Dynamic Context Generation


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Transcript of Dynamic Context Generation

Page 1: Dynamic Context Generation

Dynamic context generation


Page 2: Dynamic Context Generation


The mobile terminal characteristics Text and image display Color video

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Document Object Model (DOM)

Page 3: Dynamic Context Generation

Dynamic context generation

User information interests and preferences

Content database

Location and environment prarameters

Step1Conversion to intermediateformat

Device characteristics and browser types

Step 2Conversion for display(to XHTML,WML,..)

XSLT style sheets

Device displayIntermediate data format (DOM tree)

Page 4: Dynamic Context Generation

DOM tree generation

A platform and language-neutral interface

Represent and dynamically access and update the context

Page 5: Dynamic Context Generation

Style sheets for output formatting

Extensible Style Sheet Language Transformations (XSLT)

Transform the DOM content representation into appropriate markup

Decides what information to display on the user’s mobile terminal

Page 6: Dynamic Context Generation

Style sheets for output formatting (continued) Can be substituted for another in

order to present the material in different way

Cascading style sheets (CSS) Used for display purposes

Page 7: Dynamic Context Generation

Separate DOM content and XSLT presentation generation rules

DOM tree

XSLTStyle sheet




Page 8: Dynamic Context Generation

Separate markup and css presentation directives



CSSStyle sheet


Mobile terminalbrowser