【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 基礎素養検査...dinosaurs*. New research shows what that...

2017年度 注   意 【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 11 5 5.解答用紙には解答欄のほかに次の記入欄があります。 (1)受験番号欄 『解答用紙①』および『解答用紙②』の 2 枚ともに受験番号を受験番号欄の上欄に算用 数字で記入しさらにその下のマーク欄にマークしてください。 (2)解答科目選択欄 ①「英語」「数学」「国語」を解答される方 『解答用紙①』 の解答科目選択欄について「解答をする」のマーク欄にマークするとと もに解答する科目を○で囲みさらにその下のマーク欄にマークしてください。 ②「理科」を解答される方 『解答用紙②』 の解答科目選択欄について「解答をする」のマーク欄にマークするとと もに解答する科目を○で囲みさらにその下のマーク欄にマークしてください。 受験番号および解答した科目が正しくマークされていない場合は採点できないことがあり ます。 6.記入したマークを訂正する場合はプラスチック製消しゴムで完全に消し改めてマーク してください(消しくずを残さないこと)。 4.解答は全てマークセンス方式です。マークは H・F・HBの黒鉛筆(シャー プペンシル可)で右の例のように正しくマークしてください。 マーク例 2.問題冊子は1部解答用紙は 2 枚です。なお解答用紙は「英語」「数学」「国語」用の『解 答用紙①』と「理科」用の『解答用紙②』の 2 種類があります。解答用紙は選考終了後に 2 枚とも提出いただきますので2 枚ともに受験番号欄に記入およびマークしてください。 1.選考開始の合図があるまでこの問題冊子の中を見てはいけません。 7.解答用紙は折り曲げたり汚したりしてはいけません。 8.解答用紙の※印欄はマークしてはいけません。 10.選考終了後問題冊子は持ち帰ってください。 9.問題冊子と解答用紙にページの落丁・乱丁および印刷の不鮮明な箇所や汚れなどがある場合は手を挙げて監督者に知らせてください。 ※理科については「物理基礎」「化学基礎」「生物基礎」から2 科目選択し解答してくださ い。解答する科目の順番は問いません。解答時間(60 分)の配分は自由です。 3.出題科目ページおよび選択方法は下表のとおりです。 出題科目 ページ 選択方法 英  語 1〜 11 解答科目は選択できる 科目を受験票で確認のう 選択しなさい。 数学Ⅰ・A 13 〜 16 理科※ 物理基礎 17 〜 20 化学基礎 21 〜 24 生物基礎 25 〜 28 国  語 国語 1 〜国語16(うしろから始まります)

Transcript of 【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 基礎素養検査...dinosaurs*. New research shows what that...


注   意


基 礎 素 養 検 査


5.解答用紙には解答欄のほかに次の記入欄があります。  (1)受験番号欄    �『解答用紙①』および『解答用紙②』の 2枚ともに, 受験番号を受験番号欄の上欄に算用

数字で記入し,さらにその下のマーク欄にマークしてください。  (2)解答科目選択欄    ①「英語」「数学」「国語」を解答される方     �『解答用紙①』 の解答科目選択欄について,「解答をする」のマーク欄にマークするとと

もに,解答する科目を○で囲み,さらにその下のマーク欄にマークしてください。    ②「理科」を解答される方     �『解答用紙②』 の解答科目選択欄について,「解答をする」のマーク欄にマークするとと

もに,解答する科目を○で囲み,さらにその下のマーク欄にマークしてください。  ※�受験番号および解答した科目が正しくマークされていない場合は,採点できないことがあり



4.解答は全てマークセンス方式です。マークはH・F・HBの黒鉛筆(シャープペンシル可)で右の例のように正しくマークしてください。 マーク例

2.問題冊子は1部,解答用紙は 2枚です。なお,解答用紙は,「英語」「数学」「国語」用の『解答用紙①』と「理科」用の『解答用紙②』の 2種類があります。解答用紙は,選考終了後に 2枚とも提出いただきますので,2 枚ともに受験番号欄に記入およびマークしてください。






※理科については,「物理基礎」「化学基礎」「生物基礎」から 2科目選択し,解答してください。解答する科目の順番は問いません。解答時間(60 分)の配分は自由です。


出題科目 ページ 選択方法英  語 1 〜 11


数学Ⅰ・A 13 〜 16

理科※物理基礎 17 〜 20化学基礎 21 〜 24生物基礎 25 〜 28

国  語 国語 1〜国語16(うしろから始まります)


 次の英文を読み,問い(問 1〜 ₄)について,それぞれ  〜  から最も適当なもの

を一つ選び,解答を    〜    に入れなさい。   (1₆点)

 The world is becoming more and more global, so everyone should be familiar with

foreign work cultures. An American businessman will greet you with a handshake, a

Japanese businessman will bow to you, and a German businessman might give you a

handshake and a nod ― how you respond to these greetings is important. Work cultures

can vary a lot and affect everything from how people greet each other to how many

vacations they take.

 There are many differences between work cultures of different countries. The

Japanese put a lot of emphasis on avoiding conflict. For example, they rarely criticize a

co-worker directly. Instead, they use body language or their tone of voice to convey the

true meaning of their words. It differs in places such as America and Germany, where

oneʼs complete message is usually explained through speech.

 Some work cultures are very casual. The French work only 35 hours a week and are

guaranteed at least five weeks of vacation a year. In France, co-workers share

information about their personal lives and treat each other like family. Meanwhile,

many people in Spain have three-hour lunch breaks. Even a 35-year-old might go home

and get a home-cooked meal from his mother. After eating, Spaniards take a nap before

returning to work. Some say that these practices are damaging the countriesʼ economies,

but work cultures are very resistant* to change.

(注)*resistant: 抵抗を示して

問 1 �According to this passage, business people in Germany usually use    to

greet people.

   hands alone

   heads and hands

   eyes and hands

   hands and arms

Ⅰ 1 4

⑴ ⑷





(解答番号 ⑴ 〜 � )

英   語


問 ₂ According to this passage, which of the following is true about French people?


   They are guaranteed only a few weeks of vacation a year.

   They usually have three-hour lunch breaks.

   They rarely share information about their personal lives with their co-workers.

   They work less than 40 hours a week.

問 ₃ �According to this passage, many people in Spain    before going back to

work in the afternoon.

   go swimming

   go shopping

   get some sleep

   take cooking classes

問 ₄ What is the best title of this passage?�     

   Casual Work Cultures

   Work Cultures of the World

   Speech and Body Language

   Different Greetings in the World














 次の英文を読み,問い(問 1〜 5)について,それぞれ  〜  から最も適当なもの

を一つ選び,解答を    〜    に入れなさい。   (₂₀点)

 Tens of millions of years ago, an asteroid* hit what is now the Yucatán Peninsula of

Mexico. The event led to a global mass extinction* that has been linked to the end of the

dinosaurs*. New research shows what that great disaster led to: a modern age of fish.

 Sixty-six million years ago, the ocean was a different place. Sharks and octopus-like

creatures were powerful. But scientist Elizabeth Sibert says there were other important

species as well.

 “There were also many marine reptiles* that were swimming around. And of course

there were fish. Absolutely there were ray-finned fish around. Itʼs just that they werenʼt

very dominant.”

 Ms. Sibert is a graduate student at the University of California, San Diego. She and

her professor compared micro-fossil fish teeth and shark scales in sediment* that dated

before and after the mass death.

 “Basically the deeper down you get, the older you get. So we looked at sediments from

75 million years ago to about 45 million years ago, looking at every 200,000 years in

some cases, looking at every 10,000 years in other cases.”

 Fossil evidence showed that the ratio of fish to shark changed sharply after the

asteroid hit. Elizabeth Sibert explains.

 “We see that instead of having about equal number of shark fossils and fish fossils, we

see that the fish fossils more than double and that trend continues while the shark

fossils stay approximately the same.”

 The study suggests that the mass extinction killed many animals at both the top and

bottom of the ocean food chain. This permitted animals in the middle of the chain to

increase their numbers. Those animals are the ray-finned fish that represent nearly all

fish species today.

 Elizabeth Sibert says her next step is to go back to the micro-fossil record. She will try

to learn from it how the fish dealt with other stresses in the ocean, like global warming.

(注)*asteroid: 小惑星  *extinction: 絶滅  *dinosaur: 恐竜  *reptile: 爬虫類 

   *sediment: 堆積物

Ⅱ 1 4

⑸ ⑼


問 1 According to this passage, which of the following is true?     

   An asteroid hit the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico tens of thousands of years ago.

   An asteroidʼs hitting the earth caused a global mass extinction.

   Sharks and octopus-like creatures were powerful hundreds of years ago.

   A modern age of fish started 10 million years ago.

問 ₂ According to this passage, dinosaurs    .

   were all swimming around in the ocean

   led the earth to a modern age of fish

   were gone forever after the asteroid hit

   drove marine reptiles out

問 ₃ According to this passage, Ms. Sibert    .

   is a professor at the University of California, San Diego

   compared micro-fossil fish teeth and shark scales in sediment by herself

   and her professor watched micro-fossil fish and sharks swimming in the ocean

   �and her professor studied sediments from 75 million years ago to about 45 million

years ago

問 ₄ According to this passage, the study of fossil evidence showed    .

   the ratio of fish to shark changed gradually after the asteroid hit

   there was a bigger number of shark fossils compared to the number of fish fossils

   �the mass extinction led to the increase of animals in the middle of the ocean food


   �the mass extinction killed animals from the top to the bottom of the ocean food


問 5 What is the best title of this passage?     

   Rise of Modern Age of Fish

   An Asteroid and Dinosaurs

   The Ocean Food Chain

   Fish and Global Warming






















 次の各文の空欄    〜    に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ  〜  

から一つ選びなさい。   (₂₀点)

1 The part-time workers of the store are paid    the hour.

    in�   by�   at�   for

2 Kathy listened carefully so as     a single word.

    not missing   to missing�   not to missing   not to miss

3 Be careful not to mix things up that    to be distinguished.

    ought   dare�   should   must

4 This wonderful picture is one of the works of the    .

    participate   participating�   participant   participation

5 By the time Chris    there, it will be nearly dark.

    got   will get�   would get   gets

6 Father told me he was    old as I am now when he got married to Mother.

    the same   too�   as   more than

7 The man over there has a son,     lives in America now.

    that   who�   whom   which

8 The birds are excited and flying    in the sky.

    high   highly�   tall   height

9 It is no good    about what cannot be restored.

    worried   in worrying�   worry   worrying

10 I have been    English for ten years, but I canʼt speak it.

    studied   study�   studying   studies

11 Each of the students    their own computer.

    has   have�   have had   are having

12 Donʼt you think tonightʼs moon has a special    ?

    beautiful   beauty�   beauties   beautifully

13 The same thing kept    over and over again.

    saying   to be said�   being said   said

14 This is    Mr. Kobayashi has become the president.

    what   who�   however   how

15 “    you be coming to the welcome party this evening?” “Yes, of course.”

    Are   Will�   Can   Do

Ⅲ ⑽ � 1 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4


16 What    this animal called in your mother tongue?

    does   will�   is   are

17 If David had been more friendly to others, he could    more help from them


    get   gotten�   be getting   have gotten

18 If you join our club, you can learn how to sit less and become more    .

    active   activity�   act   action

19 There    only a chair and a table left in the room now.

    is   are�   was   were

20 The last few decades    dramatic changes in medical science.

    produce   producing�   had produced   have produced

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4


 次の会話文A〜 Cの空欄    〜    に入れるのに最も適当な英文を,それぞれの

解答群の  〜  から一つ選びなさい。   (1₈点)


A: Excuse me. Iʼd like to use the hotel pool while Iʼm here.    

B: Well, itʼs pretty simple. Just give the front desk your key card while youʼre in the pool.

A: What hours is the pool open?

B: From 6:30 in the morning to 11:30 at night, seven days a week.

A: Do I need any change for the locker?

B: No, just make sure you lock it, and keep your locker key on your wrist.


B: Yes, of course. And our showers also have free shampoo and rinse.

A: Is there anything else I should know?

B: Make sure you shower before going in, and no diving.


B: No, you donʼt. We have plenty of caps you can use.


   How come you know?

   Can I ask for a tour?

   How does that work?

   Do you have a pool?


   Should I bring all of my own things?

   Do you provide towels and soap?

   Should I take a shower before I come?

   Do you want me to buy shampoo and rinse?


   Can I swim with a cap?

   Can I buy my cap here?

   Do you know where I can find a cap?

   Do I need to bring my own cap?

Ⅳ � �

1 4















A: Our vacation ends tomorrow, and weʼre trying to decide what to do today.

B: Have you visited the city art museum?


B: Not really. You can get there by taxi in about twenty minutes.

A: How long would it take to see the whole museum?

B: You could see everything in a couple of hours.


B: Yes, actually, quite a few. Ethnic food would make a great lunch.

A: Whatʼs something good to do after lunch?

B: Why donʼt you take a walk across the Golden Gate Bridge?

A:    We could take some really nice pictures from the bridge.

B: Itʼd be a great way to capture some memories of your time here.


   No, is there an art museum in this city?

   No, is it very far from here?

   No, where is it?

   No, how do we get there from here?


   Are there enough hours to see it all?

   Will it cost a lot of money to get in?

   Are there any good restaurants near the museum?

   How many works of art could we see?


   Thatʼs a great idea!

   Iʼm not so fond of pictures.

   Do I need some special shoes for the walk?

   Where is the Golden Gate Bridge?















A: Iʼm looking for some good presents for family and friends.

B: What kinds of presents are you thinking of?

A: Well,    ?

B: We have things you can eat and things you can keep.

A: So, do you have cookies and such?

B: Yes, those, and also several other kinds of sweets.


B: Letʼs see. Weʼve got smaller items, such as picture frames, that you can put on display

in your living room.

A: What about larger things?

B: We also have stand-alone goods you can put in a corner or stand up against a wall.

A: O.K.,    .

B: Take your time. Iʼll be at the check-out counter if you have any questions.


   where are your presents

   what kinds do you have

   donʼt you have any other presents

   do I need to go elsewhere


   Do you have any larger items?

   What kinds of sweets do you have?

   What else do you have?

   Do you know what I need?


   I think Iʼll shop somewhere else

   I donʼt think Iʼll buy any today

   thereʼs nothing here I really want

   let me look around a little bit














 次の 1〜 6の各英文の下線部と最も近い意味を持つ単語を,それぞれ  〜  から一

つ選びその解答を    〜     に入れなさい。   ( ₆点)

1 Why did Judy turn down our invitation?     

    reserve   send   reject   accept

2 Please make sure that you purchase your ticket well in advance.     

    buy   exchange   offer   sell

3 This is a very difficult issue to handle.     

    test   decision   period   matter

4 The purpose of this book is to provide a complete guide to modern science.     

    price   goal   title   author

5 I know Mr. Smith really well. In fact, I had dinner with him last week.     

    Actually   Naturally   Fortunately   Finally

6 Iʼm quite confident of your success.     

    doubtful   worried   pleased   sure

 次の 1〜10の日本語に合う最も自然な英文になるように,それぞれの語群を並べ替え,

    〜    に入る語を一つ選びなさい。ただし,文頭にくる語も小文字で書かれて

いる。各問いの解答が共に正しい場合のみ正解とする。   (₂₀点)

1 高齢者のほうが若者より健康であるかもしれない。

  The (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) the young.

    might�   than�   elderly�   healthier�   sometimes be

2 友達が家に来たときには,マリアはすでに宿題を終えていた。

  Maria had already (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) her home.

    finished�   visited�   her friend�   when �   her homework

3 希少な本の展示会が12月に開催される予定だ。

  The exhibition of rare books (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) in December.

    to�   is�   be�   held�   expected

4 トムは息子にその非常に高価な車を買わないように説得した。

  Tom (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) the extraordinarily expensive car.

    buy�   his son�    to�   persuaded �   not

Ⅴ 1 4

� �

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Ⅵ� �

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5


5 ドナは公園で子どもたちが遊ぶのを眺めるのが好きだ。

  Donna is (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) together in the park.

    fond�   her children�   of�   playing�   seeing

6 ヘレンはレポート提出前に友達にチェックしてもらった。

  Helen (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) her friend before submitting it.

    checked�   her�   by�   report �   had

7 救助隊は先週の月曜の夜出かけて日曜遅くに戻ってきた。

  The rescue team went out last Monday (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ).

    on�   returned�   Sunday�   late�   evening and

8 子どもたちは暗くなる前に家に帰るべきだ。

  Children should return (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ).

    gets�   it�   before �   home �   dark

9 その委員会は適切な規則を作るように提案した。

  The committee (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) established.

    be�   suggested�   rule�   that �   the appropriate

10 雇用担当の役員らが来週の月曜日にジェームスを面接する。

   The officers (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) hiring will meet James next


    of �   are�   charge�   who�   in

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1. 本書の一部あるいは全部について,発行者の許可を得ずに,無断で複写・転写することは 禁じられています。

2. 本書の内容に誤り・誤字脱字などございましたら,ご連絡いただけると幸いです。



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