Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 (ชิงแชมป์ประเทศไทย...

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Transcript of Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 (ชิงแชมป์ประเทศไทย...

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)



    PURPOSE: o @nfirm that the horse's musles are suDpleand and that it movs freelyforuard in a clearand st@dy hlthm, acepting mntact wi$rsitting or rising,unless tated.Haltsmay be hrcugh hewalkINSTRUCTIONS:o be iddenn anordinarv naffie.

    bit. All trot work mavberidden

    No "

    Are n a 6 0 mx 2 0 mAverageTime:5 inutesMaximum oints 250


    of tum at C,qualityroundness fcircle

    horse o lowerand stretchheadand neckwhilst

    TEFPreliminaryestHnnteo n z4-ul-

    : ' L

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)


    arena at wallf on a long rein at A,

    1. Pacesfreedom nd pgr:larity)

    2. mpulsiondesireo morebruard,elasticity f theengagementf thehindquarters)

    3.Submissionattention ndconfidence; armony,acceptarce of the bddles, lightnessof the

    supplenessf the

    andease f

    posiuon and sqaq conectness and effect ofthe

    Position: _ DEte:

    I EF Frelmtnary | e$ zPdntedon 2407-1

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)


    ffi D EQUESTRIAN EDERATIONPRELIMINARY EST4and that it moves reelyAll trot work may be ridden

    PURPOSE:o confirm hat the horse'smuscles re suppklandfomard n a clear ndsteadyhythm, cceptingontdct ith hesitting r rising, nlesstated. altsmaybe hroughhewalk'INSTRUCTIoNS:o be iddenn anordinarynaffle.

    Arena 0 x 60 mTime: minutesTotalpoinG: 20

    qualityof halt and

    of turn at C,quality f

    TEF-Preliminary est4 Printedon 24-07

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)


    right20m isingrotthe horse o stretchanddownwardthe reins

    (desireo move onvard, lasticity f theengagementf the hindquarters)

    (attentionndconfidencg armony,acceptance f the bridle, ightnessof the(positionndseal correctnessndeffectof

    No . -

    Leave renaat A in walk on a long rein

    MinusTotal ErrorsFinalMark



    Position: Date:

    TEF-Preliminaryest4 Printedon 24-07-

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)


    ,ffi rrY&.e..*rn,.OfPurDose:o confirmhat he horse'smuscles resupple ndand hat t movesreely orwardn a clearandsteady hythm,acceptingontactwith he bit.All rotworkmaybe ridden ittingor rising,unless btal.Haltsmaybe hrough he walk.INSTRUCflONS:o be riddenn an ordinary naffle.

    No. Horse

    ID EQUESTRIANEDERATIONANDDRESSAGEHAMPIONSHIPPRELIMINARY EST A r e n a 6 0 m x 2 0 mAverageime:5Y2minutesMaximumoints260


    '; .E9 :E i E Eo cd oG REMARKS

    1 Axc

    Entern workingrotHalt,mmobility,aluteTurn ight


    the rot.Straightness.thehalt, mmobility.turn at C



    Circleight15meters iameterWorkingrot


    trot, regularity ndriform endalong ineon 10

    3 BKKAP

    Changehe ein n workingro tWorkingrot

    )ualitympo.rewpoI trot, regularity ndtraightnessndiagonal,lioning t K.


    4 P


    :ircle eft 15 meters iameter lualityempo.:ircle.trot, regularity ndriformbendalong ineon


    5 BetwenB & RRS

    Medium alkHalfcircleeft 20metersdiametero S

    Fluencytransiticrelaxatilrnd hroughnessfr. Regularity,urpose,n and reedom.


    6 SP Jhangeein n reewalk n ong'etn

    Regulary, relaxation,urpose,g forwards nddown,over, upplenessfdV

    10 2Jrouno^/hole

    BetweenP & Fiustbefore AMediumal kWorkingrot

    Regulaland rethrougly, purpose,elaxationlom.Fluencyndress f transition.


    8 AAK E

    Circleight20meters iameternworkingrot.Transition0 canterwhen rossingentreine.Working anter


    'trot, regularity ndliform bendalong ineofnd hroughnessf. Quality f canter,'anorempo.


    9 E :ircle ight20 meters iametern^/orkinganter ndbetween:entreineandEworkinqrot)uality:empo.rf circl:hroug

    )f canter,egularity ndJniformend longineFluenry ndress f ransition.


    10 EM :hangeein n workingro t Qualityrempo.newpcf trot, regularity nditraightnessndiagonal,itioningt M.


    1 1 c

    CH E

    :ircle eft 20 meters iameter,nd ransitiono canter hen:rossinghecentreine.,Vorkinganter

    Qualityrempo.of circlof canter, regularityandUniform endalong ine. Fluency ndnessof transition.


    t2 ECircleeft 20meters iameternworking anter ndbetweencentreine ndEworkingro t

    lualit):emporf circ.nroug

    of canter, regularityandUniform endalong iner. Fluency ndnessof transition.10

    13 EF Change ein n working rot )ualit)mpolew Piof trot, regularity ndStraightnessndiagonal,sitioningt F.


    201 -TH.Dressage h.- Preliminary 9-2008Tesl Printed n 22{3-

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)


    Horse Ridert4 KXMM

    Lengthentride n rot risingWorkingrot


    ting f rame nd tride,I of trot,balancendess, ransitions10

    tf , EbeforeE

    Circleeft20 metersndiameterandallowhe horseo stretchforward nddownwardshortenhe reins

    luality'orwarciqht o)arance

    f stretch verback,rnddownwardntoa3ct whllemaintainingIndquality f rot.

    10 2

    16 EKAAG

    WorkingrotDown entreineHalt,mmobility,alute


    F rot, regularityndess, luency ndessof transition.Ind elaxationnhalt.


    Leave the arena in a free walk on a long rein at A 180COTLECTIVEMARKS1. Pacesfreedomnd egularity) 10 2Z. mpulsiondesireo moveorward, lasticity f thestetlacl! engagementf the hindquaders) , supplenessf he 10 23. Submissionattentionnd onfidence;armony,ightn(movements,cceptancef the bridles,iqhtnessf the orr s andease frand). 10 2. Rider'sosition ndseaucorrectnessndeffectofthe 10 2Courserrors:lst Error 2 2ndError-4 I 3rdError=El iminat ion TOTAL MARKS 260 Judge's Marks

    ludge's ignature:

    2012-TH.Dressage h.- Preliminary9-2OOg est

    MinusTotal ErrorsFinal Mark

    Percentage Date:

    Printedon 22-03-12

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)



    of Preliminary,asbalancend hrouqhness.sitting nless tated therwise.PURPOSE:o confirmhat hehorse,n additiono thedevelooedhrustDushinoower) nd chieved(leqreeINSTRUCnONS: o be ridden n an ordinarysnaffl'e, ll

    A r e n a 6 0 m x 2 0 mAverageime:5% minutesMaximumoints 260

    in working ro t

    immobility, alute

    the rot. Straightnessnline,evennessfth ehalt, mmobility.turn at C.

    to thesideof the arenaat X on he eft rein.Bwenx & E


    of canter, egularityndUniformend longineFluency,alance,of ransitionsndof ransition.uality f

    left20 meters iameterTransitionanter/trovcanternleft reinWorkingrotChangehe ein ndshow omemediumrot strides,isingWorkingrot,sitting

    of trot, regularityndGroundover. wing

    the ein nd how ometrot strides,ising of trot, regularityndGroundover. wing

    of trot, regularityndin bothdirections.bendalong ineof halfto the sideof thearenafinishing t X on the right rein

    of canter, egularityndUniformend longineFluency,alance,of ransitionsndof ransition.ualityf

    right20 meters iametercanter^rovcantern

    Changehe einn reewalk nalong ein, llowinghehorseolowerandstretch uthead ndneckwhilstmaintaininoontrol

    , balance nd

    of canter epaft

    2012-TH.Dressageh. -Novi@ 35)Test Printedon

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)


    left 20 metersndiameterandshow omemedium anterstridesWorking anter

    bendalong ineof circle.

    Changehe ein nworkingWorkingrotWorkinganter ight

    right20 metersndiameterand how omemediumanterWorkingcanterWorking rotCircle ight20 meters, ising ndallow he horseo stretch.the reinsust before eturningoB,sitting rotHalf ircle ioht 10metersn

    Leave the arena in a free walk on a long rein at A


    MinusTotal ErrorsFinal Mark


    2012-TH.Dressage h.- Novi@ 35)Test Pnnledon2243-

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)


    ,#ffi0112PURPOSE:o confirm hat he horse,having emonstratedhatthe hrust pushing ower) equiredn Novice, owshovrshattraining t accepbmoreweighton the hindquarterscoll3ction),tendencyequired t the medium aces nd s reliably n he biof straightness,ending, uppleness,hroughness,alance ndreouiredhat at Novice.INSTRUCflONS: o be ridden n an ordinarvsnaffle.


    hasachievedroughadditionalhowshe uphillA greater egree3lf-carriages

    A r e n a 6 0 m x 2 0 mAverageTime:6inutesMaximumoints340


    - ; EgE * to o6 ' 6 REMARKSI A


    Enter n workingrotHalt, mmobility,aluteProceedn workingrotTurn ight

    luality anrfher alt.

    straightnessf trot.

    intoandoutof halt.10


    ,Vorkingrot-lalfcircle ight20metersliameter'lalfcircle ight10 metersliameter

    Qualityofbenrd n hr ot, balance ndf circle 10

    5 x -eg yield right to K Qualityofpositionin!ot. Correctness fFluency. 10

    4 PH

    HC M

    :hangeein n mediumrot,'isingn/orkingrot, sitting

    Qualityfternpo.Gr(Lengthenirand hrouc

    ot, regularityndrnocover.Iofframe. luencyness f transitions.10

    5 R


    furn right



    I ne natt.

    rtohalt 10


    Rein ack2-5stepsProceedn workingrotfurn left

    Stridestriand learl)carriage.throughnel

    ght, n diagonalslefined. Selfrencyand10


    Halfcircle eft 20 metersHalfcircle eft 10meters

    Qualityfbend n hi ot ,balancendI circle 10

    8 x Legyield eft o F Quality f I)ositioningot.CorrectnessfFluenry. 10

    9 FMMc

    Changeein n mediumrot,risingWorkingrot, sittingMedium alk

    Quality f rtenpo.Groundo,frarne.Fluencyntransition.

    ot.Regularitynd)r .Lengtheningfthroughnessfegularity,urpose,

    rd freedom


    10 HIB Changehe rein n free walkon a long ein,allowing hehorse o lower and stretch oulheadand neckwhilstm:iniaininn annfrnl

    leg ularity,brwardsa:over ano)ody

    )urpose,stretchingCdown,groundrppleness f whole10 2

    1 1 BL K :hangeein n medium alk legularity,lnd reedo)urpose,elaxation10

    t2 A ,Vorking anter eft Fluenryntransition.throughnessf 10

    TEF-2012-THAIANDCHAMP.Etementarv est45-20l0 Printed n 22 O3-12

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)


  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)


    ,*fT}:,"Ht'S]$ rHA:t'k*rrrF2012'THA

    PURPOSE:o confirmhat hehorse, aving emonstratedhat tdevelophe uphillbalanceequiredn Elementary,owdernonstriincreasedngagementneachmovementespeciallyn mr:diumextended acesand n the transitions o/fromcollectedmovemensuppleness,ccepfdncef thebit, hroughness,alance,rnpulsiostraightnessndcollection.heremustbe a clear istinction ithINSTRUSnONS:o be ridden n an ordinary naffle r double rilAll rot sitting, nless tated therwise.

    No. Horse


    d- rhythm,

    the paces.

    A r e n a 6 0 m x 2 0 mAveragelme : 6.30minutesMaximumoints370

    RiderTEST DIRI :TIVE IDEAS n t ggs } i . g6 o p REMARKS

    1 Axc

    Enter n collected rotHalt, mmobility,SaluteProceed ollected rotI urn teTT

    Quality ndThehaltTransitions

    traightnessf trotto andout of halt


    HXFF :hange

    ein n medium rot:ollected rot Querlityf tlregularitylenqtheninqTrar']sition.

    t. Theextensionncthe steps.The)f the cme. 10

    KE Shoulder-inight luerlity f tl t. Balance.Thesitioning on three 10:racks.I E :ircle ight10meters iameter ?uerlityf tl t. Balance.Bend L0

    5 Ec Half-passighto GTurn ightrosiltronmg,'egularitya:rot.

    elt-carnaggI fluency. Quality of10

    o MX KK

    :hangeein n mediumro t:ollectedrot

    the extensi:he teps,'rame.r and egularity fe lengtheningf the


    7 F B ;houlder-in eft luarlity f tl:olkrction.:racKs.t. Balance.Thesitioning on three 10

    I B lircle eft 10meters iameter luarlity f tl Balanceand bend. 10

    9 Bc Half-passeft to GTurn eftJosruonrng,egularity:rot.

    etI-caffEge,, fluency.Quality f 10

    10 H IB ixtendedwalk {egurar|ty,engtheningrrpose,elaxation,rf rame ndstrides, 10 2

    1 1 BPBetweenL & V

    CollectedwalkTurn rightHalfpirouette ight

    fhe regularralf pirouet , activity and si ze o


    t2 BetvveenL & P Halfpirouette eft The egularhalfpirouet , activity and sizeo10

    IJ The collected walk fhe regularrnd cariagl /,activity, relaxation 10 2

    14 Lv

    lollected canter eftfurn left

    fluency n(lransitionQuality f r



    IEF-DRESSAGE CHAMP. Medium (73) . !s Page 1 Pnnled on 22-0112

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)



    15 A Circleeft 10meters iameter Quality f nter.Balance.nd10

    16 F lalf-passeft o X.Continuelowncentreine)ositioning,gularity;traightnes

    elf-carriage,j fluency.on centre line.


    17 cHIB

    furn left:hange einwith lyingchangelf leg over I

    quartyor (Fluencynrtransitions.of walk.nrcrthroughnessfngagement. larity

    10 2

    18 BFKKHH

    :ollectedcantervledium anterlollectedcanter

    ftuency,mncadencen ighness nd maintainsInsitions.I and egulari ty f thelengthening f frame.


    I Q c lircle ight10meters iameter lualityof (lend. nter,balance nd 10

    20 M lalf-pass right to X. Continuelown centre ine 'egularity;traightne!telf-caffrage/d fluency.on centre line.


    AKL B

    Turn rightchanoe einwith lvinochanqe

    Quality f (Fluencyn


    10 2

    of leg over L of ,walk.22 BC H


    Collectedanterf4edium anterCollectedanter

    lu,3ncy,mraclencen-heextensiBhnessandmaintainsrnsitions,I and egularity f thelengthening f frame.


    z5 AD

    )own centre ine:ollected rot

    )ualityof )t, Fluency,andmaintainsransition.on centre ine.

    10:adence n

    24 L vlediumrot the qualitl-'x:enson;trps.Len,

    of the trot. The1d egularity f thelhening f frame.10

    25 G lalt, Immobility, alute Tnrnsition.traightness.Halt. 10

    Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A.:OLLECTIVEMARKS. Pacesfreedomnd egularity) 10 2

    l. Impulsiondesireo move orward. lasticityf thesteps)acl!engagementf hehind uarters) supplenessf he 10 2i. Submissionattention nd confidence; armony,ightnernovements, cceptance f the bridles, ightness f t'le fore

    and easeoflnd) 10 2

    1. Rider'sDosition nd seau correctness nd effect of the ai 10 2

    Cours Errors:lst Error - 2 znd Error 4 ]rd Error= Elimination TOTAL MARKS 370 Judge'sMarks


    TEF-DRESSAGE CHAlvlP. Medium (73).xls

    Minus Total ErrorsFinal Mark


    Page 2

    Position: Date:


  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)



    Competitor No : Name :Time5'50" for nformationnly)

    D a t e : - J u d g e :NF - Horse


    Minimumage of horse : 7

    Enter in collectedcanter- immobilitysalute

    Regularity, lasticity,. .balance, ngagement r

    Both ransitions.

    collection, nd balance.Bend;sizeand shaPeofvolte.

    Lengthening f frame.Differentiation rom medium

    Regularity nd qualityoftrou bendand constant

    Regularity nd qualitYoftrot, collection, nd balance'isht 8 m @)

    trot, uniformbend,collection, alance, luencY,crossing f legs.

    lCollectedalkllTrack o the eftl[Turn eft]Halfpirouetteo the eft

    D-PSG09-2009page 1

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)


    bendof half Pirouette.Forward endencY,pirouette to the right

    collectedwalk C-H-G-(M)-G-

    Regularity, uPPlenessfback, activitY,overtracK,

    in collectedcanter left

    Oualiwof canter.C]ollection,alance, niformof flyingchange.

    Half-pass o the left

    Collection, elf-carriage,balance, ize, lexion,andCorrectnumber of(3-4).of canterbefore nd

    Proceed owards X in collectedcanterpirouette to the left

    Qualityand collection fcountercanter.Correctness,

    balance,ize, lexion, ndbend.Correctumber fstrides3-4).Quality f canterbefore nd

    ProceedowardsX in collectedcanrcrHalfpirouetteo theright

    CountercanterFlyingchangeof leg

    on the diagonal5 flying changesof leg every 4b strideCollected anter

    On the diagonal5 flying changesof leg every 3'dstrideCollected anter



  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)


    of canter, mPUlsion,

    Collectedcanter and flYingchangeof legCollectedcanter

    Qualityof pace,halt/ andtransition.Straightness.Contactand poll'immobility salute

    Leavearenaat A in walk on a long

    PRIX ST-GEORGESC o m p e t i t o r N o : - N a m e

    Collective mark1. Paces freedom and regularity)

    Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticityth e steps,suppleness f the backandengagement fthe hind quarters)Submission attentionand confidence;harmony, ightness nd easeof th emovements;acceptance fthe bridlean dlightness f the forehand)Ride/s Dosition nd seau correctness ndeffect of the aids


    To be deducted / Penalty PointsErrorsof course Ar t 430.6'1) are penalised1s t error=2Points2 n d e r ro r=4 p o in t s3rd error = EliminationTwo (2) points to be deducted per other error.Pfease ee ArL430.6.2


    Organisers(exactaddress) Signaturef udge

    Copyright 2009Update8.01.2011F6d6rationEquestre nternatReproductiontrictlveserved'EID-PSG09-2009

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)

    16/26FM-Novice01 2 Pr;nted n 22-03-12


    MUTips or Freestyleudges nd


    Time: Themaximum is 4.30Minutes,he minimumime imit s 4.00minutesmoves fter he entrysalute ndceases t thefinalsalute.Nobells re sounded t the endof the imit.MovementsTiming ommenceshen heThe ridermusthaltat bothsaluexecuted fter he time imitare scored. here sa 2 pointdeductionrom he otalaftisticlimit.The ridermustenter hearenaor signal he soundresentationor beingover heengineer ithin60 seconds f entrybellor will be eliminated.he idermustenter hearenawithin20 seconds f theJudges: f two or moreudgesaftistic.

    of he music r willbeeliminated.te a class, l l udgeswill judge oth echnicalnd

    Ties: In the case f a tie, he artistic core halldeterminehe winner.Points: Only ull points re for he artistic nd echnicalcores.Movements above the level penalizedy elimination.

    cease t the inalsalute, hecompetitor il lbeusicafter the halt: Musiceliminatedor exitmusic.Removalof hafi Under enaltyof elimination, rider's at maynot be ntentionallyemovedexceptor the haltat the first f in al a lut e.

    RidernicalScore I

    J troopossible)cores


    Judge's ignature

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)



    20L2 LANDDRESSAGE HAMPIONSHIPCALFREESTYLEOVICE ESTINSTRUCTIONS:To be ridden n an ordinary nal[flerAll trot work mustbe executed;ittinq

    Note:Scoring Refer oRemarks:

    Judge's osition;Arena 0mx 20mAverage ime: 4.00-4.30 min,Maximum oints 200

    Medium alk min,20 m)Freewalk min,20 m)10 m circle n trot to the rioht10 m circlen trot to the elt

    Legyield n trot (left)Legyield n trot (right)

    15 m circle n canter o the right15 m circle n cantero the eft

    of lead hrough rot to

    of lead hrough rot toLengthen tride n canterTheentrance nd haltsat thebeginningnd heendof the

    FM-Novice 20'12

    forJudges FEIFreestyleests

    Printedon 22-03-12

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)



    t4 Rhythm, nergy ndelasticity 10 415 Harmony etweeniderandhore 10 416 Choreography,seof arena/inventiveness 10 4L7 Degree f difficulty, alculated ;ks 10 418 Music nd nterpretation1'mus 10 4


    As in ordinary dressage competition a whip or spurs s allowed.To be deductedTime penalty: more than 4.30 otpresentation less han 4.00

    - deductionof 2 points from the total of aftistic

    ScoreTotal or technical xecutionrivicz

    :d by 100

    Final score o/o

    Total or artistic resentationivi2

    ed by 100DeductionsFinal coreIn case wo competitorsave hewill have he betterplacing. sanre

    Rnal core,he onewith he highermarksor artisticmpression

    Signaturef Judge:

    Printed n 22-03-'lM-Novice

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)



    MUSICAL STYLEELEMENTARYESTTips or Freestyleudgesand fticipants:Time: Themaximum is5 minutes,heminimumime imit s4.30minutesTiming ommenceshen hreThe idermusthaltat both moves fter he entrysalute ndceasest the inalsalute.Nobells resounded t theendof the imit.Movementsexecuted fter he ime imitare scored. here s a 2 pointdeductionrom he otalartisticlimit.The idermustenter hearena r signalhe soundresentationor being ver heengineer ithin60 secondsf entrybellor willbeeliminated.he idermustenter hearenawithin20secondsf theJudges: f twoor moreudrles

    of themusic rwillbeeliminated.a class, ll udges il l udge oth echnicalndaftistic.

    Ties: n the case f a tie, he artistic core hall eterminehewinner.Points:Only ullpoints re for the aftistic nd echnicalcores.Movementsabove he level penalizedyelimination.

    cease t the inalsalute. hecompetitor ill beusicafter the halt: Musi,celiminatedor exitmusic.Removalof hat: Under enalty elimination,rider's at maynotbe ntentionallyemovedexceptor the haltat thefirs;t final alute.


    1J tzoopossible)

    Judge's ignature

    FM-Elementarv01 2 Printed n 22-03-12

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)



    MUSICAL REESTYLELEMENTARYESTINSTRUCTIONS:To beriddenn an ordinarynaffle rAl l rotworkmustbeexecuteditting

    Note:Scoring Refer o GuidelinesRemarks:

    bl ebridle.

    Medium alk min. 0 m)Freewalk(min.20 m)

    Shoulder-inight min.12m)Shoulder-inef t min.12m)

    Simplehangeo therightSimple hangeo the eft

    entrance ndhaltsat lhebeginning nd the end of the

    Judges FEIFreestyleests

    Judge's osition:Arena 0m 20mAverage ime 4.30-5.00Maximumoints200RIDER:

    FM-Element arv 012 Printed n 22-03-1

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)


    Harmonyetweeniderand, useof arena/

    Degreeof difficulty, alculalledMusic nd nterpretationf


    a whip entailsa penaltyof !o/oper udge4.30' deduct 2 points rom the total of a*istic presentation

    To be deductedEntering he areaaround he arenaTime penalty:more than 5' or lless

    Total or technicalxecutionividedTotal or artistic resentationi'vided

    finalscore,heonewith hehighermarksor aftisticmpressionn casewo competitorsave hehave he betterplacing.

    Signaturef Judge:

    FM-Elementary01 2 Printedon 22-03-1

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)


    TH.CHAMP.M F-MEDIUM 2oL2.xlsx 22-03-L2 :04PM


    FREESTYLEEDIUMTESTTips or Freestyleudges ndTime: Themaximumime 5 minutes,he minimumime imit s4.30minutesTiming ommenceshen hehorseThe ridermusthaltat bothsalutes. after he entrysalute

    ndceases t the inalsalute'bells resounded t theendof the imit'Movementsexecuted fter he time imit are notpresentationor beingover hr: ime . Theres a 2 Doint eductionrom he otalartisticThe idermustenter he arena r signalhe sound

    engineer ithin60 seconds f the bellor will be eliminated.he idermustenter hearenawithin 20 seconds f the start the music r will be eliminated.Judges: f two or moreudgesartistic. a class, ll udgeswill udgeboth echnicalndTies: In thecase f a tie, he aftistic core halldeterminehewinner'Points:Only ul lpoints reallowed the artistic nd echnicalcores.Movements above the levetlareMusic after the halt: Musicmusteliminatedor exitmusic.

    by elimination.at the inalsalute. hecompetitor ill be

    Removalof hat: Under enerltyf , a rider's at maynot be ntentionallyemovedexceptor the haltat the irstand salute,

    (200 ossible)Deductions


    Judge's ignature


    rechnicalcoreIAftisticScore J

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)



    MUS;I FREESTYLEEDIUM ESTINSTRUCTIONS:To be ridden n an ordinary naffle rAll rot work must be executed ittint;NO. HO

    Judge's osition:Arena 0mx 20mAverage ime: 4,30-5,00min.Maximumoints 200RIDER:


    walk min. 0m)Halfpirouetten collected allkorightand/or ef tExtended alk min.20 m)

    Shoulder-inight min.12m)Shoulder-inef t(min.12 m)

    Half-passight n collectedrot

    Half-passeft n collectedrot

    -pass ight n collectedanter

    lf-pass eft in collected anter

    Flying hangeo the right

    IH. CHAMP.MF-MEDIUM012.xlsx 22-03-125:04PM

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)


    L4 Flying hangeo the ef t 10 2

    I J Extendedanter 10

    l o Theentrance ndhaltsat thebeginningnd he endof the est 10Total or technicalxecution 200Note:Scoring Refero Guidelinesor Jud es - FEIFreestyleestsRemarks:

    ARTISTTCMARKS ) MARK ,UDGE'SMARK coeffi-cient FINALMARK REMARKSL / Rhythm, nergy ndelasticitY 10 4

    18 Harmonyetweenider ndhorse 10 4

    19 Choreography,seof arena,inventiveness 10 4

    20 Degree f difficulty,alculatedisks 10 4

    2T Music nd nterpretationf music t0 4rOTAL FORARTISTIC PRESENTATION 20 0*) UIEBqINIS MAYBEGIVEN

    To be deductedEntering he area around he arenavTime penalty: more than 5' or less h

    ith a whip entails a penaltyoJ o/o per udgen 4.30' deduct 2 points rom the total of artistic presentation

    ScoreTotal or technicalxecutionivided y 2

    Total or adisticpresentationividedby 2

    10 0100


    Final coreIn case wo comoetitors ave he same i al score. he onewith he hiqhermarksor artisticmpressionill have he




  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)


    FREESTYLEEST Young Riders

    Timeallowed: erformanceo be inished

    D a t e : - J u d g e :NF _ Horse4'30"and 5'00"


    Minimum geof horse 7

    TechnicalmarksCol lected a lk (minimum 20 m)

    Extendedwalk (minimum 20 m)

    Shoulder-in ight (collected rot)(m in imum12 m)Shoulder-in eft (collected rot)(m in imum12 m)Half-pass ight (collected rot)

    Half-pass eft (collected rot)

    Extended rot

    Half-pass ight (collectedcanter)

    Half-pass ef t (collectedcanter)

    Extended anter

    Flying hanges very ourthstrirCe(minimum times onsecutivelY)Flyingchangesevery third stridra(minimum 5 t imes consecut ivel) / )Hal f p i rouet te n canter ight

    Half oirouette n canter left

    The ent rance and halts at th ebeginning nd the end of the test

    Total for te chnical executionTo be deducted / penaltiesTw o (2) points o be deducted per error.Please ee Art 430.6.2

    Total points for technical executiionD-YRF09-2009

  • 8/2/2019 Dressage Test - Thailand Championships 2012 ( 2555)


    FREESWLE TEST YoungCompetitor No : - Name : NF: - - . - Horse:

    rcs - FEIFreestYleestsNote: Scoring - Refer to Guidelines for JuoRemarks:

    Artisticmarks(half points maY be given)a+g =g o9ld
