国际学生手册 International Student...

国际学生手册 International Student Handbook 中国石油大学(北京) 国际教育学院 College of International Education China University of Petroleum (Beijing) 2019 2

Transcript of 国际学生手册 International Student...

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International Student Handbook



College of International Education

China University of Petroleum (Beijing)



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Statement 本人已收到中国石油大学(北京)国际学生手册;我将仔细阅读

并遵守手册内所有规定。 I have received the International Student Handbook of China

University of Petroleum (Beijing); I will read and comply with all the provisions stipulated in the Handbook.

学号 Student ID: 姓名 Name: 国籍 Nationality: 护照号码 Passport Number: 签字 Signature: 日期 Date:


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目 录 报到与注册 ............................................................................................................................................. 5 第一章 新生报到注册 ......................................................................................................................... 5 第二章 新生入学教育 ......................................................................................................................... 5 第三章 在校生报到注册 .................................................................................................................... 5 体检、居留许可及签证 ...................................................................................................................... 6 第一章 体检 ........................................................................................................................................... 6 第二章 居留许可及签证 .................................................................................................................... 6 自费国际学生缴费及退费规定 ........................................................................................................ 9 第一条 缴费规则 .................................................................................................................................. 9 第二条 退费规则 .................................................................................................................................. 9 第三条 本规定的生效、实施与解释 ........................................................................................... 10 学籍管理 ................................................................................................................................................ 11 第一章 证件、证明及申请办法 .................................................................................................... 11 第二章 离校 ......................................................................................................................................... 11 公寓管理办法 ...................................................................................................................................... 12 第一章 校内住宿 ................................................................................................................................ 13 第二章 校外住宿 ................................................................................................................................ 14 奖学金年度评审 .................................................................................................................................. 15 中国石油大学(北京)国际学生奖学金管理办法 ................................................................. 15 第一章 总则 ....................................................................................................................................... 15 第二章 资助内容和标准 .................................................................................................................. 15 第三章 申请条件和途径 .................................................................................................................. 16 第四章 评审组织与程序 .................................................................................................................. 16 第五章 奖学金发放 ......................................................................................................................... 16 第六章 奖学金生年度考核 ........................................................................................................... 16 第七章 附则 ....................................................................................................................................... 17 国际学生综合测评办法(暂行) .................................................................................................. 18 第一章 总则 ......................................................................................................................................... 18 第二章 成绩计算 ................................................................................................................................ 18 第三章 德育测评 ................................................................................................................................ 18 第四章 智育测评 ................................................................................................................................ 19 第五章 文体活动总分 ....................................................................................................................... 20 第六章 评估程序 ................................................................................................................................ 20 国际学生安全须知 ............................................................................................................................. 22 学生安全责任书 .................................................................................................................................. 23 保险和医疗 ........................................................................................................................................... 25 收发件服务需知 .................................................................................................................................. 26 声 明 ....................................................................................................................................................... 27 附件 1 石大地图 ................................................................................................................................. 28 附件 2 中国石油大学(北京)餐饮信息 ................................................................................... 29


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平安养老保险股份有限公司来华人员综合医疗保险保障计划简介 ................................. 31 1、身故保险责任: ........................................................................................................................... 31 2、意外残疾保险责任: .................................................................................................................. 31 3、意外伤害医疗保险责任: ......................................................................................................... 31 4、门急诊医疗保险责任: ............................................................................................................. 31 5、住院医疗保险责任: .................................................................................................................. 32 一、身故及残疾保险责任免除 ...................................................................................................... 32 二、医疗保险责任(意外伤害医疗、门急诊医疗、住院医疗)免除 ............................. 32 ENGLISH TRANSLATION .................................................................................................................. 36


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国外交部、中华人民共和国公安部令第 42 号《学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法》及



第一章 新生报到注册

第一条 新生持护照、《录取通知书》、JW201或 JW202表在规定时间内到中国石油


求交验其他必需的文件。报到时准备 2 寸正面白底免冠照片 4 张。研究生和专业进修


第二条 自费学生应在报到时出示学费缴纳收据或银行相关交款证明或现场缴费。

第三条 因故不能按时报到者,须事先征得国际教育学院的同意。无故逾期两周未


第四条 国际学生《录取通知书》以盖有中国石油大学(北京)校章的为准,其他任


第二章 新生入学教育




第三章 在校生报到注册








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第一章 体检

第一条 国际学生来华前,要按照《外国人体格检查纪录》的内容在本国检查身体。

第二条 到校后,学校将组织国际学生持《外国人体格检查纪录》原件到北京国际



查结果有效期为 6个月。

第三条 国际学生也可持录取通知书、《健康检查申请表》、护照、两张照片、本国


第四条 体检不合格者,应按有关法律规定立即离境回国。

第五条 参加体检学生按照有关机构收费标准自行缴纳体检费用。

第六条 北京国际旅行卫生保健中心海淀分中心

第七条 地址:北京市海淀区德政路 10号

第八条 电话:82403675

第九条 传真:58648744

第十条 体检时间:星期一至星期五(法定节假日除外)上午 8∶30~11∶00

第十一条 注意事项:

(一)请携带护照、2 张 2 寸照片、当前有效签证页复印件、 学校录取通知书

复印件、《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201表或 JW202 表)复印件



第二章 居留许可及签证

第十二条 持 X1 签证来校的新生须在入境后 30 天内向北京市公安局出入境管理

局申办居留许可;持 X2 签证者,应在签证注明的停留期限届满 7 日前向北京市公安



第十三条 持学习类居留许可的国际学生从中国国内其他城市转入中国石油大学

(北京)学习,应当提供毕、结业证书和 7日内的转学证明,并按规定到北京市公安局


第十四条 在学期间,如居留许可上填写的项目内容有变更,必须在 5 日内到国际



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第十五条 在校生应在居留许可有效期限届满 30 日前凭本人护照、住宿登记单和





第十六条 国际学生办理签证需要首先到国际教育学院 207A 办公室申请,经北京市

公安局出入境管理处审核批准(审核周期通常为 3 个工作日)后方可领取签证申请表。

第十七条 经过以上程序,国际学生可以选择自己持护照和签证申请表前往签证处

办理签证,也可以付费委托签证代理公司代办,代办服务费是每人每次 150 元人民币,

签证费每次 400元人人民币,共 550元人民币。

第十八条 一般情况下,申请签证需要 7 个工作日,申请居留证件需要 15 个工作


第十九条 首次办理所需文件为:



(三)一张 2寸(护照规格)的正面免冠照片(背景为白色)。如果选择公司代办







第二十条 办理延期所需文件为:



(三)一张 2寸(护照规格)的正面免冠照片(背景为白色)。如果选择公司代办





第二十一条 特殊情况




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(四)实习加注办理流程(在华学习期限超过 180 天的学生可申请):



3、把签字、盖章的以上两项材料交至国际教育学院 207A办公室。












(六)居留许可由外地迁入北京,持证人须在 10 日内到迁入地的公安出入境管理





续,由主管老师出具转学证明。到达迁入地后须在 7天内(且在居留许可有效期内)到


第二十二条 常用地址

(一)北京市公安局出入境管理局:北京市东城区安定门东大街 2号,电话: 010-

84020101,办公时间:星期一至星期六(法定节假日除外)上午 8∶30至下午 16∶30

(二)北京市公安局出入境管理局昌平分局:北京市昌平区政府街西路 4 号



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华人民共和国教育部、外交部、公安部令第 42 号)和中国石油大学(北京)国际学生



第一条 缴费规则



报名费 400元人民币


汉语 21000元人民币/年

本科 25000元人民币/年

中文授课硕士 29000元人民币/年

英文授课硕士 31000元人民币/年

博士 36000元人民币/年


双人间 1200元人民币/月


单人间 2400元人民币/月








的进修生,须在本学期结束前一周提出申请,并缴纳下学期的学费, 方可延长居留许



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第二条 退费规则





第三条 本规定的生效、实施与解释


(二)本规定自 2019 年 8 月 1 日起生效。


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第一章 证件、证明及申请办法

第一条 学生证



(三)学生证如果丢失,学生须到国际教育学院补办。补办时,需交 2寸照片一张,

补办一般需要 3个工作日。


第二条 证明


(二)本科生可以在第三教学楼和主楼 B座一层大厅自助打印成绩单;硕士、博士




第二章 离校

第三条 国际学生因休学、退学等原因离校时,须到国际教育学院领取《离校手续



第四条 休学、退学、勒令退学、开除学籍、毕业或结业的国际学生应在一周内离


第五条 因各种原因退学、休学、开除学籍、保留学籍等离校的国际学生,必须到北


第六条 应当离校但仍以各种理由滞留在学校者,滞留期间所发生的各种事情由学




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第一章 校内住宿

第一条 学生管理办公室在每学期开学初,接受国际学生校内公寓住宿申请。报名



第二条 学生管理办公室将根据现有情况处理国际学生的住宿申请,并将结果及时


第三条 语言生原则上无特殊情况应在校内公寓住宿;受培养合同中相关条款的约


第四条 国际学生入住校内公寓时,必须签订住宿协议,服从住宿安排,保证遵守


第五条 学生管理办公室向经审批准予在校内住宿的国际学生开具《宿舍安排通知


第六条 入住前,物业公司为各房间配备相关物品,并提供物品清单,国际学生在



第七条 学校仅在新生入学期间为首次在校内住宿的国际学生新生配发床上用品,


第八条 国际学生在校内公寓住宿应依据房间类型和住宿时间缴纳住宿费,具体收


第九条 国际学生退宿前,应结清住宿费。

第十条 国际学生如需寄存物品,条件允许的情况下公寓可提供场所,并酌情收取


第十一条 国际学生应按时缴纳住宿费,欠费超过 7 天,房间供水、供电将受到影


第十二条 公寓门开关时间:星期日至星期四,早 6:00-晚 24:00;星期五和星期六,

早 6:00 至晚 2:00。

第十三条 门禁:国际学生需携带本人校园一卡通刷卡出入公寓,不得借用或转借


第十四条 会客:非本公寓居住的校内外人员到访国际学生公寓时(包括在一个公



不得单独在公寓内停留或活动,不得在公寓内住宿。可接待会客时间:早 8:00至晚 22:00。


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第十五条 国际学生如需退宿,应向学生管理办公室提出申请,得到批准后才可退


第十六条 退宿前,国际学生应将房间钥匙交还物业人员,由物业公司安排人员对



第十七条 若学生因结业、毕业或转学等原因离校时,如无特殊说明,必须在一星


第十八条 国际学生必须遵守防火规定,不得在公寓内焚烧任何物品,不得在楼道































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第二章 校外住宿

第十九条 符合下列条件的国际学生,可向学生管理办公室申请在校外住宿:

(一) 自费留学或公费留学住宿自理的国际学生。





第二十条 校外住宿申请办法:






(四)在入住后 24 小时内,国际学生应携带本人护照(签证须有效)、租赁合同、



第二十一条 如在校外住宿期间住址发生变更需,国际学生须及时到居住地公安派


第二十二条 在校外住宿期间,国际学生应在签证到期前 30 天内,持本人护照、照


第二十三条 国际学生在校外住宿期间,必须遵守中国的法律,履行租赁协议、尊



第二十四条 若国际学生不按校外住宿程序申请、办理,视为擅自校外住宿,造成


第二十五条 紧急号码:报警电话:110 ;急救电话:120或 999;火警电话:119。


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第一章 总则



部、外交部、公安部令第 42 号)、《来华国际学生高等教育质量规范(试行)》(教外

〔2018〕50 号)、《中国石油大学(北京)关于提高国际学生教育质量的实施意见》(中

石大京教〔2015〕2 号)和《中国石油大学(北京)提高留学研究生教育质量的意见》

(中石大京研〔2015〕11 号)等文件精神,特制订本办法。

第一条 本办法所称国际学生是指根据《中华人民共和国国籍法》不具有中国国籍



第二条 本办法所称国际学生奖学金包括中国各级政府奖学金、境内外企事业单位



第三条 国际教育学院负责国际学生奖学金的具体管理工作,坚持公开、公平和公


第二章 资助内容和标准

第四条 中国政府奖学金的资助内容和标准按照教育部、国家留学基金管理委员会


第五条 孔子学院奖学金的资助内容和标准按照孔子学院总部/国家汉办的相关文


第六条 北京市外国国际学生奖学金、北京市“一带一路”专项奖学金、紫禁城奖



第七条 中国石油大学(北京)奖学金(以下简称 CUPB奖学金)由我校自筹资金设

立。CUPB 奖学金包括一等奖学金、二等奖学金、三等奖学金等综合奖学金和优秀国际学








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在校学习期间生活费补助,按照每学年 10个月发放,标准为:本科生:1800元人民币

/月;硕士研究生:2000元人民币/月;博士学位研究生:2500 元人民币/月;提供当学





4、优秀国际学生单项奖学金:金额一般在 1000-5000 元之间。

第八条 境内外企事业单位、社会团体及其他社会组织和个人在中国石油大学(北


金文件和合同执行。如未明确说明,由国际教育学院参照 CUPB 奖学金执行。

第三章 申请条件和途径

第九条 中国政府奖学金的申请条件和途径按照教育部和国家留学基金管理委员会


第十条 孔子学院奖学金的申请条件和途径按照孔子学院总部/国家汉办的相关文


第十一条 北京市政府国际学生奖学金项目的申请条件由学校按照相关文件和通知


第十二条 CUPB奖学金向国际教育学院申请。

第十三条 专项奖学金申请条件和途径按照相关奖学金文件和合同执行。如相关文

件和合同未明确说明,由国际教育学院参照 CUPB 奖学金执行。

第四章 评审组织与程序

第十四条 国际教育学院按照国家留学基金管理委员会的相关文件和通知开展中国



第十五条 国际教育学院按照孔子学院总部/国家汉办的相关文件和通知开展孔子


第十六条 国际教育学院按照北京市教育委员会的相关文件和通知开展北京市外国



第十七条 CUPB奖学金的评审办法及流程由国际教育学院制订,按年度进行申请和



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第十八条 所有奖学金的评审流程信息公开,评审结果由国际教育学院负责公示;


第十九条 对于在奖学金评审工作中存在弄虚作假行为的申请人,一经查实,国际


第二十条 除因特殊情况并经上级主管部门批准,国际学生奖学金每年评审一次。

第五章 奖学金发放

第二十一条 除相关的奖学金文件和合同中明确约定外,当月在校不足 16天,生活



第六章 奖学金生年度考核

第二十二条 奖学金生应当按照各项奖学金的文件和合同以及国际教育学院通知,


第二十三条 年度考核的内容:学习成绩和学术表现、考勤、行为表现、奖惩情况、


第二十四条 国际教育学院将依据各项奖学金的文件和合同以及年度考核结果,进



第二十五条 在校期间严重违反中国法律法规和校规校纪的奖学金生,将被取消奖


第七章 附则

第二十六条 本办法由国际教育学院负责解释。


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第一章 总则




和培养国际学生管理办法》(教育部、外交部、公安部令第 42 号)、《来华国际学生高


际学生教育质量的实施意见》(中石大京教〔2015〕2 号)和《中国石油大学(北京)

提高留学研究生教育质量的意见》(中石大京研〔2015〕11 号)等文件精神,特制订本


第二章 成绩计算


第三章 德育测评


第一条 德育评分=本科生:国际教育学院奖学金评审领导小组(以下简称学院奖学



德育评分主要参考参评同学以下 8个方面的表现:






(六)在教室、公寓、食堂、实验室等公共场所举止文明。(15 分)


(八)自觉遵守校纪校规,自觉维护教学秩序和公共秩序。(10 分)

第二条 奖励分



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1、国际学生会、国际学生创新平台主席、副主席,校级、院级社团正副主席加 0—

10 分。

2、班长加 0—10分。

3、国际学生会部长、国际学生创新平台顾问加 0—6 分。

4、国际学生会部员、国际学生创新平台学院代表加 0—4 分。


数后累加,最多累加两项。如仅累加 1项,则在累加项上乘以系数 0.5后与前一项累加;

如累加两项,则在 2 个累加项上分别乘以系数 0.3 后与第一项累加。此项加分最高 15


(二)在校级以上有正式刊号的报刊、杂志上公开发表非学术性文章,每篇加 1分。

第三条 惩罚分(可累加)


(一)受到通报批评、警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看处分者,分别扣 5、10、

15、30、50 分。

(二)旷课或集体活动缺勤,一次扣 2分,无故离校扣 10分,不按时注册扣 10 分。

(三)违反交通规则和公共道德、影响恶劣、受交通处罚者,每人次扣 10 分。

(四)违反公共道德或学术道德并造成不良影响者,一次扣 10分。


第四章 智育测评


第四条 学习成绩分(100 分)



其中:Ti 为培养计划中所列的必修课学分数;Xi 为各门课课程成绩,按百分制计

算。成绩记载为五级制时,按以下关系划算:优=90 分;良=80分;中=70 分;及格=60

分;不及格=50分;通过=75分;不通过=50 分。


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第五条 奖惩分








3、翻译文章正式发表每篇加 0.5分。

注:智育奖励分涉及多人排名的,视排名情况确定实际得分。具体得分:设有 N 人



第六条 惩罚分


经鉴定确认剽窃他人学术成果者或非法转让技术成果者,扣 40 分。


第五章 文体活动总分


第七条 素质分=学院奖学金评审领导小组评分,研究生-导师评分×50%+学院奖学



(一)心理稳定,身体健康,有良好生活习惯。(50 分)

(二)积极参加课外文艺及体育活动。(50 分)

第八条 奖励分

(一)积极参加校级体育比赛者加 2分。

(二)代表学校参加校外各种体育比赛者加 4 分。




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一、二名 三、四名 五、六名 七、八名

国家级 30 20 15 10

省部级 20 15 10 5

校级 10 7 5 3

(四)集体项目的主力队员按所得奖励分的 2/3加分,非主力队员按所得奖励分

的 1/3加分。主力队员和非主力队员身份有争议的,根据比赛组织单位出具的证明认


(五)此项奖惩分可以累加,取 1个最高奖励分后,其他奖励分乘以 0.5 的系数


第六章 评估程序

第九条 由辅导员向全体学生宣讲《中国石油大学(北京)国际学生综合测评办法


第十条 学生综合测评的基本情况,由国际教育学院实行计算机管理,每学年综合


第十一条 所有附加分的材料均需辅导员审核并签名后附在上交的综合测评材料中。



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第一条 交通安全:严格遵守交通规章制度,不准酒后骑车驾车,不准驾驶摩托车、



第二条 防火:学校宿舍内严禁使用超大功率电器,不得携带存放危险物品, 不私



第三条 防盗:出门时锁好门窗,在外购物、乘坐交通工具时妥善保管好证件、钱包

和贵重物品,不单独去偏僻的地方 , 不准擅自留宿他人。

第四条 饮食卫生:不在没有卫生许可证的摊点购买饮料和食品,自己烹饪时注意


第五条 严禁酗酒:不在宿舍内酗酒,深夜不外出饮酒。

第六条 严格控烟:不在教室、餐厅、电梯等公共场所抽烟。

第七条 严禁使用毒品,严禁赌博、酗酒、打架斗殴以及其它干扰学校教学、科研和


第八条 防范流感等传染病:出现感冒发烧等症状请立即到医院诊治并报告学院有


第九条 防自然灾害:遇雷击、暴雨等灾害性天气注意自我防护,确保人身安全。

第十条 防诈骗:不要轻信虚假信息,转账支付须谨慎,遇到自称老师、同学、朋友

的人借口索要钱款时,请务必与相关老师、同学、朋友电话联系核实, 以防被骗。换汇


第十一条 预防心理疾患:树立心理健康意识,增强心理调适能力,如有心理困惑,


第十二条 避免争执:保持宿舍安静,不大声喧哗,不大声播放音响,在与别人发生


第十三条 要在校外居住的国际学生必须经国际教育学院的同意,然后与房东签订

租房合同。入住后 24 小时内到当地派出所办理登记手续,并持派出所临时住宿登记表


民的生活,注意交通、治安、消防、人身与财产的安全, 注意水、电和液化气的使用安


第十四条 严禁到江、河、湖泊、水库等非正规游泳场所游泳;不到自然条件险恶的


第十五条 遇到突发情况 , 请保持冷静 , 及时报告公安部门或有关老师。

第十六条 如有住址、联系方式等变化,务必于 24 小时内报告国际教育学院。


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第一条 学校的安全责任:















第二条 学生在校期间的安全责任:












第三条 因下列情形之一造成的学生伤害事故,学校已履行了相应职责,行为并无






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第四条 本责任书与新生录取通知书一并发放,学生收到新生录取通知书后视为学


第五条 本责任书自新生报到之日起生效,学生毕业离校之日起失效。

第六条 本协议一式两份,国际学生、国际教育学院各执一份,具有同等法律效力,


国际教育学院(盖章): 学生(签名):



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第一条 学校设有校医院,国际学生日常患病可以到校医院就诊。

第二条 如有必要,国际学生可以到校外医院就诊,建议到公立三甲医院就诊 , 就


第三条 如需要紧急救援,可拨打急救中心电话,电话号码:120。

第四条 国际学生综合保险

(一)全额奖学金生和全额交付学费的自费国际学生(学习时间在半年以上) 免

费享受国际学生综合保险,内容包括意外伤害医疗、门诊医疗、住院医疗、身故 / 残


具体条款请参阅留学保险网 www.lxbx.net。如果发生意外或生病需住院治疗,应及时










内,门诊医疗费总额超过 650 元者可申请办理 650 元以上部分的门诊医疗费理赔手


学生保险承保公司办理理赔审核手续,保险公司将按规定审核报销 650 元以上的部分





第五条 下面是一些医院的地址和联系电话:


北京市昌平区医院:北京市昌平区鼓楼北街 9号,010-69742328



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第一条 学生可在学校收发室进行寄件、取件,收发室位于综合楼 B 座一楼 B113 房


第二条 取特快、挂号开门时间为:上午 8:30-11:00,下午 3:30-5:00;

第三条 节假日工作时间为:上午 9:30-11:00,下午 3:30-4:30。


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声 明

第一条 本手册内容正式版用中文表述,并提供相应的英文翻译,当英文翻译与中


第二条 本手册的解释权归中国石油大学(北京)国际教育学院。

第三条 本手册定稿于 2019 年 8 月 1 日,如政府部门、学校新颁布的法规与本



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附件 1 石大地图


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附件 2 中国石油大学(北京)餐饮信息

第一条 概况




第二条 校内各食堂介绍




























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附件 3平安养老保险股份有限公司来华人员综合医疗保险保障计划简介




































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限部分按照当地社会医疗保险的标准, 以受限金额为基础扣除此项目的标准金额,赔付




























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保险费 保障责任 保险金额







身故+意外残疾 100000 400 800

意外伤害医疗 20000




住院医疗 400000


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Chapter I New Student Registration

1.New students must register within the specified time at the College of International

Education, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), bringing with them their passports,

Letter of Admission and Form JW201 or JW202. During registration, they will be asked to

fill in the International Students Admission Form, take a copy of the Handbook for

International Students, and submit other necessary documents for verification as required

by the Letter of Admission. They need also to submit 4 passport photos (2 -inch

bareheaded with a white background). Postgraduate students and high-level non-

degree students must also contact with their supervisor and the college where their

academic programs are conducted.

2.Self -funded students must show their receipts of tuition and fee payment or bank

statement at the time of registration. They may also make the payment at the time of


3.Those who for some reason are not able to register within the specified time period

must obtain prior consent from College of International Education for later registration.

Failure to register within two weeks after the specified deadline without valid reasons will

be automatically regarded as giving up the admission eligibility.

4.The Letter of Admission for international students shall bear the official seal of China

University of Petroleum (Beijing). No other documents issued by any organizations or

individuals shall be deemed valid.

Chapter II New Student Orientation

After registration, new students will be asked to attend an orientation organized by the

College of International Education and relevant divisions, which include the exposition of

relevant Chinese laws and codes of conduct, introduction to the on-campus rules and

regulations, explanation of the handbook for international students, etc. It is an event that

all new comers are expected to attend on time.

Chapter III Current Student Registration

Current students must register at the College of International Education within the

specified period at the beginning of each semester. They need to bring with them their

student books and passports, which will be made valid by verifying the passport number

and the valid date of the residence permit and stamping on it the registration seal.

Chinese Government Scholarship students and Confucius Institute students must do the

scholarship students registration according to relevant regulations. Those who are not


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able to register with in the specified period for some reasons must request in advance

for permission of later registration, or else they will be treated as truants. Failure to

register within the two weeks after the specified deadline without permission will

automatically lead to the cancellation of their student status.

Physical Check-up, Residence Permit & Visa

Chapter I Physical Check-up

International students who will study for more than 6 months should take a physical

check-up in principle at Beijing International Travel Healthcare Center (BITHC); those who

have taken the Physical Check-up in other places and hold a “Physical Examination

Record for Foreigners”should go to BITHC to have it verified. New students with X1 visa

can apply for residence permits after they obtain a“Certificate of Verification of Physical

Examination Record for Foreigners”issued by BITHC. Those who are ascertained upon

examination as patients of any disease due to which no entry is allowed, as specified in

China's laws, shall leave immediately for their home country.


(1) Please bring your passport, 2 2-inch photos, photocopy of the current valid visa page,

photocopy of the admission notice, photocopy of the visa application form for studying

in China (JW201 form or JW202 form).

(2) An empty stomach.

(3) If you have received physical examination before coming to China, please bring the

original physical examination certificate.

The Address of Beijing International Travel Healthcare Center: No.10, Dezheng Rd,

Haidian District, Beijing. Tel: 82403675. Work time: 8:30 - 11:00.

Chapter II Residence Permit & Visa

1.New students holding an X1 visa shall apply for a residence permit to the Department

of Entry & Exit Administration, Beijing Public Security Bureau, within 30 days from the

date of entry in China. Students with an X2 visa shall secure a visa extension 7 days prior

to the expiry of the duration specified in the visa, or apply for a resident permit. Those

who exceed the specified time will be punished in accordance with relevant Chinese laws

for illegal residence.

2.International students with residence permit for study who transfer to China University

of Petroleum (Beijing) from other cities in China shall provide the certificate of graduation

and completion and the certificate of transfer within 7 days from the date of issued, and


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go through the procedures of residence permit change at the exit-entry administration

bureau of Beijing municipal public security bureau in accordance with regulations.

3.During the term of study, if there is any change in the content of the residence permit,

you must register in the College of International Education within 5 days and go through

the change formalities at the Exit-entry Administration Bureau of the Municipal Public

Security Bureau in time.

4.Current students shall, within 30 days prior to the expiry of the validity period on their

residence permits or visa, file applications for extension of the duration of residence or

stay with the Department of Entry & Exit Administration of Beijing Public Security Bureau.

Documents for duration extension application include the applicant's passport, residence

registration certification issued by dormitory office (or issued by the local police station)

and a certification issued by College of International Education, China University of

Petroleum (Beijing). Failure to secure the extension before the expiration will be deemed

as illegal residence and thus leads to penalty in accordance with relevant Chinese laws.

Students are advised to solve their visa problem during regular semester time as it is not

handled during vacations. A residence permit may be extended up to one year at a time.

No extension will be possible for students who are to leave the university for graduation

or completion of their course of study, but stay permits with specified duration may be

applied for according to the circumstances.

5.International students may enter and exit China for multiple times as long as their

Residence Permits are valid.

6.International students who have lost their passports should inform the College of

International Education and the Department of Entry & Exit Administration, Beijing Public

Security Bureau immediately, obtain a certification for the loss, apply for a new passport

to their embassy/consulate in China and a new residence permit from the Department of

Entry & Exit Administration of Beijing Public Security Bureau. International students who

have secured new passports must inform the College of International Education to have

their personal information updated.

7.Students who are to quit their ongoing studies and leave school for any reason must

go to the Department of Exit-Entry Administration of Beijing Municipal Public Security

Bureau and have their Student Residence Permits or visas changed.

8.To apply for a residence permit, new students need to prepare the following documents

and materials.


(2)One duplicate copy of the Admission Notice in Chinese Language;

(3)One recent 2-inch photo of the applicant (front, bareheaded, with a white background).

If you choose to apply for visa by agent, please go to the registered photo studio on bj.e-

photo.cn to take a photo and get the receipt. If you choose to apply for a visa by yourself,


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you can take the required photos and get the receipt at the registered photo studio or

take the photos at the immigration department.

(4)Temporary residence registration certification issued by the local police station, which

is required for students dwelling off campus;

(5)The Certificate of Verification of Physical Examination Record for Foreigners &

Overseas Chinese, which is required for students who will study for more than 6 months;

(6)Payment voucher.

9.To apply for a residence permit, current students need to prepare the following

documents and materials.


(2)Temporary residence registration certification issued by the local police station, which

is required for students dwelling off campus;

(3)One recent 2-inch photo of the applicant (front, bareheaded, with a white background).

If you choose to apply for visa by agent, please go to the registered photo studio on bj.e-

photo.cn to take a photo and get the receipt. If you choose to apply for a visa by yourself,

you can take the required photos and get the receipt at the registered photo studio or

take the photos at the immigration department.

(4)Payment voucher.

10.Special Circumstances

(1)Students who change their passports and hold residence certificates within the territory

of China must go through the formalities of renewing their residence certificates within

10 days of obtaining a new passport.

(2)Students who have obtained new passports abroad are required to show their old and

new passports to the Chinese customs when entering the country and affstamp the new

passports with an entry stamp. If you do not have an entry stamp on your new passport,

you must renew your residence permit within 10 days of your arrival.

(3)If students lose their passport, they should go to the police station to handle the

certificate of loss of passport, apply to the embassy for a new passport, and apply for

residence permit immediately after they get their new passport.

(4)Procedures for adding notes to internship (students who study in China for more than

180 days can apply) :

1)Download the template of internship consent letter on the website of the College of

International Education and submit it to the College of International Education for review.

2)Download the template of internship certificate of the unit or enterprise, and find the

seal of the internship unit.


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3)Submit the signed and sealed materials to office 207A of the College of International


4)Students should download and fill in the enterprise information collection form and

submit a copy of the employer's or enterprise's business license stamped with the

company's or enterprise's official seal to the College of International Education. If the

practice unit on behalf of the handling, it is not necessary to submit.

5)If students apply for internship registration by themselves, they need to bring the visa

application form, internship agreement letter, temporary residence registration form and

internship certificate provided by the College of International Education to Beijing Entry-

exit Administration.

(5)Expiration of visas and residence certificates

1)Handle the new registration form of temporary residence.

2)Students living in Changping District should bring their passport and registration form

of temporary residence to Changping Branch Of Exit-Entry Administration Bureau Of

Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau. After the completion of punishment procedures

they will receive the administrative punishment decision issued by the the public security


3)After applying for a visa or residence permit, go to the Exit And Entry Administration

Bureau of Beijing with the administrative punishment decision and other materials.

(6)For students who moved from other places to Beijing, they shall go through the

formalities for removal at the Exit And Entry Administration Department Of The Public

Security Bureau after their arrival in Beijing within 10 days.

(7)Students who leave the university due to various reasons, such as dropping out of

school, suspension of school, expulsion from school or retention of school status, must

go through the corresponding visa or residence permit change procedures at the Exit-

Entry Administration Bureau Of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau.

(8)When transferring to other cities, students shall go through the relevant procedures at

the student management office of the College of International Education, and the transfer

certificate shall be issued by the teacher in charge. They must go through the residence

permit application procedures at the local public security bureau within 7 days (and within

the validity period of the residence permit) after they arrive at the place of residence.

11.The Address of the Department of Entry & Exit Administration, Beijing

Municipal Public Security Bureau is No. 2, Andingmendong Road, Dongcheng

District,Beijing,Tel:010-84020101. Work time: 8:30-16:30, Mon-Sat,


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Regulations on Payment and Refund for Self-Funded

International Students

To regulate the international students’ payment and refund of China University of

Petroleum (Beijing), improve the transparency of institute of fee-paying, according to the

Administrative Measures for the Enrollment and Cultivation of International Students and

regulations of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), the relevant provisions of the

regulations are formulated. These regulations apply to all kinds of self-funded

international students who apply to study in China University of Petroleum (Beijing).

1.Fee Structure

Application fee(Non-refunded):400RMB

Tuition(includes insurance)

Bsc Program:

25000RMB/YEAR(Chinese-taught programs)

25000RMB/YEAR (English-taught programs)

Master’s Program:

29000RMB/YEAR(Chinese-taught programs)

31000RMB/YEAR (English-taught programs)

PHD Program 36000RMB/YEAR

Accommodation:1500RMB/Person/Month (Double room)

The rooms are equipped with air conditioning, cable TV, telephone, private bathroom,

hot water, shower; the apartment building has a communal kitchen, laundry room, study

room, activity room and other facilities.

(1) All fees paid by international students shall be settled in RMB. If you want to remit

foreign currency, please confirm the amount with the College of International Education

in advance.

(2) International students who pay their own expenses shall properly keep all the payment


2. Items and time of payment: self-funded international students shall pay tuition fee,

accommodation fee and other fees when registering at the beginning of the semester, or

they shall not go through the registration procedures. Students who fail to pay the tuition

fee and other fees due two weeks after the deadline shall be regarded as dropping out.


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(1) The tuition fee of degree students shall be paid according to the academic year,

that is, the tuition fee of one year shall be paid at one time.

(2) The tuition fee for visiting students shall be paid by the semester, that is, the tuition

fee for one semester shall be paid at a time. Students who need to continue their study

in the next semester must apply one week before the end of the semester and pay the

tuition fee for the next semester to extend their residence permit or visa.

(3) For degree students who fail to complete their studies on time within the school

system and need to extend their study period, the tuition fee shall be paid according to

the normal tuition rate in principle during the extended study period.

2.Refund Rules

(1)The application fee is non-refundable, regardless of admission. Tuition fee and

accommodation fee are not refundable for non-school reasons. There is no refund for

students who apply to drop out of school for personal reasons or are dismissed from

school due to discipline violation.

(2)International students in China may suspend their studies after approval, and the fees

during the period of suspension will not be refunded, and the fees can be used after the

resumption of study.

3.Effectiveness, Implementation and Interpretation of These Provisions

(1)International education college of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) is responsible

for the interpretation, organization and implementation of these provisions.

(2)These provisions shall take effect on August 1, 2019.

Student Status Management

Undergraduate international students shall refer to the regulations on the management

of student status under the credit system of undergraduate students of China University

of Petroleum (Beijing), graduate students shall refer to the regulations on the

management of student status under the credit system of graduate students of China

University of Petroleum (Beijing), and disciplinary violations and treatment shall refer to

the regulations on the treatment of disciplinary violations of students of China University

of Petroleum (Beijing) (revised).

Chapter I Certificates, Certificates and Application Methods

1.Student ID

(1)College of International Education will make student ID cards for new students after

international student registration.


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(2)The student id card is the identification of an international student. It must be carried

with you and cannot be lent or altered.

(3)If the student id card is lost, students should apply for it in the College of International

Education. When reapplying, you need to hand in a 2-inch photo. Reapplying usually

takes 3 working days.

(4)Students should submit their student ID cards to the College of International Education

when they leave the school.


(1)During the study period, if you need proof of study, please apply according to the

relevant notice on the CUPB CIE website..

(2)Undergraduates can self-print their transcripts in the hall on the first floor of the third

teaching building and block B of the main building; Master's and doctoral students can

print their transcripts in the hall on the first floor of the second teaching building and the

fourth teaching building.

(3)The study certificate and transcript of the students who have left the school should be

handled in the student management office of the College of International Education.

(4)Study certificate is free of charge.

Chapter II leaving school

1.International students who leave the school due to reasons such as suspension of

schooling or withdrawal from school shall go to the College of International Education to

receive the transfer form for leaving school, settle the fees, return the books and other

items to be returned; Students who live on campus must return their room key or room

card when they leave.

2.International students who suspend, withdraw, withdraw, expel, graduate or finish their

studies shall leave the school within one week.

3.International students who leave school for various reasons, such as dropping out of

school, suspension from school, expulsion from school or retention of school status, must

go through the corresponding visa or residence permit change procedures at the Exit-

Entry Administration Bureau Of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau.

4.Students who should leave the school but still stay in the school for various reasons

shall bear the responsibility for all the things that happen during the stay. The university

will inform the exit and entry administration department of the public security organ to

cancel their student status and stay in China.


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Measures for Apartment Management

Chapter I On-Campus Accommodation

1.The student administration office accepts international students' applications for on-

campus accommodation at the beginning of each semester. At the registration stage,

new students can fill in the application information through the online registration system

after registration, or submit the application in written form during the on-site registration.

Students submit applications for accommodation directly to the student administration


2.The student administration office will process the accommodation application of

international students according to the current situation and give the result to

international students in time.

3.In principle, language students shall live in campus apartments without special

circumstances. Program sponsored students subject to the relevant terms of the training

contract shall live in on-campus apartments.

4.International students must sign an accommodation agreement, comply with the

accommodation arrangement and ensure compliance with the management regulations

of the apartment. During the stay, the ownership of the apartment belongs to the school.

5.The student management office shall issue the dormitory arrangement notice to the

international students who have been approved to live on campus. The international

students shall sign the accommodation agreement at the duty reception desk of each

apartment building with the dormitory arrangement notice and get the key.

6.Before check-in, the property management company shall provide relevant articles for

each room and provide a list of articles. International students shall carefully check

whether the articles in the room are complete and damaged, and timely raise any

questions. After checking, sign on the list for confirmation.

7.The university shall only distribute bedclothes to new international students who stay

on the campus for the first time during the period of enrollment.

8.International students shall pay the accommodation fee according to the type of room

and the duration of the accommodation. The specific fee rate shall be announced by

College of International Education.

9.International students shall settle their accommodation fees before checking out.

10.If international students want to leave their belongings, the apartment may provide a

place and charge fees as appropriate.


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11.International students shall pay the accommodation fee on time. If the fee is overdue

for more than 7 days, the water supply and power supply of the room will be affected,

and the consequences shall be borne by the student.

12.Apartment door opening time: Sunday to Thursday, 6:00 am to 24:00 PM; Friday and

Saturday, 6:00 am to 2:00 PM.

13.Entrance control: international students are required to bring their own campus card

to the apartment. They are not allowed to borrow or lend to others. The access control

authority is managed by the student management office and is restricted to international

students who live in apartments on campus.

14.Visitor: not this apartment living inside personnel to visit the international student

apartment (including international students in an apartment accommodation to another

apartment), must cooperate with property duty personnel on duty to check and register,

keep related documents, and the by the visitor to the door of the apartment, lead it into

the apartment, residence time shall not exceed two hours, shall not stay alone in the

apartment or activities, may not be in the apartment hotel. Reception time: 8:00 am to

22:00 PM.

15.International students who want to check out shall apply to the student administration

office for approval before checking out. If there are no special circumstances, the

withdrawal should be handled at the end of the semester or the beginning of the

semester, but not at other time.

16.International students should return the room key to the property management

personnel before checking out, and the property management company will arrange the

personnel to check and accept the room. International students should compensate for

the damage or loss of items in the room according to their value. The date of departure

and time of stay will be calculated according to the time of completion of the above


17.If a student leaves the university due to graduation, graduation, transfer or other

reasons, he/she must move out of the dormitory within one week without special

instructions. After exceeding the time limit, the school has the right to forcibly reclaim the


18.International students must observe fire prevention regulations. They are not allowed

to burn any articles in the apartment, set off fireworks and firecrackers in the corridor, or

smoke in the apartment. Abide by the regulations on safe use of electricity. Do not cook

in the dormitory. Do not use illegal electrical appliances in the dormitory. When cooking

in the public kitchen, ensure the safe use of electricity, timely turn off the power supply

of kitchen utensils. When the school organizes the security inspection, the articles that

violate the school regulations can be temporarily detained.


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(1)It is strictly prohibited to bring toxic, harmful, strong odor and inflammable and

explosive articles into the apartment.

(2)Please do not deposit a large amount of cash in the room, and take good care of all

kinds of documents, computers, cameras and other valuables. Be sure to lock doors and

Windows in and out of the room. Lost keys should be reported to the office in time, and

replace the keys according to regulations.

(3)Do not drink alcohol, play in the building or engage in dangerous activities. Gambling,

drug taking and other illegal activities are strictly prohibited.

(4)If you are not staying in the apartment for a long time due to rest or vacation, cut off

all the power in the room before leaving. Otherwise, accident, responsibility.

(5)Abide by the school and apartment work and rest time, and do not climb over the

guardrail or window to enter or leave the school and apartment.

(6)Compensation must be made for the loss of public property or other people's property

caused by personal reasons. In serious cases, criminal responsibility will be investigated

by judicial organs.

(7)The apartment rooms in the campus belong to the university and are arranged by the

student management office. It is strictly forbidden to live in the dormitory for anyone who

is not in the dormitory.

(8)International students of the opposite sex who are not legally married are not allowed

to live in the same room.

(9)International students are not allowed to change rooms without permission. If

necessary, international students must apply to the student management office in

advance. After the approval of the teacher in charge, a new accommodation arrangement

notice will be issued. International students shall carry the notice to the reception desk of

each apartment building to handle the change of rooms.

(10)International students may apply to merge with others within one week if there is a

vacancy in the double apartment; After one week, the College of International Education

will arrange the same room. International students should cooperate. Otherwise, the

accommodation fee will be paid according to the double room.

(11)take good care of all kinds of furniture and equipment in the room, do not carry

without authorization. It is not allowed to pollute, damage, disassemble or lose all kinds

of facilities and articles in the apartment. Otherwise, compensation shall be paid

according to the price. Do not make permanent or destructive decoration in the room, I

should be responsible for restoring the room before checking out. If the electrical

appliances and water pipes break down, please timely inform the management personnel

for maintenance.


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(12)Keep the apartment, inside and outside the room clean. Do not spit everywhere, do

not splash water on the corridor, stairs and Windows, throw fruit peel and other waste,

do not place clothes, shoes and other items in the corridor. All kinds of animals are

forbidden in the dormitory.

(13)Keep quiet in the building. Don't let loud sound disturb others' rest.

(14)Save water and electricity. Be sure to check whether the air conditioning, lights and

faucets are turned off before attending class and going out.

(15)The school respects each student's religious belief, but shall abide by Chinese laws

and regulations and school rules and regulations, and shall not carry out religious

activities in the school in any name or form. Participation in religious activities must be

conducted in official places of worship as prescribed by law.

Chapter II Off-Campus Accommodation

19.International students who meet the following requirements may apply to the student

administration office for off-campus accommodation:

(1) International students who study abroad at their own expense or at public expense.

(2) International students with both husband and wife studying in our school.

(3) International students with accompanying relatives or visiting relatives in China.

(4) International students whose immediate family members (parents and spouses) work

in the administrative area of Beijing.

(5) Other special circumstances.

20.Measures for Applying for Off-Campus Accommodation:

(1)International students should submit a written application to the student

administration office in advance to fill in the off-campus housing guarantee.

(2)After the examination by the student management office and approval by the

supervisor, the registration form of off-campus residence for international students in

China University of Petroleum (Beijing) (triple union: school, student and police station)

shall be filled in.

(3)International students sign a rental contract with the owner or intermediary company,

and then send a copy of the rental contract back to the school.

(4)Within 24 hours after check-in, international students should carry the passport visa

(valid), lease contract, the owner id photocopy, the China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

international students off-campus accommodation registration form "to the public

security police station to complete a registration, residence and to feedback to the

student a copy of the registration form of temporary residence management office.


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21.In case of any change of address during off-campus residence, international

students shall register at the local police station in time and bring a copy of the new

temporary residence registration form to the student administration office to make the

information change.

22.During the period of off-campus accommodation, international students shall, within

30 days before the expiration of their visas, apply for visa extension at the school with

their passports, photos and registration form of temporary accommodation; otherwise,

they shall bear the consequences.

23.International students must abide by Chinese laws, fulfill lease agreements, respect

Chinese customs and social ethics, enhance their awareness of safety and security, and

take full responsibility for their own life, property safety and behavior during off-campus


24.International students who do not apply for and apply for off-campus accommodation

in accordance with the off-campus accommodation procedures shall be deemed to have

taken off-campus accommodation without authorization, and the consequences caused

thereby shall be borne by the international students themselves.

25.Emergency number: alarm number: 110; Emergency number: 120 or 999; Fire number:


Annual Review of Scholarship

Administration of International Student Scholarship Of CUPB

Chapter I General Provisions

In order to deepen the comprehensive reform of international students' education and

teaching, attract excellent international students to study in China University of Petroleum

(Beijing), cultivate excellent academic atmosphere and improve the quality of education,

According to the measures for the administration of the school and to develop

international students (the ministry of education, ministry of foreign affairs, the public

security ministry make no. 42), the international students in China higher education

quality standard (try out) "(outside [2018] no. 50), the China University of Petroleum

(Beijing) on implementation opinions to improve the quality of international students

education" (sinopec dgi teach [2015] no. 2) and the China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

opinions to improve the quality of study in the graduate education (sinopec dgi research

[2015] 11) file spirit, such as, formulate the measures.

1.The term "international students" as used in these measures refers to foreign students

who do not hold Chinese nationality and receive education in China University of


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Petroleum (Beijing) according to the nationality law of the People's Republic of China,

including undergraduate students, postgraduate students and doctoral students,

preparatory students, advanced students and research scholars.

2.The international student scholarships mentioned in these measures include Chinese

government scholarships at all levels, scholarships provided by enterprises and

institutions at home and abroad, scholarships set up by social organizations and other

social organizations or individuals, and all kinds of scholarships specially set up by China

University of Petroleum (Beijing) for international students.

3.The College of International Education is responsible for the specific management of

international student scholarships, adhering to the principles of openness, fairness and

justice, and carrying out the review and distribution of various scholarships in time

according to the specific requirements of various scholarships.

Chapter II Funding Content and Standards

4.The contents and standards of Chinese government scholarships shall be implemented

in accordance with the relevant documents and notices issued by the ministry of

education and the China scholarship council.

5.The contents and standards of the Confucius institute scholarships shall be

implemented in accordance with the relevant documents and notices issued by the

Confucius institute headquarters/hanban.

6.Beijing foreign international student scholarship, Beijing "One Belt And One Road"

special scholarship, Forbidden City scholarship and other international student

scholarship projects of Beijing municipal government shall be funded in accordance with

relevant documents and notices of Beijing municipal bureau of finance and Beijing

municipal commission of education.

7.The CUPB scholarship of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) is funded by our

university. CUPB scholarship includes first-class scholarship, second-class scholarship,

third-class scholarship and other comprehensive scholarships as well as individual

scholarships for outstanding international students.

(1)Reward Object and Reward Period:

Comprehensive scholarship is open to all international students who have studied in the

university for a long time and have not received Chinese government scholarship,

Confucius institute scholarship, various Beijing municipal government international

student scholarship and other special scholarships. Individual scholarship is open to all

international students in the university.

(2)Award Criteria:

1)First-class scholarship: free tuition during study; Provide free on-campus apartment

accommodation (double standard room); The living allowance during the period of


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studying in the university shall be paid according to 10 months of each academic year.

The standard is: 1800 RMB/month for undergraduates; Master degree: RMB 2000 /

month; Doctoral degree: RMB 2,500 yuan/month; Comprehensive medical insurance for

international students for the academic year.

2)Second-class scholarship: free tuition during study; Provide free on-campus apartment

accommodation (double standard room); Comprehensive medical insurance for

international students.

3)Third-class scholarship: free tuition during study; Comprehensive medical insurance for

international students.

4)Individual scholarship for outstanding international students: the amount is generally

between 1000-5000 yuan.

8.International student scholarships (hereinafter referred to as special scholarships)

established by domestic and foreign enterprises, public institutions, social organizations

and individuals at China University of Petroleum (Beijing) shall be funded in accordance

with relevant scholarship documents and contracts. If not clearly stated, international

education institute by reference to CUPB scholarship implementation.

Chapter III Application Conditions and Methods

9.The application conditions and ways of Chinese government scholarships shall be

governed by the relevant documents and notices issued by the ministry of education and

the China scholarship council.

10.The application conditions and ways of Confucius institute scholarships shall be

implemented in accordance with the relevant documents and notices of Confucius

institute headquarters/hanban.

11.The application requirements of the Beijing municipal government's international

student scholarship program shall be specifically formulated by the university in

accordance with the requirements of relevant documents and notices, and the applicant

shall submit the application requirements to the institute of international education.

12.CUPB scholarship applies to the college of international education.

13.Application conditions and ways for special scholarship shall be implemented in

accordance with relevant scholarship documents and contracts. If the relevant documents

and contracts are not clearly stated, international education institute with reference to

CUPB scholarship implementation.

Chapter IV Review Organization and Procedure

14.The institute of international education shall review and report the Chinese

government scholarship in accordance with the relevant documents and notices of China


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scholarship administration committee, and the unqualified scholarship shall be handled

as suspension or termination of the subsidy according to the specific circumstances.

15.Institutes of international education shall conduct the evaluation of Confucius institute

scholarships in accordance with the relevant documents and notices issued by the

Confucius institute headquarters/hanban.

16.The institute of international education shall, in accordance with the relevant

documents and notices of the Beijing municipal commission of education, carry out the

review of Beijing foreign international student scholarship, Beijing One Belt And One

Road special scholarship, Forbidden City scholarship and other international student

scholarship programs of the Beijing municipal government.

17.The CUPB scholarship evaluation method and process are drawn up by the institute of

international education. The CUPB scholarship is applied and evaluated on an annual


18.The information of the evaluation process of all scholarships shall be made public, and

the evaluation results shall be publicized by the College of International Education.

According to the comments received during the publicity period, the scholarship

evaluation team will review the evaluation results and publish the review results.

19.The College of International Education has the right to cancel the scholarship

qualification of the corresponding students once the applicants who have falsified

themselves in the scholarship evaluation are verified.

20.International student scholarships shall be reviewed once a year, except under special

circumstances and approved by the higher competent authorities.

Chapter V Awarding of Scholarships

21. Unless explicitly agreed in relevant scholarship documents and contracts, the living

expenses shall be reduced by half if the current month is less than 16 days in school.

Living expenses will be partially or completely suspended for students with poor daily

performance, excessive absenteeism or absence from normal teaching and research

activities for a long time without any reason.

Chapter VI Annual Assessment of Scholarship Students

22.Scholarship students shall attend the annual assessment on time every year according

to the documents and contracts of various scholarships and the notice of the College of

International Education.

23.The contents of the annual appraisal shall include academic performance, academic

performance, attendance, behavior performance, rewards and punishments, opinions of

supervisors, opinions of the school (research institute), etc. Detailed rules for assessment

shall be formulated separately.


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24.The institute of international education will dynamically adjust the content and

standards of financial aid for scholarship students according to the documents and

contracts of various scholarships and the results of annual assessment. Students who do

not participate in the annual assessment without reason will be disqualified from

continuing to enjoy the scholarship.

25.Scholarship students who seriously violate Chinese laws and regulations and rules of

the university will be disqualified.

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

26. The institute of international education is responsible for the interpretation of these


Comprehensive Assessment Method for International Students


Chapter I General Provisions

Comprehensive assessment of international students is a comprehensive assessment of

international students' moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic qualities, and an

important basis for the selection of scholarships and outstanding international students.

In order to deepen the comprehensive reform of international students' education and

teaching, attract excellent international students to study in China University of Petroleum

(Beijing), cultivate excellent academic atmosphere and improve the quality of education,

According to the measures for the administration of the school and to develop

international students (the ministry of education, ministry of foreign affairs, the public

security ministry make no. 42), the international students in China higher education

quality standard (try out) "(outside [2018] no. 50), the China University of Petroleum

(Beijing) on implementation opinions to improve the quality of international students

education" (sinopec dgi teach [2015] no. 2) and the China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

opinions to improve the quality of study in the graduate education (sinopec dgi research

[2015] 11) file spirit, such as, formulate the measures.

Chapter II Grade Calculation

Total score = moral education total score ×20%+ intellectual education total score ×

70%+ cultural and sports activities total score ×10%

Chapter III Evaluation of Moral Education

Total moral education score = moral education score + reward score + punishment score


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1.Score of moral education = average score of undergraduates - the leading group of

scholarship review of the College of International Education (hereinafter referred to as

the leading group of scholarship review of the school), score of postgraduates - tutor ×

50%+ score of the leading group of scholarship review of the school ×50%

Moral education rating mainly refers to the following eight aspects of the students'


(1) love China (10 points)

(2) love collective and public welfare undertakings. (10)

(3) to take an active part in various activities organized by the school, college and class.

(15 points)

(4) clear learning purpose, correct attitude. (15 points)

(5) have good living habits, dormitory sanitation is good. (15)

(6) behave politely in public places such as classrooms, apartments, canteens, laboratories,

etc. (15 points)

(7) have a strong sense of social responsibility, consciously abide by social ethics. (10)

(8) consciously abide by school rules and regulations, and consciously maintain teaching

and public order. (10)

2.Bonus points

(1) social work (this must be examined by the leading group of scholarship evaluation

of the college)

The term of office shall be more than one semester. According to their performance,

according to the following criteria appropriate bonus.

1) chairman and vice chairman of international student union and international student

innovation platform, chairman and vice chairman of school-level and school-level

associations plus 0-10 points.

2) monitor plus 0-10 points.

3) minister of international student union, consultant of international student innovation

platform, 0-6 points.

4) member of international student union, representative of international student

innovation platform college, 0-4 points.

Note: the part-time student cadre will be graded according to the main posts in the post,

and the part-time posts will accumulate according to the additional points multiplied by

the coefficient, with a maximum of two items. If it only accumulates 1 term, it accumulates

with the previous term after multiplying the accumulative term by coefficient 0.5. If two


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terms are added, the first term will be added after multiplying the two cumulative terms

by coefficient 0.3 respectively. The maximum bonus for this category is 15 points.

(2) Non-academic articles published in newspapers and magazines with official

Numbers at or above the university level will be awarded 1 point for each article.

3.Penalty points (cumulative)

The punishment points shall be approved by the leading group of scholarship evaluation

of the college. The points are deducted as follows:

(1) those who have received a circular of criticism, warning, serious warning, demerit

recording, school probation and handling scores will be deducted 5, 10, 15, 30 and 50

points respectively.

(2) absent from class or group activities, 2 points will be deducted at one time, 10 points

will be deducted for leaving school without reason, and 10 points will be deducted for

not registering on time.

(3) those who violate traffic rules and public morals, have bad influence and are punished

by traffic penalty will be deducted 10 points each time.

(4) those who violate public morality or academic morality and cause bad influence will

be deducted 10 points at one time.

The penalties can add up.

Chapter IV Intellectual Education Assessment

Total intellectual education score = academic performance score + reward and

punishment score

4.Academic achievements (100 points)

The main assessment training plan, the completion of compulsory courses, according to

the examination results.

Student performance is equal to Ti times Xi divided by Ti

Among them, Ti is the required course score listed in the training plan; Xi refers to the

course scores of each course and is calculated on a percentage basis. When the score is

recorded in the five-level system, it is cost-effective according to the following

relationships: excellent =90 points; Good = 80; In = 70; Pass =60 points; Failing =50 points;

Pass =75; No pass =50 points.

5.Rewards and punishments

(1) bonus points

1)Actively participate in academic activities. During undergraduate and graduate years,

students who have published papers in official academic journals (with official number),


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obtained scientific and technological achievement awards, and won awards in scientific

and technological innovation activities and academic activities at the university level or

above will be awarded extra points according to the attached table.

2)the same content of the paper or results of a single maximum score, not cumulative.

Papers or results of different contents can be cumulative. All published papers or

achievements should be accompanied by copies or relevant certificates. All additional

materials must have original materials, which are examined by relevant departments and

examined by the leading group of scholarship review.

3)0.5 points will be added for each translated article published.

Note: intellectual education award points related to the ranking of multiple people,

depending on the situation of the actual score. Specific score: there is no ranking of N

people, and the first one will be awarded bonus points for awards won by [2/ (N+1)) ×,

and all others will be awarded bonus points for awards won by [1/ (N+1)) ×. N is the

total number of authors.

6.Penalty points

(1) The punishment points shall be approved by the leading group of scholarship

evaluation of the college.

(2) Those who plagiarize others' academic achievements or illegally transfer technology

achievements will be deducted 40 points.

(3) The rewards and penalties can add up.

Chapter V Total Score of Cultural and Sports Activities

Total score of recreational and sports activities = quality points + reward points

7.Quality score = score of leading group of college scholarship review, score of graduate:

tutor ×50%+ score of leading group of college scholarship review ×50%

The leading group of scholarship evaluation of the college mainly refers to the

performance of the students in the following two aspects:

(1) psychological stability, physical health, good living habits. (50)

(2) take an active part in extracurricular literary and sports activities. (50)

8.Bonus points

(1) two points will be added to those who actively participate in school-level sports


(2) 4 points will be awarded for participating in various off-campus sports competitions

on behalf of the school.


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(3) those who win places in sports competitions and cultural activities on behalf of China

University of Petroleum (Beijing) will get bonus points according to the following table.


Level one, two three, four five, six seven, eight

National level 30, 20, 15, 10

Provincial level 20, 15, 10, 5

School level 10, 7, 5, 3

(4) the main team members of the collective project will be awarded 2/3 of the bonus

points, while the non-main team members will be awarded 1/3 of the bonus points. If

there is any dispute about the identity of the main and non-main players, it shall be

confirmed according to the certificate issued by the organizing unit of the competition.

(5) the reward and punishment points can be accumulated. After taking one maximum

reward point, the other reward points can be accumulated after multiplying by the

coefficient of 0.5.

Chapter VI Evaluation Procedures

1.The instructor shall preach the comprehensive assessment measures for international

students of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) (interim) to all the students;

2.The basic information of students' comprehensive assessment shall be managed by

computer by the College of International Education. At the end of each academic year,

two lists shall be printed and filed by the professional grade.

3.All additional score materials shall be reviewed and signed by the instructor and

attached to the submitted comprehensive assessment materials.

These measures shall come into effect as of the date of promulgation. The right of

interpretation shall be vested in the leading group of scholarship evaluation of the

College of International Education.

Safety Instructions for International Students

1.Traffic safety: strictly abide by traffic rules and regulations. No motor vehicles are

allowed to drive under the influence of alcohol. No motorcycles, fuel-powered scooters

or high-powered electric vehicles are allowed to drive. Take a taxi must choose a regular

taxi company's taxi, and ask for an invoice.


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2.Fire prevention: it is forbidden to use super power electric appliances in the dormitory,

not to carry dangerous goods, not to connect wires in random ways, and not to use

gas. Students living off campus must use electricity and gas safely. Fireworks and

barbecues are not allowed on campus or in dormitories.

3.Guard against theft: when go out lock good door and window, outside shopping, take

transportation when proper keep good certificate, wallet and valuables, do not go alone

to a remote place, prohibit unauthorized stay others.

4.Food hygiene: do not buy drinks and food in stalls without hygiene license, and pay

attention to wash and cook when cooking.

5.It is strictly forbidden to drink too much: do not drink too much in the dormitory, do

not go out drinking late at night.

6.Strict tobacco control: do not smoke in public places such as classrooms, restaurants

and elevators.

7.Drug use, gambling, drinking, fighting and other activities that interfere with the

teaching, scientific research and life order of the school are strictly prohibited.

8.Prevention of influenza and other infectious diseases: if symptoms such as cold and

fever occur, please immediately go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment and report

to the relevant teachers of the college.

9.Prevention of natural disasters: in case of severe weather such as lightning strike and

rainstorm, take precautions to ensure personal safety.

10.Prevention of fraud: do not believe false information, and be careful in transfer and

payment. When someone claiming to be a teacher, classmate or friend asks for money

under the pretext of asking for money, be sure to contact the relevant teacher, classmate

or friend for verification, so as to avoid being cheated. Exchange must go to the bank,

not in a private shop or individual exchange.

11.Prevention of mental illness: establish mental health awareness, enhance mental

adjustment ability, if there is psychological confusion, in time to the psychological

counseling room of international education college, school psychological counseling

center or hospital for help.

12.Avoid disputes: keep the dormitory quiet, no loud noise, no loud playing of stereos.

Show restraint in case of disputes with others. Please ask relevant management personnel

to mediate and deal with them.

13.International students who want to live off campus must obtain the consent of the

College of International Education and then sign a rental contract with the landlord.

Register at the local police station within 24 hours after check-in, and register with the

College of International Education with the temporary household registration form of the

police station. Living off campus should abide by the relevant provisions of the


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administrative department of residence, not to affect the lives of surrounding residents,

pay attention to traffic, public security, fire control, personal and property safety, pay

attention to the use of water, electricity and liquefied natural gas safety.

14.It is strictly forbidden to swim in rivers, lakes, reservoirs or other informal swimming

places; Not to play in dangerous natural conditions.

15.In case of emergency, please keep calm and report to the public security department

or teachers concerned.

16.If there is any change in address, contact information and other information, it is

necessary to report to the College of International Education within 24 hours.

Student Safety Responsibility Statement

1.Safety responsibility of the school:

If the following reasons cause safety problems for students, the school shall bear

corresponding responsibilities according to law:

(1) The school buildings, grounds and other public facilities, as well as the educational,

teaching and living facilities and equipment provided by the school for the use of students,

do not meet the standards prescribed by the state, or there are obvious unsafe factors;

(2) Those who fail to take timely measures due to obvious omissions in the school's safety

management systems of security, fire control facilities and equipment, or major unsafe

hidden dangers;

(3) The medicines, food and drinking water provided by the school to the students do

not meet the requirements of the relevant national or industrial standards;

(4) The school organizes students to participate in educational and teaching activities or

off-campus activities, fails to provide corresponding safety education to the students, and

fails to take necessary safety measures within the scope of meeting;

(5) Adverse consequences are caused by safety accidents that are discovered by the

school during the school period, but the school fails to take corresponding measures in

time according to the actual situation;

(6) Teachers of schools or other staff members violate work requirements, operating rules,

professional ethics or other relevant provisions in the course of performing their duties;

(7) Other circumstances in which the university fails to perform its duties according to law.

2.Students' safety responsibilities at school:


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In case of any safety problem of oneself or others caused by the following reasons or

the violation of the following provisions, the student or the minor student's guardian

shall bear the corresponding responsibility according to law, and the school shall also

investigate the student's disciplinary responsibility and take corresponding disciplinary

punishment according to the specific circumstances.

(1) The student violates the provisions of laws and regulations, social and public codes of

conduct, rules and regulations of the school or disciplines, and commits ACTS that are

dangerous or may endanger others according to his age and cognitive ability;

(2) Students who refuse to listen to dissuasion or make corrections despite warnings and

corrections made by the school or teachers concerning dangerous behavior of students;

(3) The student or his guardian knows that the student has a specific constitution or

suffers from a specific disease, but fails to inform the school of the fact;

(4) The guardian knows or has been informed by the school of any abnormal physical

condition, behavior or emotion of the minor student, but fails to perform the

corresponding duty of guardianship.

3.The school shall not assume legal responsibility for any student injury accident caused

by any of the following circumstances, if the school has performed its corresponding

duties and done nothing wrong:

(1) Those caused by irresistible natural factors such as earthquakes, lightning strikes,

typhoons and floods;

(2) Sudden or accidental infringement from outside the school;

(3) A student has a specific physical constitution, a specific disease or an abnormal mental

state that is unknown or difficult for the school to know;

(4) Students who commit suicide or self-injure;

(5) Accidental injury occurs during confrontational or risky sports contests;

(6) Occurs when students go to school, leave school, return to school or leave school on

their own;

(7) Occurred during the period when the students left the school by themselves or

without authorization;

(8) Students stay in school or arrive at school by themselves after school, during holidays

or other school working hours;

(9) Other things that happen outside the scope of the school's administrative



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4.This responsibility letter shall be issued together with the admission notice of new

students, and the students shall be deemed to have known the above contents after

receiving the admission notice of new students.

5.This responsibility shall become effective as of the date of registration of new students,

and shall become invalid as of the date of graduation.

6.This agreement is made in duplicate, with one for each international student and one

for each College of International Education, each of which has the same legal effect.

College of International Education (seal) : student (signature) :

Insurance and Medical Care

1.The university has a school hospital where international students can go to the hospital

for treatment of daily illness.

2.If necessary, international students may seek medical treatment in off-campus hospitals.

It is recommended to seek medical treatment in public grade a hospitals. Please show

your passport when seeking medical treatment.

3.If you need emergency assistance, you can dial the emergency center telephone

number: 120.

4.Comprehensive insurance for international students

(1) International students with full scholarship and self-funded international students with

full tuition fee (studying for more than half a year) are entitled to comprehensive

international student insurance free of charge, including accidental injury medical

treatment, outpatient medical treatment, inpatient medical treatment, death/disability

insurance liability; Hospitals are limited to public hospitals in mainland China. Please refer

to www.lxbx.net for details of international student insurance. In the event of an accident

or illness requiring hospitalization, the faculty of student management office of the

College of International Education should be notified in time to handle insurance claims.

(2) The medical expenses during hospitalization shall be paid in advance by the student

himself, and the following materials shall be prepared upon discharge before the

application for insurance claim payment.

Hospital diagnosis certificate hospital admission fee receipt hospital admission fee

summary list

Patients' written medical records and payment receipts (if pre-hospital or post-hospital)

Passport copy (personal information page)


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(3) The insurance company will refuse to settle claims for medical treatment and other

related expenses paid for injuries and deaths caused by such behaviors as fighting and

fighting against laws and school rules, and the parties concerned shall take care of


(4) International students who enjoy comprehensive insurance shall go to regular public

hospitals for outpatient treatment. In an insurance period, total outpatient service medical

treatment of more than 650 yuan can apply for 650 yuan of above part of outpatient

service medical treatment of claims procedures, on the strength of the case, check the

project and medication list invoice by the institute of international education and hospital

sent to Beijing after preliminary examination of the international student insurance

company underwriting the claim check formalities, the insurance company will be

approved by the regulation submit an expense account partial outpatient service medical

treatment to expend 650 yuan of above. Dental implant, dental filling, tooth extraction,

glasses, delivery, induced abortion, venereal diseases, correction of physical defects,

cosmetology, purchase of nutritional supplements and other expenses beyond the scope

and standard of public medical treatment, as well as the treatment of chronic diseases

already suffered from before coming to China, are not covered by the insurance.

(5) International students studying at school have medical insurance, which includes

insurance premium.

5.The addresses and contact Numbers of some hospitals:

(1) Hospital Of China University Of Petroleum: near the north gate of north campus of

China University of Petroleum (Beijing), 010-89733016

(2) Beijing Changping District hospital: no. 9, gulou north street, changping district,

Beijing, 010-69742328

(3) Beijing Changping District Hospital Of Traditional Chinese Medicine: south section of

East Ring road, Changping District, Beijing, 010-69742196

Mail Service

5.Students can send and pick up the mail in the school's mail room, which is located in

room B113 on the first floor of block B of the comprehensive building, contact number:


6.The opening time of express and registration is: 8:30-11:00 am, 3:30-5:00 PM;

7.Work time of holidays: 9:30-11:00 am, 3:30-4:30 PM.


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1.The official version of this manual is expressed in Chinese and the corresponding English

translation is provided. In case of any discrepancy between the English translation and

the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2.International education college of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) reserves the

right to interpret this manual.

3.This manual is finalized on August 1, 2019. If there is any discrepancy between the new

regulations promulgated by government departments and schools and this manual, the

newly promulgated regulations shall prevail.