Don't be a Late Bloomer- CFU

Madison Riggs Field Of Study: Biology/Pre-Dental Supplemental Instruction Leader: Cell Biology, Organic Chemistry II Email: [email protected] Patricia Pampolina Field Of Study: Health Sciences/Pre-Physical Therapy Supplemental Instruction Leader: Biology And Living, General Biology II Supplemental Instruction Mentor: All Disciplines Email: [email protected] Don’t Be a Late Bloomer: How to be a Pro at Checking for Understanding

Transcript of Don't be a Late Bloomer- CFU

Page 1: Don't be a Late Bloomer- CFU

Madison R iggsF i e l d O f S t u d y : B i o l o g y / P r e - D e n t a l

S u p p l e m e n t a l I n s t r u c t i o n L e a d e r : C e l l B i o l o g y, O r g a n i c C h e m i s t r y I I

E m a i l : m r r n g 9 @ m a i l . u m k c . e d u

Patr i c i a Pampol inaF i e l d O f S t u d y : H e a l t h S c i e n c e s / P r e - P h y s i c a l T h e r a p y

S u p p l e m e n t a l I n s t r u c t i o n L e a d e r : B i o l o g y A n d L i v i n g , G e n e r a l B i o l o g y I I S u p p l e m e n t a l I n s t r u c t i o n M e n t o r : A l l D i s c i p l i n e s

E m a i l : p a p 3 n c @ m a i l . u m k c . e d u

Don’t Be a Late Bloomer: How to be a Pro at

Checking for Understanding

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Review the 3 key elements of SI Preconceived notions about checking for

understanding When checking for understanding should occur Sample plan Mock session Verbal Volleyball Questions

*Look/listen for discussion points*

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Review: The 3 Key Elements of SI

Wait time I and II Redirecting questions Checking for Understanding

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Assumptions: New Leaders & Students

Leaders Winging it Lack of reference to lecture

Students Q & A Higher level questions are not important

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When should you incorporate checking for understanding in a


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Example Plan

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Bloom’s Taxonomy

(Armstrong, 2016)

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Mock Session

Discussion List some examples that the SI leader uses to incorporate checking for understanding in her session.

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Acetylcholine Pathway (Mock Session)

Acetylcholine binds to receptor on GPCR

Galpha is activated by the binding of GTP

Galpha-o binds to Phospholipase C

PIP2 is separated into IP3 and DAG

IP3 binds to a calcium channel on the smooth

ER, releasing calcium Calcium binds to Calmodulin, forming a complex

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Acetylcholine Pathway Continued

Calcium/Calmodulin complex activates NO synthase

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Mock Session

Discussion List some examples that the SI leader uses to incorporate checking for understanding in her session.

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Verbal Volleyball

Discussion How it works: The first participant will begin the discussion by stating an

idea based on the first bullet point. The discussion will continue with each bullet point covered by 3-4 people.

Goal: 12 ideas = 12 participants• How is checking for understanding different in SI

versus the lecture paradigm?• How is checking for understanding helpful for SI

leaders?• Leaders: How can checking for understanding be

incorporated in your course? What are some learning strategies you can use?

• Supervisors/Mentors: How can you ensure leaders are effectively checking for understanding?

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