^diR7),BMf[f ªm8 ZPPAUP *@ AVAP ;8...

公益社団法人日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集 Vol.46 No.3 2011年 10月 Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Vol.46 No.3, October, 2011 ° à é é é é ° é è ê â ° 2 ZPPAUP AVAP - - Study on the Development from the ZPPAUP to the AVAP by the Grenelle 2 Act in France - A Case of the City of Saint Jean de Luz- Kumi Eguchi This paper clarifies the objective of the Grenelle 2 Act and the practice of the Area of Application of the Architecture and the Heritage (AVAP) in the city of Saint Jean de Luz (SJL) by comparing the Zone of Protection of the Architectural, Urban and Landscape Heritage (ZPPAUP). As a result, the Grenelle 2 Act was established to promote the decentralization by limiting the power of the Architects of Buildings of France (ABF) and the governor of the region. And the city of SJL realized the independent AVAP faster than the procedure of the ZPPAUP because it prevented the participation of the ABF to the work group through all the procedure and kept the leadership of the city. Keywords : Grenelle 2 Act, AVAP, ZPPAUP, Saint Jean de Luz 2 , AVAP, ZPPAUP, Univ. of Tokyo, International Research Center for Japanese Studies 11. - 211 -

Transcript of ^diR7),BMf[f ªm8 ZPPAUP *@ AVAP ;8...

Page 1: ^diR7),BMf[f ªm8 ZPPAUP *@ AVAP ;8 Ø7Ú0B¸ºutud.sakura.ne.jp/research/publications/_docs/thesis/2011-46-3-11... · ¶%&k K 2 Ç ¥ 4 w0£#ì Û 4 w0£#ì1= e7 9 RO 1 R º v Journal

公益社団法人日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集 Vol.46 No.3 2011年 10月Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Vol.46 No.3, October, 2011

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2 ZPPAUP AVAP- -Study on the Development from the ZPPAUP to the AVAP by the Grenelle 2 Act in France- A Case of the City of Saint Jean de Luz-

Kumi Eguchi

This paper clarifies the objective of the Grenelle 2 Act and the practice of the Area of Application of the Architecture and the Heritage (AVAP) in the city of Saint Jean de Luz (SJL) by comparing the Zone of Protection of the Architectural, Urban and Landscape Heritage (ZPPAUP). As a result, the Grenelle 2 Act was established to promote the decentralization by limiting the power of the Architects of Buildings of France (ABF) and the governor of the region. And the city of SJL realized the independent AVAP faster than the procedure of the ZPPAUP because it prevented the participation of the ABF to the work group through all the procedure and kept the leadership of the city.Keywords: Grenelle 2 Act, AVAP, ZPPAUP, Saint Jean de Luz


Univ. of Tokyo, International Research Center for Japanese Studies


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公益社団法人日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集 Vol.46 No.3 2011年 10月Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Vol.46 No.3, October, 2011

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公益社団法人日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集 Vol.46 No.3 2011年 10月Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Vol.46 No.3, October, 2011







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公益社団法人日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集 Vol.46 No.3 2011年 10月Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Vol.46 No.3, October, 2011

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