Đồ án phân tích cú pháp theo PP Earley

download Đồ án phân tích cú pháp theo PP Earley

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Transcript of Đồ án phân tích cú pháp theo PP Earley

  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley




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    ti:Vit chng trnh phn tch c php theo phng php Earley.C m phng thc hin t!ng "#c.

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    T!'( !i)* Trn Quang V Nguyn Triu Ph

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  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley


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  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley


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    ;hn 2uGi Ua hng.

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    gi&i 'hu(' ny.


  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley


    2. Gii thut Earley

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  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley


    ' Thu-t t+n

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  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley


    zo o Ua gi&i 'hu(' )ar*+y h\ *

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    'h 'E 'rong 'r^ng h;

  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley


    E2 C!"F$ 5o +!"F$ +!+ :;

  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley


    ,or&Mypair pair - parents'{

    Node son $ ne% Node&pair.*ey';,or&State sparent - pair.values'{




    public Strin toStrin&'{

    Strin out $ le,t / 01#0;,or&int * $ 2; * " riht.si3e&'; *//'{

    i,&*$$current'out /$ 040;

    out /$ riht.et&*';


    out /$ 040;

    return 0&0/out/0+0/i/0'0;(

    public boolean e5uals&6bject obj' {i,&obj instanceo, State'{

    State s7 $ &State'obj;i,&i 8$ s7.i'

    return ,alse;i,&current 8$ s7.current'

    return ,alse;i,&8le,t.e5uals&s7.le,t''

    return ,alse;i,&riht.si3e&'8$s7.riht.si3e&''

    return ,alse;,or&int * $ 2; * " riht.si3e&'; *//'

    i,&8riht.et&*'.e5uals&s7.riht.et&*'''return ,alse;

    return true;(return ,alse;



    private Sentence %ords;private HashMap"Strin+ArrayList"ArrayList"Strin### rammar;private Strin start;private ArrayList"ArrayList"State## charts;private ArrayList"Node# trees;

    public EarleyParser&Sentence %ords+ 9rammar rammar' {this.%ords $ %ords;

  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley


    this.rammar $ rammar.et9rammar&';this.start $ rammar.etStartProduction&';this.charts $ ne%

    ArrayList"ArrayList"State##&%ords.etSentence&'.si3e&'/:';,or&int i $ 2; i " %ords.etSentence&'.si3e&'/:; i//'{

    this.charts.add&ne% ArrayList"State#&'';(


    public ArrayList"Node# etrees&'{

    return trees;(

    public int run&'{


  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley




    ))?EEState laststate $ ne% State&0?660+:+rihtroot+2';ArrayList"State# array $ charts.et&charts.si3e&'1:';trees $ ne% ArrayList"Node#&';,or&State sroot - array'{


    Node root $ ne% Node&0?660';sroot.parents&root';trees.add&root';


    boolean r $ charts.et&charts.si3e&'1


    return 2;else return 1:;


    private void predictor&State s+ int j' {Strin B $ s.riht.et&s.current';ArrayList"ArrayList"Strin## rules $ rammar.et&B';,or&ArrayList"Strin# rule - rules'{

    System.out.print&0Predictor Action0';State sne% $ ne% State&B+2+rule+j';add

  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley


    ( else i,&B.e5uals&%ords.etSentence&'.et&j'''{

    System.out.print&0Scanner Action0';State sne% $ ne%

    State&s.le,t+s.current/:+s.riht+s.i';State ne%Added $ add

  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley


    ,or&int i $ 2; i " s.parents.si3e&'; i//' ))both states havethe same number o, riht

    {,or&State value - s.parents.et&i'.values'{





    2r&""&r C/&11

    import java.io.Bu,,ered?eader;import java.io.ile;import java.io.ileNotoundE!ception;import java.io.ile?eader;import java.io.

  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley


    HashMap"Strin+ ArrayList"ArrayList"Strin### rammar $ ne%HashMap"Strin+ ArrayList"ArrayList"Strin###&';

    Lin*edHashSet"Strin# productions $ ne% Lin*edHashSet"Strin#&';

    Strin startProduction;

    private int productioninde! $ :;

    public 9rammar&Strin path' thro%s 9rammarErrorE!ception {,ilePath $ path;readile&';semanticAnalysis&';


    public 9rammar&Strin te!t+ boolean test' thro%s9rammarErrorE!ception {



    public 9rammar&' {(

    public void readile&' thro%s 9rammarErrorE!ception {

    ile , $ ne% ile&,ilePath';

    i, &8,.e!ists&''thro% ne% 9rammarErrorE!ception&0ile doesnDt


    try {reader&ne% ile?eader&,'';

    ( catch &ileNotoundE!ception e' {e.printStac*race&';thro% ne% 9rammarErrorE!ception&0ile doesnDt



    public void readStrin&Strin !' thro%s 9rammarErrorE!ception {reader&ne% Strin?eader&!'';


    private void reader&?eader in' thro%s 9rammarErrorE!ception {try &4Suppressarnins&0resource0'

    Bu,,ered?eader br $ ne% Bu,,ered?eader&in'' {Strin line $ br.readLine&';

    int cont $ 2;

    %hile &line 8$ null' {


  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley


    &.F'0'' { ))match ?ule- production --$ body

    Strin head $line.substrin&2+line.inde!6,&0--$0' 1 :';

    Strin body $line.substrin&line.inde!6,&0--$0' / ';

    i,&cont $$ 2'startProduction $ head;

    productions.add&head'; ))add head toproductions list

    i, &rammar.containsOey&head'' {ArrayList"ArrayList"Strin## bodies

    $ rammar.et&head';parseBody&body+ bodies+ cont/:';

    ( else {ArrayList"ArrayList"Strin## bodies

    $ ne% ArrayList"ArrayList"Strin##&';rammar.put&head+ bodies';parseBody&body+ bodies+cont/:';

    ((else {

    Strin abc $ 0Line 0 / &cont / :' /0- @D0/ line / 0@D doesnDt ,ollo%-@n Non1erminal --$ body0;

    thro% ne% 9rammarErrorE!ception&abc';(

    line $ br.readLine&';cont//;


    ( catch &

  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley


    System.out.println&0111# 0 / parentheses';F)

    Pattern ree! $ Pattern.compile&?ESPL

  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley


    )F,or&Strin j- tmp' {i,&j.charAt&2' 8$ D@0D' {


    thro% ne%9rammarErrorE!ception&0

  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley


    matchList.add&ree!Matcher.roup&'.trim&'';(return matchList;


    )FFF 4return the rammarF)public HashMap"Strin+ ArrayList"ArrayList"Strin### et9rammar&'

    {return rammar;


    )FFF 4return the productionsF)public Lin*edHashSet"Strin# etProductions&' {

    return productions;(

    )FFF 4return the startProductionF)public Strin etStartProduction&' {

    return startProduction;(

    )FFF 4return the ,ilePathF)public Strin etilePath&' {

    return ,ilePath;(

    )FFF 4param ,ilePath the ,ilePath to setF)public void setilePath&Strin ,ilePath' {

    this.,ilePath $ ,ilePath;(



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    2 Gi;o %i) (!"F$ 5

  • 7/26/2019 n phn tch c php theo PP Earley


    2TDi =i)8 5!;4 !7o

    ". NgGn ngJ h 'h8ng > h/ng 'rFnh 6h

    OH >in TQd

    $. h'';:iMi;+6ia.o,3. h'';:"$36o.org

