dss02,10 24 del 06 de 1961.docx

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  • 7/27/2019 dss02,10 24 del 06 de 1961.docx


    Discursos Sathya Sai,Estudio grupal sobre el Gt. (Bhagavdgt)

    24 de junio de 1961, Naintl.


    10. La disciplina Ideal10. The ideal disciple

    Svm-Vidynanda, en el Discurso en Hindi que ley hace un momento, me dio labienvenida a este Naintl (ciudad cercana a los Himlayas), describiendo sus bellospaisajes y alabando a su buen clima. Bien, se Me dice esto por ser un afuerino, que debe serformalmente invitado y bienvenido. Estoy en su satsaga (reunin de estudio), porqueadonde se estudie el Gt (canto del seor), Yo estoy, y estar presente. No me interesa la

    belleza externa de la naturaleza, sino que la belleza de "carcter y conducta" que ustedesestn tratando de adquirir por el estudio constante del Gt. Llegu al satsaga del Gtpara verlos a todos ustedes, porque Yo bendigo todos los esfuerzos realizados por elhombre para elevarse mediante el estudio y la prctica espiritual. "madbhaktyatragyanti, tatra tihmi nrada" es la declaracin --- "Dondequiera que Mis bhaktas(devotos) Me canten, all Me Instalar. "Porqu, el Seor est siempre ah y en cualquierparte le cantes o no. El canto slo hace, que l se manifieste, como el receptor radial quecapta la sintona del ter cuando se conecta a la longitud de onda correcta. La corrientesiempre fluye; cuando fijas la bombilla, obtendrs la luz.

    SWAAMI Vidyaanandha, in the Hindi Address which he read just now, welcomed Me to this Naini Tal, describing its beautiful sceneryand praising its climate. Well, that is taking Me to be an outsider, who has to be formally invited and welcomed. I am in your Sathsang,for wherever the Geetha is studied, I am, and will be present. I do not care for the external beauty of nature as much as the beauty of'character and of conduct' which you are seeking to acquire by the constant study of the Geetha. I came to the Geetha Sathsangto see allof you, because I bless all efforts by man to raise himself by study andsaadhana. "Madhbhakthaah yathra gaayanthe, thathra thishtaami

    Naaradha" is the declaration--- " Wherever My Bhakthas sing of Me, there I install Myself." Why, the Lord is always there andeverywhere whether you sing of Him or not. The singing only makes, Him manifest, like the radio receiver which catches the tune fromthe-ether when it is switched to the correct wavelength. The current is flowing ever; when you fix the bulb, you will get the light.

    La rendicin espiritual produce la respuesta de DiosSpiritual surrender will get God's response

    El Bhagavad-Gt es un libro de texto para toda la humanidad, que entrega lossecretos de la ciencia espiritual en trminos claros y sencillos. Pero ser til slo cuando ellector tenga tanto desapego comoArjuna cuandoKa comenz el discurso. Si tienes tantovida (abatimiento) comoArjuna tuvo, tendrs el adhikra (merecimiento) para obtener laEnseanza, que quita el dolor. Slo un paciente aquejado con una dolencia merece elremedio que la cura. Qu inters tienen los dems con esto? Qu provecho puedensacarle? El Gt acta sobre el sistema mental slo cuando los sntomas de vida (pesar)son fuertes.

    TheBhagavadgeetha is a text book for all mankind, giving the secrets of spiritual science in clear and simple terms. But it will be usefulonly when the reader has as much detachment as Arjuna had when Krishna started the discourse. If you have as much vishaadha (despair)as Arjuna had, you have the adhikaara (competence) to get the Teaching which removed the grief. Only a patient ailing from a disease is

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    entitled to the specific which will cure it. What business have others with it? What profit can they draw from it? The Geetha will act onthe mental system only when the symptoms ofvishaadha (grief) are strong.

    Arjuna, el mejor arquero de esos das, ansioso, desde hace aos por destruir a los

    malvadosKaurava-s que lo haban enfurecido con su sistemtica e implacable venganza, derepente siente desinters con todo lo que pensaba era de importancia hasta ese momento!"De qu sirve la victoria en el campo de batalla?" pregunt este hroe de mil encuentros!"Tampoco veo nada bueno en matar a los parientes en batalla", dice el guerrero que habaprometido acabar con el clan Kuru! "No quiero matarlos, aunque es posible que ellosdeseen matarme; Bajar mis brazos; morir sin resistencia", se lamenta este distinguidokatriya (gerrero); "Preferira mendigar de puerta en puerta y vivir de la limosna", dice estedescendiente de una lnea imperial. En resumen, su mente haba madurado para lailuminacin. l tiene al Seor mismo comoguru a su lado y l lo sabe. Le pregunta: "Estoyluchando en la ignorancia, estoy confundido; no s qu es dharma y que es adharma.Busca la calidad-discipular y se entrega a si-mismo a los pies de Ka en auto-rendicin!

    Arjuna, the greatest bowman of those days, anxious. since years to destroy the wicked Kauravas who had angered him bymerciless and systematic vendetta, suddenly gets disinterested in everything that he thought precious until that moment! "Of what avail isvictory in the field of battle?" asks this hero of a thousand encounters! "Nor do I see any good from killing kinsmen in battle," says thewarrior who had vowed to wipe out the Kuru clan! "I do not wish to kill them, though they may wish to kill me; I shall lay down myarms; I shall die unresisting" wails this foremostKshathriya (warrior); "I would rather beg from door to door and live on alms," says thisscion of an imperial line. In short, his mind had become ripe for the illumination. He has the Lord Himself as Guruby his side and heknows it. He asks Him: "I am struggling in ignorance; I am confused; I do not know which is dharma and which is adharma .' He seeksdisciple-hood and lays himself at the Feet of Krishna in self-surrender!

    Cualquier persona en cualquier lugar que llega a esa etapa de la entrega espiritualrecibir la respuesta de Ka, y l le ensear el Gt desde el carro (de batalla) que esconducido por l, que es su propio corazn.

    Anyone anywhere who reaches that stage of spiritual surrender will get the response from Krishna and He will teach the Geetha from thechariot which is driven by Him, that is his own heart.

    Terminen con el engao y obtengan el reconocimiento del YoEnd delusion and gain recognition of the Self

    El propsito del Gita es quitar el moha (engao/ilusin), que abrum a Arjuna ehizo que sintiera que l era el hacedor, mientras que la verdad es, que l era slo uninstrumento. Entonces Ka le pregunta al final del discurso, "Tienes la ilusin que nacede ajna (ignorancia) totalmente destruida en ti?" Porque, al igual que un buen maestro,Ka estaba evidentemente muy resuelto a recurrir a cualquier otro medio o a prolongar eldiscurso un poco ms, a fin de que el alumno comprenda la enseanza. Pero Arjuna es un

    buen estudiante; l declara, "destruida est la ilusin (nao moha). He logrado elreconocimiento." Ahora, Cul es el reconocimiento que l ha logrado? El reconocimientodel Yo o tma. l se ha visto a s mismo bsicamente como tma, y haba visto al mundo ytodos los objetos como superpuestos al tma, debido a la ignorancia o my.

    The purpose of the Geetha is to remove the moha (delusion) which overwhelmed Arjuna and made him feel that he was the doer, whereasthe truth is, he was but an instrument. So Krishna asks him at the very end of the discourse, "Has the delusion born out of ajnaana(ignorance) been fully destroyed in you?" For, like a good teacher, Krishna is evidently quite willing to resort to some other means or todiscourse a little longer, in order to make the pupil understand the teaching. But Arjuna is a good student; he declares, "Destroyed is thedelusion (Nashto Mohah). I have gained recognition." Now what is the recognition he has gained? The recognition of the Self orAathma.

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    He has seen himself as basicallyAathma, and he has seen the world and all objects as superimpositions on theAathma, due to ignoranceorMaaya.

    Un emperador, mientras duerme, suea que es un mendigo, que se viste con ropasde harapos y grita lastimosamente ante las puertas de la gente por un bocado de comida;

    nadie escucha su clamor; ya no puede contener su dolor. Llora en voz alta y despierta a sumadre. Ella viene y lo despierta de ese sueo. Ahora, la madre no necesita decirle,"Escchame, t eres el emperador. T no eres un mendigo." l sabe esto en cuanto sedespierta. El reconocimiento del Yo ocurre tan pronto como la ilusin se va, la ilusin deque este mundo de sueos es real!

    An emperor, while sleeping, dreams that he is a beggar; he wears tattered clothes and cries piteously before other people's doors for amorsel of food; no one listens to his clamour; he can no longer contain his sorrow. He weeps aloud and wakes up his mother. She comesand wakes him up from that dream. Now, the mother need not tell him, "Listen to me, you are the emperor. You are not a beggar." Heknows it as soon as he awakes. The recognition of the Self happens as soon as the delusion goes, the delusion that this dream-world isreal!

    Un prncipe que cae en las manos de una tribu del bosque, mientras es un nio

    todava y se comporta como uno de ellos, no pierde por eso su calidad de prncipe.Resctenlo y sabr que es un prncipe. As tambin, Arjuna dijo, "smtir labdh" - "Herecuperado mi memoria, he ganado el reconocimiento." Me conozco a m mismo, Yo soyT"!

    A prince who falls into the hands of a forest tribe while yet a child, and behaves like one of them, does not thereby lose his prince-hood.Rescue him and he knows he is a prince. So too, Arjuna says, "Smrithir labdhvaa'"-"Igot back my memory, I have gained recognition.' Iknow Myself; I am Thyself !"

    El Gita es el mayor armonizador de todos los yogasGeetha is the greatest harmoniser of all yogas

    El estudio del Gt debe terminar en este resultado, su satsaga debe tener estaconsumacin como su meta. No estn obnubilados con la habilidad mostrada por algunospait (profesores) que pueden recitar el Gt en un tiempo rcord, o pueden escribir latotalidad del mismo en una tarjeta postal, o pueden repetirlo al revs o desgranarcomentarios. Un hombre caminaba por la playa juega con las olas, y se da un chapuzn enel agua, esto moja sus pies! No, no hay ningn milagro en esto. Esto es lo que sucede amuchos eruditos que vadean en el mar del Gita. En el Durbr-Hall (saln Real), cuando elmahr (gran rey) llega a sentarse en el trono, los correos anuncian sus poli-silbicosttulos --- pero en la conversacin diaria se utiliza su nombre corto; su majestuosidad no esms que un pequeo rango. Del mismo modo, el pandit puede tener gran pompa hacia losdems pero ante s, en el secreto de su propia conciencia, es un pequeo hombre realmente.

    La grandeza depende del sdhan (disciplina espiritual) y el xito alcanzado en este, en lasanuhn (prcticas de austeridades religiosas) y en nih (firme adhesin a l).

    The study of the Geetha must end in this result; yourSathsangmust have this consummation as your goal. Do not be enamoured of theskill exhibited by somePandith who can recite the Geetha in record time, or write the whole of it on a post card, or repeat it upside downor reel off commentaries. A man walked on the beach played with the waves, and had a dip in the water; his feet are wet! No, there is nomiracle in this. This is what happens to many a scholar who wades in the sea of the Geetha. In the Durbar Hall, when the Mahaarana isarriving to seat himself on the throne, the couriers call out his polysyllabic titles---but in daily conversation his short name is used; his

    principality is but a tiny state. Similarly, the Pandith may have great pomp before others but to himself, in the secrecy of his ownconscience, he is a small man indeed. Greatness depends upon the saadhana (spiritual discipline) and the success achieved in it, inanushthaana (practice of religious austerities) and in nishtha (firm adherence to it).

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    "Despierta, levntate y no pares hasta alcanzar la Meta", es lo que se dice ---"uttihata jgrata prpyavarn nibodhata" () Pero uno nonecesita marchar hacia la meta. Esta no es un lugar donde tienes que ir. Esta es solo la

    apertura de los ojos, la eliminacin del velo, el despertar del sueo, la iluminacin deljna-dp (luz de la sabidura espiritual). Para obtener este fruto del Gt-paryn(discurso sobre el Gita), es esencial el ekgrat (concentracin en un punto). Ka lepregunta a Arjuna, "Has escuchado esto con una mente atenta? Has escuchado esto sindistraccin?" El campo de batalla donde se encontraban, tena un montn de distraccionespara perturbar la concentracin de la mente de Arjuna de la leccin invaluable que estabarecibiendo de Ka. Es realmente admirable que Arjuna sentado en la cuadriga entre losdos ejrcitos se las arreglara para dominar su mente y librarla de todas las pasiones con lasque se llena cuando se monta en batalla! En verdad, l es un discpulo ideal. Deberan darlelas gracias por propiciar elBhagavdgt a la humanidad.

    "Awake, arise and stop not till the goal is reached," it issaid---"Uththishtatha, Jaagratha,Praapyavaraan nibodhatha."But one need notmarch towards the goal. It is not some place where you have to go. It is just the opening of the eye, the removal of the veil, the wakingfrom the dream, the lighting of the jnaana dheepa (light of spiritual wisdom). To get this fruit of Geetha-paaraayana (discourse onGeetha), ekaagratha (one pointed concentration) is essential. Krishna asks Arjuna, "Has this been heard by you with an attentive mind?Have you heard it without distraction?" For, the battlefield where they were, had plenty of distractions to disturb the concentration ofArjuna's mind from the invaluable lesson he was receiving from Krishna. It is really admirable that Arjuna seated in the chariot betweenthe two armies manages to master his mind and rid it of all the passions with which it was filled when he rode in for the fray! Truly, he isan ideal disciple. You should thank him for eliciting theBhagavadgeetha for humanity.

    Hay personas que sostienen que el Gt ensea este yoga ms que este otro; estomuestra slo su naturaleza partidista. Una vez que comienzan a practicar el Gt, tales ideascomo tratar de exhibir tu superior erudicin, proponiendo una teora o significado nuevos sedesvanecer. El Gt es el mayor armonizador de todos los yogas. En forma prctica, unavez que el Gt se convierta en la estrella gua de tu vida, tu modo de actuar ser karma-

    yoga, lo que sientas ser bhakti-yoga, la forma en que razones ser jna-yoga. Esto serautomticamente as. Lo que hagas debe estar en lnea con el dharma, lo que sientas debefomentarprema, lo que pienses debe revelarsatyam (verdad). Entonces este satsaga serbendecido con nti (paz), incluso conpra-nti (suprema paz).

    Gita Sathsang: Nainital, 24-6-1961

    There are people who argue that the Geetha teaches thisyoga more than any other; that shows only their partisan nature. Once you beginto practise the Geetha, such ideas as trying to exhibit your superior scholarship, by propounding a new theory or meaning will vanish.The Geetha is the greatest harmoniser of allyogas. As a matter of fact, once the Geetha is made the guiding star of your life, the way youact will beKarma Yoga, the way you feel will beBhakthi Yoga, the way you reason will beJnaana Yoga. It will become automaticallyso. What you do must be in line with dharma; what you feel must fosterprema; what you think must reveal Sathyam. Then this Sathsangwillbe blessed with Shaanthi, with evenPrashaanthi.Geetha Sathsang: Nainital, 24-6-1961

    El xito viene cuando Tu esfuerzo y Su gracia se

    comp1ementan entre s. Cmo puede entrar la graciacuando no la buscas? Abran la puerta del esfuerzo; el

    Misericordioso Seor llegar entonces, con la corona del

    xito.Satya SBb

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    Success comes when your effort and His Grace both comp1ement each other. How can

    Grace enter when you do not seek it? Open the door of endeavour; the Merciful Lord

    will then come in, with the Crown of Success.

    Sathya Sai Baaba