Dévény Ágnes - Angolul az irodában

Dévény Ágnes Angol,

Transcript of Dévény Ágnes - Angolul az irodában

  • Dvny gnes


  • Dvny Agnes

    Angolul az irodbanKziknyvkezd klkereskedelmi levelezk szmra

    Pro Lingua Kft.

  • Anyanyelvi lektor: Szab ZoltnnSzakmai lektor: Paul KirkSzeds: Sedlacsek Tams

    Minden jog fenntartva.A jelen kiadvnyt. ill. annak rszeit tilos a kiadengedlye nlkl brmilyen formban reproduklni,

    vagyadatrgzt rendszerben trolni.


    A kiadsrt felel dr. Kelecsnyi lszln a Pro lingua Kft.gyvezet igazgatja.

    Pro lingua Kft. 1994

    ISBN 963 85179 2 1

  • Tartalomjegyzk

    1. Az. zleti levl 5

    2. Az. zleti levl megtervezse, nyelve, stlusa 14

    3. Az. merikai s az angol zleti levl kztti klnbsgek 16

    4. Az. ajnlatkrs 195. Vlasz az ajnlatkrsre, az ajnlat.. 256. A megrendels 34

    7. A megrendels visszaigazolsa,

    feladsi rtests, a megrendels visszautastsa 40

    8. A szllts 47

    9. Szmlk s kiegyenltsk 56

    10. Reklamcik, vlasz a reklamcis levelekre 76

    11. Levelezs a kpviselvel 87

    12. Egyb tmk 95

    13. Sz- s kifejezsgyjtemny 103

    Angol - magyar 103

    Magyar- angol 116

    14. Rvidtsek 124

    Felhasznlt irodalom 126

  • I. Az zleti levl

    1. AZ. ZLETI LEV~L


    Kzismert, hogy az zleti letben megjelen kommunikcis formk egyre sok-rWbbekk, korszerbbekk vlnak. Az zleti levl jelentsge azonban nemhogycskkenne, hanem egyre nvekszik, br formai s stilisztikai szempontbl is fontos vl-tozsokon esett t. A levlnek van meg az a kizrlagos adottsga, hogya stilris, tar-talmi s formai elemek a clnak megfelelen varilhatk benne, egyttal a levl doku-mentum is, archivlhat anyag.

    A vllalatoknak komoly gondot kell fordtaniuk arra, hogy levelezsk ne csak tartalmi-lag legyen korrekt, de formjval, klalakjval is j benyomst keltsen, hiszen zletipartnereik ez alapjn forminak vlemnyt rluk. A leveleket j angolsggal kell rni,vilgos, tmr megfogalmazsban, udvarias stlusban. Kerlni kell a szksgtelen rsz-leteket, ismtlseket, de felttlen tartalmaznia kell minden fontos informcit. Nemcsaka szp formra s elrendezsre kell figyelni, de mg a levelezsre hasznlt papr

    minsge, a nyomtats vagy gpels rskpe is fontos lehet.

    Az zleti levl rszei:

    1. A fejlc (Letterheads)

    A cgek ltalban nyomtatott fejlcet hasznlnak, amely sok informcit ad a cgrl. Afejlc tartalmazza a cg nevt, cmt, emblmjt (logo), telefonszmait, tviratcmt,telex- s telefaxszmt, postafikszmt, a cg VAT (Value Added Tax=hozzadottrtktbbletad) referenciaszmt.A cg neve al gyakran oda~k tevkenysgi krt s sok esetben az igazgatk nevt is.A fejlc kzpre vagy jobb oldalra kerl.

    A cg neve utn ll rvidtsek a trsasgi formra ut~lnak. PI.: Az Ltd. a Limited (lim-ited liability company) rvidtse, amely kb. megfelel a magyar kft.-nek (korltoltfelelssg trsasg), azt jelzi hogy az zletrszek tulajdonosai csak bevitt tkjkerejig vllalnak felelssget zleti tevkenysgkrt. A PLC/plc a Public LimitedCompany (magyarul rszvnytrsasg) rvidtse. Ebben a trsasgi formban acgek rszvnyei nyilvnosan eladhatk. Az Inc. (Incorporated) rvidts az USA-ban arszvnytrsasgi formra utal. Az & Co. rvidts azt jelzi, hogya cg kt vagy tbbszemly zleti trsulsa (partnership). Ez a trsuls lehet korltolt vagy nem korltoltfelelssg. Csaldi vllalkozs esetn gyakran hasznljuk az & Son, Sons, Bros(Brothers) vagy ritkn Daughter/s/ kifejezst. Ha sem az Ltd. sem az & Co. kifejezsnem jelenik meg a cg neve utn, akkor ez egyszemlyes vllalkozsra (sole trader)utal. Ha a cget igazgatsg (Board of Directors) irnytja, az elnk (Chairman; az

  • 6 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban

    USA-ban President), az igazgatk (Directors) s az gyvezet igazgat (ManagingDirector, az USA-ban Chief Executive) nevt is meg szoktk adni.Szintn a cg neve utn llnak a cmek (addresses). Itt a cg kzpontjnak s kln-

    bz gazatainak (branches), irodinak cmt adjk meg.

    Nhny levlpapron lthat a cgbejegyzs nyilvntartsi szma s a VAT (ValueAdded Tax) szm is.

    2. Hivatkozsok (References)

    A levlpapron elre nyomtatva olvashatk a Your ref.:, illetve az Our ref.: kifejezsek.Ide a levelek hivatkozsi szmt szoktk rni. A hivatkozsi kd szmokbl vagy betk

    bl, vagy ezek kombincijbl ll. A szmok a levelek sorrendjt, gyiratszmt s akibocst osztly szmt jelzik, a betkombinci az gyintz s a gpr nevnek

    kezdbetjbl ll.

    A hivatkozsok a levlpapron jobb vagy bal oldalra kerlnek s kvetik vagy megelzika bels cimzst.

    3. A keltezs (Date)

    A dtum a hivatkozsokkal egytt szerepel. ltalban jobb oldalra kerl a hivatkozsokal, vagy velk egy sorba. A dtum rvidtett formjnak hasznlata, amely Eurpbanigen elterjedt, kellemetlen flrertsekhez vezethet az angol nyelv levelezsben,ugyanis Nagy-Britanniban a keltezst a nap megjellsvel kezdik, az amerikailevelezsben viszont a hnap kerl a keltezs elejre. Teht a 11.08.93 Nagy-Britanniban 1993. augusztus 11-t jell, az USA-ban 1993. november 8-t. Ez a fl-rerts elkerlhet, ha kirjuk a hnap teljes nevt, termszetesen mindig nagy kezd

    betvel, pl.: 11 August 1993. A napot jelz sorszmnv utn nem tesszk ki a 'st, nd,th' rvidtseket. Fontos megjegyezni, hogy az Eurpban szoksos gyakorlattal szem-ben, nem teszik ki a vros nevt a dtum el.

    4. A belsO cfmzs (Inside address)

    A bels cmzs a baloldali marghoz kerl s tbb rszbl ll attl fggen, hogy meny-nyit ismernk a cmzett adataibl.

    AJ - Ha a cmzett neve ismert, ez kerl a bels cmzs lre. El rjuk a Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms megszltst mindg rvidtett alakban. Egyb, a nv el kerl cmek

  • I. Az zleti levl 7

    lehetnek mg akadmiai s orvosi titulusok, pl.: Doctor(Dr.), Professor(Prof.), katonai rangok, pl.: Captain(Capt.), Major(Maj.), Colonel(Col.),General(Gen.), nemesi titulusok, pl.: Sir, amely nem sszetvesztend a meg-szltsban szerepl Sir-rel. A cmzett keresztnevt illik kirni teljes alakban,kivve, ha tbb keresztneve van. Ezeket csak kezdbetkkel jelljk:

    Mrs R S Carson

    A Messrs kifejezs tbb szemlynv vagy szemlynevekbl ll cgnv el ke-rlhet:

    Messrs M K Barley and L B JonsonMessrs Brown & Smith & Co.

    Az Esq.(Esquire) kifejezst ma mr ritkn hasznljk. Mindig a vezetknv utnll s sohasem szerepel a Mr kifejezssel egyszerre:

    Mr John Brice vagy John Brice Esq.

    - Ha a cmzett nevt nem ismerjk, de hivatali rangjt, beosztst igen, ezt fel-ttlenl emltsk meg:

    The Production SupervisorThe Sales ManagerThe Personnel Officer

    (Ezt termszetesen olyankor is fel szoktk tntetni, ha tudjk a nevt.)

    - A levelet cmezhetjk egy osztlynak is:

    The Sales DepartmentThe Accounts Department

    Ha semmit nem tudunk a cg bels felptsrl, a cgnek is cmezhetjk a le-veiet:

    Euros Ltd.Howard & Dickinson & Co.

    BI - A cmzett neve s hivatali beosztsa, illetve a cg neve s a trsasgi formajellse utn a cm kvetkezik. Ez Nagy-Britanniban a kvetkezkppen alakul:- az irodahz neve

  • 8 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban

    - hzszm, utcanv (az utcanvben nem hasznljuk aRd., St.,Ave. rvidtseketa Road, Street, Avenue szavak helyett.

    - helysgnv/vrosnv s postai kd- orszgnv

    Kisebb helysgek esetn kiteszik a grfsg nevt is. Ilyenkor a helysgnv kln sorbakerl s al rjuk a grfsg nevt s a postai kdot:

    The Sales ManagerBusiness Newspaper Ltd.Thames House21 Warwick RoadBlackpoolLancashire FY3 SULUNITED KINGDOM

    C/ - 'For the attention of (Attention line)Ez a sor tulajdonkppen a bels cmzs egy msik mdja. Ilyenkor a cg neves cme utn, kln bekezdsben, rendszerint alhzva kzljk, hogy kinek akezbe szeretnnk eljuttatni a levelet:

    GA Software Ltd.Richfield House12 Green StreetLondon SW14 KHSUNITED KINGDOM

    For the attention of the Sales Manager

  • /. Az zleti levl

    5. A megsz6lfts (Salutaton)


    A megszlts mindig a lap bal szls margjhoz kerl. A brit angolban ltalbanvessz, az amerikai angolban kettspont kveti.

    Dear Srs,DearSr,DearMadam,Dear Sr or Madam,Dear Mr/Mrs/Mss/Ms Brown,DearJames,

    A titulussal egytt ki kell rni a nevet is:

    Dear Captan Bernard

    cgfrfi, akinek nem tudjuk a nevt

    n, akinek nem isme~k a nevtolyan szemly, akinek nem tudjuk a nemtolyan szemly, akinek ismerjk a nevtbarti kapcsolat esetn

    A leginkbb hasznlatos amerikai fordulatok a kvetkezk:

    Gentlemen:Dear Mr (Ms, Mrs, Miss, Dr, Professor) Brown:Dear Bob:

    Az un. "open punctuation" (nylt kzpontozs) hasznlatakor sem a bels cmzs sorai,sem a megszlts, sem pedig a levl befejez sora utn nem tesszk ki a vesszt.

    6. A levl trgya (Subject line)

    A megszltst kveti. A bal marghoz, vagy kzpre kerl kln bekezdsben, alhzva.

    Dear Mr Clifford

    Order No. 23347

    We have just receved ...

    7. A levl tartalmi rSZe (Body of the letter)

    A levl rdhat gynevezett "bekezdses" formban (indented form) - ilyenkor mindenegyes bekezdst nhny letssel beljebb kezdnk rni, vagy bekezdsek nlkli for-

  • 10 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban

    mban (block form) - ilyenkor minden sor a bal margnl kezddik. Abekezdsekkztt ltalban kihagyunk egy-egy sort. Egyes cgeknl minden levl egyforma elren-dezsben kszl, mshol a gpr maga vlaszlja ki az zlse szerinti formt. A levltartalmi rszt egy bevezet bekezds nyitja s a vgn egy zr mondattal zrul.A nyit s zr bekezds kztt minden egyes gondolat nll bekezdsbe kerl.

    8. A levl befejezse s alfrsa (Complimentary closes and Signatures)

    Yours faithfully,Yours sincerely,Yours truly,Yours sincerely,Sincerely,With best wishes.Yours,


    A levl befejezsnl hasznlt fordulat attl fgg, hogy milyen mdon szltottuk meg acmzettet.

    Dear Sir, Dear Sirs,DearMadam,Dear Mr Brown,

    A sajtkez alrs alatt a levl rjnak gppel rt neve szerepel. A keresztnevet lehetcsak kezdbetvel jellni. Ilyenkor zrjelben utalni szoktak r, hogy pid. kisasszonyrl,vagy asszonyrl van-e sz. A nv alatti sorban kzlni szoktk a levlr hivatalibeosztst, rangjt is. A p.p.(per pro) rvidts azt jelzi, hogy az alrnak a vllalat,illetve egy msik szemly rszrl van alrsra felhatalmazsa.Az angol levelezsben pecstet nem hasznlnak.

    Yours faithfully,

    (Miss) J: PIIIIHt'(Miss) L PaynePurchasing Manager

    Yours sincerely,

    (;UrS) J: Cl!p.p. K WilsonManaging Director

  • I. Az zleti levl .

    9. Egyb jellsek


    Az enc./Encl. rvidts a levl aljn baloldalon azt jelzi, hogya levlhez mellkletet,klnfle dokumentumokat csatoltak.A c.c.(=carbon copies) rvidts szintn a levl vgre kerl abban az esetben, ha alevl msolatt msoknak is megkldik.A Private and confidential (bizalmas) megjells mindig a bels cimzs alatt szerepel,illetve a bortkon, ha azt akarjk, hogya levl csak a cmzett kezhez jusson el.

    10. ltalnosan hasznlhat kezd s zr6s0rok a levelezsben

    AI Kezdmondatok:

    - Thank you for your letter of...- We thank you for your letter dated..- Many thanks for your letter...

    - informing us of...- enquiring abouL- asking us...- advising us of...- confirming your earlier telephone call.- enclosing your catalogue...

    - We are pleased to hear that...- Your letter of ... has been passed to me for reply.- We are pleased to give you the information requested in your letter addressed to

    our local agent.- As we mentioned in our previous letter...- By now you will have received my letter of... with the enclosures..- Many thanks for your letter dated ... which has crossed in the post my letter to

    you of. ..- We confirm our telegram of today reading: ..- Thank you for phoning me yesterday to say that...- We refer to our telephone conversation oLin which you agreed to ...- Following our last meeting and conversation regarding...- You will be pleased to hear that...- I should like to take this opportunity of suggesting...

    BI A levl zrsorai:

    - We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.- We look forward

  • 12 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban

    - to hearing your further news.- to your final decision.- to your confirmation by return post.- to our next meeting.

    - We hope to hear from you soon.- We would appreciate a prompt reply.- We would be grateful to hear from you by return.- A prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.- Will you please give the matter your urgent attention.- Please let me know within ten days from this date ofyour decision .- We expect your reply by telex or cable.- We hope that the above suggestion will be acceptable to you.- Please acknowledge the receipt of this matter in writing as soon as possible.- We await your instructions by return.- Your instructions will receive our prompt attention.- May we have this information at once please. We cannot proceed without it.- I feel sure there must be some misunderstanding about this matter, and I trust

    that this letter will help to bring about a solution.- We apologise for the misunderstanding which has arisen.- We regret the inconvenience..- Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation.- Please do not hesitate to contact me ifyou have any queries.

    11. Mintalevl

    A levl teht kszlhet bekezdses, vagy bekezdsek nlkli formban. Az utbbi eset-ben a sorok a baloldali marghoz igazodnak. Szintn elterjedt szoks a pontok svesszk elhagysa a bels cmzsben, megszltsban s a levl befejezsnl.Termszetesen a levl tartalmi rsznl rtelemszeren ki kell tenni a pontokat s


  • I. Az zleti levl

    K. Lawrance & CO. Ltd.(Head office), Nelson House, Oak Street. London EC46 5EE

    Telephone No.: 071 6411432 Reg.No.:87549 LondonFax: 071 642 1433 VAT NO.:764 5541 20Telex: 564781


    Fantex Ltd.102 West StreetWellngton 8NEWZEALAND

    For the attention of Mr J H Tanner

    Dear Mr Tanner

    Our order No. 1211

    Your Ref:Our Ref:

    Date: 25 August 19-

    I am writing with reference to the above order for baby clothes, which wereceived yesterday.

    Nine of the boxes in which the baby clothes were packed were damaged andquite a few garments cannot be sold as new articles in our shops. We sug-gest you contact your forwarding agent with regard to compensation.

    I must ask you to arrange for the immediate dispatch of replacements. as wehave firm orders from our own customers for the entire quantity.

    I enclose a list of the contents of the damaged boxes, and the consignmentwill be kept in our warehouse unti! we receive your instructions.

    Yours sincerely

    l'PHfIlS Will/PHp.p. Peter HartChiefBuyer

    Enc.: A list of the contents of the damaged boxes.

  • 14 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban


    1. Az zleti levl hossza. m&gtervezse

    Az zleti levl hosszt termszetesen alapveten befolysolja annak trgya, stlusa sa hasznlt nyelvezet. Igen fontos azonban, hogy tartalmazza a legfontosabb inform-cikat, amelyeket partnernkkel kzlni akarunk mghozz a megfelel logikai sorrend-ben. Igen zavar lehet egy kapkodan sszelltott levl, ahol az egymst kvetbekezdsek nem logikus sorrendben kvetik egymst.

    Levelnk megrsakor tegyk fel magunknak a krdst:

    Mit akarunk elrni a levllel?Mire szeretnnk vlaszt kapni?Szerepel-e benne az sszes fontos problma?Minden informci helyes-e?Vilgos, sszefogott s udvarias-e a levl?J benyomst kelt-e majd a cmzettben?Klalakja, rskpe megfelel-e?

    Levelnk megtervezsekor vegyk figyelembe:

    a) Az els bekezdsA levl els mondata igen fontos, mert ez hatrozza meg a levl hangnemt s azolvas ekkor kapja az els benyomst a levl rjrl s cgrl. ltalban az elsbekezdsben megksznjk partnernk levelt, bemutatjuk nmagunkat vagycgnket, kzljk levelnk trgyt s cljt.

    b) A kzps bekezdsekEz a levl legfontosabb tartalmi rsze. Mondanivalja levltpusonknt vltozik.A tovbbi fejezetekben sok pldt fogunk ltni arra, hogy mi minden kerlhet a

    kzps bekezdsbe.

    c) Az utols bekezdsItt rviden sszefoglalhatjuk mg egyszer a levl legfontosabb pontjait,megksznhetjk partnernk rdekldst, ha nem tettk ezt meg az els bekez-dsben, kifejezhetjk jkvnsgainkat s remnynket, hogy hamarosan vlasztkapunk levelnkre.

  • 2. Az zleti levl megtervezse, nyelve, stlusa

    2. Az zleti levl strlusa s nyelvezete


    A kereskedelmi levelezsben gyakran elfordul a rgimdi, daglyos stlus, amely ne-hezti a megrtst s sokszor azt a benyomst kelti, klnsen a nem anyanyelv ol-vasban, hogy egy ltala ismeretlen nyelven rdott a levl. Trekednnk kell teht az

    egyszer, vilgos fogalmazsra, amely azonban nem mehet az udvariassg rovsra.Kerlnnk kell a hossz, sokszorosan sszetett mondatokat, mert ezek zavaross snehezen rthetv tehetik mondanivalnkat. Ne hasznljunk kznapi (argo) kife-jezseket zleti levelezsnkben, mert ez igen rossz benyomst kelthet. Fogalmaz-zunk gy, hogy ez ne legyen srt partnernk szmra, de ne legyen tlsgosan bizal-maskod sem. Br az zleti levlben szeretnek semlegesen fogalmazni, azrt nehasznljunk tl sok szenved szerkezetet.

    Igen fontos a vilgos, egyrtelm fogalmazs, nehogy partnernk flrertsen minket.Vigyzzunk arra, hogya levlben hasznlt rvidtsek mindkt fl szmra ugyanaztjelentsk. Ilyen rvidtsek pldul a nemzetkzi megllapodsokban szablyozottkifejezsek, pl.: f.o.b.(free on board), c.i.f.(cost, insurance and freight) stb. Nhnynemzetkzi szervezet, pid.: EU (European Union) nevnek rvidtse klnbznyelveken mskppen hangzik (magyarul pl.:EU), ms szervezetek nevnek rvidtseviszont minden nyelven ismert, pl.: NATO. Fontos, hogy soha ne hasznljunk olyanrvidtst, amely nem egyrtelm.

    Sokszor a szmok hasznlata is flrerthet lehet. Korbban emltettk adtumbanelfordul klnbsgeket az angol s amerikai zleti levelekben. Ms, szmokkalkapcsolatos, klnbsgek is lehetnek. A brit s amerikai hasznlatban pontot tesznekott, ahol a legtbb eurpai orszgban tizedesvesszt hasznlnak. PI.: az angolok vagyaz amerikaiak 2.623-t rnak ott, ahol mi vagy a francik 2,623-at rnnk. Ez utbbit vi-szont az angolok ktezer-hatszzhuszonhromnak olvasnk. Ezrt ajnlatos a sz-mokat betvel s szmmal is kirni.

    Klnsen gondosan kell megadni a mreteket, slyokat, rakat s egyb specifik-cit, hiszen ezek flrertse slyos problmkat okozhat.

    A hivatalos levelezsben kerljk az sszevont alakok hasznlatt. PI.: don't helyettdo not, won't helyett will not stb. hasznland.

    Egyes cgek szeretik levelezskben a we szemlyesnvmst hasznlni - ez jobbantkrzi, hogya cg ll az zenet mgtt, ugyanakkor ezltal cskkenthet a levlrszemlyes felelssge. / am sorry if this de/ay has caused any inconvenience.

    helyettWe are sorry if this de/ay has caused any inconvenience.

  • 16 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban


    Az utbbi idben jelentktelenebb vlt a klnbsg az amerikai s a brit angol nyelvenrt kereskedelmi levelek kztt, mint mondjuk 15-20 wel ezeltt. Tulajdonkppen ele-gend ha jl ismerjk az egyik levltpust, ugyanis az angoloknak s amerikaiaknaksemmi nehzsget nem okoz egyms leveleinek megrtse. Mgis van nhny klnb-sg, amelyet j, ha ismernk.

    Az amerikai levl szerkezete gyakorlatilag azonos angol megfeleljvel. ltalban, atartalmi rsz kivtelvel, nem tesznek ki pontokat s vesszket s jellemzen mindensor a baloldali marghoz igazodik.

    Az amerikai zleti levl fejlce nem klnbzik lnyegesen az angoltl. A Limited tr-sasgi forma helyett az Incorporated hasznland. Pid.: The James Smith Manufac-turing Co. Inc. Az amerikai cgeknl az igazgatk neve ritkn jelenik meg a cges le-vlpapron. Hasonltsuk ssze az angol s amerikai levelek nhny elemt:


    23 December 19-

    Dear Sir, Dear Sirs,Dear Mr Brown,

    Yours faithfully,

    Yours sincerely,

    With best wishes,




    December 23, 19-

    Dear Sir: Gentlemen:Dear Mr Brown:

    Yours very truly,Sincerely yours,Very truly yours,Respectfully yours,

    Sincerely yours,Cordially yours,With kind/best regards,

  • 3. Az amerikai s az angol zleti levl kztti klnbsgek


    -gue helyett -gcatalogue

    -our helyett -orfavour

    -re helyett -ercentre

    -ce helyett - seIicence






    petrolvery/reaJlyra tes


    A bortk megcmzse

    gasquiteproperty tax

    A bortkra a nv s a cm lnyegben ugyangy kerl, mint a bels cmzsben, de ittaz utcaneveknl hasznlhatjuk a rvidtett alakokat (Rd.,St.,Ave.). A vros s azorszg nevt mindig nagy betkkel rjuk s a postai kd mindig legalulra, kln sorbakerl az angol zleti levelezsben (kivve, ha orszgnv is szerepel a bortkon), mgaz amerikai levelezsben egy sorba kerlhet a vros neve, az llamot jell rvidtss a postai kd.

    Brit stlus cmzs

    Messrs White & Sons

    P.O. Box 432


    AB2 ED6

  • 18

    Amerikai stlus cmzs

    Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban


    Overseas Trading Co. Inc.

    61 East 5th Street

    San Francisco, Calif. 94045USA


  • 4. Az ajnlatkrs

    4. AZ AJNLATK~R~S(An inquiry)


    Az zleti letben, a kereskedelemben igen gyakran van szksg arra, hogy inform-cikat szerezznk be egy partnercg knlatrl, vagy az ltalunk mr kivlasztott

    ruflesgekrl. Az informcigyjtsnek sok mdja van. Bngszhetjk az jsghir-detseket, jrhatunk szakkilltsokra, fordulhatunk gynksgekhez, kereskedelmikpviseletekhez, de az informcikrs leggyakoribb mdja az ajnlatkr levl.Nzznk nhny pldt arra, hogy milyen elemeket tartalmazhat az ajnlatkrs (attlfggen, milyen clbl rdott):

    1. Bevezets, sajt cgnk s tevkenysgi krunk rvid bemutatsa- We are considering the purchase of...- We understand that you are manufacturers ofIdealers ini agents for ... and

    should like to know whether you can supply us with...- We are one of the main producers of...- We are in the market for...- We are the /eading exporters of. ..- We are a/so working in the market...- Our company is a subsidiary of. ..- You have previous/y supplied us with ... and we wou/d be g/ad if yau wou/d now...

    2. Utals arra, hogy mirt van szksgnk az informcira s mirt fordultunkppen az adott cghez ajnlatkrssel- Your firm has been recommended to us by...- We have obtained your name and address from ...- We have read your advertisement in the .- We were impressed by the se/ection of disp/ayed on your stand at this year's

    exhibition...- X has advised us that you may be ab/e to...- X has advised us to contact you ...- Our associates in ... speak highly ofyour products.- We understand from ... that you can supply...- Please forward details of ... as advised in...

    3. A piaci helyzet rvid rtkelse- There is a promising market here for good quality ...- There is abrisk demand here for high-quality ... of the type you manufacture.- Demand for this type of ... is not high here, but sa/es this year will probab/y

    exceed f30,OOO.

  • 20 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban

    - There is no market here for articles of this type in the higher price ranges, but lessexpensive models sell very weil throughout the year.

    - You can count on abrisk tumover if prices are competitive and deliveries prompt.

    4. Katalgusok, prospektusok, rlistk, mintk krse- We would welcome your latest/current catalogue...

    some samples ofyour...the following technical data...any technicalliterature abouLfull details ofyour terms ofsale...

    - We would be grateful if you would send us...- We would appreciate your sending us...- Please send us prices and samples of...- Would you please let us have your current catalogue showing...- Could you please send your current catalogue and an up-to-date price-list for...- When replying, could you please enclose a ...- Please send us your complete catalogue and particulars/full details of...

    your brochure and wholesale price-list with terms of payment.

    5. Rszletes informci6krs. utals az ru mennyisgre s minsgre- Could you please give me more information about. ..- I would appreciate more details abouL.- We would be glad to receive specifications ofyour ... , together with your current

    export price list and details of trade discounts.- We should be grateful if you would forward any further information you may be

    able to give us about...- What qua/ities are you able to supply from stock?- Will you please quote for the supply of ... of standard/ medium/best/finest/prime/

    superior quality...- We consider buying only the very latest models meeting ali the requirements

    of the up-market customer...- The ... must correspond in weight, size, and shade to the enclosed sample ...- We consider placing substantial orders (or: an initial order for 1,000 units).- You can count on regular orders (or: on orders for at least 3,000 ... a year) ...- We would be prepared to place a bulk order with you, provided the terms are


    6. rajnlat krse, rdeklds a fizetsi felttelek irnt- Will you please send us full details ofyour prices...- Please let us have your export prices...- Will you please quote for the following items...- Please quote us your lowest/best/most competitive prices for...

  • 4. Az ajnlatkrs 21

    - Would you kindly quote your best prices and terms of payment for...- Will you please also state your terms of payment...

    your special terms for large or regular orders...- We are also interested in your terms of payment and in discounts offered for

    regular purchases and large orders.- Let us know if you allow cash or trade discounts.- Please let us know if you could supply us with ... quoting your prices on GIF/FDa

    ... terms.- We normally effect payment by letter of credit.- Payment will be made by cheque/bank transfer.- Please send us a pro-forma invoice for customs purposes.- We usually deal on a 25% trade discount basis with an additional quantity

    discount for orders over 1,000 units.- We would also like to point out that we usually settIe our accounts on a

    document against acceptance basis with payment by 30-day bill of exchange.- We intend to place a substantialorder, and therefore would like to know what

    quantity discounts you allow.- As we are likely to place large orders regularly we would like to know whether

    you would be wi/ling to grant us a special discount.

    7. A szllfts mdjnak, idejnek, feltteleinek megtrgyalsa- Will you please state you eariiest delivery date.- Prompt shipment is a precondition to our order.- It is essential that the goods are delivered in time for the opening of...- Early delivery would be necessary as we have a fast turnover in this trade.

    We would therefore need your assurance that you could meet ali delivery dates.- If we place orders with you we will have to insist on prompt delivery. Gan you

    guarantee delivery within three weeks of receiving orders?- Would you please forward details of packing and delivery charges as weil as

    terms of payment and discounts.- Please let us know whether you can supply from stock.

    whether you would be able to deliver within four weeks ofreceipt of order.

    - Delivery/Shipment would be requiredwithin six weeks of order.before 1 September.by 1 September at the latest.

    - Prices quoted should include packing and delivery to our warehouse/to the aboveaddress...

    - Please quote your prices c.i.t. Hamburg.franco Hungarian border.

    - The prices should be c.i.f. Hamburg including export packing.

  • 22 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban

    - We would a/so be glad to have an estimate of the number of containers requiredand the approximate cost of packing.

    8. Igret a megrendelsre, ha kedvezk a felttelek- Provided you can ofter favourable terms/

    you can guarantee delivery within ... weeks/your quotations are reasonable

    we will order on a regular basis.. .Iwe are in a position to place regular orders.

    - Our requirements in ... are substantial ... and we would be interested in a long-term contract provided

    the prices quoted are competitive.you can ofter favourable terms.your products are of the most up-to date design.

    - If the prices quoted are competitive and the quality up to standard, we will orderon a regular basis.

    9. Befejez sarok- We would appreciate a prompt reply...- Your reply by telephone would be appreciated...- We look forward to your ofter...

    to receiving your quotation/prices/reply by retum/as soon aspossible.

    - Thank you in advance for any information you can give us.- An early answer would be appreciated.- Thank you for your attention. We hope to hear from you in the near future.- If the product is satisfactory, we will place further orders with you in the future.- We are looking forward to hearing from you.- As our own customers are pressing us for a quotation, we hope you will be

    able to make us an ofter within a fortnight from today's date.- Since the season will soon be under way, we must ask you to reply by the end of

    this month.- As we are working to a very tight schedule we should Iike to have the information

    by 1 September.- Please let us know by retum of post whether you would be in teres ted in such an


  • 4. Az ajnlatkrs

    WILSON & MATTHEWS L TO.Import and Export (London Office) Grant House,Victoria Street, London EC1 BDO

    Manchester Office: 321 Elm Street, Manchester M24 3LR Telephone: 071 765213Birmingham Office: 63 Sunshine Street, Birmingham B4 710 Fax: 071 765919Liverpool Office: 1B Shoemaker Road, Liverpool L54HW Telex: 97432


    Directors: T H Wilson, D R Matthews Reg.No. England 433217VATNo.012733154

    Your ref: Our ref: Inq.CB312 Date: 4 January 19-

    The Sales ManagerLeather and Shoe Manufacturing Co. Ltd.Juan Granados 38Madrid 103846Spain

    Dear Sirs

    We were impressed by the selection of shoes that were displayed on yourstand at Barcelona International Fair.

    There is a steady demand in Great Britain for high-quality goods of this type.Sales are high and a good price can be obtained for fashionable designs.

    We are a large chain of retailers and are looking for firms who could supplyus with a wide range of high quality goods.

    As we usually place large orders, we would expect a quantity discount inaddition to a 10% trade discount off net list prices, and our terms of paymentare normally 60-day bill of exchange, documents against acceptance.

    If these conditions interest you, please send us your lates t catalogue andprice-list. We hope to hear from you soon.

    Yours faithfully

    Richard HarrisonChiefBuyer

  • 24 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban

    MERLIN EXPORT-IMPORT CO.32 Riverside. Cardiff CF2 1JE

    Telephone: (0222) 51622Telex: 42327

    'LA CUISINE' Ltd27 Shephard RoadWellington NW5NewZealand


    Reg.No C 057633

    Your ref:Our ref: BC/RTDate: 12 June 19-

    We have been informed by Chicken & Chips Co., who have been doing busi-ness with you for a number of years, that you may be able to supply us with awide range of kitehen equipment and kitchenware for our fast food restaur-ants.

    Please quote us for the supply of the items listed on the enclosed enquiryform, giving your prices e.i.f. Cardiff. Will you please also indieate deliverytimes. your terms of payment, and details of discounts for regular purehasesand large orders.

    Our annual requirements for kitchen equipment and kitehenware are eonsider-able, and we may be able to place substantial orders with you if your pricesare eompetitive and your deliveries prompt.

    We look forward to reeeiving your quotation.

    Yours faithfully

    T. ReynoldsBuyer

  • 5. Vlasz az ajnlatkrsre, az ajnlat



    Minden ajnlatkr levelet illik azonnal megvlaszolni. Ha a krt informci nem llrendelkezsnkre, vagy az rajnlat sszelltsa hosszabb idt vesz ignybe, illik le-vlben jelezni, hogy hamarosan rdemben vlaszolunk a krdsekre. Az ajn-latkrsre adott vlasz lehet egy egszen rvid levl, amelyet ksrlevlknt kldnka katalgusok vagy rlistk mell, vagy lehet rszletes ajnlat, rajnlat.

    Az ajnlatkrsre adott vlaszunkat mindig kezdjk azzal, hogy megksznjk az ajn-latkrst, utalnunk kell annak dtumra s hivatkozsi szmra. Az ajnlat ltalbantartalmazza a felknlt rucikk pontos s teljes lerst, mennyisgt, minsgt, cso-magolsi kltsgt, rt (rengedmnnyel s anlkl), a szlltsi feltteleket, a szl-lts idejt, a fizetsi feltteleket s az ajnlat rvnyessgi idejt. Az ajnlatokltalban nem ktelez rvnyek (an ofter without engagement). De kldhetnk

    ktelez ajnlatot is (a firm or binding after). Ebben az esetben ktelezettsget vl-lalunk, hogy tartjuk az ajnlatunkat, feltve, hogy megkapjuk a megrendelst egymeghatrozott idpontig.

    Az ajnlatot sokszor formanyomtatvnyon adjuk meg, ilyenkor azonban kisrleveletkell mellkelnnk.

    Nha egy cg elzetes ajnlatkrs nlkl is kld ajnlatot, ha j partnereket keresvagy egy rgebbi kapcsolatot akar feljtani.

    1, Bevezets s a partner biztostsa arr61, hogy segtnk

    1.1. Elzetes ajnlatkrs esetn- We were pleased to hear from your /etter of ... that you were impressed by our

    se/eetion of ...- We are g/ad to learn from your /etter of oo. ofyour interest in our products..- / wou/d Iike to thank you for your inquiry of ... and am pleased to teJJ

    you that we wou/d be ab/e to supp/y you with the ...- Thank you for your enquiry of ... in which you asked abouL.- We were very pleased to receive your enquiry abouL- We have p/easure in quoting as foJJows: ...

    submitting our quotation subject to the standard eonditionsshown be/ow (or: over/eaf).ene/osing our estimate for the supp/y of. ..ene/osing our detailed quotation.

  • 26 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban

    - As you have placed many orders with us in the past, we have decided to makeyou a special ofter.

    - With reference to our personal talks/ our exchange of telexes/ our telephoneconversation...

    - I am pleased to say that we will be able to deliver the ... you require.- We think you have made an excellent choice in selecting .., and once you have

    seen the samples we are sure ...

    1.2. Ajnlat elzetes ajnlatkrs nlkl- We are manufacturers of ... and are anxious to extend the market for our

    products.- We feel you will be interested in the new ... we have just introduced on the mar-

    ket.- We are pleased to inform you that we have resumed production of our ... and are

    nowable to start accepting orders again.- We regret to find that you have not placed any order with us for some time, and

    we hope that you have no reason to be dissatisfied with the execution ofyourpast order.

    2. Katal6gusok, rtistk, prospektusok, mintk kldse- We have pleasure in enclosing our latest price-list and catalogue.- We are pleased to send you the current catalogue and price-list asked for.

    brochures giving details of our range of products.- Please find enclosed some descriptive leafiets which will give you technical

    details of several of our new products.- We are sending you a full range of samples with this letter.- You will find enclosed a number of samples and we trust you will be convinced of

    their high quality.- We have pleasure in sending you by airmaiI parcel a range ofsamples, specially

    selected for the purpose you mention.- By the same post, we are sending you a price list and a full range of patterns.- Our latest export catalogue has been sent to you under separate cover.- Our il/ustrated price list and the five specimens we are posting under separate

    cover will give you an idea of the excellent quality, style and precision of ourproduct.

    3. Nem tudunk azonnal rdemben vlaszolni; javaslat ms megoldsra- Before we are able to quote, we would like to clear up the following points:...- As soon as we receive the above information, we will send you our lowest inclus-

    ive quotation.- We will send you a quotation within a few days.

  • 5. Vlasz az ajnlatkrsre, az ajnlat

    - We will study your requirements carefully and will send you a very competitivequotation within the next week.

    - Unfortunately the product you mention is not available at present but we wouldsuggest that you take type ... which is a/so very popular with our customers.

    4. Arajnlat


    4.1.Arads,rlcpzs- The net price of this article is f ..., to which VAT must be added at ....%, making a

    gross price of f ...- Prices are subject to variation without notice, in accordance with market fluctua-

    tions.- Our prices range from f ... per /itre upwards, according to quality.- Prices for the quality you mention range from ... to ...- These are the keenest export prices and we cannot go beyond this limit.- We can quote you a gross price, inclusive of delivery charges, off... per ... items.

    These goods are exempt from VAT.- We can ofter you a price of f ... per item, firm for 30 days, after which the price

    will be subject to an increase of ...%.- The prices quoted above are provisional, since we may be compelled by

    increased costs of raw materia/s to increase our prices to customers.- We are working on a profit margin of %.- The margin ofprofit on this article is % on the cost of production.- We ene/ose our price-list, together with details of our terms for bulk buyers.- Our prices are quoted neV ex worksl f.o.b. Londoni carriage forward.- These prices are net, carriage and packing extra.

    4.2. Arvltozsok- Prices have undergone considerable fluctuations ...- Prices are expected to rise...- The present rise in prices has been caused by ...- Owing to the increased cost ofmanufacture, prices are expected to rise before

    long.- There is every indication that a further rise in prices will shortly take place.- The recent devaluation of the currency has been an important factor in raising the

    prices of imported raw materia/s, and we in tum have been obliged to raise someof our own prices slightly.

    - Last week's sudden fali in prices was due to ...- Prices are beginning to slip (or: are going down, falling, dropping)...- From the list enclosed you will see that the prices are surprisingly low, and as

    they are Iikely to rise very soon we would advise you in your own interest toplace your order as soon as possible.

  • 28 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban

    - Although costs have been rising steadily we have not yet raised our prices, butmay have to do so when present stocks run out.

    - Please note that although prices have remained steady over the last five monthsa rise of between 3 and 6 per cent is anticipated for this spring.

    4.3. Arengedmnyek- We would like to draw your attention to our new discounts for bulk purchases...- There is a trade discount of ... %...- We would be willing to allow you a special ... % discount, on ali orders over f ...

    net value.- We are prepared to allow you a special first-order-discount of ...%.- We ofter you a ... % reduction in price on ali orders over f... net value.- No special allowance could be given on annual total purchases below f ....- Our low prices make it impossible for us to grant any'discounts.- This is a special ofter and not subject to our usual discounts..- The prices shown in our price-list are nel, but we ofter discounts by negotiation,

    depending on the size of orders.

    4.4. Ktelez rajnlat- We must stress that this ofter is firm for days only.- These special terms are open only until ..- If this quotation is not accepted within ... days of the date shown above we

    reserve the right to raise the price according to the official int/ation index.- Prices are valid until...- We cannot leave this ofter firm for more than ... days, so would you please telex

    your order without delay.

    5. Fizetsi felttelek- Ali prices are quoted f.o.b. Hamburg and are subject to a ...% trade discount with

    payment by letter of credit.- We usually ofter a oo. % trade discount on f.o.b. prices, and would prefer payment

    by irrevocable letter of credit.- The prices quoted are ex-works, but we can arrange freight and insurance if

    required, and unless otherwise stated, payment is to be made by 30-day bill ofexchange, document against acceptance.

    - Our terms ofpayment are: net cashl spot cashl cash on delivery(C.O.D.)1 cashwithin oo. daysl cash with order(C. W.0.)1 cash against documents(C.A.o.).

    - Payment terms are: payment on receipt of invoicel goodsmonthlyl quarterly settlement.document against payment (OIP).documents against acceptance (DIA).

  • 5. Vlasz az ajnlatkrsre, az ajnlat 29

    - Payment by banker's draftl irrevocable letter of credit/bill of exchange is request-ed.

    - Payment for an initial order would be required on pro-forma invoice.- Credit is al/owed for three months, if required, against bill of exchange. Cash pay-

    ments within fourteen days, however, are subject to a discount of ... per cent.- According to our policy, export transactions are dealt with on terms of cash with

    order, and we must therefore ask you to make the necessary arrangements toensure payment by banker's draft on receipt of our pro forma invoice.

    - We can sell these goods on a cash basis only, because of the heavy reductions,and shall be pleased to receive a cheque from you for the full amount, plusfreight, when you order.

    6. ltalnos felttelek- This offer is subject to contract/ firm for .oo days.- We offer you any of these patterns firm for ... days, but cannot promise anything

    definite beyond that period.- We offer these goods subject to their being unsold on receipt ofyour order.- This offer must be withdrawn if nor accepted within oo. days.- Please note that goods supplied on approval must be retumed, carriage paid,

    within .oo days if not required.- This is a special offer and cannot be repeated.

    is not subject to our usual discounts.- May we remind you that only contracts sent by us are legal/y binding.- Goods ordered from our old catalogue can be supplied only unti/ stocks are


    7. Referenciakrs. referenciaads- As we have not previously done business together, perhaps you would kindly

    supply either the usual trade references, or the name of a bank to which we mayrefer.

    - After receiving the usual references we shall be glad to offer you open-accountterms.

    - If you require short-term credits we shall be prepared to comply with your requestprovided you have the guarantee ofa banker.

    - Meanwi/e, I am enclosing testimonials from some of our regular customers.- We have in the past carried out quite a number of simi/ar jobs to the complete

    satisfaction of our clients.

    8. Az. ru lefrsa, mel1J1yisge. minsge, kiszerelse- The specimens sent to you will convince you of the excel/en t quality of OUf...- We are confident that you will find our products the finest on the market.

  • 30 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban

    - Most of the working parts are standard components and, in the event of beingdamaged, are easy to replace.

    - These products are the result of many years' research and development and areengineered to an exact and unvarying standard.

    - We have in stock a/l the ... mentioned in this offer.- Ali the items listed in our catalogue are in stock.- Ali our products are fully guaranteed against...

    made of quality materials...designed specially for...

    - We can offer you a wide range/ a choice/ a selection of ... sizes and colours/types from stock and can deliver as soon as we receive your order.

    - At the present moment only limited quantities of oO. are available. Large orders canbe accepted for delivery in January only.

    - Bulk supplies are obtainable from ...

    9. SzlJrtsi felttelek, a szllfts mdja, ideje stb.- Our prices are c.i.f./CIF (cos t, insurance and freight)

    c.& f./CF (cost and freight)f.o.b.lFOB (free on board)f.o.r.lFOR (free on rail)f.a.s.lFAS (free alongside ship)franco domicile/ free (buyer's address)ex works/ ex factory/ ex warehouseex shipfranco quayc.p. or Clp (carriage paid)cJ. or C/f (carriage forward)

    - Delivery is not included in the price.- We can arrange delivery either to your bulk store or individual out/ets.- Our firm has its own delivery service.- You will have to allow us at least ... weeks for delivery.- We would send the consignment in our own van/ by refrigerated trucks/ by rail/ by

    air on receipt ofyour order.- Delivery can be made in three equal partshipments within ... months.- As we have ali the materials in stock we are sure that the consignment will reach

    you within the time you specified.- We can promise delivery by 8 June.- Orders will be dealt with in strict rotation and can only be accepted as long as

    stocks last.- The stated dates of delivery are approximate, but in no case would these dates

    be exceeded by more than ten days.

  • 5. Vlasz az ajnlatkrsre, az ajnlat 31

    10. Zr mondatok- We are sure our ofter will interest you and look forward to receiving your order.- You may rely on us to give your requirements immediate attention.- We hope we have the pleasure of receiving your order for the above and look for-

    ward to hearing from you.- We are sure that these goods will meet your requirements, and we look forward

    to your first order.- If there is any further information you require, please do not hesitate to contact

    us. Meanwhi/e we look forward to hearing from you soon.- We hope to hear from you soon and can assure you that your order will be dealt

    with promptly.- Our services are at your disposal.- We will do our best to execute your orders to your satisfaction.- We look forward to the pleasure of serving you.

    to doing business with you.- We trust you will find our quotation satisfactory and look forward to your first order.- We thank you for your interest, and if there is any further information you would

    Jike to have, please do not hesitate to write to us again.- If you wish to place an order for any of our products please use the order form

    enclosed.- We think we have covered every point ofyour enquiry. If not, do let us know and

    we will do our best to help you. If we have not covered alJ the points in your inquiry please write to me or tele-

    phone at the above number... If you accept our ofter please advise us by telex.- Orders are executed the day they are received, and we are confident that both

    our terms and our goods will give complete satisfaction.

    11. Negatrv vlasz, az ajnlat visszautastsa- Owing to insufficient demand, we no longer produce the ... you are interested in,

    however we can supply a simi/ar type...- We regret we no longer supply this product and suggest you try... We thank you for your enquiry of ... and regret to inform you that

    we stopped production of. ..we cannot supply this ... as we have ceased its manufacture.the items mentioned are out ofstock.

    - Meanwhi/e we advise you to get in touch with who are speciaJists in this line.- Here is an aJternativp th~t -':1ight be acceptable: .- The model you ask for has been discontinued and replaced by... Please accept our apologies for our inability to meet your needs this time.- We very much appreciate the interest you have shown in our products and regret

    that we cannot help you at present.

  • 32

    12. Mintalevelek

    Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban


    Date: 27 Nov. 19-

    Bombay House. Warwick Road. London SW16 7DNTelephone: 081 2621654 Reg.No.: 94116 LondonTelex: 302712 VAT No.: 506148273Fax: 081 261 1837

    Messrs Jonson & Right421 Michigan AvenueChicago, III. 60602

    Dear Mr Right

    Thank you for your letter of21 November. We appreciate your interest in our productsverymuch.

    Please find enclosed our latest catalogue and price list, as weil as the details ofour trade discounts and special terms for large or regular orders. Our prices areCIF. ..

    Since your inquiry does not specify the kind ofgoods nor the quanty you require,we are not able to give you details about the present availability of the goods.However, we can assure you that on receipt of confirmation, we normally requireno more than two weeks before despatch.

    We hope that you will find our terms satisfactory and we look forward to receivingyourorder.

    Yours sincerely

    T. Burton

  • 5. Vlasz az ajnlatkrsre, az ajnlat 33

    Fax: 0315 51892

    Date: 10 Dec. 19-


    GREAT BRITAINTelex: 66 08552Tel: 031551622

    SATURNUSIMPORT-EXPORT CO.Kepplerstrasse 14FrankfurtGermany

    Dear Sirs

    We thank you for your letter of 1 December and have pleasure in submittingthe enclosed quotation.

    Unfortunately we regret that we cannot allow a discount of 6% as requested.Manufacturing costs and freight charges have risen considerably in recentmonths and our profit margin does not enable us to meet your full request.However, we would be pleased to ofter you a special discount of 4% for thisfirst order, as weil as our usual 3% discount if payment can be made withinone month from date of invoice. Delivery is guaranteed within three weeks ofreceiving your order.

    We hope that these terms will meet with your approval and that we willreceive confirmation ofyour order in the very near future.

    We look forward to the pleasure of serving you.

    Yours faithfully

    L. Hamilton

  • 34 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban

    6. A MEGRENDEl~S(An order)

    Az ajnlatok, rajnlatok esetleg mintk ttanulmnyozsa utn a vev feladhatja amegrendelst. A megrendelshez igen gyakran elre elkszitett formanyomtatvnythasznlhatunk, de ehhez mindig kisrlevelet mellkelnk. Termszetesen nll le-vlben is feladhatjuk megrendelsnket, amely tartalmazza a legfontosabb inform-cikat a megrendelt rurl: az ru lerst, minsgt, mennyisgt, rt, a szllts,csomagols, biztosts mdjt, a szllts idejt, a fizetsi feltteleket s a szksgesspecilis kisr okmnyok felsorolst. A telefonon feladott rendelst is mindig meg kell

    ersteni rsos formban.

    1. Bevezet mondatok- Thank you for your ofter of ... , which we aeeept on the terms quoted.- Your letter of ... eonvineed me to plaee at least a trial order for .... Therefore,

    please find enelosed our offieial order No .- Please find enelosed our Order No. ... for .- We have pleasure in ordering the following artieles from your eatalogue: ...- With referenee to your quotation, we enelose our order for immediate delivery.- Many thanks for yoqr quotation for .... Please send us at once...- Thank you for letting us have samples of .... We would be glad if you would sup-

    ply us with ...- Will you please arrange immediate despateh of ...- To eonfirm our order, please find encJosed our order form for ... for immediate

    shipment.- We eonfirm our telephone conversation of this morning and enelose our official

    order for...- After your visit here las t month, we have deeided to plaee the encJosed order with you,

    on the understanding that you supply from stoek and can guarantee delivery by ...

    2. Az ru lerrsa min6sge, mennyisge, katalgus szma, csomagolsa, a szJl(t-mny jellse, stb.- The quality must be up to sample ...- The quality must correspond preeisely with the samples supplied.- Weight and eolour must be as sample supplied...- The materialsupplied must be absolutely waterproof/ eolour-fast! unshrinkable.- First-class material and workmanship are essential.- A medium quality would be suitable...- We must point out that goods must be guaranteed to be to our own speeifieation.- Please supply in assorted eolours, preferably 10 dozen eaeh of red, green, blue

    and brown.

  • 6. A megrendels 35

    - Ali grades of ... are acceptable, but we prefer top qua/ities.- The ... content must be under 20%.- We are arranging for the consignment to be inspected before shipment and must

    ask you to send only goods in perfect condition.- Marks and blemishes on the surface may make it necessary for us to reject the

    goods.- The minimum quantity required is ...kg., but we would accept up to a maximum of

    ...kg. if the quality is high.- The over-ali length must not exceed ... metres, and the total weight must not be

    above ...kg.- Please ensure carefui packing.- Please wrap each item separately in plastic bags/ grease paper/ tissue paper/

    laminated waterproof paper, etc.- Cases must have an inner, waterproof/ damp-resistentl airtightl fireproof /ining,

    they must be nai/ed, battened and secured by overall metal strapping.- Cases must be fully /ined with styrofoam.- To avoid movement inside the cartons the ... must be protected by plastic mould-

    ings.- We must insist on certain packing conditions, both in our in teres t and to comply

    with the demands of our customs authorities.- Packing insructions must be strictly observed.- Cases must be marked 'HJT' and the word FRAGILE stenci/led in large letters on

    ali sides of the container.- Each case should be marked with the following: your own marks and numbers,

    the name of the country of origin etc.- The greatest care must be given to packing and correct marking.- On the attached sheet you wi/l find detai/ed instructions regarding packing and

    marking.- Ali other marks and the name of the country of origin are to be removed from the

    crates betore shipment.

    3. Az rral, rengedmnyekkel kapcsolatos kzlend6k- We confirm the order we placed with you by telephone yesterday and wish you to

    supply .... at the /ist price off ... each, less 30% trade discount, carriage paid.- We agree to your price, but should /ike to know if you are prepared to grant us a

    discount of ...% for a quantity of. ..- We could send you much larger orders if you could see a way to bringing your

    prices down to a level comparable with that ofyour competitors in this market.- We ene/ose our order, but must point out that the fa/ling market here wi/lleave us

    /itt/e or no margin of profit. We must ask you for a keener price in respect offuture supp/ies.

  • 36 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban

    - Although we have not placed in order with you for over two years, we were verypleased to receive your circular of ... and to note that your prices for ... have onceagain became competitive.

    - I understand that the usual ... per cent discount for cash wll be granted.- We would fike to thank you for the ... % trade discount and ... % quantity discount

    you allowed us.- We thank you for extending the discount to the trialorder.- If I am not entirely satisfied I understand I may return the goods within ... days

    and have my money refunded in full.- We will certainly take advantage of the cash discounts you offered for prompt settJe-

    ment.- I understand that no charge is made for packing or transport on orders amounting

    to more than L ..- Although the ra ther low trade discount of ... % disappointed us, we will place an or-

    der and hope that this al/owance can be reviewed at some time in the near future.- We would fike to thank you for the ... % trade discount and the ... % discount on

    orders over the value of ... pounds sterling.

    4. A fizets mdja- As this is our first order with you, we shall pay cash against documents as agreed.- We would like to confirm that payment is by irrevocable letter of credit.- Once the order/ your advice is received, we wll forward a banker's draft to...- As agreed you will draw on us at 30 days, documents against acceptance, with

    the documents being sent to our bank at...- Our cheque for the total cost of the order, plus postage, is enclosed.- Please send the goods C.OD. (cash on delivery).- Payment will be made by banker's transfer on receipt ofyour pro forma invoice.- Please let us know whether you are prepared to give us open-account terms.- We have instructed our bank to open a credit for L. in your favour, effective unti/....- The credit we have arranged is sufficient to cover in voice cost and any further

    charges.- Before accepting your draft, which should include ali charges to London, the bank

    will require you to produce the following documents: a full set of clean shippedBiIIs of Lading, a commercial invoice in triplicate (3 copies), an insurance policyfor L., a certificate of origin, a consular invoice.

    - As we expect to place even larger orders with you we would appreciate quarterlysett/ement terms.

    5. A szIlfts ideje, mdja, biztosits, stb.- It is a condition of this order that the goods are delivered to our offices not later than ...- This order is for immediate delivery.- Would you please arrange early delivery.

  • 6. A megrendels 37

    - We would appreciate prompt attention to this order since our stocks are low.- Please delete from the order any items which you cannot supply from stock.- It is essential that the goods are delivered before ...- Delivery before March is a firm condition of this order, and we reserve the right to

    refuse goods delivered after that time.- Please forward the consignment by air.- Please send the goods by scheduled freighter.- Please arrange for delivery by train.- Please confirm that you can complete the work before ...- We advise delivery by road to avoid constant handling of this fragile consigment.- Please ensure that the enclosed packing instructions are followed carefully.- Please arrange to send the consignment by road to Southampton to be shipped

    by MV Ra/eigh due to sail for New York on 12 January, and ensure that ali thecases are e/early marked and numbered as shown in our official order.

    - Our forwarding agents will give you marking and despatch instructions and willinform you of their charges.

    - Please arrange for the insurance cover.- Please insure the shipment for the amount ofyour invoice, adding 10 per cent

    imaginary profit to the purchase price.- Further instuctions regarding insurance wll follow short/y.

    6. Egyb kiktsek- ln case of Itigation the courts in ... wll have exc/usive jurisdiction.- This order is placed subject to the terms and conditions printed overleaf.- we reserve the right not to accept the goods or pay invoice if our order number is

    not quoted on ali advice notes, invoices, etc.

    7. Befejez mondatok- If this first order is satisfactorily executed we will p/ace further orders with you.- Your early attention to this order will be appreciated.- We look forward to receiving your shipmentl advice of despatch/ confirmation

    of.. ./acknowledgement of...- We hope that this will be the first of many orders we wll be p/acing with you.- If the goods seU as weil as we hope, we will send further orders in the near future.- We will submt further orders, if this one is comp/eted to our satisfaction.- Please let me know by return whether you are prepared to supply the goods

    mentioned upon the above terms.- We will be grateful for prompt delivery as the goods are needed urgently.

  • 38

    8. Mintalevelek

    Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban


    4 Rosemary Street, LONDON SW 08Order No.: DH543/93

    To: Longwood Manufacturing CO.41 Fulton AvenueKings HousePrincetownEngland

    Yourref: MKS/33/GDOur ref: JT/RP/93

    Please supply the following

    Date: 6 June 19-

    Discounts: 5% for ordersover f 1,0002% for settlementwithin 30 days


    Catalogue/ item No.NT8NT021NT-74NT033


    Unit cost Total cost

    f 35 f 100f 320 f5,760f 20 f 640f 30 f 750

    Subtotal: f 7,850

    f 392.50

    f 157 f 549.50TOTAL f 7,300.50

    Method of payment: irrevocable UCDate required: 6 July 19-Packing: 6 containersMarks: MGW 76-32Delivery address: Highwood Furnishing

    Export-Import Ltd.4 Rosemary StreetLONDONSW08England


  • 6. A megrendels

    COLONlAL OFFICE SUPPLV LTD.54 East Street, Oxford, A01 lOB

    Your ref: JH/fs/55Our ref: PT/193

    Mr Zen Li ChienSales ManagerTENlANG ComputersTaiwan

    5 August 19-

    Dear Mr Chien

    Order for CompuStar 486DX-LR40 PCs

    We thank you for your letter of 24 July, in which you enclosed your catalogueand price list.

    We have been convinced by your represen ta tive 's demonstration that theabove model will meet our requirements. Your ofter of 15% trade discount,with a further discount for bulk orders, is also quite satisfactory.

    We are therefore placing an order for 40 CompuStar 486DX-LR40 PCs. Weenclose our official order form. We would like to confirm that payment is to bemade by Documentary Credit. Our bank will issue a Documentary Credit inyour favour, CIF Southampton. You will be informed, through your bank, ofthe type and number of documents that you must prepare.Delivery by 1 September is essential, and we reserve the right to cancel orderand/or return the shipment at your risk and expense at any time after thatdate.

    We look forward to receiving the shipment and doing business with you in thefuture.

    Yours sincerely

    David RichardsonPurchasing Manager


  • 40 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban


    AMEGRENDEL~S VISSZAUTASrTAsA(Acknowledging an order, advice of dispatch, refusing an order)

    Ha cgnk megrendelst kap valamilyen ru szlltsra, ezt illik srgsen visszaiga-zolni. A visszaigazolsban megksznjk a rendelst s rtestjk a vevt, ha brmivltozs van az rban vagy a szerzds egyb feltteleiben. Ha a megrendelt ru kifo-gyott, ajnlhatunk helyette valami mst.Ha a megrendelsnek minden felttelt teljestettk, s az ru kszen ll a szlltsra,feladsi rtestst kldnk a vevnek.Ha minden igyekezetnk ellenre sem tudunk a vev rendelkezsre llni, a megren-delst visszautasthatjuk. Ebben az esetben is vigyzzunk arra, hogy levelnk udvariaslegyen s segtksz.Nzznk nhny pldt a fentiekre:

    1. A megrendels visszaigazolsa

    1.1. Bevezet mondatok- We are pleased to acknowledge your order for ...- Thank you for your order No. oo. which we received yesterday. We are now deal-

    ing with it and you may expect delivery within the next two weeks.- We thank you for your above order for .. o and enclose our relevant confirmation.- We were pleased to receive your order dated .. o for ... and we confirm that we

    have adequate stocks of .. o in our warehouse, and that delivery dates can be met.- Your order is already being carried out! executed, and delivery will be made in

    accordance with your instructions.- We are pleased to say that we have already made up your order No. ... for o , and

    are now making arrangements for shipment to oo - Your order No. .oo is now being processed and should be ready for despatch by

    next week.- Your instructions have been carefully noted and we hope to have the goods ready

    for despatch on 0'0

    1.2. A fizetsi felttelekkel s az rral kapcsolatos megjegyzsek- Delivery will be made immediately on receipt of your cheque/ remittance/ letter

    of credit.- We are accepting your order at the prices stated in our letter of ... but can

    accept future orders only at the prices quoted on the attaehed list.- We appreciate your order but regret we cannot agree to your request for a spe-

    cial discount of o" %.

  • 7. A megrendels visszaigazolsa, feladsi rtests, visszautasts... 41

    - It is not our policy to grant longterm credits for a first transaction, but after takingup your references , we are prepared to make an exception to the ru~e in thisparticular case.

    - On receipt ofyour remittance for f ... we will be pleased to process your order.- We very much regret that the goods you have requested can only be sent if we

    receive cash with order.- The shipping documents, insurance certificate and consular invoice will be

    released against payment of the amount due, as usual.- The goods wiJJ be forwarded through the services of our forwarding agent as

    soon as we are in receipt ofyour acceptance of the enclosed BiJJ of Exchange,due sixty days after date, covering our invoice No. ...

    1.3. A szllrts idejvel s feltteleivel kapcsolatos megjegyzsek- We have the goods in stock and wiJJ despatch them tomorrow by rail.- We wiJJ arrange for the goods to be deJivered to you in three days' time.- Your order wiJJ be shipped as soon as possible and certainly not later than the

    end of this month.- The goods wiJJ be despatched to you by parcel post! in our van/ by rail/ by sea/

    next week.- We wiJJ do our best to deliver by the end of this month, in accordance with your

    wishes, but we cannot guarantee delivery date.- We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for delay. However we, can give

    you our firm assurance that every possible effort wiJJ be made to achieve deJiveryby 1 June.

    - We very much regret that item No. ... wiJJ not be available untiJ 3 April. We shouldbe obJiged if you would indicate whether you wish to wait or order an alternativemodel.

    - We estimate that deJivery ofyour order wiJJ only be delayed by about three weeksat most.

    1.4. Befejez mondatok- We trust that this initial order wiJJ lead to further deaJings between our two compa-

    nies.- We assure you that your order will have our carefui and prompt attention.- We trust that the execution ofyour order wiJJ give you full satisfaction, and that this

    first transaction wiJJ lead to a pleasant and lasting connection between our firms.- As requested, we wiJJ notify you by air maii as soon as your order is shipped.

  • 42 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban

    2. A feladsi rtesrtsben hasznlt jellegzetes kifejezsek(A szlltssal, szmlzssal, biztostssal, csomagolssal, stb. kapcsolatos kife-

    jezsekre sok pldt lthatunk a megfelel fejezetekben.) ,- We are pleased to advise you...! We have pleasure in informing you...! We are

    pleased to confirm that- your order was shipped on S.S ... and should reach you within the next 15

    days.- your order No has now been placed on board..- your order No has been completed and is awaiting collection.- the articles which you ordered on ... have now been obtained and are packed

    ready for despatch.- arrangements have been made to ship the goods you ordered on .- the goods have been despatched today, and should reach you in days.- your order for ... which you placed on ... is now ready for shipment.- your packing instuctions will be carried out in every detail by our forwarding

    agents.- Your order No ... was put on board S/S ... sailing from ... on ... and arriving at ...

    on .... Enclosed is Consignment Note No. ... and copies ofyour invoice.- The above-mentioned consignment awaits collection at our warehouse and con-

    sists of ... cases, each weighing about ...kg.- Special care has been taken in the selection of these articles and we trust that

    they will give you full satisfaction.- Please contact us immediately should any problems arise.- Meanwhile our bank has forwarded the relevant documents to the ...

    3. A megrendels visszautasrtsakor hasznlt kifejezsek- We regret to inform you that the goods ordered are out of stock/ no longer available.- As we would not be able to promise delivery before April, we feel we must return

    your order, with our apologies and thanks.- It is with great regret that we have to inform you of our inability to carry out your

    order No. ... of ... , as the goods have been sold in the meantime. You willremember that our ofter was made subject to prior sale.

    - Much to our regret we cannot accept your order as we no longer manufacture theitems listed in your order.

    - As our factory is at present fully occupied with con tract orders, we regret havingto decline your order.

    - We will be unable to accept any more orders for this item until further notice.- Supplies of raw materials are becoming difficult to obtain and we have no alterna-

    tive but to decline your order.- Production difficulties force us to decline further orders for this model for the time

    being.- We hardly believe it possible to be able to deliver the goods at such short notice.

  • 7. A megrendels visszaigazolsa, feladsi rtests, visszautasts... 43

    - It would not be possible to produce the small quantity you require economical/y.- Much as we should like to do business with you, we fear we cannot produce ... of

    reasonable quality at the price you ask.- Owing to changed market conditions we are unable to accept your repeat order

    on the same conditions.- We are at present supplying only to wholesalers, and therefore refer you to ... ,

    who would be pleased to supply your needs.- We are not in a position to supply the goods you require as it would require the

    readjustment of our machinery, which would be uneconomical at this price.- It would be impossible for us to supply this smal/ quantity of varying design and

    colour, without considerably raising the prices.- We cannot give you a definite date for delivery as orders are executed in strict rota-

    tion and it seems most unlikely that we could deliver within the next six months.- The demand for this material has exceeded our expectations, and in spite of

    strenuous eftorts we have been unable to cope with the rush of orders.- We can ofter you a substitute which is the same price and of similar quality to the

    goods ordered.- We would advise you to purchase our new model instead, which we can safely

    recommend as an excel/ent product at a comparatively low price.- Labour costs have risen considerably since your last order and we can accept

    your order only at the prices quoted on the enclosed list.-If conditions change we will not fai! to contact you.- We regret that this time we have been unable to come to an agreement but we

    hope that we shall have an opportunity to do business with you later.- We hope you will understand the circumstances which compel us to decline your

    order this time, and that you will contact us again in the near future.- You may rely on us to inform you as soon as we are able to supply these goods

    again.- Do let us have other orders at any time, as we shal/ be only too pleased to meet

    you if it is within our power.

  • 44

    A megrendels visszaigazolsa

    Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban

    Telefono: Roma 758812

    ELECROTEX L TO.Via di Pietro, 00123 Roma

    Telefax: (06) 643 7654 Telex: 27451

    VS.rif.: Order HG6754

    Mr R. DaviesDataMix Co. Ltd.Epson HouseOIdweIl StreetLiverpool L4 5ELUNITED KINGDOM

    Dear Mr Davies

    NS.rif.: T/2213

    7 August 19-

    We were very glad to receive your order NO.HG6754 which we are now mak-ing up.

    Ali these items are in stock, and we can guarantee delivery to your Liverpoolwarehouse weil before 1 September.

    Please inform us what arrangements you have made for payment. Shipmentwill be effected immediately after we have your reply.

    We will advise you of the day of despatch and will be pleased to assist you tothe best of our abi/ity at ali times.

    Yours sincerely

    Julio BenedettoSales Manager

  • 7. A megrendels visszaigazolsa, feladsi rtests, visszautasts...

    Feladsi rtesrts



    TEL: 071 452331

    TELEX: 8502661

    McKern Bros Ltd27 Green StreetDurbanSouth Africa

    Dear Sirs

    Order PK1763

    Registered No.: 726114VAT Reg. No.: 1244681 12

    22 February 19-

    We have pleasure in informing you that the above order has now been com-pleted and is awaiting loading onto the SS Victory saiJing for Durban, SouthAfrica on 24 February and arriving on 2 March.

    We have taken special care to see that the goods have been packed as peryour instruction. The consignment consists of 10 crates, each weighing 422kg and measuring 4ft x 5ft x 6ft.

    Transport, insurance and freight are being arranged by our forwardingagents, Dalvin and Co. We can vouch for their expertise and efficiency.

    We will send you our invoice and the shipping documents as soon as wereceive details of forwarding charges from our agents.

    If there is any further information you require, please contact us. Thank youvery much for your order, and we look forward to hearing from you againsoon.

    Yours faithfuJJy

    P.JacobsSales Manager

  • 46

    A megrendels visszautastsa

    Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban


    TEL: 071 2344321

    W. & T. Ryder Limited41 Conduit StreetLONDON W.1.

    Dear Sirs

    25 FAN ROAD, LONDON EC3 5APTELEX: 887654 FAX: 071 2344566

    16 March 19-

    Thank you very much for your order No. 1313DN, but we regret toinform youthat due to a strike at our factory we are unable to fulfil your order by the endof this month.

    As we realise our new model NoZN26, that we have in stock, will not suityour requirements as a substitute, we have come to the coneIusion that itwould be better for you to approach another manufacturer in this instance.

    We are realfy sorry not to be more helpfuI. As our difficulties are only tempor-ary, we would welcome your orders in the future.

    Yours faithfulfy

    R. AshleySales Manager

  • 8. A szllts

    1. Szllftsi felttelek

    8. A sZLLfrs(Shipping)


    Az rak, szlltsi s biztostsi kltsgek klnfle rtelmezse sok kellemetlensgetokozhatna. Ennek elkerlsre kidolgoztk az INCOTERMS (International CommercialTerms) nev szablyzatot, amely a nemzetkzi kereskedelem feltteleit tartalmazza.Nzznk nhny pldt a jelenleg rvnyes szablyzatbl:

    EXW - EX WORKS - a vev visel minden kltsget, ha az ru a gyrat elhagytaFCA - FREE CARRIER - kltsgmentesen a fuvaroznakFAS - FREE ALONGSIDE SHIP - kltsgmentesen a hajigFOB - FREE ON BOARD - kltsgmentesen hajra rakvaCFR - COST AND FREIGHT - (C&F) az rban benne foglaltatik a szllts s a

    hajra val berakodsCIF - COST, INSURANCE, FREIGHT - kltsg, biztosts s fuvardj egyelre

    megllapodott kiktigClP - CARRIAGE, INSURANCE PAID TO... - fuvardj, szllts s biztosts

    fizetveDAF - DEL/VERED AT FRONTIER - clorszg hatrig szlltvaOOP - DEL/VERED DUTY PAID - vmolsi s szlltsi kltsg, amig az ru el

    nem jut a vevhz

    2. Szlltsi okmnyokA nemzetkzi kereskedelemben hasznlt legfontosabb okmnyok: a kereskedelmiszmla (Commercial lnvoice), a hajraklevl (Bill of Lading - B/L), a vasti fuvarlevl(Railway Consignment Notes - CIM), a lgi fuvarlevl (Air Waybill/ Air ConsignmentNote), biztostsi bizonylat (Insurance Certificate), vmru-nyilatkozat (CustomsDeclaration forms), szrmazsi bizonytvny (Certificate of Origin),stb.

    3. Ajnlatkrs- Please let us know the present freight rates for ...- Please advise us of the current rates of freight on ...- Please quote your inclusive rates on the following consignment.

    your lowest rates for regular shipments...your groupage rates for small consignments.your general cargo rates, including collection from our works and

    delivery to...- We would be grateful if you would send us your current tariffs.

  • 48 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban

    - Would you please quote for collecting from the address above and delivering to.... the following consignment.

    - We will be glad to know your lowest rates for large shipments.- We have an order for the despatch of ... from ... to ... and should be grateful if you

    would quote us your lowest rate.- We have received an urgent order for the shipment of ... from ..., and would appre-

    ciate an ali-in rate including collection from works, ..., and delivery to station, .- We wish to ship a consignment of ... weighing ... and measuring ... from ... to .

    Could you inform us which vessels are leaving before the end of the month andquote your freight rates.

    - Please let us know the difference in cost between transport by train-ferry viaDover/Dunkerque and road-ship-road via Newhaven/Dieppe.

    - We are prepared to pay the G. V. rate by train-ferry if absolutely necessary, toavoid delay.

    - We shall be glad to know time of transit and frequency of sailing, and whether cargospace must be reserved. If so, please send us the necessary application forms.

    - Please advise us of the loading dates.- According to the terms of the contract the shipment is to be effected by ... and we

    must have the 8s/L by ... at the la tes t.- Please inform us of the frequency ofyour sailings and the approximate length of

    the voyage.- Would you please handie ali the shipping formalities and insurance, and send us

    ... copies of the bill of lading and the insurance certificate.

    4. Vlasz az ajnlatkrsre- ln reply to your letter of ..., the rates we can quote you are as follows: ...- Freight rates are very high at the moment as few ships are available. The net

    freight amounts to...- Our prices are subject to alteration without previous notice, except in the case of

    special contract.- V/e can ship your consignment by S.S.lM. V.... c/osing for cargo on ...- We can include your consignment of ... on our next flight to ... The departure will

    be on ... Our air freight rate for crated consignment is...- Weekly sailings are available from ... to ... every Monday.- We thank you for your inquiry of ... ana' attach our quotation for the packing as

    required. As you know, freight will depend on the size and weight of the cases.- We can quore f ... for picking up and delivering your consignment of ... from your

    address to the consignee's premises. This includes loading and unloading plusinsurance.

    - We enc/ose our shipping instructions form and would be glad if you would fill thisin and return it to us, together with a copy of the invoice, for customs clearance

  • 8. A szllts 49

    abroad. We will then undertake ali formalities on your behalt, in accordance withour usual conditions.

    - The length of the voyage is about days as ... is the first port of call/discharge.- The vessel commences loading on and the last day she receives general

    cargo is ...- You wll find enclosed our sailng card for MN ... which contains ali the information

    you may require.- The closing date for cargo by SS ... is ...- Enclosed is a list of several available vessels. If you tell us which of them you

    would consider suitable, we will be pleased to inspect them.- With reference to your enquiry of ... , we regret we have not been able to find the

    size of ship you require for...- We can ofter you a substantial rebate for regular shipments.

    5. Szllrtsi utastsok- Please reserve shipping space on the SS ... on our behalf.- We enclose your shipping instructions form, duly completed, together wth com-

    mercial invoice in triplcate and certfcate of origin.- We learn from our forwarding agents that no shipping space is available on

    board the vessel sailng on ... You would perhaps agree to our sending thegoods by SS ...

    - WII you please collect from the address above and arrange suitable land trans-port to ..., for a consignment by steamer of the ... Line.

    - F.O.B. charges are to our a/c. Ali other charges are to be debited to the consignee.- Ali charges are payable by us and Bs/L are to be marked 'freight prepaid'.- The cargo is to be placed in a bonded warehouse until it can be loaded on to the

    SS ... Warehousing costs will be borne by us.- To avoid undue risk of breakage we would like to have the carboys sent by train-

    ferry.- We are enclosing Bill of Lading, together with two copies of commercial invoice,

    certficate of origin and Import Licence No...- If there is any likelihood of delay we would prefer to have the goods sent by air-

    freight.- According to the terms of the letter of credit the consignment has to be shipped

    by ... at the la tes t.- Please ensure that packing instructions are strictly observed.

  • 50


    Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban


    Tel: 071 4453247

    PHERSONTRANS LTO.10 Grover StreetManchester MS 6LD


    64 Girton Street, London SW2 EU4

    Fax: 071 4412789 Telex: 896544

    23 July 19-

    We intend to ship a consignment of book-binding machines and their equip-ment from London to New York by the first possible sailing but by 15 Augustat the latest.

    The consignment consists of20 wooden crates, each measuring 3 x 2 x 3.5metres and weighing 200 ki/os and 18 cases, each measuring 2 x 1.2 x 0.6metres and weighing 52 ki/os.

    Please inform us which vessels will be able to meet our requirements, andkindly quote us a rate for the voyage.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours faithfully

    G.M. CooperDirector

  • 8. A szllts

    Vlasz az ajnlatkrsre



    Tel: 045 5564322

    COOPER & BROS LTO.64 Girton StreetLondon SW2 EU4

    Oear Mr Cooper

    10 Grover Street, Manchester M5 6LD

    Fax: 045 5577832 Telex: 776954

    27 July 19-

    Thank you for your enquiry of23 July. We are pleased to inform you that theS.S. Blue Ocean of the Atlantc Line wll be receivng cargo from 1 to 6August inclusive, and is expected to commence loading on the 3rd. We sug-gest that the consignment should be delvered to the ship on the openingdate. The voyage takes about 4 days.

    Our freight rate for crated consignments is f33.00 per tonne and for casesf12.00 per tonne.

    We ene/ose our sailng card and shipping instructons form. We would appre-ciate it if you would kindly complete and retum the latter as soon as possible.

    We look forward to assisting you.

    Yours sincerely

    T. McPherson

  • 52

    A szlltmnyomknak adott utasftsok

    Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban


    Tel: 071 6714536

    Smith, Payne & Co. Ltd33 Vorley RoadLondon N19 5HD

    Dear Mr Addison

    51 Lowland Street, London EC1 2RH

    Fax: 071 6755432 Telex: 453217

    21 March 19-

    Could you please pick up a consignment of 34 cases of textile machineryparts and make the necessary arrangements for them to be shipped toMachinex Ltd., 23 South Street, Sydney AB34, Australia?

    Please handie ali shipping formalities and insurance, and send us six copiesof the bill of lading, five copies of the commercial invoice, the insurance certi-ficate and the certificate of origin in duplicate.

    We will advise our customers of shipment ourselves. We would appreciate it ifyou could treat the matter as urgent. Please send your chwges to us in theusual way.

    Yours sincerely

    G. Payne

    6. A biztosfts

    6.1. Arajnlatkrs s a biztosftsi ugynknek adott megbfzs- Will you please send us quotations for the following insurance:...- Please inform us on what terms you can provide the following insurance cover:- Please quote your lowest AIR (=all risks) rEtes for shipments of. ..- Please let us know your lowest rates at which you would cover us to the extent of

    f ... on (ru megnevezse) ...- Please cover for us the goods detailed below...

  • 8. A szllts 53

    - Please arrange insurance cover on the terms quoted.- Please insure for us the following: ...- We would be gratefu/ if you wou/d arrange insurance for the invoice value plus... %- We wish to renew the above policy for the same amount and on the same terms

    as before to cover...- The policy is to cover the following risks: ...- We require immediate cover for f ... We wou/d be gratefu/ if you would let us

    have the policy as soon as it is ready. In the meantime, please confirm that youhold the consignment covered.

    - The consignment is to be covered under 'open cover' terms.- The cargo is to be covered w.p.a. (with particular average)/ f.p.a. (free of particu-

    lar average)/ against ali risks/ warehouse to warehouse/ against fire, etc.o We leave the insurance arrangements to you but we wish to have the goods cov-

    ered against ali risks. The premium is to be charged to the consignees, togetherwith ali expenses of forwarding, and will be paid by them on presentation of thedocuments by your agents in ...

    - We wish to renew our Floating Policy No... on the same terms as before, tocover consignments of ... to ...

    - The above-mentioned consignment is to be covered under our open cover policyNo. ...

    6.2. A krigny bejelentse-In accordance with the terms of our policy No....we inform you of an accident,

    details of which are as follows: ...o We ciaim damages on our general policy No...- We regret to report that our lorry, registered number ..., was invo/ved in a serious

    accident. ..- During discharge from the vessel it was noticed that 83 cases had been severely

    damaged by sea-water.- A consignment of clothes covered under Policy No... was stolen in transit. Please

    send us the appropriate c/aims form to comp/ete.- We enclose the surveyor's report declaring that...- The average has been estimated at f .- We estimate that about f ... worth of was bad/y damaged.- ln accordance with the terms of our policy, we are giving you immediate notice of

    this damage.- We enclose copies of the report of the survey and of a declaration by ship's

    agents to the effect that the damage was noticed when the case was unloaded.

  • 54

    A biztosit6nak adott megbizs

    Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban

    Tel: 071 223546

    SMITH, PAYNE & CO. LTD.33 Vorley Road. London N19 5HD

    Fax:071 229875 Telex: 546789

    EAST-WEST INSURANCE LTO.12 Willmington RoadLondon SW4 HG2

    Dear Sirs

    30 March 19-

    We will be sending on behalf of our clients, TEXMACH MANUFACTURINGCO.LTD., 51 Lowland Street, London EC1 2RH, a consignment of 34 cases oftextile machinery parts to Machinex Ltd., 23 South Street, Sydney AB34,Australia. The consignment is to be loaded on to the SS Mercury sailing fromLondon on 10 April and is due to arrive in Sydney on 22 May.

    We leave the insurance arrangements to you but we wish to have the goodscovered against ali risks from port to port. Please quo te your lowest rates.

    We would appreciate a prompt reply. Thank you.

    Yours faithful/y

    L. Addison

  • 8. A szllts

    A krigny bejelentse



    Tel: 071 22354633 Vorley Road, London N19 5HD

    Fax:071 229875 Telex: 546789

    EAST-WEST INSURANCE LTO.12 Wil/mington RoadLondon SW4 HG2

    Oear Sirs

    30 March 19-

    When the SS Mercury arrived at Sydney on 22 May it was noticed that caseNo. 18 had been badly damaged. We enclose the surveyor's report that thedamage was noticed when the case was unloaded.

    The average has been estimated at f1,500. We therefore wish to lodge aclaim under the terms of our policy and would be glad if you sent us the ne-cessary claim form.

    Yours faithful/y

    L. Addison

  • 56 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban

    9. SZMLK ~S KIEGYENUT~SK(Payment)

    Az ruszmla (commercial in voice) fontos dokumentum a kereskedelemben.Tulajdonkppen a fuvarokmnyok egyike, mivel krheti a bank, az export/import gy-nk, a vmhivatal, a hajstrsasg, a konzultus, stb. Az ruszmlt a vev postn, azgynksgen keresztl vagy a banktl kapja meg. Egyszeri zletkts esetn a szl-lts eltt vagy a szlltskor kell fizetni (payment on invoice). "Nyitva" szllts esetn(open account) a vevnek nylt szmlja van az eladnl. Ez azt jelenti, hogyavevnek elkldtt szmlkrl s a befizetsekrl nyilvntartst vezetnek s havontavagy negyedvente folyszmla-kivonatot (statement of account) kldenek, feltntetveaz adott idszakban elkldtt rukat s a berkezett befizetseket. Elszmlt vagypro-forma szmlt (pro-forma invoice) kldenek elzetes informci cljbl vagyabban az esetben, ha az rurt leszlltsa eltt kell fizetni.A szmla, a pro-forma szmla, a folyszmla-kivonat cljra megfelel nyomtatvnyt .hasznlnak, de ezeket ltalban kisrlevllel szoktk elkldeni.

    1. A szmlt kisr levlben hasznlt fordulatok- Please find enclosed our invoice No... for f. .... The ... you ordered have already

    been despatched to you, carriage forward, and you should receive them this week.- We enclose invoice amounting to f. "'p covering the consignment per S.S. Athenai.- Our invoice No... for f. ... net is attached. We look forward to receiving your cheque

    from which you may deduct 2% cash discount if payment is made within 8 days.- A copy of the invoice is enclosed. The shipping documents wll be handed to you

    by the ... Bank against settlement of the amount shown.- The enclosed invoice ( No... .) for f. ... is for 4 'Lark' DeskJet 100 printers at

    f. ... each less 20% trade discount. We look forward to receiving your remittanceand wll then send the printers on carriage forward.

    - The enclosed invoice in duplcate covers goods sent against your order No. .. o

    2. A pro-forma szmlt kisr levlben hasznlt fordulatok- We are sending the enclosed pro-forma invoice (No.. .) for f. ... gross, for the con-

    signment of ... you ordered on approval. We would appreciate your returning thebalance of unsold ... by the end ofApril, as agreed.

    - We enclose our pro-forma invoice as requested. Ali costs to Hamburg are includedin it.

    - Pro-forma invoice, No ..., is for your order, No... , in confirmation of our quotation.The total of f