Easy Hanzi - HSK Elementary (Level 2)

ba (modal par ticle indic ating suggestion or surmise); ...right?; ...OK?; ...I pres ume. bái w hite; snow y ; pur e; bright; empty ; blank; plain; clear; to make clear; in vain; gr atuitous; free of charge; reactionary; bǎi hundred; numerous; all kinds of 帮助 zhù as sistance; aid; to help; to assist 报纸 bào zhǐ new spaper; new sp [fèn], [qī], | 唱歌 chàng to sing a so next in sequence; s second (day, tim secondary; vice-; s inferior quality; sub 大家 jiā everyone; influent great expe


Easy Hanzi - HSK Elementary (Level 2)

Transcript of Easy Hanzi - HSK Elementary (Level 2)

Page 1: Easy Hanzi - HSK Elementary (Level 2)


(modal par ticle indic ating

s uggestion or surmise) ;

...right?; ...OK?; ...I pres ume.


w hite; snow y ; pure; bright;

empty ; blank; plain; clear; to

make clear; in vain; gratuitous;

free of c harge; reac tionary;


hundred; numerous; all kinds



as sistance; aid; to help; to

ass ist

报纸bào zhǐ

new spaper; new sprint; CL:


chàng gē

to sing a song

次next in sequence; sec ond; the

second (day, time etc) ;

secondary ; vic e-; s ub-; infra-;

inferior quality; s ubstandard;

大家dà jiā

everyone; inf luential family ;

great expert

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等clas s; rank; grade; equal to;

same as; to w ait for; to aw ait;

et cetera; and s o on; et al.

(and other authors) ; after; as

弟弟younger brother; CL:個|个[gè],位[w èi]

第一f irs t; number one

懂to unders tand; to know


couple; pair; to be oppos ite; to

oppos e; to face; versus ; for;

to; correc t (answ er); to

answ er; to reply; to direct


high; tall; above average; loud;

your (honorif ic)

公共汽车bus ; CL:輛|辆[liàng],

过(exper ienc ed action marker );

to cross; to go over; to pas s

(time); to celebrate (a holiday );

to live; to get along;

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ordinal number; day of a

month; mark; sign; business

es tablishment; size; ship

suff ix; horn (w ind instrument);

黑hē i

black; dark; (loanw ord) to hack

红red; popular ; rev olutionary;


欢迎to w elcome; w elc ome

回答huí dá

to reply ; to answ er; the

answ er; CL:個教室

jiào shì

classroom; CL:間近


near; c lose to; approximately

开始kāi shǐ

to begin; beginning; to start;

initial; CL:個|个

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subject; c ours e; c lass ; les son;

CL:堂[táng],節|节[jié],門|门[mén]; to levy ; tax

快rapid; quick; speed; rate; soon;

almost; to make has te; c lever;

sharp (of kniv es or w its);

forthr ight; plain-spoken;

快乐happy; merry


t ired; w eary; to strain; to w ear

out; to w ork hard

离mythic al beast (arc haic )


to s ell; to betray; to s pare no

effort; to s how off or f launt

妹妹younger sis ter; f ig. y ounger

w oman (esp. girl friend or

rival); CL:個|个牛奶

niú nǎi

cow 's milk; CL:瓶[píng],

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便宜small advantages; to let sb off

lightly ; cheap; inex pensive

票t icket; ballot; bank note; CL:張|张[zhāng]; person held for

rans om; amateur perf ormance

of Chines e opera; clas sif ier for

妻子w if e; CL:個|个[gè]


to get out of bed; to get up


上班shàng bān

to go to w ork; to be on duty; to

start w ork; to go to the off ic e

时间shí jiān

time; period; CL:段送

to deliv er; to carry; to give (as

a present); to present (w ith);

to see off ; to s end

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题topic ; problem for disc uss ion;

ex am ques tion; subject; to

inscribe; to mention; CL:個|个[gè],道[dào]

跳舞tiào w ǔ

to danc e

外w ài

outside; in addition; f oreign;


完to f inish; to be over; w hole;

complete; entir e

玩toy; sth us ed for amusement;

cur io or antique (Taiw an pr.

[w àn]); to play; to have fun; to

trif le w ith; to keep sth for

问题question; problem; is sue; topic;


向tow ards; to face; to turn

tow ards; direction; to support;

to side w ith; s hortly before;

f ormerly; alw ays; all along

姓family name; surname; name;


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眼睛yǎn jing

eye; CL:隻|只[zhī],雙|双[shuāng]




leaf of the iris; v ariant of 藥|药[yào]


to demand; to request; to

coerc e


als o; too; (in Classic al

Chines e) f inal partic le implying

aff irmation


overcas t (w eather); cloudy;

shady ; Yin (the negativ e

principle of Yin and Yang);

negative (electric.) ; feminine;


f ish; CL:條|条[tiáo],


again; once more; re-; sec ond;

another ; then (af ter s th, and

not until then)

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找to try to f ind; to look for; to call

on s b; to f ind; to seek; to

return; to give change


particle attached af ter v erb to

indicate action in progress , like

-ing ending

真really; truly ; indeed; real; true;


正在zhèng zài

in the proces s of (doing

something or happening);

w hile (doing)

知道zhī dao

to know ; to be aw are of

准备bè i

preparation; to prepare; to

intend; to be about to; reserv e

(f und)


bicyc le; bike; CL:輛|辆[ liàng]


to w alk; to go; to run; to move

(of vehicle); to visit; to leave;

to go aw ay ; to die (euph.);

from; through; aw ay (in


most; the most; -es t

(superlative suff ix)


lef t; the lef t side; to the left of