遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and...

第五十四卷 第十四期 Vol.54 No.14 二○一八年九月一日 September 1, 2018 Chung Chi Campus Newsletter The Chinese University of Hong Kong 讀萬卷書能增知識,行萬里路可廣視野。 崇基學院於二○一七/一八年度設立「遊歷學習 計劃」,鼓勵同學出門體會各地文化,結合體驗 和學習,讓學問得遊歷以相輔相成。然而,每位 同學的興趣和專長都不同,因此,這項資助計劃 讓同學自行尋找由學院以外的團體舉辦之內地或 海外學習機會,探索自己感興趣的範疇,發掘個 人潛能,開拓國際視野。同學在學期間可申請這 計劃兩次,活動必須為非學分和短期性質,範疇 包括專業培訓或興趣課程、義工服務、比賽或表 演、會議或研討會,以及考察或實習。本期校園 通訊選輯三篇同學感想,讓讀者一同了解率先參 與這項計劃的同學的所見所聞。 To encourage Chung Chi students to discover and develop their talent with an international perspective, the College has set up the “FLY Award – Find a Learning Opportunity Yourself” in 2017/18. The Award allows students to search for a non-credit bearing, short-term overseas activity not organized by the College on their own. The activity may be professional training or interest course, volunteer service, competition or performance, conference, internship or field trip. Three pieces of personal reflections by the first batch of Award recipients are selected for the Campus Newsletter, from which readers can learn more about what students have gained from their trips. 斯里蘭卡義遊孩子的天空 Workcamp in Sri Lanka 方敏玲(中國語言及文學系/三年級) 遊歷學習計劃 FLY Award – Find a Learning Opportunity Yourself 五天四夜的旅程實在太短,斯里蘭卡的風土人情總讓我感到意猶未盡。工作營這個名詞給我的第一印 象是刻苦的工作,艱難的工作環境。而現實是工作營的意義遠不止於此,勞動固然有,但更多是人與人之 間的交流。 工作營第二天一早便要和小朋友們一起互動。當地主張互動教學,鼓勵我們多與他們聊天,讓他們有 更多機會使用英語,訓練口語能力。其實香港亦應如此鼓勵學生開口說英語。校長在活動開始前的分享使 我印象深刻,讓我發現原來他國的學生與香港學生一樣也受到成績主導的社會風氣影響。如果不走出香港, 大概不能宏觀地看待香港的教育問題。校長其實十二歲開始自學英語,在條件較我們貧乏的情況下依然能 純熟地使用英語,那我們呢?另外,當地的小朋友十分願意學習,也很有禮貌。在活動完結時他們逐一走 過來與我們緊緊相擁,那一刻我感受到人與人之間的連結,那種溫暖和感謝即使不用言語亦能靠肢體語言 表達。一個年紀輕輕的小朋友毫不吝嗇他對陌生人的愛,但成人卻往往羞之於口。雖然名義上,我們是施 教者,但實際上我們也只是參與者,在過程上與他們互相學習。 專題報導 Feature 在斯里蘭卡工作營擔任義工 Being a volunteer in a workcamp in Sri Lanka 到巴西參與音樂節 An eye-opening experience in a music festival in Brazil 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 A trip to Russia

Transcript of 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and...

Page 1: 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia 有幸能參加由公民教育委員會和青年民建聯主辦的「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅,透過參觀博物館、

第五十四卷 第十四期 Vol.54 No.14二○一八年九月一日 September 1, 2018

Chung Chi Campus NewsletterThe Chinese University of Hong Kong


To encourage Chung Chi students to discover and develop their talent with an international perspective, the College has set up the “FLY Award – Find a Learning Opportunity Yourself” in 2017/18. The Award allows students to search for a non-credit bearing, short-term overseas activity not organized by the College on their own. The activity may be professional training or interest course, volunteer service, competition or performance, conference, internship or �eld trip. Three pieces of personal re�ections by the �rst batch of Award recipients are selected for the Campus Newsletter, from which readers can learn more about what students have gained from their trips.


Workcamp in Sri Lanka 方敏玲(中國語言及文學系/三年級)

遊歷學習計劃FLY Award – Find a Learning Opportunity Yourself












專題報導 Feature

在斯里蘭卡工作營擔任義工Being a volunteer in a workcamp inSri Lanka

到巴西參與音樂節An eye-opening experience ina music festival in Brazil

「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅A trip to Russia












Page 2: 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia 有幸能參加由公民教育委員會和青年民建聯主辦的「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅,透過參觀博物館、












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在當地嘗試農務,體會到甚麼叫「汗滴禾下土」。Farming in the workcamp.












Tse Chun Lap (2018/Music)


2018 Festival De Musica De Santa Catarina

與柏林愛樂樂團前首席合照Photo with former concertmaster of Berlin Philharmonic

In January 2018, I have joined a renowned music festival in Santa Catarina, Brazil. To me, it is a very precious opportunity because I have never been to South America before. Festival de Musica de Santa Catarina (FEMUSC) is a huge festival which organizes training programs for around 400 students every January. Students are mostly from South America such as Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, etc. and some come all the way from Asia such as China, Korea, and Hong Kong. We had daily packed rehearsals and master classes, and performed in many concerts with world-renowned conductors and soloists.

It was an exceptional experience to be in FEMUSC. I remember how surprising my friends were when I �rst told them that I was going to Brazil for a music festival. Brazil, so di�erent from where we, Asians, will go to for festivals. The unfamiliar city, Jaragua do Sul, receiving just a few Asians, has a completely di�erent culture from Hong Kong. I am glad that I made the choice to go there for a few reasons.

First, I learned to appreciate things, the nature and people. The city that we went to is a small town. There are only very few citizens, but all showing love. It blew my mind how helpful people could be, slow pace but helpful. Some of them do not know any English, but are kind-hearted to foreigners. They made our stay a memorable one.

Second, I learned a lot from my peers. They all have a positive attitude in learning. No matter how good or bad a player they are, they always seek ways to improve. The environment of learning was fantastic. Ever since then, I practise a lot and a lot smarter, I know the importance of practising and the methods to practise wisely. I de�nitely love practising more than ever. Also, students there would help each another without hesitation. I remember going to a class in which the teacher couldn't speak English. A student in the class volunteered to translate for me. I feel so thankful and grateful. I truly understand that music shouldn't be limited by our nationalities and languages.

Third, I learned so much from the teachers. The teachers in FEMUSC are musicians from Europe, North America, and of course Brazil. They all have performed and taught in di�erent parts of the world. Their di�erences in cultural backgrounds provided me with di�erent options in playing, with that I had the opportunity to digest what they taught and make my decision in playing. As a teacher myself, I got inspirations because the teachers there are very motivational and encouraging. They know how to work with people, they are not only good musicians, but amazing human beings. I am looking forward to be an inspiring person in front of my students too.

專題報導 Feature

Page 3: 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia 有幸能參加由公民教育委員會和青年民建聯主辦的「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅,透過參觀博物館、

1. 9. 2018 3


“Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia
























聖彼得堡葉卡捷琳娜宮Catherine Palace in St. Petersburg

其他參與「遊歷學習計劃」的同學到英國參加長笛比賽、在倫敦進行實習、前往泰國學習當地語言和文化。Other Award recipients joined the British Flute Society Flute Competition, had an internship in London, and studied Thai language and culture in Chiang Mai.

專題報導 Feature

Page 4: 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia 有幸能參加由公民教育委員會和青年民建聯主辦的「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅,透過參觀博物館、

4活動近照 Recent Snapshots

1. 9. 2018



香港中文大學新生迎新日New Student Orientation Day of CUHK


1/本年中大新生迎新日於八月七日在康本國際學術園舉行,當日崇基共舉行兩場學院介紹講座,由方永平院長向新生介紹崇基的學生活動及獎勵計劃。The College held two sessions of orientation talks on the CUHK New Student Orientation Day held on 7 August 2018 in Yasumoto International Academic Park. College Head Professor Fong Wing Ping introduced the wide array of student activities and various award schemes of the College to freshmen.



2 - 5/當日亦設有諮詢環節(圖 2)、宿舍導賞(圖 3)及展示攤位(圖 4 - 5),由學院教職員及學生即時解答新生的問題。There were also consultation sessions (photo 2), hall tour (photo 3) and information booth (photo 4-5) where teachers, sta� members and students of the College were present to answer enquiries from new students.


Page 5: 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia 有幸能參加由公民教育委員會和青年民建聯主辦的「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅,透過參觀博物館、

活動近照 Recent Snapshots

學院新成員New College Member


Our warm welcome to the following sta� member who has joined Chung Chi in August 2018:

鄭威鵬博士Dr. Cheng Wai Pang Damian

大學通識教育部講師Lecturer, O�ce of University General Education



Dr. Chan Kai Young, Lecturer in the Department of Music, was subsidized to attend the 3rd Keuris Composers Contest 2018 held in Amersfoort, Netherlands from 9 to 14 May 2018, and the Chamber Music Northwest held in Portland, U.S.A. from 17 to 23 July 2018.



Professor Chen Yongqin, Professor in the Department of Geography and Resource Management, was subsidized to attend the 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society held in Hawaii, U.S.A. from 3 to 8 June 2018.



Dr. Wan Wai Yan, Professional Consultant in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, was subsidized to attend the 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences held in London, United Kingdom from 23 to 27 June 2018.



Professor Fanny Cheung, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Psychology, was subsidized to attend the International Congress of Applied Psychology 2018 held in Montreal, Canada from 23 to 30 June 2018.




Dr. Hon Suet, Lecturer in the Physical Education Unit, was subsidized to attend the 23rd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science held in Dublin, Ireland from 4 to 7 July 2018, and the 405th International Conference on Physical Education and Sport Science held in Melbourne, Australia from 24 to 25 July 2018.

教員會議津貼Conference Grants for Teachers


In July 2018, the College has approved conference grants for the following College members to attend international conferences:

5校園消息 Campus News

1. 9. 2018



Dr. Hou Huiying, Lecturer in the School of Hotel and Tourism Management, was subsidized to attend the 2018 Asian Real Estate Society Annual International Conference held in Incheon, South Korea from 8 to 11 July 2018.



Professor Nathan Seinen, Assistant Professor in the Department of Music, was subsidized to attend the Orfeo Music Festival 2018 Annual Conference held in Vipiteno, Italy from 11 to 13 July 2018.



Dr. Brian C. Thompson, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Music, was subsidized to attend The 3rd International Council for Traditional Music Forum held in Beijing from 11 to 14 July 2018.



Dr. Wong Kwok Sonia, Lecturer in the Divinity School of Chung Chi College, was subsidized to attend the Meeting of the Society of Asian Biblical Studies held in Malang, Indonesia from 16 to 22 July 2018.



Dr. Wang Xiaojing, Lecturer in the Divinity School of Chung Chi College, was subsidized to attend the Ecclesiastical History Society Summer Conference held in Cambridge, United Kingdom from 24 to 26 July 2018.



Professor Chow Ka Ming, Assistant Professor in The Nethersole School of Nursing, will be subsidized to attend the International Conference on Cancer Nursing 2018 to be held in Auckland, New Zealand from 23 to 26 September 2018.

Page 6: 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia 有幸能參加由公民教育委員會和青年民建聯主辦的「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅,透過參觀博物館、



Dr. Chan Kai Young, Lecturer in the Department of Music, was subsidized to attend the 3rd Keuris Composers Contest 2018 held in Amersfoort, Netherlands from 9 to 14 May 2018, and the Chamber Music Northwest held in Portland, U.S.A. from 17 to 23 July 2018.



Professor Chen Yongqin, Professor in the Department of Geography and Resource Management, was subsidized to attend the 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society held in Hawaii, U.S.A. from 3 to 8 June 2018.



Dr. Wan Wai Yan, Professional Consultant in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, was subsidized to attend the 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences held in London, United Kingdom from 23 to 27 June 2018.



Professor Fanny Cheung, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Psychology, was subsidized to attend the International Congress of Applied Psychology 2018 held in Montreal, Canada from 23 to 30 June 2018.




Dr. Hon Suet, Lecturer in the Physical Education Unit, was subsidized to attend the 23rd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science held in Dublin, Ireland from 4 to 7 July 2018, and the 405th International Conference on Physical Education and Sport Science held in Melbourne, Australia from 24 to 25 July 2018.

6 1. 9. 2018

校園消息 Campus News



Dr. Hou Huiying, Lecturer in the School of Hotel and Tourism Management, was subsidized to attend the 2018 Asian Real Estate Society Annual International Conference held in Incheon, South Korea from 8 to 11 July 2018.



Professor Nathan Seinen, Assistant Professor in the Department of Music, was subsidized to attend the Orfeo Music Festival 2018 Annual Conference held in Vipiteno, Italy from 11 to 13 July 2018.



Dr. Brian C. Thompson, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Music, was subsidized to attend The 3rd International Council for Traditional Music Forum held in Beijing from 11 to 14 July 2018.



Dr. Wong Kwok Sonia, Lecturer in the Divinity School of Chung Chi College, was subsidized to attend the Meeting of the Society of Asian Biblical Studies held in Malang, Indonesia from 16 to 22 July 2018.



Dr. Wang Xiaojing, Lecturer in the Divinity School of Chung Chi College, was subsidized to attend the Ecclesiastical History Society Summer Conference held in Cambridge, United Kingdom from 24 to 26 July 2018.



Professor Chow Ka Ming, Assistant Professor in The Nethersole School of Nursing, will be subsidized to attend the International Conference on Cancer Nursing 2018 to be held in Auckland, New Zealand from 23 to 26 September 2018.

校牧室消息 News from Chaplain’s O�ce

香港中文大學二○一八至一九年度開學崇拜 CUHK School Commencement Service 2018/19

5/9 (星期三 Wednesday) 7:30 pm

崇基學院禮拜堂 Chung Chi College Chapel


Dr. Ko Ming Him (Assistant Professor, Alliance Bible Seminary)

神說:要有光!God Said: Let There Be Light!

林豪恩先生 Mr. Walter Lam – 3943 4301 / [email protected]


English and Putonghua simultaneous interpretations are provided.

All are welcome.

日期 Date / 時間 Time

地點 Venue

講員 Speaker

主題 Topic

查詢 Enquiries

備註 Remarks

Page 7: 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia 有幸能參加由公民教育委員會和青年民建聯主辦的「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅,透過參觀博物館、

7校園消息 Campus News

午間心靈綠洲 Midday Oasis




The Chaplain’s O�ce will organize the “Midday Oasis” which provides a breathing space for students, teachers and sta� to refresh and refuel themselves with beautiful vocal and instrumental music. Free Admission. All are welcome for some soulful and meditative music!

冰皮月餅製作班 Snowy Mooncake Making Class


The Snowy Mooncake Making Class will be held on 19 September (Wednesday). College sta� members and their children are welcome to join the event.

九月份主日崇拜題目及講員一覽已上載到校牧室網頁,詳情請瀏覽 www.cuhk.edu.hk/ccc/chaplaincy 。

The programme for Sunday Service in September is now available on the website of the Chaplain’s O�ce. Please visit www.cuhk.edu.hk/ccc/chaplaincy for details.

教職員生活委員會消息 News from Sta� Social Committee

主日崇拜 Sunday Service

1. 9. 2018

日期 Dates 逢星期一 Mondays in September 時間 Time 1:30 – 1:55 pm 地點 Venue 崇基學院禮拜堂 Chung Chi College Chapel 表演者 Artists 3/9 銅管五重奏音樂會 Brass Quintet Concert

MR. Brass 趙之恒(小號)Paul Chiu (Trumpet) 楊德敏(小號)Yeung Tak Man (Trumpet) 周肇軒(法國號)Wilson Chau (Horn) 王捷峰(長號)Jason Wang (Trombone) 陳綽充(大號)Jasper Chan (Tuba)

10/9 早期音樂合奏音樂會:偉大的馬修 Early Music Ensemble Concert: The Great Machaut 匠心薈 L’Artiste 李芷晴、李國麒、莫俊希、朱海敏 Kizzie Lee, Joseph Lee, Victor Mok, Mandy Chu

17/9 聲樂及室樂音樂會:Metamorphosis Voice & Chamber Concert: Metamorphosis 郭盈盈(女高音)Zoé Bertrand (Soprano) 陳子俊(長笛)Brian Chan (Flute) 顏嘉俊(小提琴)Gary Ngan (Violin) 黃歷琛(鋼琴)Alexander Wong (Piano)

24/9 長號及鋼琴音樂會 Trombone & Piano Concert 鄭啟明(長號)Cheng Kai Ming (Trombone) 陳嘉茵(鋼琴)Winnie Chan (Piano)

查詢 Enquiries 校牧室 Chaplain’s O�ce – 3943 1347 / [email protected]

Page 8: 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia 有幸能參加由公民教育委員會和青年民建聯主辦的「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅,透過參觀博物館、

8校園消息 Campus News

中秋提燈晚會 Mid-Autumn Lantern Parade




The Mid-Autumn Lantern Parade will be held on 21 September 2018 (Friday) evening. All sta� members and their families are welcome to join this annual function which has been much enjoyed by all, particularly young children.

The general meet-and-greet session will start at the College Chapel Lower Lounge at 7:15 pm and the parade will start at 8:00 pm sharp. Participants please wear sports shoes, and bring along their own lanterns, candles and mosquito repellent. Drinks and snacks will be served after the parade.

參加者請於九月十二日(星期三)前將報名費以現金或支票(抬頭「The Trustees of Chung Chi College」)交予崇基行政樓二樓吳女士。報名一經確定後,費用將不獲退還。

Please send cash or cheque payable to “The Trustees of Chung Chi College” for the course fee to Ms. Vivian Ng, 2/F, Chung Chi College Administration Building on or before 12 September (Wednesday). Fee is not refundable once reservation is con�rmed.

1. 9. 2018


強身健體。活動導師為學院資深導師韓桂瑜女士。活動費用全免,參加者必須穿著運動鞋。如有查詢,請致電 3943 6442 或電郵至 [email protected] 與吳女士聯絡。

Dancing is an e�ective way to reduce stress and keep us healthy. College members are welcome to join the Folk Dance and Line Dance Activity held on every Wednesday from 6:00 to 8:00 pm on Chung Chi campus. Ms. Hon Kwai Yue, Senior College Tutor, is the instructor of this activity. The activity is free of charge and participants are required to wear sport shoes. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Vivian Ng at 3943 6442 or via email to [email protected].

土風舞及排排舞活動 Folk Dance and Line Dance Activity

日期 Date / 時間 Time 19/9 (星期三 Wednesday) 6:30 – 8:00 pm 地點 Venue 崇基校友室(崇基行政樓地下一層)

Chung Chi College Alumni Room (LG/F, Chung Chi College Administration Building)

課程費用 Course fee 每人港幣五十元(已包材料,可製作六至八個迷你冰皮月餅) $50 per participant (including materials for 6-8 mini snowy mooncakes)

語言 Language 廣東話 Cantonese 名額 Capacity 20 (先到先得 First come, �rst served)

崇基教職員可帶同一名六歲或以上的子女報名參加。 College sta� member can sign up with a child of aged 6 or above.

報名及查詢 Registration and Enquiries

吳女士 Ms. Vivian Ng – 3943 6442 / [email protected] 截止報名日期 Registration Deadline – 7/9 (星期五 Friday)

備註 Remarks 1. 冰皮月餅為綠豆或紅豆口味,不含蛋黃成份。 The snowy mooncake is mung bean or red bean �avour that does not contain egg yolk.

2. 大會將提供膠盒存放製成品,參加者需自備冷藏袋。 Plastic boxes will be provided for storing mooncakes. Participants are required to bring their own refrigerated bags.

Page 9: 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia 有幸能參加由公民教育委員會和青年民建聯主辦的「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅,透過參觀博物館、

校園消息 Campus News

來港交換生歡迎晚宴Welcoming Dinner for Incoming Exchange Students






The “Welcoming Dinner for Incoming Exchange students 2018/19” will be organized to welcome the 1st term incoming exchange students, and to provide a platform for local and international students of the College to meet and share their home cultures and customs, fostering the integration among students from various backgrounds, and enhancing the understanding and mutual respect for each other. Wardens, College administrative sta�, colleagues from the O�ce of Academic Links, roommates of exchange students, and returned students of the College exchange programmes are invited to the dinner.

Besides a free dinner, there will be Mid-Autumn Festival riddles and games about various cultures.

提高語文能力計劃 Language Enhancement Programme


中英文兼顧,冀同學從學習中與語文及文化結緣。活動簡列如下,查詢可金 3943 6989 或電郵至 [email protected] 聯絡學生輔導處鄧先生。

The Language Enhancement Programme of the College aims at improving students’ language pro�ciency in both English and Chinese. A series of activities will be organized this semester to equip Chung Chi students with di�erent language skills. Details are given below. Enquiries can be made to Mr. Kaki Tang at 3943 6989 or email to [email protected].





The Chung Chi College Toastmasters Club aims at polishing Chung Chi students’ public speaking skills and boosting their con�dence. The impromptu speeches and evaluation session in every weekly club meeting also enhance members’ organization skills and the ability to respond to unexpected occasions. Membership is open to all Chung Chi undergraduates. Chung Chi students who wish to polish their public speaking skills, overcome stage fright and perform more con�dently in various interviews are especially welcome to the Demonstration Meeting to learn more about the Club. Details of the Demonstration Meeting are as follows:

崇基學院國際演講會示範會議 Chung Chi Toastmasters Club Demonstration Meeting

12/9 (星期三 Wednesday) 6:30pm

崇基教職員聯誼會 Chung Chi College Sta� Club

黃先生 Mr. Chris Wong – 3943 6994

日期 Date / 時間 Time

地點 Venue

查詢 Enquiries

20/9 (星期四 Thursday) 6:45 pm

謝昭杰室 CK Tse Room, Chung Chi College


日期 Date / 時間 Time

地點 Venue

報名 Registration

91. 9. 2018

Page 10: 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia 有幸能參加由公民教育委員會和青年民建聯主辦的「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅,透過參觀博物館、

10 1. 9. 2018

校園消息 Campus News


Academic paper has its own unique format and way of presentation. This workshop aims at helping students identify their inadequacy and developing strategies for improvement. There will be activities for developing critical reading skill and independent thinking, a pre-requisite for competent writers. Participants will learn to master various essential skills in producing a quality paper.

英語學術寫作坊 Academic Writing Workshop

27/9, 4/10, 11/10, 18/10 (逢星期四,共四節 Every Thursday, 4 sessions)

6:45 – 8:45 pm


Chung Chi Campus (to be con�rmed by email after admission)


Ms. Maggie Chu, Part-time Instructor of the English Language Teaching Unit

20 (先到先得 First-come, �rst-served)

日期 Dates

時間 Time

地點 Venue

導師 Instructor

名額 Quota



The Chinese Language Seminars provide students with insightful presentations on di�erent aspects of language. Dinner is served to cultivate a relaxing environment for sharing and discussion. There are eight seminars in the �rst term. Registrations are made on a �rst-come, �rst-served basis.

語文講座 Chinese Language Seminar

19/9 – 21/11 (逢星期三 Every Wednesday); 17/10 及 24/10 除外 Except 17/10 & 24/10

6:45 – 8:30 pm

崇基教職員聯誼會 Chung Chi College Sta� Club


日期 Dates

時間 Time

地點 Venue

報名 Registration

18/9 – 20/11 (逢星期二 Every Tuesday); 25/9 及 23/10 除外 Except 25/9 & 23/10

6:45 – 8:30 pm

崇基教職員聯誼會 Chung Chi College Sta� Club


日期 Dates

時間 Time

地點 Venue

報名 Registration



The English Table is a place where local students meet English-speaking teachers and exchange students for casual chats sharing their cultures and traditions as well as exchanging on other topics of interest in daily life. Dinner is served for free. Registrations will be made on a �rst-come, �rst-served basis.

英語桌 English Table

Page 11: 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia 有幸能參加由公民教育委員會和青年民建聯主辦的「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅,透過參觀博物館、

111. 9. 2018

校園消息 Campus News

宣佈事項 Announcements

三分鐘短片創作比賽賽果 Result of 3-Minutes Video Competition

崇基學院牟路思怡圖書館學期中開放時間Opening Hours of Chung Chi College Elisabeth Luce Moore Libraryduring the Semester


The result of the 3-Minutes Video Competition organized by the College Science and Technology Committee in May to June is listed below:

得獎作品可於網頁 http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ccc/stc/video2018 瀏覽。

Winning entries are avaitable on http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ccc/stc/video2018/index_eng.html.


The opening hours of the Library from 1 September 2018 onwards are as follows:

日期 Date 圖書館 Library 夜讀室 Late Reading Room

星期一至五 Mon-Fri 8:20 am – 10:00 pm 9:30 pm – 9:00 am (翌日 next day ) 星期六 Sat 8:20 am – 7:00 pm 6:30 pm (星期六 Sat) – 9:00 am

(隨後之星期一 the following Monday) 星期日 Sun 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm


The workshop is designed for students who want to expand their English vocabulary. Through interactive activities, students will be able to memorize new words and use the words felicitously to express oneself.

英語詞彙工作坊 Vocabulary Building Workshop

日期 Dates 8/10, 15/10 (星期一,共兩節 Mondays, 2 sessions) 時間 Time 6:45 – 8:45 pm 地點 Venue 崇基校園(取錄後以電郵公佈)

Chung Chi Campus (to be con�rmed by email after admission) 導師 Instructor 朱麗霞女士(英語教學單位兼任導師)

Ms. Maggie Chu, Part-time Instructor of the English Language Teaching Unit 名額 Quota 20 (先到先得 First-come, �rst-served)

冠軍 Champion 藍朗婷同學(二○一八/音樂)Miss Lam Long Ting (2018/Music) 亞軍 1st Runner-up 莫曉晴同學(新聞與傳播/ 三)

Miss Mok Hiu Ching (Journalism and Communication/ 3) 季軍 2nd Runner-up 團隊:溫婉婷同學(數學/ 三)及溫夏蕾同學(數學/ 三)

Team: Miss Wan Yuen Ting (Mathematics/ 3) and Miss Wan Ha Lui (Mathematics/ 3)

優異獎 Merit 劉芯宜同學(護理/ 四)Miss Lau Sam Yee (Nursing/ 4) 優異獎 Merit 房紀榮同學(工程學院/ 二)Mr. Fong Kee Win (Engineering/2)

Page 12: 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia 有幸能參加由公民教育委員會和青年民建聯主辦的「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅,透過參觀博物館、

1. 9. 201812

「每日一咖啡」—每月定額捐款計劃The “Daily Co�ee” Monthly Giving Campaign

拓展事務處消息 News from Development Office






The latest Online Donation System was launched by the College in July – an alternative channel for you to contribute to the “Chung Chi Student Development Complex” Project, just by clicking the “Donate Now!” button. Through the convenient System you may pledge an instant donation with payment made by your credit card, or pledge monthly donation on a regular basis.

From now on donors who pledge monthly donation, as if pledging to share a co�ee every day or a �ne dinner every month with the College, will be o�ered a token of gratitude! A souvenir will be given to every donor who have contributed to the College successively for 12 months or more!



To promote College publications and support the latest campus development project of the “Chung Chi Student Development Complex”, Development O�ce is pleased to commence a fundraising sale for all Chung Chi-ers and friends to join. Upon a designated amount of donation, Chung Chi-ers and friends may choose a number of publications from the fundraising sale list and bring them home. Totally 43 publications are available for selection, while some of them are only limited to a small number of copies.

Covering a spectrum of disciplines, the series of College publications are excellent for both academic and personal collections. The fundraising sale will be held in September, and more details will be released through email soon.

崇基學院出版物義賣Fundraising Sale of College Publications



Simply scan the QR code on the right toregister the monthly donation for Chung Chi!

Page 13: 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia 有幸能參加由公民教育委員會和青年民建聯主辦的「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅,透過參觀博物館、



院長方永平教授將會與小豬領養者交流和分享,並會頒授嘉許獎狀予最高籌款額的五位領養者。詳情將稍後隨校友日活動消息一同發佈,歡迎各小豬領養者及崇基人報名。查詢請致電 3943 4376 或 3943 6498 聯絡拓展事務處許小姐或梁小姐。

Launched by Development O�ce in March, “Raise the Piggy Bank” challenge aims to encourage the habit of saving, and encourage Chung Chi-ers to support consistent development of the College.

Soon Development O�ce will contact all sponsors and caretakers by 16 October 2018, recording the “health” of the Piggy Banks. They will also be invited to join a tea reception to be held at Alumni Room in the afternoon of 27 October 2018, the Chung Chi Alumni Day, and to enjoy other activities.

College Head Professor Fong Wing Ping will join the the tea reception, and will present certi�cates to �ve sponsors who have raised the highest amount of donation to the College. More details about the tea reception will be provided along with the coming announcement of Chung Chi Alumni Day 2018. All “Raise the Piggy Bank” sponsors and Chung Chi-ers are welcome to register for the event! For more information, please contact Development O�ce (Ms. Hui – 3943 4376; Ms. Leung – 3943 6498).

崇基學院拓展事務處新辦公室啟用Notice on the New Workplace of Development O�ce




Located on 3/F, Chung Chi College Administration Building, the new workplace of Development O�ce has been in service since 30 August 2018. Despite the change in address, Development O�ce’s contact and fax number, and email address remain unchanged. Please keep in touch with us to receive the latest news on the “Chung Chi Student Development Complex” Project and other campus development projects.

1. 9. 201813拓展事務處消息 News from Development Office

「家肥屋潤」小豬育成計劃領養人茶會Tea Reception for Sponsors of “Raise the Piggy Bank” Challenge

Page 14: 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia 有幸能參加由公民教育委員會和青年民建聯主辦的「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅,透過參觀博物館、

1. 9. 201814附錄 Appendices

崇基學院二○一八至一九年度上學期週會Programme of College Assemblies, 1st Term, 2018/19

主題:易常之間、變中尋序Main Theme: In Search of Order from Variations amidst Permanence and Change

日 期 Date

講題 Programme 講員或統籌 Speaker or Organizer

9 7 開學禮 First Assembly

方永平教授 Professor FONG Wing Ping 香港中文大學崇基學院院長 Head, Chung Chi College, CUHK

9 14 學習解結,另一片天 Untying the Knot to See Another Sky

關俊棠神父/博士 Rev. Fr. and Dr. KWAN Tsun Tong Thomas 資深教育工作者、靈修導師 Seasoned Educational Worker, Spiritual Director

9 21 助己療傷兼成長 To Heal, To Grow

崔永豪醫生 Dr. CHUI Wing Ho William 青山醫院副顧問醫生 Associate Consultant, Castle Peak Hospital

9 28 多得牠吾少 Growing with DorDor

何文茵女士 Ms. HO Man Yan Miranda 治療犬多多媽咪、亞洲國際餐飲集團創作總監

Therapaw - DorDor's Mommy; Creative Director, Taste of Asia Group

10 5 為變化做好準備 To Prepare for Change

沈振盈先生 Mr. SHUM Chun Ying Louie 訊匯證券有限公司行政總裁、資深股市分析員及評論員、

崇基校友(1987/ 企業管理)

Chief Executive O�cer, Sincere Securities Ltd.; Senior Financial Analyst and Commentator; Chung Chi Alumnus (1987/ General Business Management )

10 12 五零至七零年代的香港: 變與不變 Hong Kong from the 50s to 70s: The Changed and Unchanged

丁新豹教授 Professor TING Sun Pao Joseph 香港中文大學歷史系客席教授及名譽高級研究員、


Adjunct Professor & Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Department of History, CUHK; Expert Adviser, Hong Kong Museum of Art & Museum of History; Former Chief Curator, Hong Kong Museum of History

10 19 校慶學生節開幕禮 Opening Ceremony of Founders’ Day Student Festival

第六十七屆崇基學院校慶學生節籌備委員會 Organizing Committee of the 67th Chung Chi College Founders' Day Student Festival

10 26 六十七週年校慶感恩崇拜 67th Anniversary of Founders’ Day Thanksgiving Service

蘇成溢牧師 The Rev. Dr. SO Shing Yit Eric 崇基學院校董、中華基督教會香港區會總幹事

College Trustee, Chung Chi College; General Secretary, The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China

11 2 享受不安,實現滾動 Enjoying Uncertainty – The Cycle Traveller

鄭翎軒先生(阿翔)Mr. CHENG Ling Hin Linus Lonely Planet 中文版作者、旅行創作人、中大校友(2005/ 藝術)

Freelance Travel Writer at the Lonely Planet; Travel Blogger; CUHK Alumnus (2005/ Fine Art)

11 9 另類生死之交— 翻譯骨頭的聲音 Connection beyond life and death - Translating the Voices of Bones

李衍蒨女士 Ms. LEE Hin Shin Winsome 東帝汶法證科法醫人類學家及顧問;

Forensic Anthropologist, National Police of East Timor; Team Members Regional Coordinator, Kenyon International Emergency Services

11 16 在逆境中創造不凡 Being Extraordinary in Time of Adversity

龔立人教授 Professor KUNG Lap Yan 香港中文大學崇基學院神學院副教授

Associate Professor, Divinity School of Chung Chi College, CUHK

Page 15: 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia 有幸能參加由公民教育委員會和青年民建聯主辦的「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅,透過參觀博物館、

附錄 Appendices

活動一覽 Calendar of Events

崇基學院二○一八至一九年度上學期週會(續)Programme of College Assemblies, 1st Term, 2018/19 (Continued)

10:30 am | 崇基禮拜堂 College Chapel主日崇拜 Sunday Service講題 Topic: 智慧的傳承 Transmission of Wisdom講員 Speaker: 賴品超牧師 The Rev. Lai Pan Chiu

1:30 pm | 崇基禮拜堂 College Chapel午間心靈綠洲:銅管五重奏音樂會 Midday Oasis: Brass Quintet ConcertMR. Brass:趙之恒(小號)、楊德敏(小號)、周肇軒(法國號)、王捷峰(長號)、陳綽充(大號)

MR. Brass: Paul Chiu (Trumpet), Yeung Tak Man (Trumpet), Wilson Chau (Horn), Jason Wang (Trombone), Jasper Chan (Tuba)

7:30 pm | 崇基禮拜堂 College Chapel開學崇拜 CUHK School Commencement Service講題 Topic: 神說:要有光! God Said: Let There Be Light!講員 Speaker: 高銘謙博士 Dr. Ko Ming Him

11:15 am │崇基舊學生中心 College Chapel Lounge週會前教職員茶聚 Tea for Sta� and Guests before Assembly

11:30 am | 崇基禮拜堂 College Chapel週會 College Assembly講題 Topic: 開學禮 First Assembly講員 Speaker: 方永平教授 Professor Fong Wing Ping

10:30 am | 崇基禮拜堂 College Chapel主日崇拜 Sunday Service講題 Topic: 來跟從我 Come, Follow Me!講員 Speaker: 劉國偉先生 Mr. Lau Kwok Wai Simon






1/9/2018 - 16/9/2018

1. 9. 201815

日 期 Date

講題 Programme 講員或統籌 Speaker or Organizer

11 23 美好的兜路和挫折 The Wonderfulness in Circuitous Route and Frustration

劉卓昕女士 Ms. LAU Cheuk Yan Alison 著名香港女高音 Renowned Hong Kong Soprano

11 30 腳踏實地,樂在跑中 Down to Earth, Pleasure of Running

楊世模博士,太平紳士 Dr. YEUNG Sai Mo Simon, JP 中大校友(1989/ 研究院,2002/ 研究院矯形外科及創傷學)、


CUHK Alumnus (1989, 2002/ Graduate School); Senior Vice-Chairman, Hong Kong Amateur Athletics Association; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

1:30 pm | 崇基禮拜堂 College Chapel午間心靈綠洲:早期音樂合奏音樂會:偉大的馬修

Midday Oasis: Early Music Ensemble Concert: The Great Machaut匠心薈 L’Artiste: 李芷晴 Kizzie Lee, 李國麒 Joseph Lee, 莫俊希 Victor Mok, 朱海敏 Mandy Chu

6:30 pm | 崇基教職員聯誼會 College Sta� Club來港交換生歡迎晚宴 Welcoming dinner for Incoming Exchange Students

11:15 am | 崇基舊學生中心 College Chapel Lounge週會前教職員茶聚 Tea for Sta� and Guests before Assembly

11:30 am | 崇基禮拜堂 College Chapel週會 College Assembly講題 Topic: 學習解結,另一片天 Untying the Knot to See Another Sky講員 Speaker: 關俊棠神父/博士 Rev. Fr. and Dr. Kwan Tsun Tong Thomas

10:30 am | 崇基禮拜堂 College Chapel主日崇拜 Sunday Service講題 Topic: 立於亂世之中 Walk on Troubled Waters講員 Speaker: 鄧瑞強博士 Dr. Tang Sui Keung

Page 16: 遊歷學習計劃 - cuhk.edu.hk€¦ · 「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅 “Belt and Road”: a Trip to Russia 有幸能參加由公民教育委員會和青年民建聯主辦的「一帶一路」俄羅斯交流之旅,透過參觀博物館、

10:30 am | 崇基禮拜堂 College Chapel主日崇拜 Sunday Service講題 Topic: 智慧的傳承 Transmission of Wisdom講員 Speaker: 賴品超牧師 The Rev. Lai Pan Chiu

1:30 pm | 崇基禮拜堂 College Chapel午間心靈綠洲:銅管五重奏音樂會 Midday Oasis: Brass Quintet ConcertMR. Brass:趙之恒(小號)、楊德敏(小號)、周肇軒(法國號)、王捷峰(長號)、陳綽充(大號)

MR. Brass: Paul Chiu (Trumpet), Yeung Tak Man (Trumpet), Wilson Chau (Horn), Jason Wang (Trombone), Jasper Chan (Tuba)

7:30 pm | 崇基禮拜堂 College Chapel開學崇拜 CUHK School Commencement Service講題 Topic: 神說:要有光! God Said: Let There Be Light!講員 Speaker: 高銘謙博士 Dr. Ko Ming Him

11:15 am │崇基舊學生中心 College Chapel Lounge週會前教職員茶聚 Tea for Sta� and Guests before Assembly

11:30 am | 崇基禮拜堂 College Chapel週會 College Assembly講題 Topic: 開學禮 First Assembly講員 Speaker: 方永平教授 Professor Fong Wing Ping

10:30 am | 崇基禮拜堂 College Chapel主日崇拜 Sunday Service講題 Topic: 來跟從我 Come, Follow Me!講員 Speaker: 劉國偉先生 Mr. Lau Kwok Wai Simon




1:30 pm | 崇基禮拜堂 College Chapel午間心靈綠洲:早期音樂合奏音樂會:偉大的馬修

Midday Oasis: Early Music Ensemble Concert: The Great Machaut匠心薈 L’Artiste: 李芷晴 Kizzie Lee, 李國麒 Joseph Lee, 莫俊希 Victor Mok, 朱海敏 Mandy Chu

6:30 pm | 崇基教職員聯誼會 College Sta� Club來港交換生歡迎晚宴 Welcoming dinner for Incoming Exchange Students

11:15 am | 崇基舊學生中心 College Chapel Lounge週會前教職員茶聚 Tea for Sta� and Guests before Assembly

11:30 am | 崇基禮拜堂 College Chapel週會 College Assembly講題 Topic: 學習解結,另一片天 Untying the Knot to See Another Sky講員 Speaker: 關俊棠神父/博士 Rev. Fr. and Dr. Kwan Tsun Tong Thomas

10:30 am | 崇基禮拜堂 College Chapel主日崇拜 Sunday Service講題 Topic: 立於亂世之中 Walk on Troubled Waters講員 Speaker: 鄧瑞強博士 Dr. Tang Sui Keung


1/9/2018 - 16/9/2018

16活動一覽 Calendar of Events


Chung Chi Campus Newsletter Executive Editors: Jane Cheung, Karina Liu; Associate Executive Editors: Ruby Ko, Dominic Wong


的印刷版本,煩請電郵至 [email protected]


Chung Chi Campus Newsletter is also available online. Members who prefer not to receive printed copies ofthe Newsletter are requested to send the College a note via email at [email protected].

The online version is available at: www.cuhk.edu.hk/ccc/publications/newsletter/index_eng.htm

編者語 From the Editor


六日(星期四)前電郵至 [email protected]

The next issue will be published on 17 September 2018 (Monday) and please submit news items (in both Chinese and English) to [email protected] on or before 6 September 2018 (Thursday).

Thank you!

崇基校園通訊Chung Chi

Campus Newsletter



1. 9. 2018