劍橋華人基督教會 - cccc.org.uk › resources › monthly › 201503.pdf · 5 Verse 2 says:...

劍橋華人基督教會 劍橋華人基督教會 劍橋華人基督教會 劍橋華人基督教會 Cambridge Chinese Christian Church AP 月刊 月刊 月刊 月刊 Monthly Bulletin 3/2015 Copyright © 2015 by Cambridge Chinese Christian Church. All rights reserved.

Transcript of 劍橋華人基督教會 - cccc.org.uk › resources › monthly › 201503.pdf · 5 Verse 2 says:...

劍橋華人基督教會劍橋華人基督教會劍橋華人基督教會劍橋華人基督教會 Cambridge Chinese Christian Church


月刊月刊月刊月刊 Monthly Bulletin 3/2015

Copyright © 2015 by劍橋華人基督教會 Cambridge Chinese Christian Church. All rights reserved.


牧者心聲牧者心聲牧者心聲牧者心聲 PASTORAL SHARING 黃黃黃黃虹青牧師虹青牧師虹青牧師虹青牧師 Rev Helen Wong

羊年伊始,我想用詩篇 128 來跟大家分享什麼是真正的有福。詩人這麼說: 「1凡敬畏耶和華,遵行他道的人,便為有福。 2 你要喫勞碌得來的,你要享福,事情順利。 3 你妻子在你的內室,好像多結果子的葡萄樹﹔你兒女圍繞你的桌 子,好像橄欖栽子。 4 看哪,敬畏耶和華的人,必要這樣蒙福。 5 願耶和華從錫安賜福給你。願你一生一世,看見耶路撒冷的好處。 6 願你看見你兒女的兒女。願平安歸於以色列。」 詩人一開始便告訴我們:「凡敬畏耶和華,遵行他道的人,便為有福」。有什麼福呢﹖這要看 2-6節。 第 2 節說:「你要喫勞碌得來的,你要享福,事情順利。」這裡已有三種福氣。第一種福氣是「你要喫勞碌得來的」,聽起來好像不算有福,因為我們總以為這本是應份的,不勞而獲或一本萬利,那才是有福。但想真一點,今天就是因為太多人想不勞而獲或一本萬利,才出現許多不公平、甚至招摇撞骗的情況,結果是不少人被剝削或受欺騙,弄致貧者越貧、富者越富,這原不是上帝的心意。所以,今天我們若仍有穩定的工作、「合理」的收入,足夠生活養家,我們便已要感謝上帝,因為這是上帝對我們的保守及看顧,不是必然的。 第二種福氣是「你要享福」。我們常常想著要享什麼福,但其實是否懂得享福和能否享福比享什麼福更重要,因為太多人拼命賺錢,卻沒時間坐下來好好吃一頓飯,那是不懂享福;有些人賺很多錢,但身體不好,寢食難安,那是不能享福。所以,懂得享福和能夠享福,我們才有機會享福。另外,一個人是否享福,很在乎他自己的感覺。一個懂得欣賞身邊一切、懂得感恩的人,自然會覺得自己是在享福,我們中國人說:「知足者常樂」,也是這個意思。所以,試想一下,我們其實是有很多東西值得感恩的,最基本的是我們今天若仍是肢體健全、身心健康,其實已是上帝賜福了。 第三種福氣是「事情順利」。我們中國人說:「人生不如意事十常八九」,所以能夠「事情順利」實在是福氣。其實,事情是否「順利」,很在乎我們用甚麼心態或角度去看,也在乎我們用誰的眼光來看。我們人的智慧有限,眼光也短淺,看不到未來。我們中國人也說:「塞翁失馬,焉知非福」,因此今天的一時失意,我們又怎知道


不是上帝正為我們預備另一條更美好的路呢﹖我們看不到、看不清,但是上帝很清楚,問題是我們對祂有沒有信心﹖當然,我們也可以向上帝求我們自己想要的「事情順利」,將我們心裡面的願望告訴上帝,但無論上帝答應與否,我們都要相信祂的安排是最好的。 詩人在第 3 節說:「你妻子在你的內室,好像多結果子的葡萄樹﹔你兒女圍繞你的桌子,好像橄欖栽子。」這裡講到關於家庭的兩種福氣,包括夫妻的關係及父母與兒女的關係。「你妻子在你的內室,好像多結果子的葡萄樹」,這是說男人有一位好妻子,在家裡為他生了很多兒女,好像葡萄樹上的果子那樣多。這當然是舊社會裡好妻子的「標準」,就是能夠生養眾多,但這「標準」今天明顯已經不同。所以,我們要換另一角度去看詩人這句說話的意思,就是丈夫能夠有一個好妻子,而今天講男女平等,所以這也同樣包括妻子能夠有一個好丈夫。那麼,這當然是很大的福氣。當然,要婚姻美滿,並非易事,對基督徒的夫妻來說,也是一樣不容易。不過,基督徒的婚姻中有一位「第三者」,就是能夠幫助我們鞏固婚姻關係的上帝﹗只要我們夫妻凡事都以上帝的意思為首,讓上帝在一切事情上作主,並且以上帝的愛去彼此相愛,那樣我們的婚姻就一定能夠美滿﹗ 「你兒女圍繞你的桌子,好像橄欖栽子」,這裡是在描述子女跟父母有一種很親密的關係,他們願意「圍繞你的桌子」,靠近在你身邊,這樣的親子關係是很親密、很難得的。而「好像橄欖栽子」是講子女可以成才,因為「橄欖栽子」是一種常青的、有許多用途的樹木,比喻兒女的前途無可限量。我相信這些都是父母對兒女最大的盼望。詩人在第四節說:「看哪,敬畏耶和華的人,必要這樣蒙福。」我們可能說:是不是真的﹖我告訴你:詩人所寫的,並不是空想,而是從實際經驗得來的。猶太人的家庭十分注重兒女教育,特別是他們要兒女從小學習聖經、學習去敬畏上帝,而一個敬畏上帝的人是不會不「孝敬父母」的,因為這是上帝的吩咐。 跟著,第 5 節告訴我們第六種福氣:「願你一生一世,看見耶路撒冷的好處」。耶路撒冷是昔日聖殿的所在地,所以它代表了上帝的家,就好像今天教會是上帝的家一樣。「看見耶路撒冷的好處」就是看到上帝的家的美好。上帝的家如何美好﹖就是裡面有上帝無條件的、捨己的愛,這種愛在為我們釘十字架的主耶穌身上可以找到,祂為了成就上帝要賜給我們的救恩而犧牲自己的生命,而今天我們信耶穌的人也在學習用這種愛來彼此相愛。「願你一生一世,看見耶路撒冷的好處」,就是我們能夠一生一世都看到上帝對我們的愛,以致我們也願意回應祂的愛,渴慕得著祂的愛,就是祂藉著耶穌基督要賜給我們的救恩。


最後一節,詩人說:「願你看見你兒女的兒女,願平安歸於以色列。」這裡有第七及第八種福氣。「願你看見你兒女的兒女」明顯是在講長壽,因為能看到自己的兒孫,年紀也不會太小。其實,這裡的意思不單是長壽,更是一個人的生命能夠活得有盼望,對老人家來說,最能夠使他們有盼望的,就是看見他們的兒孫。也許今天社會已不是每個人都可以有兒孫,但是我們每個人都可以有盼望,而且我們的盼望是在於上帝所賜給我們的這個永恆的生命,是從今天到永遠都不會失去的生命。這個比長壽更寶貴,因為長壽只是地上的,總有極限,唯有永恆的生命是可以脫離地上的限制,將我們帶到天上。聖經告訴我們:只要我們接受主耶穌為我們的救主,我們就可以得著這永恆的生命,今天在地上都可以活得有盼望。 「願平安歸於以色列」,今天我也願平安歸於中國、歸於我們每一位中國同胞。平安真的很重要,外在的平安不用多講,我們也會明白它的重要,但就算我們外在很平安,內在的平安又如何呢﹖我們的內心有沒有一份長久的平靜安穩的、很放心的感覺呢﹖而這份感覺又是否能夠經得起環境的考驗呢﹖弟兄姊妹,真正的平安是不會隨便受環境的影響而改變,而這份平安不是我們人可以自己製造出來自我安慰的,它是唯有主耶穌才可以賜給我們的。主耶穌說:「我留下平安給你們;我將我的平安賜給你們。我所賜的,不像世人所賜的。你們心裏不要憂愁,也不要膽怯。」(約 14:27) 今天每一個真心相信主耶穌的人,都會有這份平安。 所以,什麼是真正的有福﹖詩篇 128 篇這裡講了八種不同的福氣,詩人一開始就清楚講明這些福氣是上帝要賜給「敬畏」祂、「遵行他道」的人的。而這些人在今天就是那些願意悔改、真心相信主耶穌、跟隨主耶穌的人,他們都能夠得著上帝賜給他們各種的福氣,成為一個有福的人。弟兄姊妹,你也是這個有福的人嗎﹖

At the beginning of this New Chinese Year of the Ram, I would like to share with you from Psalm 128, about what it means to be true blessed. The Psalmist writes: “1“1“1“1 Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him.Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him.Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him.Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him. 2222 You will eat the fruit of yourYou will eat the fruit of yourYou will eat the fruit of yourYou will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. 3333 Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots

round your table.round your table.round your table.round your table. 4444 Yes, this will be the blessing for the man who fears the Lord.Yes, this will be the blessing for the man who fears the Lord.Yes, this will be the blessing for the man who fears the Lord.Yes, this will be the blessing for the man who fears the Lord. 5555 May the Lord bleMay the Lord bleMay the Lord bleMay the Lord bless you from Zion; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your ss you from Zion; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your ss you from Zion; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your ss you from Zion; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your

life.life.life.life. 6666 May you live to see your children’s childrenMay you live to see your children’s childrenMay you live to see your children’s childrenMay you live to see your children’s children –––– peace be on Israel.” peace be on Israel.” peace be on Israel.” peace be on Israel.” Psalmist begins by telling us: “Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him.Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him.Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him.Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him.” What are the blessings? They are described in verses 2-6.


Verse 2 says: “You will eat the fruit of your labor, blessings and prosperity will be yours.You will eat the fruit of your labor, blessings and prosperity will be yours.You will eat the fruit of your labor, blessings and prosperity will be yours.You will eat the fruit of your labor, blessings and prosperity will be yours.” There are three kinds of blessings mentioned in this verse. The first blessing is “eating the fruit of eating the fruit of eating the fruit of eating the fruit of your laboryour laboryour laboryour labor”.

At the first glance, this does not sound like much of a blessing because we simply deserve what we have worked for, blessing should really instead be eating the fruit but with little or even no laboring.

Let’s think about this again. Inequalities, social injustice and fraudery have arisen in our society today because too many people want to eat the fruit without having to labor. These results in cases

where people are being exploited and deceived and with those who are poor become poorer, and those who are already rich get even richer. This is not the will of the Lord. Thus, if we have a stable

job with a ‘reasonable’ income, enough to provide for our family, we should give thanks to the Lord because these are given by the Lord, who sustains us and provide for us. The second blessing is “blessings will be yoursblessings will be yoursblessings will be yoursblessings will be yours”. We often long for many blessings but do we actually realize that knowing how we can be blessed and being able to enjoy blessings are more

important than what we are being blessed with. Not knowing how we can be blessed would be like those people who live their lives for money and cannot even find the time to sit down and enjoy a

meal; whereas, not being able to be blessed would be like some people who earn a lot of money, but have poor health and have sleepless nights. Thus, both knowing and being able to are essential

components for us to enjoy blessings. Furthermore, whether one can enjoy the blessings relies upon his/her own feelings. If a person can cherish and give thanks for everything, naturally there is a

sense of blessings. There is a Chinese saying that “Contentment always brings joy” which fittingly summarizes the wisdom in this. Therefore, think again, there are many things that we can give

thanks for, begin with praising God for His blessings in our able bodies and our healthy minds. The third blessing is: “prosperity will be yoursprosperity will be yoursprosperity will be yoursprosperity will be yours (or as the ESV translation puts it: it shall be well with it shall be well with it shall be well with it shall be well with youyouyouyou)”. There is a Chinese saying that goes something like this: “Unhappy experience is not uncommon during a man’s life.” Thus, being able to say that “it shall be well with youit shall be well with youit shall be well with youit shall be well with you”, might

actually be a blessing relatively speaking. In reality, whether things are ‘wellwellwellwell’ often depends on our attitude or the perspective that we look at the issue. Humans have limited wisdom, often short-

sighted and cannot see the future. Another Chinese saying goes: “When the old man from the frontier lost his horse, how could one have known that it would not be fortuitous?” Thus, even if we

made a wrong judgment today, how do we know that God isn’t preparing a better path for us? We cannot see clearly but God can. Here, the question is whether if we can have faith in the Lord? Of

course, we can ask God and pray for our human desires to ‘prosper’, but at the end whether if God answers our prayer or not, we must trust that He will prepare the best for us. Psalmist writes in verse 3: “Your wife will be like a fruit vine within your house, your children will Your wife will be like a fruit vine within your house, your children will Your wife will be like a fruit vine within your house, your children will Your wife will be like a fruit vine within your house, your children will be like olive shoots round your table.be like olive shoots round your table.be like olive shoots round your table.be like olive shoots round your table.” Here it talks about two kinds of blessings in our family, the

first one between husband and wife and the other between parents and children. “Your wife will be Your wife will be Your wife will be Your wife will be like a fruit vine within your houselike a fruit vine within your houselike a fruit vine within your houselike a fruit vine within your house” is a blessing written to the husband who has a good wife, giving

birth to many children in his household, much like the amount of fruit on the vine. Being able to have many children is the ‘standard’ in the traditional society. Today, the ‘standard’ has become

different and we need to look at the meaning of this verse from a different perspective. That is, being in a society of gender equality, to say it is a blessing for a husband who has a good wife

should also be a blessing for a wife who has a good husband. Of course, keeping a loving marriage is by no mean easy, and that even goes for Christian couples. But in every Christian couple, there is

a ‘third party’, who is the God who helps us to sustain in that loving relationship! If both the husband and the wife seek God to be the head in their relationship, asking God to be at the center of

their decisions making, and loving each other with the love that comes from God, then our marriage will always be joyful. “Your children will be like olive shoots round the table.Your children will be like olive shoots round the table.Your children will be like olive shoots round the table.Your children will be like olive shoots round the table.” Here talks about a close relationship between the children and their parents. They are willing to “[gather] round your table[gather] round your table[gather] round your table[gather] round your table” and always


be by your side. This intimate parents-children relationship is certainty a blessing that is hard to come by. And “like olive shootslike olive shootslike olive shootslike olive shoots” describes the children also becomes talented, because ‘olive olive olive olive shootsshootsshootsshoots’ are green all seasons round and it's a tree that also has multiple use. Therefore, it is metaphorical for the children in having a bright future and I think this is what most parents would

hope for with their children. Psalmist continues to write in verse 4: “Yes, this will be the blessings Yes, this will be the blessings Yes, this will be the blessings Yes, this will be the blessings for the man who fears the Lord.for the man who fears the Lord.for the man who fears the Lord.for the man who fears the Lord.” We might wonder if this can be true? Let me tell you: the Psalmist

is not trying to give us false hope, this is in fact written from experience. Jewish families put a lot of emphasis on their children’s education. They make sure especially that their children would learn

from the Bible from a young age as well as to worship the Lord in awe. This is because for anyone who worship the Lord in awe would certainly ‘honor his or her parents’ as it is a command from

God. Verse 5 tells us that the sixth blessing is: “May you see the prosperity of Jerusalem, all the days of you see the prosperity of Jerusalem, all the days of you see the prosperity of Jerusalem, all the days of you see the prosperity of Jerusalem, all the days of your life.your life.your life.your life.” Jerusalem is where The Holy Temple used to be at and it represented the house of the Lord. Much like the church is the house of the Lord in today’s term. “May you see the prosperity of May you see the prosperity of May you see the prosperity of May you see the prosperity of JerusalemJerusalemJerusalemJerusalem” therefore describes seeing a blessed house of the Lord. Although, how is the house of the Lord blessed? It is because there is the unconditional and self-sacrificial love of God. This love

is found in Jesus, who was nailed on the cross and gave his own life in order to fulfil the promise of salvation made by the Lord. Today for those who believe in Jesus, we imitate Jesus in using the

same love in loving each other. “May you see the prosperity of Jerusalem, all the days of your life.May you see the prosperity of Jerusalem, all the days of your life.May you see the prosperity of Jerusalem, all the days of your life.May you see the prosperity of Jerusalem, all the days of your life.” This blessing tells us that if we are able to see God’s love, that is the salvation given to us from God

through Jesus Christ, in our everyday life, it would transform us to respond willingly to His love and to evermore longing for His love. In the final verse, Psalmist writes: “May you live to see your children’s children, peace be on Israel.May you live to see your children’s children, peace be on Israel.May you live to see your children’s children, peace be on Israel.May you live to see your children’s children, peace be on Israel.” The seventh and the eighth blessings can be found in this verse. “May you live to seMay you live to seMay you live to seMay you live to see your e your e your e your children’s childrenchildren’s childrenchildren’s childrenchildren’s children” clearly means living to an old age. Being able to see your children and grandchildren, you just cannot be young. Moreover, the meaning here is not solely on the age, it

also tells us to have hope in our lives. For the elderly, the one thing that makes them to become most hopeful for is seeing their children and grandchildren. Today, not everyone have children or

grandchildren, but everyone can still have another hope, a hope that God gives us – eternal life, a life that will not disappear today or ever. This eternal life is even more valuable than just living a

long life because it does not only belong to this world that will end one day. Instead, eternal life is not bounded in this world but it will continue in the heavenly world to come. The Bible tells us: If

we accept Jesus as our Saviour, we have eternal life. Today, we can live our lives in this world full of hope. “Peace be on IsraelPeace be on IsraelPeace be on IsraelPeace be on Israel”, today I also pray that peace be on China, and also be with the Chinese People. Peace is important. Needless to say the importance of having an outward looking peace, but more

importantly, what does our peace inside us look like? In our heart do we have an ever-lasting peace that does not make us feel anxious? And would this peaceful feeling be diminished upon the

challenges that we face? Brothers and sisters, true peace is not easily influenced by the surroundings and can neither be created by our human minds just to comfort ourselves. Instead, it is given to us

from Jesus. Jesus says: “Peace IPeace IPeace IPeace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27) Today for those

who truly trust in Jesus also shares this peace. Therefore, what is true blessing? Psalm 128 tells us eight different kinds of blessings. The Psalmist

begins by saying clearly that these blessings are from God for those who “fearfearfearfear” Him, “who walk in who walk in who walk in who walk in obedience to Himobedience to Himobedience to Himobedience to Him”. Today, these people are those who are willing to repent, who truly trust in Jesus

and who follow Jesus. They are blessed by God with different kinds of blessings, and have become a blessed person. Brothers and sisters, are you also such blessed person?


PRAYER LETTER代禱信代禱信代禱信代禱信 Judy Ho 何詠君何詠君何詠君何詠君

give up and move on? (18 feb)

"please go back and wait for our call. and

don't come back until we call."

6 visits in less than 2mths and still waiting.

to be honest, it is pretty obvious what

game they are playing at and it is highly

unlikely they will grant me the student visa

im so eager for.

so what now? give up and move on?

ive had many suggestions given to me and

i did toy around with some of the ideas-

"go back using a tourist visa", “try a

different type of visa”, "go back to the uk",

"look for a job", "look into other ministries

in a different country", "find an indian guy

and marry off".

its funny when things dont go the way we

expected it to, it is so natural for us to seek

for alternative ways, fast, and to act

immediately. but what about what the

Bible says about seeking Him first? is

there something i need to learn from this?

(yes of cause there is!) is it possible that

Hes trying to tell me something?

(possibly.) then why not spend some time

to wait and to seek Him first?

really, this is like history repeating itself

where back in 2013 i was told to, "go back

and wait for the email, because we have

forwarded your employment visa

application to the delhi office and they will

get in touch with you." but what a year

had it been since! none of the plans i had

放棄放棄放棄放棄及及及及繼繼繼繼續前續前續前續前行行行行???? ((((2 月月月月 18 日日日日)))) 「請回去等我們的電話。不要回來,直到我們聯絡妳。」 兩個月內去了 6 次而仍在等待。說實話,他們在玩什麼把戲是很明顯的,因此他們會給予我所渴望的學生簽證是極不可能的了。 那現在怎樣呢?放棄及繼續前行? 我得到了很多建議,而我真有想過其中一些 —「用旅遊簽證回去」、「嘗試另一種簽證」、「返回英國」、「找份工作」、「看看另一國家的其他宣教工作」、「找一個印度男人及嫁給他」。

滑稽地,當事情不按照我們預計的方式走時,我們很自然會尋求其他方法,並且會速戰速決。但聖經所說關於先尋求祂又如何?是不是我需要從這當中有所學習呢? (當然肯定是的!)有沒有可能祂想告訴我一些什麼呢? (可能吧。)那麼我為什麼不花些時間來等待及先尋求祂?

說真的,這就像歷史重演,早在 2013年便曾有人告訴我:「回去等待電子郵件,因為我們已經轉發您的工作簽證申請到德里的辦事處,他們將會與您聯繫。」但從那時開始的過去一年是怎樣的﹖雖然沒有任何我心中的計劃是實現


in mind materialized but still, God took me

to where He called me to be, and gave me

a whole bunch of new experiences and

insights, and a deeper love and

understanding for His beloved people.

yes, im once again facing a closed door but

i know this is not a door firmly

closed. because if He has called me to it

He will make a way.

give up and move on to something else?

no, that is not an option.

了,但上帝仍帶領我到祂呼召我去的地方去,並給了我一大堆新的經驗和見識,以及對祂所愛的人民的一份更深的愛和理解。 是的,我再次面對一道關閉了的門,但我知道這不是一道緊閉的門,因為如果祂呼召我去,祂會開路。 放棄及轉到別的事情嗎? 不,我不會作這選擇。

different generations, different ways of

thinking (28jan)

i had never been keen on eating with my

grandparents at their home. because my

grandma is, to me, the most forceful 96yo

on the face of the earth. n im not

exaggerating! she forces people to finish

the leftovers n she would literally shove

pieces of meats to my mouth n force me to

eat. may be this is called the real

hospitality in her days, but for someone of

this day n age, this is more like abuse n

stripping me of my freedom of choice.

it was not until recently i read the book

'wild swans' that i could understand, in the

slightest way, what she might had been

through during the years of war. where

people ate tree barks to survive n starved

to death. no wonder every time i refused

to eat, she would mumble the words, "how

can u not eat when theres something to


不同世代不同世代不同世代不同世代,,,,不同的思維方式不同的思維方式不同的思維方式不同的思維方式((((1 月月月月 28 日日日日))))

我從來沒有熱衷於與我的祖父母在他們的家中吃飯。因為我的祖母,對我來說,是在地球表面上最有強逼力的96 歲老人家。而我是並非誇大的!她強逼別人把剩菜吃完,她簡直會把肉塊擠進我的嘴裡並強逼我吃。可能這就是她的年代所謂的真正的親切招待,但對於這年代及年紀的人來說,這更像是虐待及剝削我的自由選擇。 但直到最近我讀了「野天鵝」這本書後,我可以些微理解她在戰爭的年代可能有過的經歷,那時有人靠吃樹皮生存,也有人會餓死。難怪每次我不肯吃時,她都會小聲嘀咕一句「妳怎能在有東西吃時不吃?」

im trying to understand

their ways of thinking,

n im trying to see

things from their

perspectives. n yes, im

bracing myself to take

dinners with them once


i heart u grandma!!! <3



so here is some "insider" information i

received from a mso whom i kept in touch

with through out my application

process. she told me that harvesters from

her mso in the states are also facing the

same issue. it seems like the indian

government have tightened up on

entries. reasons she suspects were that, 1)

as the india economy is picking up, they

can now afford to pick and choose on who

to let in; and 2) the newly appointed pm

modi is a right wing hindu nationalist who

once said that all indians should be hindu

and they should not believe in other


so with these, i ask that you would keep

india in your prayers, the government, the

harvesters who are in india- their works

and safety, those who are trying to enter

into the country. also, there had been

number of attacks on churches and local

believers recently, please remember them.

thank you!! =)

我這裡收到一間在我的申請過程中一直與我保持著聯繫的宣教士差會的一些「內幕」消息。她告訴我,她們在美國的差會所派出的宣教士也面對著同樣的問題。似乎印度政府已經在入境方面收緊了。她懷疑原因是:1)因為印度的經濟正在起飛,他們現在可以有條件挑選入境的旅客; 2)新上任的總理莫迪是一個右翼印度教民族主義者,他曾經說過所有印度人都應該是印度教徒,他們不應相信其他宗教。 因為這些事情,我請您繼續為印度祈禱,為他們的政府、為在印度的宣教士 — 他們的工作及安全,及那些仍在嘗試進入印度的。此外,最近有襲擊教堂和當地信徒的事情出現,請記念他們。 謝謝!!=)



守守守守,,,,我就常與你們同在我就常與你們同在我就常與你們同在我就常與你們同在,,,,直到世界的末了直到世界的末了直到世界的末了直到世界的末了。。。。」」」」((((太太太太 28:1828:1828:1828:18----20)20)20)20)






中文崇拜中文崇拜中文崇拜中文崇拜 Chinese Service 日期日期日期日期 主席主席主席主席 講員講員講員講員 講題講題講題講題 經文經文經文經文 翻譯翻譯翻譯翻譯

1/3 黃傳道 黃虹青牧師 耶穌基督為主 創 11:1-9

腓 2:1-11 曾長老

8/3 杜志俊 陳家團牧師 彼此饒恕 太 10:21-35 Wallace

15/3 葉泮明 陳宗清牧師 與神摔跤的雅各 創 32:22-32 Terry

22/3 應立明 Lewis 弟兄 聖經要義 (六) 撒下 7:8-16 黃傳道

29/3 曾長老 韋焜墀牧師 待定 待定 陳友維

日期日期日期日期 領唱領唱領唱領唱 司琴司琴司琴司琴 音響控制音響控制音響控制音響控制 司事司事司事司事 司事司事司事司事/讀經讀經讀經讀經

1/3 William Winnie 音響小組 Peter、Charles、祥英 國梁

8/3 黃牧師 Edward 音響小組 Andy、李虹、關墨寧 Terry

15/3 Mary Samantha 音響小組 祥英、Charles、國梁 Wallace

22/3 Desmond 鄧婉姍 音響小組 Charles、關墨寧、Wenjie 待定

29/3 曾長老 Sylvia 音響小組 Peter、Terry、Andy 祥英

聖餐聖餐聖餐聖餐 Holy Communion

日期日期日期日期 Date 主禮人主禮人主禮人主禮人 Minister 理事理事理事理事 Council Members

1/3 黃虹青牧師 Rev Helen Wong Lewis、Charles、國梁、功奇

英文崇拜英文崇拜英文崇拜英文崇拜 English Service

Date Speaker Service



Leader Musicians

Louis Chan COMBINED SERVICE with Chinese Ministry 1/3

Sermon Title & Passage: Vision for 2015: What are our rights? (1 Corinthians 9:1-27)

Anthony Lau Anthony Lau Joseph Ng Angela (Key), Yee Rou (vocal) 8/3

Sermon Title & Passage: To Be Confirmed

Stanley Wong Andi Wang Andi Wang Lindi (Keys), Adrian Lui

(vocal), Angela Huang (violin) 15/3

Sermon Title & Passage: To Be Confirmed

Siong Ngiap Chin Louis Chan Lindi Wang John Chen, Yee Rou (vocal),

Joseph 22/3

Sermon Title & Passage: Spiritual blessings (Ephesians 1:3-14)

Anthony Lau Anthony Lau Louis Chan 29/3

Sermon Title & Passage: To Be Confirmed


茶點茶點茶點茶點 Refreshment

日期日期日期日期 Date 負責人負責人負責人負責人 Responsible Persons

1/3 陳念柔、容太

8/3 陳念柔、English team

15/3 Cindy、柯太、吳東方

22/3 何慶渝、Christine、沈茵

29/3 鄧淑鳳、梁鳳桂

彼得堡華人教會彼得堡華人教會彼得堡華人教會彼得堡華人教會 Peterborough Chinese Christian Church

日期日期日期日期 講題講題講題講題////內容內容內容內容 講員講員講員講員////負責人負責人負責人負責人 備註備註備註備註

3/3 (二) 聖餐、信息分享 黃牧師/黃傳道 團契

8/3(日) 信息分享 鴻冰姊妹 崇拜

10/3 (二) 專題 — 使徒信經(七) 我信聖靈 黃牧師/黃傳道 團契

17/3 (二) AGM 韋牧師 團契

22/3 (日) 看重生命的佈道(路 8:26-39) 李安業牧師 崇拜

24/3 (二) 查經 — 提摩太後書 4:9-22 黃牧師/黃傳道 團契

31/3 (二) 信息分享 韋牧師 團契


2015 教會財政簡報教會財政簡報教會財政簡報教會財政簡報 CCCC Financial Briefing

收入收入收入收入 Income ((((包括包括包括包括)))) £

奉獻奉獻奉獻奉獻 Offering Gift Aid



一月一月一月一月 Jan 4,267.00 8,735.15

二月二月二月二月 Feb 3,192.00 5,142.76

總和總和總和總和 Total 7,459.00 0.00 13,877.91

結餘結餘結餘結餘////不敷不敷不敷不敷 Balance/Inadequate -6,418.91

Remarks備註備註備註備註: 如對數目有疑問,歡迎向會計查詢。If you have questions about these figures, please contact

the Treasurer.



戶,傾福與你們,甚至無處可容。」(瑪拉基書 3:10) “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my

house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw

open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will

not be room enough to store it.” (Malachi 3:10)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brothers and sisters are welcomed to contribute

personal testimonies, stories, or articles to this

monthly bulletin. Comments and suggestions

regarding the contents of this bulletin are also

welcomed. Please communicate directly to Pastor

Stanley Wong in person or write an email to

[email protected]. 本月刊歡迎兄弟姊妹




stanley.wong@ cccc.org.uk。

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 如何如何如何如何聯絡聯絡聯絡聯絡我們我們我們我們 How to contact us

教牧同工 Pastoral Workers

黃虹青牧師 Rev Helen Wong ([email protected]) 黃日強傳道 Pastor Stanley Wong ([email protected])

辦公室電話 Office Tel. 01223-506191

主日崇拜地點 Sunday Service Venue

St Columba’s Church, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EL

教會中心地址 Church Centre Address

8 Blanford Walk, Cambridge CB4 3NQ

網址:www.cccc.org.uk 電郵:[email protected]

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 編輯組編輯組編輯組編輯組 EditorEditorEditorEditoriiiial Team:al Team:al Team:al Team: 教牧組教牧組教牧組教牧組((((Pastoral TeamPastoral TeamPastoral TeamPastoral Team))))

翻譯組翻譯組翻譯組翻譯組 Translation Team:Translation Team:Translation Team:Translation Team: 陳嘉勉陳嘉勉陳嘉勉陳嘉勉(Louis Chan)(Louis Chan)(Louis Chan)(Louis Chan)、、、、陳友維陳友維陳友維陳友維(Yu W(Yu W(Yu W(Yu Wai Chen)ai Chen)ai Chen)ai Chen)、、、、林學泓林學泓林學泓林學泓(Jonathan Lam)(Jonathan Lam)(Jonathan Lam)(Jonathan Lam)