Econvista14 Flyer

The Economics Department, LSR # ECONVISTA 2014 Econvista, the annual National Students Symposium of LSR is here! Econvista the twoday National Students Symposium of the Economics Department of LSR provides a platform for dialogue, discussion and application. Themed ‘Political Economy: At the Crossroads’, Econvista 2014 promises to bring out the best in students through a wide range of events. This annual academic meet has gained admirable recognition and repute within the economics circuit. Econvista redefines the meaning of learning by challenging the brightest minds from across the country. The Economics Department, Lady Shri Ram College Presents ECONVISTA 2014 24th-25th January 2014



Transcript of Econvista14 Flyer

  • The Economics Department, LSR




    Aliquam 2 Suspendisse lobortis, quam ac euismod sodales, diam turpis luctus nunc, vel porta mauris enim quis ipsum.

    Etiam 3 Maecenas in quam. Mauris libero massa, fringilla nec, dictum eget, tempus a, odio. Aliquam lorem.

    Donec 5 In lacinia, enim sed luctus ultricies, velit odio tempor mauris, in aliquet nunc sem tempor nisi. Vestibulum sodales.

    Econvista, the annual National Students Symposium of LSR is here!

    Econvista- the two-day National Students Symposium of the Economics Department of LSR provides a platform for dialogue, discussion and application. Themed Political Economy: At the Crossroads, Econvista 2014 promises to bring out the best in students through a wide range of events. This annual academic meet has gained admirable recognition and repute within the economics circuit. Econvista redefines the meaning of learning by challenging the brightest minds from across the country.

    The Economics Department, Lady Shri Ram College Presents

    ECONVISTA 2014 24th-25th January 2014

  • The Economics Department, LSR

    Events Dr. Saroj Gupta Memorial Paper Presentation- A researchers haven. Delve into the seamless theories and ever-evolving paradigms of economies.

    Eco Journalism- You need not be the next Amartya Sen or Gita Gopinath- all you need is to know your onions! Observe, write, and cover the political battle of 2014.

    The Policy Dilemma- In an all-new game of snakes and ladders, let the policy do the talking! Game on!

    Eco-Know-Me- Crack theories of certainty and be where your expected utility allows you to derive the maximum benefit from economics, in this quizzing event.

    Eco-matters- Join a battle of words on principles, policies and politics. Engage, convince and prove your point through several rounds of debate.

    The Economist- With recession, currency depreciation and inflation bringing India to its knees, be the dark knight of the economy. Heres your chance, do it like an economist.

    Eco Trails- Be the bard and let us trail along your ornamental disquisitions; let your pen be the testament to your economic prowess. Join us in this prelude online creative writing journey before the symposium!

    A wide variety of informal events like Economystery (treasure hunt), Thinkonomics (word jam) and Animated Economy (art) are also on offer!

    For more details, contact: Charvi Kain Anuradha Rao Aarushi Kalra President Secretary Treasurer +919811545391 +917838800729 +919717378952 Or email us at: [email protected]

    Stay tuned! We look forward to hosting you this January!