E N G L E S K I J E Z I K - iccg M januar... · were never recovered. That was the horrible part of...

JANAR 2017 KOHA PËR ZGJIDHJEN E TESTIT ËSHTË 180 MINUTA Lexoni me kujdes udhëzimin. Mos e hapni testin pa ju dhënë leje mësimdhënësi kujdestar. Gjatë punës në test nuk lejohet përdorimi i fjalorit dhe mjeteve elektronike. Përgjigjet duhet t’i shkruani me laps kimik. Përgjigjet e shkruara me laps të thjeshtë nuk do të pranohen. Kontrollimi i të kuptuarit të tekstit të dëgjuar përbëhet nga dy detyra. Çdo tekst do ta dëgjoni dy herë. Do të keni kohë të mjaftueshme që t’i lexoni pyetjet para se ta dëgjoni tekstin si dhe t’i kontrolloni përgjigjet tuaja. Gjatë kohës së dëgjimit të tekstit mund t’i shënoni përgjigjet. Përgjigjet në pyetjet me zgjedhje të shumëfishtë duhet t’ i përshkruani me kujdes në Fletën e përgjigjeve.Përgjigjet në këto pyetje të cilat nuk janë shënuar në fletën e përgjigjeve nuk do të pranohen. Te shkrimi i hartimit lejohet shkrimi i konceptit në fletët që janë të parapara për koncept. Keni kujdes për numrin e fjalëve, rregullat gjuhësore dhe qartësinë e shkrimit të tekstit. Versioni përfundimtar përshkruhet lexueshëm në vendin e paraparë në test dhe ai do të vlerësohet me pikë.

Transcript of E N G L E S K I J E Z I K - iccg M januar... · were never recovered. That was the horrible part of...


Vrijeme rješavanja testa 180 minuta


JANAR 2017


Lexoni me kujdes udhëzimin.

Mos e hapni testin pa ju dhënë leje mësimdhënësi kujdestar.

Gjatë punës në test nuk lejohet përdorimi i fjalorit dhe mjeteve elektronike. Përgjigjet duhet

t’i shkruani me laps kimik. Përgjigjet e shkruara me laps të thjeshtë nuk do të pranohen.

Kontrollimi i të kuptuarit të tekstit të dëgjuar përbëhet nga dy detyra. Çdo tekst do ta dëgjoni

dy herë. Do të keni kohë të mjaftueshme që t’i lexoni pyetjet para se ta dëgjoni tekstin si dhe

t’i kontrolloni përgjigjet tuaja. Gjatë kohës së dëgjimit të tekstit mund t’i shënoni përgjigjet.

Përgjigjet në pyetjet me zgjedhje të shumëfishtë duhet t’ i përshkruani me kujdes në Fletën

e përgjigjeve.Përgjigjet në këto pyetje të cilat nuk janë shënuar në fletën e përgjigjeve nuk

do të pranohen.

Te shkrimi i hartimit lejohet shkrimi i konceptit në fletët që janë të parapara për koncept.

Keni kujdes për numrin e fjalëve, rregullat gjuhësore dhe qartësinë e shkrimit të tekstit.

Versioni përfundimtar përshkruhet lexueshëm në vendin e paraparë në test dhe ai do të

vlerësohet me pikë.





1.1 Listen to a BBC programme about the first edition of The Guinness Book of Records.

Choose the answer which fits best according to what you hear and complete the statements.

1. When was the first edition of The Guinness Book of Records published?


2. Compared to today's,

A. it had more pictures.

B. it was a little longer.

C. it provided more details.

3. When Don Carlo, the tallest man in the world, looked from the top of The Empire State Building

he was

A. afraid.

B. calm.

C. proud.

4. How long did it take to write the first edition?

A. More than 19 weeks

B. More than 90 weeks

C. More than three months

5. The first edition was published in ................................................................. copies.

6. Which sentence about the sale of the book is true?

A. The sale went well from the first day.

B. They sold all the copies on the first day.

C. They sold only 12 copies.

7. They came up with the idea for The Guinness Book of Records in

......................................................... during a discussion over what the

....................................................................... was.

Kaloni zgjidhjet në fletën e përgjigjeve.



1.2 You will hear an excerpt from an article which reports on the population of tigers around

the world.

Choose the answer which fits best according to what you hear and complete the statement below.

1. What has the undertaken study revealed?

A. Tigers are the most powerful cats on the planet.

B. Tigers are endangered but they are not at risk of extinction.

C. Tigers are far more at risk of extinction than the experts believed.

2. What has the new census shown?

In Sundarbans forest of Bangladesh

A. the number of tigers is on the rise.

B. there has been a decline in the population of tigers.

C. there are only about 100 tigers left.

3. The Sundarbans forest is

A. the largest desert in Bangladesh.

B. one of the last remaining habitats for tigers.

C. in great danger of disappearing.

4. A population count carried out in 2004 was based on

A. the use of infrared cameras.

B. the pictures which revealed body heat.

C. tiger paw prints.

5. What did Indian wildlife scientist Yadvendradev Jhala note?

____________ of the world’s tiger population lives in India and Bangladesh.

6. Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to wildlife scientist Yadvendradev Jhala?

A. Illegal hunting is one of the reasons the species is endangered.

B. The new power plant will likely separate some tiger populations from each other.

C. New coal-fired plant had no considerable impact on the population of tigers.

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25 pikë


2.1 Read the text. For questions 1-7 choose the answer (A, B or C) which you think fits

best according to the text.

"My aunt will be down shortly, Mr. Nuttel," said a very self-confident young lady of fifteen; "in

the meantime you must try and put up with me."

Framton Nuttel tried to say the correct something which should duly flatter the niece. Privately

he doubted more than ever whether these formal visits on total strangers would do much towards

helping the nerve cure which he was supposed to be undergoing.

"I know how it will be," his sister had said when he was preparing to migrate to the countryside;

"you will bury yourself down there and not speak to a living soul, and your nerves will be worse than

ever. I shall just give you letters of introduction to all the people I know there. Some of them, as far

as I can remember, were quite nice."

Framton wondered whether Mrs. Sappleton, the lady to whom he was presenting one of the

letters of introduction, came into the nice division.

"Do you know many of the people round here?" asked the niece, when she judged that they

had had sufficient silence.

"Hardly a soul," said Framton. "My sister was staying here four years ago, and she gave me

letters of introduction to some of the people here." He made the last statement in a tone of regret.

"Then you know practically nothing about my aunt?" pursued the self-possessed young lady.

"Only her name and address," admitted the caller.

"Her great tragedy happened just three years ago," said the child; "that would be since your

sister's time."

"Her tragedy?" asked Framton; somehow in this restful country spot tragedies seemed out of


"You may wonder why we keep that door wide open on an October afternoon," said the niece,

indicating a large door that opened on to a lawn.

"It is quite warm for the time of the year," said Framton; "but has that window got anything to

do with the tragedy?"

"Out through that door, three years ago to a day, her husband and her two young brothers

went off hunting. They never came back. In crossing the moor to their favourite hunting ground they

were all three swallowed in a treacherous piece of swamp. It had been that awful wet summer, you

know, and places that were safe in other years gave way suddenly without warning. Their bodies

were never recovered. That was the horrible part of it. Poor aunt always thinks that they will come

back someday, they and the little brown spaniel that was lost with them, and walk in at that door

just as they used to do. That is why the door is kept open every evening till it is quite dark. Do you

know, sometimes on still, quiet evenings like this, I almost get a creepy feeling that they will all walk

in through that door - "

She broke off with a little shudder. It was a relief to Framton when the aunt came into the room

with apologies for being late in making her appearance.

"I hope Vera has been amusing you?" she said.

"Well, she has been very interesting..." said Framton nervously. Adapted from The Open Window by Saki



1. Which of the following statements is true about Framton?

A. He is recovering and resting at home because he is sick.

B. He has come to visit Mrs. Sappleton on behalf of her sister.

C. He has just moved to the area and doesn’t know many people.

2. What is Vera like?

A. polite and shy

B. honest and annoying

C. talkative and self-assured

3. Why had Framton's sister given him letters of introduction?

A. She thought that spending time with other people was good for his nerve.

B. She wanted him to meet nice people, such as Mrs. Sappleton and Vera.

C. She wanted him to call Mrs. Sappleton, her old friend, and arrange a visit.

4. Why is the door open, according to Vera?

A. Her aunt is waiting for her dead husband and brothers to return.

B. It is quite warm for the time of the year.

C. They are waiting for her aunt to come in through that door.

5. What happens in Vera's story?

Mrs. Sappleton's husband and brothers

A. die during their hunting trip.

B. go missing in a forest.

C. are about to come back from hunting.

6. What does Framton think about Vera's story?

A. He finds it amusing.

B. He does not like it.

C. He finds it relieving.

7. What is the meaning of shudder, in She broke off with a little shudder?

A. shaking because of cold or fear

B. a sudden violent movement

C. the state of being unhappy or afraid

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6 pikë


2.2 Read the text below. Read the text. For questions 1-5 choose the answer which you think

fits best according to the text. Write your answer to question 6-8 in the space provided.


1. My five siblings and I grew up in a cruel wasteland of deprivation that included whole-wheat

cereals, second-hand clothing and shared rooms. To add insult to injury, we didn’t even have a

TV to distract us from our hardship. My parents weren’t poor, so as a child I simply assumed

they had a sadistic streak. Looking back now, as a wise old 31-year-old, I get it. And not only do I

get it, I’ve come to realize that depriving your children is wildly underrated.

2. The road to this realization was long. In my mid-20s, I realized that, although reusing and

recycling had become popular, the concept of reducing was being left in the dust, largely

because no one could figure out how to make money off of it. I began buying less, making more,

and taking a critical look at how much I consumed. I realized with a shock that my parents were

cool: they had been mindful about our planet and its resources since the 1970s.

3. It wasn’t a great surprise then, that when I became pregnant with my daughter Olive, I vowed to

carry on this family tradition of neglect. The reasons, in my mind, were simple. Consuming for

consumption’s sake is an epidemic – especially when it comes to kids. Even before the baby is

born, the shopping begins. This relentless pursuit is expensive, stressful, takes a devastating toll

on the environment, and has become so commonplace that we barely blink when someone

suggests a $30 plastic teething toy as a “must-have” item.

4. I’m now a single mom and because I make most of the day-to-day decisions in my daughter’s

life. Yet, while focusing on experiences as opposed to material items has been a positive choice, I

sometimes have doubts. I see Olive delight over battery-operated guitars and plastic dolls at

friends’ houses, and I feel sharp pangs of guilt. I look at her room, all of her toys contained in

one meagre basket, and I feel an uncomfortable nagging feeling settle into the pit of my

stomach. I don’t want her to miss out, I don’t want to be the mean mom, and what’s more, I

don’t want her to look back at her childhood and see lack, instead of love.

5. So I started digging, and what I discovered is great news for our kids. In a study designed to

identify and prevent addictive patterns in adults, two German researchers somehow convinced a

nursery school to remove all toys from the classroom for three months. Instead, teachers

reported that while on the first day the children seemed bewildered and confused, by the end of

the third month they were engaged in wildly imaginative play, able to concentrate better and

communicate more effectively.


6. Similarly, a study by American childhood developmental researchers reported that when

children under five have too many toys, they can’t concentrate on one thing long enough to

actually learn from it, instead they feel compelled to rummage through and touch everything

without ever fully immersing themselves in any one activity.

7. It’s not just science that recommends you say yes to less; your wallet and the natural world

outside your door agree. The average American household has over $15,000 in credit card debt

and Americans generate 254m tons of trash a year.

8. This is especially pertinent now, when many of us are headed to the malls with back-to-school

shopping lists in hand. As you shop, try to evaluate whether what you’re buying is a want, or a

need. Will it add to your child’s life or distract from it?

9. It’s time to rethink deprivation as a parenting strategy. Living with less, it turns out, means more.

More money in our savings account, more space on our shelves, and best of all, more

communication, imagination and concentration from our kids.

Adapted from The Guardian

1. What does the author blame her parents for?

A. Not being able to provide for their family.

B. The fact that they didn’t even have a TV.

C. They didn’t let their children have the things all other kids had.

2. When the author grew up,

A. she still disapproved of not spending money on the things you can afford.

B. she understood her parents’ efforts to be environmentally conscious.

C. she understood why recycling was important because of her upbringing.

3. According to paragraph 3, in today’s world, it has become normal to

A. buy only the things kids really need.

B. spend a fortune on things for kids.

C. take care of the environment when buying for kids.

4. How does the writer feel about not letting her child have a lot of toys?

A. She doesn’t like seeing her child playing with plastic toys.

B. She has no dilemmas as she knows what’s good for her daughter.

C. She is sometimes uncertain whether her daughter will understand it in the right way.

5. What did the American study show?

A. When having too many toys, children don’t use their educational potential.

B. Having a lot of toys has positive effects on children’s development.

C. The more toys children have, the better concentration they have.


6. According to German researchers (paragraph 5), can removing toys from classrooms be beneficial for children under five? Give two advantages.

1) …………………………………………………………………………………………………

2) …………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. Which two things are negatively influenced by buying too many things for kids?

1) …………………………………………………………………………………………………

2) …………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. What should parents take care of when buying things for school?


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2.3. Read the text below. For questions 1-4 choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think

fits best according to the text. Write your answers to questions 5 and 6 in the spaces provided.


The colour white is loaded with meaning. From white weddings to bleached lab coats and blank sheets of paper, it is found everywhere. But where did it begin, and is it even a colour at all? White created by light – on a TV screen, for example, or through a prism – does not have its own specific wavelength. Rather, it is the sum of all the colours. Think of a rainbow: you can’t see the colours of sunlight except when raindrops refract the light rays and reveal the whole spectrum. Because of this, scientists do not generally count white as a colour. In written records, the earliest mention of a white pigment that is not plain chalk comes from the Italian artist Cennino Cennini in the 13th century. He used the term “Bianco di San Giovanni” to describe a white lime pigment made of calcium carbonate and calcium hydroxide. The other way to make white was to use lead. The process was described by Pliny the Elder: pieces of lead were put into clay pots that had a separate compartment filled with vinegar. Now, in the EU, lead paint can now only be used for the restoration of works of art and historical buildings. Considering the toxicity of lead, it’s horrifying just how much it was used, not just in artistic painting, but in face paints. The citizens of ancient Greece were fans of slathering white lead all over their faces and “dead white” was a term that could have been applied to the most fashionable men and women of society through the ages. The problem was these cosmetics and face creams actually irritated the skin. The side effects were more than just skin imperfections: enthusiastic users of these lead-containing lotions and potions would be likely to suffer anaemia, loss of appetite, constipation, headaches, paralysis and eventual death. So why were people willing to die for white skin? Well, it was to do with your status in society. Field-workers, labourers, peasants and slaves were all likely to have darkened skin from working outdoors in the sun. Having white skin marked you out as a person of leisure, wealth and status. Of course, these days that meaning has almost reversed: hands up who’d rather have a healthy glow? For much of human history, white has been a symbol of purity. It was worn by priestesses in ancient Egypt and Rome, while ancient temples were faced with white marble. The Pope has worn white since 1566, as a symbol of purity and sacrifice, and it is worn by pilgrims in Islam and the Shinto religion of Japan. We all think of white as having a place at weddings – the white dress worn by brides symbolises virginal innocence and new beginnings. Interestingly, white used to be reserved solely for royal weddings – non-royals just wore their Sunday best – up until the 19th century, when Queen Victoria’s lace wedding dress inspired a fashion for white.


White is also the colour most associated with cleanliness. Laundry powders promise to get your clothes “whiter than white” – because white means clean. Refrigerators and dishes, toilets and sinks, bed linen and towels are all traditionally white. White was the traditional colour of the coats worn by doctors, nurses, scientists and laboratory technicians, and it’s often worn by chefs, bakers and butchers. White is best for a fresh start. It’s a blank canvas, it’s a new page. Start with white and you’ll be all right (unless you’re applying makeup, that is).

Adapted from The Guardian

1. The colour white

A. does not have a specific meaning.

B. used to have a meaning.

C. has changed its meaning.

D. has a lot of meanings.

2. The wavelength of the colour white

A. does not exist in its specific form.

B. exists when created through a prism.

C. is bigger than that of other colours.

D. is smaller than that of other colours.

3. Where was lead white often used?

A. in agricultural and artistic products

B. in cosmetic and artistic products

C. in cosmetic and agricultural products

D. in medical and agricultural products

4. How was white complexion seen by society throughout the centuries?

A. as being up to date

B. as being out of date

C. as being tasteless

D. as a sign of sickness

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5. How has the attitude about the use of lead white in European art changed since early days?



6. Refer to the text and give two examples of wearing white clothes in official situations

throughout history.




3.1 Read the text below and decide which word (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.


Nepalese officials plan to introduce ban on novices, as

well as disabled, old and very young people, in effort to

improve safety and lessen overcrowding

Nepalese officials say 0 they will introduce regulations

banning inexperienced climbers from attempting Mount

Everest in an attempt to improve safety and 1................. the “glory” of the summit. Kripasur Sherpa, the

country’s tourism minister, said he hoped to implement the rules 2................. time for the spring season,

which usually sees hundreds of mountaineers from across the world attempt to reach the 8,848 metres

summit of the world’s highest peak.

Permits to climb Everest will 3 ................. be given to 4 ................. who can prove they have already scaled

mountains that are higher than 6,500 metres, officials said. Disabled, old and very young people also

5................. bans. “We cannot let everyone go on Everest and die. If they are not physically and mentally

fit, it will be like a 6 ................. suicide,” he said. “The disabled or visually 7 ................. people usually need

someone to carry them, which is not an adventure. Only those who can go 8 ................. their own will be

given permission.”

The permits cost thousands of dollars and are a key 9 ................. of revenue for Nepal. It is unclear how the

demand for “proof of competence” might be enforced. Climbing on Everest has become controversial in

10................ decades.

Adapted from http://www.theguardian.com/



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10 pikë

0. A it B that C they D there

1. A have B maintain C raise D support

2. A at B before C in D from

3. A merely B only C so D then

4. A ones B such C them D those

5. A face B got C have D receive

6. A forbidden B legal C permission D possible

7. A damaged B impaired C poor D weak

8. A at B by C in D on

9. A effect B source C way D word

10. A further B latest C next D recent


3.2 Read the text and write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.


Chicago. The Windy City. Even Chicagoans are not exactly sure why their impressive hometown

1......................................... (bear) this name. It might be because of the winds or – and this should

2.........................................(take) in good humour – because Chicago has long been a swaggering place,

boastful of its scale and achievements.

When the settlement 3........................................... (found) in 1830 on the south west of Lake Michigan, its

population 4 ......................................... (be) less than two hundred. By the middle of the 19th century,

Chicago 5......................................... (establish) itself as an important trading hub.

In 1909, Daniel Burnham 6.........................................(produce) a comprehensive city plan for central

Chicago. The plan itself was good, although Chicagoan architects 7.........................................(have) other

ideas about new buildings. As they struggled 8.........................................(address) the aesthetics of

skyscrapers, Louis Sullivan developed designs for skyscrapers emphasising their verticality.

From the 1920s Wrigley Building with its French Renaissance facades and Spanish cathedral tower to

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s sleek, minimalist 1960s Federal Center, Chicago abounds in modern design.

These buildings 9................................................ (lend) the Windy City its distinct skyline.

10.......................................... (see) this great work of art raised on mighty industry, it is hard not to be


Adapted from www.bbc.com/culture


3.3 Write the correct form of the words in brackets.


Some have been left shaken not stirred by Sam Smith’s tune for Spectre. Is there a formula for what

separates the best from the 1................................................... (forget)?

Of all the things with which Agent 007 is synonymous – cars, cocktails and gadgets – nothing sums up the

James Bond franchise more 2................................................... (immediate) than its music.

“The opening title songs have become truly memorable set pieces and give a real lift and

3.................................... (strong) to the opening of Bond films,” says Hollywood-based British film

4............................................ (compose) David Buckley. “Our 5..............................................s (expect) are for

something big and classy. Monty Norman, John Barry and later David Arnold and Thomas Newman have

established a musical language that is unmistakably Bond.”

Adapted from www.bbc.com/culture


4.1 Write an email (80-120 words) to a local kindergarten offering to volunteer for two hours

twice a week. Explain what motivates you and suggest activities you would prefer to be involved






























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4.2. Choose one of the following writing tasks and write 120-180 words.

Sigmund Freud said that the mind is like the city of Rome. Each age has its own

architecture, its own monuments, built on top of those from the previous ages. The mind

preserves each landmark… Each adult keeps the landscape of her childhood intact. If you

want to understand that childhood landscape, the foundations on which a person’s life is

built, ask her what her favourite books were as a child.

Adam Gidwitz

What was/is your favourite book? Why?

Living with less means more...

more money in our savings account, more space on our shelves, and best of all, more

communication and imagination

Write an article on this topic. Give your opinion by using specific examples.
























































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