Dulcibella Legacy-G3-uni

The Dulcibella Legacy Generation 3 University

Transcript of Dulcibella Legacy-G3-uni

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The Dulcibella Legacy

Generation 3 University

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Hi, David! Glad you made it! This is the Dulcibella Legacy generation three at University.

… where’s Victor?

David: “Who? Oh, the placeholder. He left. Said something about not wanting to graduate yet.”

Ooookay. That works I guess.

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This is his toga. Gotta love outgoing sims.

Anyway, after he rolled three wants for a party, and I let him, he rolled up his major! Second day! Don’t ask me how throwing a party makes you want to major in political science, but whatever!

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Red-head: “Wee! Dancing is fun!”

David: “Yeah.”

Well, this girl has recessive hair, looks decent, and they don’t have negative chemistry. Sounds perfect to me. Even though they have zero bolts, but whatever. David doesn’t like giving out bolts, so whatever. This might work.

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I decided to give the crystal ball a try. And wow! Two bolts! That’s the most David has thrown for any girl, even when I used the crystal ball when he was a teen!

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It is a match made in heaven! Or, rather coding…

Anyway, she also has too many outgoing points to where a toga to a toga party!

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David agrees.

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David: “I don’t like this.”

Well, if you would stop getting pizza every hour then you wouldn’t have to do this all the time.

David: “But I love pizza…”

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Hi Lydia! I see you made it to the Greek House!

Lydia: “Yeah! And there’s a bunch of stuff to clean! Yay!”

Ah, neat sims.

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Um… I’m confused. Lydia’s toga seems to be the cheerleading uniform. What is this? Is it because she’s shy? She only has one point.

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Lydia: “I’ll take the math major.”

Yay! Another quick roller. These Dulcibella’s really roll up majors fast!

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Lydia gets her first kiss, and the Llama mascot is literally sticking his nose into their business.

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Sims: “Rawr!”

Oh, I love the smutsle.

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It’s crazy how badly I want to turn this into an avatar. I feel like it’s all I ever see…

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David rolled the want to be big sim on campus. I think that’s the second time I have ever had a sim roll that want. Which, most likely has to do with the fact that I don’t play pop sims that much, or college for that matter.

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So, apparently shyness does not apply to dancing in a swimsuit.

Lydia: “Shh. You see nothing.”

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Lydia: “You’d think a cheerleader would be good at Tai Chi.”

Maybe she’s not because she’s not supposed to know Tai Chi. Lydia.

Lydia: “Hey, this isn’t my fault! David’s the one who constantly does Tai Chi!

Right. Who’s the one in their outerwear doing Tai Chi?

Lydia: “This proves nothing!”

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And, of course, it wouldn’t be a Dulcibella University chapter without the kitchen fire shot. Sims.

And why don’t you guys have a fire alarm? Really Maxis? The premade house gets a globe, but no fire alarm?

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… what? I was putting out the fire, and all of a sudden my screen changed. Stupid secret society.

Also, since I was so busy writing this slide, I missed the whole, welcome new blood!

So, where did I find my sim?

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In the basement trying to admire one of the girls.

You are a Pop sim, right? There’s a room full of people upstairs. You know. More than one.

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David: “Nice point smile?”

I really don’t think she cares, bud.

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And so the passing of vacation stuff continues.


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Um… David, we might have a problem…

David: “What?”

The phone doesn’t have the return home command. And when I tell you to walk to another lot, you won’t. I don’t like this…

David: “It sounds like a problem.”

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Thank heavens!

David: “What?”

I saved and quit, and when I opened this lot, you came back in the limo. I was terrified you were going to be glitched. Everything's okay now. The heir is fine.

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Um, David, should you be worried?

David: “Nah. I think he’s a romance sim.”

If I were you, I’d be even more worried.

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It seems kind of fitting that the only two sims in pajamas at the toga party are the ones getting married. I foresee lots more of this next generation. *sigh*

And it’s dawning on me that she’s not exactly a pretty sim. Well, supermodel pretty anyway. But I guess that’s okay. She has recessive genes and adding some genetic diversity to the gene pool shouldn’t be a problem.

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Does the cheese look moldy to you?

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After I fixed some glitch with the police officer that took him to the secret society last time, the limo showed up. Apparently the game never decided he was part of the secret society. I hope this is the extent of the glitches, and that I’ve fixed everything.

David: “Oh come on! We’ve already been through this. And I’m in the middle of a party! Leave me alone!”


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You know, Name Thief, I have a picture of you and a toga at his abduction. How did you beat him here?

Name Thief: “My cold fusion reactor has proven to be very useful.”

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I shouldn’t have rushed into his engagement. This girl’s pretty and has recessive genes.

Blondie: “Um, isn’t he in his senior year? That’s rushing an engagement? I’d hate to see what a long time is.”


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And Name Thief beats him home too.

Name Thief: “Cold fusion reactor. It makes the limo seem like a bike.”

Now that is an impressive image.

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Guess who’s stuck at the door. Hehe.

Name Thief: “I don’t want to go back to the secret society lot.”

Me neither. Please be coming for Lydia. I’m scared that David really is glitched…

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Lydia: “This is good?”

Ramin: “This is the best part of being a cop.”

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And more fire. Why? I mean really. Why?

And why haven’t I bought them a fire alarm yet?

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Since fires happen so stinkin’ often here, I did one better and bought them a sprinkler. No more fire worries here.

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You’d think the cow mascot would take a hint and stop coming here, seeing as there’s almost always a llama mascot or a cheerleader here. Oh well.

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David: “You know you suck at playing right?”

Cow: “Says the person dancing to it.”

David: “Touché.”

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Lydia: “Here’s some bouquets I made. As an early wedding present.”

David: “Um, thanks?”

Lydia: “Oh shut up.”

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Hey, hey, HEY. David, you’re not supposed to accept the cow’s flirts! You’re engaged, remember?

David: “Hey, a guy’s gotta live before he gets married right?”

You have. What are all these parties for, but that? And, let me emphasize this, the cow? Come on!

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Lydia: “How dare that cow flirt with my brother! He’s engaged! Those horns aren’t fake!”

Hmm… This looks like it’s going to get interesting.

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Okay, call me crazy, but I think they’re actually… cute… together. This is not going to be good…

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Cuteness has worn off. Cow has managed to get both David and Lydia furious at her within a few sim hours.

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I love maxed music and dance hobby enthusiasm. Just had to say it.

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You know David. I didn’t think you actually liked the girl I set you up with. But then you go and roll up a want to dance with her while she isn’t on the lot. Awww….

David: “Um, thanks?”

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Well, it’s about that time. There’s just something about him that I find cute… I think the nose is just growing on me.

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Slave: “Things never change at the Greek House, do they?”

No, no they don’t.

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Holy Cow! (No pun intended) That’s an amazing transition outfit! You are so keeping that one!

David: “Thanks, I try.”

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And of course, cow mascot has to listen to her coding as David is aging up. Really? You couldn’t have waited to flirt with the girl until after he got in the taxi?

Cow: “Of course not.”

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Don’t of course not me!

Cow: “Oooowwwiieeee!”

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Lydia, what are you doing?

Lydia: “I’m finding my brother a new girl, since his old one is out of the picture.”

Um, you realize it was the cow mascot. He just needs to unfurious with her.

Lydia: “But I don’t like her.”

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Did you know you can live at the secret society building? Just add a bed and it’s easy. Lydia likes it because the other members make a mess and she gets to clean it up.

Lydia: “This is awesome!”

But she’ll have to go back soon…

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Lydia: “Thanks for being my placeholder!”

Bowl: “No problem. Person person plus!”

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Lydia: “See, just as planned.”

Conniving little…

Slave: “Lydia’s graduating already.”

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I’m so lazy, you’ll most likely stay in that outfit. You should feel lucky if I even bother moving you into a house.

Lydia: “Come on…”

No, you’re boring.Anyway, this concludes the University Chapter. Happy Simming!