英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in...

1 平成 31 年度( 2019 年度) 一般入学試験(前期)SAB方式 【注意事項】 1 .試験開始の合図があるまで,この冊子を開いてはいけません。 2 .試験時間は,12 時 30 分 ~ 13 時 30 分の 60 分間です。 3 .学科別の出題科目は,下表の●及び◎で示すとおりで,学科の指定する必須科目(選択必須含む)は●,選択科目 は◎で示してあります。判定には,獣医学部獣医学科は必須 3 科目,その他の学科は必須科目(選択必須含む)1 科 目と選択科目 1 科目以上の受験が必要です。それぞれの時間の中で複数科目に●または◎がついている場合は,その うちから 1 科目のみ選択して解答してください。 解答にあたっては,当該科目の掲載ページを確認し,選択間違いのないように十分注意してください。 出題科目表:●=必須科目(選択必須),◎=選択科目 学部 試験時間   試験科目   掲載ページ  1 時間目 (90 分) 2 時間目 (60 分) 3 時間目 (60 分) 4 時間目 (60 分) ·A 学科 P. 2 P. 11 P. 12 応用数学科 化学科 応用物理学科 物理科学専攻 応用物理学科 臨床工学専攻 基礎理学科 生物化学科 臨床生命科学科 動物学科 バイオ・応用化学科 機械システム工学科 電気電子システム学科 情報工学科 知能機械工学科 生命医療工学科 建築学科 工学プロジェクトコース 総合情 報学部 情報科学科 生物地 球学部 生物地球学科 初等教育学科 中等教育学科 国語教育コース 中等教育学科 英語教育コース 経営 学部 経営学科 獣医 学部 獣医学科 獣医保健看護学科 4 .試験中に問題冊子の印刷不鮮明,ページの落丁・乱丁及び解答冊子の汚れ等に気づいた場合は,手を挙げて監 督者に知らせてください。 5 .解答冊子は切り離さないでください。解答冊子ごと回収します。 6 .試験開始の合図があったら,解答冊子の 1 ページ目(表紙)に受験地名,受験番号を記入し,解答(選択)する科目 の欄に○をつけ,解答を始めてください。なお解答は,解答(選択)科目の該当するページに必ず記入してください。 7 .志望学科の出題科目以外の科目や 2 つ以上の科目に○をつけたり,○をつけていない場合は,無効となります ので,注意してください。 8 .問題には選択問題が含まれる場合があります。各科目の問題指示文をよく読み,所定の解答欄に解答してください。 9 .数学Ⅲの解答は,大問 1 は 4 ~ 5 ページ,大問 2 は 6 ~ 7 ページ,大問 3 は 8 ~ 9 ページに解答してくだ さい。 .試験終了の合図と同時に解答をやめてください。 問題冊子 英語・数学Ⅲ 2 時間目 2 月1日 2 時間目 10

Transcript of 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in...

Page 1: 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes


平成 31 年度( 2019 年度)


【注意事項】1 .試験開始の合図があるまで,この冊子を開いてはいけません。2.試験時間は,12 時 30 分~ 13 時 30 分の 60 分間です。3.学科別の出題科目は,下表の●及び◎で示すとおりで,学科の指定する必須科目(選択必須含む)は●,選択科目は◎で示してあります。判定には,獣医学部獣医学科は必須 3科目,その他の学科は必須科目(選択必須含む)1科目と選択科目1科目以上の受験が必要です。それぞれの時間の中で複数科目に●または◎がついている場合は,そのうちから1科目のみ選択して解答してください。 解答にあたっては,当該科目の掲載ページを確認し,選択間違いのないように十分注意してください。



試験時間  試験科目  掲載ページ 

1時間目(90 分)

2時間目(60 分)

3時間目(60 分)

4時間目(60 分)













学科 P. 2〜P.11



応用数学科 ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎化学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●応用物理学科 物理科学専攻 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●応用物理学科 臨床工学専攻 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●基礎理学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●生物化学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●臨床生命科学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●動物学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●


バイオ・応用化学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●機械システム工学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●電気電子システム学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●情報工学科 ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎知能機械工学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●生命医療工学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●建築学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●工学プロジェクトコース ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●

総合情報学部 情報科学科 ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎生物地球学部 生物地球学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ● ● ●教育学部

初等教育学科 ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎中等教育学科 国語教育コース ◎ ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎中等教育学科 英語教育コース ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎

経営学部 経営学科 ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎獣医学部

獣医学科 ● ● ● ● ●獣医保健看護学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●



7.志望学科の出題科目以外の科目や 2つ以上の科目に○をつけたり,○をつけていない場合は,無効となりますので,注意してください。

8.問題には選択問題が含まれる場合があります。各科目の問題指示文をよく読み,所定の解答欄に解答してください。9.数学Ⅲの解答は,大問1は 4~ 5 ページ,大問2は 6~ 7 ページ,大問3は 8~ 9 ページに解答してください。.試験終了の合図と同時に解答をやめてください。



2 時間目

2月1日 2 時間目


Page 2: 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes



Japanese Values and Virtues

― Maintaining Harmony ―

Omotenashi means to treat or entertain someone warmheartedly, whether that person is a

visiting guest, a business contact, or a friend or acquaintance. This undoubtedly holds true for

every country: whenever an important person is being received, preparations are made to

assure that the guest enjoys him- or herself. Given this, what distinguishes Japanese omotenashi

from that found in other countries?

At the core of omotenashi is attentiveness to the needs of others (ki wo tsukau). To be

attentive means to read the atmosphere, sense the mood, and feel the invisible energy spreading

over an occasion. To treat someone well, or to entertain them as a guest, therefore means to

create a comfortable atmosphere, the conditions ( ① ) a guest can feel relaxed. Ultimately, it

means not to entertain the guest to achieve some kind of self-satisfaction, but to be quick in

perceiving the guest’s needs, desires, and the overall mood, and to entertain the guest


During the so-called “bubble economy” years, the Japanese often went too far in keeping

guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior

was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes went too far in pushing

the uniqueness of Japanese culture on their foreign guests.

The true meaning of omotenashi is now being re-examined in Japan. Toward that end, we

will take a closer look at the concept of kikubari, which is fundamental in this value system.

Kikubari means to be conscious of the various delicate aspects of an occasion and control and

adjust one’s behavior accordingly. Kikubari must be shown through action. It begins with

attentiveness and ends in showing consideration. ( ② ), kikubari is the behavior resulting from

attentiveness to the feelings of others. It is a moderate sign of affection, a reserved indication of

feeling for others.

Let’s say you wish to show someone consideration but you do it in a rather obvious way.

The result may be that the other person feels a sense of obligation and perhaps emotional

discomfort as well. This is not the type of behavior a truly considerate person engages in. The

truly considerate person sees to it that there is a continuous sense of well-being felt by the

guest in the mood of the occasion. It is this type of consideration that lies at the heart of








[英- 1] <英   語>

問題は全部で 4題あります。獣医学部 獣医学科の受験者は 1 ~ 4 を,その他の学科・コースの受験者は 1 ~ 3 を解答しなさい。


Page 3: 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes


The Japanese people have long lived on the islands of Japan without much contact with

other peoples. As a result, they have developed means of understanding one another without

clearly expressing their thoughts. This gave rise to the attentiveness seen in ki wo tsukau, the

unique product of a tightly-knit community. The conscious consideration for others shown in

kikubari is part of the value system of a tight community, passed down from one generation to

the next.

The issue Japan is now facing is how the unique spirit of omotenashi can be adapted for

use with people from different cultural backgrounds. In order for this to be done-in order to

grasp the mood and atmosphere represented by the word ki in ki wo tsukau and kikubari-it is

of the utmost importance to understand the cultural background of others. The issue for Japan

today is how to openly and frankly come to terms with the different types of ki that exist on the

global stage.

( 1 ) 次の各英文について,本文の内容に合っていれば T,合っていなければ F と答えよ。

1 .It is natural that people in every country would like to give a warm welcome to a

guest or a friend.

2 .Ki wo tsukau means that the host answers the guest’s requests in order to satisfy

him- or herself.

3 .During the “bubble” years, Japanese hosts often forced their guests from other

countries to admire the unique customs of Japanese culture.

4 .According to the writer, the concept of kikubari is the foundation of omotenashi.

5 .When you show your kindness to someone very openly, they will definitely be

thankful to you.

6 .In a tight community like Japan, the concept of kikubari has been handed down for


( 2 ) 本文中の下線部の各語が表すものとして最も適切なものを 1 ~ 4 から選び,番号で答えよ。

( a ) <It begins with attentiveness …>(20 行目)

1 .omotenashi   2 .kikubari

3 .the concept   4 .one’s behavior

( b) <As a result, they have developed means of understanding …>(31 行目)

1 .the feelings of others 2 .other peoples

3 .the Japanese people   4 .the islands of Japan




[英- 2]


Page 4: 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes


( 3 ) 本文中の( ① )と( ② )に入るものとして最も適切なものを 1 ~ 4 から選び,番号で答


( ① ) 1 .what   2 .whether   3 .in which   4 .why

( ② ) 1 .In turns    2 .In other words    3 .In return    4 .Instead

( 4 ) 本文中の次の各語の意味として最も適切なものを 1 ~ 4 から選び,番号で答えよ。

( a ) <occasion>( 8 行目)

1 .a particular situation when something occurs

2 .a place where scenes of a film are made

3 .a cause which results in something

4 .a connection between two or more things

( b) <reserved>(22 行目)

1 .extremely good or excellent

2 .occupied and cannot be used by anyone else

3 .unwilling to express one’s thoughts and feelings openly

4 .seen or monitored carefully

( 5 ) 本文 36 行目の The issue Japan is now facingについて,これを解決するためにはどのよ

うなことが最も重要であると著者は述べているか。その内容を 20 字以内の日本語で説明せ

よ。ただし句読点も 1 字に数える。

[英- 3]


Page 5: 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes


( 6 ) 下記の語(語句)を並べ替え,日本文の意味とほぼ同じになる英文を作成するとき,( ① )

と( ② )に入る語(語句)の番号を記せ。

( a ) 謙遜は日本語の中でとても重要な語であり,文化の基本原理を表している。

Kenson is ( ① ) ( ② )

of the culture.

1 .very important   2 .in   3 .reflects   

4 .the   5 .and   6 .a   

7 .Japanese   8 .basic principles    9 .word

( b) おそらく 「間」の概念がよく機能しているからか,日本人は長い沈黙の時間にも慣れて


Japanese ( ① ) ( ② ) .

1 .long periods   2 .works   3 .are   

4 .of silence   5 .used to   6 .the concept of ma   

7 .probably because    8 .well

[英- 4]


Page 6: 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes



( 1 ) 次の各英文の(  )にあてはまる最も適切な語(語句)を 1 ~ 4 から選び,番号で答えよ。

( a ) Michael Jackson, the so-called “King of Pop”, (  ) in 1958.

1 .bore   2 .is born   3 .was born 4 .has been born

( b) It’s about time you (  ) care of yourself.

1 .took   2 .have taken 3 .will take   4 .are taking

( c ) John used (  ) by himself when he was a college student.

1 .to cook    2 .to cooking    3 .cooking   4 .cook

( d) We cannot (  ) see stars during the night.

1 .hardly   2 .always   3 .almost   4 .never

( 2 ) 次の各英文は,一箇所訂正することによって,与えられた日本文とほぼ同じ意味の正しい文

となる。訂正すべき箇所を 1 ~ 4 から選び,番号で答えよ。

( a ) その男が嘘をついているのは明らかだと思われる。

It seems clearly that the man is telling a lie.

( b) すべてのお金が新プロジェクトに使われてきた。

All the money have been spent on the new project.

( c ) バスを待っている間,スマホでゲームを楽しむことにしている。

During waiting for the bus, I enjoy playing games on my smartphone.

( d) 会議で馬鹿な発言をして本当に後悔している。

I really regret to have said such a stupid thing at the meeting.


1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

[英- 5]


Page 7: 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes


次の A と B が最も自然な対話となるには,(  )にどの会話文(語句)を入れるのがよいか。

1 ~ 4 から選び,番号で答えよ。

( 1 ) A:May I borrow your pen?

B:(         )

A:Thanks a lot.

1 .Yes, let’s.

2 .Yes, go ahead.

3 .No, thanks.

4 .No, let’s not.

( 2 ) A:How would you like to pay?

B:Do you accept credit cards?

A:(         )

1 .I’m just looking.

2 .Please keep the change.

3 .Yes, I’m being helped.

4 .Yes, sure.

( 3 ) A:What did you think of his latest novel?

B:(         ) How about you?

A:To be honest, I thought it was too childish.

B:Really? I was so moved by that amazing story.

1 .I’ve not read it yet.

2 .I really liked it.

3 .I don’t like reading books, actually.

4 .I think it’s boring.

( 4 ) A:Would you like to have lunch with me today?

B:(         )

A:OK, see you later in front of the office at 11 : 30.

1 .Sounds good to me.

2 .Yes, but tonight would be better for me.

3 .Actually, I have another appointment today.

4 .Sorry, I’ve already finished it.


[英- 6]


Page 8: 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes


( 5 ) A:How’s everything going with you?

B:(         )

A:I’m happy to hear that.

1 .Yes, I am.

2 .It’s been a long time.

3 .Oh, I can’t complain.

4 .Not really. I have a slight cold today.

[英- 7]


Page 9: 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes



Environmental Education Outside School

The “Green Classroom” in the Botanical Garden of the University of Ulm is a learning forum

outside school in Germany. Its educational concept is based on experiential learning and is

geared towards expanding students’ biological knowledge and developing positive attitudes

towards small animals and insects.

These days, sustainable development is seen as the key to securing decent living conditions

for future generations. The basic educational concept for sustainable development in the

German school system offers a guideline for an effective environmental education. The concept

includes practical experiential learning through direct contact with animals in their environment

and the involvement of emotions. And the aim is to shape values in a holistic approach*.

Normally, experiential learning such as excursions and programs like the “Green Classroom” are

suggested as means for a modern environmental education.

What do children already know about animals? When asked to list the species they know,

they generally mention animals that are not found in their own environment. Vertebrates*

which seem to be more remarkable and extraordinary are mentioned whereas small animals

(invertebrates*) are hardly ever discussed. Worse still, the small animals that do get mentioned

are associated with feelings of disgust and dislike. These negative emotions towards small

animals pose a genuine obstacle for an effective ecological education or education in sustainable

development. It should be noted that the majority of these invertebrates are harmless and that

invertebrates are essential for our ecological system. ( ① ), many of them are classed as

endangered species or on the brink of extinction. If children are not familiar with the animals

they encounter in their own natural environment, they will find it difficult to address issues of

biodiversity and ecological problems. There is an obvious need for an educational program that

raises interest in and creates awareness of invertebrates, getting rid of any negative emotions

such as disgust along the way.

Learning in the “Green Classroom” is organized in such a way that students encounter

animals in their natural habitat, and what they observe will be explained and put into context.

Questions that arise from these encounters will be addressed immediately. The topics that

students deal with in the “Green Classroom” are those of small animals that can be found in the

environment of the children. The Botanical Garden allows students to explore the animals in

their original habitat, for example, meadow, forest, and lake. Students receive instruction about

獣医学部 獣医学科の受験者は次の問題も解答しなさい。その他の学科・コースの受験者は,解答する必要はありません。








[英- 8]


Page 10: 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes


the habitat and its importance as well as about how to deal respectfully with the animals that

live there. After that, students explore the habitat and carefully catch animals in special small

boxes. These boxes will be taken to the “Green Classroom” that includes natural habitats.

There the animals will be observed through magnifying glasses. While working with the small

animals, scientific facts are presented in order to introduce specific invertebrates and possibly

initiate “personal relationships”. Students will be asked to produce, depending on their age,

drawings of animals or of their food chains and habitats. Observations in the “Green Classroom”

show that students begin to care about these animals in this process. And ( ② ), they will

reach the goal of expanding knowledge of especially small animals such as invertebrates and

insects and improving emotions and attitudes towards small animals in our own environment.

* holistic approach( 9 行目):総合的手法   

* vertebrate(13 行目):脊椎動物

* invertebrate(15 行目):無脊椎動物

( 1 ) 次の各英文について,本文の内容に合っていれば T,合っていなければ F と答えよ。

1 .One of the educational concepts of the “Green Classroom” involves increasing

biological knowledge of small creatures.

2 .At first, children tend to talk more about small creatures around them because they

consider them as part of their daily life.

3 .Becoming familiar with the animals living nearby will possibly lead children to a

better understanding of biodiversity and ecological problems.

4 .Observation is an effective way to improve children’s negative emotions towards

small insects.

5 .Children’s emotions do not play an important role in the “Green Classroom”.



[英- 9]


Page 11: 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes


( 2 ) 次の下線の語が表すものとして最も適切なものを 1 ~ 4 から選び,番号で答えよ。

( a ) <… the “Green Classroom” are those of …>(28 行目)

1 .questions 2 .these encounters

3 .the topics    4 .students

( b) <… of their food chains …>(37 行目)

1 .animals 2 .drawings of animals

3 .students 4 .small boxes

( 3 ) 本文中の( ① )と( ② )に入るものとして最も適切なものを 1 ~ 4 から選び,番号で答


( ① ) 1 .Ultimately    2 .Luckily   3 .Immediately    4 .Moreover

( ② ) 1 .firstly   2 .eventually    3 .instead   4 .unfortunately

( 4 ) 次の各語の本文中での意味として最も適切なものを 1 ~ 4 から選び番号で答えよ。

( a ) <sustainable>( 5 行目)

1 .concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare

2 .related to the belief that parts of something are interconnected

3 .conserving an ecological balance by avoiding running out of natural resources

4 .self-governing and free from outside control

( b) <encounter>(21 行目)

1 .to engage in activity for enjoyment

2 .to watch carefully

3 .to use superior strength

4 .to come across

( 5 ) “Green Classroom” のような課外学習が必要とされる理由について本文ではどのように述べ

られているか。70 字以内の日本語で説明せよ。ただし句読点も 1 字に数える。

[英- 10]


Page 12: 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes


[数Ⅲ- 1] <数 学 Ⅲ>次の問いに答えよ。

( 1 ) 無限級数k 1



/ 2k+1

5k-1 の和を求めよ。

( 2 ) 2 つの曲線 y= x4 と y= x2 で囲まれた部分の面積 Sを求めよ。

( 3 )  limn"3



1=/ kk を求めよ。


( 1 )  3+ i4+ 3i +

2i1- 2i を計算せよ。

( 2 ) 複素数 a,bについて,ab- abは純虚数または 0 であることを示せ。ただし,a,bはそれ

ぞれ a,bと共役な複素数とする。

( 3 ) 複素数 zは z5=-1+ iを満たし,zを複素数平面上の点で表すと第 3 象限にあるとする。z

の偏角 iで 0E i1 2rを満たすものを求めよ。

a,bを正の定数とし,f(x)= ae2x+ b,g(x)= 3exとする。曲線 y= f(x)上の点(0,f(0))にお

ける接線の方程式が y= 2x+ 3 であるとき,次の問いに答えよ。

( 1 ) 定数 a,bの値を求めよ。

( 2 ) 2 つの曲線 y= f(x)と y= g(x)の共有点の座標を求めよ。

( 3 ) 2 つの曲線 y= f(x)と y= g(x)で囲まれた部分の面積 Sを求めよ。




Page 13: 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes



Page 14: 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes



Page 15: 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes



Page 16: 英語・数学Ⅲ...guests up late at night drinking pricey liquor and eating expensive food; in fact, their behavior was far from the true meaning of omotenashi. Further, they sometimes