Divalent cations, for example Ca2� andMg2�, are often observed in the human body [31,32] ; thus,the structural transition of the G-quartet can be controlled bythe divalent cation and its balance. The divalent cation e¡ecton the Hoogsteen base pair in the antiparallel G-quartet wasalso shown to be opposite to that on the Watson^Crick basepair in the double helix and the Hoogsteen base pair in thetriple helix, due to whether the guanine N7 is occupied by ahydrogen bond. The G-quartet structural transition regulatedwith a divalent cation is very useful for the regulation of afunctional molecule and the material development of a molec-ular switch.

Acknowledgements: This work was supported in part by grants-in-aidfrom the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Japan,and a grant from `Research for the Future' Program of the JapanSociety for the Promotion of Science to N.S.


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