DPP 2014 China Policy Review: Summary Report

中國事務委員會暨對中政策擴大會議 China Affairs Committee Expanded Meetings on China Policy 2014 對中政策檢討紀要 2014 China Policy Review: Summary Report 2014 1 9 中國事務部 January 9, 2014 DPP China Affairs Department


DPP 2014 China Policy Review: Summary Report

Transcript of DPP 2014 China Policy Review: Summary Report

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China Affairs Committee

Expanded Meetings on China Policy


2014 China Policy Review: Summary Report

2014年 1月 9日


January 9, 2014

DPP China Affairs Department

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在過去 20年間,東亞地區形勢發生權力格局重整,中國崛起對既存區域













經過近卅位諮詢委員的共同商議,在 2013年 5月 9日,召開第一次委員會議,

並提出台灣的中國議程,作為委員會議的討論綱本。至 2013年 11月 14日止,

共召開了四次委員會議。在委員及社會各界建議之下,也在 2013年 7月 4日


領袖及學者專家參與。到 2013年 12月 26日止,共召開了九次對中政策擴大





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次對中政策擴大會議中,共有 629人次出席,57篇引言報告,15篇書面意見,








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壹、 基本立場與核心價值不變






在 1999年通過的〈台灣前途決議文〉主張的立場已趨於一致,顯示經歷多年










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貳、 確保台灣自由民主的兩岸政治定位與交流


21 世紀以來,台灣已經歷了兩次政黨輪替,人民的政治意識更加鞏固,



和國互不隸屬,未來台灣的前途,應由台灣的 2,300萬人自行決定,此乃現階
















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參、 強化優勢、共享利益與平衡發展的經濟戰略












期待根留台灣,現在卻演變成產業空洞化、GDP 與國內生產活動脫節、失業



從 1990年代以來,台灣不具比較利益的部分傳統產業,以及適合做跨國


中國從 2000年起成為台灣最大的出口市場。出口市場過度集中與電子資訊產




外交領域方面被孤立,但 FTA風潮則進一步讓台灣的對外經貿拓展也處於不

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能與重要經貿夥伴簽訂 FTA的情況下,台灣經濟將加速邊緣化,並且日益以















四、台灣應持續檢視兩岸各項經濟協議的內容與成效,尤其是 ECFA







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肆、 自由人權與經濟發展並重的兩岸公民社會交流



人員往來也日趨頻繁。以兩岸旅遊為例,台灣每年到中國旅遊人數已超過 530

萬人,中國人到台灣觀光、從事交流的人數,去年也達 250萬人,因兩岸通婚

在台定居的陸配人數也已超過 30萬人;兩岸貿易金額,則從 1999年〈台灣前

途決議文〉制定時的 71億美元,大幅成長為 2012年的 1,216億美元。
















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伍、 外交、國防與兩岸關係均衡並重的國家安全戰略







海,加強周邊海空域的軍事活動與演訓,2013年 11月更劃設東海防空識別區





台灣位處第一島鏈樞紐,地緣戰略重要性自不待言。2013年 10月,美國










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China Affairs Committee

Expanded Meetings on China Policy

2014 China Policy Review: Summary Report

January 9, 2014

DPP China Affairs Department

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The past 20 years have witnessed a major realignment of the power structure

in East Asia. China’s rise poses a challenge to the existing regional order, as well

as to Taiwan’s defense and diplomacy. At the same time, substantive changes have

also taken place in the relationship across the two sides of the Taiwan Strait,

rendering more convenient travel, closer economic ties, increased frequency of

people-to-people interactions, and deepened exchanges across all sectors, to say

nothing of the multiple agreements signed between the two sides. The scale and

scope of these developments are unprecedented.

The people on the two sides of the Strait fundamentally do not harbor hostile

feelings toward each other, and indeed are connected through shared languages and

culture. Given this, both governments should strive, each from within their

respective systems, to focus on resolving the issues of the most immediate concern

to their people, promoting their rights and well-being, and seeking a sustainable path

for the long-term maintenance of cross-Strait interactions.

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) always assumes the people’s

expectations as its mission, and is destined to shoulder greater responsibility for

Taiwan’s future. “Economic survival is the priority, with democracy as a

cornerstone.” As such, the DPP must take a solemn view of people’s expectations

for the national agenda on cross-Strait stability and economic development, while

upholding the core value that the future development of cross-Strait relations must

be subject to the consent of people of Taiwan. Not only that, but we must also

produce proposals that account for and are responsive to changes in the regional

situation and cross-Strait relations.

In consideration of the above, the DPP established the China Affairs

Committee (CAC) to examine the past and plan for the future. After consulting

with approximately 30 advisors, the CAC convened the first plenary meeting on May

9, 2013, and proposed an agenda on Taiwan’s China policy to serve as discussion

outlines for the subsequent meetings. As of November 14, 2013, the CAC has

convened a total of four plenary meetings. Simultaneously, at the suggestion of

committee members and all sectors of society, the CAC convened its first expanded

meeting on July 4, 2013, which was attended by party officials, party opinion leaders,

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civic groups’ leaders, scholars, and experts. As of December 26, 2103, the CAC

has convened a total of 9 expanded meetings.

The expanded meetings, each chaired in turn by a different member of the

CAC, have as a whole engaged in a deep probing of a wide range of issues, including

core values and vision of Taiwan’s China policy, Taiwan’s economic strategy

towards China, how to deal with the “Ninety-Two Consensus,” how to respond to

the “China Factor” in Taiwan, how cross-Strait civil societies can interact, strategies

for China’s democratization, and the implications of current trends in regional

security. A total of nine meetings consisted of 629 participants, 57 introductory

presentations, 15 written statements, and 227 floor statements. This has been the

most comprehensive and thorough discussion of cross-Strait relations in Taiwan’s


This report summarizes the key arguments, written statements, consensus

opinions, and the session chairs’ conclusions from each of the CAC plenary and

expanded meetings. The report begins with a statement of Taiwan’s core values

and visions and continues on to summaries of the political, economic, socio-cultural,

and national security dimensions of the central question, with the goal of providing

a deeper, more comprehensive policy research, analysis, and proposals for Taiwan’s

China agenda.

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I. Fundamental positions and core values remain unchanged.

An examination of the positions and attitudes of the Taiwanese people towards

China policy reveals that their national identity and preferences for independence

versus unification have solidified. Taiwanese identity and preference for

independence have consistently been the mainstream public opinion in recent years.

Recent polls have also shown that the public rejects defining Taiwan and China as

one country.

The current national identity, preferences for independence versus unification,

and attitudes towards Taiwan’s relationship with China among Taiwan’s public have

all fallen in line with the DPP’s “Resolution Regarding Taiwan’s Future” passed in

1999. After years of public scrutiny, our party’s fundamental positions have been

accepted by most of the people of Taiwan.

To safeguard the country’s sovereignty, our view is that we must uphold the

core values of freedom and democracy, and must ensure people’s right to freely

choose their future. With regard to future cross-Strait relations, it is not necessary

to alter our stance that “any change in the independent status quo must be decided

by all the residents of Taiwan by means of plebiscite.”

Although the fundamental positions and core values of the DPP’s “Resolution

Regarding Taiwan’s Future” remain unchanged, our China policy must be adapted

over time to pragmatically address new issues that arise as a result of closer cross-

Strait ties, more bilateral agreements, and deeper economic and social exchanges in

all walks of life. We must convince the public that the DPP is capable of managing

cross-Strait relations so as to respond to the people’s desire to safeguard Taiwan.

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II. Securing Taiwan’s freedom and democracy in cross-Strait

political relations and interaction.


Since the beginning of the 21st century, Taiwan has undergone two transition

of power, and in this time the political consciousness of the people has consolidated.

On the issues relating to national identity in particular, people’s viewpoints have

become harmonized over time, with a stable, clearly evident mainstream public

opinion emerging: we are Taiwanese; Taiwan is a sovereign and independent country,

its official name is the Republic of China, and it is not subject to the jurisdiction of

the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Taiwan’s future should be decided by the

23 million people in Taiwan—this is the point of broadest consensus among

Taiwanese at this stage. However, in contrast with the political changes that have

taken place in Taiwan, China still retains an authoritarian state apparatus, and with

its high-growth economic power, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime has

become more entrenched and gained more strength to threaten and influence Taiwan.

Since both sides mutually opened up exchanges, cross-Strait relations have

developed rapidly. Especially after China became Taiwan's largest trading partner,

exchanges of all types between Taiwan and China have grown closer. But given

that China still maintains its underlying agenda, its political relations with Taiwan

will inevitably be complicated.

The present challenge

Although the current administration is fully aware that the people of Taiwan

manifest an unequivocal mainstream preference regarding the cross-Strait political

status—recognizing that Taiwan is not subject to the jurisdiction of the PRC—it

nevertheless attempts to reverse this situation by consistently declaring that the two

sides of the Strait are “one country, two areas.” For its part, CCP also ignores

public opinion in Taiwan and wishes to lock Taiwan into its one China framework.

However, the world has witnessed the achievements of Taiwan's constitutional

democracy. Cherishing and upholding Taiwan's freedom, democracy and open

way of life have come to be the greatest consensus in Taiwan, and this should also

be the cornerstone for cross-Strait exchanges. Therefore, the most critical

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challenge before us is safeguarding the mainstream consensus regarding the

definition of cross-Strait political relations within Taiwan’s democratic system, in

the face of the CCP’s threats. Other urgent problems that need to be overcome

include how to extricate cross-Strait exchanges from the control of a small minority

to create healthier and more positive interactions, and how to prevent the decoupling

of Taiwan’s China policy from mainstream public opinion, so that it can represent

the best interests of the majority of people in Taiwan.


1. The definition of the political relationship and status between Taiwan and

China must respect the will and democratic decision of all residents in Taiwan.

This cannot be denied by any individual, political party or other countries’ unilateral


2. With the tide of globalization, cross-Strait interaction is an inevitable trend.

The DPP should participate proactively and with confidence in cross-Strait

exchanges, including dialogues between think tanks and inter-city exchanges.

3. Cross-Strait exchanges must not undermine Taiwan’s sovereignty and security,

and must preserve Taiwan's free, democratic, and open way of life. Taiwan should

seek internal consensus to be the basis for cross-Strait dialogue.

4. Cross-Strait negotiations should observe democratic procedures and the

principles of informational transparency. Taiwan should enact regulations on the

oversight of cross-Strait negotiations, to include not only mechanisms for risk

assessment and prevent conflicts of interest, but also provide for a public hearings

process to ensure that any cross-Strait agreement will meet Taiwan’s best interests.

5. The cross-Strait exchanges should encompass more progressive thinking,

particularly in the areas of facilitating the promotion by both sides of freedom and

democracy, human rights protection, ecological protection, and civil society, etc., as

well as outlining concrete plans for implementation.

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III. An economic strategy for strengthening Taiwan’s advantages,

shared interests, and balanced development.


Taiwan currently faces three major forces: globalization, regional economic

integration, and the economic rise of China. To preserve the country’s autonomy

and facilitate its balanced economic and industrial development, Taiwan’s economic

strategy towards China must be formulated as part of its overall approach to its

external relations. China’s economy is gradually transforming from a model

dependent on investment and export-led growth, to one that relies on domestic

markets. This shift will deeply affect the nature and content of cross-Strait

economic and trade relations. As bidirectional investment becomes more central

to the evolving cross-Strait trade relationship in the coming years, harmonizing this

dynamic with Taiwan’s industrial policy and properly regulating the intersection

between politics and capital will arise as challenges that Taiwan cannot avoid.

The present challenge

The main reason for Taiwan's poor economic performance in recent years is

the lack of domestic investment and the bottleneck of the export-oriented economic

growth model. The vertical division of labor that governed the early days of cross-

Strait industrial relations has gradually collapsed with China’s economic

development, and the present cross-Strait economic relationship has a far greater

degree of competition than complementarity. Taiwan continued to expect local

companies to keep their headquarters in Taiwan, but what occurred instead was a

hollowing out of industrial development while the GDP became decoupled from

domestic production activities, resulting in high unemployment, stagnant salary

growth, a widening wealth gap, as well as other consequences that follow these

phenomena. China’s national support for certain industries, and for the flat-panel

industry in particular, has severely impacted Taiwanese companies.

Since the 1990s, some of the traditional industries in Taiwan that do not have

comparative advantages, as well as high-tech electronics and information industries

that are in fact suitable for cross-border operations, have all moved to China in

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significant numbers. Investment-led cross-Strait trade since 2000 has turned China

into Taiwan’s largest export market. Excessive concentration of exports in the

electronic information sector occurred simultaneously with the industry’s booming

heyday, highlighting the close correlation between Taiwan’s excessive export

orientation and the imbalance of its domestic industries.

While regionalism and free trade agreements (FTAs) gain increasing

prevalence in the wake of the WTO’s multilateral negotiations stalemate, Taiwan is

excluded from these processes because of China’s deliberate obstruction. Taiwan

used to be isolated in the political and diplomatic realm, but the FTA trend has further

endangered Taiwan’s external economic and trade expansion. Specifically under

the circumstances that Taiwan can only sign an Economic Cooperation Framework

Agreement (ECFA) with China but is not able to reach FTAs with other important

trading partners, this will accelerate the marginalization of its economy and

gradually make China its economic center of gravity.

In recent times, Chinese government has systematically and in coordinated

fashion exerted its influence on every level of the Taiwanese society. Chinese

investment in Taiwan, mainly by state-owned enterprises (SOEs), is often deployed

on the basis of more than purely business calculations. Apart from concerns over

national security, Taiwan must also take precautions to prevent erosion of the

foundation of the society and the norms and ethics of business that it has built up

over many years.


1. Taiwan’s ultimate economic strategy should aim to realize its institutional

advantages, expand employment opportunity, and promote innovation. Only

through maintaining its technological edge and leadership can Taiwan secure its

autonomy and preserve its privileged position in the cross-Strait economic

integration process.

2. In response to China’s economic transformation and the rapid growth of its

domestic market, Taiwan should vigorously develop its own national brands and

consumer products so as to raise the added value of its labor and products, as well

as the diversification of its industrial structure, and the ability to adapt to the

fluctuations of China’s business cycles.

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3. The benefits that result from cross-Strait economic and trade exchanges

should be shared by all citizens. The government in particular should play the roles

of “guardian of common values and balancer of different interests.” Through

supporting the disadvantaged of trade liberalization via the social safety net, the

government can expand the buffer zone for Taiwan to cope with the consequences

of liberalization and external shocks.

4. Taiwan should continue examining the content and result of each cross-Strait

economic agreements, especially ECFA and its follow-on agreements such as Cross-

Strait Agreement on Trade in Services, the agreement on trade in goods, and any

agreement on mechanisms for business dispute resolution to be negotiated in the

future. Furthermore, the agreements should conform to the international norms of

reciprocity and transparency, and seek to mitigate the disadvantages that Taiwan’s

enterprises face due to different scales and systems across the Strait. Besides SOEs,

many large private enterprises in China also receive government subsidies and

assistance. Therefore, the cross-Strait agreements should include special

provisions to regulate unfair trade behaviors and the SOEs in order to facilitate fair

competitions. The agreements should also require China to reinforce protection for

Taiwan’s intellectual property rights.

5. ECFA has distanced the cross-Strait trade relationship from the established

multilateral trade system, while moving it more firmly into the orbit of the bilateral

relationship. Building on the basis of existing trade agreements, Taiwan should

proactively seek to enter into FTA negotiations with its major trade partners,

especially the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Regional Cooperation

Economic Partnership (RCEP), in order to maintain a balanced development of

external trade relations.

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IV. The equal importance of freedom and human rights with

economic development in cross-Strait civil society interactions.


Along with emergence of the new global economic order, the trade, social,

and cultural interaction between the two sides of the Strait draws closer by the day,

with people coming and going more and more frequently. Taking cross-Strait

tourism as one example, the number of Taiwanese that travel to China for tourism

already exceeds 5.3 million per year, while the number of Chinese that come to

Taiwan to travel and work reached 2.5 million last year. The number of Chinese

nationals that reside in Taiwan as a result of cross-Strait marriage is already more

than 300,000, while the value of cross-Strait trade has significantly increased from

$7.1 billion USD in 1999 (when the Resolution on Taiwan’s Future was passed) to

$121.6 billion.

On the other hand, since China entered its era of reform, although it has

unquestionably achieved significant accomplishments in the realm of economic

development, a corresponding reform in the political realm has yet to materialize.

An incipient civil society exists beneath the surface, but under the tremendous

pressure exerted by the Chinese communist authorities in the name of maintaining

stability, it faces grave limits on its space for survival. One resulting extension of

this is that under the systematic, coordinated orchestration by these same Chinese

authorities in the service of a political objective, cross-Strait exchanges are similarly

restricted to realms of politics and economics. In the absence of meaningful

interactions and linkages between the civil societies on the two sides, these

exchanges have the adverse effect of eroding and damaging Taiwan’s free,

democratic, and open way of life.

The present challenge

China’s breakneck economic development has been driven at its core by a

model of crony capitalism, relying on the monopoly of political authority that

distributes economic benefits to a handful of elite cartels. Now this model has been

linked up to the old authoritarian capitalist structure of the Chinese Nationalist Party

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(KMT), such that as cross-Strait economic integration accelerates, we will

increasingly see the emergence of two twin phenomena—the restoration of the

KMT’s power, and growing Chinese crony capitalism—each to be accompanied by

the following symptoms: systemic corruption and rent-seeking behavior, widening

income inequality, increased social stratification, diminished social mobility,

deterioration of labor rights, and environmental damage.

Freedom and human rights are the mainstream values of Taiwanese society,

the most important core values of the DPP, and the source of strength for our capacity

to lead Taiwan. But just when freedom and human rights became the consensus in

Taiwan, Chinese influence has, through China’s economic power, now begun to

permeate Taiwan’s society and gradually reshaped the free and open way of life that

the people of Taiwan have enjoyed, subtly but tangibly restricting the range of

political choice for the Taiwan’s voters—this is the so-called “China Factor.” Hong

Kong’s experience with gradual penetration and absorption serves as the most

definitive evidence of the China factor. If we are to prevent the erosion of Taiwan’s

open and democratic way of life by the China factor and correct the imbalances in

the current mode of cross-Strait dialogue, then safeguarding Taiwan’s freedom and

democracy in the course of interacting with China has become the most urgent

challenge for the present phase of cross-Strait civil society exchanges.


1. To prevent the concentration of cross-Strait economic exchanges in the hands of

the few, Taiwan must work towards building a renewed civil society aimed at

promoting liberty, democracy, and distributive justice. Achieving this end will

require a further deepening of democratic ideals in Taiwan’s politics, as well as

increased exchanges with Chinese civil society in addition to the Chinese

government. In the area of economics, the proactive promotion of the well-being

of ordinary citizens should be the main priority.

2. Taiwan must construct a set of equitable and universal social rights from the

bottom up. Accordingly, one of the questions that the party must address in the

course of Taiwan’s democratic deepening is how to build a more meaningful, deep-

rooted partnership with civil society, to project the realization of liberty, human

rights, and distributive justice from the political realm more fully into all facets of

the society through an effective reform of Taiwan’s social structures. Only then

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can these substantive interactions lead to the creation of a new model of relations

among Taiwan, China, and Hong Kong.

3. Taiwan should closely monitor civil society organizations in China and Hong

Kong, and, on an open and equal basis, actively seek multi-faceted engagement or

dialogue with all types of non-governmental agencies or individuals, with the

purpose of sharing Taiwan’s experiences in democratization, transitional justice,

environmental protection, community empowerment, religious organizations, etc.

Proactive concern for the development of Chinese democracy and human rights and

a joining of forces between civil society in Taiwan, China, and Hong Kong will lead

to a fuller realization of Taiwan’s potential to serve as a beacon for China’s


4. Cross-Strait economic exchanges and the signing of cross-Strait economic

agreements should conform to the standards embodied in the International Covenant

on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic,

Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). The monopoly on cross-Strait relations

currently wielded by the KMT-CCP platform and the cross-Strait state-business

cartel must be broken to safeguard basic human rights, preserve employment

opportunities, uphold labor protections, protect public health and the environment,

and defend the interests of the agricultural and industrial workers and the middle


5. As long as national security interests are not compromised and complementary

measures of regulations are in place, the respective laws and regulations can be

gradually reviewed and amended to construct for the Chinese spouses, Chinese

students, and Chinese visitors an environment conducive to a dignified and fulfilling

life, productive studies, and safe travels, making them ideal candidates to become

the best partners for supporting a democratic Taiwan.

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V. Foreign policy, national defense, cross-Strait relations, and a

balanced national security strategy.


As China’s economic growth continues to sustain a corresponding expansion

of its national power, the global influence that accompanies its diplomatic and

military strength is increasing by the day. In the Asia-Pacific, the disparities in

national power between China and the U.S. are closing, leading to the emergence of

the phenomenon of a Sino-American dual leadership power structure in the region.

The rebalancing policy put forth by the Obama administration seeks to strengthen

the political, security, and economic cooperation among the various Asian countries,

jointly forging a peaceful and stable security environment by lowering tensions in

all the major flashpoints from the Korean peninsula, to the East China Sea, the

Taiwan Strait, and the South China Sea. With its eyes on the Diaoyutais and the

South China Sea, China has augmented its military exercises and activities in its

neighboring seas and airspace. The November, 2013 designation of the East China

Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), which elevated tensions across the

region, signaled that China no longer plans to conceal its burgeoning military

capabilities. At the moment China is actively seeking to build a “new model of

great power relations” with the United States that includes relegating Taiwan within

the scope of China’s core interests, which demands that the U.S. not interfere as well

as terminate arms sales to Taiwan. Regardless of whether the trajectory of China’s

expanding national power is sustainable, the existing trends are certain to have a

profound impact on the security environment in the region and in the Taiwan Strait.

Taiwan’s geostrategic importance is indisputable, given its position in the first

island chain. In October, 2013, the U.S. Department of State expressed its hopes

that Taiwan will assume a regional leadership role on various transnational issues,

demonstrating the potential part that Taiwan could play within the U.S.’s rebalance

to Asia strategy. Thus, strengthening the connections with neighboring

democracies, maintaining the peaceful and positive interaction between the two

sides of the Taiwan Strait, and preserving regional and peace and stability are the

foundations of Taiwan’s national security strategy.

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The present challenge

The most critical flaw in the national security strategy of the current

government is its overreliance on the relationship with the People’s Republic of

China, which leads to a distorted conception of national defense. The Ma

administration prioritizes cross-Strait relations above foreign relations, responding

positively to the “one China framework” dictated by China, neglecting national

defense and diplomacy while the disparity in military capability across the Strait

continues to widen, and allowing China’s Taiwan policy to progress from opposing

independence to promoting unification. The administration’s repeated declaration

that cross-Strait relations are not international relations has removed Taiwan from

the global geostrategic map while thwarting the legitimacy of the assistance from

our allies. The diplomatic truce, the conducting of foreign relations conditioned

upon Chinese goodwill, and seeking international participation via negotiation with

China, have all undermined Taiwan’s sovereignty and the right of Taiwan’s people

to international space, relegating Taiwan’s international participation to a subset of

cross-Strait relations.


1. Taiwan’s national security strategy is founded on identification with the values

of freedom, democracy, and human rights, which views China affairs from a global

and regional perspective. The development of cross-Strait relations should not

diminish Taiwan’s international status; and cross-Strait engagement should be

buttressed by the broader national defense and foreign policy strategy. Taiwan

should forge a relationship of peaceful, stable coexistence and mutual prosperity

with China, in which parties bear the responsibility for maintaining regional peace.

2. Taiwan is a model for new democracies, and should proactively participate in

the activities of international organizations, strengthen relations with diplomatic

allies, and deepen its cooperation with advanced democratic countries. Taiwan’s

foreign relations should revolve around values diplomacy, combining the universal

values of freedom, democracy, and human rights with Taiwan’s accumulated

experiences in the area of good governance. By utilizing national soft power,

multilateral organizations, inter-city exchanges, disaster assistance, and other

diverse and flexible avenues for advancing international standards, Taiwan’s

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sustained existence can become regarded as a positive asset to the global community

and to the Chinese people.

3. Taiwan seeks a peaceful and secure environment and the establishment of

regional conflict avoidance mechanisms to preserve regional stability. We must

strengthen its self-defense capability and resolve, so as to prevent Chinese

miscalculation and deter military adventurism. Taiwan has no intention of

engaging in an armed race with the PRC, but to this day China still continues to

increase its preparations for a military takeover of Taiwan. Under these

circumstances, the national defense budget must be raised, with primacy given to the

buildup of asymmetric capabilities, in order to rebuild confidence in Taiwan’s

defense among our people, our armed forces, and our friends and allies.