英 語 - shonan-it.ac.jpThe whale watching season is now, so *make your reservations for (ア) a...

うすい 丸囲み はみ出し レ点 小さい 良い例 悪い例 湘南工科大学附属高等学校 1 HB 又は B の鉛筆(シャープペンシルも可)を使って、 の中を正確に 塗りつぶすこと。 2 答えを直すときは、きれいに消して、消しくずを残さないこと。 3 決められた欄以外にマークしたり、記入したりしないこと。 [注意] 解答はすべて解答用紙の所定の欄に記入しなさい。 部分がマークシート方式・記述式により解答する解答欄です。 マーク上の注意事項 2019年度 入学試験問題 英    語

Transcript of 英 語 - shonan-it.ac.jpThe whale watching season is now, so *make your reservations for (ア) a...

Page 1: 英 語 - shonan-it.ac.jpThe whale watching season is now, so *make your reservations for (ア) a close meeting with a whale! *Researchers say there's a group of humpback whales called


線 はみ出し



良い例 悪い例


1 HB 又は B の鉛筆(シャープペンシルも可)を使って、 の中を正確に


2 答えを直すときは、きれいに消して、消しくずを残さないこと。

3 決められた欄以外にマークしたり、記入したりしないこと。

[注意] 解答はすべて解答用紙の所定の欄に記入しなさい。



2019年度 入学試験問題

英    語

Page 2: 英 語 - shonan-it.ac.jpThe whale watching season is now, so *make your reservations for (ア) a close meeting with a whale! *Researchers say there's a group of humpback whales called

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* 問題は[1]~[8]の8題です。

[1] 次の英文をよく読み、それに続く設問に答えなさい。 Most people think kiwi fruit came from New Zealand. Actually, they first came from China. It was the national fruit of China. Chinese people called this fruit Yang Tao. They brought it to New Zealand in the early 1900’s. It came to the United States from New Zealand in 1961. One year later, (ア) Americans started to call it Kiwi fruit. Because kiwi fruit was *exported from New Zealand, the name of kiwi fruit came from the national bird, kiwi, of New Zealand. Today, many countries grow kiwi fruit. On the following list (JAPAN FRUIT ASSOCIATION), in 2014, China grows the most (2,023 tons a year). Italy is the second (507 tons). New Zealand is the third (408 tons). Iran and Chile also grow kiwi fruit. They are (イ) grow all over the world, so we can see them in supermarkets all year round.                             (tons)

Country 2013 2014China 1,766 2,023Italy 454 507

New Zealand 400 408Iran 251 299Chile 267 261

                〈 JAPAN FRUIT ASSOCIATION 〉 (ウ) Kiwi fruit has more *nutrients than any other fruit. It has a lot of vitamin C. Vitamin C can stop the body from getting sick. It also helps people to *breathe better. There was *research in Italy. In the research, 18,000 children ate kiwi fruits from five to seven days a week. Then, 44% of the children breathed easier than ever. 27% of them *coughed less. The fruit is also good for health. Chinese people made sport drinks from kiwi fruits. They gave those drinks ( A ) soccer players and runners. Then, the players and runners could exercise(エ) long than before. They kept more vitamin C in their bodies. They also said that those drinks tasted good. Kiwi fruit helps people in other ways. It has (オ) lutein. Lutein makes eyes stronger. Kiwi fruit has a lot of vitamin E and *fiber. These two things clean our blood. They also help the heart to be healthy. Kiwi fruit can reduce the level of *stress. There are only (カ) some bad things about kiwi fruits. Sometimes it is very difficult ( B ) peel those skins. They are sometimes too *sour to eat. Also, their brown skins can’t be eaten. Kiwi fruits can be eaten in many ways. For example, they are good in salads, with yogurt or on ice cream. It is true that they are sometimes too sour to eat, but they help us enjoy our dishes by their good taste and beautiful green. How would you like to eat this wonderful fruit? 注) export:輸出する  nutrient:栄養 vitamin:ビタミン breathe:呼吸する  research:調査  cough less:せきをする回数が減る fiber:食物繊維  stress:ストレス  sour:酸っぱい

Page 3: 英 語 - shonan-it.ac.jpThe whale watching season is now, so *make your reservations for (ア) a close meeting with a whale! *Researchers say there's a group of humpback whales called

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問1 下線部(ア)のitが具体的に指すものを次の1~4から1つ選び、マークしなさい。 1.a national bird 2.Yang Tao 3.Vitamin C 4.New Zealand

問2 下線部(イ)と(エ)の語を正しい形に直すとき、それぞれ最も適切なものを、 次の1~4から1つ選び、マークしなさい

(イ) 1.grow 2.grew 3.grown 4.growing

(エ) 1.long 2.longer 3.the longest 4.more long

問3 下線部(ウ)の内容とほぼ同じ意味を表す文を次の1~4から1つ選び、マーク しなさい。

1.Kiwi fruit has the most nutrients of almost any fruit.

2.Kiwi fruit has as many nutrients as other fruit.

3.Other fruit has more nutrients than kiwi fruit.

4.Most fruits don’t have as many nutrients as kiwi fruit.

問4 空所( A )と( B ) に共通して入る語を次の1~4から1つ選び、マークしなさい。 1.on 2. to 3.from 4.by

問5 下線部(オ)の説明として最も適切なものを次の1~4から1つ選び、マークしなさい。 1.ルテインは、血液をサラサラにしてくれる。 2.ルテインは、目をより強くしてくれる。 3.ルテインは、心臓をより健康的にしてくれる。 4.ルテインは、ストレスを軽減してくれる。

問6 下線部(カ)の具体的内容として当てはまらないものを次の1~4から1つ選び、マークしなさい。

1. 2.Sometimes we don’t eat kiwi fruit because they are sour.

3.We often eat kiwi fruit with ice cream.

4.We don’t usually eat the outside of kiwi fruit.

Page 4: 英 語 - shonan-it.ac.jpThe whale watching season is now, so *make your reservations for (ア) a close meeting with a whale! *Researchers say there's a group of humpback whales called

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問7 本文の内容に合うように次のA、Bの質問に答えるとき、その答えとして最も 適切なものをそれぞれ下の1~4から1つずつ選び、マークしなさい。

A) When did the Americans start to call that fruit the Kiwi fruit?

1.In 1961.

2.In 1962.

3.In the early 1900’s.

4.In the late 1900’s.

B) Who tried the kiwi fruits drink in China?

1.All Chinese people did.

2.The children who couldn’t breathe easily did.

3.The players and runners did.

4.Some people who had stress did.

問8 本文の内容に合うように次の英文を完成させるとき、空所に入る最も適切な語句を、次の1~4から1つ選び、マークしなさい。

Kiwi fruits are grown in the world. (   ) is the fourth country to grow kiwi fruits

in 2013.

1.Italy    2.New Zealand    3.Iran    4.Chile

問9 本文の内容と一致するものを次の1~7から2つ選び、マークしなさい。 1.Italy grows the second-largest number of kiwi fruits.

2.The Chinese runners did not like the kiwi fruits drink.

3.Kiwi fruit is good for the heart and the ears.

4.People like to eat the green part of the kiwi fruit.

5.The Chinese brought Yang Tao to the U.S. in 1961.

6.In Italy, 44 children breathed better, so they ate kiwi fruits from five to

seven days.

7.People like to eat kiwi fruit with ice cream.

Page 5: 英 語 - shonan-it.ac.jpThe whale watching season is now, so *make your reservations for (ア) a close meeting with a whale! *Researchers say there's a group of humpback whales called

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[2] 次の(A)、(B)の設問に答えなさい。

(A) 次のある学生のスピーチ英文を読み、本文の展開から考えて、空欄( 1 )、( 2 )、( 3 )に入る最も適切な文をそれぞれ下の1~4から1つずつ選び、マークしなさい。

  Five years ago, I learned about the killing of pet animals. I searched on the Internet

and in books. In Japan, so many dogs and cats are killed somewhere every day. The

number has reached 83,000 a year. So many pets are killed when they are *abandoned.

Pet owners abandon their pets when they don't need them. Also, some bad *breeders

breed them without a plan. ( 1 ) . They don't think the animal is a living thing. As a

result, bad breeders cannot control the number of animals. Many pets are left because

they were not sold. Such pets are brought to animal care center. Animal care center

cannot take care of them for so long. So some of them are given to kind people as pets

again. Others are killed by CO²gas. The animals are killed in a terrible way. They die in

terrible pain. It is a terrible thing for animals. I was very shocked and felt sad to know

the fact. I think that such a thing must be ended.

  When I heard this problem, I thought we must solve it. Today, there are many

dangers for pets. Some people abandon animals or injure them. Also I think that a

*registration system is needed for all pet animals.

  ( 2 ) . I cannot believe that we can't *punish them. We have to punish such people

by law. Other countries, for example, America and Australia have very *strict laws for

bad pet owners. Animal lives are protected by law. Japanese government should protect

animal's lives, too. I hope that we can stop pet killing. I hear that the people who try to

stop animal killing are almost all in NGO. I hope that these volunteers are employed by

the government in Japan.

  Animals are not toys. Pets are not toys. They are living things. They have only one

life. It is one special life. They are as important as human beings. ( 3 ) :the high cost

of food, cleaning up *droppings, difficulty of care and so on. When we have a pet, we

must take care of them for their whole life. We must recognize that we are caring for a

life, not a toy. We have to protect each tiny life. And we must love them and treat them

with love.

  Thank you for listening.

  注)abandon:見捨てる、捨てる breeder:飼育業者 registration system:登録システム punish:罰する strict:厳しい droppings:糞、排せつ物

Page 6: 英 語 - shonan-it.ac.jpThe whale watching season is now, so *make your reservations for (ア) a close meeting with a whale! *Researchers say there's a group of humpback whales called

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(1) 1.Bad pet owners think only about their society

2.Bad breeders think their animals as their family

3.Bad breeders think only about their money

4.Bad pet owners throw away their children

(2) 1.We need laws for people who abandon or injure animals

2.We need laws for people who kill or keep animals

3.We need registration for people who kill or love animals

4.We need registration for people who love and injure animals

(3) 1.Pets are not only pretty but also have a lot of cute things

2.Pets are not only pretty but also strict laws

3.Pets are not only cute but also terrible

4.Pets are not only cute but also have a lot of troubles

(B) 次のWhale Watchingの広告英文で、文中の下線部(ア)、(イ)、(ウ) に最も近い意味を     表すものを、それぞれ下の選択肢から1つずつ選び、マークしなさい。

~ *Humpback Whales in Hawaii ~ The strong and *endangered humpback whales travel thousands of miles from their home

in Alaskan waters to the Pacific Ocean year after year.

The whale watching season is now, so *make your reservations for (ア) a close meeting

with a whale!

*Researchers say there's a group of humpback whales called the North Pacific group.

They live in three areas; Hawaii, western Mexico and the islands of southern Japan.

The journey from Alaska to these places has a few *stops and the whales travel about

four to twelve kilometers an hour.

Scientists believe that humpback whales don't eat much of the island's local foods.

That is because their food, such as *krill and (イ) small schools of fish, only live in the

cool, *nutrient-rich home-waters of Alaska.

Whales eat as much as they can at their home in Alaska. Then they move to Hawaii

and they marry and bring up their children there. Because they are (ウ) mammals, the

young whales are brought up on their mother's fat-rich milk. It is surprising that baby

whales eat about 90 kilograms a day during the first week of lives.

Page 7: 英 語 - shonan-it.ac.jpThe whale watching season is now, so *make your reservations for (ア) a close meeting with a whale! *Researchers say there's a group of humpback whales called

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  注) Humpback Whales:ザトウクジラ endangered:絶滅の危機に瀕した make a reservation:予約する researcher:研究者 stop:休憩所 krill:オキアミ(プランクトンの一種) nutrient-rich:栄養に富んだ

 選択肢 (ア) 1.a chance they have to close a meeting

 2.a chance they can see whales very near

 3.a meeting they can make a reservation

 4.a meeting they eat in the island's local foods

 選択肢 (イ) 1.a small study of fish

 2.a small teaching place about fish

 3.a small school for fish

 4.a small group of fish

 選択肢 (ウ) 1.feathered, egg-lying and having wings

 2.living in water, and swimming by moving its tail

 3.growing up on mother's milk  4.having six legs, head, body, hip and wings

Page 8: 英 語 - shonan-it.ac.jpThe whale watching season is now, so *make your reservations for (ア) a close meeting with a whale! *Researchers say there's a group of humpback whales called

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[3] 次の(1)~(5)の英文の空所に入る最も適切な語(句)を、それぞれ1~4から1つ選び、マークしなさい。

  (1) Please [    ] hello to your family for me.

 1.say 2.speak 3.tell 4.talk

  (2) I enjoyed [    ] the baseball game very much.

 1.watch 2.to watch 3.watched 4.watching

  (3) These books [    ] written five hundred years ago.

 1.were 2.did 3.had 4.was

  (4)  [    ] the girl sent a present to him yet?

 1.Have 2.Has 3.Does 4.Did


  (5) No other boy in our class can run [    ] Tom.

 1. fastest 2. as fast as 3. more fast than 4. faster

[4] 次の各英文には文法的・語法的な誤りが1箇所ずつある。その箇所を、それぞれ 下線部①~④から1つずつ選び、マークしなさい。

(1) ①Could you tell me ②what ③to get ④to the station ?

  (2) He ①does a ②few of exercise ③every day and ④hopes he will get stronger.

Page 9: 英 語 - shonan-it.ac.jpThe whale watching season is now, so *make your reservations for (ア) a close meeting with a whale! *Researchers say there's a group of humpback whales called

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[5] 次の(1)~(5)の日本語の意味になるように、それぞれの【  】内の語(句)を並べ替え、英文を完成させなさい。そのとき【  】内で3番目と5番目にくる語(句)の番号をマークしなさい。ただし、文頭にくる語も小文字で記してある。

(1) 彼女にとって、この本を1日で読むのは難しかった。 It was【 1. to 2. for her 3. this book 4. difficult 5. read 】in one day.

(2) コーヒーをもう一杯いかがですか。 Will you【 1. coffee 2. cup 3. another 4. have 5. of 】?

(3) メアリーはお母さんに買ってもらった指輪をしています。 Mary is wearing【 1. bought 2. the ring 3. her mother 4. which 5. for 】her.

(4) 彼女はクラスの女の子の中で最も背が高い。 She is【 1. taller 2. any 3. than 4. girl 5. other 】in her class.

(5) ベンチの下で横になっている犬は、私の犬です。 【 1. under 2. the dog 3. is 4. the bench 5. lying 】mine.

[6] 次の(1)~(5)の2人の対話を完成させるのに最も適切な表現を、下の枠内からそれぞれ1つ選び、マークしなさい。ただし、枠内の 1 ~ 5はすべて解答として   使用するものとする。

(1) A:When did you come back from Sapporo?

    B:[    ]

(2) A:Will we go to see the movie after school?

    B:[    ]

(3) A:How many balls are there in the box?

    B:[    ]

(4) A:Have you written the letter yet?

    B:[    ]

(5) A:Is this bag Keiko’s?

    B:[    ]

  1. The day before yesterday. 2. Sounds good. 3. There are twenty.

  4. No, I’m doing now. 5. No, it isn’t hers.

Page 10: 英 語 - shonan-it.ac.jpThe whale watching season is now, so *make your reservations for (ア) a close meeting with a whale! *Researchers say there's a group of humpback whales called

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[7] 次の(1) ~(5)の英文の説明が表す英単語を答えなさい。ただし、指定された   アルファベットで始まる1語を答えること。

(1) the hottest season in a year ( s )

(2) a place where trains stop so that passengers can get on and off ( s )

(3) the planet that we live on ( e )

(4) a large animal kept on farms to produce milk or beef ( c )

(5) an object that you hold over your head when it is raining ( u )

[8] CとDの関係がAとBの関係と同じになるように、次の( ① )~( ⑤ )に入る適語をそれぞれ答えなさい。

   A :  B  C     :  D

(1) right : left black    : ( ① )

(2) last : December first     : ( ② )

(3) uncle : aunt son  : ( ③ )

(4) I : my it    : ( ④ )

(5) well : best big   : ( ⑤ )

Page 11: 英 語 - shonan-it.ac.jpThe whale watching season is now, so *make your reservations for (ア) a close meeting with a whale! *Researchers say there's a group of humpback whales called

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Page 12: 英 語 - shonan-it.ac.jpThe whale watching season is now, so *make your reservations for (ア) a close meeting with a whale! *Researchers say there's a group of humpback whales called