Dictionar Drept Contracte Ro En

a aduce atingere to be detrimental to a aduce la indeplinire un mandat carry out the powers of attorney a îndeplini procedura legală to complete the legal procedures a ceda parti sociale to assign shares a declara pe propria raspundere to hereby declare a denunţa (un contract) terminate a desface marfuri to sell, to market a emite pretentii asupra garantei issue claims against performance guarantees a exonera de răspundere exonerate a imputa o culpa to attribute blame a incheia in nume propriu un act juridic to sign a judicial/legal document on one's own behalf a perfecta un acord to execute an agreement a preda în posesie hand over a solicita obligarea paratei la plata we ask the defendant be ordered to pay... acţiune în anulare action for annulment acord de vointa agreement act aditional addendum act aditional de asistenta juridica addendum to legal assistance contract act constitutiv al societatii articles and memorandum of association act de dezmembrare prin lotizare document attesting the parcelling/parcelation of a site/real estate property act normativ aflat in vigoare legislative act in force acte de dezmembrare certification for a land split acte juridice cu titlu oneros sau gratuit onerous or gratuitous juridical acts


glosar contracte

Transcript of Dictionar Drept Contracte Ro En

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a aduce atingere to be detrimental to

a aduce la indeplinire un mandat carry out the powers of attorney

a îndeplini procedura legală to complete the legal procedures

a ceda parti sociale to assign shares

a declara pe propria raspundere to hereby declare

a denunţa (un contract) terminate

a desface marfuri to sell, to market

a emite pretentii asupra garantei issue claims against performance guarantees

a exonera de răspundere exonerate

a imputa o culpa to attribute blame

a incheia in nume propriu un act juridic to sign a judicial/legal document on one's own behalf

a perfecta un acord to execute an agreement

a preda în posesie hand over

a solicita obligarea paratei la plata we ask the defendant be ordered to pay...

acţiune în anulare action for annulment

acord de vointa agreement

act aditional addendum

act aditional de asistenta juridica addendum to legal assistance contract

act constitutiv al societatii articles and memorandum of association

act de dezmembrare prin lotizare document attesting the parcelling/parcelation of a site/real

estate property

act normativ aflat in vigoare legislative act in force

acte de dezmembrare certification for a land split

acte juridice cu titlu oneros sau gratuit onerous or gratuitous juridical acts

acte rau-voitoare bad faith acts

actiune in constatare declaratory action

actiuni de firma in bani cash equities

adeziune de drept implicit acceptance

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adjudecare fara licitatie awarded with no call for bids

Administrator Unic Sole Director

Agent Paza Security Guard

andorsare endorsement

Angajamente Commitments

ante-contract ferm firm pre-contract

aparţine the local (tax authority)

aplicaţii interimare interim applications

aprobarea anterioara a Clientului Client's prior consent

arvuna earnest payment

asociatiune in participatiune joint venture

aspecte aferente related aspects/relevant aspects related thereto

audit juridic legal audit

autosesizare refer the matter to itself

autovehiculă up to date

având denumirea rezervată prin dovada

disponibilităţii denumirii

with the name reserved by the proof of corporate name


împroprietărire apportionment of property

în culpă the defaulting party

în solidar to jointly pay ...

încheiere în formă autentică signing and authentication of the document

înscrisurile ce trebuie încheiate deeds that must be concluded

întărirea disciplinei contractuale tightenting / strengthening of contractual discipline

– Statele de plată aferente lunilor aprilie 2008-

ianuarie 2009 April 2008 till( ending in) January 2009 Payroll

banca creditoare creditor bank

bani virati transferred

beneficiarul serviciilor se obliga the reciepient of services undertakes it to

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beneficiu de discutiune The benefit of order or of excussion

beneficiu de diviziune The benefit of division

beneficiul de discutiune si diviziune lawful claim of a surety for a preliminary distraint upon the

(principal) debtor

buletin de analiza certificate of analysis

bun de preluare take over goods/assets

Bunul inchiriat nu este grevat de sarcini The leased asset is free of any encumbrances

bunuri mobile si bunuri imobile movables and immovables

Cadastrul extractiv Mining Cadastre

calitatea de proprietar proof of ownership

cam de o palmă ajar

capital subscris si varsat subscribed and paid up capital

caracter dirimant nullifying character

care nu este tinut fata de destinatar is not liable to the addressee

Cartea minieră mining registry

casa de marcat electronic cash register

categorie curţi - construcţii buildings and adjoining areas ( annexes/ appendage)

cauze imputabile reasons attributable to

cazier judiciar criminal record

cerere de interventie in interes propriu application for joinder as a party with a personal interest

Certificat de atestare a dreptului de proprietate

asupra terenurilor Land Onwnership Certificate

certificat de mostenitor certificate of inheritance

Cesiunea Assignment

circuit civil civil circulation

clauza de neconcurenta non-competition clause

clauză contractuală contractual clause

cod nomenclator classification code

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codul de procedura civila code of civil procedure

Comisia de Evaluare (în cadrul licitaţiei) Tender Evaluation Committee

Comodanţii ***dau imobilul spre folosinţă***... transfer the right to use the building/real estate

competenta jurisdictionala jurisdiction

conborator associated lawyer

concurenta to cover the initial amount/up to the initial amount of ...

conditie potestativa potestative condition

conditie rezolutorie compelxa complex (E&W) condition subsequent; (Scots law)

resolutive condition

conditional conveyance contract contract de cesiune sub conditie

Conducatorul unitatii fiscale ( for) XXXX Revenue Agency

constituirea garanţiei pentru participare establishing the required tender guarantee

CONTRACT CADRU framework agreement

contract de arendare agricultural lease

contract de asociere partnership agreement

contract de împrumut cu garanţie imobiliară hard money loan agreement

contract de cesiune assignment agreement

Contract de cesiune de creanţă debt assignment agreement

contract de concesiune concession agreement

contract de credit ipotecar mortgage contract

contract de facilitare de credit la termen long term credit facility agreement

contract de furnizare [product] supply contract/agreement

contract de garantie imobiliara real estate, or real property security agreement




Agreement on Security Interest in Real Property without

Dispossession of Future Assets

Contract de Inchiriere lease contract

contract de mandat mandate/ contract of mandate

contract de mandatare power of attorney contract

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contract de reprezentanta comerciala contract of agency/agency contract

contract de studii - locuri la buget learning contract- budget places

Contract individual de muncă Employment Contract

contract respectat cu buna credinta the contract (was) observed in good faith

contract rubricat perfectat final/signed copy broken down in/ with paragraphs

contract sinalagmatic synallagmatic contract

contract vanzare-cumparare purchase agreement

contract-angajament (full) commitment contract

Contractant contracting party

contributie in numerar si in natura capital contribution in cash and in kind

Conventie civila de prestari sportive Recreation Service Agreement

Cooperare în vederea Finalizării Cooperation for the purpose of completion

corp de proprietate property unit

coschimbas exchangor associate/ other party associated in the

exchange agreement

costestatoarea a implinit lipsurile privind lipsa

semnaturii de pe contestatie o sugestie

cota de prima anuala annual premium rate

cota exclusiva, indiviza exclusive , per indivisum/coparcenary owned share

cota-parte i-a revenit lui X prin mostenire x was entitled to receive a share of .....by legacy

creanta certa si lichida certain and liquid debt

creante impotriva vanzatoarei debts against the seller

cu exceptia zonelor de circulatie except common areas

cu titlu de chirie as rent

cu titlu de despăgubire as damages

cu titlu de folosinta gratuita gratuitous use

dare în administrare contracting out

de drept in intarziere in default by operation of law

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de emis to be issued

debara vs cămară closet vs. pastry/larder/store room

decile Decilă

declaratie de conformitate declaration of conformity

delegatie perfecta perfect delegation

demersurile steps

denumita in continuare hereinafter referred to as

denuntarea termination (unilateral)

deplinătatea facultăţilor mentale In full command of mental faculties

dezdăunare indemnity

dezmembraminte dismemberments (of the ownership right)

diligente diligences

din dotarea owned by/belonging to

Director Economic Chief Financial Officer

disponibilitatea de firma company name availability

dispune will have control of / have the use of

documente notariale notarial documents

dol deceit

domiciliat in domiciled in (the) ...

drept de retenţie asupra bunului închiriat lien over the leased asset

drept de servitute easement right

efectuare de transferuri lunare making monthly transfers

elaborator drafter

emolument emolument

eroare materială clerical error

eroare viciu de consimtamant error vice of consent

este in sarcina garantorului (The responsibility) shall lie on the Guarantor

evictiune total or partial eviction

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exigibilitate on its maturity date

fals in declaratii si spalare de bani misrepresentation and money laundering

fara a aduce atingere without prejudice to

fidejusor fidejussor

filiale branch (office);subsidiary

fisa tehnica specification sheet

fond aservit servient tenement

fond dominant dominant tenement

formă de atac pe cale administrativă administrative challenge modality

furt calificat aggravated theft

garanţie de reţinere de garanţie retainage guarantee/holdback guarantee

garanţie reală/garanţie personală tangible security/personal security

garantăm pe cumpărători de orice evicţiune guarantee the buyers against eviction

garantie warranty

garantie reala mobiliara pledge, pawn

identificat cu C.I. seria ... nr... identified by ID Card Series ... No ...

Imprumutatii The borrowers are...

imputernicim prin prezenta we hereby empower

in calitate de mandatar as authorized agent / authorized representative

in caz contrar aceste obligatii conventionale

nefiindu-i opozabile

otherwise, these conventional obligations shall not be

opposable to him

in contradictoriu against / in opposition to

in curs de judecata the trial is pending

in masura in care to the extent to which

in optiunea cumparatorului as agreed upon by the Buyer / as per the Buyer's decision

in procent de xxx%

In situaţia nedenunţării contractului in the event of non termination of the contract

in subsidiar subsidiarily

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indexabil subject to indexation

insarcinari ulterioare further assignments

inscriptiuni de ipoteci registered mortgage entries

inscritie ipotecara registration of mortgage

instanta de drept comun court of common law

intabula to enter into the land register

interdictie de instrainare restraint on alienation

Interval bază de decontare (IBD) base/standard working hour

intrarea in posesia imobilului de catre

cumparator take posession

ipotecă de rang I first mortgage

judecator de fond judge at first instance

liber consimtit prin semnatura it has been willingly approved by the signature of the

hereby parties

liberalităţi excesive gifts in excess of the freely disposable portion of the


licentiat licensee

Limba care guvernează contractul este limba


The language of the contract (governing language) shall

be Romanian

linistita proprietate si posesie a cumparatorilor undisturbed ownership and possession transferred to the


lipsa de discernamant impaired judgment

lista de colisaj packing list

locatiune comerciala commercial lease/leasing

managing director Director Executiv

mandat de cenzor capacitated to fulfill the auditor's mandate

mărime fixă flat rate

mijloace de aparare defences

Ministerul Finanţelor Publice Ministry of Public Finance

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motive neimputabile salariatului reasons not attributable to the employee

neexecutarea la termen non-performance within specified time

neimputabil through no fault of the undersigned

neindeplinirea non-fulfilment

neocolire non-circumvention

netulburarea folosinţei terenului {covenant of undisturbed use =} quiet enjoyment of the


notă de lichidare employment termination form

novatie (a nova) novation

nr. top topographical number

nu inlatura shall not waive / prevent (the Parties from being held

responsible for...)

nu transfera niciunul din atributele proprietatii doesn't constitute a binding agreement to transfer


nuda proprietate bare ownership

nume in clar name in print

Numele reprezentantului autorizat al

Intermediarului” The name of the intermediary's authorized representtative

obiectul contractului the object of the contract

obligaţii patrimoniale financial obligations

obligatii stinse extinguished liabilities

obligatiile asumate undertaken commitments/obligations

oficiu juridic legal department

opozabila Partilor la prezentul enforceable against the Parties hereto

opozabile opposable to the buyer

ora 24 12 AM/ midnight

ordin de incepere notice to proceed

ordine comune jointly issued orders

organe de urmarire penala law enforcement agencies

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pact comisoriu commissoria lex

pact comisoriu de gradul IV commissoria lex clause with foreclosure option (in Roman


pana la limita despagubirii to the extent of the indemnity

parti indivize comune aferente joint tenancy of common elements of a property

parti sociale shares

parti sociale subscrise si varsate subscribed and paid-up (company/partnership) shares

paznic juridic custodian

părţi sociale shares

pe cale administrativ-jurisdicţională by administrative means within the jurisdiction

penalizare contractuala liquidated damages

persoana care instraineaza Transferor

persoana juridica de drept privat private law entity/legal entity of private law

pieire fortuita fortuitous/accidental loss

pieirea bunului mobil perishing of movable goods

posesia si proprietatea asupra “Casei” possession and title

posturi vacante de natura celor desfiintate (downsizing) unfilled vacancies

prestare de servicii service delivery/provision

prestari servicii contract for services

prestatii de asigurari sociale social insurance services

pretentii de natura patrimoniala pecuniary claims

pretul prestatiei este in functie de comenzile

onorate service ; completed order

prin acordul partilor through the consent of the parties

principiul oficialităţii according to the official procedures

privilegiul vanzatorului right to a vendor's lien

proba cu inscrisuri documentary evidence

procedura de încadrare în grade de invaliditate invalidity degree assessment procedure

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procedura ofertei urmată de consemnaţiune escrow

proces verbal de receptie acceptance certificate / protocol

procesul verbal de predare-primire a locaţiei inventory

procura vanzare-cumparare sale-purchase power of attorney

procurator de fonduri fund provider

produce efecte is effective

promitent promissory

promitenta promisor

promova pass

propunere tehnica/financiara technical / financial proposal

punct de lucru lucrative facility

punere in intarziere putting in default

PUZ Zonal Urbanistic Plan

raport de drept real in rem relationship

rata profitului brut gross profit rate

reconducţiune reconduction

reconstituire reconstruction

reconstituirea dreptului de proprietate asupra


restoration of property rights on land,restoration of

property rights in regards to the land/property/real estate

in question

refacerea actului de acuzare refiling the bill of indictment

regulament de ordine interioara Internal Regulations/ Internal Regulation Policy

repunere în termen reinstate the appeal

repus in termenul de acceptare the heirs inherit the property within the acceptance period

of the inheritance

restituirea cauzelor la organele de urmarire

penala referral of cases back for further investigation

returnare discount comercial commercial discount reimbursement

rezerva dreptul purchaser reserves the right to....

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rezoluţie infracţională criminal intent

riscul contractului va fi suportat de partea

debitoare a obligatiei

The bond debtor is liable for any losses incurred by the

present contract.

risturn discount

rol fiscal tax roll

s.a si altele

sa concesioneze bunuri leasing/the lease of... (assets/goods)

sa radieze deregister

salarii medii brute pe societate average gross monthly salary in the company

sanctiunea netinerii seama shall be deemed ineffective

scopul (contractului) object

scrisoare de garanţie bancară BCL/bank comfort letter

sechestru asigurator distraint (upon property)

sediul materiei relevant provisions

semnatura olografa holograph signature

semnatura opozabila legally enforceable signature

servicii de intermediere in comertul cu ridicata agency services in wholesale trade

servitute de trecere gratuita (free) right of way

servituti conventionale agreed / contractual easement

sistem cont deschis open account system

situatia de fapt si de drept issue in fact and law

societare corporate/company-related

societate comercială cu răspundere limitată limited liability company (LLC)

soluţionarea conflictelor pe cale amiabilă amicable settlement of disputes

starea de îndeplinire extent to which something was carried out

str………nr....bl.....apt. no.... str..... bl ..... ap

sub aspect probatoriu as an evidentiary matter

sub pedeapsa de nulitate rephrase

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sub punte (clean) shipped/on board bill of lading

sub regimul separatiei de patrimonii during separation of property regime

sub rezerva subject to

sub-inchirias subtenant

subcomision sub-commission

subiect de drept subject of law

subrogat subrogated

subscris şi vărsat integral subscribed and paid-in

supralegalizare superlegalization

tarif contractual agreed rate/charge

teapa hoax/swindle/scam

teoria impreviziunii theory of imprevision

terenul nu este urmarit the land is not legally claimed

termeni contractuali neloiali unfair contractual terms/arrangements

tert poprit third-party garnishee

terta persoana third person

titlu executoriu enforceable title

transferat în interesul serviciului transferred/relocated for job purposes

tulburare a posesiei disturbance of possession

unitate de drept comun common-law entity

urmand ca acesta sa-si inceteze efectele followed by (contract) expiry

urmarire silita legal seizure

urmarire silita mobiliara judicial execution (on moveable assets)

vanzare prin justiţie court-supervised sale