英文解釈と語句 <Level 7 #201>  · 2020. 4. 22. · 英文解釈と語句<Level 7...

英文解釈と語句 <Level 7 #201> トーランス学習研究会 www.study-group.net <v> wind、くねくねと曲がる 1. <adj> inborn, innate, inherent、もって生まれた、生来の 2. <v> decline; descend、沈下する 3. <adj> obedient; tame; domesticated、柔順な 4. <adj> sinful; bad、不道徳な 5. <v> remove、~から…を取り除く 6. <adj> lasting for a markedly brief time、はかない、束の間の 7. <adj> kind; thoughtful、理解のある 8. <n> independence, self-support, self-help、自律[主](性)、自治 、自立 9. <adj> having the ability to turn as if on a pivot; crucial、枢軸の( ような)、中枢の、重要な 10. He wanted ( ) from his parents, so he left home and moved into his own apartment. (1) autonomy It was very ( ) of you to let me know your schedule in advance. (2) considerate Horses are ( ), but tigers are not. (3) docile In the late 1800s, another group of artists concentrated on capturing ( ) impressions of what they saw. This school was called impressionism. (4) fleeting While some people take singing lessons, the ability to manipulate the voice is really an ( ) characteristic. (5) inbred The river ( ) through the Midwest. (6) (meanders) meander A rich supply of potassium, which is ( ) to growth, can be found in ashes from wood fires. (7) pivotal The dean is trying to ( ) the school of all its out-of-date programs. (8) rid After the earthquake, they found that the level of the land had ( ). (9) (subsided) subside Let's be ( ) and sneak into the movie theater. (10) wicked

Transcript of 英文解釈と語句 <Level 7 #201>  · 2020. 4. 22. · 英文解釈と語句<Level 7...

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 7 #201> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<v> wind、くねくねと曲がる1.

<adj> inborn, innate, inherent、もって生まれた、生来の2.

<v> decline; descend、沈下する3.

<adj> obedient; tame; domesticated、柔順な4.

<adj> sinful; bad、不道徳な5.

<v> remove、~から…を取り除く6.

<adj> lasting for a markedly brief time、はかない、束の間の7.

<adj> kind; thoughtful、理解のある8.

<n> independence, self-support, self-help、自律[主](性)、自治、自立


<adj> having the ability to turn as if on a pivot; crucial、枢軸の(ような)、中枢の、重要な


He wanted ( ) from his parents, so he left home and moved into his own


(1) autonomy

It was very ( ) of you to let me know your schedule in advance.(2) considerate

Horses are ( ), but tigers are not.(3) docile

In the late 1800s, another group of artists concentrated on capturing ( )

impressions of what they saw. This school was called impressionism.

(4) fleeting

While some people take singing lessons, the ability to manipulate the voice is really an

( ) characteristic.

(5) inbred

The river ( ) through the Midwest.(6) (meanders)


A rich supply of potassium, which is ( ) to growth, can be found in ashes from

wood fires.

(7) pivotal

The dean is trying to ( ) the school of all its out-of-date programs.(8) rid

After the earthquake, they found that the level of the land had ( ).(9) (subsided)


Let's be ( ) and sneak into the movie theater.(10) wicked

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<adj> calm, serene, tranquil、静かな、穏やかな1.

<adj> auxiliary; supplementary、補助の2.

<adj> inflammatory、扇動的な3.

<v> equivocate, quibble, evade, elude, duck, sidestep、すばやく身をかわす


<v> intercede, interpose, arbitrate, settle, reconcile、調停する5.

<adj> stiff; hard、固くて曲がらない6.

<adj> stubborn; disinclined to conform、強情な7.

<v> give over to another for care or safekeeping、交付する、引き渡す、委託する、送る


<n> a number of birds or animals together, a group、群れ9.

<v> anatomy、(死体を)検視する10.

The doctor ( ) the body to determine the cause of death.(1) (autopsied)


He took the packages to the airport to ( ) them to the customer.(2) consign

He ( ) the cars as he ran across the street through the traffic.(3) (dodged) dodge

The bus had to stop for a ( ) of sheep.(4) flock

The ( ) speech aroused the emotions of the audience.(5) incendiary

The manager tried to ( ) the conflict between the two departments, but failed.(6) mediate

His ( ) expression did not reveal whether he was interested in the proposal or not.(7) placid

This board is too ( ) and will break under stress.(8) rigid

His salary is small, but he can manage by getting ( ) income from a part-time job.(9) subsidiary

( ) young people may have difficulty adjusting to military life.(10) (Willful) willful

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 7 #203> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<v> to steal someone's ideas or words without acknowledging their source、(他人の文章・説などを)盗む、剽窃する


<adj> considerable; important; opposite of trivial、相当多量[多数]の


<v> enrage、(人を)怒らせる3.

<adj> ordinary, common, average, mean, routine、普通の、並の、平凡な


<n> severity, hardship, exactness, precision、きびしさ、過酷さ5.

<v> tame、飼い慣らす6.

<v> shrink、たじろぐ7.

<v> spouse, colleague, fellow, associate、(悪い人と)付き合う8.

<n> horticulture、草花栽培(法)9.

<adj> functioning in a subsidiary capacity、補助の10.

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a strong ( ) group in both private and

public schools.

(1) auxiliary

His father told him not to ( ) with such bad people.(2) consort

Cats are said to have been ( ) by the Egyptians.(3) (domesticated)


( ) is the study of plants and plant life.(4) (Floriculture)


I don't know why he is so ( ) at us.(5) (incensed)


His work is ( ) and uninteresting.(6) mediocre

Do not ( ) another's work by omitting proper citations.(7) plagiarize

The ( ) of the religious life was difficult for him.(8) rigor

When two families are merged, ( ) changes affect all family members.(9) substantive

The boy ( ) when his teacher stared at him and raised his hand.(10) (winced) wince

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<v> pester, afflict, annoy, badger, bother, disturb, fret, trouble, vex、苦しめる


<adj> greedy; hungry、欲張りな2.

<adj> not easily perceived; delicate; refined、微妙な3.

<n> motive, inducement, enticement, spur, stimulus、動機、報奨金[物]


<v> scheme, contrive, ponder, contemplate、黙想する5.

<adj> major、支配的な6.

<adj> obvious、目立つ7.

<n> (small) wave、さざ波8.

<adj> melancholy; sad、思いに沈む9.

<v> waver; change、絶えず変動する10.

They are so ( ) that they never share anything.(1) avaricious

The accountant made a very ( ) error.(2) conspicuous

Establishing a new economic theory has become the scholar's ( ) concern.(3) dominant

All year his mood ( ) between optimism and pessimism.(4) (fluctuates)


They promised him many ( ) if he could finish the project early.(5) (incentives)


He would ( ) to calm himself down.(6) meditate

When OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) raised oil prices in the

1970s, inflation ( ) nations around the globe.

(7) (plagued)


When the wind blow, we can see some ( ) on the pool.(8) (ripples) ripple

Although the editorial message was ( ), the newspaper editors thought it carried

an important message.

(9) subtle

The children appeared ( ) when they learned that their teacher had been injured in

a car accident.

(10) wistful

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<n> a person who brings a legal case against someone in a court of law、原告、提訴人


<v> to overthrow; to undermine、(国家・政府などを)転覆する, 倒す


<n> the relative frequency of occurrence of something、発生率3.

<n> distress, affliction, hardship、悲痛、悲嘆、苦悩、苦痛の種、災難


<n> reverence, respect, solemnize、畏敬、畏怖5.

<n> cell division that produces reproductive cells in sexually reproducing organisms; the nucleus divides into four nuclei each containing half the chromosome number (leading to gametes in animals and spores in plants)、減数分裂(還元分裂)


<adj> arrogant; tyrannical、傲慢な7.

<n> an agreement between a group of people which other people think is wrong or is likely to be harmful、共謀


<v> to rest or sleep、ねぐらにする9.

<v> confuse, flurry, dismay, panic、興奮させる、あわて騒ぐ10.

People watched in ( ) as the tornado lifted the car into the air.(1) awe

People often think that there is a ( ) among companies to keep prices high.(2) conspiracy

The ( ) manager will never get support from his staff.(3) domineering

He always got ( ) around pretty girls.(4) (flustered)


The proper and regular use of cycling can reduce the ( ) of heart attacks and the

related health problems resulting from being overweight.

(5) incidence

Sexual reproduction involves a different kind of cell division, called ( ).(6) meiosis

The ( ) was awarded $3,000 in damages by the state courts.(7) plaintiff

Many species of bats ( ) in caves or crevices.(8) roost

Several suffragettes were accused of ( ) the war effort during their 1918 fight to

obtain the right to vote.

(9) (subverting)


Lester was overcome with ( ).(10) woe

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<n> tiny bits of protoplasm found in vertebrate blood; essential for blood clotting、血小板


<adv> by the way、ところで2.

<n> vote, ballot, agreement, approval, support, assent、選挙権、参政権


<n> expression or self-evident truth; an established rule or principle、公理、自明の理、原理


<n> giver、寄贈者5.

<v> plot、陰謀を企てる6.

<n> an experienced person who helps another who is less knowledgeable、良き指導[助言]者


<n> any wind instrument other than the brass instruments、木管


<v> decompose, decay, mold, spoil, taint, corrupt、腐る9.

<v> flit, flicker、はためく、パタパタ振る、震える、ときめく10.

Many health care providers continue to tell their clients that the saying "an apple a day

keeps the doctor away" is an ( ) they can trust.

(1) axiom

The anarchist ( ) to overthrow the government.(2) (conspired)


The ( ) of the library is a well-known businessman who graduated from the


(3) donor

Someone only has to mention Paris and my heart begins to ( ).(4) flutter

I must go now. ( ), give me a call at my office if you need further help.(5) incidentally

The community college matched new students with ( ) to help them during the

first few weeks of classes.

(6) (mentors)


There are three types of blood cells: red blood cells, white blood cells, and ( ).(7) (platelets)


If somebody doesn't eat these apples soon they'll ( ).(8) rot

The goal of the women's ( ) movement was to get the right to vote.(9) suffrage

The orchestra consists of four groups: string, ( ), brass, and percussion.(10) woodwind

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 7 #207> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<v> controversy, dispute, argue, quarrel、論争する、口論する 〔with〕 〔about, over〕


<v> encourage; inspire、励ます2.

<v> beg、懇願する 〔with〕 〔for〕3.

<v> infuse、(光、涙、色などで)覆う4.

<n> an imaginary line through the middle of something、軸5.

<n> a group of stars which form a pattern and have a name、星座


<n> an economic system (Europe in 18th C) to increase a nation's wealth by government regulation of all of the nation's commercial interests、重商主義


<adj> asleep, inactive, latent, abeyant, quiescent、眠っているような、不活発な、冬眠中の


<v> awaken、(人を)起こす9.

<n> a flow or discharge、流動10.

Seasons are caused by the annual revolution of the earth around the sun and by the

daily rotation of the earth on its ( ).

(1) axis

I thought I saw a shooting star somewhere in that Northern ( ).(2) constellation

Bears become ( ) in the winter and sleep until spring.(3) dormant

The world economies are in a constant state of ( ).(4) flux

The radical thought ( ) the young men to rise up against the government.(5) (incited) incite

A new economic theory called ( ) developed in the 1600s.(6) mercantilism

The man ( ) for forgiveness.(7) (pleaded) plead

My mother ( ) me from sleep at 6:00 in the morning.(8) (roused) rouse

Her face is ( ) with affection for her baby.(9) (suffused)


The buyer and seller spent two days ( ) over the price.(10) (wrangling)


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英文解釈と語句 <Level 7 #208> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<adj> disorganized; illogical、首尾一貫しない1.

<n> one of the common people (sometimes used as a demeaning term)、平民、庶民


<v> squeeze, wrench, tweak, twirl, twist、しぼる3.

<n> leaves、木の葉4.

<adj> sullen or moody、不機嫌な、陰気な5.

<n> element、構成物質[要素]6.

<v> a heavy silvery toxic univalent and bivalent metallic element; the only metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures、水銀


<adj> belonging to or on or near the back or upper surface of an animal or organ or part、背部にある、背面の


<adj> a light shade of blue、淡青色の9.

<adj> boisterous、騒々しい10.

They took a trip to Hawaii because they loved the ( ) sea there.(1) azure

Hydrogen and oxygen are the major ( ) of water.(2) (constituents)


The ( ) fin of the shark can be seen above the water.(3) dorsal

My house was completely hidden by the thick ( ) of the trees.(4) foliage

Her explanation was so ( ) that everybody got confused.(5) incoherent

( ) is extremely poisonous even in very small quantities.(6) (Mercury)


The snobbish newcomer criticized her neighbors when she referred to them as ( ).(7) (plebeians)


Look at those ( ) boys shouting out of the train window.(8) rowdy

He was feeling ( ) and would not come out of his room.(9) sulky

He was ( ) the water out of the towel so that it would dry faster.(10) (wringing)


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<adj> dingy, dull, monotonous, shabby, dreary、単調さ[な]、さえない、おもしろくない


<v> chatter、片言でぶつぶつ言う2.

<adj> inept; unskilled、無能な3.

<adj> elementary, undeveloped、初歩の4.

<adj> flexible; supple; limber、しなやかな5.

<adj> gloomy、憂鬱な6.

<v> to make tight or smaller、締めつける7.

<adj> compulsory, obligatory, binding, powerful, efficient, persuasive、強制的な、力強い、効果的な、説得力のある


<v> mix together different elements、併合する、溶け込む9.

<n> the act of giving an account describing incidents or a course of events、旅行談


Babies ( ) as a way of learning the sound system of their native language.(1) babble

Wearing a tight band around your arm ( ) your veins.(2) (constricts)


If I didn't have my karate lessons and my poetry group, my life would be ( ).(3) drab

The lawyer made a ( ) argument on behalf of his client.(4) forcible

Nancy was fired because she was ( ) in typing.(5) incompetent

As the 19th century ( ) into the 20th, America was swept by a fever of invention.(6) (merged) merge

Young bamboo is quite ( ) and is difficult to break into two.(7) pliable

In ages past, humans had ( ) ideas of economics.(8) rudimentary

She is ( ); she just sits there feeling sorry for herself.(9) sullen

Pierre told us an interesting ( ) about his experiences in the expedition.(10) yarn

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<adj> thorough, dramatic、強烈な、徹底的な、思い切った1.

<adj> inconsistent; not conforming; lacking propriety、不調和な、一致しない、不適当な


<v> annoy, bother, puzzle, persecute, molest、悩ます3.

<n> predicament、(苦しい)状態4.

<v> link, bracket, connect, couple, harness, hitch, join, tie, unite、くびきをかける


<n> any of various cud-chewing hoofed mammals having a stomach divided into four (occasionally three) compartments、反芻動物


<v> bid, invite, convene, convoke, incite、呼び出す、召喚する、出頭を命ずる


<v> explain, explicate, interpret、説明する、解釈する、翻訳する8.

<v> predict、予想する9.

<n> peak, climax, crest, heyday、絶頂、全盛期10.

Don't ( ) the teacher with such simple problems.(1) badger

Given these facts, what do you ( ) the answers to be?(2) construe

If payment is not made by the end of the month, we will take ( ) legal action.(3) drastic

The professor ( ) that quite a few students in the class will pass the test.(4) (forecasts)


Encouraging parents to report their children to the police on trivial matters is ( )

with upholding family values and instilling trust.

(5) incongruous

He believes that he has passed the ( ) of life.(6) meridian

Many singers volunteered to help in the drive to improve the ( ) of the poor

homeless children.

(7) plight

Cows are ( ). Rumination allows them to digest coarse grasses.(8) (ruminants)


He was ( ) to the president's office on important business.(9) (summoned)


My grandfather's plow is pulled by two horses ( ) together.(10) (yoked) yoke

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 7 #211> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<n> shortcoming、欠点1.

<n> disbelief、疑い深いこと2.

<n> a gullible, innocent person from the country、田舎者3.

<n> a simple and sometimes sentimental song that tells a story、物語(詩)


<v> divide, separate、分離[分割]する5.

<adj> catching; communicable; infectious、伝染病の6.

<v> breach, fracture, split, disruption、破裂する7.

<adj> first, most important、主要な8.

<n> the organic processes (in a cell or organism) that are necessary for life、新陳代謝


<v> pull, jerk, snatch, rip, courage, bravery、(羽毛などを)引き抜く


Many ( ) from the American Civil War tell of individual heroism.(1) (ballads) ballad

Some diseases are very ( ).(2) contagious

Although he is a good pitcher, his poor control was a serious ( ).(3) drawback

According to many people, Beethoven was the ( ) composer of his period.(4) foremost

When Ted got an A on the final test, they looked at him with ( ).(5) incredulity

Many reptiles hibernate during winter, slowing their ( ) dramatically.(6) metabolism

He ( ) the feathers from the chicken before cooking it.(7) (plucked) pluck

If this pipe ( ), the house will get flooded with water.(8) (ruptures)


The cabin was ( ) by the avalanche.(9) (sundered)


In early movies, the character of a ( ) was often used as comic relief for the more

sophisticated characters to ridicule.

(10) yokel

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 7 #212> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<adj> ardent, enthusiastic. eager, earnest、熱心な、熱狂的な1.

<n> marten of northern Asian forests having luxuriant dark brown fur、クロテン


<n> expansion; one in a series of units、増加3.

<v> move、移住する、移動する4.

<v> to flow drop by drop、したたらせる5.

<n> robber; thief、賊6.

<v> pollute、汚す7.

<n> a metal that allows electricity to pass through it without resistance at very low temperatures、超伝導体


<v> to suggest what will happen later、予示する9.

<v> rob, despoil, ravage, strip, loot, steal、略奪[強奪]する10.

The police caught all the ( ) hiding in the cavern.(1) (bandits) bandit

Even in rural areas, water is sometimes ( ).(2) (contaminated)


The baby ( ) his milk on his shirt.(3) (dribbled)


Most novelists ( ) what will occur in a mystery novel by adding warnings in the

beginning of the book.

(4) foreshadow

The ( ) of ten digits may go back to early humans counting on their fingers and


(5) increment

Some birds ( ) to warmer countries in winter.(6) migrate

The pirates ( ) the captured town.(7) (plundered)


The coat is made of ( ) fur.(8) sable

A ( ) is a material that conducts electricity without resistance.(9) superconductor

We students are ( ) about building a better world.(10) zealous

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英文解釈と語句 <Level 7 #213> トーランス学習研究会www.study-group.net

<n> a terrible act against a hallowed place or person or thing、神聖冒涜


<v> teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions、(繰り返し説いて)教え込む、熱心に説く


<v> rain lightly、霧雤[こぬか雤]が降る3.

<v> exile, expel, dispel, deport、追放する、流刑にする、追い出す


<n> peak, summit, apex、天頂、頂点5.

<v> view, observe, meditate, ponder, deliberate, intend, mean, anticipate、熟視[考]する、意図する、予期する


<adj> shallow; relating to a thin surface; poorly developed、表面の、浅薄な


<n> the science or skill of growing and taking care of trees in forests, especially in order to obtain wood、林業


<n> a nonmetallic element such as silicon that has properties between those of a metal and nonmetal、半金属


<v> dip, stab, dive、押し込む、突っ込む、飛び込む10.

Out-of-date customs like these should have been ( ) long ago.(1) (banished)


He spent all of his free time ( ) the future.(2) (contemplating)


It did nothing but ( ) every day last June.(3) drizzle

Elephants are used in ( ) for moving timber and also as ceremonial beasts.(4) forestry

His parents tried to ( ) in him a sense of responsibility.(5) inculcate

The elements are classified by physical properties as metals, ( ), and nonmetals.(6) (metalloids)


The murderer ( ) the knife into his victim.(7) (plunged)


When the priest found that someone had defaced the church walls, he was appalled at

the ( ).

(8) sacrilege

The candidate's dissertation was so sketchy that it was regarded as ( ) and was

refused by his committee.

(9) superficial

The sun is at its ( ) at noon.(10) zenith

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<adj> not fixed, vague、不定の1.

<adj> of or relating to saliva、唾液の2.

<n> a beam made of wood、材木3.

<n> insolvency, crash, disaster, exhaustion, failure, indebtedness, lack, liquidation, ruin、破産、倒産


<n> belonging to the same time, of the present time, or modern、同時代の人


<adj> comical in an odd or whimsical manner、ひょうきんな、おどけた


<adj> extra; unnecessary、余分な7.

<n> piquancy, interest, charm, spice、(食物に)風味を添えるもの


<n> the marked and rapid transformation of a larva into an adult that occurs in some animals、変態


<v> navigate、行ったり来たりする10.

It may seem easy to buy things on credit but every year thousands of families fall into

( ) because of it.

(1) bankruptcy

George Washington and Benjamin Franklin were ( ).(2) (contemporarie



This essay is too ( ) to be distributed as it is.(3) droll

The factory will be closed for an ( ) period of time.(4) indefinite

Some 80% of insect species undergo complete ( ).(5) metamorphosis

This ferry ( ) between the two ports twice a day.(6) (plies) ply

The ( ) glands of many snakes produce venom.(7) salivary

He spent the money on ( ) things.(8) superfluous

The loggers say their jobs are faced with extinction because of declining ( ) sales.(9) timber

A bottle of cold apple cider adds ( ) to any meal.(10) zest

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<v> sell (although usually used in a somewhat bad way)、行商する


<adj> common, everyday, usual、平凡な2.

<n> careful attention, notice, observation、注意3.

<n> person creating and arranging dances for stage performances、振付師


<adj> continuing over a long period of time, long-standing、慢性的な


<n> person or thing substituted for another、代理人6.

<adj> vulnerable, liable to be affected by something、影響されやすい


<adj> in a state of depression、元気のない8.

<n> trickery, clever ruse、術策9.

<v> show, divulge, expose、(隠されていたものを)現す、もらす、見せる、明らかにする


Ralph's use of rubber masks proved to be a brilliant ( ).(1) artifice

After being an innovative dancer, Martha Graham became a ( ) and arranged

many innovative dance performances for her company.

(2) choreographer

Joshua suffered from ( ) tiredness; most days he slept straight through geometry


(3) chronic

Mrs. Baker was ( ) after her husband's death.(4) despondent

Pay ( ) to his warnings about that place; he's been there enough times to know the


(5) heed

Bill got a job going door to door to ( ) vacuum cleaners.(6) peddle

The critics called the new restaurant's food ( ); it never had many customers, and

eventually closed.

(7) pedestrian

Wendy cut through the frog's abdominal wall to ( ) the internal organs.(8) reveal

When I was ill, my friend agreed to act as my ( ) and give my speech for me.(9) surrogate

Because of her weakened state, Valerie was ( ) to infection.(10) susceptible

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<v> to find out or discover by examination、確かめる、確認する1.

<v> forcefully and wrongfully to carry, take, or lead away、(暴力・策略で)誘拐する


<n> code of social behavior、礼儀3.

<v> to thrust something forward、突く4.

<v> to continue in some course of action despite setbacks and opposition、我慢強くやり通す


<adj> able to be attacked or assaulted by blows or words、攻撃できる


<n> fear or anticipation of waiting for something、気がかり7.

<adj> ridiculously unreasonable, lacking logic、ばかげた8.

<v> conquer, defeat, and chase off、敗走させる9.

<n> someone passionately devoted、熱愛者、狂信家10.

The kidnappers planned to ( ) the child and hold her for ransom.(1) abduct

It was ( ) of me to think that you loved me.(2) absurd

Try though he did, the archaeologist couldn't ( ) the correct age of the Piltdown

man's skeleton.

(3) ascertain

Novell believes systems software is one of the least ( ) markets to be in during the

coming decade.

(4) assailable

The opera ( ) didn't mind standing on line for hours to get a ticket.(5) devotee

Some people think that ( ) forbids eating with your elbows on the table.(6) etiquette

The toboggan ( ) forward at the point where the slope became quite steep.(7) (lunged) lunge

Although at first the problems looked difficult, Wendy ( ), and found that she

could answer almost all of them.

(8) (persevered)


The renewed onslaught ( ) the enemy.(9) (routed) rout

Joe was in an agony of ( ) waiting to find out if he'd gotten the lead part in the

school play.

(10) suspense

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<v> to empty out, remove, or withdraw、避難させる1.

<n> to fail to function; an instance of failing to function、不調2.

<adj> can be molded or shaped、鍛えられる、柔軟な3.

<adj> talkative and likely to communicate、話し好きな4.

<n> horrible, usually brutal, act、残酷5.

<n> moon, a mall thing going around a bigger thing、衛星6.

<adj> not uniform; made up of different parts that remain separate、異種の


<adj> impudent, impertinent, flippant、生意気な8.

<n> polygon having six sides、六角形9.

<n> deep hole; deep immeasurable space, gulf or cavity、底なしの深い穴、底なしに深いもの


Looking down into the ( ) was terrifying, for I could not see the bottom.(1) abyss

During the Indian bid for freedom from British colonial rule, a British officer

committed the ( ) of slaughtering a large congregation of peaceful Indian


(2) atrocity

He is ( ) in the company of women.(3) communicative

The National Guard had to ( ) thousands of people following the catastrophe.(4) evacuate

The United Nations is a ( ) body.(5) heterogeneous

A ( ) has six sides and an octagon has eight.(6) hexagon

The ( ) of the main booster rocket meant that the space capsule wasn't launched

on schedule.

(7) malfunction

Gold is so ( ) that it can be beaten into a thin foil.(8) malleable

A spy ( ) can take pictures of the people and things that it passes above as it

circles the globe.

(9) satellite

She always got in trouble with her parents for her ( ) remarks.(10) saucy

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<n> copying of someone else's work and claiming it as your own、盗用


<adj> acting with sensitivity to others' feelings、機転のきく2.

<n> boldness or daring, especially with disregard for personal safety、大胆


<v> to poison, as a drink; to corrupt, as a person、腐敗させる、堕落させる、毒する


<v> to become or to make smaller in size, number, or degree、減らす、小さくする


<v> to force someone or something to act、無理やり~させる6.

<adj> religiously devout or moral、敬虔な7.

<v> to delete or omit completely、削除する8.

<n> structure where bees live、蜂の巣9.

<n> skill in using the hands or body, agility; cleverness、器用さ、巧妙さ


He had the ( ) to insult the President to his face.(1) audacity

Chinese water-torture couldn't ( ) the spy to reveal his secrets.(2) compel

The gymnast who won the contest demonstrated the highest level of ( ) of all the

competitors. She was the only one who didn't fall off the balance beam.

(3) dexterity

He was once such a beautiful actor, but now his beauty has greatly ( )! As has his

bank account.

(4) (diminished)


The censor wanted to ( ) all parts of Joyce's Ulysses he thought were obscene.(5) expunge

My friend, Les, is so interested in bees that he'll watch them going into and out of one

of their ( ) for hours.

(6) (hives) hive

Saul, a ( ) man, walks, to the synagogue on the Sabbath and prays daily.(7) pious

The notable scientist lost his job when his ( ) was revealed; years before, he had

copied a research paper from a magazine.

(8) plagiarism

I sent Eva to explain our sudden departure to our smelly hosts, for she is the most

( ) person I know.

(9) tactful

"I have ( ) the princess's wine with a potion that will age her horribly in a few

short weeks!" the witch proclaimed gleefully.

(10) (tainted) taint

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<n> old saying, proverb、格言1.

<v> burn with hot liquid or steam、やけどさせる、熱湯をかける2.

<adj> rare, uncommon、乏しい、まれな3.

<adj> having enough skill for some purpose; adequate but not exceptional、有能な


<n> loud, confused noise、騒音5.

<adj> something that causes horror, or is at least pretty bad、恐ろしい、いまわしい


<n> amazing thing; something astonishing or marvelous、驚異7.

<adj> having great authority、権力を持った8.

<adj> sharp in some way or sharp in intellect; crucial、鋭い、激しい、急性の、深刻な


<n> small, miserable shack、あばら屋10.

There is an ( ) shortage of food, which will ultimately result in a famine if

something is not done soon to increase the food supply.

(1) acute

"A penny saved is a penny earned" is a popular ( ).(2) adage

J.R.R. Tolkien, who had written many books about Old English poetry, was widely

considered to be the most ( ) scholar in the field.

(3) authoritative

He was not the most qualified candidate, but at least he was ( ).(4) competent

The ( ) in the cafeteria made conversation difficult.(5) din

The weather has been just ( ); we've had three storms in a week.(6) horrid

In Charles Dickens' novels poor people often live in terrible, dirty ( ).(7) (hovels) hovel

It was a ( ) that they survived the crash.(8) marvel

Sharon was ( ) when she bumped into a pot of boiling water.(9) (scalded) scald

Water is ( ) in the Sahara Desert.(10) scarce

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<adj> overly critical、痛烈な1.

<adj> humble and submissive、おとなしい、意気地なしの2.

<v> to postpone; to suspend (a meeting) for a period of time、延期する


<adj> very sad or depressing、憂鬱4.

<adj> characterized by stiff, unnatural formality、もったいぶった、大げさな


<adj> boringly predictable、陳腐な6.

<adj> brief and compact、簡潔な7.

<v> to postpone; to put something off to a later time、ぐずぐずする


<adj> tactful; skilled in the art of conducting negotiations and other relations between nations、外交の、外交的手腕のある


<adj> outgoing or interested in people、外交的な10.

Since it was late in the day, the prosecutor moved that the court ( ) for the day.(1) adjourn

A boring conversation is likely to be full of ( ) statements like "Have a nice day."(2) banal

Barry gave a ( ) speech; he said everything he needed to and was finished in five


(3) concise

Our host had a very ( ) nature which enabled her to bring together people who

disagreed strongly on many points.

(4) diplomatic

Some young people who were easy-going and ( ) as children become self-

conscious in early adolescence.

(5) extroverted

People who are too ( ) won't stand up for themselves.(6) meek

The rainy weather made James feel ( ).(7) melancholy

Gerald began his speech to the class with a ( ) quote from Julius Caesar.(8) pompous

Don't ( ); do your homework now.(9) procrastinate

Walter was depressed by the ( ) reviews that his play received.(10) scathing